Healthy Directions Winter Edition 2017

Page 30


Winter Edition 2017.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2016-12-21 10:21 PM Page 30


Staying Healthy with Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano Your first line of defense against all diseases is a strong immune system. Poor diet, stress and lack of exercise combine to deplete your body’s natural defense mechanisms. Canada’s long winters with lack of vitamin D generating sunshine deplete our immune systems even more. By Roger Baird

Oregano oil, steam distilled from wild harvested Mediterranean oregano leaves and flowers, provides a multifaceted herbal remedy that works on many different levels to strengthen and assist your immune system.

Antiviral: Oregano oil is renowned for its ability to stop a flu or cold in its tracks. At the first onset of symptoms take 1-3 drops under the tongue every hour and drink plenty of water. Your symptoms should be gone the next day. Continue taking 3 drops 3 times daily to keep your immune system strong. When using public transport, at

the office or socializing take a few drops intermittently to stay healthy.

Antibacterial: In repeated laboratory testing, oregano oil has proven its effectiveness against such bacteria as salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli and some mutant strains such as MRSA.

Use oregano oil topically to disinfect cuts and scrapes and speed wound healing. Oregano oil is very effective in treating bed sores. Many women have found it useful for bladder infections and UTIs.


Antifungal: Oregano oil is one of the most effective and safe antifungals known. Candida infection is rampant due to overuse of antibiotics and diets high in sugar and refined flour. If left untreated it can lead to organ damage and more serious diseases. Start with low dosages and gradually work up. Use topically to banish athlete’s foot and nail fungus.

Antiparasitic: Water borne intestinal parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium are vulnerable to treatment with oregano oil. Take a bottle to Mexico with you and enjoy your vacation free of stomach upset.

Antioxidant: Oregano oil contains more antioxidants than fresh fruit and vegetables. A few drops goes a long way in helping the body rid itself of free radicals. Scientists recently discovered that oregano oil reduces chemical reactions that produce free radicals when frying with oil. Anti-inflammatory: Use Oregano oil topically to treat pain and inflammation. It penetrates deeply into joints to help provide relief. Pets and livestock: Spread the love to your pets and farm animals who will also benefit in the same ways. Avoid using with cats.

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