2022-23 Senior Portrait Guide

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Whether you’ve been envisioning your senior photos for years or weeks, there are a few simple things to keep in mind that will help to ensure you get the most out of your session!

General Information •

Sleep: Get plenty of rest the night before your session. Make sure you eat before your session too!

Skin: If your session is in the summer, be sure to remember your sunblock in the days and weeks leading up to your shoot… You‘ll want to avoid a sunburn!

Hair: Ladies, beach waves will give you the most versatility and will also be the most forgiving when it comes to a little wind or humidity. Guys, plan on getting a haircut 1-2 weeks before your session.

Makeup: Wear what you normally wear, but just slightly darker than normal. If you use liquid foundation, be sure it’s blended properly. Use care when applying eye makeup, as your eyes will be the focal point of many of your photos! I am happy to refer you to any number of professional makeup artists, if you are interested!

Nails: Your hands will be showing in many of your photos, so you will want to be sure that nails aren’t distracting with chipped polish! Neutral polish will look best. Remember your toes, too if you’re planning on an open toe shoe or any barefoot shots!

Shaving: It may be obvious, but don’t forget to shave the day of your session!

Clothing •

I recommend accessories like jackets and scarves that can be added or removed for varying looks. Hats are fun for a different look as well.

Jewelry not only adds interest to a portrait, but it also allows for different posing options.

If you play a sport or are involved in an activity, consider bringing your uniform or costume. If you loved your prom dress, bring it too!

It’s always a good idea to try your outfits on in advance to make sure they fit comfortably and are flattering. Look in the mirror and bend over, sit or squat down to be certain that you don’t have skin or undergarments showing where they shouldn’t.

Avoid clothing with heavy text, or busy patterns. A favorite sports team is fine, but it’s best to avoid clothing with lots of text, as it will put the focus on the clothing and not on you!

If your session includes multiple clothing changes, mix up the looks a little! Something a little dressy, and something more casual. If you’re wearing jeans, bring shirts that are different colors and styles. A great way to add some options to existing outfits is to accessorize. Bring along a jacket or a scarf to change up a look!

Footwear: Whether they’re shoes or boots, I strongly recommend heels for the ladies! They will add height and make your legs look fantastic! If we’ll be doing a fair amount of walking, and you’re hesitant to wear heels for that reason, bring along a pair of flats or flip flops and then you can always change in and out of the heels as we go.

Retouching •

Basic retouching is included in your session fee. However, additional retouching can be done.

Braces: Braces will not be removed from proofs, but can be removed from your portrait order at a charge of $10 per image.

Scars/Birthmarks/Severe Acne: Scars and birthmarks will be removed only at your request. Please tell me at the time of your session what your preference is. Sever acne may require extensive retouching. If this is necessary, it will not be done on proofs, but will be done on any prints that are ordered. An additional fee will be applied.

Family Photos It can seem that your senior’s session might be the perfect time to try to squeeze in a family photo or two. While I do my best to accommodate these requests, it is highly recommended that a separate session be scheduled so that appropriate time and attention can be given. Still, if you do wish to have a few family photos taken during your senior’s session, please kindly let me know ahead of time, so that this can be worked into the plan.

What to Bring Props! They can add so much to a photo and ten years from now, you’ll enjoy looking back at these photos and remembering all the fun and excitement of your senior year! Feel free to bring along sports equipment (football, helmet, ball and glove, hockey stick, pom poms, etc.), uniforms, medals, trophies, musical instruments, ballet shoes, or favorite books! Please try to let me know ahead of time what you plan to bring, so I can come up with some creative ways to use them! Another prop that’s super popular… cars! Just be sure that if you plan to use yours that it’s clean, inside and out! Ladies, I strongly suggest bringing along items to touch up makeup. Lipstick, gloss, powder, hairspray, etc. What I Bring In addition to my camera, lenses, lighting and backup gear, there are a few extras I provide to make your experience memorable and enjoyable. There are a few locations in central Ohio that provide rooms that allow for clothing changes, but many locations do not. For that reason, I bring along a pop-up changing room as well as a wagon that you are welcome to use for any clothing changes or props. I bring along a style box with a few items that can be used as props (hats, scarves, jackets and accessories), and lastly, I bring along some bottled water. We usually cover a lot of ground during a session and it can get hot. Staying hydrated helps! I hope this information is helpful! If you have any other questions in the days leading up to your session, please let me know!

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