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ISLANDS ON THE EDGE from Coll and Tiree to the Uists

SAT 20 MAY – SAT 27 MAY, SAT 3 JUNE – SAT 10 JUNE 2023

SAT 25 MAY – SAT 1 JUNE, SAT 8 JUNE – SAT 15 JUNE 2024

PRICES: from £2095pp

Single supplement: £245. Deposit: £300pp

Max 7 clients per departure. Leader Chris Rodger (1st departure), Ian Ford (2nd departure).

This eight-day, nine-island tour takes us to North Uist, South Uist, Benbecula, Berneray, Barra and Eriskay and boasts three nights on Coll and Tiree. With the machair coming into full bloom, Corncrake rasping, Snipe drumming, Redshank, Arctic and Little Terns vociferously guarding territories, and Basking Shark, Minke Whale and Common and Grey Seals around the white, sandy shorelines, this holiday really is a wonderful celebration of Scottish island wildlife. The holiday begins in Nethy Bridge, drive across Skye and take the ferry to the Outer Hebrides, watching for cetaceans and seabirds in ‘The Minch’ as we go. We explore North and South Uist, Berneray, Benbecula and Eriskay, to see Otter, Golden Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Red-necked Phalarope, terns, skuas, auks, waders, Corncrake, Great Northern Diver, Common Redpoll, and Black Guillemot. Rarities could include Ring-necked Duck, American Wigeon, Glaucous or Iceland Gull, or even Snowy Owl. We reach Barra via Eriskay, and after exploring this small island take the ferry to Tiree, watching again for cetaceans, Basking Shark, auks, divers, Gannet and perhaps Storm Petrel.

Everyone loves to see Corncrake, and Tiree is home to more calling males than anywhere else in Britain. Tiree also has a nationally important population of breeding waders, and the machair is full of Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Snipe and Ringed Plover chicks. Pintail is a rare breeder and sounds at night could include the buzzing song of Grasshopper Warbler, the bizarre call of Water Rail, the liquid song of Quail or even the ‘whip-lash’ call of rare Spotted Crake. On nearby Coll, we listen and look for Corncrake, and search for Basking Shark and Otter along the coasts. Perhaps the most under-visited of all large Scottish islands, Coll and Tiree are special places.

Our final ferry takes us between the Ardnamurchan Peninsula and Mull to Oban, keeping our eyes open for Harbour Porpoise, Bottle-nosed, Common and Risso’s Dolphins, Minke Whale and a host of seabirds including Manx Shearwater. From Oban, we drive back to Nethy Bridge. Total species c. 90. Number of centres: 4.