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An exciting new tour for all natural history enthusiasts

SAT 10 JUNE – SAT 17 JUNE 2023

SAT 8 JUNE – SAT 15 JUNE 2024

PRICES: from £2195pp

Single supplement: £295. Deposit £300pp Max 7 clients. Leader Mike Coleman (2023)

Scotland's west coast is a haven for wildlife in summer, and the middle weeks of June in particular offer much for the all-round naturalist. On this new and exciting holiday, we enjoy all this area's flora and fauna, including birds, mammals, butterflies, dragonflies and both night and day flying moths. On this tour we visit exciting places on the mainland in Argyll, and seven islands near Oban, including rarely visited Lismore, Easdale and the Isle of Seil. Better known are Mull for its eagles and otters, Staffa for spectacular geology while the ’Puffin experience’ on Lunga is arguably the best in the UK. Iona with its imposing Abbey is green and lush in June, and Corncrake is a possibility on our visit here Around the greater Oban area, rare Chequered Skipper and Marsh Fritillary butterflies and scarce dragonflies including Beautiful Demoiselle, Hairy Dragonfly, Northern and Downy Emerald, Southern and Azure Hawker are all targets! On Mull we look for Keeled Skimmer rare Transparent and Slender Scotch Burnet Moth, the latter endemic to Mull and neighbouring Ulva. We plan to run a moth-trap overnight whenever we can too.

Birdlife is naturally abundant around Argyll’s coast and islands. Raptors will be well represented with both Golden and White-tailed Eagle, Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl likely. Summer plumage divers, breeding waders including Greenshank and Golden Plover and woodland songsters such as Wood Warbler, Cuckoo, Redstart and Spotted Flycatcher also feature among our birding targets. Otters may be encountered anywhere and an exciting boat into the Firth of Lorn for cetaceans and seals, passing the unpopulated Gravellach Isles and the famed Corryvreckan whirlpool will be a highlight. A great new tour for the natural history all-rounder celebrating the vast range of birds, mammals, insects, wildflowers and the Islands of Argyll. Number of centres: 2

INNER HEBRIDES from Canna to Iona

An Island hoping adventure on the west coast of Scotland.

FRI 23 JUNE – FRI 30 JUNE 2023

FRI 21 JUNE – FRI 28 JUNE 2024

PRICES: from £2195pp

Single supplement: £295. Deposit: £300pp

Max 7 clients. Leader Ian Ford (2023)

This exciting journey through the Inner Hebrides takes you to seven beautiful islands, Canna, Eigg, Muck, Mull, Staffa, Lunga and Iona. We also visit remote Ardnamurchan, and travel through the scenic west coast between Mallaig and Morvern, a wild area of spectacular natural beauty. The wildlife is truly outstanding, and our days will be filled with seabirds, eagles, otters and cetaceans. The holiday is relaxed, and we stay at three centres as we make our way south from Mallaig to Mull.

We enjoy a day exploring Canna by foot, looking for eagles, skuas and other birdlife of the basalt cliffs, sea caves, green meadows, stacks and sandy shores. Minke Whale is an important target on an unforgettable boat trip across the sea to Eigg and Muck, and Basking Shark, Manx Shearwater, Black Guillemot, Raven, and maybe a tiny Storm Petrel ensure a wildlife day to remember! We may see ‘real’ Rock Dove, Hooded Crow, Red-throated Diver, thousands of Guillemot, Razorbill, a few Puffin, lots of Gannet, Kittiwake... birds all the way! Ardnamurchan peninsula is often overlooked, yet blessed with wonderful wildlife, and we have access to remote wilderness sites here, where we seek Otter. On Mull, a true wildlife paradise awaits and with more eagles than anywhere else in Britain we can expect excellent views along with Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Raven and a range of northern moorland species. It is also excellent for flowers and insects, with a good range of species, including Marsh and Dark Green Fritillaries. We enjoy another thrilling boat trip, first visiting the Isle of Staffa, where we can see Fingal’s Cave and also scan for breeding Great Skua. Any lingering Great Northern Diver will be superb in summer finery and continuing on to the tiny isle of Lunga next, the ‘Puffin experience’ is one of the best in the British Isles! Finally, we visit Iona, where the grassy fields around the ancient Abbey hold Corncrake. There can be up to 20 males calling, and although we can’t guarantee a sighting, we should hear the birds rasping, and may get lucky with a glimpse or two! Total species c. 75. Number of centres: 3.

Combine with:


Highlands & Orkney (p19), The Outer Limits in Summer (p20).


Highlands & Isle of May (p20), Highland Wildlife (p21).


Outer Hebrides and the Shiant Isles (p39).