Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015

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Spring 2015

50 Ironmans 50 Straight Days 50 States The Iron Cowboy talks about how his healthcare team keeps him going and his movement against childhood obesity

Care Centered Around You There is such a thing, and one Valley provider is leading the charge

Keeping Your Resolutions on Track With best-selling author Janette Gleason

The Visit that Can Save Your Life Stop this deadly condition in its tracks

Get Back to Loving Life Don’t let knee pain slow you down

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Contents 4

Knee Pain Doesn’t Have to Slow You Down Revolutionary treatments are allowing more and more people to forgo knee surgery — their stories inside.


A Look inside the Future of Healthcare: The Care Logistics Team An Arizona healthcare provider is changing the traditional healthcare model by putting you, the patient, at the center.


A 30 Minute Appointment that Can Save Your Life Early detection and prevention are key — are you sun smart?


Stick to Weight Loss & Health Goals with WLIA Registered dieticians provide tips for sustaining your resolutions.


Ringing Ears - New Technologies Can Provide Relief Day or Night If your ears are ringing consistently, it could be more than someone talking about you.



Helpful tips from local legal professionals and Healthstyle’s Motor Vehicle Accident expert.

A New Challenge for the Iron Cowboy – the 50 50 50 Iron Cowboy James Lawrence talks about his journey to Ironman greatness, and the healthy motivation behind his latest challenge.

What to Do When You’ve Been in an Auto Accident


7 Steps to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions We’re well past New Year’s, but it’s not too late to set resolutions or revisit the ones you’ve made.


Hand Selected Recipes We’ve picked some delicious, fiber-filled recipes to keep your health goals on track.

Visit us online at Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015


Special Thanks Ryan Bacher Mike Bechtol David Berg Guy Berry Dr. Joan Berry Deborah Brandon Aaron Castiglione Lisa Conrad Jordan Christopher Amy D’Acquisto Rob Davidson Danielle Giordano Janette Gleason Bob Iversen Janice Johnston Rebekah Knoll Theresa Lambe James Lawrence Tara Leon Ken Levin

On the Cover Bethany Lindsey Rosie Mavis Sara Mead Michael Nysather Christina Parker Mary Ann Rausa Dianne Salazar Gail Shoultes Jason Stevens Talia Vandegrift Annette Valenzuela Michael Wells

Model: James Lawrence, also known as The Iron Cowboy, is an Ironman athlete competing in 50 races in 50 days spanning 50 states to raise awareness for childhood obesity. Photography by: JessaKae Photography

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Editor’s Letter

Successful Goal Setting Starts with Small Steps “It’s not about a quick fix.” Those words shared by our cover model, James Lawrence (The Iron Cowboy), really resonated with me. It’s easy to set goals while we’re excited about the potential outcome, but when the rubber hits the road, what’s holding us back? Remember your New Year’s resolution? It’s easy to get sucked into the hype surrounding the “new year, new me” mindset – every gym has a sale on memberships, all the new fitness gear is on sale, and suddenly everyone is outside running or headed to the gym after work. The air is filled with fervor for the New Year and what it has in store for us. According to Forbes, most resolutions drop off a week after the New Year. The Journal of Clinical Psychology says that only 8% of people keep their resolutions. So what gives? Odds are, we’re looking too far ahead and not appreciating the journey. In today’s day and age of instant gratification, we often find ourselves focused on the end goal. You want to lose so many pounds,

Instead of grabbing a burger on the way home, learn how to make a simple, healthy, filling meal at home — get started with our recipes on page 34! No matter your goals this year, you’ll want to check out award-winning author Janette Gleason’s 7 tips for keeping resolutions on page 32.

you want to save so many dollars, or you want to eat healthier every day. This focus on the objective leads to an insatiable craving for instant gratification – in reality, this mindset only sets us up for failure. A common problem with setting personal goals is that they are a short term fix for a long term issue. We change our habits for a certain amount of time, and once we’ve achieved our goals, we go back to the habits that are comfortable – sending us back to square one. Instead of focusing on the end goal, this year I urge you to focus on creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself. At the end of the day, those who are most successful in keeping their resolutions are the ones who set realistic goals and make lifestyle changes that they stick with well after they reach their objective. If your mission is to diet successfully, focus on learning the importance of getting the nutrition you need — you’ll find our conversation with the team at Weight Loss Institute of Arizona on page 24. Their three pronged approach is sure to keep you on the right track! Trying to eat healthier?

The theme for this issue is setting, maintaining, and achieving attainable goals. We were lucky enough to be able to feature a truly inspiring Ironman athlete in James Lawrence, who stresses the importance of patience, enjoying the journey, and the invaluable asset of team support. You can read his story on page 8. I hope as you read this issue, you’ll realize the value in setting small, achievable goals as a means to hitting that ultimate objective. Here’s to a healthy spring!

Doug Houvener Editor-in-Chief

Doug Houvener is a devoted husband, project manager, and graphic designer with a passion for motivating people to be their best and making them laugh in the process. His role at Arrowhead Health Centers has helped him discover the magic of working together with a team to provide incredible healthcare experiences. In his humble opinion, the best things about Spring are the beautiful Arizona weather, the NHL playoffs, and the existence of allergy medications. Deborah Brandon Photography

Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015



Knee Pain Doesn’t Have to Slow You Down Do your knees hurt when you get out of bed in the morning, when you go down stairs, or when you bend down to pick something up? Are you missing out on your favorite activities? Maybe it’s golfing, or dancing, or traveling, or playing with your grandkids? Answering yes to any of these questions could mean you’re living with a treatable health condition called OsteoArthritis of the knee. Half of all adults at some point in their lives will have this symptomatic condition affect the enjoyment of their lives – and if you’re overweight your risk increases to two out of every three adults developing the condition. Even though it’s an incredibly common condition (nearly 27 million Americans have it), treatment is easier than you might think when it’s done right. So what exactly is OsteoArthritis?

What is OsteoArthritis (OA)? OsteoArthritis, or OA, is the most common joint disorder. It is a slow degeneration of articular cartilage that often affects weight bearing joints like your lower back, hips, hands and knees. In most cases, the symptoms of OA appear gradually without any apparent initiating cause, which is why you’re starting to notice the pain more and more. OA is frequently associated with the aging process, and is extremely common in people over the age of 65. Regular symptoms include: • Joint stiffness after resting for a while • Pain during activities like walking, using stairs, playing golf, bicycling, gardening, etc. • Decreased range of motion • A popping sensation called joint crepitus

history noting any possible symptoms. They should also give you a physical examination to check the integrity and stability of your joint and order a series of X-rays to evaluate the joint space. Your provider may also order an MRI to inspect the soft tissues inside of your knee or take a blood sample to rule out any other potential conditions that may be causing your pain.

How can I get rid of my pain without surgery? Although OA is a relatively common condition, you don’t have to accept living with your symptoms. Surgery is irreversible, so it’s very important to undergo conservative treatment before considering total joint replacement. The great news is that hundreds of medical studies have proven that combining a few non-surgical treatments like functional-strength training, all-natural hyaluronic acid (HA) injections and custom medical bracing can help you prolong or even completely avoid needing surgery. Here’s why: Functional Strength Training Regular exercise – especially physical rehabilitation and functional strength training – helps improve your flexibility and range of motion. A licensed physical therapist or chiropractor can show you how to properly exercise your injured joints without causing further damage or pain.

How can I tell if I have OA?

All-Natural HA Injections HA is an all-natural, lubricating medication that can be injected into your knees to cushion your joints and ward off chronic pain. The shots are safe, painless and also approved by the FDA, making them a great option to use along with physical rehabilitation.

The most reliable way to know if you have OA is to be examined by a doctor at a clinic that specializes in OsteoArthritis and pain treatment. The doctor should carefully examine your knee and take a detailed

Custom Medical Bracing Unloading braces mechanically support your knees by creating a small space inside your joint to provide


Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015


stability and immediate relief from bone on bone OA. But be careful, because not all braces are created equal. Ask your doctor for one that encourages the use of your muscles so you don’t develop muscle atrophy and become reliant on the brace. You can also talk to your doctor about additional braces and durable medical equipment (DME) that are available – and helpful – for your wrist, back, elbows and other joints. BioDRestore Injections (Stem Cells + Special Growth Factors) One of the latest developments in medical technology, BioDRestore™, contains stem cells and growth factors. It has been proven to support soft tissue repair, promote soft tissue reconstruction, and reduce inflammation and pain. It’s safe, too — there have been over 44,000 injections over the past 7 years with no adverse reactions.

Choosing the right provider It’s important to seek out a provider that is experienced in the treatment of OsteoArthritis. Experienced medical providers will use a special fluoroscopy X-Ray machine to ensure that your injections get where they need to go. They will also be sure to offer you a comprehensive program that does more than treat your symptoms – they focus on getting you active again, too!

Looking for treatment options near you? Arrowhead Health Centers is the only facility accredited by the OsteoArthritis Centers of America. With 6 Arizona locations conveniently-located to suit your needs, they offer the comprehensive and integrated care that is needed to treat OsteoArthritis. Call them today at (888) 970-3921 or visit for more information.

Testimonials Ryan B, 40 “I was skeptical about the procedure and uncertain if stem cell injections would work for me. After trying all sorts of therapies, my knees were not feeling better. Even something like sitting through a movie without pain was impossible.

Free eBook! were both slightly tender for 24 hours after the injections, but I felt relief almost instantly.

Download the free eBook, Don’t Let Knee Pain Stop You, at

I had my injections a few months ago. Dr. Johnston was so wonderful and answered all my questions. The procedure was quick and painless. I actually flew to Phoenix from Salt Lake City because I learned that Arrowhead Health Centers is one of the leading care facilities in the nation providing this program. My knees

Today, I saw my first movie since the procedure. It was the first time in more than 2 years that I was able to enjoy a movie without any pain. It was amazing. My exercise is enjoyable again and I feel as though I have 20 year old knees. I would recommend Arrowhead Health Centers to anyone, young or old. I wish I would have found out about this treatment sooner!”

Christina P, 65 “I came home from my third NEW doctor’s appointment devastated and scared. I wasn’t ready to face needing to undergo knee replacement surgery. But that’s what I was being told, for the third time. No choice – that or live crippled up, with a wheelchair as my only means of mobility. There had to be different choices.

I found a new path that afternoon. I signed up for an evaluation ASAP, to see if I would be a good candidate for the program. I was! Physical therapy was difficult at first, the shots were bearable. But I worked hard and completed the program. Now I have moved the wheelchair back into storage with the walker next to it, and just this week I added my cane.

I happened to open the paper to an invite to a luncheon and to hear about a program that would give me a choice. I was apprehensive but I needed more information on a different path for me, so I signed up.

I’m walking with confidence and without pain. This treatment option felt like it was hidden in plain sight, so I’m very happy I followed through with my feelings that there had to be another answer!” Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015


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Don’t Let Chronic Knee Pain Stop You from Doing the Things You Love. OsteoArthritis affects millions of Americans. It’s time to get your life back. What’s your OsteoArthritis keeping you from doing? Maybe it’s playing catch with your grandkids. It might be hiking that mountain trail. It could be your weekly round of golf. Whatever it is that you’re missing, the team at Arrowhead Health Centers wants you back in the game. We’ve helped thousands of people, just like you, relieve their OsteoArthritis pain and we have a 91% success rate. It’s time to get your life back! Believe it or not, surgery isn’t your only option for OsteoArthritis pain. Your Arrowhead Health Centers team will create a Recovery Game Plan ™, including clinicallyproven functional strength training, allnatural lubricating fluid injections paired

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“It’s not about winning. It’s about the journey—it’s about the people you meet along the way and their stories and your opportunities to connect. It’s about doing something that is bigger than yourself.”


Iron Cowboy Endurance. It is a word with shades of meaning: the ability to withstand pressure or pain; remaining steadfast over time; perseverance when others give up. Regardless of which definition you choose, Guinness World-Record holder James Lawrence could be the poster child. Lawrence competes in the Ironman series. For the uninitiated, the Ironman is a long-distance triathlon involving a 2.4 mile swim, 112 miles of biking, and a 26.2 mile marathon run. Athletes refer to this event as endurance racing. But merely “competing” in triathlons is not the total story for Lawrence. He holds 8

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not one but two Guinness World Records, one for completing the most half-distance triathlons in a year (22 of them in a 30-week stretch in 2010) and a second for completing the most full Ironman events in a year (running 30 long-distance triathlons in 2012 — nearly the distance between Phoenix and New York City… and back). Lawrence and the races he runs most certainly exemplify endurance. What’s more, Lawrence shares a mutual creed with supporters and friends at Valley healthcare provider Arrowhead Health Centers – the belief in a team approach as the best one for health and fitness,


Finding his Passion Sometimes called the “Iron Cowboy” by fans because of the colorful cowboy hats his daughters choose for him to wear during the running portion of his events, Lawrence was not always a top athlete. In fact, he learned to swim at the age of 28. Born in Alberta, Canada, his involvement in athletics as a young man was primarily as a wrestler. He also enjoyed golf and even considered a career in golfing. But serendipity led to a challenge from his wife Sunny to participate in a 4-mile fun run in 2008. That Salt Lake City event convinced him he was not as physically adept as he wanted to be. He discovered that while he was “fit,” he did not have the cardiovascular or respiratory strength needed for endurance sports. He set out to change that. And change it he did. In 2010, hoping to raise funds for a water conservation project in Kenya, he completed 22 half-distance (70.3) triathlons over the course of 30 weeks. Not until later did he discover he had broken the previous world record for the 70.3 event. Rather than viewing this as the pinnacle of achievement, however, he was driven by the accomplishment to meet a higher challenge. He devoted himself to training for the full Ironman, and in 2012, he broke the Guinness World Record for the highest number of full Ironman competitions in a single year, trumping the previous record by 10, with an average pace of just under 12 hours for the 30 events. prevention of injuries, medical treatment, and meeting personal goals. What led him to this faith in the “team” is a story of challenge, endurance, and giving back. He and his team (including his family, his training coach, chiropractors, massage therapists, and other health professionals) are gearing up for his next challenge, labeled the 50-50-50. His plan is to run 50 long-distance triathlons in 50 consecutive days across 50 different states. Currently in full training mode, Lawrence plans to begin the 5050-50 on June 6, 2015.

In 2015, Lawrence hopes to meet another of his goals, to complete the 50-50-50. He hopes that accomplishment and his story will motivate others to set and meet their own fitness goals. With that in mind, he recently shared the Six Steps to Success that have guided him in his journey so far: “Start small, plan ahead, develop conviction, be patient, build a team, and start today.”

Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015



Six Steps to Success


Start Small

“It’s the little things.”

Deciding to start small is the first of Lawrence’s six steps. Lawrence feels that one problem people have in reaching fitness goals is that they strive for perfection. He says, “It may sound negative, but people who try to achieve perfection are aiming for the impossible. They are going to fail and fall off of their plan. No one is perfect, and when people try to achieve perfection, that ultimately leads to failure. I’d rather see someone be a B+ average all the time than an A+ average once in a while. When you try to reach perfection, the mountains are great but you spend a lot of time in the valleys. Then it’s easy to give up. Just be consistent over a long period of time; set small goals; then keep at it. You’ll make more progress in the long run.” For an additional perspective on how to use short term goals and rewards as a means of achieving long-term success, see the January 2014 issue of Healthstyle.

Lawrence says he can’t attribute his own success as a competitor to any one thing. He says, “It is all the little things that accumulate over time to help you reach a goal. It’s about watching what you eat, training in the right way, and reaching a balance in your life. You have to have balance.” He recalls that his first goal was not to compete in an endurance race. It was to survive a four-mile fun run with his wife! Starting small was key. Lawrence says people often ask him how he is able to accomplish what he does physically. He says his best answer is, “I do a lot of little things right. It is attention to the small details that ultimately determines how I am able to break records and do seemingly

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unattainable events. It’s literally the small things, but I do them consistently and religiously. It’s just part of my routine. It’s something that many people don’t do. They don’t do the little things consistently enough over a long period of time.”


Plan Ahead

“You have to count on the energy and effort of others.”

There is no doubt the lifestyle Lawrence has chosen has its challenges. He admits that there have been times when he wanted to quit. He says, “It’s not easy to keep food on the table for five children, and raising a family is expensive.” In addition to the typical expenses associated with raising a family, travel, event fees, and gear add to the burden. But if you plan ahead, it is easier. If you imagine yourself reaching your goal, you will get there. However, that takes communicating with everyone and being on the same page. Lawrence says you have to count on the energy and effort of others, and that means sharing your goals and plans. Certainly for an effort like the 50-50-50, planning ahead is critical. Lawrence plans to begin in Hawaii, considered the “heart” of the Ironman competition as the site of the sport’s origin in 1978. Lawrence says the first two of the 50 events are the most worrisome for him, because they rely heavily on making connections between Hawaii and Alaska (for the second event) and between Alaska and Bothell, Washington (for the third day). From there, he will complete a daily trek down the west coast, across the southern half of the country, up the east coast, and back across the upper half. Without careful planning, there are many problems that could arise.

Vitality With any health or fitness goal, it is critical to establish timelines, consider resources you will need, look for obstacles that may arise, and make contingency plans. Lawrence believes that when you plan ahead, you are more likely to achieve success.


Develop Conviction

“It’s about the journey.”

A third step toward success for Lawrence has been to develop conviction. Lawrence is not the typical athlete out for the win. He has certainly had his share of winning results, including two first place wins and several second place honors in the 2012 series. But his goal is actually a much broader one. On his Facebook page, he describes his mission as inspiring and motivating others, promoting healthy living, and encouraging people to go after what others say can’t be done. He says someone asked him recently why he didn’t do fewer events with the goal of winning, instead of competing in so many events and only placing. According to Lawrence, “My response – and I didn’t even have to think about it – was simple. It’s not about winning. It’s 100% about the journey - it’s about the people you meet along the way and their stories and your opportunities to connect. It’s about doing something that is bigger than yourself.” In fact, Lawrence uses his success as a means of promoting some very significant causes. In 2010, he used the publicity from his competitions to raise awareness and funds for a project sponsored by the charity organization Quiet Way to build 1000 water retention dams to combat drought conditions in Kenya. In 2012, in an effort to bring awareness to the difficulties faced every day by some children, he included a unique “running mate” in one triathlon

event. Dayton, a boy with cerebral palsy, joined Lawrence in his final Ironman competition in November of that year. Lawrence pulled Dayton in a raft for the swimming portion of the race, completed the biking event with Dayton in a specialized carriage attached to the bike, and pushed Dayton’s wheelchair for the final leg of the event. When the plan was almost thwarted by a series of obstacles, Lawrence’s conviction to make a difference for others brought him to the finish line – with Dayton as well. Another cause has become one of Lawrence’s newest convictions – doing something about childhood obesity. “My wife Sunny and I are passionate about this,” says Lawrence. “We are creating a new foundation – just putting the final touches on it. This is the first generation in which parents will outlive their kids because of obesity. Children are the product of their environment. We have to do something about this problem.” He adds that families rarely sit down together for a meal anymore, saying, “Kids today can’t even identify fruits and vegetables!” He points out the connections between childhood obesity and other health problems such as cancer and attention deficit disorder. The foundation will focus on educating parents about how to cook nutritious meals, along with sponsoring camps that will center on teaching children about healthy foods and how to stay physically active and fit. This is another area where Lawrence and Arrowhead Health Centers share similar goals – helping others through education and preventive care. Lawrence’s wife Sunny, a psychologist, is equally interested in promoting this worthy cause. He says, “If we don’t change, we are in a world of hurt, both economically and physically. It all comes down to prevention. We contribute an insane amount of

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“If you have conviction, nothing can get in the way of your goals.” money to treating diseases that could be prevented with proper nutrition and weight. We want to channel that funding toward preventing childhood obesity.” The new project fits with Lawrence’s challenge to others – do something bigger than yourself. Conviction or passion may come in handy in facing another challenge Lawrence says is one of the most difficult – that of dealing with the negative attitudes of those who tell you what you can’t do rather than encouraging you to try. He says, “I have had to learn to deal with the naysayers. It is overwhelming when you set the type of goals I set and so many people tell you it is impossible.” He adds, “I learned to listen to myself and the people that are really on my team and not focus on the negativity that is out there. You have to harness the good things that are out there and become stronger for it – putting your energy and focus where it counts.” According to Lawrence, “If you have conviction, nothing can get in the way of your goals.”


Be Patient

“It’s not about a quick-fix.”

Lawrence says reaching a goal requires the ability to be patient. For example, when he discovered he needed to build his cardiovascular and respiratory strength in order to compete as a runner, that didn’t occur overnight. It took planning, commitment from his family, lifestyle changes, and hard work. He recognizes the need to work toward a goal over time and not to push things. For example, his preparation regimen today involves both resistance and weight training. He says, “That’s why I have a strength and conditioning coach. I have an 800 square foot gym at my house, and I do heavy lifting. We are building explosive power, mechanics, stability, movement patterns, alignment, and exercises to strengthen ligaments. This is one of the biggest components where people miss the mark. It’s sometimes hard to find a coach out there – especially an Ironman coach – that’s a big advocate of strength training. But I’m a

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huge proponent of it. If you were to choose similarly skilled athletes that are going head-to-head late in an Ironman, I would put my money on the guy that has done the strength training every time.” His heavy emphasis on training is founded in prevention. He stresses the importance of avoiding problems through strength, stability, power, and endurance – all of the little things which require consistent effort over time. In addition, Lawrence says it is critical to maintain a team of health professionals, and he adds that patience in working with your health team is definitely important. He says, “I had a chronic


golfer’s elbow for 15 years. Some people want to go for a couple of adjustments and be cured, but the reality is that it took 6 months to a year to get on top of it and to get something turned around that I had been dealing with for half of my lifetime. It’s not about a quick fix.” He says it is important to trust your team of health professionals to provide the consistency and focus required for long-term fitness. While the temptation to use medication to mask any pain or discomfort may seem like the “easy way,” it’s not always the safest or most proactive. Good healthcare is on-going.


Build a Team

“It is literally a team effort.”

Talk to Lawrence for only a minute or two and you will hear him allude to building a team that works for you. Similarly, two Arizona organizations that share Lawrence’s passion for the team approach — Arrowhead Health Centers and Redirect Health — are on the cutting-edge of integrated preventative care: utilizing a collaborative approach to prevention and treatment involving specialized and individual programs. The team approach is evident through their integration of CareLogistics™, family practitioners, chiropractors, massage therapists, pain management specialists, physical therapists, and ambulatory surgical centers. These leading organizations in Arizona (where Healthstyle is published) share Lawrence’s passion for the power of teamwork in maintaining optimum health. Lawrence includes teamwork as a critical element behind his own success. He explains, “I work with many people. One is my sports and endurance coach, who specializes in designing my program to get me ready for the event in terms of volume and intensity. I also have a Canadian strength and conditioning coach who works with preparing athletes for the Skeleton Cup Olympic Team. Once or twice a week, I go to my sports therapist, where we do deep tissue and some scraping. Weekly or bi-weekly I visit my chiropractor, who does a myriad of things from cold laser to laser acupuncture to full bone adjustments. We do percussive work and trimetric assessments – you name it across the board.” Lawrence says all of this is critical to keep him healthy and prepared to compete.

According to Lawrence, “There is no way I would be able to do what I do on my own. It is literally a team effort to keep me on top. I know it’s a cliché, but there is no “I” in team – and certainly not on my team. I could not do what I do without input from others on a very regular and consistent basis.” Lawrence points out that competing in endurance events is not simply a matter of mastering three sports. There is so much more to it than that. According to Lawrence, “We have to master swimming, biking and running - that’s right. But then we also have to endure strength training, Olympic lifting, nutritional needs, mental stress, and working out 8-12 hours a day in order to perform at a level needed for the top.” None of these are possible without the team.


Start Today

“Take my story and make it your own.”

Does Lawrence hope others will take up running marathons? Not exactly. He is the first to admit that competing in the Ironman is not a goal for everyone. He is emphatic that his mission is not to encourage others to attempt what he has done specifically. Instead, he hopes to inspire, motivate and encourage others to take his sixth step and start today in leading healthier lifestyles and pursuing their own passions. He says, “Everyone’s journey is different, and everyone’s passion is different. I want you to take my story and make it your own. It can be anything – just getting up and walking, or changing the way you exercise or the way you eat. I don’t expect anyone to go out and do an Ironman. I expect them to go out and set big goals and go after them.” That being said, his newest “journey” is one that may require an even greater test of endurance than he has experienced before, the 50-50-50.

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The 50-50-50 Challenge The 50-50-50 is a series of self-plotted courses beginning in Hawaii, moving to Alaska, and then traveling consecutively across the remaining continental U.S. in a different state each day. In addition to viewing videos about his plans and accomplishments, fans can follow the route via a map on his webpage at Lawrence utilizes Facebook and Twitter to keep his followers informed about his causes and about the upcoming event. The 50-50-50 promises a new set of challenges for Lawrence and his team. Time is one element to consider. In an Ironman competition, participants must complete the race within 17 hours. Lawrence typically finishes his events in under 10 hours. However, there are variables involved in completing 50 triathlons over 50 consecutive days that will change the parameters. Lawrence realizes that if he pushes too hard, he may exceed his body’s ability to recover and refuel from day to day. On the other hand, if he takes too long to complete an event, he may not get enough rest or have enough time to travel to the next locale. He and his team have determined a goal of finishing each race within a 12 to 14 hour range, a compromise between physical limitations and time constraints. Another consideration is nutrition. Lawrence typically consumes around 8000 calories a day when he is competing. In February, during a three-day training camp in St. George, Utah, Lawrence underwent a series of fitness tests and 5-7 weigh-ins per day geared toward measuring his caloric output and fluid weight-loss during each of the events. Over three 1012 hour days and through a series of algorithms, they determined a target goal for the number of calories he would need during each hour (somewhere around 200-300 calories from a combination of solid and liquid intake) and for each event. Lawrence said the tests should reveal what his body refuels on and how much his body can consume. He feels it will not be

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possible to keep up with the deficit during the day. He said, “I have to be really diligent about getting a great breakfast and a great post-event meal. But the problem is that while you are racing, you get to a point when you aren’t hungry. But you have to eat. You have to reach a fine balance between getting too many calories from liquid. I’ll have to train my body to consume solid fuel in order to protect the GI tract.” Temperature is another factor, of course. Lawrence will be competing in some of the hottest areas of the Southwestern United States during the month of June. At the training camp in St. George, his trainers measured his potassium, magnesium, sodium, and fluid loss at the transition point between each part of the race, as well as at different temperatures, hoping to determine what would be needed to maintain high body function in a variety of temperatures. Preparation for the 50-50-50 requires a switch from the typical training as well. According to Lawrence, “I can’t run and bike and swim each day for 20 days prior to June 6. That would be too much wear and tear on the body. Instead, we are building strength, and the training will be higher in intensity but lower in volume. In the actual event, we will dial back the intensity, but I will really have to ramp up the volume.” He explained that strength and resistance training will play an important role in his preparation.


MAPPING THE JOURNEY From sea to shining sea

James will be participating in events in every state across the United States this summer – Check out the map at the link below to see where he’ll be every day!

A final consideration is the logistics of getting enough rest and sleep along with time with his family. “We have a 40-foot motor home with two drivers and my family,” explained Lawrence, “and a massage therapist will work with me to recover. Once I’m fueled up and starting to recover, I’ll try to get as much sleep as I possibly can.” Having his family with him is critical for Lawrence. When he was competing in 2010, he spent several months in other countries, raising funds and awareness for the Kenyan water conservation project. He says this was one of the most frustrating experiences of his career, because he did not have his family with him for strength and support. Lawrence currently resides in Lindon, Utah, with his wife Sunny and five children, ages 5-12. He says his children are excited about the 50-50-50 challenge, but not because of the marathons. He says, “They are super excited. While Daddy is out there suffering, they are going to do whatever is fun to do in every state. They think this will be the best summer vacation we have ever seen.” A separate vehicle with a film crew and other staff members will make the daily trek as well, with the goal of producing a documentary telling the James Lawrence story along with the stories of others who have overcome obstacles in order to reach their goals.

Facing the Countdown Lawrence understands why endurance competition isn’t for everyone. He says, “It is so difficult to maintain the mental strength and to survive in a suffering state for eight to twelve hours. It takes a unique athlete to perform at a level of the top athletes in our sport.” However, there is no doubt James Lawrence is a unique athlete, and one who exemplifies many shades of the word endurance. Perhaps the most appropriate, however, is the enduring legacy he imparts to those who are inspired, motivated, and guided by his story.

About The Iron Cowboy, James Lawrence He is an athlete, a husband, and a proud father of four daughters and a son. He competes in endurance races and Ironman Triathlons. Currently, he holds two world records in 70.3 and 140.6 triathlon racing. Follow him on his journey to complete the 50-50-50 at, and his daily updates at @ironcowboyjames on Instagram. About Arrowhead Health Centers Arrowhead Health Centers is a comprehensive, integrated network of providers that deliver primary care along with pain and injury management, diagnostics, and rehabilitation. Arrowhead Health Centers’ founders recognized at the very beginning that when you put people first, people get healthy. So they simply asked people what they wanted and delivered it. That was 1997, and from that point on Arrowhead Health Centers has focused on quality of care and quality of service. This is the Arrowhead Health Centers difference. They put people first, and it shows. Visit or call 623-334-4000 for more information.

Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015 15


A Look inside the Future of Healthcare

The CareLogistics Team

We’ve all been there – the doctor gave you orders to go get an MRI and lab work done. Where do you go? How much will this cost you? When will you get your results, and will someone call you when they’re in?

that the team working with you can help guide you through the waste and inefficiency that bogs down the healthcare experience and creates potentially unnecessary visits, wasting your time and money.

You may have noticed recently that the healthcare world is changing around you. Terms like Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, even talk of impending fines and tax penalties that could affect you, your business, or your family. The amount of confusion in the world of healthcare creates fear, isolation, and a reluctance to get the most out of your healthcare benefits. Health Insurance should help you feel safe and protected –

What if it didn’t have to be that way? Imagine yourself surrounded by a team whose sole purpose is to help guide you through your healthcare experience: making it easy, and dare we say, fun. That’s what the CareLogistics team at Arrowhead Health Centers does, and they’re helping thousands of patients find clarity and confidence in their healthcare experiences right now.

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Imagine yourself surrounded by a team whose sole purpose is to help guide you through your healthcare experience: making it easy, and dare we say, fun.

So what is a CareLogistics team? A CareLogistics team surrounds you as you go through your healthcare journey. This team now works with (and for) you – making all the difficult parts of healthcare easy. They focus on price transparency, helping you navigate through the healthcare system, aiding you in making the right decisions, and analyzing data to help guide you on next steps for care. They create a ‘Game Plan’ that helps you visualize your path to feeling better. This type of planning serves as a type of road map – your care is extremely easy to understand than when it is laid out in front of you like this. Since this is a very new concept in healthcare, the easiness of using the team strikes a lot of people as “too good to be true.” You may ask yourself, “Why would I want a team to guide my care? I like my Doctor!” Many wonder how a CareLogistics team can ensure they get the lowest cost and the best possible healthcare experience. The answers may be much simpler than you’d ever imagine. But I like my doctor! Many of us have great relationships with our providers. We trust that our provider is making decisions to help us stay healthy and get active as quickly as possible while keeping our care as affordable as they can. Doctors will often come up with a Game Plan for you, but they rarely have the time and resources available to follow up and make sure you are staying on task, getting to all appointments, and getting to the right care when you’re outside their office. They certainly Mike Bechtol is the CareLogistics Director at Redirect Health. He is passionate about helping people of all ages navigate the healthcare system and improve the quality of their experiences.

don’t have the resources to make sure you are moving through the system with the least amount of your time, energy, or money wasted. This is where the team comes in – think of them as a personal healthcare concierge. A CareLogistics team will guide you as a patient through your Game Plan: coordinating visits with providers, and following up with you to make sure you are staying on track with appointments, visits, and medication. The ultimate goal is to provide a seamless healthcare experience, to eliminate unnecessary visits, and to help you continue doing the things that will get you healthy. One of the biggest frustrations you may have experienced as a patient of multiple providers is trying to coordinate your appointments so you save time and hassle on those days you have to drive all over town for your visits. The CareLogistics team will coordinate with outside providers and communicate with them to make sure your experience is seamless. This system navigation saves you time, hassle, and gets you healthier quicker. And it makes sure healthcare doesn’t cost more than it has to. It is nearly impossible for a doctor to manage the care of all of their patients, especially in today’s healthcare climate. This is the reason the future of healthcare will be driven by a CareLogistics team – they have the time, resources, and mission to make your healthcare experience cost effective, and your journey easy to follow. Redirect Health provides all the CareLogistics™ services at Arrowhead Health Centers. Questions about CareLogistics? Give our CareLogistics Director a call at (602) 789-3699 or email him at!

Deborah Brandon Photography

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The Traditional System

The CareLogistics™ Team

The Traditional System The CareLogistics™ Team The Traditional System The CareLogistics™ Team Multiple game plans One cohesivegame game plan Multiple game plans One cohesive plan Multiple points of contact & many providers All providers coordinate with one contact Multiple game plans One cohesive game plan Multiple points of contact & many providers All providers coordinatepoint with of one point of conta Confused and isolated Simple to follow and understand Multiple points of contact AllSimple providers coordinate with one point of con Confused and isolated& many providers to follow and understand

Confused and isolated

The CareLogistics team will help answer any questions you may have to give you the confidence needed while you’re progressing through your healthcare journey. If you are ever unsure or have issues with your Game Plan, the team is only a short call away. Better yet, if there’s an item that needs follow up, they will call you. In the old system, you may have had to call in to follow up – only then are you notified that you need to be seen again. By being proactive in reaching out to patients and redirecting their care to the most efficient path, the team can focus on creating timely and cost effective visits – saving you wasted time, money, and hassle. Think of the CareLogistics team as your healthcare concierge – they are here when you need them to answer questions, guide you to the right care, and give you the cost transparency that is often lacking in today’s healthcare climate. The CareLogistics team at Arrowhead Health Centers is taking it even one step further: they are offering same day / next day appointments and a 15 minute no-wait policy. They offer 24/7/365 visits by phone, which can handle roughly 50-60% of visits – saving patients the hassle of coming in for a visit. Better still, for their specialty programs, patients receive a worksheet that clearly explains the entire cost of the program before they start it. It’s this simple transparency that allows people to feel at ease with the cost and comfortable with the treatment they’re receiving – something Arrowhead Health Centers is hoping becomes a more common trend in the healthcare landscape.

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Simple to follow and understand

How can I know how much my visits cost before I come in? How many times have you gone to see a doctor, only to leave wondering how much it would cost you when you finally got the bill? What will you be billed for that office visit? How much will your labs be? X-Rays? Specialists? The list goes on. This lack of transparency can often cause confusion and isolation, and even cause us to delay necessary medical visits. This delay can end up costing us much more. Postponing preventative care can cause us to eventually need to rush to the Emergency Room or Hospital – if we let basic needs go uncared for long enough, the results could be very costly both in terms of money and our own health. Take a look at getting an MRI done, for example. If you see a primary care provider and an MRI is ordered for you, what care plan should you follow? The “normal” course of action may be to go the nearest hospital with your MRI orders and be seen there. If a CareLogistics team were to take over the coordination of your care plan, that experience would be very different. The CareLogistics team can give you a list of places to get the MRI done and the costs to you and your insurance for each location. Imagine knowing that the MRI in the hospital costs $2000-$3000 dollars, while the exact same MRI done at an imaging facility may only run you $200-$400. Armed with the knowledge to make choices, you can make a better educated decision, saving time (no waiting, unlike most hospitals) and money (saving out of pocket & insurance costs).

Innovation Often times, your MRI can be read much quicker at a standalone imaging facility, too, which gets you on your way sooner. Having a team coordinate your visits and guide your care can help you feel confident when making healthcare decisions. A CareLogistics team is available to provide this guidance along the way. When you are seen for any visit, you are given costs up front. When referred out to specialist, or for visits not covered by your plan, you have a team working behind the scenes to get you the best cash-pay options. Your team will give you choices and costs prior to your visit, so you can have the confidence of knowing what your care will cost. And when the exact cost is not known, at least your CareLogistics team will know where the best prices are. A simple example would be costs for pharmaceuticals. Prices can vary significantly from pharmacy to pharmacy – you could be paying $24 to as much as $1,300 for the same Amoxicillin prescription. If you are not aware of the costs, you have no reason not to go to your normal pharmacy and pay the amount you thought was “normal.” Being prepared with the best healthcare options will ultimately save you time and money. Healthcare should be easy, and the CareLogistics team puts you at the center of your healthcare experience to coordinate the many game plans that your providers set up. This takes the guesswork out for you. What exactly is a healthcare “Game Plan”? You’ve heard the term a lot – but what is it exactly? Imagine you have OsteoArthritis of the Knee, and you go to see your primary care doctor. He prescribes you a pain medication, sends you for an X-Ray, and orders physical therapy for you. At this point, those three items are your doctor’s Game Plan. When you arrive at the physical therapist, however, he may say you need an MRI instead of an X-Ray, and to go see an orthopedic specialist about knee injections. At this point, you likely have a total of 5 Game Plans (or expected care paths), whether you realized it or not. Your primary care doctor, physical therapist, pharmacy, imaging facility, and orthopedic specialist all have different plans and ideas for how to treat you. While no plan is necessarily a bad one by any means –

this can certainly leave you feeling overwhelmed with coordinating the care yourself. Your CareLogistics team can remove this confusion by being the center of logistics for your care. They will now take all these Game Plans and roll them up into one plan that is easy to understand and better yet, easy to follow. With an easy to understand plan, you are far more likely to stick to it – saving you money and getting you on the road to recovery much quicker. That is the end goal of your CareLogistics team: a great customer experience, lower costs and better health outcomes. When you work with a CareLogistics team, you have the ability to coordinate your care plans and get clarity on all of your next steps. Providers can also look to one point of contact to help manage their patients in a more efficient way. At the end of the day, everyone in your healthcare world is focused on one goal – getting and keeping you healthy. With the aid of a CareLogistics team, you have peace of mind knowing that all those goals are in alignment and centered around you specifically.

KNOW AHEAD OF TIME – SAVE BIG BUCKS Did you know that the cost of the same procedure or medication can vary significantly on the same block, let alone in the same state? Check out these cost comparisons for routine services: Medication/Procedure Low End Lipitor $21 Amoxicillin $24 Lumbar MRI $400 Gall Bladder Removal $3,200 Newborn Baby $6,900 Knee Replacement $15,600

High End $290 $1,300 $3,469 $13,900 $19,000 $46,500

For help navigating and determining fair prices for services and products on the go, visit and About Arrowhead Health Centers Arrowhead Health Centers is the first network of providers in Arizona offering the services of a dedicated CareLogistics team. With several Arizona locations conveniently-located to suit your needs, they offer the comprehensive and integrated care that removes the confusion from navigating the healthcare system. For more information about Arrowhead Health Centers, visit Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015 19

SURGICAL WEIGHT LOSS EXPERTS 2010 +2011 + 2012 +2013+2014

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Dr. Michael Orris

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Don’t Let Neuropathy Stop You from Doing the Things You Love. If you’ve been struggling with numbness, burning and discomfort in your legs and feet, we have your solution. Have you been told nothing can be done for the irritating numbness, burning, and discomfort in your legs and feet? Your life doesn’t have to be this way. Thanks to our comprehensive, integrated approach to care you’ll have—perhaps for the first time—a team of practitioners working together to create a Recovery Game Plan™ especially for you; this includes an official biopsy, specialized nerve testing, functional strength training, shortterm medication, and a sleep-approved TENS unit. Relieve your discomfort, and enjoy the things you thought you’d never be able to enjoy again. You can begin your path to comfort faster than you think.

Let the professionals at Arrowhead Health Centers get you well rested, feeling better, and then back on your feet confidently doing the things you love. Don’t put it off another day.

Space is limited, so call today for your FREE 1 on 1 appointment with one of our knowledgeable doctors.


Four Convenient Valley Locations: Glendale • Scottsdale • Mesa • Surprise/Sun City

Health & Wellness

A 30 Minute Appointment that Can Save Your Life Arizona tops national skin cancer rates — early screening can help prevent & detect this deadly disease With summer right around the corner, swimming pools, beach vacations and spending more time outside are probably already on your mind; but if not properly protected, your skin can suffer as a result of your fun in the sun. Skin Cancer is the most common form of cancer, resulting in one death per hour. Fortunately, skin cancer, especially when treated early, is rarely fatal (survival rates are in the 90-100 percent range for most cases) and those affected usually go on to live normal, healthy lives. In addition, there are many things everyone can do to protect themselves against skin cancer and catch it early on if they are affected. “Skin cancer is so prevalent in Arizona and the family practice doctor is usually the first person patients go to if they think something is wrong,” says Dr. Janice Johnston, MD, a family practice physician at Arrowhead Health Centers who specializes in skin cancer research and treatment. “That’s why we began offering skin cancer screening programs in a family practice setting nearly 10 years ago.”

Janice Johnston, M.D. is the co-founder and Medical Director at Arrowhead Health Centers in Glendale, Arizona. She has had extensive skin cancer training in Australia and received certification in primary skin Deborah Brandon Photography

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One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime and adults should get frequent skin checks as recommended by their doctor, regardless of age or skin type. For peace of mind, book a detailed skin examination. “At our screenings, we do a head-to-toe examination of the patient’s skin and use a special instrument called a dermascope that works as a handheld microscope to magnify the patient’s skin by 10 times – it’s a very thorough process.” This type of screening looks at the top layer of the skin to see if there are any moles, any changes in moles from previous screenings, or spots that cannot be seen with the naked eye. “We also keep records of any unusual skin spots via digital photographs entered into the patient’s electronic medical record. This allows us to track any changes that may occur as a result of the development of skin cancer,” Dr. Johnston says.

cancer medicine, dermoscopy and advanced dermoscopy through the University of Queensland. She currently teaches other medical doctors about dermoscopy and surgical principles. For more information about Dr. Johnston or skin cancer examinations, visit

Health & Wellness

How to Screen Your Sunscreen When triple-digit temperatures fill the air, there’s nothing quite like grabbing your favorite frosty beverage and heading for the nearest pool. But while you’re taking advantage of the refreshing water, it’s important to remember that water safety also includes selecting the right sunscreen. Choosing the right sun protection can help reduce the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging caused by summer rays.




Sunscreen is one of the most important tools you can use to combat cancers like melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

ONE OUNCE of sunscreen, enough to fill a shot glass, is considered the amount needed to cover the exposed areas of the body.

Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime.

When caught early, skin cancer has a

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends consumers choose a sunscreen labeled with:


cure rate.

SPF 30 or higher Broad Spectrum SPF 30

Broad Spectrum Water Resistant

Water Resistant A broad spectrum sunscreen protects the skin from UVA & UVB (ultraviolet A & B) rays, both of which cause skin cancer.

An annual skin check could save your life! In addition to sunscreen, the American Academy of Dermatology lists annual skin exams among the best ways to prevent and catch skin cancer.

Ready for a Skin Check? For more information on Arrowhead Health Centers’ Skin Cancer Screening Clinic, visit arrowheadhealth. com or call (888) 550-6063.

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Health & Wellness

Arizonans Can Stick to Weight-Loss and Health Goals in New Year with Strategic Approach from Weight Loss Institute of Arizona Registered Dieticians Provide Tips for Sustaining Resolutions

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As spring approaches, the hype of New Year’s resolutions starts to fade with each day. The Weight Loss Institute of Arizona (WLIA) and its team of leading bariatric surgeons are experts for Valley residents seeking to lead healthier lives in 2015, with both surgical procedures and general nutrition counseling.

Health & Wellness

At WLIA, patients are counseled by a team of registered dieticians, who provide the most up-to-date and informed approach to weight loss. Doctors Orris and DeBarros are spearheading this effort to eliminate the third-month slump and make sure that Valley residents are prepared to achieve their goals and can reach them with a stronger focus than ever.

In order to stick with resolutions throughout the year, the nutrition counseling experts at WLIA suggest a threepronged approach: setting attainable goals, tracking progress, and integrating a healthier style of living in all aspects of life.

In order to stick with resolutions throughout the year, the nutrition counseling experts at WLIA suggest a three-pronged approach: setting attainable goals, tracking progress, and integrating a healthier style of living in all aspects of life. Whether Valley residents are continuing treatment after gastric sleeve, LAP-BAND, other bariatric procedures or are simply looking to adjust their lifestyle, these three items will help in this pursuit.

“For surgical patients, we consult as far as six months prior to surgery to create the foundation for healthy lifestyle choices, and as much as one year after surgery to continue the weight loss goals,” Dr. Orris said. “When someone resolves to shed those extra pounds, it’s important to be there every step of the way.” WLIA experts suggest setting attainable goals because creating benchmarks that are within reach increase the likelihood of goal achievement. Goals for each person depends on exercise regimen and daily caloric intake, so many should seek professional assistance to create a regiment that is custom-fit to each person’s body, needs and lifestyle. Tracking progress is another key aspect to continuous growth in any aspect of life–especially when adjusting for a healthy lifestyle. When exercisers see steady growth over a period of time, they’ll be more likely to continue the actions in order to see continued

gains. This step is especially effective when paired with the first suggestion of setting attainable goals.

Integrating healthy goals in all aspects of living involves a seamless experience across eating, exercising, and daily activities which are essential when sticking to weight loss plans. A new healthy you is only achieved through a complete and comprehensive plan. Each session at WLIA is completely personalized with individual goals and recommendations, but can cover a variety of diet and exercise topics ranging from healthy cooking, eating out, shopping and meal prep to basic functions such as how to read nutrition labels or what nutrients patients should focus on. For more information about how to reach your health goals, consult the doctors and nutrition experts from WLIA by contacting them today at 480.829.6100 or visiting their website at

About Weight Loss Institute of Arizona Weight Loss Institute of Arizona helps overweight men and women regain control of their lives and their health. Their weight loss surgery center has helped thousands of people throughout the Southwest. They are known as the premier surgical weight-loss specialists in Arizona. Their team of highly trained surgeons offer a full range of bariatric procedures, as well as other general surgical procedures from colonoscopy to hernia repair. Regardless of what you’re interested in, they don’t just offer a more improved life, they offer hope.

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Health & Wellness

Ringing Ears? New Technologies Can Provide Relief Day Or Night.

Have you ever wondered what it means when your ears ring? Superstition holds that if your ears are ringing, then someone you know is saying something about you. However, for millions of Americans, ringing ears are not a welcome occurrence. Instead, they are a very annoying sound deep inside the head that can be distracting during the day and even keep you up at night. The medical term for ringing in the ears is tinnitus (TIN-ih-tus). Tinnitus is not a condition by itself — rather a symptom of old age or an underlying condition such as noise induced hearing loss. Tinnitus can be described as the sensation of hearing bells, crickets, clicking, buzzing, squealing, or even hissing. Tinnitus can come and go or be present at all times. There are two types of tinnitus. The most common form is subjective tinnitus, ringing that only you can hear. It can be caused by problems with outer, middle or inner ear function.

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Health & Wellness

The medical term for ringing in the ears is tinnitus (TIN-ih-tus). Tinnitus is not a condition by itself—rather a symptom of old age or an underlying condition such as noise induced hearing loss. Objective tinnitus can be heard during an examination by a specialist, and may be caused by muscle contractions, an inner ear bone condition or even problems with blood vessels. Causes can range from medication reactions to something as simple as too much wax built up in your ears. Tinnitus can impact your lifestyle and quality of life dramatically. Individuals who suffer from this ringing sensation often experience one or more of the following:

Stress Anxiety Irritability Fatigue Depression Concentration problems

For years, specialists offered nothing more than coping strategies to teach people how to tune out the unwanted sounds with little success. Recent changes in the digital sound processing available in advanced hearing aids and sound therapy products are providing tremendous relief from tinnitus. A free hearing test and tinnitus screening from a local hearing care provider can help determine the source and possible strategies for dealing with tinnitus. “80% of our patients experience a dramatic reduction in the ringing sensation — some don’t even hear the ringing at all — while they are wearing their hearing aids. 15% of our patients indicate a moderate reduction in their symptoms, while only 5% claim little to no benefit,” says Brandon Andrew, a hearing specialist at My Hearing Centers in Glendale. “Essentially, we trick the brain to not hear the ringing by using other sounds generated by hearing aids or sound therapy pillows. It’s wonderful!” added Andrew.

Memory trouble

Get Tested & Get Relief

IntelliSound Pillow®

Tinnitus management products have changed dramatically in the last few years and can be very affordable. Call My Hearing Centers at 888-295-3078 or book a free hearing test online at and receive a FREE sound therapy pillow, a $69.95 value*, sent right to your home. Shipping and handling fees apply**. My Hearing Centers has locations in Glendale, Surprise, Scottsdale, Mesa and Chandler for all your hearing care needs. Take advantage of this limited time offer and get your FREE sound therapy pillow upon completion of a free hearing test and tinnitus screening at any one of our convenient Phoenix area locations.

*No cash value, some restrictions apply. See any My Hearing Centers location in Arizona for details. **$18.95 shipping and handling fees apply.

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I’ve been in a Car Accident – Now What? Local motor vehicle accident experts Wade & Nysather, P.C. and Arrowhead Health Centers answer your biggest questions An auto accident can be one of the most stressful experiences in your life — even more so if you’re injured in the collision. According to ADOT, nearly a third of crashes in Arizona result in injury. Often times, the aftermath of the crash can be more traumatic than the accident itself — do you need a lawyer? Do you need to seek medical care? When do I need to call 911? We’ve asked local experts Arrowhead Health Centers and Wade & Nysather, P.C. for their advice on what to do when you’ve been in an accident.

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Q: What should I do immediately after the accident? A: The first thing you should do is check yourself and others for injuries. If anyone requires emergency assistance or there is any danger to you or the other driver, call 911. After that, exchange information with the others involved (insurance, names, addresses, and phone numbers, as well as the make, model, and license number of the vehicles involved). Call local law enforcement to the scene to file a report, and remember to obtain a copy of the report. Take photos of the accident if you can to document what happened. This will help you when you file a claim. Finally, contact your insurer and inform them of what has happened.


According to ADOT, nearly a third of crashes in Arizona result in injury. Often times, the aftermath of the crash can be more traumatic than the accident itself.


if any other soreness or pain surfaces. Sometimes, for example, you may not notice whiplash for a day or two (as your adrenaline wears off and the body begins to heal itself). If you notice any soft tissue injuries (strains, sprains, back/neck pain, etc.), it’s important to see a multi-specialty provider like Arrowhead Health Centers. A provider with multiple specialties can offer you primary care, chiropractic, and physical therapy to get you on the road to recovery more completely than traditional care. Bonus Tip: Many insurers now have apps that help you document your accident easily and allow you to submit your information from your phone. Check to see if your insurer has this and download it today – better to have it on-hand instead of having to download it at the scene of an accident!

Q: When should I call an attorney? A: Since most accident/injury attorneys provide free consultation, it would make sense to contact an attorney immediately after the accident to discuss your options. An attorney who deals only in personal injury can communicate with other parties involved (adverse insurance company, police, witnesses) and insure that you take the appropriate action in your best interest. It is important to know the statutory deadlines as many claims have limited amount of time to file. Q: When should I seek medical care? A: If you’re seriously injured, it’s important that you go to the hospital right away. If you are not seriously injured, it’s important to wait a couple of days to see

Q: Will an attorney take care of my damaged car? A: It is important to find an accident attorney that will assist with the vehicle damage by ensuring the repairs are performed properly, the deductible is paid and arranging the rental car or ensuring loss of use damages are paid. Q: My brand new car was repaired but I don’t think it will be worth as much as it was before the accident. What do I do? A: Often times, after a vehicle has been repaired, it may look the same, drive the same and appear as though you were put back in the same position as you were prior to the accident. Typically, this is not the case. Most consumers and auto dealerships purchasing a used car these days will insist on running a vehicle history report (i.e. Carfax) to determine if the vehicle has been involved in any prior accidents. If so, the value of your vehicle is likely worth less than it was prior to the accident. This loss or diminished value becomes apparent when you sell your car. Obviously, most people purchasing a used vehicle would prefer one that has not been in an accident over one that has.

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If I do get a lawyer, how much will it cost me? Q: The responsible insurance company refuses to pay my medical expense until I sign off on the settlement. In the meantime, I have collection companies harassing me for payment. I also keep getting Lien Notices saying I still owe money even though my health insurance has paid. Is this legal? A: Although certain filed Liens are legal, many are not. An attorney specializing in accident cases will be able to validate what/if any Liens are enforceable in addition to negotiating with medical providers to avoid balances being sent to collections. Additionally, an experienced accident attorney will have a network of Physicians, Specialists and various medical providers to ensure that you receive the best medical care possible. Q: Am I ever going to get paid back for the money I lost from missing work due to the accident? A: Yes, however, it is important that all dates, time missed and rate of pay are documented properly to ensure you are being reimbursed fully. It is also

About Wade & Nysather, P.C. Wade & Nysather, P.C., is a local personal injury attorney. Their Scottsdale and Glendale auto accident attorneys have the knowledge, resources, skills, and experience to effectively take on insurance companies, corporations, and governments to obtain the proper financial compensation for our injured clients. By eliminating the legal and insurance hassles of your personal injury case, you can live life normally and have peace of mind knowing your accident case is in the hands of experienced personal injury attorney. Call them at 480-258-6200 or visit to set up a free case consultation. Hablamos Español.

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important that your doctor’s medical records coordinate with your time missed from work. Q: How do I know the value of my case? A: Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. Many factors go into establishing the value or worth of your case and no two cases are alike. However, things such as the type of accident, types of injuries, duration of medical treatment, amount of medical expenses, etc.. Q: If I do get a lawyer, how much will it cost me? A: Many people delay in contacting an attorney because they mistakenly believe that hiring an attorney will be too expensive. Most accident attorneys will offer a free consultation and work on a contingency fee basis. What this means is that you will never receive a bill or invoice from an attorney. The attorney does not get paid until you get paid. The attorney will also advance costs in order that you are not out-of-pocket at all for your case.

About Arrowhead Health Centers Arrowhead Health Centers is a Valley provider that specializes in motor vehicle accident injury treatment and recovery. They provide comprehensive, integrated healthcare including primary care, pain and injury management, diagnostics, and rehabilitation. Comprehensive means we cover a lot of needs. Integrated means our practitioners and the people they serve work as a team to develop Recovery Game Plans™ and ’Stay Healthy’ Game Plans™ to get people better and keep them that way. Call them at 888-5506063 to request a motor vehicle accident consultation.

Injured in an Auto Accident? With most accident cases, an attorney will substantially increase the amount you receive and assist you in getting all the benefits you are entitled to, including making sure all of your medical bills and lost wages are paid.

We Can Help.

Wade & Nysather, P.C. is the leading personal injury law firm with over 25 years of experience with offices located throughout the valley, specializing in representing clients who have been injured in accidents. ¡Equipo bilingüe, sirviendo a la comunidad Latina por más de 25 años! Contact the offices of Wade and Nysather to learn more about how we can help you. There is absolutely no cost to you until we get money for you. Glendale • 16222 N. 59TH Avenue, Suite B220 • 623-748-9211 ScottSdale • 8961 E. Bell Road, Suite 201 • 480-258-6200


Free Consultation! a+

accRedIted BUSIneSS


7 Steps for Keeping Your Resolutions This Year We may be a few months into 2015 already, but it’s still early enough in the year either to set your resolutions or to evaluate how you’ve been progressing on the resolutions you made back in January. Whether you’re working on making resolutions or maintaining them, we sometimes worry about whether we’ll keep up with them throughout the course of the year. I want to tell you, “Yes, you can!” And you can succeed by following these seven steps.

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1 Get focused. Make sure that you select between one to three resolutions for the year. Any more than this number will leave you feeling overwhelmed and discouraged because you won’t be able to give any of them the attention they deserve or that you want to give them. An important question to ask yourself as you set your resolutions is this: Can I achieve them within six months to a year? If you answered yes, you’re off to a great start!

2 Stay positive. Now that you’ve chosen your resolutions, write them down and read them over. Are they written in a positive tone? Let’s say your goal is to lose weight. Usually people focus on the amount of weight they’d like to lose: I want to lose 20 pounds. But we can focus on this same resolution in a more positive light. Here’s how the resolution would read: I want to feel fit and better about myself. Think positively because researchers have found that our thoughts are things...things that will enter into our lives.

3 Take action. One of the most important things to do if you want to stay true to your resolutions is to show up to them EVERY DAY. Whether your resolution is to exercise more, to take time for yourself or to learn how to salsa, carve out a set amount of time each day for it, even if it’s just 15 minutes. That’s what showing up each day means. By taking action, you must also think about things in your life that no longer serve you as you strive


Don’t Let the Journey Discourage You Sometimes the goals you set can seem like they’re light years away from being realized, and because of that, many abandon their New Year’s resolutions. It’s important to focus on what you can control – make small changes and steps that work up to the goal you have set. Want to start a workout routine every morning? Start by waking up earlier, and once you’re used to that, then you can ease into a routine. Sudden changes to your habits can often deter you from continuing them because they aren’t comfortable. toward maintaining your resolutions. Maybe that means cleaning out the pantry of any junk or processed foods, spending less time watching television or getting rid of that piece of furniture in the room that would make the perfect “dance studio,” the point is to make room for the good things, the news things that occupy your time.

4 Lean on your support network. When you have people who will motivate you to keep working toward your goals, you will be less likely to give up. These are people who I like to call your “believing eyes.” They truly believe in your ability to succeed even when you don’t believe it yourself. Your support network is also important for other reasons. In fact, research shows that your social network benefits your mental health, keeping you calmer during stressful moments and decreasing any feelings of loneliness.

5 Eliminate obstacles. At some point, you might feel stuck or like you simply can’t continue with your resolutions. The doubt and fear creep in. You can manage this doubt. You can get back on track.

When you begin to feel the doubt and negative thoughts emerge, state out loud, “No, I’ve got what it takes to do this.” Then, think about why you set your resolutions and what it will mean for you to succeed. Keep the end goal in mind and believe in your abilities to conquer them.

6 Stay committed. This principle fits hand in hand with eliminating obstacles because it reminds you to maintain your momentum even when you face some challenges. Think about the great progress you’ve made so far and let it inspire you to continue to work on your resolutions.

7 Enjoy the process. Keeping your resolutions takes lots of effort and some weeks, you may stumble. That’s natural and that’s okay. Just hold your head up high and keep going! Take time to celebrate the small wins along your journey. Think about how you’ll celebrate when you’ve accomplished what you’ve resolved to do. You’ll find that it inspires you to work even harder!

An award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author and 2015 Arizona Mother of Achievement, Janette takes great pride in empowering people to create their dream lifestyles. She is a contributing author to the best-selling book, Transform, co-written by Brian Tracy,

an expert in the field of personal and organizational development. Janette also wrote Confessions of a Mompreneur: My Journey from Stressed-Out, Stay-atHome Mom to Successful Entrepreneur. Want to learn more about Janette? Visit

Deborah Brandon Photography

Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015 33


Hand Selected Recipes High fiber foods are essential to a healthy diet. We all know the benefits associated with digestion, but did you know a fiber-filled diet can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease? Getting more fiber into your diet doesn’t have to mean eating a salad every day – we’ve compiled some healthy recipes to help you get started.

Photo & Recipe Source: Clean Eating

Sweet Potato Breakfast Burritos | CALORIES: 226 • DIETARY FIBER: 10G • SERVES: 4 • SERVING SIZE: 1 BURRITO Ingredients 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 small sweet potato, peeled and diced 1 small yellow onion, chopped 3⁄4 cup frozen, sliced tricolor bell peppers, thawed 2 cups packed baby spinach, roughly chopped 1 teaspoon chile powder 2 large eggs, beaten 2 large egg whites, beaten 4 (9- or 10-inch) whole wheat tortillas 1 ounce shredded cheddar cheese

Directions In a medium skillet on medium, heat oil. Add potato, onion and bell peppers, and sauté for about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until potatoes are tender and onions are translucent. Add spinach and chile powder; sauté for 2 minutes more.

34 Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015

Increase heat to medium high. Add eggs and egg whites. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring frequently, until eggs are cooked through. Turn off heat and let cool for about 10 minutes. Tear off 4 16-inch rectangles of foil and lay 1 tortilla on top of each. Divide egg mixture evenly into the center of each tortilla. Sprinkle evenly with cheese. To wrap, fold edges in, then roll forward tightly. Wrap burrito tightly in foil. (NOTE: Alternatively, line with parchment paper and then wrap in foil.) Place wrapped burritos in a large zip-top freezer bag and freeze for up to 3 months. To serve, preheat oven to 400°F. Place a burrito, still wrapped, on a baking sheet and bake for 35 minutes. Use tongs to transfer wrapped burrito to a paper bag and take on the go. (NOTE: Baked burritos will stay warm for 15 to 20 minutes; they can be eaten on the go or when you get to work. If reheating in the microwave, make sure to remove foil first.)


White Bean Turkey Chili | CALORIES: 281 • DIETARY FIBER: 8G • SERVES: 8 • SERVING SIZE: 1 CUP Ingredients 1 tablespoon canola oil 2 cups diced yellow onion (about 2 medium) 1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon dried oregano 3 (15.8-ounce) cans Great Northern beans, rinsed and drained (certified gluten-free if necessary) 4 cups fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth 3 cups chopped cooked turkey 1/2 cup diced seeded plum tomato (about 1) 1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 8 lime wedges (optional)

Directions Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion; sauté 10 minutes or until tender and golden. Add chili powder, garlic, and cumin; sauté for 2 minutes. Add oregano and beans; cook for 30 seconds. Add broth; bring to a simmer. Cook 20 minutes. Place 2 cups of bean mixture in a blender or food processor, and process until smooth. Return puréed mixture to pan. Add turkey, and cook 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Remove from heat. Add diced tomato, chopped cilantro, lime juice, salt, and pepper, stirring well. Garnish with lime wedges, if desired.

Photo & Recipe Source: Cooking Light

Healthstyle Magazine - Spring 2015 35

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• Rosacea • Shingles • Warts • Spider Veins • Varicose Veins


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