2016 Annual Report

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2016 Annual Report


Steve and Beth Puricelli cared for the Williams kiddos for six weeks while their mother completed a training that will allow her to transition to only working one job, instead of the two she had before.

Executive Director

I would like to begin by thanking all of you for your Ainancial support of OCA! As you know OCA does not ask for or receive any government support so individuals, churches, and businesses make up the majority of our support. We also apply for and receive grants for speciAic projects. Because of you, OCA is able to impact the lives of fatherless children and vulnerable families! Secondly, I would like to thank our volunteers who have grown in great numbers during 2016 and have such servants’ hearts! You are the heart and soul of serving and being Jesus to the families and children we serve. The past year was a great year of growth in terms of lives impacted. OCA’s serving ministries of Life Coaching, OCA Families, and Family Support all demonstrated increased activity and you can see some of the current counts in this report. In addition, our relationship with the government has become even closer. We brought quality programming to Kentucky by hearing from JT Olson of Both Hands, Debra Jones from Parent Intervention and Training, and worked with Focus on the Family to hold their Wait No More event in Kentucky! As exciting as 2016 has been, 2017 promises even more. There are 5 speciAic changes occurring to extend the services of OCA. 1) OCA Gateway is launching and through it, we hope to revolutionize the ability of social workers to meet physical needs of families in order to either stay together or to be reunited. Kinship families caring for their extended family will also beneAit from OCA Gateway. 2) OCA is in prayer and planning to begin OCA Pathways, a comprehensive set of services from caring for oneself to providing for oneself. In addition to our care now, career coaching, training, and employment services would be available. The employment services would also serve to provide sustainable income for the growth of OCA in Kentucky. 3) Jubilee Academy serves all children but has a special heart for children who learn differently due to the effects of trauma. 4) Together in the Trenches, a weekend retreat and a blog community has been donated to OCA. This effort focuses on caring for the caregivers of foster and adoptive children. 5) A church in southern Indiana is asking OCA to establish an ofAice there. Please hear me when I say that we all need to act with urgency! We have a government in Kentucky that wants to rewrite foster care, use the faith based community, and leave a legacy of difference in how we care for vulnerable families and fatherless children. The more we accomplish in a favorable season, the better. I pray that you would desire to know more, invite others to join in what OCA is doing, and pray that together we can make lasting change in Kentucky and Southern Indiana.

Equip. Connect. Care.

Equipping Christians and Connecting them to opportunities to Care OCA began in 2009 as an organization to care for adoptive and foster families. Today, thanks to so many supporters and volunteers, we’re now reaching a broader audience. We’re equipping people like you to change the life of a child, family, or youth just by building a relationship. By stepping in to care for the vulnerable in our community, fatherlessness is being prevented and families are staying united. We’re proud to report that 226 from all ministries families and 17 foster youth were given community through the OCA ministries in Kentucky and southern Indiana. Visit ocakids.org to rediscover the ministries that change lives. And with it, the power to change our community.

OCA 2016 by the Numbers 17 Foster Youth Matched to Life Coaches

13,496 Items the community donated to the Kids Care Closet

57 Couples Journeyed Toward Adoption and Foster Care



OCA Ministry Partnered Churches

Foster Youth matched to Life Coaches

28 $95,000

Children brought home through OCA adoption Grants or Loans

Financial Assistance Given to Families through OCA Adoption Grants and Loans


23 Families preserved by the OCA Families ministry volunteers

items donated by OCA to DCBS and families caring for kids from hard places

665 Post Adoption Support and Education

32 OCA Families Placements to preserve local families

in 2016 we assisted other ministries in Wyoming, Texas, Indiana, Colorado, Illinois, South Carolina, and Ohio.

OCA Financials Assets 2015 2016

Individual Church Corporate Grants

35.8% 50.6% 8.5% 4.6%

49% 42% 3% 6%

Liabilities 2015 2016

Administration Fundraising Programs

10.6% 13.8% 75.6%

19.6% 18% 63%

Programs 2015 2016

Family Support OCA Families Life Coaching Orphan Advocacy Adoption Support

7.3% 17.7% 12.6% 26.4% 36%

8.8% 24.2% 14% 20.5% 23.5%

OCA Regional Impact Indiana Counties: Clark Floyd, Harrison

Jefferson Oldham Shelby Anderson Hardin Scott Laurel Franklin Mason Clark Nelson Hart Montgomery Meade Taylor Washington Ohio Bullitt Daviess Fayette Henry Boyle Powell Spencer Jessamine Trimble Woodford

McCracken Kenton

House Bill 420 This law allows parents or guardians to establish power of attorney temporarily to another family or individual for a short, set amount of time

29 Counties

have been impacted by OCA ministries, events and adoption grants and loans

Help OCA Equip Christians to offer Lasting Change and Support for families $ Donate

Your gift today can help change our community tomorrow

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. EPHESIANS 4:11-12 [NIV]

Visit: OCAkids.org Email: info@orphancarealliance.org Call: (502) 498-4765 Mail: Orphan Care Alliance 115 N. Watterson Trail Suite 201 Louisville, KY 40243 Future Gifts Help OCA equip Christians to offer lasting change and support to families caring for kids from hard places. Contact us for more information about including OCA in your estate planning. Join Us OCAkids.org/join OCAkids.org/lead OCAkids.org/volunteer

Advocate Speak up! Join OCA and raise your voice in the fight for family preservation. Call, meet, inform your church to lead the efforts!


Join the conversation! Mobilize your networks for good. facebook.com/OCAkids twitter.com/OCAkids vimeo.com/OCAkids

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