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PRICES: from £1595pp

Early Birder Prices from £1395pp (subject to availability).

Contact us before booking!

No single supplement. Full details are on our website. Please read FIELD NOTES on page 9.

A unique holiday combining the best of Scottish Highland birding and historical sites relating to the ill-fated Jacobite uprisings of the 18th century. We visit sites associated with both the rebels and the government such as Culloden Battlefield, Urquhart Castle and the Glenfinnan Monument.

The second half of March is one of the best times to visit The Highlands. Our wildlife is busy, breeding birds are keen to attract a mate and migrants are on the move. Summer visitors are beginning to arrive and there will still be plenty of wintering geese, wildfowl, waders and gulls around – great variety beckons! Based at the Mountview Hotel, we have flexibility to plan the week according to the weather, tides and up to date bird news.

In recent years, our small groups have enjoyed some fantastic Highland birds and winter wildlife experiences. March is a great time of year for rarities, and those seen by our groups on previous trips include White-billed Diver, Snow Goose, American Wigeon, Blue-winged and Green-winged Teal and Ring-necked Duck while influxes of Waxwing and Brambling have proved equally memorable. Exciting raptors, including Goshawk, Hen Harrier, White-tailed Eagle, Merlin and Peregrine become more active during March. Golden Eagle are displaying, Black Grouse are back on their lekking sites and Crested Tit may be heard singing as spring really starts in the Highlands.

This trip is ideal for those who love history as well as birding and any walking will be gentle and at a relaxed pace. Approximately 25% of our time will be spent on the historical sites and 75% birding.

Combine with:


Highlands and the East Coast (p13), Highland Birding in March (p15), Highlands & Ardnamurchan (p15).