Reduce the risk of breast-cancer with sunlight

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Reduce the risk of breast-cancer with sunlight Tanning means different things to different people and for different purposes. For some tanning means an addiction to get as dark skin as possible. For others it means a guaranteed path to skin-aging, skin-cancer and premature death. For me (and a few others) it means healthy exposure to the UV-rays that gives us vitamin D and many other photo-therapy benefits.

Sunlight and vitamin D-rich diet can reduce the risk of breast-cancer with up to 43 %. [caption id="attachment_999" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Breast cancer rates in GB 1975-2008[/caption] This conclusion from a French study among 70,000 women, confirms the Swedish study reported from in my post Tanned-women-live-longer. Breast-cancer is the by far most common cancer among women (prostate-cancer, is the most common among men). Take a look at the diagram to the left and try to figure out why we see such an increase in breast-cancer incidence? I suppose one answer is that because of being scared away from the sun and sunbeds and encouraged to cover themselves with sunscreen day and night, most women are severely deficient in Vitamin D. (To be fair, an increased screening is also contributing to the elevation of the curve). This video about "30 Years of Sun-Scare", shows the relationship between cancer-incidences and the sales of sun-screen lotions. if you have not watched it yet, do it now! And please note that even if natural sunlight is the best source of UVB, you will get the same natural effect for Vitamin D from the UVB-rays in a tanning bed. So do not let the lack of sunlight keep you from reducing the risk of breast-cancer. Here is the Press release from Sunlight Research Forum (SRF), reporting from the latest French study. The emphasizes are made by me.

Sun and a vitamin D-rich diet reduce the risk of breast-cancer by up to 43 percent Attested by a study among 70.000 women: the crucial aspect is sufficient UVBradiation; diet or food supplements merely have a supporting function. Veldhoven, 20 June 2011 (SRF). Regular sun exposure and a vitamin D-rich diet reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by around 32 to 43 percent. The deciding factor in prevention is exposure


to adequate UVB rays. Admittedly food that is rich in vitamin D,such as fish, dairy products, eggs and certain types of oils or food supplements, can boost the effects of the sun, but used alone they have little effect on the occurrence or progression of the disease. These are the findings of researchers from the FrenchNational Institute for Health and Medical Research (Institut National de la Santé et de laRecherche Médicale[INSRM]) in Paris, obtained during a study published in the professionaljournal “Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers”. In this study, scientists observed around 70,000 women over a period of ten years. During this period, 2,871 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed. According to the study, women who live in sunny regions such as Provence and who eat a vitamin D-rich diet have a far lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who have less sun exposure, who live in cloudier areas and who ingest less vitamin D through their food or food supplements. The conclusion of the research group: “A high dose of vitamin D via exposure to sunlight and nutrition is necessary in order to obtain a sufficient protective effect against breastcancer. However, this value is very difficult for women to achieve in northern countries as the sunlight in these regions is not strong enough to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamin D.”.Furthermore, the scientists explain, following the menopause it is far more difficult to achieve the protective effect from the combination of sun and a vitamin-D rich diet. The Sunlight Research Forum (SRF) is a non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands.Its aim is to make the latest medical and scientific evidence on the effects of moderate exposure to UV radiation available to the general public. Reference: Pierre Engel, Guy Fagherazzi, Sylvie Mesrine, Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault, Francoise Clavel-Chapelonet: “Joint Effects of Dietary Vitamin D and Sun Exposure on Breast Cancer Risk: Resultsfrom the French E3N Cohort”; in: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2011;20:187-198. PublishedOnline First December 2, 2010 Media contact: Ad Brand Sunlight Research Forum (SRF), Tel.:

+31 (0)651 358 180,,

Tanning and a vitamin D-rich diet reduce the risk of breast-cancer

M9RN4YXH84FYTanning (and tanners) is being persecuted by the sun-scare lobby that is being paid by manufacturers of sun-protection lotions to exaggerate the fear for melanoma and other skin-cancers. This \\\\\\\"melanoma-marketing\\\\\\\" makes the health-care costs sky-rocket. It is using our fear, manipulated statistics and outright lies about tanning to prove that we have to be constantly covered in sun-screen. The fact is that not even the most hard-core anti-tanning propagandist has been able to show any scientific evidence that regular


but moderate (i.e. non-burning) UV-exposure increases the risks for skin-cancer. There are, however, many reports showing that moderated but regular tanning can reduce the risk for most other cancers (mainly thanks to the vitamin D we are gettig from tanning). From The Tanning Blog: Reduce the risk of breast-cancer with sunlight

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