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Late Spring Wildlife of two very special islands

SAT 27 MAY – FRI 2 JUNE 2023

PRICES: from £1795pp

Single supplement: £300. Deposit: £300pp

Max 7 clients. Leader from our experienced team

Arran and the Ailsa Craig are both rarely visited birding destinations, yet both offer a wealth of wildlife, especially in the spring! Arran is a special island, often referred to as ‘Scotland in miniature’ due to the diversity of habitats and scenery in such a small space. Quiet roads are laid out in a convenient figure of eight, allowing good access to coastal birding sites with the high peaks which dominate the interior and rugged Goat-fell habitats in the north-east of the island. We dedicate at least two full days to the island, easily covering all corners to find key species such as Golden Eagle, Hen Harrier, Merlin, Otter, Red Deer, Red Squirrel and more before relocating to Ayrshire. Our timing will be perfect for many migrant species, with a good range of newly arrived breeding Cuckoo, warblers, chats and flycatchers. You will really feel that you have enjoyed the very best of Arran on this holiday!

Once we have transferred to the mainland, a spectacular boat trip to the Ailsa Craig will be a real highlight. Sitting far out in the Firth of Clyde, this stunning seabird colony throngs with life. Its famous Gannetry is impossible to miss, and with luck we will see the full suite of seabirds with cetaceans and seals possible too! As with most large seabird colonies, the numbers are made up with Guillemot, Razorbill and Kittiwake, with smaller numbers of Fulmar, Shag and a handful of Puffin. We plan to have a full day on the mainland, with time and flexibility to either explore farmland and coastal wildlife on the Rhins of Galloway or the RSPB reserve at the Mull of Galloway situated at Scotland’s most southerly point. The rich woodlands on the edge of the Galloway Forest may be visited, where Golden Eagle, Goshawk, Redstart, Wood Warbler and Pied Flycatcher are all possible. With plenty planned, our Arran and Ailsa Craig tour may be busy, but the relaxed pace allows plenty of opportunity to enjoy lots of great wildlife in wonderful surroundings. Total species c. 90. Number of centres: 2

Combine with:


Highlands & Corncrake (p18), High Season across the Highlands (p19), Outer Limits in Summer (p20).


Outer Hebrides in Spring (p33).