Healthy Magazine | JUNE '15

Page 51



-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT

A Guide to Supplements for Potential Parents

Vitamins and other supplements that you can and can’t trust

medication (used for high blood pressure) while trying to conceive or fertilization will not take place.

A host of voices advise young couples on the supplements they should and shouldn’t take to increase their chances of becoming pregnant and having a healthy baby. Here is a guide to this confusing topic.

Cholesterol-lowering agents

SUPPLEMENTS TO TAKE Omega-3: 2000-3000 mgs/day

Cholesterol is the precursor to your female hormones and is necessary for fetal membrane development.

Omega-3 is important for neurological and visual development of a baby, yet the western diet often lacks Omega-3. Furthermore, pregnancy depletes Omega-3 levels, making a supplement important.

Cytotec Avoid Cytotec because this can cause you to miscarry. Cytotec is used to treat and prevent ulcers of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamin D: 3000-5000 mgs/day

Growth hormone

Vitamin D improves bone mineral density, reduces depression, reduces some cancer risks, provides some energy and reduces risks of molar pregnancy.

Growth hormone has been investigated for several years but reviews are mixed as to whether it can play a very significant role in improving egg quality and development (it’s mostly used in older or low ovarian reserve patients). Studies suggest slight improvement in harvestable eggs at egg retrieval. The cost at times is very prohibitive as a one-month supply is over $1000.

Methylfolate If you have the MTHFR gene mutation, (either type—though the C677T is more closely linked to elevated homocystine levels) then it is important for you to take Methylfolate, which is a form of vitamin B. Methylfolate reduces one’s risk of miscarriage, heart attack and stroke, and can improve one’s sense of well being. It also elevates moods and brain function and is used to improve depression.

DHEA: 25 mgs/day DHEA has been shown in some studies to mildly improve egg quality in IVF cycles if taken 2 months in advance of the cycle, though we are not seeing significant improvement with this alone, or with CoQ10. Side effects of DHEA in these doses are hirsuitism (course hair growth through the body, forearms, face, etc as well as acne).


Calcium channel blocker medication Women should avoid calcium channel blocker

Remember that age is an important predictor of fertility issues and offspring defects. Men over the age of 50 who are trying to father a child have a more than three times increased risk of offspring with neuropsychiatric disorders and their wives have a three times increased risk of miscarrying. Their wives also have lower conception rates for similar reasons. If you have had one or more unsuccessful IVF cycles or recurrent miscarriages and you are less than 38 years of age, we have new testing available and more coming available in the very near future which can significantly improve your chances of conception, carrying to term and can provide long awaited answers to your unexplained condition.


L-Carnitine (1000-1500 mgs/day), which is an amino acid that builds and repairs damaged sperm and can mildly increase sperm concentration, motility, with mild changes in morphology.

Vitamin C (500-1000 mgs/day)

Vitamin D3 (3000-5000 mgs/day)

Zinc and selenium in a multivitamin

Omega 3 vitamins (2000-3000 mgs/day)


Dr Glen Andrew D.O. East Bay Fertility Center


Brigham Young University, Provo, UT Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO Metropolitan Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI West Michigan Reproductive Institute, Grand Rapids, MI


16+ years of experience in infertility Has performed over 1,000 In Vitro Fertilization & Embryo Transfer Cycles with an 80% success rate 15+ years of experience in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

His infertility training took on a greater personal meaning and importance as Dr. Andrew and his wife were experiencing problems conceiving their first two children. They know firsthand, from their own experience, the frustrations, invasive tests, procedures and emotional roller coaster that come with infertility. Dr. Andrew and Kaylene have a beautiful family with four children. They enjoy spending time together traveling, hiking, canyoneering, rock-climbing, camping and scouting.

JUNE 2015


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