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An exciting cruise featuring cetaceans, seabirds, eagles and more


PRICES: from £2695pp

Single supplement: *£100. Deposit: £500pp

*single supplement is for the land only section of the holiday. Shared cabins. Max 7 clients. Leader Mark Warren

This is an exciting new tour, specifically focusing on the seabird and cetacean rich waters between north-west Scotland and the Outer Hebrides – 'The Minch'! Our time is divided between land and sea, spending four nights aboard our cruise boat and two on the Isle of Lewis, maximising our chances to enjoy the region's wildlife.

Recognised as one of the most important stretches of water for cetaceans, detailed studies of the Minch in recent years have resulted in some fantastic observations, especially of larger whales lingering in the area. By chartering our own cruise boat we have flexibility to visit known hotspots and favoured cetacean feeding areas. A tour with cetaceans at the fore, Minke Whale is the most frequently recorded, though Fin, Humpback and Sei Whale are also possible. Harbour Porpoise, Short-beaked Common, Bottle-nosed and Risso’s Dolphin are likely with chances of White-beaked and Atlantic White-sided Dolphin and even Orca and Basking Shark too.

Seabirds will be prominent, with large flocks gathering on the water as their breeding season reaches its peak fledging period. Great and Arctic Skua, Storm Petrel, Manx and Sooty Shearwater, Fulmar, Gannet, Shag, Razorbill, Guillemot, Puffin, Black Guillemot, Kittiwake, terns and gulls should all feature, with scarcer seabirds such as Leach’s Petrel, Great and Cory’s Shearwater, Sabine’s Gull, Pomarine and Long-tailed Skua also possible. We plan to visit (and land on) the Shiant Isles, with quiet sea lochs and unspoilt bays available for night-time anchorage. Lewis and Harris support high densities of Golden and White-tailed Eagle, and we will likely see them both from our boat and on dry land. A few Hen Harrier and Merlin breed, and among the waders we look for rare Red-necked Phalarope and hope to hear Corncrake. The machair will be in full flower and at its glorious best and we take time out from birding to visit important historical sites, with ample time to relax on the deck of our cruise boat and enjoy a glass of wine! A fabulous new holiday to see some of the most spectacular wildlife in the British Isles. Total species c. 65. Number of centres: 2.

Combine with:


Birds and Mammals incl Perthshire (p23), Highland Wildlife in High Summer (p21), Highlands & the Outer Hebrides (p24).