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Westray, Hoy, Rousay, Burray and both South and North Ronaldsay

SAT 27 MAY – SAT 3 JUNE 2023

SAT 25 MAY – SAT 1 JUNE 2024

PRICES: from £2095pp

Single supplement: £195. Deposit £300pp

Max 7 clients. Leader Mike Coleman (2023)

This dedicated trip to Orkney is a wide-ranging exploration of these fabulous islands. The main focus is on birding, though scenery and archaeology are important too on this enjoyable holiday. Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl will be settling to breed, and Peregrine and Merlin hunt along the meadow fringes. Eight species of duck, including locally uncommon Shoveler and Pintail plus a variety of waders, including breeding Black-tailed Godwit and Snipe and Water Rail also frequent these areas. We visit seabird cliffs, and see waders, divers and passerines including Twite, plus Brown Hare, and Common and Grey Seal.

Island hopping is a key feature of this thorough exploration of Orkney. We visit Westray for its special seabirds, Rousay is famed for archaeology and Hoy is unique in the archipelago; three very different islands all with very different habitats and associated flora and fauna. On Mainland we have many options selecting the best sites for increased variety, dedicating time to the excellent Birsay Moors, the Loons RSPB and other great wildlife hotspots known to our guides.

Another highlight will be our ‘Islander’ flight to the tiny island of North Ronaldsay. Famed for its seaweed eating sheep, we stay at the Bird Observatory, a perfect base to work closely with the wardening team and learn about ‘island life’. In previous years we have seen scarce migrants including Red-backed Shrike, Golden Oriole, Nightjar, Icterine or Marsh Warbler, Bluethroat, Common Rosefinch and even a summering Grey Phalarope. It isn’t all birding though, and we have plenty of time to enjoy the unique feel of this enchanting small island.

On this holiday we also visit some of the finest archaeological sites in Britain. The World Heritage Site settlement of Skara Brae is a must-see, as are Maes Howe, the 6-metre high Standing Stones of Stenness and the 5000-year-old Ring of Brodgar. All entry fees are included in your holiday price and we will also plan to visit the Italian Chapel, Scapa Flow Museum and historic Kirkwall for its sites and for a spot of souvenir hunting in the narrow lanes. Total species c. 80. Number of centres: 2.


A highlights tour of both archipelago,

SAT 10 JUNE – SUN 18 JUNE 2023

SAT 15 JUNE – SUN 23 JUNE 2024

PRICES: from £2295pp

Single supplement: £240. Deposit £300pp

Price excludes flight from Aberdeen. Max 7 clients. Leader from our experienced team


Highlands & Corncrake (p18), Highlands and Orkney (p19), Outer Limits in Summer (p20).

Exploring A Variety Of Islands And Habitats

Join us to enjoy some of the most impressive scenery and wildlife in Britain, and indulge in the culture, history and archaeology of these ancient lands. A fantastic experience in the long northern summer. We fly Aberdeen to Sumburgh and explore south Mainland, including a seawatch where we hope to see Puffins, and have a chance of Minke Whale, Harbour Porpoise and Orca. A visit to local lochs should produce Red-throated Diver and skuas, breeding Golden Plover, Whimbrel and Curlew, Black Guillemot, Twite and ‘Shetland’ Wren. We make a late evening visit to the Storm Petrel colony on Mousa, a spectacular show of sight, sound and smell!

We expect close-up views of Gannet, Guillemot, Razorbill, Puffin and Kittiwake by the thousand, and it is the sheer numbers which impress the most. Confiding Great and Arctic Skua are present, and Harbour Porpoise are likely from land or boat. We make ferry trips to Unst, the most northerly inhabited island, and Fetlar too, where dainty Red-necked Phalarope may be seen. Both are good for Otter, and at Hermaness from the 400ft high cliffs we overlook the lighthouse of Muckle Flugga and around 140,000 breeding seabirds! At another site we look for Edmondston’s Chickweed (Shetland Mouse-ear), one of the world’s rarest plants, endemic to Shetland.

After a great few days on Shetland watching birds in the ‘simmer dim’, we transfer to Orkney. An entirely different archipelago, where Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl quarter moorland in search of Orkney Vole, and Peregrine and Merlin hunt waders and passerines along the meadow fringes. Uncommon breeders include Shoveler and Pintail, Black-tailed Godwit and Snipe, with Water Rail on inland pools. Rich in archaeological interest the six-meter high Standing Stones of Stenness, Ring of Brodgar, 5000 year old Skara Brae are must visit sites, and we will also plan to include Maes Howe, Scapa Flow, the Churchill Barriers and the Italian Chapel as we explore these amazing islands. All access fees included. Return by air to Aberdeen. Total species c. 75. Number of centres: 3.