The Northern Rivers Times Newspaper Edition 204

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Last ditch move to halt ferry shutdown

Murwillumbah cat adoption centre set to close


Cr Bill Day’s attempt to stop councillors accessing a recommended 3.75% pay rise for the coming financial year was overturned at the

Clarence Valley Council meeting.

By Sarah Waters Story P9

Councillors vote themselves a 3.75% pay rise

Months after voting to give their general manager a pay rise

Clarence Valley councillors have put up their hands for a more modest increase in remuneration.

But to get the cash, the councillors frst had to vote down a motion from Cr Bill Day to refuse the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal recommendation to grant a 3.75% increase to councillors.

Cr Day said the cost of living crisis had caused him to overturn his usual stance to support a pay increase for councillors.

But more surprising was the backfip from

Cr Alison Whaites who, until voting to support the general manager’s pay rise, had been a staunch opponent of accepting any increases in largesse from the council.

The tribunal which each year determines the pay for councillors, mayors and deputy mayors determined

councillors pay could increase from the $25,554 payable in 2023-24 to $26,512.

The deputy mayor’s pay would increase from $31,950 to $34,087, with $7,575 funded from the mayor’s pack packet of $82,422, up from $81,318 from 2023-24.

Cr Day said the cost of living crisis and the imminent councillor election, which he won’t be contesting, informed his motion.

“I’m not doing this or because I’m seeking support to run for council because I won’t be doing that,” he said.

“And to avoid people being accused of doing for that purpose, I moved this motion.”

To the surprise of most Cr Whaites immediately spoke against Cr Day’s motion, saying she’d changed her mind because of the need for more diversity on the council.

“I want to refect on what everybody talked about when we spoke about the Super: entice mums and dads and young people

and business owners to actually run for council,” she said.

“It’s time to now think about September there’s people running, like I said, mums and dads and now it’s time to actually step up and you know I am changing my mind.”

She foreshadowed a motion to vote for the pay rise.

Cr Greg Clancy said he was sitting on the fence with his vote, but said he generally supported pay rises for councillors, because they deserved it.

“We can’t keep undervaluing a position of councillor and we do not get very much remuneration when it comes down to it,” he said.

He said the problem for councillors accepting a pay rise was the optics and social media criticising them for having their “snouts in the trough”.

“Most councillors, probably all councillors here work very hard,” he said.

“It’s almost 24/7 depending on just how

much effort you put in, but I don’t think we’re overpaid by any means.”

Cr Debrah Novak said councillors were paid at a rate of $2.75 an hour which didn’t even compare to her volunteer pay rating of $25 and hour.

She said while the money wasn’t important to her, it could be decisive for some people.

She also believed meeting times also inhibited many people from running for council.

“If we want a greater diversity of people in the room in the chamber then the meetings must be held of a night time because so many people are working,” she said.

Cr Pickering’s support for accepting the pay rise signalled the mood of the meeting.

He said it was disgusting that councillors were forced to vote for their own pay rises.

“For some reason, our state government thinks that it’s fne for councillors to have

to go through this process every year,” Cr Pickering said. And it’s to be quite honest, you know, if I could fnd a reason to have a confict of this of this item and just step out of the room and avoid it. I would because I really hate having to vote for a pay rise.”

Cr Karen Toms was another to speak on the matter, echoing others on the need for greater diversity on the council.

Put to the vote, Cr Day’s motion failed four votes to fve with Crs Day, Smith, Tiley and Novak for it.

Cr Whaites spoke to her foreshadowed motion stipulating that personally she would not take up the increase pay, but it could be a deal breaker for other people wishing to stand for council.

Council voted 5-4 in support of the foreshadowed motion. The pay rises come into effect for the new fnancial year. The council elections will be held in September.

Tweed Heads SES members celebrate in their favourite colour

To celebrate National Volunteer Week, the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) donned their vibrant orange attire on May 22 for Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW) Day.

Community members across the country were also encouraged to wear orange in a show of support for their hardworking local SES volunteers.

Tweed Heads SES members joined the supportive staff at Tweed Bunnings, who provided them with coffee on WOW Day.

Media offcer for the Tweed Heads SES Unit

Harry Cramer OAM said the local unit had been busy assisting police with three missing

person searches in recent weeks.

“We have also been called out to trees that have fallen on properties and leaking roofs during the bad weather,” Mr Cramer said.

“Storms can occur at any time of the year, and it is a good idea to think about cleaning out your gutters and drains around the house so when the storms come you are ready.

“As we saydisasters don’t make appointments,” he said.

Mr Cramer said the Tweed Heads SES Unit were always looking for new members who are willing to learn how to assist the community they live in.

SES volunteers’ work often extends beyond responding to foods and storms and their dedication is a powerful inspiration to the

communities they serve.

Members in the Tweed region are often called on to assist other frst responders in the management of incidents, including bushfres, landslips and land searches.

And there is a job for everyone, with a wide range of volunteers from various backgrounds, including teachers, nurses, tradies and offce workers.

Volunteers are taught practical skills, such as how to throw a rope to someone in distress, how to tie knots, maintain rescue equipment and how to pump water out of a swimming pool or basement.

As a registered training organisation (RTO) the SES provide excellent training to meet national standards and to ensure volunteers can always work effectively and safely.

The Tweed Heads SES Unit meets every Monday at 7.30pm You will fnd their headquarters at the end of Pioneer Parade, Banora Point.

For emergency help in foods, storms and tsunami call the NSW SES on 132 500.

Members from the Tweed Heads SES Unit, including Harry Cramer OAM and Jeremy Gibson, with staff from Tweed Bunnings, including store manager Liz Bond and activities manager Leah Wright.

The fght to save a 130-year-old ferry service crossing the Clarence River at Ulmarra continues despite the NSW Government announcing it would close on June 10.

At the latest Clarence Valley Council meeting on May 28, Cr Steve Pickering persuaded the council to support his latest Notice of Motion, calling for the decision to be overturned.

He argued the council should: 1. write to Jenny Aitchison MP Minister for Regional Transport and Roads of NSW and Chris Minns, Premier of NSW, requesting a review of the decision to terminate the Ulmarra to South Gate ferry service. And assurance be given to the Clarence Valley community that the service will remain in operation and 2. write to the local member, Richie Williamson MP, thanking him for his support to date and request he make representation to Jenny Aitchison MP, the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads of NSW, requesting a review of the transport for NSW

Last ditch move to halt ferry shutdown

decision to terminate the Ulmarra to South Gate ferry.

And that assurance be given to the Clarence Valley community that the ferry service be retained.

Councillors were unanimous in their support for Cr Pickering’s NOM, but there were some areas of contention.

Greens councillor, Cr Greg Clancy, supported the motion, but took pains to point out there was no Greens opposition to the ferry service continuing.

“There was discussion on Facebook and the greenies were blamed for closing the ferry,” he said.

“I don’t know anyone in my circle that has lobbied to close the ferry.

“Dredging can cause environmental impacts, but dredging for that particular ferry would be very localised and small scale. I’m not aware of anyone that would object to that.

“We actually have dredging going on continually Susan Island and there’s been no move to oppose that.”

Cr Jeff Smith said he respected the persistence of Cr Pickering, considering local MP Richie Williamson had been on local radio expressing the view, the “horse had bolted” when it came to the ferry service closure.

“I respect your resilience and I respect you persistence Cr Pickering, and for what

it’s worth, let’s just write the letters and see what happens,” he said.

Cr Debrah Novak wanted to go further and offer the NSW Government some options for different types of ferries that could broaden the uses of the ferry in future.

“Maybe even ask Yamba Welding if they’ve got any ideas on a propeller driven ferry or something like that that can be used in a natural disaster that can be stood up into some sort of active service,” she said.

“So that’s just being creative problem solving, rather than just saying shut the gate.”

She sought to amend Cr Pickering’s motion to include such advice, but

it was voted down.

Cr Pickering said he preferred to leave it to the State Government to come up with different options for a ferry service in the future.

“Some options that they may be considering would be an electric ferry, an EV ferry, perhaps even a hydrogen-powered ferry that they would they would hopefully consider themselves the leaders in the space and they are the experts on how to how to perform a review,” he said.

“They are the experts on what the ferry service would look like if it were to be retained.

“I don’t think that it’s up to council to be part of that decision making process.”

Cr Pickering said the imminent ferry closure was going to impacts on people in the Ulmarra and Southgate communities which use the ferry.

“Without without this very service we’re looking at a 76km round trip from one side of the river to the other side of the river,” he said.

“We’re talking about 1000s of extra kilometres per day that the State Government are putting back onto our local roads.

“We’re talking about more cost shifting by the State Government back onto our local community and our local council.

Those traveling that extra distance taken by cars, trucks tractors and bailers on our roads instead of using an eight minute or seven minute ferry trip, converting it to a 76km round trip on the road.

is adding extra cost to our residents, to our tradies, to our farmers and more maintenance on our roads which will be undergoing a lot more use.

“This decision defnitely needs to be reviewed the ferry service needs to be retained.”

Cr Steve Pickering believes the NSW Government can still be persuaded to change its mind over the June 10 closure of the Ulmarra Ferry service.
The Ulmarra ferry as many local people know it connecting the rural areas of Southgate and Ulmarra for 130 years.


I have fought for action on

domestic violence for more than 40 years. Recent horrifc cases of domestic violence murders

have led to a public outcry and media campaigns for action. I welcome the Minns Government

announcement of a $230 million emergency package for DV prevention and support.

BUT we must keep up this momentum and not go quiet on this issue. I want to share with you

this excerpt of what I said in the last session of Parliament. (Edited for length)

Ms JANELLE SAFFIN (Lismore) (20:16):

Domestic violence must stop. We all know it. We all say it. Molly should not have died, and her death cannot be in vain. There is a willingness and mobilisation on behalf of the whole community that I have not seen in the more than 40 years I have been involved in advocacy around domestic violence. I thought when I came back to this place that I could do some other things—but I cannot. I absolutely have to re-engage with everyone on trying to stop domestic violence. Domestic violence is more than the physical


act of violence; it is a spectrum of behaviour. In sociological terms, the spectrum extends from circumlocution—the derogatory comments, the bad words, the put downs—to extermination, which is murder. Women experience domestic violence right across that whole spectrum. It is not just being a little bit scared; it is living with terror. That absolute terror dominates those women’s lives at the hands of someone who is supposed to be a loving partner—someone they love. It is “What do I wear? What do I think? What do I do? Who do I talk to? Who do I

text, because my phone will be monitored?”. Family and friends are moved away, but the perpetrator makes it look like the woman is doing that. Every act is under subjugation.

For women in that situation, it is like living with a sometimes benevolent dictator. Everything they do is circumscribed. It is hard to imagine raising children in that environment. These things have happened for a long time. I set up the Far North Coast Domestic Violence Liaison Committee. I worked in a refuge for years. Earlier, I have been at the forefront

of changes, including changes to the laws. There was a Crimes Act, but women were not seen as worthy of protection under that law.

I was looking at the headlines and I thought, I hope they do not disappear quickly like they often do on this issue. I will read some of those headlines: “We’re sick of living in terror”, “This has to stop”, “How many more women have to die?”, “It was murder waiting to happen”, ,,”Time to tackle this crisis in our community”, “’You get ostracised in a small town if you speak out’”—if you are

the domestic violence victim. We know that it can happen anywhere, but it happens to a greater degree in some of those smaller country towns. “Why country women are sitting ducks”, “Misogyny driving violence” “It’s time for men to get uncomfortable”, and “Bush in plea for more DV support”.

The headlines go on and on. (..) I note that in the package the Government has introduced we are looking at perpetrator behaviour. We have to do that. I wish I had 50 minutes, not 5 minutes, to talk about this.

Dr Hugh McDermott:

Five hours. Ms JANELLE SAFFIN: Yes, fve hours. We need to open up. On International Women’s Day I said, “We’re so sedate. It’s so polite. We’re having these wonderful lunches. Aren’t we lovely?” I said, “We need to be on the street screaming.” That is what I am doing here. link to full speech:

Authorised by Janelle Saffin MP. Funded using Parliamentary entitlements.
58th Parliament First QT


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• BUSH POETRY AND RARE TRADES • American Lumberjack and Timber Sports Specialist Scott Hyde will perform Speed Climbing, Axe Throwing and Log Rolling

richest Clydesdale Show in the Southern Hemisphere, where the grand champions of the breed are celebrated over a full weekend.

Seeking Community Feedback on the Martin Street Boat Harbour Upgrade Residents call for food plain development moratorium

Ballina Shire Council is inviting community feedback on the concept design for the Martin Street Boat Harbour Upgrade.

In 2016, the Council adopted the Martin Street Boat Harbour Precinct Master Plan, which highlighted the need for an expanded marina to meet the growing demand for short-term and overnight mooring, as well as to enhance public open space along the waterfront.

Using funding from the NSW Boating Now Program, the Council has completed the necessary investigations to advance the master plan. The Marina Concept Design and Planning Pathway report has now been prepared, and the Council is seeking community input on the proposed design.

Key Features of the Concept Design:

• Expanded Marina:

49 berths (25 x 12m berths and 24 x 16m berths)

• Tender/Dinghy Mooring Area

• Public Day-Use Mooring Pontoon: For boats under 4m

• Dredging of the Inner Harbour: To improve safety, navigability, and accommodate a wider range of vessels

• Washing Facilities,

Water and Electricity Supply, and Waste Management

• Formalised Car

Parking: Creation of additional new spaces

• Harbour Services and Amenity Building

• Optional Mixed-Use Building: Depending on demand

• Refurbished Rock Revetment and Beach Nourishment

• Landscaping: To enhance open space along the waterfront

The draft concept design has been developed following extensive consultation with relevant government agencies, existing lease and licence holders, user groups, emergency services, and businesses directly utilizing the harbour.

The proposed redevelopment is estimated to cost close to $25 million. Currently, the harbour upgrade is unfunded, and the Council will be seeking funding to deliver this project.

How to Provide Feedback

Community members are encouraged to review the concept design and provide their feedback by visiting yoursayballina.

Your input is valuable in shaping the future of the Martin Street Boat Harbour.

Yamba residents have called for a moratorium on developments approvals in the West Yamba Urban Release Area following the visit of a NSW Parliamentary committee to inspect foodplain development.

On Friday four members of the seven-strong NSW Parliament Portfolio 7 Committee, conducting an inquiry into the planning system and the impacts of climate change, visited the WYURA and inspected areas where large scale developments have been constructed, were under construction or had been approved.

The chair of the Yamba Community Action Network, Col Shephard, who was on the bus with the committee members during the visit, described the visit and response from the community as “brilliant”.

“First we took them to Parkside (a 136-dwelling development in Park Avenue) so we could see the works going on there,” he said.

“Some of the mounds are three metres high to bring the foors of the homes above the food height.”

Mr Shephard said more than 50 residents had responded strongly to the news of the visit, bringing out their red and white Stop the Fill banners and other signs to show the committee how local people felt about the continuing development in these areas.

They talked about the development there including a problem with a drain on the southern boundary of the development and issues

with access at the western end of the site.

“That’s council land,”

Mr Shephard said. “It’s part of Wattle Park and it’s a quagmire.

“I don’t know how they’re going to do that.

“They’re saying it’s light traffc going through there, deliveries and cement trucks. That doesn’t sound terribly light.”

Yamba CAN also put together seven folders of documents with 40 pages of plans and maps showing concerns with each of the sites.

The group also put together Powerpoint presentations, the Current Affair segment on West Yamba development that screened earlier this year, and a satirical song written by local musician and former journalist Geoff Helisma on thumb drives for each committee member.

There were also copies or more than 30 articles from newspapers going back to around 2007 on fooding issues in the area.

After visiting Parkside, the tour headed to Golding St, where 16 three-storey townhouses are proposed beside Grevillea Waters.

“We included in the folders we provided to

the committee, photos of the impacted residents in Grevillea Waters in 2022 with water around their homes and flling their street,” Mr Shephard said.

The tour then headed to Carrs Dr.

“We spoke about all the developments there and the impact on the school and on the southern end,” he said.

“There are large lot developments down there where the houses built on mounds were virtually islands during the food.”

The committee travelled on the dirt road through to Oyster Channel before returning.

Mr Shephard said the locals on the bus with the committee, which included Yamba CAN secretary Lynne Cairns, Valley Watch members Helen Tyas Tungal and Rob Mylchreest, a local Aboriginal Elder and ecologist Dr Greg Clancy.

“We spoke the whole time we were on the bus and when we walked around Parkside, and you could see that what they were taking in was really starting to open their eyes,” Mr Shephard said.

Mr Shephard said the release of the NSW State Disaster Mitigation Plan, which recognised the Clarence Valley as the most food affected area

in NSW, was another catalyst for action.

“Mention was made that the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully, needed to do something,”

Mr Shephard said.

“We would really like to see the committee put pressure on the Minister for a moratorium on foodplain developments.”

The committee had visited the NSW South Coast and Sydney, conducting site visits and taking presentations from residents.

But it decided to cut its North Coast commitments to just two days of site visits to areas between Port Macquarie and the Tweed.

Mr Shephard said, despite the disappointment of the committee’s decision, he felt the committee had learned a lot and was well aware of the community feeling about the adverse effects of foodplain development.

He said the written and digital information in the folder and on the thumb sticks would give the committee a good overview of the issues concerning residents and the need to ensure planning regulations match the issues confronting residents, such as those that occurred during the February/March 2022 foods.

The information gathered from this visit and the other visits on the South Coast and Sydney would be part of an interim report in August that would make recommendations to the government based on the evidence gathered.

Some of the Yamba residents who took the opportunity to let a visiting committee of NSW politicians know what they thought of planning laws that allow food plain developments to continue.

“There are certain people who are part of my heart”

For the last 40 years, patients and staff of the Evans Head Medical Centre have had the pleasure of dealing with Marion Smith, but that came to an end last Monday week when she fnally retired from a job she never expected to have.

“I took my baby to the doctor when he was nine months old,” she said.

“And they offered the job to me.

“I wasn’t looking for a job and they were the days that Paul Walsh and Ernie Finberg were the doctors and Lorraine Aleckson was there.

We are now lifelong friends.”

That baby, Brock, is now 40 years old and Marion has done reception, practice management and dealing with the many people who have walked through the doors of the small village practice over that time.

“And it’s become a generational thing,” she


“The people that were little people when I started, they have brought in their babies and they treat you like their aunty.

“It’s just the most beautiful feeling.”

Marion said she has been through the tragedies and joys with many of the clients to the practice, and while

others would shy away from such emotion, she takes a different view.

“It’s a real privilege to be part of someone’s terrible sorrow,” she said.

“For them to share it with you.”

Being part of the community has been a great joy for Marion as well, as people share their lives with her.

“It’s like an extended family,” she said.

“There are certain people who are part of my heart.”

One of the biggest changes Marion has seen over her time at the practice has been the growth of the town.

The need for new doctors to attend to the increasing population, meant that she had to

help source doctors from further afeld.

“I negotiated with people in America to bring the doctors over,” she said.

“Female doctors in our little town. That was a big change.”

Covid was a tumultuous time for the practice as well.

“Covid was scary,” Marion said.

“You really had to think about going to work, as I’m an asthmatic so I really got a bit (worried).

“Then I thought, it’s important because if we don’t come…it’s very hard when you can’t cuddle people, when they walk up to the counter and they are in tears.”

Then there was the patient who was a cat.

“At one stage I had a patient come around the back door with their cat for the doctor to try and save,” laughed Marion.

“There was no vet back then.

“Poor Dr Walsh tried to stitch the cat up.”

Marion’s lasting memories will be the many patients and staff she has worked with, but she is also looking forward to time with her family and indulging in her hobby of house decorating.

“I get to go home,” she said.

“In all my lifetime I’ve never had time at home.

“I’ve worked the whole time and now I get to enjoy my family.”

Evans Head Medical Centre show their appreciation for Marion Smith who has been managing the practice for 40 years.

Murwillumbah cat adoption centre set to close

A Murwillumbah cat adoption centre, run by Friends of the Pound (FoP), will close its doors at the end of June.

The animal rehoming organisation is reaching out to the community, urging anyone with the capacity to welcome a cat into their life to consider adopting one.

For the past four years, Friends of the Pound has operated its cat adoption centre on Prospero St in south Murwillumbah.

Friends of the Pound President Sonia Trichter said unfortunately their lease can no longer be renewed as the owners have plans to change the use of the building.

“It will be sad to see the Murwillumbah adoption centre closed,” Ms Trichter said.

“People came there often, and we did adopt a lot of cats there.

“It’ll be hard for the volunteers in Murwillumbah too.

“They love animals, and they need something to do with their time,” she said.

There are currently 16 cats at Murwillumbah which need a home.

They will be relocated to Friends of the Pound’s Tweed Heads adoption centre, which is already housing 20 cats.

To make room for the incoming arrival of cats, the volunteer organisation has had to pay for extra cat enclosures to be made.

It is also managing the care of hundreds of kittens, between

foster carers and private shelters, until they are ready to fnd their forever homes.

Ms Trichter said the closure of the Murwillumbah adoption centre wasn’t ideal, especially as it came at a time when pet rescues across the country were overfowing.

“The economic crisis

isn’t helping things, especially with the increasing rates of homelessness, which pets are also victims of.

“No one is mentioning anything about what happens to people’s pets if they can’t fnd housing.”

Friends of the Pound primarily dealt with the rehoming of stray

animals prior to covid.

Now, they are also trying to rehome people’s beloved pets or care for them until their owners have found suitable accommodation again.

Recently, a lady who was escaping a domestic violence situation, turned up at Friends of the Pound with seven pets, including four cats, which needed to be looked after while she tried to fnd alternative accommodation.

Friends of the Pound have been caring for her cats for the past three months.

Ms Trichter said volunteers often heard a lot of sad stories as they tried their best to juggle the infux of animals amidst the challenging social and economic situation.

“We’re only a small volunteer group and we’re full.

“I think we’re all suffering from a bit of burn out, it gets to you after a while.”

Members of the community are encouraged to meet some of the beautiful cat at Friends of the Pound, 29A Prospero Street, Murwillumbah, and help fnd them a home.

Cat adoption prices are discounted 20 per cent with bedding and toys included for free.

The adoption centre is open from 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday.

Let’s put our unique and colourful history on the map

LISMORE MP Janelle Saffn is inviting people across the Lismore electorate to suggest colourful and quirky local heritage sites for the state’s Blue Plaques program.

“The Blue Plaques program is inspired by the famous UK system of plaques and history trails that help people explore the stories that have shaped those places.

“I’m calling on schools, historical societies, councils and individual members of the community to nominate local sites and the people and stories behind them.

“The Blue Plaque program is about recognising colourful, creative and innovative characters, events of signifcance to the region, and lesserknown local stories.”

For more information please phone (07) 5524 8590 or email: info@


“We have such a rich and quirky history, from Murwillumbah’s hilarious swamp beer story to the Nimbin Aquarius Festival, Lismore’s Tropical Fruits to Tenterfeld’s saddler and his famous grandson. This is an opportunity to add our signifcant sites to the state’s history trail.

“This round of blue

plaques will celebrate the diversity of our community, with themes including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, environment and sustainability, sport, social justice and advocacy, war-time stories, the elderly, disability, LGBTQIA+ and more,” Ms Saffn said.

Nominating for a blue plaque is easy and can be done online. To be eligible, the sites must:

• relate to a person, people or event that has made a lasting impact on a community in NSW or NSW as a whole;

• be appropriate, sensitive and engaging to a wide audience; • relate to a person or people who passed away more than 20 years ago or an event that occurred more than 20 years ago, and • have a location in NSW for the blue plaque that is publicly accessible and has a direct connection to the person, people, or event.

To nominate a site go to https://www. au/blue-plaques-nsw

Friends of the Pound President Sonia Trichter has been volunteering with the non-for-proft animal rehoming organisation for 15 years.
Friends of the Pound in Murwillumbah is closing down and needs to fnd homes for its cats.

Council backs tourism veteran

A veteran of Clarence Valley tourism has been able to sway all nine of his peers on the Clarence Valley Council to support his vision for visitor destinations in the region.

123 Summerland Way, Kyogle - 02 6632 1519

But other councillors supported the proposal.

Cr Steve Pickering welcome the opportunity to give tourism more focus.

“Tourism is the second largest industry in the Clarence Valley,” he said. “For councillors to receive a little bit of extra information about the sector has to be a good thing.

@scarboroughskyogle @Scarboroughs.Shoes.Fashion

Geographical Names Act 1966

The Geographical Names Board is seeking public comment on a proposal to assign the name:

Hanging Rock Creek for a creek rising in Barkers Vale running south to Websters Creek in Cawongla, Kyogle LGA. This portion is currently named Leycester Creek. The proposal can be viewed and submissions lodged on the Geographical Names Board website at from 6 May to 3 July 2024. Alternatively, written submissions may be mailed to the Secretary, Geographical Names Board, 346 Panorama Avenue, Bathurst, NSW 2795.

In accordance with Section 9 of the Geographical Names Act 1966, all submissions lodged may be subject to a Government Information (Public Access) application and may be viewed by a third party to assist the Board in considering this proposal.

Narelle Underwood Chair

For more information: visit

346 Panorama Ave, BATHURST NSW 2795

Locally owned and operating for over 100 years!

At the May 28 council meeting Cr Bill Day argued passionately to get the council more focussed on tourism than to simply rely on the multi-year outlook for tourism planning and development.

Cr Day moved the council should take a more hands-on approach to tourism development and ensure annual budgeting and reporting to ensure it remains front of mind for councillors.

Cr Day’s NOM asked that:

1. present a report to the councillor workshop scheduled to review the draft Clarence Valley Management Plan and submissions following public exhibition

2. include the following in this CVC staff report;

− Major visitor information centre at Grafton Regional Gallery (closure, or staffng via volunteers, or location to Ferry Park)

− Supplementary Information Centres in all main towns and villages (how to select and sign- post outlets; brochure display and distribution)

− Valley-wide Tourist Book (production, funding and distribution)

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− Information sheets to cover villages plus items of special interest (production; funding and distribution)

− Coach and Tour

Group assistance, information and marketing

− Farm tours and accommodation

− CVC Tourism Brand (manage current brand or replace)

− Festivals and Events

− MyClarenceValley Marketing (use “Callto-Action” to secure business and to track results)

− MyClarenceValley website management and updating

− Tracking Results and Reporting all CVC tourism activities and results (regular reporting to Council)

− Other CVC tourism activities and issues

− provide details of the 2024/25 CVC Tourism budget.

“The Destination Management Plan is a broad brush plan and it’s basically a waste of time and money without connection to funding and staff resources via an annual more detailed plan,” Cr Day said.

“And This is what I’m suggesting. The details provided in the general manager’s report under the General Manager’s comments to my notice

of motion, are the frst I’ve seen outlining greater details than the draft destination management plan, and they’re very welcome.”

He said there had been some disastrous decision made since the council disbanded the Clarence River Tourism Association in 2014 and took it in-house.

He pointed to the decision to install seven touchscreen tourism information hubs in venues around the Valley at a cost of more than $700,000 that were now on the scrapheap.

But Cr Day did have an opponent during debate in Cr Karen Toms.

She was concerned the proposal would override the community response to the Destination Management Plan which had just been placed on public exhibition.

“I just think this is too heavy on detail,” she said. “Before we were even bringing back the community’s response to this plan.

“I think perhaps after another workshop of having a look and hearing what’s happening, looking at it then.”

“Also, touching on the the budget and what we’re what we’re actually expecting to see during the next 12 months, I don’t see any negatives in that at all.”

Cr Debrah Novak also agreed with the idea in principle, without agreeing with some of the details.

“I’ll be supporting this NOM,” she said. “Not that I agree with a lot of the information in there. I can see where Cr Day is trying to go with it.

“It’ll be worthy of just having that little bit of extra knowledge and if it doesn’t get up well it can come back on the the draft Destination Management Plan.”

Cr Day said his proposal was a way of combining traditional tourism promotion with the new communication avenues available.

Buy what he really wanted to see was council getting value for money for its tourism dollar.

“It’s just a matter of exploring what council is doing with ratepayer funds and getting the best value that we can for that money,” he said.

Council voted unanimously to support Cr Day’s NOM.

Cr Bill Day has been able to swing councillors behind his proposal to take a closer focus on tourism planning and development.

Council to counsel committee over $1.9mil error

Members of a community hall committee that found almost $1.9 million of State Government grant money in their bank account, have been investigated and will be counselled.

Clarence Valley Council’s May 28 meeting went into confdential session to discuss two items relating to the bizarre

way the Ewingar Community Hall committee, a council 355 committee, came to have the money in its account.

During 2023 different State Government departments deposited grant funds into the hall committee’s bank account in three separate deposits.

The money remained, untouched in the account until the council became aware that is should

have received the money and went looking for it.

Hall committee members said the council had contacted local police who had made inquiries about the location of the money.

By the end of April all the money had been transferred to the correct Clarence Valley Council account.

The council heard both matters in confdential session, but released the resolutions from the


On a motion from Mayor Peter Johnstone seconded by Cr Karen Toms, that council note that the grant money erroneously sent to a non-council bank account by NSW government agencies has now been received in full by Clarence Valley Council, the vote was 8-1 in favour, with Cr Bill Day against.

A second item from general manager Laura

Black, moved by Cr Debrah Novak and seconded by Cr Greg Clancy, implied the committee had been in breach of its constitution in the matter and its reporting to council.

The council resolved to: 1. Advises the Ewingar Community Hall Committee in writing, of breaches of the constitution and committee handbook.

2. Staff do a face to face meeting with the committee.

The vote for the second item was unanimous.

There was no explanation from the council how the State Government agencies came to mistake the Ewingar Hall Committee’s bank account for the council’s.

Public Consultation Opens on Mullumbimby Future Water Supply Plans

Byron Shire Council is inviting public feedback on proposed options to secure Mullumbimby’s future water supply.

Currently, Mullumbimby relies on water from the historic Lavertys Gap Weir, whereas other towns in Byron Shire draw from Rous County Council’s regional water supply, which also serves Ballina, Lismore, and Casino.

Mayor Michael Lyon emphasized the urgency of addressing Mullumbimby’s water supply challenges. “With a growing population and the impacts of climate change, Lavertys Gap Weir and Mullumbimby Water Treatment Plant will be unable to meet demands beyond 2027 without risking increased interruptions or restrictions,” Mayor Lyon stated.

In 2021, Byron Shire Council engaged Hydrosphere consultants to explore options for Mullumbimby’s future water supply and recommend a sustainable solution.

“The consultants examined four scenarios and concluded that connecting Mullumbimby to the Rous supply, similar to the rest of Byron Shire, offers the best short and long-term outcomes regarding cost to ratepayers and environmental impact,” Mayor Lyon explained.

This recommendation is endorsed by council staff and will be decided upon by councillors after considering community input.

Proposed Scenarios

The scenarios outlined in the Hydrosphere report are as follows:

1. Continue using Lavertys Gap Weir with no new water source

o Up-front cost:

Above $14.4 million

o System upgrades and a new water treatment plant (WTP) will be required. Beyond 2027, water restrictions may increase.

2. Build a new offstream reservoir to store high fows that overtop the weir

o Up-front cost:

Above $36 million

o System upgrades and a new WTP will be necessary. This could secure the water supply until around 2060.

3. Permanent connection to the Rous regional water supply

o Up-front cost:

Above $4.2 million (recommended by consultants and council staff)

o A permanent connection means water will no longer be drawn from the weir, and a new WTP will not be needed. This is the current solution for other towns in Byron Shire, excluding Mullumbimby.

4. Supplementing the existing Lavertys Gap Weir supply with a new

groundwater source

o Up-front cost:

Above $18.1 million

o Investigations are required to identify a viable groundwater source, and a new WTP will be necessary. How to Participate

The community can review detailed information on each scenario and the full Hydrosphere report on the Your Say page of the Council’s website. Submissions can be made through the Mullumbimby Water Strategy Your Say page, or via email, letter, phone, or in person.

The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2024. Public information sessions will be held

during the consultation period, providing opportunities to discuss the consultants’ report and its fndings with council staff.

First Information Session:

• Location: Mullum Farmers Market

• Date: Friday, 14 June

• Time: 7 am - 11 am

Additional drop-in sessions at Council chambers in Mullumbimby will be announced on the Council’s website and social media channels. For more information and to make a submission, visit Your Say Mullumbimby Water Strategy.

Tweed Shire Council’s Annual Report Honoured with Silver Award

Tweed Shire Council’s Annual Report for 2022-2023 has earned a Silver Award in the General Award category at the prestigious Australasian Reporting Awards (ARA).

Warren van Wyk, Council’s Director of Corporate Services, expressed pride in receiving this accolade, which is based on ARA criteria benchmarking against world’s best practices and performance standards.

“Last year, Tweed Shire Council entered the awards for the frst time and received a Bronze Award, which was a signifcant initial achievement,” Mr. van Wyk said. “This Silver Award underscores our commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in governance, accountability, fnancial, and performance reporting.”

NRAR Offcers to Revisit Casino Area Properties to Monitor Water Rule Compliance

The General Awards measure the standard of reporting achieved, enabling Council to benchmark its Annual Report against world best-practice criteria and local government peers. The Silver Award is granted to organizations that satisfactorily disclose key aspects of their business and demonstrate outstanding disclosure in at least one signifcant area.

The Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of Council’s fnancial performance, governance, and overall health over the past

The Australasian Reporting Awards promote best practices in reporting standards, administered by an independent not-for-proft organization dedicated to encouraging the complete, transparent, and timely disclosure of information. The awards are open to private, public, and not-for-proft sector organizations in Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacifc region.

year. Key highlights from this fnancial year included:

• Living: Focus on delivering essential food recovery works and advocating for food-affected residents, businesses, and the community.

• Protecting: Efforts to reduce the carbon footprint and protect the environment.

• Growing: Initiatives to create more housing opportunities.

• Thriving: Offcial opening of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail, boosting tourism to the hinterland regions.

Tweed Shire Council remains committed to maintaining high reporting standards in the future. The award-winning Annual Report is available on Council’s website: Annual and Financial Reports | Tweed Shire Council.

For more information about the award, visit Silver Awards — Australasian Reporting Awards.

Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) outreach offcers are scheduled to return to properties in the Casino area this June to check on the progress of landholders in addressing water law breaches identifed in previous visits.

Since 2022, NRAR offcers have visited 782 properties in the region, providing advice and guidance on compliance. During these visits, it was discovered that over 22% of landholders had breached water rules in some manner.

NRAR Director of Education and Engagement Keeley Reynolds explained that the upcoming visits are intended to assess the steps landholders have taken to meet their obligations. “At our frst visit, if there were issues, we discussed those with the landholder and offered help and advice on how to address them. Now we hope to see that they have complied or made substantial progress,” Ms. Reynolds stated.

The most common problem identifed in the region was the failure to keep accurate records of water use. Additionally, issues such as having oversized water works or metering problems were also frequently detected.

Of the 176 breaches observed, 152 were related to accurate record keeping.

“The effective

management of water in NSW depends on accurately and consistently measuring water use – and keeping accurate logbooks is fundamental to that,” Ms. Reynolds emphasized. “Some of the breaches we are talking about might seem minor, but all breaches of NSW water laws are important and collectively they can add up to a large widespread problem.”

Ms. Reynolds noted that if landholders are still not compliant, outreach offcers will attempt to understand the reasons and offer further assistance. However, she warned that continued non-compliance could lead to enforcement actions, including fnes, approval suspensions, and even prosecution for the most signifcant cases.

The Casino area falls within the Far North Coast Water Sharing Plan area, which spans from north of Coffs Harbour to the Queensland border, covering 10,000 square kilometres and over 280


For more information about NRAR’s education and engagement activities, landholders and interested parties are encouraged to visit the NRAR website.

Key Points:

• NRAR offcers to revisit Casino area properties in June to check compliance progress.

• Initial visits revealed over 22% of landholders had breached water rules.

• Most common issues were related to accurate water use record keeping.

• Continued noncompliance could lead to enforcement actions.

• The Casino area is part of the Far North Coast Water Sharing Plan, covering a vast region in NSW. For further details on NRAR’s initiatives and to stay updated, please visit NRAR’s website https://www.nrar. what-we-do/proactiveoutreach-program

Enhanced Training and Coordination for Spontaneous Volunteers with $5M Grant Program

Spontaneous volunteers in times of crisis will receive better training, equipment, and coordination through a new $5 million grants program. This initiative funds councils, NGOs, and community groups to prepare for future natural disasters.

The Spontaneous Volunteer Support (SVS) Program aims to ensure that informal and spontaneous volunteer efforts complement trained volunteers and emergency services. From Resilient Lismore aiding the Northern Rivers during the 2022 foods to countless volunteers in the Black Summer bushfres, NSW communities consistently step up in emergencies.

The SVS Program is a result of a NSW Government review to develop a sustainable

vision for emergency volunteering. Recent catastrophic disasters and subsequent inquiries have highlighted the crucial role of volunteers in the state’s emergency management capability.

A review by the Premier’s Department on behalf of the State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) revealed the need for an enhanced approach to planning the future of volunteering. The review involved over 4,000 emergency volunteers and SEMC member agencies, ensuring a comprehensive strategy for emergency volunteering.

Key recommendations include:

• A Dedicated Action Plan: Strengthening the volunteer workforce, improving recruitment, and addressing barriers to volunteering.

• Integration of Informal Volunteers: Updating the NSW State Emergency Management Plan to recognize and integrate informal volunteers.

• Improved Volunteer Engagement: Launching an online hub to connect community members with emergency volunteering opportunities and training programs.

• Enhanced Volunteer Recognition: Establishing a state-based award for emergency volunteers.

• Community Capability Building: Strengthening community resilience and coordinating informal volunteering through the new SVS Program. These outcomes align with the 2022 Flood Inquiries recommendations, with implementation overseen by the SEMC.

kilometres of coastline in
Director Education and Engagement Keeley Reynolds

Lismore, NSW – Get ready for a vibrant celebration of Italian culture at LisAmore! on Sunday, June 16, 2024 at the Lismore Turf Club. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., join us for a day flled with a wide range of outdoor activities and the familiar tastes and sounds of Italy.

Indulge in an array of treats from our Italian market stalls, including pasta, pizza, Prosecco, and delicious desserts. Enjoy dancing, a tug-o-war, and displays of Italian cars and bikes that will captivate attendees of all ages.

This year, we are once again excited to host the QLD Ferrari Club who are coming down from Queensland, offering a unique opportunity to admire these iconic vehicles.

LisAmore! promises to lift the city’s spirits with free family fun. Our very active Kids Space will feature a plethora of opportunities, including

craft activities for the kids with Victoria from the Artisans Table, Chess with Peter, old fashioned races with Summerland Bank and you can build your own horse and race it on the track with Donna. Providing toe-tapping good vibes and back by popular demand is Domenico and his Latin Mafa Band, this year we will also be graced by Lisa Genoves performing a soprano singer. Tarantella led by Serena Joy and her dance troupe get everyone up and dancing, while Antonio ‘Giri’ Mazzella and his colourful characters will bring fun and games to the parkland.

If you’re an Italian citizen you can take advantage of the Consulate General staff who will be here on Saturday 15 to Between June 16 and the must-see spectacle of the Lismore Lantern Parade on Saturday, June 22, the city

will come alive with creativity, making it a dynamic week for locals and visitors alike.

Join us for a week of festivities that celebrate the best of Italian culture and community spirit. Come play and stay the LisAmore! way.

The Lismore Friendship Festival’s LisAmore! appreciates funding support from the NSW Government, Lismore City Council and Marconi Club alongside a number of local businesses – The AZA Motel, Invercauld House, Albertini’s and Lismore Tyre Company.

For more information and updates, please visit our website and if interested please sign up for our newsletter.

Tweed Shire Council Community Grants Program and Events Sponsorship Now Open

Tweed Shire Council is pleased to announce the opening of funding rounds for its Community Grants Program and Events Sponsorship. These initiatives aim to provide fnancial assistance for meaningful community projects and uniquely Tweed events.

Community Grants Program

The Community Grants

• Build a vibrant Tweed community.

• Support Tweed as a premier place to live and visit.

The Council supports a diverse range of events, including those focused on sports, food, music, community engagement, and the arts.

Message from the Mayor Mayor Chris Cherry expressed the Council’s

Program offers fnancial support for projects that:

• Enhance community well-being.

• Promote community resilience.

• Activate spaces where communities can gather, celebrate, and socialize.

Events Sponsorship

The Events Sponsorship funding round provides fnancial assistance for events that:

commitment to supporting ventures that contribute to the vibrancy and thriving spirit of the Tweed community. “Council is delighted to offer funding opportunities to those making a positive impact on the Tweed,” said Mayor Cherry. “We encourage all eligible individuals and groups with great projects or events to apply and

take advantage of these funding opportunities.”

Notable Funded Projects and Events

In the 2023/24 fnancial year, funded events included:

• Murwillumbah Show

• Kingscliff Triathlon

• Kinship Festival

• Murwillumbah Arts Trail

• Horseless Carriage Club of America 8th International TourTweed Valley Funded community projects included:

• A community garden project.

• A program for young farmers to connect, learn, and share knowledge. How to Apply Applications can be submitted online through the Tweed Shire Council’s website. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 28 June 2024. For more information on the Community Grants and Sponsorship Program, including detailed application guidelines, please visit the Grants and Funding page on the Council’s website and select either Community Grants or Events Sponsorship.

Tweed community groups can beneft from Council grant funding
Community grant applications open

The Circus is in town and it is action packed

Put your expectations away and open your mind to the ‘edge of your seat’ experience you will be in for when you go to see The Circus.

“We are a seventh generation circus family, originally from Germany,” said tour manager and matriarch,

Marie Weber.

“We bring acts that have never been seen under the big top in Australia before.

“These include FMX (freestyle) riders, the splitting globe of death, comedians, aerialists and even a human cannonball.”

Patriarch, Harry Weber, has been involved in the circus touring life for

the past 40 years and the family are excited to be in Australia.

“We have been touring in New Zealand, South Africa, Korea and other international areas,” said Marie.

That’s no mean feat with a family of eight children who have all grown up with the circus.

“We have performers

from all walks of life,” said Marie.

“There are about 40 crew and performers, including those travelling with families.”

Marie said they are all like one big happy family, especially when they have been working so closely together for so long.

“Most of us have been

working together for more than 10 years,” she said.

The Circus has just wound up six shows at Lismore Showgrounds and is now heading to Coffs Harbour where they have a giveaway on their Facebook page ‘Weber Bros Entertainment’ for two VIP packages and 10 double passes to their shows.

They will be performing their action packed shows at Coffs Harbour Showground between June 6th – 16th. Book your tickets at 0452003300 or online at for two hours of great family entertainment. Prices range from $35 - $85 for adults and $25-$70 for children.

Mental Health Service Boost in Coffs Harbour with Opening of Medicare Mental Health Centre

Communities in and around Coffs Harbour will soon beneft from increased mental health support with the opening of a Medicare Mental Health Centre in late June. Healthy North Coast, which delivers the North Coast Primary Health Network program on behalf of the Australian Government, announced today the selection of local not-forproft organization Open Minds as the service provider for the new centre.

Monika Wheeler, CEO of Healthy North Coast, emphasized the importance of accessible mental health services.

“It is estimated that 43% of Australians will experience mental health distress at some point in their lives. It is vitally important we have a range of mental health services that are easily accessed in times of need,” she stated. The new centre will offer free, walk-in mental health services with no appointments or referrals necessary. This model is designed to provide immediate and tailored support to individuals in need. Wheeler highlighted the success of a similar initiative: “Our Lismore Centre, also run by Open Minds, opened in

2022 and has delivered over 9,000 sessions and supported more than 1,000 people. We’re confdent that the Coffs Harbour Centre will be a welcome addition for residents looking for a tailored experience and connection to the right support for them and their circumstances, which are different for everyone.”

Rik Barker, General Manager of Integrated Mental Health Services (NSW) at Open Minds, welcomed the announcement. “We look forward to opening the doors in Coffs and delivering a quality mental health service,

improving the wellbeing of people on the Mid North Coast,” he said.

Key Features of the New Centre

• Staffng: The centre will be staffed by mental health and allied health professionals available to visitors based on their level of need. There will also be a Social and Emotional Wellbeing Worker for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, in partnership with Galambila Aboriginal Health Service.

• Location and Hours: The centre will be co-located with the Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre in Block B of

the Community Village, 22 Earl Street, Coffs Harbour. Initial hours of operation will be 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, with provisions for targeted/appointmentbased services for up to four hours on Saturdays.

• Accessibility: Residents can visit the centre without prior appointments, and services are free of charge.

Wheeler explained the community’s enthusiastic response to the new centre, noting its welcoming space and easy accessibility. She also encouraged those unable to visit in person to utilize the free Head

to Health service by calling 1800 595 212 for phone-based support. Additional Information

• Crisis Services: The Medicare Mental Health Centres are not intended for crisis or emergency services. For urgent support, individuals should contact Lifeline at 13 11 14 or the Mental Health Access Line at 1800 011 511. For immediate help or if at risk of harm, calling 000 is advised. For more information and updates, visit Healthy North Coast .


165,000 reasons to enjoy a biggest morning tea

Guaranteed, if you attend a CWA Morning Tea, you won’t go away hungry and you will have eaten some great food along the way.

This was certainly the case at the Ballina CWA Biggest Morning Tea last week when around

60 people attended to help raise money for the many programs run by the Cancer Council.

This year, the Biggest Morning Teas have raised $8.3 million with 26,142 morning tea hosts registered so far in 2024.

That’s because 165,000 Australians

were diagnosed with cancer in 2023, or 452 per day.

According to the Cancer Council, almost 2 in 5 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 and it’s estimated over 1 million Australians are currently living with or beyond cancer.

Ballina CWA will have added to that total with their delicious spread, their fashion parade, their raffe and their contest for best teapot.

A spokesperson for the Cancer Council said money raised will go to their research, advocacy and support programs which include their

transport to treatment service, their fnancial aid service and their accommodation service.

“Our Transport to Treatment service has already clocked up 30,800kms in the Northern Rivers this year,” said Tiffany from the Cancer Council.

“That’s a trip from

Ballina to London and then back to Ballina.

“That’s also 654 hours of driving which is like watching the Sound of Music 228 times.”

If you have any queries relating to cancer, you can contact the Cancer Council on 13 11 20.

Mayor Chris Cherry Invites Tweed Residents to Celebrate World Environment Day with Community Events

Tweed residents are encouraged to join free community events next week to restore wildlife habitat and learn about regenerative agriculture techniques in celebration of World Environment Day.

World Environment Day is on Wednesday, June 5, and this year’s theme is ‘our land, our future,’ focusing on land restoration, desertifcation, and drought resilience. In alignment with the theme, Tweed Shire Council will host a community tree planting day at Kynnumboon, near Murwillumbah, on Sunday, June 2.

Attendees at the familyfriendly event can enjoy a range of activities, including tours of the revegetation site and an Indigenous welcome to Country. A food and drink van will be on-site, offering hot beverages and lunch for purchase.

The tree planting event is part of one of Tweed’s largest restoration projects. Over three hectares have been planted with more than 12,000 native trees, shrubs, and groundcovers, providing essential rainforest habitat for fying-foxes

and other fauna.

Mayor of Tweed Shire Chris Cherry emphasized the importance of the event, saying, “Restoring this native forest is one way we can help protect the Tweed’s unique biodiversity and ensure the next generation continues to enjoy these wonderful surrounds.

From guided walking tours to picturesque views, there’s something for everyone at this free community event.”

The celebrations continue with a farm ‘Walk and Talk’ at Lexie and Anastasia Gunn’s farm in Terragon, near Uki, on Thursday, June 6. Participants will join the Gunns and Council’s Sustainable Agriculture team to learn about pasture cropping, a

regenerative agriculture technique being trialled to improve soil and pasture management practices.

Anastasia and Lexie Gunn are experimenting with pasture cropping to combat pasture dieback and invasive broad-leaved weeds, with promising results supported by Council’s Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Program. Registrations are essential for both events: Kynnumboon

Community Tree

Planting Day

Date: Sunday, June 2

Time: 9 am to 2 pm

Cost: Free

Activities: Tours of the revegetation site, Indigenous welcome to Country, food and drink cart. Participants


Sustainable Agriculture

Farm ‘Walk and Talk’

are encouraged to bring gloves, shovels, mulch forks, good footwear, hats, and buckets for planting. Picnic blankets or chairs are also recommended for enjoying the scenery during breaks.

Registrations essential: events.humanitix. com/community-tree-

Date: Thursday, June 6

Time: 12 pm to 2 pm

Cost: Free Activities: Join graziers Lexie and Anastasia Gunn and the Sustainable Agriculture team for a walk and talk through a pasture cropping trial. Learn how multi-species pastures

can improve soil health, increase productivity, and combat weeds and pasture dieback. Registrations essential: tweed-farm-walk-andtalk-anastasia-andlexie-s-farm.

For more information about Council’s environmental initiatives, visit Tweed Shire Council’s environment page.

More than 3ha of land has been planted at Kynnumboon, providing valuable rainforest habitat for fying-foxes and other fauna.
Anastasia Gunn will be hosting the next farm ‘Walk and Talk’ on Thursday 6 June at her farm at Terragon, as part of Council celebrations to recognise World Environment Day.



Services providing frontline support to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence (DFV) will receive a share of $47.8 million in Commonwealth Government funding under the Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence National Partnership Agreement 2023-25 (NPA).

These include early intervention initiatives, specialist services, innovative pilot programs, and workforce capability development projects.

From the age of 15, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 8 men in Australia have experienced violence by an intimate partner or family member.

In NSW, there are around 2,500 reports of domestic violence to the police every month.

Last year, there were 36,072 incidents of domestic violence related assault and 19 domestic violence related murders of women and children in the state.

Aboriginal women and children are also over-represented as victim-survivors of family violence.

The NPA 2023-25


• $25.6 million for response, recovery and healing initiatives

• $15.9 million for early intervention initiatives

• $6.3 million for workforce and sector capability building

Funding under the 2023-25 NPA will be put towards projects that help to achieve Target 13 of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap: to cut the rate of family violence and abuse against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children by 50 per cent by 2031. This round of funding will invest in vital, culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal women and children.

Workforce capability projects will focus on training specialist frontline DFV workers to identify and respond to the dynamics of coercive control, and activities to support faith, community and sporting leaders when engaging with people who disclose experiences of DFV.

The funding will also continue some grants awarded to DFV service providers that were funded under NPA 2021-2023.

This includes 10 organisations delivering tailored men’s behavioural change programs for Aboriginal people, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, the LGBTQIA+ community, people with cognitive impairment and the Aboriginal Wellbeing and Family Violence Prevention Program in Tamworth.

Youth Justice NSW will receive funding to continue to deliver a range of programs including support services for young people to understand Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) conditions, court processes and bail conditions. The funding secures the continuation of DFV Family Workers in key locations across NSW to provide therapeutic and practical support to families and young people, support additional psychologists and improve court resources.

The Commonwealth funding under the NPA will complement the NSW government’s $230 million emergency domestic violence package.

Federal Minister for

Social Services Amanda Rishworth said:

“Ending violence against women and children is a national priority shared by all Australian governments.

“We are working in partnership with the NSW Government to end the cycle of violence and build the capacity of our frontline workforce.

“This investment is in line with our multipronged approach to fund initiatives across the four domains of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children – prevention, early intervention, response, and healing and recovery.”

Minister for Health Ryan Park said:

“Domestic violence has an awful impact on families, and it affects all sections of our society.

“I am really proud we have in place a number of measures within our healthcare system including prenatal screening, which will identify and protect some of our most vulnerable women and children.”

Minister for Youth Justice Jihad Dib said: “Juvenile domestic and family violence

offenders can often be victims or survivors of domestic and family violence themselves, and early intervention programs are vital to respond to young people using or experiencing violence in their homes.

Initiatives like the DFV Family Workers are a practical way we can work with communities and empower families to make positive decisions, as well as help divert young people from the criminal justice system.”

Minister for Families and Communities Kate Washington said:

“Domestic and family violence is a cowardly crime and the NSW government is looking at every lever to keep women and children safe.

“We know many vulnerable children in the foster care system come from houses of violence, highlighting the importance of early intervention programs to support families to stay safely together.”

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty David Harris said:

“With Aboriginal women and children over-represented as

family and domestic violence victimsurvivors, this funding will boost on-the-ground support services in communities where they’re most needed.

“It will also contribute to efforts to meet the Closing the Gap target of halving rates of family and domestic violence in Aboriginal communities by 2031.”

Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Jodie Harrison said:

“The statistics for domestic and family violence are shocking and tragic.

“Beyond the numbers, we know that family violence can have destructive consequences for women and children and can leave a devastating impact on the community.

“Our government is committed to seeing dramatic improvements in the rates of domestic, family and sexual violence, and what we need to focus on is delivering appropriate and effective, whole-ofcommunity services for victim-survivors.”

Nimbin Road Recovery: Part Two Complete

Nimbin is now enjoying safer and improved access following the completion of work on the second of two severe landslip sites on Nimbin Road. The February 2022 severe weather event signifcantly impacted this essential route, isolating the village and causing substantial damage. Repairs on the frst stretch of road, about 1km from Nimbin, were completed in December last year. Now, work has wrapped up on the second slip site, located about 4km from the village. Due to the engineering and geotechnical complexities of this site,

Lismore City Council engaged Civil Mining and Construction to carry out the work.

The $14.9 million project commenced in early 2023, utilizing 318 micro piles and 700 concrete blocks to create a 160-meter long retaining structure to stabilize that section of Nimbin Road. These extensive works were funded under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), a joint initiative by the Australian and NSW governments.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Jenny Aitchison, stated:

“The NSW Government is proud to collaborate with all levels of government to

ensure essential services like a safer Nimbin Road are restored and delivered. Completing

this project is a relief for the people of Nimbin and its visitors.”

Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery and Member for Lismore, Janelle Saffn, added:

“This project has been an engineering feat, requiring clever planning and months of hard work. Locals will welcome the reopening of Nimbin Road as a sign of the Nimbin Valley’s resilience following the 2022 foods. Safety is paramount, and we hope to see more visitors exploring Nimbin’s cultural attractions and ecotourism.” Lismore City

Mayor, Steve Krieg, commented:

“Ensuring access to Nimbin was a priority for the Council postdisaster. The completion of repairs to the second landslip is great news for the Nimbin community and visitors. Thanks to Civil Mining and Construction for their efforts and to the State and Australian governments, as well as our local representatives, Janelle Saffn and Kevin Hogan, for their support.”

For more information, visit Lismore City Council’s website.

Nimbin Road – Flood Restoration Works (Dec 2022) - Photo by Your Say Lismore

The importance of Education.

Meet the new Nominated Supervisor/Director for Rainbow Station and Sandcastles.

I’m very excited to be taking on the role as Nominated Supervisor/Director for both Rainbow Station Early Education Centre at Casino and Sandcastles Early Education Centre at Evans Head. I look forward to working with the Community to support the needs of the children.

I have 9 years’ experience in the Early Childhood profession.

I am passionate about Early Childhood Education and strive to support children in reaching their full potential. I value strong partnerships with families to support their child, as the develop skills that will help them thrive and create strong foundations for their life ahead.

I believe in developing strong attachments to help your children feel safe, secure and supported.

This enables children to explore and learn with confdence. Trusting and responsive relationships support healthy brain development.

Collaboration between families, children, educators, staff and management is a vital part of my philosophy, as we work together to achieve our goals and reach the best outcomes for your children. One of my strengths is supporting others and encouraging holistic wellbeing. This is maintained through open communication with families, building trusting relationships and being available for a chat.

If you are looking for care for your children either at Sandcastles Early Education Centre at Evans Head, or Rainbow Station Early Education Centre I would be more than happy to arrange a tour of either centre for you.

Carren Muhle Director/Nominated

Samantha’s Book

Government’s demerit point return trial rewards regions’ drivers

A love that spans life times

Title: Descended

Author: Ingrid J. Adams

Price: $43.25

Publisher: Shawline

Publishing By Samantha Elley

We are taken back to the 1990s where the location is the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Manly to be exact. Indigo is the child of very rich, very famous, but very absent parents. He befriends Robbie and Cordelia’s tight and loving family and soon receives the nurturing and commitment from them, so absent from his life.

But evil is afoot and the unusual gi Indigo has seems to attract this negative energy. Cordelia, however, brings the stability and ‘saneness’ he needs in his life. ere is a familiarity to her that Indigo recognises, spans

MOTORISTS across the Northern Rivers and Northern Tablelands regions are reaping the reward of their safe driving through the NSW Government’s demerit point return trial.

Data broken down by local government area (LGA) shows 43,465 drivers in eight LGAs have seen a demerit point removed from their licence for maintaining a 12-month spotless driving record.

The breakdown includes Tweed Shire 14,836 drivers; Clarence 7,810; Byron Shire 6,798; Ballina 5,788;

Lismore City 4,855; Richmond Valley 2,147; Kyogle 693; and Tenterfeld Shire 538.

More than 1.2 million drivers qualifed for the demerit point reward for maintaining a clear record during the initial 12-month period up to 16 January 2024.

The demerit return trial has been extended for a second year as the NSW Government continues to sharpen its focus on road safety in 2024 amid a rising road toll.

State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffn said:

“Earning the removal

of a demerit point can mean a lot, especially to motorists who rely on their cars to drive the kids to school or to get to work.

“It’s great to see drivers rewarded for their safe driving. Our communities know how important road safety is and this program is driving that message home.

“With the demerit point return trial extended for another year, let’s keep the momentum going and ensure we’re focusing on driving safely every day.”

NSW Minister for

Roads John Graham said:

“If you drive for a living then the reward for safe driving could be the difference between ongoing employment and losing your livelihood.

“People are used to the stick of enforcement and double demerits, but this is the carrot of reward for good behaviour.

“Every demerit point wiped from a licence under this trial is the result of a full 12 months of safe driving by a motorist on NSW roads.”


other lives. When circumstances with his parents change, that see him leave Australia, both he and Cordelia are devastated. It is the trigger for Indigo to go deep within himself to understand his gi and to be able to use it e ectively.

And just in time, as the forces of evil gather to make their presence known and to destroy all that Indigo loves. Descended is the rst in a series of four, and the twist at the end if this story, will have you yearning for the second book coming out this year.

Ingrid J Adams is the mother of four boys ( ve including her husband) and lives with them in Manly, Sydney. She has degrees in business tourism, journalism, kinesiology and nutrition, studied psychotherapy and worked in media.

You can order your copy from her website or

Last week Ballina Shire Council adopted its Future Housing Strategy, with a new action (#17) to “encourage tiny homes in appropriate areas”. This action came about due to advocacy from Greens’ Councillors and because of increased interest from the public for more diverse and affordable housing options.

Tiny homes, when located on land other than land in caravan park or camping ground, are considered as “moveable dwellings” under NSW state planning legislation. Other type of moveable dwellings includes tents, caravans, vans and manufactured homes.

Tiny homes commonly fall into two categories:

Tiny Houses on Wheels (i.e. a custom-made trailer base), or Tiny Homes on Skids (a fxed, relocatable pallet-like structure).

While some exemptions from development approval currently apply to Tiny Homes, they are limited to short-term stays or long-term occupancy by household members of tiny house dwellings connected to the primary residence. Other exemptions apply to seasonal work use and for individuals displaced because of a natural disaster.

Currently, to live permanently in a Tiny Home in NSW, a person must seek development approval from their local Council, which can be

complicated and costly. Several councils are initiating pilot programs that enable people to permanently reside in Tiny Homes on private land without planning approval, subject to certain conditions.

Under its new Housing Strategy, Ballina Council will seek to learn from the outcomes of these pilot programs and review its own planning controls relating to Tiny Homes, with a view to enable permanent living in appropriate circumstances. They will also produce education materials to support those interest in tiny home living to navigate existing planning pathways.

Quotes attributable to

Cr Kiri Dicker

“Enabling permanent living in tiny homes was one of the ideas that was discussed at a public seminar on hosted on affordable housing that I organised in Lennox Head in August 2023, so it’s great to see this idea formally adopted into Council’s Housing Strategy.”.

“We can’t afford to wait years for the supply of new housing to eventuate. Making it easier to live in tiny homes in appropriate circumstances is one way we can unlock instant supply of affordable housing for people on low and very low incomes”.

Photo by Häuslein Tiny Homes

Tweed Shire Council Receives $24.8 Million for Major Infrastructure Works on Tweed Coast

Tweed Shire Council has welcomed a signifcant boost in funding, with more than $24.8 million allocated to support major infrastructure projects on the Tweed Coast. This funding, announced by NSW Minister for Planning Paul Scully, comes through the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund and aims to fast-track two major projects, facilitating the development of 5,516 new homes in the region.

Projects Funded:

• Tweed Coast Road

Duplication: $18.5 million will be used to expand Tweed Coast Road to four lanes, stretching from the M1 to the Cudgen Road intersection.

• Depot Road Sports Fields at Kings Forest:

$6.3 million will support the establishment of 8 hectares of structured open sports felds.

Mayor of Tweed Shire, Chris Cherry, expressed her gratitude for the funding, highlighting its importance in managing

the rapid growth of the Tweed Coast.

Key Quotes from Mayor Chris Cherry “The Tweed Coast is a much sought-after place to live and an increasingly popular destination for visitors, so it’s crucial we manage this rapid growth carefully. This funding will go a long way towards assisting development already planned for the area, such as the Galesowned land at West Kingscliff and the major development of Kings Forest, and we thank the

NSW Government for their support.”

Impact on Local Development

The duplication of Tweed Coast Road will enhance connectivity from the Chinderah interchange on the Pacifc Motorway to the traffc lights at Cudgen Road, facilitating new housing developments. This expansion is crucial for improving access to the newly constructed Tweed Valley Hospital, benefting both residents and healthcare services. The project will be partially funded by

developer contributions, with the overall fourlaning extending to Casuarina Town Centre over the next 10 to 20 years, in line with the progression of Kings Forest.

Sports and Recreation Development

Funding has also been secured for the creation of structured sports felds at Depot Road, adjacent to the forthcoming Kings Forest development. This project, part of the draft Sports and Active Recreation Strategy 2023 – 2033, will undergo community consultation

to determine its future use, with a strong possibility of new AFL felds for the region.

Recognition of Council Efforts

Mayor Cherry commended Council staff for their dedication in advancing these projects to the funding stage, noting that the Tweed is experiencing signifcant growth and development. The recent funding will contribute to an average capital works program of over $100 million per annum over the next two years, in addition to the $385

million already allocated for food restoration.

Additional Projects and Funding

Recent and ongoing projects include:

• $10 million for a new Council Works Depot in South Murwillumbah.

• $8.47 million for parks and open space projects, including the Uki Mountain Bike Park and playground upgrades at Jack Evans Boat Harbour and Recreation Ground in Tweed Heads.

• $15.5 million for community assets.

• $9 million for a new animal rehoming facility.

Mayor Cherry’s Vision

“These are strategic capital projects that will leave a legacy for generations to come, and I thank Council staff for their vision and hard work to make these projects a reality.”

For more information on the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund, visit NSW Government’s Infrastructure Funding.

Incentives to boost rollout of household batteries in NSW

The NSW Government will launch a new incentive to make household batteries more accessible and affordable for NSW residents.

Households and businesses with solar panels on their roofs will be able to buy a cheaper, subsidised battery to store solar energy generated when the sun is shining.

This will help get the most out of their solar, by allowing them to use it around the clock. It will also reduce their energy bills and boost the reliability of the state-wide electricity grid.

The new incentive is part of the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme and includes:

• Between $1600 and $2400 off the up-front installation cost of a household battery for homes and business with

existing solar.

• For homes and businesses wanting to install solar, the incentive will be considered in the quote for a new solar and battery system installation.

• A $250 to $400 incentive for connecting a battery to a Virtual Power Plant. It can be claimed a second time, three years on.

By connecting batteries in Virtual Power Plants, households and businesses can collectively share capacity across the energy grid.

The incentives will be available from 1 November 2024 and will be accessed through approved suppliers, which will become accredited over the coming months.

The expansion of the scheme follows extensive consultation

with companies who specialise in the orchestration of household batteries, like Reposit Power in the Blacktown electorate.

Information on the NSW Government household battery incentive program is available online: http:// batteries

Quote attributable to Minister for Climate Change and Energy

Penny Sharpe:

“More than one million NSW households have solar panels on their roofs and adding a battery will see them beneft around the clock, not just when the sun is shining.

“We are bringing down the upfront cost of batteries for households and businesses to make them more accessible.

“This is a targeted action to support those

with solar to take the next step to lowering their bills by using renewable energy. It also supports the state’s transition to renewable energy.”

Quote attributable to Member for Blacktown

Stephen Bali:

“This is a fantastic initiative for the households and businesses of western Sydney.

“Rooftop solar is already so popular and I know this saving will help people bring down their power bills and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

Quote attributable to Reposit Power CEO

Dean Spaccavento:

“The NSW Government’s expansion of the Peak Demand Reduction Scheme to include household batteries is a win-win

for residents and the electricity grid.

“Home batteries are now playing a crucial role in a cleaner, more secure energy future for NSW and earning money for their contribution.

“Homeowners can maximise the beneft they get from a battery system at their home by shopping around for deals that offer guaranteed bill reductions for at least fve years.”


What is a Virtual Power Plant?

• Virtual Power Plants group the power produced by rooftop solar and stored in batteries, so it can be released into the grid where and when it’s needed.

• Energy from Virtual Power Plants is released into the grid to

address frequency and voltage imbalances, local disruptions or disturbances and keep the network stable. More information can be found online au/blog/what-are-virtualpower-plants-and-whydo-they-matter/. What is peak demand?

• Peak demand is when electricity usage is at its highest, such as in the middle of summer when millions of households turn on their air conditioners.

• The electricity grid is designed to be capable to meet that peak demand.

• If the level of peak demand can be lowered, we can reduce the amount of renewable energy infrastructure that needs to be built to keep the lights on.

• Building only the infrastructure we need saves NSW money.

Funding has been secured for the duplication of Tweed Coast Road to four lanes, from the Chinderah interchange on the Pacifc Motorway, south to the traffc lights at Cudgen Road.
A map showing the frst stage of duplication of Tweed Coast Road.

“Leemo has views on just about anything”


CRIKEY, WHAT a week! Living with ‘Mum Jane’ can, as you know, be testing at the best of times but the past week things have been even more, hmmm, eccentric. A most macabre week in fact. (It’s ‘Leemo Cat’ here!) e silly old woman got an electric zap to her ngers from the taps in our shower last week. (as a ‘thinking’ feline I gured a ‘zap’ to her brain cells would most likely have been substantially better.) Moving on. AND SO, we had, as usual, a DRAMA. I slunk smoothly toward the shower a er hearing her agitated yelling. ‘LEEMO, call SHAYNE from SPEEDY ELECTRICS, it’s an emergency, my hands are buzzing.’ Ooooh, easy peasy! I simply bit her ankle so she had something else to focus on, handed her a rubber glove, & told her to turn o the taps; she seemed reassured when I told her Shayne would be here soon. Naturally, I made her a cup of tea (& poured in a calming BEX powder) giving myself respite from her drama-queen antics. OMG, it’s been awful. Shayne arrived, got things sorted & advised that a few things in our house needed remedy ref. our power status and that a team of Reliable, E cient, Friendly Tradies would arrive to x stu rst thing next day. Well of COURSE the Old Woman THEN went into a frenzy of moving ANYTHING that might be in front of or even remotely NEAR a power

point ‘cos they ALL had to be checked. is included MANY books, DVDs, I, (Leemo) ornaments, lamps, pots, plants, photos, you name it! OMG, all this stu was plonked in a dangerously WOBBLY mountain on our dining table. (aaargh!) Naturally, Shayne was organised & next day or so David & the crew had the job done! (I don’t like being patted by Tradies NOT bearing treats!) Not to worry. I prayed peace & calm might now return to our house. WRONG! First thing next morning Mum rushed into where I was in repose, plonked food & water down, gave me a miserly pat & le , locking me in?

What on earth? I peered out my window and saw a slim lady carrying a ‘weapon’ and a big sack coming down our front stairs. Eeeek! I’m locked in and can’t warn Mum she’s about to be kidnapped & put in a sack as happens in crime stories. I closed my eyes & prayed but THEN heard Mum talking to the lady in a most amicable tone. Hmmm? I’m a most confused feline which is unusual for a cat with my exceptionally astute mind. I heard the words ‘can you catch him?’ OMG, I reckon I’M going in the big sack by the sound of this?

HOWEVER, like Mum, I was stressing about nothing. It appears a beautiful Python snake was curled up having a kip on a beam under our deck roof.



Nthrn River was simply here to take snakie away in case he gured I resembled a plump u y sausage roll and swallow me. Marion is an amazing lovely lady; she retrieved snakie calmly and even allowed Mum to touch & hold him; she then took him with her in the big sack to release him a er giving him food & rest. So, that’s been my week. I do believe I warrant 9 episodes of ‘Bluey’ watching and extra special treats for my forbearance. So,with many purrsies to Shayne & Marion. ank you both. Nitey now, Leemo.

Introducing Birds of Isle Bunya Nut Rum: Celebrating Australia’s Landscape and 65,000-year history

Birds of Isle, a new female-owned and operated Australian rum brand, proudly announces the offcial launch of its Bunya Nut Rum. This premium craft spirit uniquely incorporates Australian terroir, celebrating the country’s rich Flavors while honouring its 65,000-year history.

Co-founder Chanel Melani explains, “We’re on a mission to change the narrative surrounding rum, positioning it as the ambitious and elegant spirit we created. Rum could be our national spirit. The northeastern coastline of Australia is full of sugarcane, so we’ve decided to embrace it in a complex and thoughtful way that we think could change people’s minds about rum.”

In Australia, rum must be aged in wood for a minimum of two years before release. For their debut, Birds of Isle selected a blend of fve Venezuelan rums aged 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 years in American oak ex-bourbon barrels. These rums were chosen for their light and dry Spanish-style favour profle, which could not be locally sourced.

Unlike other rums in this style, no sugar has been added. The rum was then fnished in Australia for another seven months in French oak ex-muscat barrels from the Barossa Valley, a rare fnishing cask for rum.

The fnal touch involved soaking the rum with native roasted bunya nuts and frecharred bunya nut shells. These nuts were handforaged from prehistoric Bunya Pine trees found in Bundjalung Country-Northern Rivers in New South Wales. Bunya Pines have grown in Australia since the Jurassic period (145 million to 200 million years ago). Birds of Isle collaborated with an Indigenous chef and cultural advisor to learn about this ingredient from the Indigenous community frst-hand, ensuring a respectful representation of this native botanical. The bunya nuts impart a sense of terroir to the rum, adding subtle notes of chestnut and pinewood. Inspired by peated whiskies and smoky mezcals, the fre-charred shells impart a uniquely Australian favour.

Birds of Isle Bunya Nut

Rum opens with burnt sugar notes, transitions to a peppery middle, and fnishes delicately smoky and dry. It has aromas of crème brûlée and oak, while the palate reveals hints of anise, pepper, and char. Bunya Nut Rum is best served over ice with tonic and an orange peel twist. Australia crushes approximately 30 million tonnes of sugarcane annually, making it the nation’s second-largest export crop. Sugarcane is rapidly renewable, more effective at capturing carbon than other common plants, and serves as a renewable energy source. It’s also used to create bio-based plastics and sustainable paper alternatives. Demonstrating its commitment to sustainability, Birds of Isle utilises sugarcane waste pulp for its label, uses upcycled packing materials in its cases, and sources custom curb side recyclable boxes for online orders. Birds of Isle is currently ageing its frst distillation made with local molasses sourced from the Northern Rivers. Plans for additional rum releases are also underway in its South

Murwillumbah distillery. Bunya Nut Rum is now available direct-toconsumer online. It is also available in select locations in the Northern Rivers, including Bistro Livi, M-Arts and Murwillumbah Cellars in Murwillumbah, and Elements of Byron, The Sunseeker, and No Bones in Byron Bay. Product specs include:

• 700ml bottles

• 40% ABV

• $130 AUD

About Birds of Isle Birds of Isle is a premium rum brand dedicated to changing the face of rum and celebrating the diverse landscape and culture of Australia. Founded by Chanel Melani and Sally Carter, Birds of Isle is a female-owned and operated Australian rum brand. Birds of Isle is committed to crafting exceptional rums with ambition and imagination. With a focus on new ideas, sustainability, and community, Birds of Isle is redefning the rumdrinking experience. For more information follow @birdsofsle and visit www.birdsofsle.

Birds of Isle 057 bottle

Returning from 5 – 9 June 2024, join us as we celebrate the motors, music and lifestyle of yesteryear at Cooly Rocks On! Recently awarded GOLD in the Major Festivals & Events category at the Queensland Tourism Awards 2022, come check out why Cooly Rocks On is Australia’s favourite nostalgia festival!


Renowned as one of Australia’s best Show ’N’ Shine displays, Coolangatta will be transported back in time as the streets are lined with over 900 incredible cars. Discover the best hot rods, kustom vehicles and lowbrow art in Kustomville, then wander through Goodwin Park and get up close to a massive variety of vehicles, scooters, bikes and more! For the die-hard motor enthusiasts, take part in this incredible display by showcasing your pride and joy, or partake in one of two (or why not both) Car Runs!


Put on your best dancing shoes and boogie to the tunes of yesteryear you know and love! Cooly Rocks On packs a punch every year with an incredible lineup of some of the best rock ’n’ roll, swing, rockabilly and tribute artists from around the world. In a unique offering, Cooly Rocks On is also only one of two festivals

in Australia to host an ofcial preliminary round of the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, an Elvis Presley Enterprises sanctioned event, with the winner heading straight to Elvis Week in Memphis. Let’s get all shook up!


Now, to put the cherry on top, Cooly Rocks On wouldn’t be the festival it is without celebrating the lifestyle of yesteryear. The Cooly Rocks On Pin-up Pageant celebrates the classic and rockabilly styles, and the Cooly Rocks On Moonlight Swing Dance, a 1940s style shindig that provides plenty of time for attendees to dance the night away. There’s also the newly added Beachside Rock ‘n’ Roll Dance for those wanting to keep their feet busy on the dance foor. But that’s not all! You’ll have the chance to shop a range of retro goods, vintage finds and memorabilia from the eras gone by with a huge number of markets along the beachfront.

WHEN it comes to bad guys, not all of them stampede darkly through their milieus with soul-curdling breathing disorders, like Darth Vader. Mostly they slink about with all the loaded charisma of rats with golden teeth. It’s a fact of life – that rotten rarely advertises itself, in fact it usually parades about behind a front that ‘truly’ endears itself to others.

As such, there hasn’t been one cunning person that I’ve come to know that wasn’t amicable, or in the least affable when it came to how they managed to pull off their ruse, at everyone else’s expense. Disarming most comers with their non-threatening manners, cunning types ‘excel’ at winning the trust, albeit affection of others. That the cult leader Charles Manson apparently knew the book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ back to front, does not at all surprise. Even Jesus himself cautioned, albeit directly referenced these murky types in his Sermon on the Mount, having said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” That we are creatures of sight, and suckers for pleasing impressions, plays right into the hands of this halfsmart, but triple cunning brigade of typically white-anting adepts.

Very aptly, the 18th Century British Statesman, Lord Chesterfield once discerned, “Cunning is the dark sanctuary of incapacity.” And as such, I’ve never met a truly selfestablished, competent or thoughtful person that proved to be cunning in any way; instead, they have consistently shown an adoration and respect for the talents of others.

NSW Government Calls for Input on New Digital Inclusion Strategy

The ‘natural’ default of your abjectly non-cunning person is to raise others, and to not belittle those that could otherwise be considered a threat.

As for your cunning, their lack of something – be that grey matter, education, true self-belief, depth of heart, or just the simple ability to not have to win by hook or mostly by crook; they expose themselves through the smallest of apertures. The give-away is their obsession with highlighting the perceived weaknesses of others.

Like Norman Macdonald once gleaned, “Cunning is a misplaced ambition of being perfect in others’ deficiencies: it is the culture of low parts, and the proficiency of low minds.”

As such, cunning ever wallows in the muck, it is desperately obsessed with grandeur, or somehow eclipsing everything that threatens its abject lack of what it ‘honestly’ needs, to achieve what it aspires to be. I’ve often thought, intelligence knows what to be aware of, but stupidity somehow always outs itself because it is never quite fathoming of what not to say or do. Similarly, as Austin O’Malley once observed, “Cunning is a short blanket – if you pull it over your face, you expose your feet.”

And that’s what brings our doyens of cunning undone: they are convinced that no one sees beyond their inch-deep ways, and what’s more, they actually believe that they have everyone’s measure. Or fittingly, as Evan Esar once said, “Life is a battle of wits, and many people have to fight it unarmed.” And ironically, those at a loss or least equipped to actually defend themselves, are those over-endowed with cunning.

The NSW Government is seeking input from local communities, industry, community organisations, and government agencies to shape the state’s inaugural Digital Inclusion Strategy. This initiative aims to provide equitable access, affordability, and engagement with digital technologies, services, and online resources for all citizens.

Digital Inclusion Overview

Digital inclusion ensures that everyone has the opportunity to access and utilize digital technologies. This initiative focuses on people living in regional, rural, and remote areas, socio-economically disadvantaged groups, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, individuals with disabilities, genderdiverse individuals, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who typically experience lower levels of digital inclusion.

The 2023 Australian Digital Inclusion Index (ADII) highlights that between 24% and 42% of these groups are highly excluded from digital services.

Consultation Process

In the frst stage of the consultation, community members can provide feedback on the Digital Inclusion Strategy discussion paper.

Additionally, targeted stakeholder meetings, interviews, and focus groups will contribute valuable insights.

The Digital Inclusion Strategy and its accompanying Action Plan will guide the identifcation, delivery, and funding of future digital inclusion initiatives. It will also build upon existing government and community-led digital inclusion programs across NSW.

The NSW Telco Authority will lead the strategy development as part of the broader Connectivity Strategy, which aims to bridge the digital divide for communities with limited digital access.

To participate in the public consultation or learn more about the NSW Digital Inclusion Strategy, visit au/digital-inclusionstrategy.

To compare digital connectivity across regions, visit the NSW

Telco Authority’s Digital Connectivity Index at departments-andagencies/nsw-telcoauthority/nsw-digitalconnectivity-index.

Key Statements from Minister Jihad Dib Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, Jihad Dib, emphasised the importance of inclusivity in the digital age. “In an increasingly digital world and with a shift towards online service delivery, including digital identity, healthcare, banking, and social care, it is critical that no one gets left behind,” said Minister Dib.

“We want to work towards a future where everyone in NSW, regardless of their age, background, or location, can access and use digital connectivity and technologies. This consultation is important, and we want as many people as possible to have their say on digital services.”

Digital Inclusion Key Data

The 2023 ADII report reveals:

• Nearly one in four Australians is digitally excluded based on access, affordability, and digital ability factors.

• Almost 10% of the Australian population is highly digitally excluded, lacking reliable internet access, digital devices, or the ability to use them effectively for social, economic, and civic participation.

• People aged 65-74 scored 12.1 points below the national digital inclusion average, and those over 75 scored 24.6 points below the national average.

• Digital exclusion is closely tied to economic disadvantages, with almost 30% of low-middle income households in NSW limiting mobile phone use due to fnancial stress.

• Only 57% of households in the lowest income quintile have internet access compared to 82% in the highest income quintile.

By engaging with communities and stakeholders, the NSW Government aims to develop a comprehensive strategy to ensure digital inclusivity for all citizens, addressing these critical issues and fostering a more connected and equitable society.

Gunning for the cunning…by Nigel Dawe

Lawrence Loves… a magical lantern parade

The community turned out in large numbers for Saturday evening’s lantern parade in Lawerence, prompting one attendee to comment that it, “was wonderful to soak up the music, the happy vibes and participate in that magical lantern parade!”

The morning kicked off with a busy scone making session at the Lawrence Public Hall, hosted by Maclean CWA, with the mouthwatering aroma of fresh baking wafting across the festival site.

The inviting atmosphere was further enhanced at the start of the afternoon, by a trio of singer songwriters – Geoff Paull, Sarah McKenna and Charlie Davis – sharing the stage and taking turns to perform original compositions.

Soon afterwards, Yaegl Elder and Councillor for the North Coast Region of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, Auntie Diane Randall,

conducted a Welcome to Country ceremony in which she reinforced the message around reconciliation. She then invited visitors to have a yarn with her community members at one of the food stalls serving bush tucker burgers and stew.

The food stalls were a hit, with the RFS cooking hundreds of sausage sandwiches, I Scream scooping until tubs emptied and the lemon myrtle

roo burgers, prepared by Loving Spoonful Productions, selling out in a matter of hours.

While the rain drizzled lightly through the late afternoon, parents brought umbrellas and great enthusiasm in support of their children’s performances, with delightful songs and dances presented by Lawrence pre-school, the primary school and the Maclean Scottish Town Dance Troupe.

The various community organization stalls, as well as the lantern and wattle ball workshops, were busy all day, with locals exploring and learning about the passions of other locals.

Meanwhile, children enjoyed an outdoor wonderland featuring cuddly alpacas, circus juggling and balancing games, giant Jenga, bean bag throw and Connect Four.

As the clouds dispersed

to reveal a gentle yellow sunset, crowd numbers swelled for the lantern parade. Hundreds of colourfully decorated box lanterns glowed with dancing patterns formed by internal candles.

Three large feature lanterns – a fshing trawler, a ‘lantern’ fsh and a scale model of the Lawrence Ferry, complete with cars –shone brightly, causing wonderment and much camera clicking. The

procession snaked past the Memorial Park boat ramp with lantern light refecting in the mirrorlike Clarence River, before gathering for a mass photo opportunity.

The wow factor of the lantern parade was then turned up another notch by a dazzling fre twirling display by Mallika – Goddess of the Flame and her companions, after which the remaining audience kicked back to enjoy another round of food, soundtracked by yet more local bands.

Noting their gratitude to the Yulgilbar Foundation for their generous funding, Lawrence Community Fundraising Inc. committee member Robyn Martyn summarized, “What a wonderful day. The community needed this and loved every minute.”

Head to lawrencecommunity to see how you can help with future events.

New era dawns for Lismore City Hall

At this month’s Council meeting, it was announced that NORPA will be stepping down from its role as facility manager of Lismore City Hall upon its reopening.

Councillor Peter Colby, Chair of the Cultural Alliance between NORPA and Lismore City Council, acknowledged NORPA’s signifcant contributions to the region. “Council and NORPA have engaged in many positive discussions since the 2022 foods regarding the vision for City Hall. This mutual decision was infuenced by various factors,” he stated.

“I extend my best wishes to NORPA for their future endeavours and look forward to their continued original performances at City Hall. This transition presents a wonderful opportunity to open City Hall to more community groups, allowing broader use of this exceptional space. Council is currently evaluating future uses and management models for City Hall, ensuring it remains a valuable community

venue for arts, cultural performances, and events such as the eisteddfod.”

NORPA’s Executive Director, Libby Lincoln, highlighted the organization’s achievements as part of its 30-year celebrations.

“Our proudest accomplishment has been nurturing the Lismore community into one of the most engaged theatre audiences in regional Australia. We estimate that over half a million people visited City Hall during our tenure.”

NORPA plans to

remain based in Lismore, continuing to engage audiences, create original theatre works, and support creative development across the region. The company is committed to contributing to the cultural growth of the area. “We are excited for our future. With continued funding from State and Federal Governments, we must maintain our status as a contemporary and sustainable arts organization,” Lincoln said.

“Managing Lismore

City Hall with a yearround season of curated performing arts requires signifcant resources, ongoing investment, and a shared vision for the venue’s future. The challenges of the past four years, including COVID-19 shutdowns and the foods, have only strengthened our resolve to create original theatre that refects our region and its stories.”

NORPA has consistently been an innovator, presenting original works in unique settings outside traditional theatre

venues, often to sold-out audiences. Notable productions include the award-winning Love for One Night at The Eltham Hotel in 2022, Dreamland in local country halls in 2017 and 2019, and Railway Wonderland at Lismore’s disused train station in 2012 and 2015.

In September 2024, NORPA will present the destination theatre event Wildskin at the Lismore Showground.

Lismore City Mayor Steve Krieg expressed gratitude to NORPA for its stewardship of City

Hall and looked forward to its next chapter. “Like many, I have enjoyed numerous productions that tell our local stories. I thank NORPA for this and believe the new management model will continue to enhance their reputation and audience.”

Lismore City Hall, opened in 1965, was initially intended to enhance Lismore’s reputation as a city of arts and satisfy the cultural needs of its residents. The opening gala concert featured diverse performances, including piano, organ, and violin recitals, Spanish dancing, ballet, and other musical acts.

Throughout the 1960s, City Hall hosted regular Saturday night dances and, in the following decades, catered to various musical and cultural events, including concerts, debutante balls, and weddings. Currently, City Hall is undergoing signifcant repairs funded by foodrestoration grants and a $5.2 million Create NSW grant. Construction is expected to be completed next year, weather permitting.

NSW Government to Modernise Rice Sector Exporting

The NSW Government has announced that it will introduce a Bill to State Parliament to end statutory rice export marketing (‘vesting’) arrangements by 1 July 2025. This move is set to usher in a new era of opportunity and innovation for the rice industry.

The legislation, which will be introduced to Parliament in June, aims to enhance the long-term viability of the state’s rice industry, which had an estimated farm gate value of $219 million in 2022-23. This step aligns with the NSW Government’s commitment to foster growth in the agriculture sector by ensuring regulations do not hinder industry progress.

During the drafting of the Bill, the Government received requests from rice growers across

NSW to terminate the statutory rice export marketing arrangements as soon as practical.

The proposed Bill stipulates that vesting for the southern growing region will end on 1 July 2025, with the Rice Marketing Board being wound up by 1 July 2026. The previously announced exclusion of the Northern Rivers growing region from vesting arrangements, effective from 1 September 2024, will remain unchanged.

The decision to deregulate the industry in 2025 follows extensive engagement with rice grower stakeholders and aligns with the recommendations of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics and Sciences’ ‘Independent Report

into Rice Vesting’.

This change comes at a time when rice growers are well-positioned to capitalize on new marketing opportunities.

Under the new arrangements, growers will have greater fexibility to pursue various markets, including exports, which will support the industry’s sustainability amidst challenges like lower water availability and climate variability.

The NSW Government will work closely with SunRice, the current exclusive export license holder, to address the transition, particularly regarding access to rice seed. An expert Rice Transition Group, led by the NSW Department of Primary Industries, will focus on:

• Research and development opportunities to support

alternative supply chains

• Ensuring seed supply is maintained for all rice growers

• Unwinding the affairs of the Rice Marketing Board post-vesting

• Investigating regional development opportunities

This shift refects similar deregulation efforts in other agricultural commodities, such as wheat, barley, and dairy, over recent decades.

NSW Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty said:

“The NSW Government is committed to growing the state’s agricultural sector. By listening to the needs of rice growers, cutting red tape, and assisting them in expanding their export potential, we are taking action. The decision to end statutory

rice export marketing, or vesting, sooner than initially planned refects our discussions with rice growers who demonstrated a consensus for this transition to happen by 1 July 2025.

“Growers in the Northern Rivers region have long advocated for a change to vesting, and southern growers recognize the need for greater commercial fexibility to meet future challenges. Our Government listens to its agricultural stakeholders, and this forthcoming Bill will deliver greater fexibility tailored to regional preferences. We will support the industry through this transition and acknowledge the contributions of the rice industry during this process.”

NSW Minister for

Industry and Trade Anoulack Chanthivong added:

“This decision unlocks more export opportunities for NSW rice growers, leading to more productive businesses, job creation, and higher wages. We are committed to facilitating the entry of NSW’s world-class products into global markets where they can attract premium prices, benefting regional NSW with more jobs and better opportunities. Last year, the value of goods and services exported from NSW exceeded $150 billion, and we aim to build on this success across the economy.”

For further details, visit the NSW Government website.





NRLX cattle sale on Wednesday, May 29, the sell-off persisted, driven mainly by waterlogged paddocks and dwindling feed supplies, resulting in an overall increase in numbers with a higher supply of cows. The primary increase was seen in the larger number of young cattle. The yarding totaled 2,300 head, consisting mainly of vealers and weaners, along with several pens of yearlings. The quality of the young cattle was highly mixed, with a signifcant percentage showing rough coats. Most vealers and weaners were acquired by restockers and backgrounders, with a small percentage going to processors. The market showed considerable variability this week, with some usual buyers absent. Buyers present were selective in their purchases, showing a keen interest in the better-bred and better-presented cattle, and were willing to pay a premium price for cattle carrying weight. Restocker weaner steers were 30c to 40c cheaper, depending on weight and breed, ranging from 170c to 380c, with an average of 300c/kg. Restocker weaner heifers were 40c cheaper, with some light, plain-




274 Total Head Yarded 150 Export 124 Young Cattle

A much smaller yarding came forward this week with two




The numbers shortened this week for both the Cattle sale and the Sheep & Lamb sale, the pork and poultry numbers were still consistent with the previous weeks. The markets were in line with our southern partners with the prices frm to easing across the board for the cattle categories, the main denominator is the fnish of the stock, the fresher the animal the better the result. The Shep & Lamb market was upside down compared to our southern partners, the market was frm to dearer across all categories, again with fnish and freshness determining the results.

Vealer steers av 371.5c topping at 500c or $768.59 to $1100.00

Vealer heifers av 259.3c/kg topping at 304.2c/kg or $601.27 to $917.67

Feeder steers av 319.5c/kg topping at 375.2c/kg or $1176.18 to $1796.00

Feeder heifers av 254.8c/kg topping at 298.2c/kg or $842.41 to $1156.61

Yearling steers av 334.5c/kg topping at 374.2c/kg or $1071.51 to $1523.17

Yearling heifers av 251.5c/kg topping at 300c/kg or $776.06 to $1147.50

Steers av 282.5c/kg topping at 336.2c/kg or $1543.10 to $2207.44

Heifers av 244.7c/kg topping at 310c/kg or $1111.80 to

conditioned calves losing more, ranging from 158c to 232c/kg.

Veal to processors sold from 182c to 210c/kg. Yearlings were less affected by the price fall, with steers selling from 158c to 232c, while yearling heifers ranged from 148c to 276c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows, with a smaller offering of grown steers and heifers. Grown steers were only slightly easier, selling from 242c to 270c,

while grown heifers reached a top price of 261c/kg. The yarding of cows consisted of increased numbers of plainer grades, although there were several pens of wellfnished 3 and 4 score cows. The market was cheaper by 10c for the better-fnished cows, while the plainer grades experienced the greatest loss. Two score cows, mainly medium weights, sold from 138c to 198c, while three score medium weights averaged 300c, and four score cows ranged from 192c to 224c/kg.

Per: Kg

consecutive Fat Sales being the main contributor to the lower numbers. Limited numbers mean limited buyers, with two Export Processors not operating which saw Cows and Bullocks sell 15-20c/kg cheaper. Quality was fair in the young cattle. Again, market trends cheaper, with not enough numbers to attract extra competition.

If the forecasters are right, we might see some muchneeded rain fall in parts of the country this weekend.


Manufacturing steers av 175.2c/kg topping at 260c/kg or $804.62 to $1859.00

Cows av 190.3c/kg topping at $226.2c/kg or $988.89 to $1870.13

Bulls av 235.2c/kg topping at 278.2c/kg or $1244.28 to $2316.16

Sale av for cattle was at $1007.37

Lambs topped at $208 to av $122.98 ($2 up)

Hoggets topped at $190 to av $87.95 ($16 up)

Ewes topped at $125 to av $90.04 ($28 up)

Wethers topped at $114 to av $101.66 ($37 up)

Rams topped at $145 to av $102.33 ($40 up)

Lamb rams topped at $190 to av $121.67 ($22 up) Sale average of $109.03 was $6 / head up. Sows sold to $98, Store pigs sold from $55 to $150. Roosters sold to $20, Young hens sold to $27.50, Pullets sold to $27.50, Chickens sold to $15


Agents and vendors combined to present a total yarding of 1722 head for the weekly Sheep & Lamb sale. The market was frm to a shade dearer, with a few runs of heavy mutton combined with vendors seeking ewe replacements combining to lift that parameter of the sale. The local trade and export types were still sought after to keep the rate frm to a shade dearer. Lambs topped at $208 to av $122.98 ($2 up), Hoggets topped at $190 to av $87.95 ($16 up), Ewes topped at $125 to av $90.24 ($28 up), Wethers topped at $114 to av $101.66 ($37 up), Rams topped at $145 to av $102.33 ($40 up ), Lamb rams topped at $190 to av $121.67 ($22 up). The sale av of

That will put an injection of confdence back into the market.


Thursday 30th May – Monday 3rd June 2024 – ‘The Valley’ Online Machinery & Equipment Sale

Tuesday 11th June 2024 – Grafton Fat Cattle Sale | Grafton Saleyards | 8am

$109.03 was $6/head up week on week.

Giltrow Family sold Dorper lambs 50kg to Leslie Lamb for $164, ewes to restockers for $125 and $120, ewes to processors for $90 to Eversons and $88 to Thomas Foods for $88, wethers to Gr Prime for $108, Hogget rams to restockers for $190, Lamb rams to restockers for $190, Rams to Moniel Shan Meats for $145

Greenup Maryland P/S sold Dorset lambs 62.5kg to Thomas Foods for $192

Roy Aspey sold Dorper lambs 45kg to GR Prime for $129

Rory & Kathy Frost sold Dorper x lambs 50kg to Leslie Lamb for $164, 51.8kg to Eversons for $167

Neil & Shannon Diery sold Aussie White lambs 48kg to Eversons for $123, 42.5kg to Eversons for $130, 38.5kg to restockers for $80

Bodumba Farming sold 48.75kg Dorper lambs to Thomas Foods for $140, 45.1kg to Eversons for $131, 44.5kg to Moniel Shan meats for $125, 42.8kg to Mc Intyre Meats for $125, 55kg hoggets to Take IT Easy Meats for $94

Jacob Thorne sold Dorper lambs 55kg to Thomas Foods for $177, 56.2kg ewe lambs to restockers for $177, 46.2kg lambs to Warwick Meats for $149, 65kg hoggets to Eversons for $112, rams to Whites Trading for $80

Cathy Jackson sold 43.3kg Dorset x lambs to Mc Intyre Meats for $110, 40kg to Moniel Shan Meats for $110

Keith Cobon sold Dorset lambs 50kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $138, 42kg suckers to GR Prime for $90, 35kg to restockers for $58 and 30kg to restockers for $42

Michael Longhurst sold Dorper x lambs 43.75kg to Moniel Shan Meats for $122, 46kg hoggets to Eversons for $79

Albury - 02 6080 9520, Casino - 02 6662 6222, Dubbo - 02 5858 4078, Grafton - 02 5632 3041, Moree - 02 6794 3889, Tamworth - 02 5719 1656, Wagga Wagga - 02 5940 8516 Directors, co-owners and co-founders: Jeffrey Gibbs and Sharon Bateman

ISSN: 2652-7928 a Genesis Media company ABN: 84 134 238 181 All rights reserved © 2024 Distribution Coffs Harbour north to Southport and west to Tenterfield

12 women selected for NFF’s Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program

Twelve women with diverse skills and experience, underpinned by a passion for leadership, have today been announced as the 2024 cohort of the National Farmers’ Federation’s (NFF) Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program.

The mentoring and networking program is the NFF’s fagship initiative to fx the under representation of women in agriculture’s leadership ranks. It is made possible by 32 industry partners, who are making transformational inroads towards more genderequal workplaces and leadership teams.

NFF President David Jochinke congratulated this year’s successful participants noting the high level of interest and exceptional applications made the selection process particularly diffcult this year.

“The overwhelming interest in this program

each year highlights the growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion within agriculture. It’s inspiring to see so many talented women eager to step into leadership roles and contribute to the future of agriculture,” Mr Jochinke said.

The program is designed to support the NFF’s goal to double the number of women in

agriculture’s leadership ranks and to make agriculture an inclusive industry for all by 2030.

“Our goal is to double the number of women in agriculture’s leadership ranks, and the Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program is pivotal in achieving that,” Mr Jochinke said.

“With the program in its seventh year, the commitment

and achievements of graduates so far have been remarkable, and we are confdent this new cohort will continue to build on that legacy.”

The 2024 cohort join the program’s growing alumni network, bringing the total to 65 participants. The program has facilitated transformative change within the industry with many graduates stepping

into executive level roles, accepting board positions, and being changemakers within their communities.

The group will come together in Canberra for an introductory retreat during June and then embark on a four-month mentoring program, before graduating in October.

2024 Diversity in Agriculture Leadership


• Amanda McClarenGraytown, VIC

• Angela HammondInverell, NSW

• Becky DickinsonWarragul, VIC

• Jennifer BrownMascot, NSW

• Jenny Crema - South Mission Beach, QLD

• Kelly NankivellTintinara, SA

• Lauren LangfeldAberfoyle Park, SA

• Madie HamiltonRandwick, NSW

• Meredith KingMilsons Point, NSW

• Ming Fung ChuaBayswater, WA

• Sarah StevensMareeba, QLD

• Wendy HickCamooweal, QLD

For more information visit the QR code below.

Ag Sector Stages Dramatic Walkout at Budget Breakfast Over Sheep Trade Ban

In an unprecedented turn of events at today’s Agricultural Industry Budget Breakfast, the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) alongside several peak agricultural bodies staged a walkout during Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt’s address. Their collective action aimed to convey to the Minister that his announcement of a radical four-year timeline to ban live sheep exports had crossed a critical threshold.

The NFF, alongside Wool Producers Australia, Sheep Producers Australia, Cattle Australia, Australian Livestock Export Council, WA Farmers, AgForce Queensland, and NSW Farmers, exited the event as soon as the Minister broached the subject of the ban.

“We turned our backs on the Minister, symbolizing his abandonment of farmers’

interests,” remarked NFF President David Jochinke.

“This walkout epitomizes the detrimental impact of the government’s pursuit of an ideological agenda on agriculture, disregarding the tangible repercussions this ban will impose on farmers, communities, our trade relations, and animal welfare standards.

“It seems that this Government prioritizes activists over agricultural

experts and farmers. Perhaps if we adopt activist tactics, it might fnally lend us an ear.

“While farmers abroad are taking to the streets to protest against unresponsive governments, we hope to avoid such scenarios here. However, the question remains, is that what our leaders desire? We are serving notice to this government. Our fght is just beginning, and farmers are ready to stand up for their rights.”

Mr. Jochinke emphasized the need to advocate for the thousands of individuals and small businesses affected by the trade ban, highlighting that its implications extend beyond the live sheep export sector.

“This government’s decision to eliminate a viable and signifcant industry this week raises concerns about what industry might be targeted next.

“We’re already hearing

murmurs about calls to extend the ban to cattle. But what if a vocal minority decides it dislikes other agricultural sectors like apples, cotton, or dairy?

“We will vehemently oppose this decision.

Agricultural policy should be grounded in evidence, science, and consultation with farmers, rather than driven by ideology and political expediency.”

Federal Budget Leaves Basin Communities in the Dark

On May 15, 2024, concerns echoed through Basin communities as the Australian Government chose to maintain secrecy regarding its reserves for purchasing water from Murray-Darling Basin farmers.

CEO of the NSW Irrigators’ Council, Claire Miller, expressed

dismay at the lack of transparency, highlighting the repeated omission of this critical information from three consecutive Budgets.

Miller emphasized that the government’s commitment to transparency remains dubious while crucial details are withheld.

Miller pointed out the

evident distortion in the market, particularly since Minister Plibersek’s announcement of water buybacks in the 2022 Budget. The infated prices paid for water under the Bridging the Gap tender served as a glaring example of this market distortion.

Furthermore, the government’s

undisclosed budget for Basin community adjustment raised concerns about its adequacy in supporting communities facing signifcant upheaval due to job losses and dwindling services.

Notably absent from the Budget was funding to address the persistent factors contributing

to river degradation, despite substantial water recovery efforts. Miller stressed the need for targeted investments in combating issues such as European Carp infestation, cold water pollution, and riverbank erosion, essential for restoring river health.

While acknowledging the overdue investment

in water infrastructure projects aimed at improving drinking water quality and security in regional Australia, the NSW Irrigators Council emphasized the necessity for comprehensive action beyond water allocation to address the underlying causes of river degradation effectively.

National Soil Information System: Grounding the Future of Australian Agriculture

Australian soil is a fundamental pillar sustaining the food we eat, the plants we grow, and the native animals that inhabit our land. Far from being mere dirt, soil is a key component in maintaining a robust agricultural industry and supporting thriving rural and regional communities.

To further enhance this critical resource, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, in collaboration with CSIRO, Australia’s National Science Agency, is advancing the Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS). Launched in June 2023, an additional $6 million over fve years has been allocated from the Natural Heritage Trust to support the ongoing delivery and enhancement of the $15

million National Soil Strategy initiative.

Nick Blong, First Assistant Secretary of Sustainability, Climate, and Strategy, emphasized the importance of protecting and sustaining soil as a valuable resource. “ANSIS is a crucial initiative that provides reliable

soil data accessible to everyone online,” Blong stated. “As a system designed to evaluate the health of Australian soil, ANSIS will inform stronger soil management practices, benefting our agriculture sector and other industries.”

The initiative is part of

the government’s Natural Heritage Trust ClimateSmart Agriculture Program, which provides integrated investments to bolster the agriculture industry’s climate resilience and sustainability, including soil health. It also supports the National Soil Action Plan 2023-

2028, a fve-year strategy to improve soil health and management through coordinated national measures in policy, education, research, investment, and soil data information-sharing.

CSIRO lead scientist on the project, Peter Wilson, highlighted the system’s design to enhance data

access effciency for research, education, and policy users. “We cannot underestimate how crucial soil is to the future prosperity of the agriculture sector, particularly in terms of sustainability, productivity, proftability, and food security,” Wilson noted. “Previously, accessing relevant soil data to get a national picture of soil health was challenging. CSIRO has worked closely with stakeholders to develop this valuable platform, delivering nationally consistent soil data that will inform future soil management, including opportunities for improvement.”

To learn more, visit the Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS).

Seeking emerging leaders in the Ag industry

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) proudly launches applications for its fagship leadership and capability development program for young and emerging leaders in Australian agriculture.

Supported by Telstra, the National Agricultural Leadership Program provides targeted activities and unique experiences in leadership, advocacy, policy development, governance, communications and media.

It uses a whole-ofagriculture perspective to build networks across industry and create the next generation of leaders for Australian agriculture.

Targeting participants under 35, the program provides a unique opportunity for emerging leaders to develop a policy project guided by NFF general managers and senior industry leaders.

NFF President David Jochinke highlighted the opportunities the program produces for

those interested in the decision-making process and policy development in the agricultural industry.

“Participants have the opportunity to tour Australian Parliament House and meet with federal politicians and government departments,” Mr Jochinke said.

“By fostering a young person’s interest in advocacy, we are able to showcase the next generation to our political leaders and develop a network of

skilled professionals to lead our industry into the future.”

Launched in 2021, the program has a proud alumni base of 20 graduates. 2023 alumnus Abbey O’Callaghan has used the experience to develop a policy that compliments her passion for strengthening the agricultural workforce.

“The National Agricultural Leadership Program was a fantastic opportunity for a behind the scenes look at how policy decisions are made, best practice

approaches to advocacy and the development of policies,” Ms O’Callaghan said.

“My policy project was all about attracting people from nontraditional backgrounds to the agricultural workforce – which has been highly relevant and valuable in my role as Manager, Workforce Delivery at AgriFutures Australia.”

The program will run for fve months starting in July 2024. Participants will come together for a three-day advocacy

retreat in Canberra, work on a policy project, and are matched with an industry leader as part of an ongoing mentoring program.

The program is free for all participants, supported by an NFF member organisation, and supports long-term development and learning.

Applications are open until June 3, 2024. Find out more at www.nff.




Once again Legendary original rocknroll star ISSI DYE will present his hugely popular show THE LEGENDS OF ROCKNROLL for the 6th time at Twin Towns Showroom just after the Cooly Rocks On festival. This show will be PACKED with the greatest music tribute stars….featuring award winning ETA, “ELVIS TO THE T” starring Peter Triantis, Issi Dye performs JOK, Sharon Lee as OLIVIA N-JOHN SHOW, Glenn Douglas with his amazing ROY ORBISON SHOW, Lisa Stewart as DOLLY PARTON, the

EVERLY BROS TRIBUTE…& Alan Laguda from Street Cafe, as musical director…. THE BIGGEST LINE UP TO DATE!!

A 90 minute music Legends show packed with all your favourite stars from the 50’s 60’s & 70’s..hosted by ISSI DYE

Song list includes…. ELVIS top songs, plus…, JOK: Sing sing sing, You’re the one that i want, Crying, Pretty Woman, Jolene, Working 9 to 5, Walk Right Back, Dream Dream, Johnny B Goode, Xanadu, Don’t be Cruel , Suspicious Minds, & many more

Top hits!!

Fully costumed and styled ISSI DYE Legends Of Rocknroll show. This is truly a not to be missed Morning Melodies Spectacular!


• When: Tue 11th Jun, 11:00 AM

• Where: Twin Towns Showroom, Tweed Heads

• Price: From $10

• Tickets: Via the QR code.


Place the digits 1 to 9 in the blue squares, so that all 6 equations are correct. Multiplication and/or division are performed rst, in whichever order they appear –followed by addition and/or subtraction, in whichever order they appear.


1 What is the westernmost point of the Australian mainland?

(a) West Point (b) Steep Point (c) Point Cape (d) Point White

2 Who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the 2023 movie, Oppenheimer?

(a) Robert Downey Jr

(b) Ryan Gosling (c) Robert De Niro

(d) Mark Ruffalo

3 Viticulture is most closely related to which one of the following things?

(a) Central America

(b) Soil (c) Grapes (d) Ice

4 Who created the fictional character, Mary Poppins? (a) D. H. Lawrence

(b) P. L. Travers

(c) C. S. Lewis (d) E. B. White

5 Australian coach, Nick Garratt, is best remembered for his involvement in which sport?

(a) Rowing

(b) Wrestling

(c) Softball

(d) Rugby union

6 Jared Daperis starred as one of the main characters in which Underbelly TV series?

(a) Underbelly: Badness

(b) Underbelly: Razor

(c) Underbelly: The Golden Mile

(d) Underbelly: Squizzy



Which is the correct meaning for these words?


(a) Dependent on something else

(b) Without interruption

(c) Touching


(a) To turn inside out

(b) To show clearly

(c) To develop


(a) Would-be funny

(b) Ready to quarrel

(c) Artificial


(a) Having great diversity

(b) Pertaining to home affairs

(c) Liberal in giving


(a) A heel-tap

(b) A mean stingy person

(c) A fillet for the hair



ABC FAMILY, 7.50pm

For the young kids who got their stellar TV initiation with one of the most-loved animations ever, this series is their next obsession. From Bluey’s Charlie Aspinwall and Daley Pearson comes this adventure primed for those who have graduated from “keepy uppy” balloons to supernatural monster slaying (that’s eight to 12-year-old territory, in case you’re wondering). Now back with season three of wholesomely kooky, creepy adventures, animated teens Charlie, Pierce and ghost girl Que take on their next level of training by doing the monsters’ chores, such as delivering party invitations for Dracula and stealing a dragon’s tooth. It brims with clever dialogue and bizarre situations.

FRIDAY, June 7



ABC FAMILY, 7.30pm

Cancel all your plans and stay in: there’s something for the whole family to giggle about in this lively new spin-o series. After nine seasons of his deadpan, biting humour hosting Hard Quiz, it’s the young ones’ turn to show up grumpy Tom Gleeson (pictured) with their impressive wit and knowledge. Kids aged between 10 to 13 are quizzed on their favourite subjects in this warmhearted show celebrating cleverness, where cheeky banter and savvy brain power reign supreme. “I don’t hold back with these kids… but they are all obsessed with roasting these days, so they often gang up on me,’ quips Gleeson. The comic has an extra twinkle in his eye in this familyfriendly caper that holds onto the trademark quickwitted spark.


ABC, 8pm

There’s a lot of love in and behind the scenes of this unique, delightful homegrown –international –series. Brimming with unexpected lmed in


on the Spectrum’s Michael Theo in his rst acting gig, this warm tale of acceptance was created and written by British comedy stalwart Ben Miller (Death in Paradise, pictured) with a crew of top-notch writers including Aussie Adam Zwar (Wilfred).

In the zany, awkward tale about family, Miller plays a beloved children’s author married to an illustrator (Sally Phillips) when two incidents torpedo his idyllic life: a social media storm and the discovery of a grown-up son (Theo).

ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (6) TEN (5) NBN (8, 80)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30 That Paci c Sports Show. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Silent Witness. (Mav, R) 2.00 Miniseries: The Cry. (Mal, R) 3.00 Love On The Spectrum. (R) 3.55 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 4.45 Grand Designs NZ. (PG, R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PGa, R) 9.55 Dream Of Italy. (R) 10.55 Charles I: Downfall Of A King. (R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Mastermind Aust. (R) 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 Ky’s Story: My Sister Jorja. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (R) 4.10 Walking Britain’s Lost Railways. (PG, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Am I A Serial Killer? (2019, Mv, R) 2.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Love You Like That. (2021,

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) Presented by Tom Gleeson.

7.00 ABC News.

7.35 Gardening Australia. Josh Byrne plants unusual alliums.

8.35 Silent Witness. (Mal) Levelling-up leaders and environmental activists clash in a small town trying to look to the future.

9.35 Gruen. (R) Wil Anderson and a panel of experts analyse the advertising industry and consumerism.

10.15 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) Presented by Tom Gleeson.

10.45 QI. (PG, R) Hosted by Sandi Toksvig.

11.15 ABC Late News.

11.30 Grand Designs New Zealand. (PG, R)

12.20 Love Your Garden. (R)

1.55 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Abandoned Railways From Above. 8.25 Secrets Of The Lost Liners. (PGa) 9.15 Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters. (PGal, R) 10.05 SBS World News Late. 10.35 Wonders Of Scotland. (PG) 11.25 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Critérium du Dauphiné. Stage 6. 1.25 Shadow Lines. (Malv, R) 4.00 The Wonderful World Of Chocolate. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6am WorldWatch. 10.00 The Pizza Show. 11.30 Planet A. Noon WorldWatch. 12.25 Most Expensivest. 1.20 VICE. 2.15 Lee Lin Chin’s Fashionista. 2.25 Over The Black Dot. 3.15 WorldWatch. 5.15 Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over. 6.10 Building The Ultimate. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Hoarders. 9.20 Sex Before The Internet. (Return) 10.15 Sex Unlimited. 12.05am Bad Education. (Return) 12.40


6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. Melissa King creates a frog hotel. 8.30 MOVIE: As Good As It Gets. (1997, Mal, R) A misanthropic writer nds his life thrown into chaos after the only waitress at his favourite café is absent due to her son’s chronic asthma. Determined to restore his routine, he becomes involved in her life. Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear.

11.20 To Be Advised.

1.05 Australia’s Amazing Homes: Little Gems. (PG, R) Experts try to nd Australia’s best homes.

2.00 Home Shopping.

4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

5.00 NBC Today.

6.00 NBN News.

7.00 A Current A air.

7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 14. St George Illawarra Dragons v Wests Tigers.

9.55 Golden Point. A wrap-up of the St George Illawarra Dragons versus Wests Tigers match, with news and analysis.

10.40 MOVIE: Get Shorty. (1995, MA15+l, R) A debt collector becomes a lm producer. John Travolta, Gene Hackman.

12.50 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.45 Pointless. (PG, R)

2.35 Great Australian Detour. (R)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Postcards. (PG, R)

4.30 Global Shop. (R)

5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)

8.00 The Crystal Maze. 8.50 BTN Newsbreak. 8.55 O cially Amazing. 9.20 Dragon Ball Super. 9.50 Supernatural Academy. 10.15 The PM’s Daughter. 10.40 Phoenix Rise. 11.40 Good Game Spawn Point. 12.30am Rage. 1.30 TMNT. 2.20 The Legend Of Korra. 2.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Manifest. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 Sunnyside. 6.30 MOVIE: How To Train Your Dragon 2. (2014, PG) 8.30 MOVIE:

6am The Big Steal. Continued. (1990, PG) 6.50 Five Flights Up. (2014, PG) 8.35 FairyTale: A True Story. (1997, PG) 10.25 The Road Dance. (2021, M) 12.35pm Destination Wedding. (2018, M) 2.10 On A Clear Day. (2005, PG) 4.00 Swallows And Amazons. (2016, PG) 5.50 All Roads Lead To Rome. (2015, PG) 7.30 While We’re Young. (2014, M) 9.20 Snatch. (2000, MA15+) 11.15 Layer Cake. (2004, MA15+) 1.15am And So It Goes. (2014, M) 3.00 Supernova. (2020, M) 4.45 The Movie Show. 5.15 The Lunchbox. (2013, PG, Hindi)

2.30 Weekender. 3.00 Australia’s Best Backyards. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Yorkshire Steam Railway: All

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns, R) Hosted by Tom Gleisner.

8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (Mdl, R) Guests include Sir Patrick Stewart, Ralph Fiennes, Layton Williams, Bella Ramsay and Dame Joan Collins. 9.30 The Cheap Seats. (Mal, R) Presenters Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald take a look at the week that was.

10.30 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.55 The Project. (R) 12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R)





Today’s target: 14 words average 20 words good

30+ words excellent

Find words of four letters or more. Every word must include the centre letter and each letter is used once only. Find at least one nine-letter word. No colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes, hyphens. No verbs or plural words ending in ‘s’. Solution list is not exhaustive. Ref: Macquarie Dictionary

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Auspac Media

Can you keep your bossy Aries side under control this week? If you can, then you’ll astound and amaze others with your can-do attitude, natural personal authority, networking skills, creative ideas and talent for leadership. You’re ready, willing and able to work hard and help others. Just make sure you are generous and inclusive. Encourage family members, close friends, work colleagues and community members to pull together and cooperate.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

From June 9 until July 20, dynamic Mars and daring Uranus will be transiting through your sign. You need to start planning, so you can make the most of this powerful pairing. It’s time for brave Bulls to venture beyond the safety of your home paddock. A confident attitude, an adventurous spirit and an inquiring mind will take you far in the weeks ahead. Angelina Jolie (who turns 49 on Tuesday) observes: “Life is a giant adventure, so much to do, to see.”

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

You’re full of fantastic ideas as the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all visit Gemini, and your sparky energy goes into overdrive. But if you are too gung-ho and disorganised, then taskmaster Saturn will bring you back down to earth with a thud. A work project needs to pass the Practicality Test, so try to balance being enthusiastic with being realistic. If you can mix being spontaneous with being sensible, then you’ll have a rewarding week.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Transformation is the name of the game as Jupiter and Pluto boost your personal magnetism – and your ability to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of a difficult situation. A close relationship has the potential to be reborn into a more positive partnership. But you must release old grudges, let go of the past, and move into a bright new future. No sulking or side-stepping, Crabs! You’ll find the right words can transform the lives of those around you.

Have you been feeling down? Jupiter boosts confidence, so it’s time to think big, especially when it comes to your dreams for the future. Pluto also helps you power ahead with personal changes that could transform your close relationships in wonderful ways. You must be persistent though! Your mantra for the week is from fellow Leo, actress and producer Lucille Ball: “Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

A work matter, volunteer project or relationship issue is taking up a lot of your time and attention. If you are patient then it will pay off in the long run, but there are no quick fixes to finding the right job (or partner) for you. The Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter encourage you to maintain enthusiasm, curiosity and momentum. Mars moves through your adventure and education zones (from June 9 until July 20), which favours travel and study.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Seven planets (including the New Moon and Venus) activate your relationship and aspirations zones. So it’s a good time to go on a first date, snuggle up close with your sweetheart or dream up some ambitious goals for the future. Passion and purpose will take you far. But Saturn could stir up trust and intimacy issues, and you may feel temporarily stuck in the past. Keep moving forward – inch by inch and step by step – towards a brand-new day.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

This week Jupiter (planet of prosperity and opportunity) makes a lovely link with your ruling planet, Pluto. Which boosts Scorpio confidence, charisma and judgement. And Lady Luck is poised to knock on your door – especially involving home, family and/or real estate. The question is – are you brave enough and confident enough to let her in?

It’s also a good week to study, do research, and participate in some powerful, transformational conversations.

The Sun, New Moon, Mercury and Venus (plus the Jupiter/Pluto trine) activate your relationship zone and boost your natural Sagittarian inclination to reach out and help others. If you put other people first – at home, work and play – then you’ll be rewarded with love, friendship, companionship, and a warm inner glow. Motto for the moment is from actress Angelina Jolie (who turns 49 on Tuesday): “I will do the best I can with this life, to be of use.”

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The focus is on physical health as the planets stimulate your wellbeing zone. So it’s a good time to shake up your daily routine, improve your diet, and find fun ways to boost your fitness levels. Professional and financial progress is also a priority, as Jupiter and Pluto help you power ahead with a challenging work project. (Nothing ventured, nothing gained!) Some singles will be attracted to a colleague, client or customer. Who said that work and romance don’t mix?

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

As five planets move through your creativity zone, you’re in the mood for avant-garde adventures and bohemian friendships. But remember there’s a fine line between being spontaneously successful and being hastily foolhardy. Also, a financial or business matter could require much more planning than you originally thought. Relax, take your time, and concentrate on enjoying the long and winding journey, rather than just focusing on the final destination.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Is your domestic space a disorganised mess?

This week the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter highlight your home zone, so it’s time to spruce up your living space via cleaning, tidying and decluttering. Then beautify your surroundings with the addition of pictures, ornaments, new furniture or a lick of fresh paint –plus fresh flowers and inspiring music are a must! Then invite family and friends around to enjoy the improved, uplifted atmosphere.

ASTROLOGY with Joanne Madeline Moore


When the cello sings, we hear something akin to the human voice: sensuous, rich, profound.

When Nicolas Altstaedt holds the bow, the cello is all that and more, becoming a master storyteller.

It’s been more than a decade since the young cellist burst onto the world stage as a BBC New Generation Artist, with his unruly curls, unorthodox concert attire and pure talent. Since then, he’s piled up musical accolades from the stages of New York, London and beyond. Now is your chance to see his Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) debut as both

director and soloist.

Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C major is such an audience favourite, it’s hard to believe it was nearly lost to history. Found in a Prague library just 60 years ago, the score reveals Haydn’s gift for invention. For all his form and symmetry,

Haydn was a visionary, breaking musical boundaries with each new work. Two centuries later, his infuence is still felt in the music of 20th-century masters Xenakis and Kurtág.

Tchaikovsky’s Rococo Variations hark back to the classical style of Haydn from a

completely different musical world. These enchanting variations for cello and orchestra are by turns virtuosic and lyrical, and will be performed in a new arrangement for cello and strings.

The spirit and jubilation of Haydn is matched by the

thrilling energy and wistful defance of Four Transylvanian Dances by the Hungarian-born Sándor Veress. Written as an ode to a home he could never return to, they remind us that, for all its classical elegance, Haydn’s music was steeped in the same folk-infused Hungarian


Altstaedt’s debut will showcase the many voices of his cello along with the vitality and dynamism of the ACO. This promises to be a very special collaboration.


• When: 17th of June at 7pm

• Where: QPAC

• Price: From $49

• Tickets: Via QR code.




Cyanotype imagery, developed in the 19th century to document botanical specimens, is one of the oldest forms of photography. In this one-day workshop, Northern Rivers visual artist Katie Alleva will

lead participants step by step through the fascinating technique of wet cyanotype printing, using objects from the natural world to create dreamy, beautiful images. The class will be inspired by the

pioneering work of 19th-century botanist Anna Atkins, and participants will end the day with a series of cyanotype impressions on high-quality paper to take home.

Participants are to bring their own small selection of fresh foraged fowers, leaves, feathers, and/or pressed fowers to utilise in their cyanotype prints. All other materials and equipment will be provided.

Katie Alleva is a local visual artist and teacher who has developed her cyanotype practice over the past fve years. Katie is a dynamic, creative facilitator with extensive visual art knowledge and experience as a teacher. Katie Alleva holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours (First

Class 1A), a Bachelor of Secondary Education (Sec. Education), a Bachelor of Visual Arts, Certifcate IV in Training & Assessment, and a Certifcate IV in Small business management.

“My art workshops are not just about teaching you an art technique. They are embedded with encouraging a deeper connection to self and community. They promote self-compassion through understanding how unique markmaking is. That simply being your authentic self, is the most healing intention you can set for yourself as a creative. My workshops are designed to ignite the creative spark within you and for you to feel inspired, uplifted, and connected and leave with ideas buzzing

around for further creative endeavours!!!”


• When: Sunday the 16th of June - 10.30 am - 3pm (includes a break for lunch) (BYO)



- OPPOSITE 53 Station Street, Mullumbimby, 2482

• Ages: 16+

• Cost: $155 EARLY

BIRD! - General admission $165 plus booking fee

• Tickets: Via the QR code below.

By @katie_alleva_artist

NFF warns against short-sighted migration plans

The National Farmers’ Federation has warned proposals to cap migration will exacerbate agriculture’s workforce challenges and there are better ways to address the housing crisis.

In the Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s post-budget address, he revealed plans to slash worker migration, a move NFF President David Jochinke said could deal a heavy blow to Australia’s agricultural sector.

Mr Jochinke welcomed the Opposition’s commitment to

reintroduce the dedicated Agriculture Visa.

However, given the proposed cuts to skilled migration, this visa must be designed to meet the skilled workforce needs of the sector.

“Agriculture is the second highest proportional user of skilled visa workers, trailing only the IT sector and surpassing industries such as mining and hospitality,” Mr Jochinke said.

“At a time when we should be boosting our workforce to stay competitive globally,

reducing our intake of skilled migrants is a backward step.”

The NFF urged political leaders to consider the implications of cutting migration and instead incorporate the farm sector into a strategy to help resolve the housing crisis by boosting the regional housing mix of on-farm worker accommodation and traditional housing through:

• Allowing farms to claim instant asset write-offs for on-farm accommodation.

• Accessing farm

management deposits for accommodation construction.

• Providing accommodation to workers without triggering Fringe Benefts Tax (FBT) liabilities.

• Reducing red tape by encouraging state governments to streamline local planning regulations.

• Ensure the Government’s $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund focuses on the regions.

“By incentivising on-farm accommodation and reducing regulatory

barriers, we can boost productivity and support regional development,”

Mr Jochinke said.

“Each house built on-farm releases another house in regional towns for nurses, teachers, and workers in other industries.”

“We need strategic and smart solutions to the housing crisis, not politically convenient quick fx solutions that will only create another problem – debilitating farmers’ ability to grow food and fbre.

“Farmers can play a crucial role in creating

sustainable housing solutions, alleviating pressure on regional housing markets and reducing the need for workers to travel long distances.

“We urge the government and opposition to consider the long-term implications of their migration policies on the agricultural sector and the wider economy.

“Australia’s migration program should be strategic and responsive to the needs of key industries like agriculture.”

Open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

Dear Prime Minister,

Last week, for the frst time in 39 years, farmers from across Australia determined that they no longer have confdence in your government to represent their interests.

This vote followed an unprecedented walk-out by farmers on your Agriculture Minister’s budget address.

This is not how we usually operate at the National Farmers’ Federation. Our members are professional businesspeople, and we typically represent them in a professional and businesslike way.

But decision by decision, your government is pushing farmers away and eroding their trust. Frankly they’ve had enough.

Last week’s appalling

decision to ban live sheep exports from 2028 is just the latest example of your government’s refusal to support our industry – even when facts and science are on our side.

When asked why he’s choosing to destroy the livelihoods of farmers, shearers and truckies in WA, your Agriculture Minister simply answers ‘because we said we would’. When pressed on why this commitment was made in the frst place, he offers fgures from a limited RSPCA survey suggesting it’s what Australians want.

That isn’t leadership. Leadership is having tough conversations with voters and when facts change – as they have in the live sheep trade - changing policies to refect this. Your

government has proven it’s willing to do this, but perhaps that’s only when votes can be gained in the process.

Beyond live sheep, we’ve been steamrolled on water buybacks by a minister who didn’t want to hear the alternatives. We’ve sat with her and her bureaucrats advising of the impacts and pleading to save the farms and the communities where they are located – but our voices have been ignored in favour of deals with the Greens. We have talked about the short comings of the pacifc labour scheme which your government has effectively abolished as one of the few workable labour schemes for farmers.

We’ve also had to fght against the biosecurity

tax which was dumped on industry without notice and would have seen farmers subsidise their competitors to the tune of half a billion dollars over the next decade – thankfully managing to convince senators that this was bad policy after your government again wouldn’t listen.

You’ve been similarly unyielding on a planned superannuation tax which you embarked on, not realising farmers would be signifcantly overrepresented among those effected.

Prime Minister, as you face up to the dual challenges of anaemic growth and high infation, it’s worth considering how your agricultural policies worsen that challenge. By wiping billions

from the value of our industry, you don’t just reduce the economy. You sentence voters to a more expensive weekly shop.

As Prime Minister and President of the NFF, this situation serves neither of us. We both have a job to do. The NFF’s role is to represent farmers and producers – we will not apologise for this – if we don’t do it, we are not doing our job and failing our members who are passionate about their farms, businesses and communities.

Yes, our members have lost confdence, but we are not giving it away - we remain committed to working with your government on things we have in common and the issues impacting on farmers to restore that confdence. Things like working together

to ensure farmers can be part of the solutions to climate change and sustainability challenges. Transparent competition policy and investing in Australian industry. I believe that can be done if your government commits itself to hearing the voices of farmers over the rabble of niche interests which seems to be dictating decisions at present.

I don’t believe you want to lead an antifarming government, but the facts lay bare that you are. Let’s work together to change that.

Yours sincerely, David Jochinke PRESIDENT National Farmers’ Federation

In the early days of dairying in the Richmond Valley, river boats played an important role in the transport of cream from dairy farms to the factory. Cream boats provided a service to farms that were often diffcult to access by road and easily isolated in times of fooding. The cream boats traversed to the Richmond River from Woodburn to Coraki, before returning to Coraki and travelling up the Wilson River to Lismore.

As stated in the Richmond River Herald 16/3/1909 The Coraki/ Tatham people were overjoyed when they were getting a ferry to operate across the river

at Tatham.

A large number of townspeople met at the Coraki Rowing Club Shed to witness the launching of the new ferry built at the order of Tomki Shire, by Alf Conroy for the ferry service at Tatham. The new punt, which was decorated with fags, entered the water with a resounding smack, though very little spray fell on the deck. After the craft had been launched everyone made to the Rowing Club Shed where bottles were uncorked and the Engineer of Woodburn Shire, Mr A Adams proposed a toast to ”The Punt”. Mr Adams remarked: that he had taken a keen interest in

the building of the punt. He congratulated both Tomki and Woodburn Shire on sourcing such a frst class punt and trusted that it would have a long and successful career in the ferry service at Tatham.

The punt measured 30 feet in length (9.15 metres), 12 feet 3 inches(3.75 metres) beams and 3 feet deep (91.5cm) with two 9 feet fap (2.75 metres).. The outside planking was built of Oregon pine, while the deck and upper works were hardwood.

The ferry was sheathed with galvanized iron and carried three coats of tar inside and out. It was indeed one of the staunchest punts on the river and every way a

credit to the designer Mr Kirkpatrick and builder Mr Alf Conroy.

On 16th December 1913, The Public works acknowledged approval of receipt of tender for one hundred and forty pound, eight shillings to J.H. Easterbrook for working on the ferry. Ferryman, in 1917 was Mr J. Birmingham. He was given approval on 17th September 1917 for working the Tatham Ferry at 164 pounds and 5 shillings per year. Although it was not the lowest tender but a very popular one as Council had received a signed petition in his favor. President, Mr Sullivan, said he had explained the position to the Department in Sydney

and they had said, they would like a returned soldier to work the punt.

The punt was almost on the boundary of Gundurimba Shire and visitors to the area used the punt almost as much as the ratepayers. For that reason, he did not think Tomki Shire should be saddled with the whole expense.

The Tatham Ferry was in service until 11th January 1968 then a new bridge was being built starting on 22nd October 1963.


Frank Brown (now deceased): who was 92 years old at the time in 2020 remembered the great times as a lad growing up at Tatham, when the young ones of

the district would meet at the Tatham Ferry and go swimming. This would happen every Sunday during summer. The ferry driver Gus Lewin would park the ferry in the middle of the river so the children could dive off. All the time watching for cars. They included children from Browns, Magners, Hancocks, Lyle and Kevin Clarke and Neville Cowan. Frank also remembered the teacher from Pidcocks Lane School, which was over the river from the Brown property. Her name was Sally Rankin. Sally later married George Cox from Tatham. Each school day Sally would ride her horse from their

Tatham Ferry - Johnny Schneider, Jill Barnett ( on horse), Ted Richardson, Johnny and Janice Patfeld ( near horse). Photo supplied by Jill Barnett.
Tatham Ferry - 1950. Fred Murphy and Kathleen McFadden ( frst cousins)
Tatham Ferry

property (known as Ray Mison’s) across the little ferry at Tatham and down to Pidcocks Lane School.

Jack Donovan (now deceased): In those early days of settlement at Tatham, Jack Donovan recalled in notes that it was necessary for a crossing at Tatham. The ferry consisted of pine and cedar chained together and a rope was fastened to trees on both sides, so it could be pulled over.

Joe Rathbourne was the frst man to build a hotel at Tatham, on the south bank close to the wharf. The river near the wharf was a popular spot for swimming. A swimming club was formed in the 1920’s.

During food times, great care had to be taken with the ferry disconnecting the rope so the ferry could be pulled up on to the bank to stop it being washed away. The main rope had to be dropped further down in the river so all boat traffc could pass by. There was a bell that people could ring to alert the ferryman. This bell was given to the Casino Public School.

Tom Marsh (now deceased): Some early refections from Tom Marsh from his notes: Wharf was built by Mr Rankin on the south bank. There was also a store, hotel, blacksmith, saddler’s, fruit shop, bakers, George Smith Bootmaker and Mr

Wilson’s Creamery.

The village was built in a very fooded area. 1887 “Big Flood”, 1891, 1893, !921 “Big Flood”, March 1931, then a series 1945, 1948 and the big one 1954.

Tatham Public School opened at The Red Hill, at Tatham, Johnathan McInnes was the teacher. Convent School opened in 1906 with a few desks in the back of the church. School Hall was built in 1908.

Marie Kempton: The family all had fun swimming off the ferry, that was all the “Tathamites”. They were O’Donnells, De Lewins, Wares, Eckerts and the Parkers. During the 1954 food, Marie along with her family, the Small’s,

took refuge on the road outside Parkers house.

Colleen Knight: Gus De Lewin was one of the ferry operators also the cream carrier. His family Sonia, Jo, Florence and a younger one would help him on the cream truck.

Ferry Drivers: Harry Windsor, Nugget and Archie Lamont, G. Schneider, John Birmingham, Tom Donovan, J. Watts, Gus De Lewin, Bill Leahy, Joe Rathbourne, Albert Avery, J. Frost, J.W. Easterbrook, Ref: Mid Richmond Historical Society at Coraki, Jack Donovan’s memories, Tom Marsh’s memories, records shared by Elaine Trustum, Tatham.

Bell used at Tatham Ferry now at Casino Public School.
Tatham Post Offce
Tom Marsh at Tatham Post Offce - 1977

Positive step forward in transition to net zero

The National Farmers’ Federation has welcomed the detail announced today on the $63.8 million in the 2024-25 Budget to support the reduction of emissions in the agriculture industry.

NFF Chief Executive Offcer Tony Mahar is in Toowoomba at the Sustainable Agriculture Summit to help progress the Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan.

Mr Mahar said the support ministers Chris Bowen and Murray Watt outlined on agriculture’s role in the transition to net zero was reassuring and showed they had listened to farmers.

“The agriculture sector has signifcant concerns it will be the fall guy for other sectors to reduce their emissions through offsets on farmland.

“National emissions reduction must be a shared responsibility and agriculture will play its part, but that part has to be fair and not comprise productivity, proftability nor food security.”

Mr Mahar said the principles outlined by the ministers today aligned with what the sector had been calling for – close collaboration with the agricultural sector, prioritising food security, and making sure farmland is not a carbon dump for other sectors.

“This is consistent with what the NFF has been seeking as we work towards achieving the ongoing reduction in

agricultural emissions trajectory.

“Any credible climate plan needs to partner closely with farmers who manage more than half of Australia’s landmass.

“It’s reassuring to hear the government is on the same page and won’t be imposing targets on farmers.”

Today’s announcement has provided further detail on the $63.8 million announced

in Federal Budget to support the reduction of emissions in agriculture, including $28.7 million to improve greenhouse gas accounting - an important down payment with further investment expected.

“We’ve been saying for some time that farmers need to ‘know their number’ – improving and standardising approaches to data collection, measurement and

accounting are critical to making this easy and accessible, especially at farm scale.”

The NFF has supported the establishment of the Carbon Farming Outreach Program and welcomes the additional $30.8 million to complement this work, giving farmers muchneeded independent advice to make informed decisions about their businesses.

Furthermore, the NFF welcomes the additional government investment in the Zero Net Emissions Agriculture CRC - of which NFF is also a foundation partner.

“If we can get this right, there is real potential to unlock opportunities for agriculture and the broader economy and we are heartened to hear Minister Watt share this view,” Mr Mahar said.

“This will allow agriculture to be part of the solution to a lower emissions future while giving farmers the tools to become more sustainable and productive.

“We thank the ministers for working with the farm sector and look forward to continuing to work closely with the government on the Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan to ensure agriculture continues to lead the nation in a reduced emissions future.”

Lismore City Council leads the way in emergency management with key appointment

In a signifcant step towards enhancing community resilience and emergency preparedness, Lismore City Council has established a new dedicated position of Emergency Management Coordinator to bolster readiness for future emergencies. This initiative aligns with the NSW Government’s recent streamlined funding process aimed at expediting fnancial support for food restoration efforts, signalling renewed optimism and confdence in Lismore’s future.

Recognizing the evolving challenges of emergency management, Lismore City Council is setting a precedent as one of the few councils nationally to allocate full-time resources to this critical area.

Lismore City Council

General Manager Jon Gibbons announced the appointment of Emergency Management specialist Georgina Burgess to this new role. Mrs. Burgess brings extensive experience in environmental planning, resource management, and emergency response to Lismore.

“This strategic decision builds on the foundational work done by Council’s Community Recovery Offcers, appointed following the February 2022 natural disaster,” said Mr. Gibbons. “These offcers have been instrumental in rebuilding community bonds, identifying gaps in response strategies, and collecting valuable insights to improve local disaster readiness.”

Under NSW legislation, the SES leads during weather and

food events, while the NSW Rural Fire Service leads during bushfres. However, Lismore City Council is committed to enhancing community preparedness. This effort aims to ensure Lismore is not only ready to face future challenges but also positioned as a regional and state leader in emergency management practices.

Council’s approach will involve collaboration with key stakeholders, including the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) and regional planning bodies. This coordinated approach will help build a comprehensive framework for disaster response and resilience. This appointment not

only better prepares the Council for future challenges but also demonstrates a proactive approach to protecting and empowering the Lismore community.

Along with streamlined recovery funding and an intensifed focus on emergency preparedness, confdence in Lismore is rising.

“Her recent tenure

with Waikato Regional Council as the Regional Flood Liaison Offcer has equipped her with a deep understanding of disaster preparedness and the importance of community-centric emergency management frameworks,” added Mr. Gibbons. “Mrs. Burgess’s role will focus on engaging with key stakeholders to develop a robust framework for disaster preparedness and response, aligning local initiatives with legislative requirements and broader strategies such as those of the NSW Reconstruction Authority.”

This strategic move by Lismore City Council represents a signifcant commitment to the safety and resilience of the community, paving the way for enhanced emergency management and preparedness.

NSW Seniors Urged to Book Free Flu Vaccine Amid Rising Respiratory Illnesses

People aged 65 and over are being strongly urged to book their free infuenza vaccine as respiratory illnesses continue to rise across NSW.

The latest NSW Health Respiratory Surveillance Report, released today, indicates a rapid increase in infuenza activity in NSW, with COVID-19 transmission also reaching high levels.

NSW Chief Health Offcer Dr. Kerry Chant reported a 27% increase in infuenza notifcations and a 23% increase in COVID-19 notifcations for the week ending 25 May compared to the previous week.

“While everyone aged six months and over is urged to get their infuenza vaccine as soon as possible, it is particularly important for those at higher risk of severe illness from the virus,” Dr. Chant said.

“Infuenza immunisation rates aren’t

where they need to be.

Less than half of people aged 65 and over in NSW have received their infuenza vaccine this year. We really need to see that number go up, especially as people in this age group are among those most at risk of severe illness.

“We expect the number of infuenza cases to quickly increase in the weeks ahead, so

now is the time to get vaccinated if you haven’t already done so.”

The infuenza vaccine is free and readily available for those at higher risk of severe illness from infuenza. It is available through GPs for any age group and through pharmacies for everyone aged fve years and over.

Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network

(SCHN) Infectious Diseases Paediatrician

Dr. Phil Britton noted that infuenza notifcations are increasing across all age groups, particularly among young children aged three to four years.

“In recent weeks, we have seen infuenza cases rising among young children. The best thing parents can do to keep their kids

well this winter, and reduce the risk of them being hospitalised due to infuenza, is to ensure their children receive a fu vaccine,” Dr. Britton said.

Free Flu Vaccination


• People aged 65 and over

• Children aged six months to under fve years

• Aboriginal people from six months of age

• Pregnant women

• Those with serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, immune disorders, severe asthma, kidney, heart, and lung disease

Steps to Protect Yourself and Others from Respiratory Viruses:

• Stay up to date with recommended infuenza and COVID-19 vaccinations

• Stay home if you are sick and wear a mask if you need to leave home

• Gather outdoors or

in large, well-ventilated spaces with open doors and windows

• Avoid crowded spaces

• Consider doing a rapid antigen test (RAT) before visiting people at higher risk of severe illness

• Talk with your doctor now if you are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or infuenza to make a plan about what to do if you get sick, including what test to take, and discussing if you are eligible for antiviral medicines

• Don’t visit people who are at higher risk of severe illness if you are sick or have tested positive for COVID-19 or infuenza

• Practice good hand hygiene, including regular handwashing For more information and to book your vaccination, visit your local GP or pharmacy.

Council’s newly appointed Emergency Management Coordinator Georgina Burgess.

Ballina Wins Silver at NSW Top Tourism Town Awards

The Ballina Tourism Team is thrilled to announce that Ballina has been awarded silver at the prestigious NSW Top Tourism Town Awards, hosted by Business NSW and the NSW Tourism Industry Council. Competing against notable towns such as Newcastle, Kiama, Orange, Shellharbour, Murwillumbah, Ulladulla, Bathurst, and Grafton, Ballina’s achievement was announced at the Local Government NSW Destination and Visitor Economy Conference in Wagga Wagga on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. This award showcases Ballina’s vibrant appeal and acknowledges the dedicated efforts of all who contribute to the town’s thriving tourism industry.

Alanah Ward, Team Leader of Visitor Services, shared her

enthusiasm, “After an intense competition among nine fnalist destinations, which included public voting and the submission of a comprehensive four-day itinerary, editorial article, destination video, and detailed marketing campaign materials, Ballina stood out in the category for towns with a population over 5,000 residents along with Kiama, who took out the gold award. This award recognises towns across New South Wales that exhibit a strong commitment to tourism and deliver an exceptional visitor experience.”

Mayor Sharon Cadwallader expressed her pride, stating, “Winning the silver award is a remarkable recognition of the dedication and passion our community pours into making the Ballina Coast and Hinterland an engaging and inviting

Lismore School Bus Interchange Gets Safety and Comfort Upgrades

The Lismore School Bus Interchange, located at the corner of Leycester and Hindmarsh streets, is set to undergo signifcant improvements with the installation of 10 new bus shelters starting from late July. This upgrade comes in response to concerns raised by local school representatives and bus operators about the safety and inadequate coverage of the current shelters, especially during wet weather.

destination. This award is a celebration of our vibrant town and everyone who helps make our visitors’ stays memorable. We are thrilled to have this award and are motivated to keep the momentum going!”

This award highlights the spirit of community and the signifcant role that tourism plays in supporting local economies. It is a testament to Ballina’s vibrant charm and the collective efforts of all those who contribute to enhancing our visitors’ experiences.

“The Ballina Tourism Team extends a heartfelt thank you to everyone who voted for Ballina as the NSW Top Tourism Town. We urge everyone to visit and explore the wonders of the Ballina Coast and Hinterland,” invited Ms. Ward.

• Increased Visibility: Perforated aluminium walls enhance safety by providing clearer visibility for both students and bus operators.

Funding and Support:

• The project is fully funded by the NSW Government, refecting a strong commitment to improving student safety and

being improved by the new design and ongoing investigations into CCTV.”

Lismore City Mayor Steve Krieg: “This is a great outcome for students who use this busy interchange. Not only will the new shelters provide better protection when it rains, but they also improve safety as students wait for their buses. I would

The new shelter design, agreed upon by Lismore City Council, features more than half a metre of additional overhead awning and perforated aluminium walls to increase visibility and improve safety. The NSW Government is funding the entire $303,000 project, ensuring that all construction work will be carried out outside of the interchange’s operating times to avoid disrupting students and school bus services.

Key Benefts and Statements

Enhanced Safety and Comfort:

• Improved Coverage: The new shelters offer better protection from rain, ensuring students stay dry while waiting for their buses.

infrastructure in regional areas.

Community and Government Leaders: Minister for Regional Transport and Roads

Jenny Aitchison: “Janelle Saffn has been a strong and fantastic advocate for safer school bus shelters for Lismore. It’s great to see the Labor Government delivering for the Lismore area.”

Member for Lismore Janelle Saffn: “Lismore students deserve to have a safe and dry place to wait for their school buses at the end of their school day. I’ve been advocating for improved safety measures and amenities at the interchange for fve years. Local parents will also be grateful their children’s safety is

Future Improvements Transport for NSW and Lismore City Council will continue to discuss the potential need for additional shelters and further safety enhancements, including extending the Council’s existing CCTV network to increase security around the interchange.

This project marks a signifcant step in ensuring the safety and comfort of Lismore’s students, refecting the community’s commitment to providing high-quality infrastructure and advocating for the well-being of its young residents.

Alanah Ward, Team Leader of Visitor Services, and Cr Eva Ramsey (centre) accepting Ballina’s NSW Top Tourism Town Silver Award presented by the Hon. John Graham and Paula Martin, Executive Director NSW Tourism Industry Council.
like to thank the Member of Lismore Janelle Saffn for her support with this project.”

Relax, have a break and enjoy BRISBANE

Enjoy good times in the CBD

Located in the heart of the Brisbane City CBD just steps from the Queen Street Mall shopping precinct, casino and cultural centre, travellers enjoy well-appointed one-bedroom apartment accommodation with free private parking, exceptional dining and amenities that include a recreation deck with heated pool, sauna and gymnasium

Experience the allure of stunning city views and the convenience of free private parking at this remarkable residence. Retreat to comfort with a queen-sized bed and a fold-out couch, complemented by amenities like free WiFi and an HD TV. Refresh in the modern bathroom, and enjoy access to the pool, steam room, sauna, and gym. Take in the cityscape from your private balcony, and indulge your culinary desires in the full-service kitchen equipped with a microwave, co ee machine, electric kettle, oven, toaster, and dishwasher. Complete your stay with private laundry facilities, including a complimentary washer and dryer, ensuring a seamless experience from start to nish.

- Split A/C (heating + cooling) in living area and bedroom - WIFI

- Parking for 1 car

- Balcony with seating

- Amenity note: Communal outdoor pool, sauna, bbq area and gym

To make a booking, simply scan the QR Code and select your getaway dates.

The Northern Rivers Times June 6,

Tweed Regional Gallery Launches Winter Program with Three New Exhibitions

The Tweed Regional Gallery is excited to announce the launch of its Winter program today, marked by the opening of three highly anticipated exhibitions. The multi-opening event promises an enriching experience featuring renowned and emerging artists.

Know My Name: Australian Women Artists

The headline exhibition, Know My Name: Australian Women Artists, is a touring exhibition from the National Gallery. This exhibition tells a new story of Australian art, focusing on pivotal moments when women created new forms of art and cultural commentary.

Curated by Senior Curator Australian Art Elspeth Pitt and Assistant Curator Australian Art Deirdre Cannon, this comprehensive collection showcases the vital contributions of women artists who have often been overlooked in historical narratives.

Renowned curator and writer Julie Ewington remarked on the exhibition’s signifcance: “One hundred years ago, art museums were seen as sanctifed spaces for art from the past; repositories of recognised greatness. That recognition was almost entirely gender-specifc: the great artists of the past were male – or so went conventional wisdom. Today those certainties have been swept away; society has changed profoundly in the past 50 years and women have been claiming their place in every area of cultural life.”

The exhibition is part of a broader initiative by the National Gallery to promote gender equity and increase the representation of women artists in public collections.

Saltwater Currents: First Nations Seascapes and Contemporary Artefacts from Saltwater Country Anthony J. Walker, an award-winning artist from the Yiman, Ghungalu, and Gooreng Gooreng peoples of Central Queensland, presents

Saltwater Currents: First Nations Seascapes and Contemporary Artefacts from Saltwater Country. Walker’s work draws inspiration from the landscapes and coastlines of Southern Queensland, Northern New South Wales, and his grandparents’ Country. His paintings refect themes of sharing, respect, collaboration, communication, and protection, with subtle political undertones acknowledging First Nations’ inherent sovereignty.

Walker explained his approach: “I’ve chosen to paint in a style that purposefully appropriates colonial impressionist landscape painting techniques. By doing so, I’m claiming space in an arena – contemporary Australian fgurative landscape painting – and contributing to the diversity of perspectives shared through this genre.”

Madam Mystery

Anna Carey, a Gold Coast-based artist, introduces her exhibition Madam Mystery. Known for her photographs of miniature architectural models, Carey’s latest series explores themes of escapism and memory. Her works, created during the 2020 Covid lockdown in Los Angeles, evoke a sense of déjà vu through homogenized architectural spaces that blend local and global elements.

Carey elaborated on her work: “My works are a combination of architectural spaces from numerous places worldwide, they are local yet global, evoking a strange feeling of déjàvu. The homogenised spaces create a memory that cannot be precisely pinpointed but instead give us a sense of coming from something within us.”

Her interest in the fortune-telling businesses boom during the lockdown, characterized by neon signage and exotic names, is refected in her constructed mis-en-scenes.

Event Details

Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre Director Ingrid Hedgcock emphasized

the signifcance of the Winter Program: “We are thrilled to showcase the works of renowned

we encourage everyone to visit and join us on one of the many related events.”

Australian women artists alongside two of our incredible regional artists this Winter. These exhibitions include important themes relevant to all of us and

Event Opening:

• Date: Friday, 31 May

• Time: Doors open at 6.15 pm

• Location: Tweed Regional Gallery


Friday 31 May | 6.15 pm for 6.30 pm speeches | Free

Join us for the opening celebrations for Know My Name: Australian Women Artists, a National Gallery Touring Exhibition; Madam Mysteryby Anna Carey; and Saltwater Currents: First Nations Seascapes and Contemporary Artefacts from Saltwater Country by Anthony J. Walker.

Bookings recommended may31

Meet the Artist:

Anthony J. Walker in conversation with Robert Appo Sunday 2 June | 2 – 3 pm | Free

Guests can enjoy pre-drinks on the Apex Dining balcony with spectacular views before the offcial opening. Dinner reservations can be made online via the Apex Dining website. Bookings are recommended via the Gallery website to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all attendees. Join the Tweed Regional Gallery in celebrating these important cultural exhibitions and the artists behind them.

Public Programs:

Know My Name: Australian Women Artists Curator’s Floor Talk

Friday 31 May | 5 pm – 6 pm | $15/$10

Join Deirdre Cannon, Assistant Curator of Australia Art, National Gallery of Australia, for a fascinating exhibition foor talk. Be the frst to see the exhibition and enjoy a celebratory drink in the Gallery Foyer. Stay afterwards for our Winter Opening Celebrations. Bookings essential: knmft

Winter Opening

Join Yiman, Ghungalu, Gooreng Gooreng artist Anthony J. Walker in conversation with Robert Appo, Aboriginal Project Offcer, Byron Shire Council, as they discuss caring for Country and the exhibition Saltwater Currents: First Nations Seascapes and Contemporary Artefacts from Saltwater Country. Stay for a cuppa and afternoon tea in the Gallery Foyer. Bookings recommended: mtaaw

Art Play inspired by Anna Carey’s Madam Mystery

Wed 26, Fri 28 June (QLD School holidays) Wed 10, Fri 12 July (NSW School holidays) 11 am – 1 pm | Free Create a miniature architectural model inspired by Anna Carey’s exhibition Madam Mystery. Take your artwork home with you or leave your creation at the Gallery to be part of our imaginary streetscape. No bookings required.

Gallery Playdate

Wednesday 7 August |9.30 – 10.30 am | $5 Fun, art-making session for children aged six months to fve years and their carers. Based on the exhibition, Madam Mystery by artist Anna Carey. The session uses creative play to develop imagination and skill. Bookings essential trg-gpd-winter

Agnes Goodsir, The Parisienne, c.1924, National Gallery of Australia, Kamberri/Canberra © Agnes Goodsir. The artwork is part of the eagerly awaited National Gallery exhibition Know My Name: Australian Women Artists currently on display at Tweed Regional Gallery. BELOW: CRYSTAL MYSTERY 2022 by Gold Coast artist Anna Carey is one of the featured exhibitions in the Tweed Regional Gallery’s Winter Program. Image courtesy the artist @ The artist.
Anthony J. Walker - Untitled (21) 2024 is on exhibition as part of the Tweed Regional Gallery’s Winter Program. You can meet the artist at a special event at the Gallery on 2 June 2024. Image courtesy the artist @ The artist.

New One-Stop Shop Launched to Attract, Support, and Promote Women in Building

The Master Builders Association of New South Wales, in collaboration with the NSW Government, has officially unveiled a comprehensive digital platform aimed at attracting, supporting, and promoting women in the building and construction industry.

The new website, Women Building NSW, represents a significant milestone in promoting inclusivity and diversity within the sector. It offers a wide range of resources and support for women and young girls, as well as for parents, employers, and consumers.

Executive Director Brian Seidler emphasized the importance of these resources in encouraging more women to pursue rewarding careers in this dynamic field.

“As one of the largest sectors, with approximately 150,000 businesses employing around 400,000 people, the building and construction industry is vital to the growth and prosperity of NSW. However, women make up only 15% of the

workforce, and a mere 3% of tradies are women.

This gap presents a tremendous opportunity for the future success of the industry, as we have an untapped pool of talent with diverse skills to offer.”

The launch of the Women Building NSW website comes at a critical time, as the sector faces chronic workforce

shortages amid a housing crisis. “Women are key to unlocking the potential to deliver more homes and essential infrastructure,” Mr. Seidler said.

NSW President Bob Black highlighted the comprehensive support available through the Women Building hub, designed to simplify the navigation of various

career pathways for women in the industry.

Mr. Seidler added, “We recognize that the idea of working in a male-dominated industry can be daunting, particularly for parents of young girls. Our goal is to provide robust support networks and clear information on the opportunities available. Moreover, we aim to

challenge the biases that vocational education faces compared to university education, especially in schools, and showcase the rewarding opportunities in trades for women.”

Key features of the Women Building NSW hub include:

Applications have opened for the Future Women Jobs Academy, a program aimed at enhancing women’s workforce participation and economic security in NSW. Supported by $5.8 million in funding from the NSW Government, this initiative will benefit 1,000 women over two years.

The free program is tailored to each participant, focusing on improving job readiness and economic stability for women in NSW who are unemployed, underemployed, or seeking more stable and higher-paying employment.

The NSW Government is particularly focused

on ensuring the program reaches women from communities with lower workforce participation rates and those facing intersecting barriers to employment.

Priority will be given to:

• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (whose applications will be considered first)

• Women from culturally diverse backgrounds

• Women with disabilities

• Women living in regional, rural, and remote areas

Participants in the Future Women Jobs Academy program will have access to:

• Online resources and a bespoke learning hub

• Leadership masterclasses and training programs

• Professional development, coaching, and mentoring

• Jobs and Skills Fair webinars

• A two-day Leadership Summit

• Lifetime Future Women membership

The program will be delivered by Australian company Future Women in partnership with the NSW Government. Future Women has a proven track record of equipping women with the necessary supports to enter, progress, and succeed in paid employment, building long-term career benefits.

Applications for the

two-year program are now open and will close on 8 July 2024. For more information, visit NSW Government’s Future Women Jobs Academy page.

Minister for Women

Jodie Harrison stated:

“The NSW Government is committed to fostering economic opportunity and boosting participation and empowerment for women and girls across the state. This free program specifically targets women from diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women with disabilities, and women living in regional, rural, and

• Business Start-Up Booklet: For women interested in establishing a construction business.

• Information for Parents, Teachers, and Career Advisors: To guide young women interested in the industry.

• Detailed Job Guidebook: Covers over 100+ careers and job opportunities for women in trades.

• Pre-Apprenticeship Courses and Apprenticeship Opportunities: Specifically for girls and women.

• Employer Resources: To help recruit, retain, and support women in construction.

• Register of FemaleLed Businesses: In the building and construction industry.

• Women Ambassadors and Mentors: Offering support and guidance.

• Industry Stories, Networking Events, and Resources: On gender awareness and discrimination. This project is funded by the Trade Pathways Program - Training Services NSW. For more information, please visit Women Building NSW at www. womenbuildingnsw.

Applications Open for Future Women’s Jobs Academy

remote NSW to ensure they have opportunities to progress in paid employment and build careers. Increasing women’s participation at all levels contributes to reducing the gender pay gap, improving workplace cultures, and addressing workforce shortages.”

Founder and Managing Director of Future Women, Helen McCabe, added:

“The support of the NSW Government means we can assist even more women, especially those from marginalized backgrounds, in finding a path back to work. This innovative program meets women where they are and has been

co-designed by members to best suit their future work needs.”

Future Women Jobs Academy Graduate, Ciska White, shared her experience:

“As a single parent, I’m now completely able to support myself. I’m starting to boost my superannuation, which was terrible. There are so many different ways that it will have long-term impacts on my life. I’m set up to work in a satisfying job where I earn a decent income, my confidence is boosted, and I can support my family. You shouldn’t underestimate the impact that has by making that intervention at that really important point in a woman’s life.”

New Zealand often conjures images of iconic sites like Milford Sound, Queenstown, and the Hobbiton movie set. However, beyond these well-known locations, there is a number of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. For the intrepid traveller seeking to venture off the beaten track, New Zealand offers countless secluded spots that showcase its diverse geography, rich culture, and serene beauty. Here are some of New Zealand’s best-kept secrets.

The Catlins Nestled on the southeastern corner of the South Island, the Catlins is a remote and rugged region. Here, lush rainforests meet coastlines, and waterfalls cascade into deep, fernflled gorges. One of the highlights of the Catlins is the Cathedral Caves, a series of vast sea caves accessible only at low tide. Nearby, McLean Falls and Purakaunui Falls provide perfect

opportunities for tranquil hikes and photography.

The Catlins are also home to rare wildlife, including the endangered yellow-eyed penguin and the elusive Hector’s dolphin, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts.

Stewart Island

Just off the southern tip of New Zealand lies Stewart Island, a haven for those seeking solitude and unspoiled wilderness. With over 85% of the island designated as Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island offers extensive opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, and experiencing pristine nature. The Rakiura Track, one of New Zealand’s Great Walks, takes adventurers through dense forests, sandy beaches, and along rugged coastlines.

Stewart Island is also the best place in New Zealand to spot the elusive kiwi bird in the wild, particularly on a guided night tour.

Forgotten World Highway

For a road trip with a difference, the Forgotten World Highway (State Highway 43) offers a journey through time and some of New Zealand’s most untouched landscapes. This 150-kilometre route winds through the heart of the North Island, passing through historic settlements, lush farmlands, and rugged terrain. Highlights along the way include the Moki Tunnel, also known as the ‘Hobbit’s Hole,’ and the Tangarakau Gorge, with its dense forest canopy.

The small town of Whangamomona, which declared itself a republic in 1989, offers a quirky stopover where visitors can get their passports stamped and enjoy local hospitality.

Matiu/Somes Island

Located in the middle of Wellington Harbour, Matiu/Somes Island is a hidden gem with a rich history and abundant

wildlife. Once used as a quarantine station and internment camp, the island is now a predatorfree sanctuary managed by the Department of Conservation. Visitors can explore historic buildings, learn about the island’s past, and enjoy walking tracks with panoramic views of Wellington and the surrounding waters. The island is also home to native species such as the tuatara, little blue penguins, and giant Weta, offering a unique opportunity to experience New Zealand’s natural heritage up close.

Lake Tarawera

While Rotorua is famous for its geothermal activity and Maori culture, nearby Lake Tarawera remains a relatively undiscovered gem. Surrounded by lush native bush and overlooked by the majestic Mount Tarawera, the lake offers a peaceful retreat for those looking to escape

the crowds. Visitors can enjoy a range of activities, including fshing, kayaking, and hiking. The Tarawera Trail, a 15-kilometre hike along the lake’s edge, leads to the natural hot springs of Te Rata Bay (Hot Water Beach), where hikers can soak in geothermal waters while enjoying stunning lake views.


On the West Coast of the South Island, the small settlement of Okarito offers a tranquil escape amid pristine natural surroundings. Known for its extensive wetlands and rare birdlife, including the white heron (kotuku), Okarito is a paradise for birdwatchers and nature lovers. The Okarito Lagoon, New Zealand’s largest unmodifed wetland, can be explored by kayak, providing a peaceful way to experience the area’s unique ecosystem. For those seeking panoramic views, the Okarito Trig

Walk offers a short hike to a viewpoint with breathtaking vistas of the Southern Alps and the Tasman Sea.

Uncovering the Unknown New Zealand’s hidden gems offer a diverse array of experiences for travellers willing to explore beyond the usual tourist destinations. From the rugged beauty of the Catlins to the tranquil waters of Lake Tarawera, these lesserknown spots provide a deeper connection to the country’s natural wonders and cultural heritage. Whether you’re seeking adventure, serenity, or a glimpse into New Zealand’s unique wildlife, these hidden treasures promise unforgettable memories and a truly immersive travel experience. So, pack your bags, take the road less travelled, and uncover the hidden gems of New Zealand.

The Catlins
Matiu/Somes Island
Stewart Island
Lake Tarawera
Forgotten World Highway

Australia is home to some of the most unique national parks in the world. From tropical rainforests to arid deserts, our national parks offer diverse ecosystems and an excess of activities for nature enthusiasts. Let’s have a look at the top 10 national parks in Australia, each offering a unique glimpse into the natural beauty of this vast land.

Spanning nearly 20,000 square kilometres, Kakadu National Park is Australia’s largest national park. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site, renowned for its rich Aboriginal culture, baren landscapes, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can explore wetlands teeming with birdlife, majestic waterfalls, and ancient rock art dating back thousands of years. The park’s natural beauty is complemented by the cultural signifcance of sites like Ubirr and Nourlangie, where rock art tells stories of the land’s traditional owners.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in marine life. As the world’s largest coral reef system, it boasts vibrant coral formations and a wide variety of marine species. Snorkelling and diving are the best ways to experience the reef’s underwater wonders, from colourful fsh to sea turtles and graceful manta rays. The reef is also home to several islands, each offering unique opportunities for relaxation and adventure.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is an iconic symbol of Australia, featuring the monumental Uluru (Ayers Rock) and the intriguing domes of Kata Tjuta (The Olgas). The park is a sacred place for the Anangu people, who have lived in the region for thousands of years. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about Aboriginal culture and the spiritual signifcance of these formations. Sunrises and sunsets here are particularly spectacular, casting a mesmerising glow over the red desert landscape.

The Daintree Rainforest, one of the oldest rainforests in the world, offers an unparalleled opportunity to experience pristine tropical wilderness. This

UNESCO World Heritage site is home to an incredible array of fora and fauna, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. Visitors can explore the rainforest through guided walks, canopy tours, and river cruises on the Daintree River, where they might spot crocodiles and exotic bird species.

Located just a short drive from Sydney, Blue Mountains National Park is known for its rugged terrain, including the famous Three Sisters rock formation. The park’s rugged cliffs, eucalyptus forests, and waterfalls provide a stunning backdrop for hiking, climbing, and abseiling. Scenic drives and lookout points offer jaw dropping views, while the region’s charming villages provide cozy retreats after a day of exploration.

Tasman National Park with its coastal and mountainous landscapes is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers. The park features towering sea cliffs, unique rock formations, and abundant wildlife. The Three Capes Track is a popular multi-day hike that offers spectacular views of the rugged coastline. Visitors can also enjoy sea kayaking, bird watching, and exploring the park’s numerous coves and beaches.

Purnululu National Park is famous for the Bungle Bungles, a range of beehive-shaped sandstone formations that rise dramatically from the landscape. This remote park offers a unique geological spectacle, with the striped domes creating an otherworldly appearance. Guided tours provide insights into the park’s natural history and Aboriginal heritage, while scenic fights offer a bird’s-eye view of this extraordinary landscape.

Grampians National Park is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, known for its rugged mountain ranges, Aboriginal rock art, and wildfower displays. The park offers numerous hiking trails, rock climbing opportunities, and scenic drives. Highlights include the stunning views from The Pinnacle and the cultural signifcance of Gariwerd rock art sites, which provide a window into the region’s ancient history.

Flinders Ranges National Park is renowned for its desert mountain ranges and cultural heritage. The park’s standout feature is Wilpena Pound, a natural amphitheatre that offers great views and excellent hiking opportunities. Visitors can also explore Aboriginal rock art sites, enjoy scenic drives, and experience the region’s unique fora and fauna, including kangaroos, emus, and a variety of bird species.

Freycinet National Park is famed for its coastal scenery, including the iconic Wineglass Bay. The park’s white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and granite peaks create a picturesque setting for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking, and wildlife watching, with opportunities to spot dolphins, seals, and sea birds. The Hazards Range offers some of the best views in the park, especially at sunrise and sunset.

Australia’s national parks offer a rich tapestry of natural wonders, each with its own unique landscapes and ecosystems. Whether you’re exploring the ancient rainforests of the Daintree, diving into the vibrant underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef or marvelling at the geological formations of the Bungle Bungles, there’s something for everyone in Australia’s national parks. So, pack your bags and embark on an unforgettable adventure through Australia’s top national parks.

House Prices Reach Record Highs in May

Aussie house prices have reached unprecedented levels in May, with one capital city experiencing a dramatic 20% increase over the past year.

According to new research from PropTrack, house prices nationally have risen nearly 7% compared to May 2023, with Perth seeing a remarkable 20% surge. This contrasts with national wage growth, which was 4% in the year to March. On average, capital city prices have increased by 7.22% year-on-year.

Home prices have reached new heights in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth, while Melbourne, Darwin, Hobart, and Canberra saw their peaks in late 2022.

Factors Driving the Increase

Eleanor Creagh, senior economist at PropTrack, attributes the sustained price growth to an imbalance between housing supply and

demand. “With housing supply unable to meet demand, national home prices have cycled through 17 consecutive months of growth to hit a fresh peak in May,” Creagh said. She also pointed to rising building costs and longer construction time frames as contributing factors. Despite an increase in the number of homes for sale this year, strong population growth, tight

Perth Spikes 20% in 12 Months, regional remains stable

home equity gains have continued to fuel strong demand. “This mismatch between supply and demand is continuing to offset the higher interest rate environment,” Creagh added.

Interest Rates

Interest rate stability has played a crucial role in sustaining buyer and seller confdence. “Current interest rate stability has sustained buyer

and seller confdence, while ongoing home price rises are likely incentivising many to overcome affordability challenges and transact with the expectation of further growth,” Creagh explained. This stability has led some home buyers to spend more than they initially planned.

Regional vs. Capital City Growth

The PropTrack Home

Price Index, released on Saturday, shows that Perth saw the most signifcant increase in value, with a 20.58% rise over the past 12 months. Adelaide and Brisbane followed, with prices rising 14% and 13% year-on-year, respectively.

Capital city prices are slightly outpacing regional areas in terms of annual growth. However, in May, prices in Hobart and Canberra decreased by 0.13% and 0.21%, respectively. Regional prices remained stable, with only regional New South Wales and regional Tasmania experiencing slight increases of 0.16% and 0.12%.

Future Outlook

The typical winter slowdown in house sales is expected to lead to a deceleration in house price growth. However, a predicted interest rate cut in late 2025 may infuence future market dynamics.

Uneven Price Growth Reshuffes Rankings of Australia’s Most Expensive Cities

Brisbane has surged to become Australia’s second-most expensive city, propelled by signifcant home price growth. This shift is evident in the latest data from the PropTrack Home Price Index, which shows a reshuffing of the capital cities’ rankings.

In May, property prices across the country continued to climb, with the median home value rising by 0.3% to a new record high. Six capital

cities saw an increase in home values, with Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide setting new price records.

Key Highlights

• Brisbane and Canberra: Both cities now share the position of the second-most expensive capitals, each with a median home value of $834,000, encompassing both units and houses. Brisbane’s prices rose by 0.67% in May, while Canberra’s prices declined by


• Sydney: Remains the most expensive city, with a 0.42% rise in May and an approximate 7% increase over the past year.

• Melbourne: Slipped to fourth place, with a median home value of $806,000.

Detailed Breakdown

• Canberra vs. Brisbane:

o Houses: Canberra’s median value stands at $961,000, compared to Brisbane’s $930,000.

o Units: Brisbane’s median unit value is $632,000, surpassing Canberra’s $605,000. Market Dynamics Eleanor Creagh, PropTrack’s senior economist, noted the persistent imbalance between housing supply and demand. Despite an increase in the number of homes for sale, strong population growth, tight rental markets, and home equity gains have sustained high demand. “National home prices

have cycled through 17 consecutive months of growth to hit a fresh peak in May,” Creagh said.

Factors Driving Brisbane’s Price Growth

Brisbane’s rise to the second-most expensive capital is attributed to:

• Phenomenal Price Growth: Values have surged 68% since the pandemic, surpassing Melbourne for the frst time in 14 years.

• Population Infows: Strong migration from southern states has bolstered demand.

• Low Supply: A limited number of homes for sale has increased competition.

In May, unit prices in Brisbane saw the fastest growth, rising by 0.86% for the month and 15.74% over the year.

Colin Wash, Ray White Inner City Apartments selling principal, highlighted the rebound in rental yields and investor interest driven by population growth.

Future Outlook Creagh anticipates further price growth

in the coming months, though at a slower pace due to the seasonal winter slowdown and interest rate cut expectations being pushed to late 2025. Despite current high prices, buyers are motivated by the prospect of continued value increases.

Comparative Growth

• Canberra: Prices have grown by 1.23% in the past 12 months and are up about 37% since the pandemic.

• Melbourne: Prices have risen by 0.87% over the past year, with a total increase of 17.5% since the pandemic. Both cities remain less expensive than in early 2022, prior to the rise in interest rates.

Overall, Brisbane’s signifcant growth, driven by strong population infows and limited housing supply, has reshaped the rankings of Australia’s most expensive cities, with ongoing demand likely to sustain its market position.

rental markets, and
Market Confdence and

Northern NSW Public Hospitals Continue to Deliver Amid Record Demand

Public hospitals across Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) have maintained high-quality, safe care throughout the frst quarter of 2024 despite an unprecedented surge in demand for emergency care, according to the latest Healthcare Quarterly report from the Bureau of Health Information.

Unprecedented Demand for Emergency Care


Executive Tracey Maisey reported that emergency departments (EDs) within the district experienced record attendances, with 58,832 visits in the quarter. This marks a 7.2% increase (or 3,935 additional attendances) compared to the same period last year, making it the highest quarter on record.

“I extend my sincere gratitude to our dedicated staff members for their hard work during an incredibly busy quarter.

Our impressive results across emergency department and planned surgery performance are a testament to their commitment,” Ms. Maisey said.

Emergency Department Performance

Despite the high demand, the district achieved notable results:

• Over 71.1% of patients began treatment on time, surpassing the NSW average of 66.1%.

• 80.0% of patients were transferred from ambulance to ED staff within the 30-minute benchmark, in line with the NSW average of 78.3%.

• 72.2% of patients left the ED within four hours of arrival, signifcantly better than the NSW average of 55.9%.

Patients are triaged and treated based on the severity of their condition, leading to longer wait times for less urgent cases during peak periods. NNSWLHD advises the community

to reserve EDs and ambulances for lifethreatening situations and consider alternatives such as medical centres, GPs, or the 24-hour HealthDirect helpline (1800 022 222) for minor conditions.

Planned Surgery Performance

NNSWLHD also saw improvements in planned surgery performance in the frst quarter of 2024:

• Of the 3,347 planned procedures, 80.7% were performed on time, a 13.3 percentage point improvement from the same quarter in 2023.

• Almost all urgent planned surgeries (95.0%) were completed on time.

At the end of the quarter, the district reduced the number of patients waiting longer than clinically recommended for planned surgery by 64%, from 1,062 patients in March 2023 to 382 patients.

Patients who feel their condition has worsened while awaiting surgery are encouraged to contact their treating doctor for a review and possible reclassifcation to a higher urgency category.

New Tweed Valley Hospital

Earlier this month, the $723.3 million Tweed Valley Hospital offcially opened, representing the largest capital health investment in regional NSW history. The state-of-the-art facility features 430 beds, nearly 200 more than its predecessor. Additionally, residents in the Tweed now have access to an urgent care service that provides in-home care, reducing pressure on EDs. This service will expand to operate 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm starting next month, accessible through HealthDirect.

Individual Hospital Results

• Ballina District Hospital: 4,972 ED attendances (+10.2%). 60.3% started treatment on time; 72.4% left within four hours; 81.5% transferred from ambulance to ED within 30 minutes.

• Byron Central Hospital: 6,230 ED attendances. 82.6% started treatment on time; 81.3% left within four hours; 93.7% transferred from ambulance to ED within 30 minutes.

• Casino & District Memorial Hospital: 3,555 ED attendances. 69.1% started treatment on time; 84.1% left within four hours; 92.2% transferred from ambulance to ED within 30 minutes.

• Grafton Base Hospital: 7,187 ED attendances. 59.3% started treatment on time; 68.9% left within four hours; 84.7% transferred from ambulance to ED within 30 minutes.

• Lismore Base Hospital: 10,342 ED attendances. 56.7% started treatment on time; 52.4% left within four hours.

• Maclean District Hospital: 4,094 ED attendances. 73.5% started treatment on time; 84.4% left within four hours; 94.3% transferred from ambulance to ED within 30 minutes.

• Murwillumbah District Hospital: 5,419 ED attendances (+18.4%). 86.2% started treatment on time; 85.4% left within four hours; 95.8% transferred from ambulance to ED within 30 minutes.

• The Tweed Hospital: 14,677 ED attendances (highest on record). 76.5% started treatment on time; 70.5% left within four hours; 80.0% transferred from ambulance to ED within 30 minutes. For more information, visit NNSWLHD website.

Passing the Buck: CHOICE Report Finds Scam Victims Unfairly Carry the Burden of Scams

A recent survey by consumer advocacy group CHOICE has revealed that victims of scams are being unfairly burdened, as large businesses such as telcos, tech platforms, and banks fail to adequately protect them. The survey, which included responses from 280 scam victims, found that 61% of respondents had lost

confdence in conducting fnancial transactions online.

Key Findings from the Report

The survey results, detailed in CHOICE’s new report, “Passing the Buck: How Businesses Leave Scam Victims Feeling Alone and Ashamed,” highlight several critical issues:

• Vulnerability of Scam

Victims: More than half (55%) of the respondents were under stress in the days leading up to the scam, indicating that scams often target individuals during vulnerable moments.

• Role of Telcos and Tech Platforms: Around half (51%) of respondents were contacted by scammers via a website or social media platform, and 18% were contacted by phone or SMS. This underscores the role of telcos and tech platforms in enabling initial scam contacts.

• Banks’ Role in Enabling Scams: A staggering 81% of respondents said their bank did not fag a potential scam before a transfer was made, highlighting a signifcant lapse in protective measures by fnancial institutions.

• Shame and Reporting Barriers: Approximately one third of respondents

(30%) did not contact their bank because they felt it was their own fault. Another 29% didn’t believe the bank would help, and the remaining respondents either didn’t realize the bank could assist or found the reporting process too diffcult.

Commentary from CHOICE

Rosie Thomas, CHOICE Director of Campaigns, commented on the fndings: “Our research highlights that scam victims are left feeling alone, ashamed, and carrying the burden of scams, while the businesses enabling the criminal activities of scammers face virtually no consequences. After a scam is identifed, the banks play an important role in helping to recover money and providing appropriate support. However, our data shows that it’s a real roll of the dice as to how a scam victim is treated by

their bank, and whether they get the support they need. Only half of our respondents said the bank helped try to recover the money and one third told us they didn’t get immediate action from their bank.”

Thomas also emphasized the responsibility of businesses: “Businesses like banks, telcos, and social media platforms, who have the technology and resources to detect, prevent, and respond to scams, are not moving fast enough to protect and support consumers from the scourge of scams. We’ve welcomed the Government’s commitment to strong, mandatory obligations that provide a baseline of support – that way consumers can expect basic protections no matter who they bank with or what platform they’re on.”

Recommendations from CHOICE

To improve outcomes for scam victims, CHOICE has made three key recommendations:

1. Mandatory and Enforceable Rules: Implement strong, mandatory, and enforceable rules for businesses, particularly banks, telecommunications platforms, and digital platforms.

2. Reimbursement for Scam Losses: Ensure that consumers are reimbursed for scam losses in most cases.

3. Effective Reporting and Redress Pathways: Provide consumers with a fair, simple, fast, and effective pathway for reporting scams and obtaining redress. The report underscores the need for businesses to take greater responsibility in protecting consumers and ensuring that scam victims receive the support they need.

Exercise an effective and tolerable alternative for cancer survivors to manage pain

Aerobic and resistance exercise should be recommended to the growing ranks of cancer patients - both during and after treatment - to reduce pain and improve physical function, fatigue and mood, according to new research.

Palliative care and pain experts at HammondCare’s Greenwich Hospital

evaluated the results of 23 randomised controlled trials globally – taking in 1954 patients – and found aerobic and resistance exercise “tolerable and effective as adjunct therapies” for cancer-related pain in adults with and surviving cancer.

The research, published in the latest edition of Heliyon journal, highlights that management of cancerrelated pain is becoming an increasing challenge for patients and treating oncologists as cancer

detection and treatments improve and the number of survivors increases.

About 50 per cent of cancer survivors experience pain during treatment or in its aftermath. Anxiety and depression with poor social support are common among cancer patients and can increase pain severity and painrelated disability.

“Our fndings show that aerobic and resistance exercise programs are not only effective for reducing cancer-related pain but are also well tolerated with very low drop-out rates both during after anti-cancer treatments,” the researchers found.

“Based on our review, exercise programs should be recommended for people with cancerrelated pain both during and after treatments.”

The results of the meta-analysis, involving patients with an average

age of 58, showed that exercise therapy was associated with “small to moderate decreases” compared to control groups.

The research team, including Philip Austin, Wei Lee, Daniel Costa, Alison Ritchie and Melanie Lovell, note that cancer pain is often inadequately managed and the multifactorial causes mean options other than pharmacological pain management are being pursued.

An analysis of secondary outcomes in the studies was a moderate effect for improvements in physical function, fatigue, and psychological symptoms. An encouraging outcome was that just three patients cited exercise for withdrawal.

The researchers recommend that clinicians should refer


patients to exercise professionals.

Two cancer patients, Jacqueline Fifer, 47, and Beverley George, 82, shared their exercises experiences to back the fndings.

Jacqui, who has a background in flm and documentary production, said exercise was central to her recovery since the shock of diagnosis with a glioblastoma, or inoperable brain tumour, last July.

Fitness, including working with a personal trainer, had always been a part of Jacqui’s life – in fact, the frst sign of the tumour was a seizure during warm up stretches in the gym in May 2023.

Brain infammation from an initial treatment combination of chemotherapy and radiation left her using a wheelchair when she frst started rehabilitation at Greenwich Hospital.

Jacqui, of Mosman, is

working her way through routines of 20-40 metre run bursts, leg strength building through mini tramp and stair exercises, steadily lengthening how far she can walk. At home, there is work with resistance bands.

“I would defnitely say exercise has played a big role in how I’ve felt during treatment and recovery. As I have always seen ftness as key to wellbeing, this makes sense to me,” she said.

Some challenges are motivation, fatigue and remembering to exercise. After a round of chemotherapy, “You are left with a brain fog. Working with my physio or another person makes it a lot easier,” she said.

Beverley, of Riverview is living with stage 4 colorectal/liver cancer diagnosed in March 2023. A fall while walking in August 2023, brought on by dizziness

from chemotherapy, is causing her more discomfort than her cancer.

Exercise sessions includes physio and the hydrotherapy pool and at home resistance bands. She hopes extending her walking as her hip improves.

“When diagnosed with cancer, it’s quite overwhelming and an entirely new world you thought you’d never have to enter,” Beverley said.

“However, there are some ways you can empower yourself and one of those ways is exercise, which, at least for me helps promote feelings that I’m contributing in some small way to my treatment, thus creating feelings of positivity, wellbeing and confdence,” she said.

Jacqui Fifer walking (wetland)
Beverley George before a morning walk

The Ford Mustang GTD is positioning itself as a formidable contender against the revered Porsche 911 GT3 RS, particularly on the demanding Nürburgring circuit.

Early reports from those who have observed the Mustang GTD at the Nürburgring suggest it could indeed challenge Porsche’s dominance.

A New Contender in the Arena

The Nürburgring,

Ford Mustang GTD Aims to Dethrone Porsche at the Nürburgring

Racing Pedigree

The Mustang GTD is set to make a grand debut in Europe at the prestigious 24 Hours of Le


next month, where the new Mustang GT3 will

setup promises not only

and Brembo carbon

renowned for its challenging layout, has long been a proving ground for highperformance cars. The Porsche 911 GT3 RS, closely inspired by GT3spec racers, is considered a benchmark in this arena. Although there are faster production cars, such as the F1-engined Mercedes-AMG One, the Mustang GTD’s performance metrics suggest it could rival the Porsche 911 GT3 RS. European Debut and

also compete. Following this, the Mustang GTD will be showcased at the 24 Hours of Spa and the Nürburgring.

This European tour underscores Ford’s confdence in the GTD’s capabilities. Performance and Engineering

Equipped with a 600kW supercharged 5.2-litre V8 engine, the Mustang GTD delivers power to the rear wheels via an eight-speed dual-clutch automatic transaxle. This

impressive straightline speed but also agility and control.

ceramic brakes, ensuring superior grip and stopping power.

Limited Production and Exclusivity

Interest in the Mustang GTD is high, with over 7,500 orders placed in the US, despite its hefty price tag of approximately US$325,000 (A$490,000). However, due to limited production for the 2025 and 2026 model years and its exclusive left-hand drive confguration, many enthusiasts may not get the opportunity to own this racing-inspired pony car.

Beyond the Traditional Mustang

The GTD diverges signifcantly from the traditional Mustang, with bespoke

Key Features:

Engine: 5.2-litre supercharged V8

Approximately 800 horsepower

Performance: 0-97kph in under 3 seconds

Top speed exceeding 321 kph

Advanced suspension system with adaptive dampers

Lightweight carbon fber body panels for improved agility and speed

engineering aimed at high performance. Its name, GTD, refects its participation in the GT Daytona class of the US IMSA endurance racing series, rather than any connection to the Volkswagen Golf GTD.


The Ford Mustang GTD represents a bold move by Ford to challenge the supremacy of the Porsche 911 GT3 RS at the Nürburgring. With its advanced engineering, powerful drivetrain, and focus on handling and performance, the Mustang GTD could potentially disrupt the established order, marking a signifcant milestone for American muscle cars in the high-performance sports car segment.

for enhanced downforce

Rear wing and diffuser to improve stability at high speeds



Advanced navigation and entertainment systems

Integration with mobile devices for remote vehicle monitoring


Comprehensive suite of driver assistance features

Enhanced structural rigidity for improved crash safety

The car’s suspension system, featuring double-wishbone front suspension, pushrod rear suspension, Adaptive Spool Valve shock absorbers, and coil-over springs, is designed to enhance handling and stability.

The Mustang GTD’s aerodynamic design incorporates a signifcant amount of carbon fber to reduce weight, complementing its performance-focused engineering. The car rides on 20-inch wheels with Michelin Cup 2

Nürburgring Potential

Spy photographers, including Wilco Blok on Instagram, have captured images of the Mustang GTD testing at the Nürburgring Nordschleife. The car, fnished in all black with extra muffers to tone down its supercharged V8 roar, has been suggested to be capable of a sub-7:00.0 lap time. Some sources even speculate it could match or surpass the Porsche 911 GT3 RS’s impressive 6:44.848 lap time set in 2022.

Transmission: 8-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission

Rear-mounted transaxle for optimal weight distribution

Braking and Tires:

Carbon ceramic brakes for superior stopping power

High-performance tires for maximum grip


Race-inspired cockpit with Recaro seats

Premium materials including leather and Alcantara

Advanced infotainment system with trackfocused data logging

Aerodynamics: Active aero components


Exterior: Aggressive styling with unique GTD badging

Functional aerodynamic enhancements

Available in a range of bold colours

Interior: Focused on driver engagement with a blend of luxury and performance elements

Customizable displays and controls to suit track or road driving

Price and Availability:

Expected to be a limitedproduction model with a premium price tag

Availability in select markets, with potential for bespoke customization options


Jeep Sets Sights on Tesla Model Y and Trackhawk V8 with the Upcoming Wagoneer S EV

Jeep’s forthcoming electric SUV, the Wagoneer S, aims to outpace both the Tesla Model Y and the legacy Grand Cherokee Trackhawk, as its debut approaches. Jeep has declared the Wagoneer S to be its fastest SUV yet, poised to outperform the best-selling Tesla Model Y and the discontinued supercharged V8-powered Grand Cherokee Trackhawk.

Aggressive Teaser Campaign

In anticipation of its

Kia has announced the development of a high-performance GT version of its new EV3 small electric SUV, set to compete with the MG 4 XPower and Volvo EX30. This exciting addition to Kia’s lineup will feature dual-motor all-wheel drive and promises rapid acceleration, expanding the GT treatment across the brand’s dedicated electric vehicle (EV) platforms.

High-Performance GT Variant

Scheduled to debut in 2025, the Kia EV3 GT will join the growing roster of GT variants in Kia’s electric lineup.

Spencer Cho, Vice President and Head of Global Business Planning for Kia, confrmed that the EV3 will include dual-motor versions specifcally for

May 30 unveiling, Jeep has intensifed its teaser campaign for the Wagoneer S, releasing a dramatic video on YouTube. The video features a staged drag race between the Wagoneer S and the Tesla Model Y, showcasing the Wagoneer S’s superior acceleration at higher speeds.

Impressive Performance Metrics

The pre-production Wagoneer S boasts a remarkable 0-60 mph (0-97 km/h) acceleration time of 3.4 seconds,

edging out the Model Y Performance by a tenth of a second, once the industry-standard one-foot (30.5 cm) rollout is considered. This impressive sprint is powered by a dualmotor setup capable of producing up to 447 kW (600 hp) and 837 Nm of torque.

A Nod to the Grand Cherokee Trackhawk Jeep also claims that the Wagoneer S will surpass the performance of the Grand Cherokee Trackhawk, which accelerates from 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds.

The Trackhawk, with its 6.2-litre supercharged Hemi V8 engine, generates up to 527 kW (707 hp) and 875 Nm of torque. The electric Wagoneer S aims to not only match but exceed these benchmarks.

Range and Battery While specifc details about the Wagoneer S’s battery capacity remain undisclosed, Jeep asserts that the electric SUV will offer a driving range of over 300 miles (483 km). This claim, however, awaits verifcation by the US Environmental Protection Agency


Advanced Interior Technology

The Wagoneer S promises a technologically advanced interior, featuring a four-screen setup. This includes a digital instrument cluster, dual central touchscreens (with one dedicated to climate controls), and a display positioned in front of the passenger, enhancing both driver and passenger experience.

Australian Market Launch

The Jeep Wagoneer S

Kia EV3 GT: The New Electric ‘Hot Hatch’

the GT model. Although detailed specifcations have not been released, the GT variant is expected to deliver impressive performance metrics, echoing the trend set by previous Kia GT models.

Anticipated Specifcations and Performance

• Powertrain: The regular Kia EV3 features a 150kW/283Nm front electric motor, capable of accelerating from 0-100 km/h in 7.5 seconds. The GT version will add a rear electric motor, potentially doubling the power output to around 300kW/566Nm.

• Acceleration: The high-performance confguration is projected to achieve 0-100 km/h in approximately four seconds, aligning it with competitors like the MG 4 XPower and Volvo EX30.

Comparison with Other

Kia GT Models

• Kia EV6 GT: Equipped with dual electric motors producing 430kW and 740Nm, the EV6 GT achieves 0-100 km/h in 3.5 seconds with a top speed of 260 km/h.

• Upcoming Kia EV9 GT: Expected to launch in January 2025, this model will feature signifcant power, larger

brakes, and stiffer suspension, targeting 0-100 km/h in four seconds.

Market Availability

The standard Kia EV3 is set to arrive in markets next year. Based on the rollout of previous Kia GT models, the EV3 GT may be available in Australia around 2026 or 2027, approximately 12 to 24 months after the

standard model’s release.

Competitive Landscape

• MG 4 XPower: An electric hot hatch with competitive power output.

• Volvo EX30: Available with dual motors producing 315kW, achieving 0-100 km/h in a claimed 3.6 seconds.

Kia’s Strategic Vision Kia aims to offer a

is confrmed for the Australian market, although it is not expected to reach local showrooms until 2026. With these ambitious claims and advanced features, the Wagoneer S represents Jeep’s bold entry into the electric SUV market, aiming to dethrone established competitors like the Tesla Model Y and honour its highperformance heritage exemplifed by the Grand Cherokee Trackhawk.

GT variant for every new electric vehicle built on a dedicated EV platform, underscoring its commitment to highperformance electric mobility. This strategy not only enhances the brand’s appeal but also positions Kia as a signifcant player in the emerging market for high-performance electric SUVs.


The Kia EV3 GT represents a bold step forward in the evolution of electric vehicles, combining performance, innovation, and style. With its competitive powertrain and acceleration capabilities, it is poised to challenge established rivals like the MG 4 XPower and Volvo EX30, offering consumers an exciting new option in the highperformance small SUV market.

Grape Expectations by Max Crus

Max Crus is a Clarence Valley-based wine writer and Grape Expectations is now in its 27th year of publication. Find out more about Max or sign up for his weekly reviews and musings by visiting

Couching favour with footy.

Itís been an epiphany.

A new way to watch AFL that enables you to do so much more on your weekends and still enjoy the game they play at the MCG if not heaven, although some people still confuse those two.

To be frank this new approach has always been available to ardent fans but the change in the broadcast and dissemination of the game, including the

Penny’s Hill McLaren

Vale Malpas Road Merlot, 2022, $27. NI wonder if the McLaren Vale oval has a Malpas Road end? The wind off Penny’s Hill is toward the Malpas Road end, and it certainly favours the merlot.

Chunky and gritty, a real Leigh Mathews sort of wine. 9/10.

Penny’s Hill McLaren

relentless barrage of betting ads and options, has at the same time compelled us not to do anything except look at the telly and give money to Sportsbet while providing that extra impetus to do just that.

Hereís the main ingredients : First, a comfortable couch. Essential if youíre going the whole game in one sitting. Thatís like bingeing three ëepsí of your favourite Netfix.

Vale ‘The Agreement’ Sauvignon Blanc 2023, $27. Pennyís Hill is the scoreboard end of the ground and the perfect place to enjoy a Sauv blanc in the second quarter. SB is refreshing these days in a sea of drab gris and grigio, so good on Penny’s for sticking to tradition. 9.3/10.

Penny’s Hill McLaren Vale

Next : Food and drink.

Ideally a small fridge within reach would is recommended, or built into the couch even. Not sure Harvey Norman has one yet, but getting up and getting your step count up wonít hurt.

The next important accessory is a good book for those elongated score reviews where the commentators swear black and blue that it was a goal

‘Cracking Black’ Shiraz, 2022, $27. BWhat a great job to come up with names for wines. Had a cracking back all day? Name the next wine after it. Big, warm, red wine from the heart of big, warm, red wine country, still with their funky, cool label to boot. 9.4/10.

Yeringberg Yarra Valley (Cabernet Sauvignon,

until they discover it wasnít. Just wait, guys. At least once the decision is made they move on, unlike with NRL where no one truly understands why the try was disallowed. You can usually get a couple of pages in at least with a long score review or games with repeated stoppages. If North Melbourne is playing you can get in a whole chapter, and if theyíre playing the

Merlot, Malbec, Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc) 2021, $100.

IAlways a subtle favourite from this Yarra family mob, you can almost smell the air of the slopes of Bordeaux so a perfect accompaniment to a Tour stage through the home of claret or the fourth arrondissement if not a fourth quarter. 9.5/10.

Hawks or Saints, a whole book.

The second last thing you need is the most essential, a new app that flters out the tiresome, grating, nasal, lame commentary of James Brayshaw and Matthew Richardson and immediately replaces it with the commentary from ABC radio.

Actually that app is called a remote control and a tranny, but remember to

Yeringberg Yarra Valley Viognier 2022, $70. Tired of chardonnay, pinot gris and sauvignon blanc? Treat yourself to something like this. It’s a variety of its own and interesting enough to go with just about any sport, but itís best with AFL 9.4/10.

Yeringberg Yarra Valley Marsanne Roussanne

delay the telly until they sync. If only someone could combine the two.

Lastly, if the game is being played after midday, you need a range of wines to complement lunch and game. The accepted recommendation is bubbles for the frst quarter, white for the second, rosÈ for the premiership quarter and red for the last. Too easy.

ìShut up Brayshaw, you prawn!î

2022, $70. TSounding like the Bulldogs backline, this is an interesting mix of whites that Yeringberg present to the world, Chardonnay, Viognier and these, often my favourite of the line up as it is this vintage. Brighter and more sweetly fragrant than the others, it gets the gong for the 2022s. 9.5/10.

Max Crus


From simple meals to show-stopping feasts, there’s something for everyone.



• 500g kent pumpkin, peeled, cut into 4cm pieces

• 1/2 (480g) caulifower, cut into forets

• 1 cup pure cream

• 1 cup grated cheddar

• 2 tsp Dijon mustard

• 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

• 2 rashers Thin Sliced Streaky Bacon, trimmed, chopped

• 1/2 cup fresh breadcrumbs

• 2 tbsp parmesan, fnely grated

• 2 tbsp fresh chives, fnely chopped

• 6 (650g) chicken thigh fllets, quartered

• 120g salad leaves, to serve


1. Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan-forced. Arrang

e pumpkin and caulifower in a 4cm deep, 19.5cm x 28cm (8-cup-capacity) oval roasting pan.

2. Heat cream in a small saucepan over medium heat until just simmering. Remove from heat. Whisk in cheese and mustard until smooth. Pour over vegetables.

3. Bake, uncovered, for 20 to 25 minutes or until vegetables are almost tender.

4. Meanwhile, heat 1 tsp oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add bacon. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes or until just golden. Transfer to a bowl. Add breadcrumbs, parmesan and 1 tbs chives. Season with salt and pepper.

5. Heat remaining 2 tsp oil in pan over mediumhigh heat. Cook chicken for 2 minutes each side or until browned. Remove vegetables from oven. Add chicken. Stir to combine. Sprinkle with breadcrumb mixture. Bake for a further 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and breadcrumb mixture is golden. Sprinkle with remaining 1 tbs of chives. Serve with salad leaves.



20m prep 35m cook

4 servings


• 10g butter

• 4 rhubarb stalks, trimmed, coarsely chopped

• 1/4 cup (55g) caster sugar

• 1/2 cup (125ml) orange juice

• 500g strawberries, hulled, halved

• 1/2 cup (75g) self-raising four

• 1/4 cup (35g) plain four

• 1 tsp ground ginger

• 80g butter, extra, chilled, chopped

• 1/2 cup (110g) brown sugar

• Vanilla ice-cream, to serve


1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease four 1-cup (250ml) ovenproof dishes.

2. Heat the butter in a medium frying pan over medium heat. Cook the rhubarb, tossing, for 2 mins. Add the caster sugar and orange juice. Cook, tossing occasionally, for 5 mins or until rhubarb is tender. Remove from heat. Add the strawberry and gently toss to combine. Reserve 2 tablespoons of the juice from the pan in a bowl. Spoon the rhubarb mixture evenly into the prepared dishes.

3. Place the combined four and ginger in a large bowl. Stir to combine. Use your fngertips to rub the extra butter into the four mixture until mixture resembles fne breadcrumbs. Stir in the brown sugar. Sprinkle brown sugar mixture over the rhubarb mixture in the dishes. Bake for 20-25 mins or until crumble is golden. Top with ice-cream and drizzle with reserved pan juice, if desired.


• 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

• 4 short cut bacon rashers, chopped

• 1 brown onion, coarsely chopped

• 2 carrots, peeled, thinly sliced

• 2 celery sticks, thinly sliced

• 1L (4 cups) Chicken Liquid Stock

• 1 large (about 300g) chicken breast fllet

• 3 fresh thyme sprigs, plus extra sprigs, to serve

• 250g packet long grain microwave rice

• 300ml carton thickened cream

• crusty bread, to serve (optional)


1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the bacon, o

nion, carrot and celery. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or until the vegies soften.

2. Pour in the stock and 500ml (2 cups) water. Stir until combined. Add the chicken and thyme. Cover and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low. Cook, partially covered with a lid, for 15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Use tongs to transfer the chicken to a chopping board then use 2 forks to shred. Return chicken to the pan.

3. Heat the rice following packet directions then add to the pan. Stir through the cream until heated through. Divide the soup among serving bowls. Sprinkle with extra thyme and season with black pepper. Serve with bread, if using.

Transform Your Backyard into a Lush Tropical Paradise

Yearning for a tropical escape without the hassle of fights, luggage, and hefty expenses?

Why not bring the tropics to your own backyard? With the right approach, you can create an enchanting tropical garden that exudes exotic charm and offers a slice of paradise, no matter where you live.

Embracing the Tropics at Home

Creating a tropical garden isn’t restricted to those in hot, humid climates. Even if you reside in a temperate zone, you can achieve that lush, green look synonymous with the tropics. The key lies in focusing on extravagant foliage rather than relying on vibrant fowers. Think big, bold, and beautiful leaves that captivate year-round.


Every garden requires upkeep, and tropical gardens are no exception. However, their needs differ signifcantly from temperate gardens. In warm, rainy climates, plants tend to grow vigorously, demanding regular pruning. Mimic the natural tropical environment by returning cuttings to the garden, enriching the soil with organic matter. In drier regions, a consistent watering schedule is crucial to maintain that lush, tropical vibe.

Designing Your Tropical Garden

Start with an overstorey of sun-loving trees like palms, providing the essential shade most tropical plants crave.

Emphasise the grandeur of large-leafed plants, varying their shapes and textures for visual

interest. Along pathways and entertainment areas, opt for smaller foliage to create a balanced look. Grouping similar plants in odd numbers (three, fve, seven) broadens the visual impact, while placing plants with contrasting foliage next to each other adds depth and intrigue. While fowers are not the main focus, strategically placed blooms from plants like bromeliads, hibiscus, and heliconias can act as striking focal points.

Essential Features for a Tropical Oasis

• Water Elements: Integrate pools, ponds, waterfalls, or fountains to enhance the tropical ambiance.

• Pathways: Contrast the wild, jungle-like plants with formal, light-coloured stone paths, leaving spaces for ground-cover plants.

• Decor: Include statues

• Colours: Use bold cushions and soft furnishings to add vibrant accents.

• Structures: Cover pavilion, pergola, or gazebo roofs with thatch for an island-inspired look.

Ideal Plants for a Tropical Garden Ferns thrive in tropical gardens, adding elegance with their fronds. Choose statement plants with large leaves and complement them with understory plants featuring varied textures and bold colours. For dramatic effect, place contrasting foliage colours—like red, yellow, and purple—next to each other. If space is limited, use coloured foliage sparingly for a tasteful pop of colour.

Consider adding potted palms and clumping bamboo to create a

soothing rustling sound with every breeze. For smaller spaces, dwarf varieties of these plants are ideal.

Popular Tropical Plants for Your Garden:

• Bromeliads

• Canna lilies

• Clumping bamboo

• Heliconia (Crab’s claw)

• Crinum lily

• Crotons

• Elephant’s ears (taro)

• Fijian fre plant

• Frangipani

• Hawaiian hibiscus

• New Guinea impatiens

• Ornamental gingers

• Palms

• Prayer plant

• Zebra plant

Nourishing Your Tropical Garden Fallen leaves and recycled plant material make excellent natural fertilisers, returning essential nutrients to the soil as they decompose. Supplement this with

organic manure each spring for a nutrient boost.

Soil Requirements

Tropical plants thrive in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Regularly replenish the top layer with fresh organic material to maintain soil fertility, emulating the natural process found in tropical regions.

Enhancing Soil Health Tropical soils, though naturally fertile, can become nutrient-poor due to heavy rainfall. Combat this by continuously adding organic matter like leaf litter to enrich the soil, ensuring your plants receive the nutrients they need to fourish.

With thoughtful planning and care, you can transform your backyard into a stunning tropical retreat, offering a daily escape to paradise right at home.

Tropical Gardens vs. Temperate Gardens
and stone artwork for an authentic tropical feel.

Margaret Mary Surman (née Murray) July 24th 1928 – 16th May 2024

Mum passed away peacefully at Ballina District Hospital Aged 95 & 10 months.

She made her mark wherever she lived:

Balmain, Leichhardt, Ryde, Woy Woy and finally Ballina

Loving mother to her three girls Karen, Debra and Kim

And their partners Eric, John and Tony

Loving Grandmother to Brandon & Miriam, Ben & Elaine, Megan & Washington, Mark & Jenny, Isaac & Vanessa and Jacob

Loving Great Grandmother to Max, Carys, Bronte, Lola, Hudson, Kaiden, Saul and Marc

You loved the beach, the sun on your face

The sound of the waves was your happy place Cream buns and coffee with lots of froth Made with love and chocolate on top!

You never seemed old you were always so strong

The lessons you taught us will be passed along

There are so many memories stored in our hearts

That we will never really be apart ~ by Karen Aubrey (née Surman)

This page is dedicated to all

Passed away peacefully with her family by her side. Much loved wife of Noel (Dec’d). Loved mother of Scott and Sophie.

In keeping with Lexie’s wished a private cremation has been held.



Warnings See

Northern Rivers District:

Partly cloudy. The chance of morning fog inland. Slight chance of a shower. Light winds.

Thursday. Partly cloudy. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and evening. Light winds.

Northern Tablelands District:

Partly cloudy. The chance of morning fog. Patches of morning frost. Slight chance of a shower in the afternoon and evening. Light winds.

Thursday. Partly cloudy. The chance of morning fog on and west of the ranges. Patches of morning frost in the south. Medium chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and evening. Light winds.

New South Wales:

Scattered showers developing in the east, with snow possibly falling on the Alpine peaks above 1800 metres. Isolated showers possible along the western slopes. Partly cloudy elsewhere. Daytime temperatures below average across the northern inland and near or slightly above average elsewhere. Southeast to southwesterly winds, fresh at times along the southern coast.

Thursday. Scattered showers along the coast and the Central West. Isolated showers elsewhere across the western slopes and plains. Isolated storms possible along the coastal fringe. Dry and partly cloudy with the chance of morning fog in the far west. Daytime temperatures below average across the northern inland grading to above average across the southern inland.

Gold Coast Waters: Winds: West to northwesterly below 10 knots becoming north to northeasterly during the afternoon. Seas: Below 0.5 metres. Swell: Easterly around 1 metre. Weather: Mostly sunny.

Byron Coast: Winds: Variable about 10 knots. Seas: Below 0.5 metres. 1st Swell: Southerly around 1 metre. 2nd Swell: East to northeasterly around 1 metre. Weather: Partly cloudy. 50% chance of

Despite the Grafton Ghosts snatching an early lead, in their game with reigning Group 2 Rugby League premiers, Woolgoolga, there was a sense of inevitability about the 30-14 win for the Seahorses.

Grafton made too many errors at key times, gifting possession to the big Woolgoolga forwards, who relished making easy metres up the feld.

In contrast the Grafton forwards tried hard, but rarely made a dent in the Woolgoolga line.

It was Ghosts captain coach Dylan Collett who opened the scoring after 10 minutes.

Woolgoolga’ winger Kade Livingstone dropped a clearing kick on the quarter line, giving the Ghosts great feld position.

The Ghosts moved the ball to the left into position where Collett loves to attack on the left edge.

It was a typical Collett effort down the left side close to the line.

He ran onto a short pass fve metres out, used his strength to twist out of a tackle and plunged over the line.

Woods missed the conversion to give the Ghosts the early 4-0 lead.

But the lead didn’t last long.

Woolgoolga received a penalty for a high tackle and set up camp in the Ghosts half.

Seahorses skipper Dane O’Hehir split the defence making the extra man from fullback, slipped through a Collett tackle attempt and passed inside for fve-eighth

Jason McGrady who scored to the right of the posts.

Tyler Murden missed the conversion.

Woolgoolga should have been in again a few minutes later when Grafton were guilty of some loose carries coming out of their half.

Play become messy for a while with both teams not respecting possession resulting in a midfeld arm wrestle.

Ghosts halfback did create half a chance with an elusive run close to the line, but a knock on in the next play ruined a good chanced to level

the scores.

The Ghosts won a couple of penalties and came close to scoring when a player was held up over the line.

But with six minutes left on the clock and the Ghosts in possession coming off their line, they made a simple error with a pass from the dummy half not fnding its target.

They compounded the error with a high tackle penalty and found themselves defending 20m out.

A delightfully placed grubber kicked bounced kindly for winger Michael Emile and he was able to touch down in the left corner to give his team an 8-4 lead with minutes left in the half.

Some desperate in goal defence when the Ghosts

stole a ball from a Woolgoolga player over the line was the last play in the half.

Woolgoolga made the vital frst score of the second half through their big centre Shayde Perham.

He ran onto a beautifully weighted pass from Murden, stepped off his left foot, pushed off two tacklers and scored to the left of the posts.

Murden missed the conversion, but Woolgoolga had a handy 12-4 lead

It was the beginning of a decisive passage of play from the Seahorse, who scored again several minutes later in similar fashion.

This time it was lock Michael Curnow running onto pass, crashing

through a tackle and touching down under the sticks.

Murden knocked over the conversion and the score was beginning to look really ugly for the Ghosts.

Grafton dug deep and were able to claw back a try when they attacked down the right side.

Woods found fullback Toby McIntosh up in the line and he got half way through a gap and slipped the ball to second rower Jake Martin who surged over the line.

Woods converted with about 16 minutes left, the Ghosts were back in it.

Until the kick off.

The Ghosts let the kick off hit the ground, it took a wicked bounce to the left and found touch putting Woolgoolga on the attack in their quarter.


31ST MAY 2024

Lynda Lovett 1, Carol Meyer 2, Gail McDonagh 3, Joy Lowien 4, Margaret Bryant 5, Wendy Thornton 6, Lesley Richie 7, Lorna Simpson 8, Susan Allan 9, Jan Small 10, Pauline Bolte 11, Barbara Ellan 12, Janene Jarvis 13, Jeanette Henwood 14, Shirley Coleman, Yvonne Weddup 15, Ronda Taylor 17, Kath Hubbard, Ramsay Roper 18, Kathy Pickles 20, Jenny Lang 21, Valda Mclerie 22, Ann Hewitt, Jan Henley 23, Pam Farrell 25, Coral Lavelle 26, Jane Fenech 27, Pauline Kearney 28, Val Heinritz 29, Sally Lowry 30, Vanessa Reynolds 31,

Shirley Atkinson 32. Friday at 12:30pm at the Ballina Bridge Club North Creek Road. Enquiries for new players phone Shirley on 0423384647.


The winner of the monthly medal was Troy Hook with a net score of 24 from Stephen Shephard with 32. The putting trophy went to W.Jackson with 17 putts and G.Skennar won the players draw. Nearest to pins: 8th & 12th, T.Hook.9th, G.Randall. 10th & 15th, W.Jackson. 11th, 16th & 17th, T.Jenkins. 13th, D.Hampson. 14th, D.Diews. 18th, D.Roberts.

Next Sunday’s event sponsored by Richmond Valley Meats in the RSM Shopping Village, Casino will be a single stableford on the bottom 10 holes and visitors are welcome to play with hit off from 6-30am till 7-30am.



P.Hume G.Porter 16 d

G.Drew S.Hume 11


B.Bill D.Scott 15 d

R.Poynting 8

N.Watts R.Allen 15 d

P.Bolte M.Russell 11

N.Barnes J.Doust 12 d

B.Wellings P.Scott 7

J.Hannigan 11 d N.Poynting 9

C.Edlund N.Poynting 13 d N.Barnes A.Mangan 10

J.Doust J.Hannigan 12 d

P.Bolte N.Watts 8

R.Poynting J.Bate 9 d

P.Scott M.Russell 8

H.Young 13 d B.Bill 8

J Doust J.Hannigan 14 d R.Allen 13

M.Russell N.Poynting 12

d B.Wellings R.Poynting 11

P.Bolte N.Barnes 13 d

B.Bill P Scott 11

M.Field R.Poynting 11 d

D Jones R.Allen 8

N.Poynting D.Scott 10 d

J.Hannigan R.Chapman 7

Division 3 Club Singles

Championships : J.Bate 26 d C.Edlund 8

Handicap Doubles

They made no mistake. A sweet move which saw Murden dummy to Perham and then fnd O’Hehir fying into a gap put the fullback over under the posts.

The Ghosts kept plugging away and scored again when Martin bagged his second try of the afternoon.

Woods missed the conversion and at 24-14 with fve minutes left there was a lot to play for.

Instead the Ghosts repeated the error from the last kick off and allowed it to fnd touch. From the scrum the ball went to Perham, who bounced out of three tackles to score near the uprights. Murden converted to make the scoreline 30-14. It was about the right result for the game. It was a game Woolgoolga were never going to lose, but the Ghosts kept plugging away.

Both teams made mistakes, but many of Grafton’s errors came at key times in both attack and defence.

Group 2 has a round bye next weekend, but teams will take opportunity to play round 4 games with the Ghosts hosting competition leaders Nambucca at Frank McGuren Field on Saturday and the Rebels playing away to third placed Sawtell at Rex Hardaker Field on Sunday.

Championships : A.Mangan J.Bate 15 d

C.Edlund J.Doust 8

TOURNAMENTS : Northern Rivers Players. NSW Division 2 Ricochet

Singles : Phyllis Waters Lismore 1st.

Bribie Island 6 & Under

Challenge Golf Cons : Dennise Simmons Byron Bay 3rd

Invictus Caloundra

Classic : Mike Gidding Ballina 4th. Congratulations all players.


THURSDAY 30/5/24

Fine weather at last saw a feld of 45 golfers contest

the stableford event, winner S Dawson, 2nd K Rogers, 3rd, J Voght, free game, W Henwood, chicken/ball winners D Vagne, J Nilsson, I Welch, R Thorne, T McBurney, Bruce McDonald, L Bonner, P Bruggy, M Fairfull, T Foster, G Flaherty. Nearest pins 3rd/12thB McDonald, 6th/15th T Wood.

This Thursday will be the Monthly medal for june starting with a shot gun start at 8,30am be early and have a cuppa before hit off.


A fle photo of Grafton Ghosts captain Dylan Collett scoring a try against Woolgoolga in the 2023 season. He score his team’s opening try of the game in their 30-14 loss at Woolgoolga on Sunday.

The Lismore Swans Juniors were recently presented with special AFL guernseys from the West Coast Eagles, a gesture made to support the community’s recovery following the 2022 foods. These guernseys were donated to Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg by the Eagles, a renowned AFL club.

Swans President Philip Tsourlinis shared the excitement of the young players, stating, “It doesn’t matter who you support or what code you love; it’s just a fantastic gesture by the Eagles, and the kids loved receiving an AFL guernsey.” He also expressed gratitude to Mayor Krieg for presenting the guernseys and enjoying a morning of Aussie Rules football, a sport the Mayor is passionate about.


Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) today announced a new GRNSW Track Safety & Welfare Strategy 2024.

The Board of GRNSW met this week to approve the Strategy and consider a raft of strategic matters that arose out of its consultation, GRNSW operational and fnancial needs and the expectations of the community following the McHugh Inquiry and the Greyhound Industry Reform Panel that nearly saw our industry shut down.

GRNSW Chief Executive Offcer Rob Macaulay said: “The decisions arising will see many signifcant track improvements, but unfortunately also some closures. There will be a period of transition negotiated with clubs and communities to implement those changes.

“The Strategy importantly provides a framework for capital investment over the coming year in key racetrack projects,

Mayor Krieg underscored the signifcance of this support, particularly in light of decreased sports participation since the foods. “Helping out with participation is key. We know the benefts of keeping kids active by playing team sports, which have lasting benefts into their adult

lives,” said Mayor Krieg. He added, “There are plenty of sports to choose from in Lismore, but I am biased and think Aussie Rules footy is undoubtedly the best sport to play.”

Tsourlinis encouraged the community to engage with Aussie Rules football, emphasizing its benefts. “Parents

are looking for a fun, safe, and challenging environment for their kids, and nothing is better than Aussie Rules,” he said. He highlighted the potential for local talent, noting, “Numerous kids in Lismore and the surrounding villages could make it to the AFL if they chose to play Aussie Rules instead of

other sports. We have so many talented athletes in Lismore that they should be playing Aussie Rules.”

He also pointed out the pathways available for aspiring players, saying, “There is now a genuine pathway to the AFL via the Gold Coast or even Sydney for players in the Northern Rivers.”

Tsourlinis contrasted

this with other sports, explaining, “Kids playing Rugby League or Soccer have a lower chance of making it to the NRL or the A-League. Aussie Rules is an Australian game, made by Aussies, watched and loved by millions around Australia.”

Emphasizing the fun and safety of Aussie Rules for kids, Tsourlinis concluded with a call to action: “Let’s see if we can fll teams from U7 to U17 by 2030. The challenge has been set, so anyone willing to volunteer and help is welcome to join and get on board.”

This presentation of guernseys marks a positive step towards community rebuilding and promoting youth sports participation in Lismore.

and a focus on long term sustainability, greyhound welfare and track safety. That investment will continue in a staged roll-out of projects over the next three years.

“It has been developed in consultation with participants and stakeholders across NSW, including the Minister for Racing, the NSW Offce of Racing and the Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission.

This statewide consultation process was undertaken over three months from 19 February to 19 May and included:

• Formal sessions, informal sessions, race meeting visits and track inspections;

• Solicited feedback from participants via a dedicated portal that received many submissions;

• A full audit of every NSW greyhound TAB track, non-TAB track and trial track; and,

• Chairman Adam Casselden SC, along with senior leaders from GRNSW, visiting many tracks and meeting with

hundreds of interested participants and other stakeholders.

“There are further reforms coming on which we are still consulting with stakeholders, including on grading, programming and retirement and rehoming programs.”

Mr Macaulay said the GRNSW Board had also resolved that the following strategic decisions in relation to the state’s track portfolio:

1. That $18.3 million from the Greyhound Capital Grants Programme will be allocated across a range of projects at 20 TAB tracks, with the strategic goal of having every NSW racetrack meet defned standards around racing safety, animal welfare, and human occupational health and safety.

2. That new straight tracks will be built at Wagga Wagga and Tamworth.

3. That circle tracks at Goulburn and Wagga will be upgraded.

4. That, with one exception, non-TAB

racing will cease across NSW.

5. That in addition to the construction projects set out in the GRNSW Track Safety & Welfare Strategy 2024 the following changes will be implemented on a regional basis:


1. Explore options at both Cessnock and Redhead trial track venues to install on-site training pods, with trialling to continue at both venues.


1. Expand Broken Hill racing.


1. Continue racing at both Casino and Grafton.

2. Explore trialling options in the region.


1. Close Young track.

2. Cowra status quo of trial track only.

3. Wagga Wagga and Temora status quo TAB racing.

4. Build a straight track at Wagga Wagga, and redo the circle track.



1. The new Taree track will conduct all racing in the region and both the Kempsey and Wauchope sites be utilized for trialling purposes, to at least 28 February 2027.


1. Continue racing at Wentworth Park.

2. Potts Park – trial track for the moment, but to explore options for a joint venture with the club.

3. Status quo for racing at both Richmond circle and straight tracks.

4. Status quo for Thirlmere to trial track.


1. Dubbo and Cudal status quo.

2. Upgrade Lithgow to conduct TAB racing, ASAP.

3. Coonamble to be closed permanently.

4. Orange; support, and agree to provide 52 race dates, subject to:

a. fully funded by others and constructed

b. design and compliance meet GRNSW standards

c. sustainable breeding

numbers for industry > current level.


1. Moree track closed.

2. Existing Tamworth racetrack to be closed permanently. New straight track racing facility be established on greenfeld site pursuant to current MOU in place between Tamworth GRC and GRNSW.

3. Status quo for TAB racing in Gunnedah.


1. Status quo to remain at Gosford and explore options for ownership/ long term lease of the site.


1. To seek Council’s planning determination of the straight track proposal based on current terms and documentation.

2. Remediate the circle track, including the possible addition of track lighting (STCA).


1. Obtain DA approval for new site at Dapto.

Swans Juniors guernsey
Swans Juniors guernsey

THE 2023-24 season for Hessions Auto Parts Grafton Speedway concluded on Saturday afternoon / night, and the big winners were both Kaleb Daly and Jordan Biviano who took out the Stocksville 100 for RSA Street Stockers and the Dash for Cash for Production Sedans respectively. Amongst a solid feld of RSA Street Stockers competitors from around NSW, the annual Stocksville 100 resulted in Daly coming out on top in the 40-lap feature race, where he managed to defeat Jakob Lesha and Adrian Williams to the chequered fag, while the top-fve fnishers were completed by Geff Rose and Luke McNabb. Two of the favourites heading into the Stocksville 100 were defending champion Shane Carlson and Casino’s Connor Reeves, but they both

encountered issues that prevented them from challenging for Saturday’s win, after Carlson had his event brought to a premature end in the second 20-lap event, while Reeves was forced to retire from the feature race during the middle stages. Earlier in the Stocksville 100, the three 20-lap heat races saw wins shared between Daly, Lesha and Connor Reeves. Other strong performers during these three events were the likes of Williams, Rose, Glen Sturrock and

Kallarney Collier.

In the $1,000 to win Dash for Cash, current and three-time NSW Champion in Production Sedans Biviano was the class driver of the feld, but despite picking up the win, it wasn’t plain sailing. After starting from the second row for the feature race, Biviano, who resides in Toowoomba in Queensland, battled with the likes of Lismore’s Madison Harkin, local Geoff Hayes and Goulburn’s Craig McAlister throughout the

Maddog Boxing of Meerschaum Vale has dealt another winning punch over the weekend.

Young Woodburn boxer, Sunny McLean, won the Queensland Golden Gloves title last Saturday night.

“And (he) got picked

in the ABC Australian boxing team to go to New Zealand on July 29 to fght the kiwis,” said Sunny’s trainer, Scott Smith.

“And ya wouldn’t believe it, I got picked as the coach to take them over there.

“We are pretty stoked right now.”

The boxing team came away from the night with two golds and a silver.

“Was a good weekend away for the Dogs,” said Scott.

30-lap event, and he only gained control of the lead in the closing stages away from Harkin. At the fall of the chequered fag, Biviano managed to defeat Harkin and Mark Quirk in second and third place respectively. The top-fve fnishes were rounded out by Christopher Polsen and Brendan Hayes. Gold Coast’s Mark Taylor scored an upset result in the AMCA National feature race, when he came away with the spoils by outpacing Jai Jones in second

and the season’s form driver around Grafton Speedway Tony Blanch in third, while home in fourth and ffth was the Queensland duo of current NSW Champion Steve Potts and Brett Robotham. Taylor managed to lead the feature race for the entire 20-lap distance.

The support classes resulted in the featurerace wins going the way of Brock Stubbs (SSA Junior Sedans - Top Stars - Gold Cup), Poppy Airey (SSA Junior Sedans - New Stars -

Gold Cup), Jeremy Wade (RSA Four Cylinder Sedans) and Will Butler (Modlites).

Grafton Speedway would like to thank Hessions Auto Parts for their 2023-24 season support. Based in Grafton, along with their nearby Coffs Harbour location, Hessions Auto Parts stock a wide range of parts and accessories at competitive prices. To fnd out more about Hessions Auto Parts, contact them on 0266 423 085 (Grafton) and 0256 456 361 (Coffs Harbour) or visit their website at au.

For more information, contact Grafton Speedway promoter Mick Corbett on 0427 310 009. You can also visit their website at au or LIKE them on Facebook by searching Grafton Speedway.

Sunny Maclean in the centre won the Queensland Golden Gloves Title. His trainer Scott Smith is to the left. Contributed.
Kaleb Daly - RSA Street Stockers - Photos courtesy of Butcher Photography
Mark Taylor - AMCA Nationals - Photos courtesy of Butcher Photography Jordan Biviano - Production Sedans - Photos courtesy of Butcher Photography

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