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North Wales is wildlife rich, and we explore by both land and sea on this exciting holiday, dividing our time between coastal locations and the famous Snowdonia National Park. Habitats are varied and we visit estuarine hotspots, coastal bays, beaches, freshwater lakes and the spectacular birdrich islands of Anglesey and Bardsey. Inland lakes, fast flowing rivers, forest and mixed woodland, open moors and Snowdon Mountain itself offer different opportunities on this enjoyable tour.

Anglesey is a large island of great excitement and at South Stack Puffin, Black Guillemot and other seabirds are to the fore, with Chough, Raven and Peregrine overhead. Later, we visit an internationally important site for rare Roseate Tern.

Bardsey is a fascinating, bird rich island noted for its Manx Shearwater colony. We plan to land on this beautiful island and explore by foot. We enjoy the Puffins, listen out for Chough and search the scrub and bushes for passerines and any late migrants. We work closely with the Observatory team to make the most of our visit. Conwy’s Great Orme has a growing reputation for good birding with a number of migrant and scarce birds recorded recently. We walk around the headland where Chough may be seen before checking the waders on the nearby estuary and pools for Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint.

We visit Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales, and may take the train to the summit for stunning views, Ring Ouzel, Wheatear, Raven and Peregrine. The mountain is also home to rare Alpine plants, including the aptly named Snowdon Lily. If we spend less time on the mountain, attractive wooded valleys with fast flowing streams hold Dipper, Ring Ouzel, Grey Wagtail, Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher, Tree Pipit, Common Sandpiper and more.

Picturesque Welsh Moors hold a substantial Black Grouse lek where we hope to see displaying birds. Breeding Red Grouse, Ring Ouzel, Whinchat, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Stonechat and a few Twite are also present. A day at RSPB Ynys Hir gives chances to see deciduous woodland specialists including Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, Cuckoo, Jay, Nuthatch, Marsh Tit and Lesser Redpoll. The holiday begins and ends at Bangor, where rail transfers will be available. Number of centres 1.

Can be combined with our South Wales in Summer holiday for a full Wales experience (p50)