Thrive Magazine Inkerman Medical Group

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ISSUE 1 | AUG U ST 2 0 2 0


 Supercharge Your Immunity  Keeping Calm in Lock-down  Exploring Self-Efficacy  Manifesting Financial Clarity  Body & Movement  Meditation Techniques  Caffeine Ups And Downs

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e m o c l We


Welcome to the first issue of Thrive magazine, created through the COVID-19 period to provide quality, comprehensive health and wellness information and to entertain and educate you about the very cornerstones of living your best life. In the coming months, we’ll be delivering you the best in all things body fitness and mindfulness, women’s and men’s health, nutrition and recipes, work-life balance, money and motivation, and beauty, along with celebrity interviews and inspirational success stories from all walks of life. We’re excited to have brought a team of highly talented and motivated people together to work in the creation of Thrive to walk-the-walk as we talk-the-talk. As the saying goes, from little things, big things grow and we are thrilled to have you along for the ride. Let’s do this!

PUBLISHED BY Thrive Magazine | EDITOR - Jenni Gilbert PARTNERSHIPS MANAGER - Kirien Withers CONTRIBUTORS Lee Holmes, Dr Natalie Flatt, Dr Victoria Chambers, Rich Muir, Pete Lord, Katie Missingham

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Supercharged Food nutritionist, chef and author If you’re aiming to get through the rest of winter in good shape, eating a vitamin and mineral rich diet will help to boost your immunity and build up your internal defences. An immune-boosting diet can also help to “reverse engineer” your moods, helping you to keep the so-called winter blues at bay. Perhaps you’re one of those people who, every winter without fail, ends up in bed with the flu, making best friends with a hot water bottle and a jumbo box of tissues. If this is the case, one of the first places to examine is your diet to ensure that it’s not leaving you vulnerable to nasty bugs.

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Immunity is your body’s natural defence against disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Considered to be the holy grail of health, a strong immune system can help fight colds, coughs and chest congestion, as well as help protect against more serious diseases and ailments. To supercharge your body’s first line of defence, consuming plenty of immune-boosting foods in is crucial to building and maintaining a strong system and keeping your mind in tip-top shape. Some of my optimal immune-boosting nutrients and ingredients to keep you supercharged this winter are Vitamin C, zinc, ginger, turmeric, oily fish and seeds.

FIGHT WITH FLAXSEEDS AND FISH I’m going to start small: flaxseeds are full of Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for our body to fight foggy brains, and help to produce energy and strengthen our immunity. They’re also high in fibre to promote regular bowel movements - so you can wave goodbye to that sluggish belly. You can sprinkle flaxseeds over eggs, put a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds in porridge or use them to make a crust for baked fish. It’s no secret that oily fish like salmon, sardines and tuna are overflowing with Omega-3 fatty acids, but our fishy friends can also help raise dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. Dopamine improves circulation and blood flow to keep you warm amid the chill, while serotonin, our happy hormone, is sure to put a smile on your dial! SUPERCHARGE WITH VITAMIN C Vitamin C is a powerful flu-fighting antioxidant which can help to keep lurgies at bay by enhancing your immune system function and increasing the production of necessary antibodies and white blood cells - key to warding off infections. To up your intake of vitamin C, consume citrus fruits in winter when they’re wildly abundant and

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inexpensive. Other well known sources of vitamin C are berries, broccoli, parsley, cabbage, capsicum and dark leafy greens. A simple way to get a high-speed injection of C is to create a smoothie using oranges as a base, then throw in a handful of berries, leafy greens and a good squeeze of lime. THE FORGOTTEN MINERAL: ZINC It’s common for many of us to have a low intake of zinc, particularly among women, children, vegetarians and vegans, as zinc is most commonly found and absorbed from animal products. Zinc is predominantly found in lean red meat, chicken, eggs, seafood - especially oysters and shellfish - and in smaller quantities in whole grains, nuts and seeds, such as pumpkin seeds, and fortified breakfast cereals. This mineral is incredibly important in the development and functioning of the body’s infection-fighting white blood cells. It’s vital to note that how well we absorb zinc depends heavily on the foods with which it’s consumed. The amount of protein in the diet is a factor contributing to the efficiency of zinc absorption, as zinc binds to protein.

COLOUR YOUR WINTER Once your zinc intake is taken care of you can concentrate on loading up with in-season fresh fruit and vegetables, which are rich sources of powerful antioxidants to help protect the body’s cells against damage and infection. Flavonoids, the natural pigments that give plants their colour, have antioxidant, or cell-protecting, properties. Beetroot, broccoli, sweet potato, oranges, red capsicum and pumpkin are high in antioxidants and work well in cold weather fare.

STAR SPICES: GINGER AND TURMERIC Ginger is a gut-friendly spice that stimulates digestion and bowel function, while helping to relieve bloating, cramping and nausea. This is especially important during winter, when it’s common for digestion to be a little compromised from loading up on carbohydrate-heavy and rich meals, such as roast dinners, pastas and pizza. Ginger is a gorgeous warming root that has also been shown to increase neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals used by brain cells to communicate with each other, controlling your ability to focus, as well as regulate mood, cravings and sleep. Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound that increases the level of immunity-boosting proteins in our bodies. These proteins help fight bacteria and viruses when they try to attack. Turmeric is also a natural anti-inflammatory and painkiller. During the cooler months, remembering to keep your fluid intake up is important. If you find that you’re drinking much less water in winter, switch to soups and teas. My Golden Gut Blend is perfect for making Golden Lattes, which will not only keep you warm and hydrated, but will also nourish your body.

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,My Golden Gut

Blend is perfect for making Golden Lattes


Winter food doesn’t need to be all about stodgy stews and heavy meals to keep in the warmth and boost immunity. Fire up some simple home cooked hearty vegetable packed bowls, such as cauliflower fried rice or add brightly coloured veggies to broths and soups. Add turmeric to your scrambled eggs: and incorporating vitamin and mineral rich ingredients into your meal planning is your body’s best defense to keep you ahead of common bugs and lift your mood and energy levels, so you can feel your best this winter. Turn to page 40 for some yummy supercharged winter recipes.

Win a

Heal YourGut The Heal Your Gut 4-Week Program will help restore your inner health so that you can experience wellness from head to toe, and gain more energy and vitality. You can commence the program at any time or sign up for the Two Day HYG Maintenance Program if you are time-limited. A thriving gut is core to your health. Our lower gastrointestinal tract is home to almost 100 trillion microorganisms, most of which are bacteria. These are mostly “good” bacteria that help us digest food and release the energy and nutrients we need. They also crowd out bacteria that can trigger disease. But when things go awry in our guts, they can also go awry with our immune system and brains. This can lead to digestive problems, weight gain, depression, anxiety and disease. The program is designed for you, it’s uncomplicated, achievable and honours the body as a whole. You can finally wave goodbye to expensive supplements and faddish diet trends for good. 7 |


4-week program RRP $79.00, we have five programs to give away to lucky THRIVE readers. Or use our coupon code THRIVE1 for a 25% discount:

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By JENNI GILBERT Matches made in reality TV heaven rarely seem to make it much past the wrap party of the series – or, indeed, the end of filming. Take 2018’s The Bachelor Nick “Honey Badger” Cummins, or literally half of the cast of Married at First Sight on any given season. But after fitness entrepreneur Sam Wood won Snezana Markoski’s heart in 2015 on the third season of The Bachelor, they’ve gone on to become Australia’s truly real reality TV sweethearts and role models for family health and fitness. Sam quickly became dad to Snez’s daughter, Eve (now 15), from a previous relationship, and the couple welcomed their first child together, daughter Willow, in October, 2017. In February, 2019, Sam and Snez married and had their second baby daughter, Charlie Lane Wood, last July. 9 |


The family goes from strength to strength – but not without its challenges, especially those thrown up by COVID19 lockdown, that we can all relate to. And as we enter the “new normal” world, we’re taking some valuable lessons with us that will ideally enhance our lives. Better known these days as “the health, fitness and family guy”, the former Bachelor is now TV’s Better Homes and Gardens’ resident health and fitness expert, and has hit a major milestone, turning 40 in May. Snez turns 40 this year, too, making it a time for a reassessment and recalibration. Thrive asked Sam what he and Snez have learned from lockdown and what they are taking into their “new normal” family life:

, I wasn’t in shocking shape, but I’d put on four or five kilos. Dad bod is real!


ON “DAD BOD” Charlie was born last July and that jump from one to two little ones is huge. Apart from lack of sleep, there was less time for Snez and I to find opportunities to work out. Plus, I’m a bit all or nothing. If I’m losing out on the exercise, I’m usually not as diligent with my food. I lost my way for a little while. I said to Snez before Christmas: “From Boxing Day onwards I’ve got to get back on it”, because I was feeling lethargic and yuck. I wasn’t in shocking shape, but I’d put on four or five kilos that didn’t need to be there. Dad bod is real! FINDING THE BALANCE If you’re doing full-tilt exercise, you’re feeling guilty because you probably should be helping [around the house], so then you start to help. Then you get frustrated that you’re not exercising, which would normally make you feel a bit better. It’s genuinely a tough balance. I have found during lockdown that being able to do workouts at home, or just going for a run, is quicker and easier than finding an hour, hour and a half to go to a gym.

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FAMILY FIRST With Better Homes, Snez and I came up with a list of things – about fitness and food/cooking - that we thought were important to share with people, and we started filming earlier this year. I would never get the family involved in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, but if it’s a natural fit, if Willow’s having fun or it’s something relevant to Eve, then we’re happy to film some workouts or cooking segments at our house. R.E.S.P.E.C.T Snez is the best mum ever. Of course, there are times when she gets a bit cranky that I’m working too much, or saying yes to too many events and wants me to be home a bit more. When that happens, we talk openly and try to shift things around. Having kids changes everything and your priorities shift. That other stuff suddenly seems a whole lot less important. Snez also hits the big 4-0 this year, as much as we’re both probably not excited about it, we’ve grown up a little bit.

CABIN FEVER The lockdown months are undeniably challenging for everybody and the uncertainty definitely something that we, as a family, struggle with. To keep our mindsets positive and navigate the period of unknown, we approached everything with a family focus. It was very much a “work together” attitude, with a divide and conquer approach where necessary. It is so important for your mental and physical wellbeing to stay active. Words like “lockdown” and “isolation” when you have kids really makes you fear cabin fever, which automatically made us more aware of the importance of getting the kids outside. For Willow and Charlie, with parks and playgrounds closed, this meant we had to rethink the ways they typically used to get active and outdoors. Instead of worrying about the things we could no longer do, we have used it as an opportunity to shake things up. I got this incredible bike as a birthday gift that allows me to take Willow on long bike rides. We go for many walks as a family with Charlie in the pram. We bought a $20 sandpit so the kids can play for hours outside. And Snez and I do home workouts together. OH, EVIE As an independent teenager, Evie loves using her fitness tracker to stay motivated and share progress with her friends. If Snez or I want to do some exercise on our own, then one will watch the kids while the other has some time to get active. It has been a tag team effort and we really support each other. All these things that initially felt like they would be incredibly challenging turned out to be a beautiful blessing. Never have I enjoyed … walking with my family, bike riding with Willow, talking to Evie about her running, or working out with Snez … more.

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GOT TO KEEP MOVING One of the great learnings for us was the attitude of Eve’s school. They really made sure that the students weren’t feeling overwhelmed or concerned that they’d fall behind during this period. They also made sure Wednesdays involved minimal screen time; encouraging the kids to do physically based activities and journal them - from meditation through to getting out for a walk or a bike ride. Evie really enjoyed this. As a family, we thought this was a great message that we could adopt, too. Everything has been new and there is a lot of uncertainty, so we didn’t want to make this worse by feeling like we had to work out more than ever before or use this time to accomplish a million new things.

,Snez and I became far

better communicators, not just with each other but with our kids and extended families


KEEP TALKING Another learning that has come out of the lockdown period is the importance of communication. Snez and I became far better communicators, not just with each other but with our kids and with our extended families. For Eve, we sat down with her to understand what remote learning looked like because it was new to us all. We have talked it through often to avoid stress and confusion. We made sure she feels supported, we spoke to other parents, we connected with the school and we made sure Evie had her daily routine all set.

We encouraged her to go for a walk at the start of each school day to clear her head and get her ready to start the day. This emulated her usual morning walk to school or the train station and got her in the right frame of mind for learning. BOREDOM ISN’T A SNACK! From a nutrition perspective, during that period I was frequently asked about how to maintain some form of structure with eating, and not continuously snack all day. As a family, particularly with young kids and various sleeping and feeding times, we have tried our best to stick to three healthy meals per day and not let the snacking get out of control. I’m not going to lie, there was still absolutely still snacking, including boredom snacking. But we try to make them healthy and not overdo it too often. With more time together at home, we have really enjoyed cooking as a family. In fact, nothing put a bigger smile on my face than watching Evie teach Willow how to make cookies and biscuits. Not always healthy ones either! As is my philosophy, it’s all about balance. Not every meal or treat had to be healthy, it was fun to cook some sweet yummy ones too.

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Inkerman Medical Group is an AGPAL accredited practice that has been providing high-quality care to the community for over 50 years. Ear Microsuction Most of us are guilty of trying to clear our ears with cotton earbuds but often this pushes and compacts our earwax deeper within the ear. A safe way to remove the build-up of earwax is to have it removed by your GP using micro-suction. Done within the practice this painless procedure takes around 15-30-minutes.

Dr Sangeeta Nagpal With over 36 years of medical experience and a belief that no two patients are alike, Dr Sangeeta Nagpal brings a wealth of knowledge to general practice and our cosmetic services. Her wisdom to find the right balance for each and every patient is something we value, and patients appreciate. To learn more about Dr Nagpal visit our website.

Inkerman Medical Group has a full spectrum women’s health service to give you the best chance of diagnosis, treatment, and care under the one roof. We help women all ages through common health concerns and sometimes difficult stages of their lives, from pre-teen and teenager concerns to menstrual and menopause advice, cervical screening, family planning and weight loss are just a few of the women’s health services we provide. You can learn more about our women’s health services on our website.

 290 Inkerman Street East St Kilda 3183   (03) 9527 4355


Happy Mind Happy Life WITH VEDIC MEDITATION KEEPING CALM IN THE FACE OF A PANDEMIC STORM By RICH MUIR How do we keep our mental health sound while we are dealing with the chaos created by the pandemic? Sustaining a sense of calm is key for a multitude of reasons. For starters, anxiety and stress will suppress your immune system. If we are in a stressed state we lose the executive functions of the brain that help us make educated, informed and creative decisions in the face of adversity. When we are calm we can also better serve those who are not - and help to steady a very rocky ship. If we all start stressing out, situations can get far worse. As a collective, we need empathy, clarity, calmness, compassion and clear thought. But how do we stay calm? How can we reduce the very natural stress response to such a situation? Meditation. Hold the phone … yes, meditation. No, I am not talking about lighting a candle, holding a crystal and trying

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Coach and Mentor Rich Muir

to stop thought. I am talking about a practice that down regulates the agitated mind. Right now, many of us have highly agitated minds. We need a simple technique that offers a way for the nervous system to defrag; to release the tension and anxiousness caused by the “reacting” to what is happening. Meditation thankfully is now very much backed by countless scientific studies and shown to reduce the impacts and effect of stress and anxiety within the nervous system.


thankfully is now very much backed by countless scientific studies


Yet for most of us, meditation is still seen as an esoteric practice or something that is hard, such as: “I cannot stop my thoughts because my mind is too busy”, or “I cannot sit cross-legged like a yogi”.

For this reason, good friend and fellow meditation teacher Carly McDowell and I have started a free, online, live meditation coaching program called The Happy Mind Project.

If that is you, cast those thoughts aside. I certainly had to when I first started meditating over 13 years ago, which I desperately needed due to the sea of stress I was swimming in.

This platform runs bi-weekly courses to teach you a selfsufficient meditation technique to help keep stress at bay. We aim to demystify meditation and ensure you are confident to start meditating on your own. There are opportunities to ask questions.

I had left a high-paid job managing a Mercedes-Benz dealership with a young family to look after while suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. And I am ever-grateful I did start meditating. It is like a soothing balm to the craziness of day to day life, let alone when we are faced with global pandemics! Due to this situation, meditation has gone from something I casually recommend to something I’d say everyone should be doing, but for a lot of people there are obstacles to learning. Among the reasons I hear are that a lot of practices seem “left field” or are costly, or people don’t have the time. We could also be looking at a long period of social distancing restrictions, making the pursuit of in-person courses impossible.

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The technique we share does not require technology, any belief systems or dogma, or for you to sit uncomfortably. The only requirement is to allocate the time to sit and meditate. Words fall short with my urge for you to start meditating in these times. I can only encourage you to be open, do some research on the science or reach out to a meditation teacher. If you feel ready to start your journey, jump onto our website and join one of our free upcoming courses

Rich Muir is a Vedic Meditation teacher operating out of Gold Coast and Brisbane and also coaches and mentors people to better life outcomes, while also doing a Bachelor of Psychological Science. He runs the Meditation Spot Teaching people from all walks of life simple techniques in Vedic Meditation.

Carly McDowell is a Vedic Meditation teacher operating out of Sydney and also runs support groups working alongside psychologists for people in trauma-filled relationships.

Keeping it Together WITH SELF-EFFICACY

THE POWER OF SELF-BELIEF TO BOOST POSITIVITY, CONFIDENCE AND OVERALL LIFE SATISFACTION By DR NATALIE FLATT co-founder, Connect Psych Services Self-efficacy can be defined as one’s belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task. It significantly contributes to how an individual approaches goals, tasks, and challenges. During these unprecedented times where feelings of ability, success and purpose are felt to be compromised, it is more important than ever to focus on this trait. The following strategies can help maintain and boost your self-efficacy; leading to greater positivity, confidence and overall life satisfaction during and beyond COVID-19. MASTER THOSE SMALL TASKS Focus on what’s immediately ahead of you. Setting small tasks will build your level of self-efficacy. This might be getting to the gym three mornings a week, spending more quality time with the kids, eating a super-healthy meal once a day or rearranging a cluttered room in the house to better function. Whatever you decide to do, make the tasks small. They’ll gradually build back the faith in yourself that you can achieve positive results. Creating a list of these tasks and crossing them off once you have finished is also a great way to see your achievements.

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PEER MODELLING Take a look at positive friends, family or colleagues and what they do every day. What are their personal successes and goals? What do they accomplish and how do they go about this? Ask questions about how they accomplished what they needed to do and see if any strategies can be transferred into your journey. Observing how others succeed will be an important source of inspiration you can take with you into the future.

CREATE SPACE INSPIRATION The environment you surround yourself in each day can affect your mood, motivation and overall self esteem. How does your home office desk look? When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel about your kitchen bench/bathroom/ family room? When working remotely, a positive space to go to every day where you feel relaxed, prepared and confident is a must. Surround yourself with what makes you happy and inspired. Less is more: De-clutter your spaces. Research has shown this can clear the mind and make way for a better problem-solving mindset. Natural light is important so make sure your space has plenty of it. Plants are a great way to boost the oxygen level to draw the excess carbon dioxide from the environment resulting in a more energising space.

BECOME YOUR OWN ‘POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGIST’ Research supports the notion that positive self-talk leads to success, reduction in stress, higher confidence and an overall happier life. Start taking note of your selftalk. Is it more self deprecating? If you constantly say “I cannot”, you can easily convince yourself that this is true. Challenge each thought pattern and replace with a positive statement. Write down those statements and stick them in conspicuous places to help maintain that mindset.

ROAD MAPPING YOUR FUTURE GOALS A roadmap shows you a manageable route to the bigger win. How will you get there? Do you need extra assistance to get there (whether it be a PT, a dietitian, extra education etc?).

How do you go about that? Larger goals take time and with the right road map they can be achieved, step by step. These steps are super-important to building your self-efficacy along the way, improving your necessary skill-sets and confidence in Further, don’t forget to remind knowing that you can get to the yourself to: top. Tune into the silver lining • Acknowledge your accomplishments, in the current situation. This is no matter how small an ultimate time to reflect and • Never compare yourself to other explore how you might get to people reflect and reach that goal. It • Tell yourself you are forgiven and takes strength to realise that allow you to move on your belief in yourself could be • Give yourself grace when things stronger, because it means you get tough recognise you’re worth it. • Avoid those toxic people in your life who get you down and create There will be good days and bad negative thinking days; more restful days and more • Gather evidence of your successes stressful days. Just remember that each day in a journal before bed. tomorrow will be another day. It’s a difficult journey to begin, but well worth it.


Natalie is from a management background in school-based private psychology. Over those 11 years with the company, she saw a significant reduction in the mental health status of teachers and principals.

Self-care was getting pushed further and further back and mental health challenges were becoming evident. As a consequence, Natalie moved into supporting individuals, leaders and teams from all industries to highlight the importance of self-care, stress management and communication. As time, availability and flexibility became a constraint and with the rise of efficacious online therapy, Connect Psych was born to provide organisational leaders and teams with the opportunity for accessible support. See more at 16 |


e v a H u o Y y h W e s i c r e x To E


By DR VICTORIA CHAMBERS Registered Osteopath Ready for a hard truth? You have to exercise! You do. Yes ... you! The benefits of physical activity have such a positive impact on every aspect of life and health that you would be doing yourself a disservice not to do it. Another truth is that exercise can be many different things - it doesn’t have to be a hard sweat session or a booty blast class, nor yoga, running, swimming or pilates. There are no “rules” and a lot of options for everyone, from kids to seniors. There are many reasons people shy away from exercise: time, money, not finding something 17 |


they enjoy, feeling overwhelmed by options or not knowing where to start. Many also believe that they have to be sweating or it’s not worth the effort. Right now, we have a unique opportunity to start getting into some better exercise habits with many people working from home (freeing up time when they would otherwise have been commuting, for instance) and more services moving online, making them very convenient to try out. There’s also a ton of advice out there, that can be confusing. So we’ve broken it down into a few easy to follow steps to creating your ideal exercise routine, no matter who you are or your current fitness level.

BUT FIRST, WHY YOU HAVE TO EXERCISE Let’s make this quick and punchy. There’s an enormous amount of research demonstrating all the positive health benefits of exercise. I’ve read them for you and here’s the highlight reel: POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS Exercise has positive psychological effects. This isn’t just for those with mental health concerns. Exercise is shown to improve overall mood, memory and focus, and reduce stress levels. Bonus - those great exercise-generated endorphins are proven to boost long-term happiness. In addition, there are positive effects for those suffering from conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders. In fact, the best mental health effects kick in with only 45 minutes, three to five times per week. REDUCES DISEASE RISK Exercise reduces the risk of succumbing to many chronic diseases. This is a big one. All the heavy hitters are here: stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Exercise helps to prevent, delay or reduce the risk of all of these serious health issues. Even low impact physical activity is shown to cause effective changes in the cardiovascular system. It also contributes to boosts in immune function and is shown to improve lung health and function - a big deal for the world we live in right now. REDUCES RISK OF PREMATURE DEATH The collective effects of exercise reduce relative risk of early death by 20-35 percent. How is that for an amazing stat! This study assessed the difference in life expectancy for people living a largely sedentary lifestyle moving to the recommended minimums for physical activity for adults. So they essentially went from doing nothing much to the minimum exercise requirements and improved their life expectancy by 20 percent!

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,A study in The Lancet found

that 15 minutes a day of brisk walking will improve life expectancy by three years.


Here’s another stat: A study published in The Lancet in 2011 found that 15 minutes per day of brisk walking could improve life expectancy by three years ... for something you can do in under 20 minutes with no equipment!

just having more mobility - fewer creaky joints, less tightness, fewer headaches, and so on.

EXERCISE IMPROVES SLEEP If I had to pick one habit we could all improve on (aside from exercise), it would be sleep. Sleep and exercise have similarly positive effects on health, reducing risks of major chronic conditions such as dementia and cardiovascular disease.


Both additionally improve memory, productivity, focus and reduce the risk of brain disease such as Alzheimer’s.

WHERE TO START There are broad categories of physical activity that are good for us all to be doing, but there are a heap of options of different types of activity within those groups.

Sleep is something many of us have lost in this age of screens and sedentary lifestyles. Well, guess what - exercise is shown to improve sleep quality, which means you get a two-for-one. YOU’LL FEEL BETTER Exercise can equal less disease, pain and stress, feeling happier, working and sleeping better, and

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Just a happier and better quality of life. It’s a no brainer, really.

As a general rule, we all need to be doing some kind of cardiovascular exercise. This could be walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, boxing, bouncing around or anything which increases your heart rate and makes you breathe a little harder.

Additionally, strength work should cover all major muscle groups in the week and at least twice per week. If you’re still unsure of where to start, consult a health professional.

We also need some kind of strength work or resistance exercise which can be body weight exercise, weights, swimming, band-work, yoga, pilates, boxing and the list goes on. You can start small. Maybe a mat pilates class and walking. Maybe a swim or boxing (both of those will tick both our major category boxes). Perhaps a home workout with squats, lunges, push-ups and star jumps. Or a dance class and power yoga. And how much exercise? The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise. This means 150 minutes of something that makes you moderately puffed or 75 minutes of something that gets you really puffed throughout the week. You need to do at least 10 minutes at a time, which breaks down to about 22 minutes per day for moderate, or 11 minutes if you want to get really puffed and get it over and done with.

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At Beyond, we often refer clients to our exercise physiologists who will do an assessment to ascertain the best starting place for an individual’s fitness level and can make recommendations based on their goals. If you want to just get going for yourself, just use common sense and remember to build up slowly. Bodies like small incremental changes and if you go hard, you might end up pretty sore in a couple of days’ time. A great place to begin is our very own Beyond Movement Hub which has an amazing range of classes ready to go. You can start with low impact pilates or get a bit more puffed with a HIIT class. And check our the Booty Blasters for some of that critical strength work. As always, we’re here to help, so drop us a line if you have questions. We love guiding people in the right direction for their health. Our passion is helping people move through life! Visit our website for more information

A way out of your money mess ES T A B L IS H YO UR G O ALS AN D BREAK T HEM DO W N IN T O R E AL, AC HI EVABLE AC T I O N S By PETE LORD Is there a way out of our personal money mess? In my journey I’ve learned that as humans we are wired to make stupid decisions about money. Why do we do that? What can we do about it? Firstly, we aren’t good at thinking long-term. Almost everything about our culture encourages and rewards the loss of self-control; from reality TV to Instagram. Self-control issues have been around since we started walking on two legs but it’s getting worse. Temptation is everywhere. Commercial interests want us to do whatever is good for them and do it right now. Stores, apps, websites and social media clamour for our attention, time and money in ways which are good for them but terrible for us. To make matters worse, because there are so many ways to 21 |


spend, we are even worse when thinking about money in terms of opportunity cost. Secondly, we are reducing the “pain of payment”. Since we invented money, we have been making it easier to spend.

guessed it: when the crackers were given in four bags, people stopped eating at the end of a bag. We continue to use technology to remove the friction to make it easier to spend. Banks love it, retailers love it. But we don’t.

There is a reason we spend less with cash when compared with cards - the pain of payment.

Number three - saving for the future is just hard. We used to see saving in terms of livestock or crops. So, it was easy to see what “the Joneses” were up to and it encouraged us to save.

Cash created friction. We used to: • Exchange a chicken for grain; then • Exchange coin for grain; then • Exchange notes for grain; then • Use cheques for bread; then • Use credit cards for a sandwich; then • Use PayPass for a burger Now we have Afterpay. Buy now pay later. Friction is important because it makes it easier for us to say no. There was a great study in 2011. Some people got one 400g bag of crackers, while others received the same quantity of crackers, but in four separate, 100g bags. You

With technology we no longer see how much we have saved – it’s invisible! But we can see how much we have spent, because unfortunately our spending has becoming extremely visible. While thinking and planning for the future is not something most of us like or do, the positive benefit of social pressure to save more has gone and been replaced by a far worse “demon” - the social pressure to spend. Damn you, Rich Kids of Instagram.

WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT? Start by identifying and writing down your goals - short, medium and longterm. It’s the best way of changing your behaviour because when you know your “big rocks” it makes it easier to say no to the small stuff. Goals to consider are things like paying off your Afterpay or credit card debt, or saving for a holiday. Then tell everyone about your goals. It also helps to think about what you don’t want to happen. For example, “I don’t want to retire at 65 and eat cat food for the rest of my life”. INCREASE THE PAIN OF PAYMENT Technology is decreasing the pain we experience when we pay. So we need to increase the pain of payment so we spend less. For instance, haven’t we all felt the pain of “breaking” a $50 or $100 note? TOP TIPS • Only pay cash for a few weeks and see how much less you spend • Delete your Afterpay app or Google/Apple Pay • Give your credit cards to a friend to hide for you

At Best Financial Friend (BFF) we have a free, printable large saving thermometer. Print it out and stick it somewhere so that everyone can see it. MAKE IT VISIBLE TO EVERYONE IN THE HOME This way you can show that you might not have a new handbag, or your kids might not have the latest Fortnite game, but you do have a mark on your saving thermometer meaning you are one step closer to your goal(s). THINK ABOUT TIME NOT MONEY We are far better at understanding the value of time rather than the value of money. Plus, we are all mostly terrible at thinking longterm and particularly bad with the opportunity cost thinking about money. So, work out your hourly rate and then any time you want to make a purchase above this amount, stop and think “is this worth 10 hours of my time?”. When you buy online, make sure you leave things in your shopping basket for longer than 24 hours. When you come back. Ask yourself “do I really want/need this?”.

MAKE YOUR SAVING VISIBLE For 98 per cent of human history, our saving was visible. You had eight goats so you strived to save enough for nine.


ABOUT BEST FINANCIAL FRIEND BFF are real people who are on a mission to help you become financially secure, so you can enjoy a stress-free and debt-free life. BFF believes that you can take control of your money and wellness with real connection, accountability and a little help and knowledge.

But with technology, saving has become invisible but our spending has become very visible. So we need to reverse this.

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THE MAGIC SECRET INGREDIENT A BIG DOSE OF ACCOUNTABILITY! Have you ever wondered why people floss more before they go to the dentist? It’s simple - someone will be looking at your teeth. Accountability accelerates your performance and you are up to 95 per cent more likely to succeed if you add some accountability on your journey. Some ways to do this: • Tell a friend about your goals, and ask for their help to keep you accountable. Then lock in a time per week when you can talk about your progress. • Create a community. Ask your friends and family if they want to join you on your journey and together you can keep each other accountable. • Outsource. Sign-up for BFF and your monthly meeting and regular calls with your dedicated BFF money coach will help keep you accountable.

You can see more at



How to put on and take off a mask properly

Taking care of yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic

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WWW. T H E R M H . OR G . A U


After retirement, Mum struggled to find a sense of relevance and her health began to decline. After a trip to her GP and a referral to see a geriatric specialist, she was diagnosed. Things began to move quickly, which only added to the stress of the situation. As a family we began to gather information about Mum’s condition, which only raised more questions about finding the right care for her. Our GP offered support by assisting us with a referral for homecare and permanent care, explaining it may be required in the future. We discussed homecare as an option to allow her to continue to live independently while she could. It soon became apparent that her dementia was progressing quickly. With the family being busy with work and not able to assist her, we began noticing that the homecare package she was allocated was just not enough.


As a family we know Mum is receiving the care she needs to have quality of life


In March, we were faced with having to pull back what services she had due to COVID-19 - the reality of having different carers entering her home was not a safe environment for her. A serious fall down her front steps led to a hospital admission. On discharge from the hospital, during a follow up visit with her GP, he strongly suggested full time care for her. As hard as it was to make the decision, I’m so thankful that our GP recognised it was becoming unsafe for my mother to live on her own despite the external assistance. It was also noticeable that there was a significant decline in her mental health due to being isolated at home.

It went exceptionally well, with a short period of respite care then transitioning into full time care. I don’t think the move could have been any better. The caring staff in the home helped make it less stressful on both Mum and the family. My Mum has settled very quickly, something that I am most grateful for. The staff have quickly developed intimate knowledge of the person Mum is and understand her needs and interests. Mum clearly trusts the staff, and as a family we feel she is safe, welcomed and well cared for. I feel very lucky! The move from home to this aged care facility has been a truly happy ending story. The angst at the outset has been greatly outweighed by the health and wellbeing of my Mum.

As far as I know, there had never been discussions with Mum about her future life in an aged care facility. It is a big change from living independently. Taking my mother away from her own home was a difficult decision, however we were referred to the Medical & Aged Care Group as they had a home close to our family. A good reputation and availability were top priorities, along with finding services that would cater for my Mum and her dementia.

Knowing that she is receiving the care she needs goes a long way in easing some of the pressures that come with dealing with her diagnosis. Now, I get to enjoy my time with her, even though there are current restrictions on visiting during this time. As a family we know she is receiving the care she needs to have quality of life, something she was not having in her home.

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Learn More about MAACG Aged Care   find us on facebook  find us on youtube


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Caffeine and your mental health THE INSIDIOUS LINK BETWEEN THE DAILY RITUAL OF A CUPPA (OR TWO OR 10) AND A MULTITUDE OF SYMPTOMS By KATIE MISSINGHAM Nutritional Therapist Coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks … I like to call them the life juice. I don’t know about you, but I have created my beautiful habitual routine of a morning that involves the decadent smell of freshly ground coffee beans in my favourite 16-ounce reusable Starbucks mug. I never used to be one for coffee drinking, until I entered university. Even then, I didn’t drink coffee at all until my last year. I even worked as a barista for three years without even knowing what my coffee tasted like! Over the years of deciding what type of caffeinated beverage I liked, I found myself growing dependent on my daily dosage of the coffee type of life juice. This turned into two or three coffees (double shot) and potentially one or two energy drinks per day. On top of this, I then thought that adding a thermogenic before my training regime was a great idea. I was feeling the side-effects after a few years of this routine. My anxiety grew stronger and stronger each day, I had jittery hands constantly, and tipped into regular panic attacks. What I would encourage is to look into your family history. Do you have a high history of depression and anxiety running through your family line? Are you overly sensitive to products containing caffeine? If so, I urge you to continue reading. Most people are familiar with the main pharmacological movements of caffeine: it stimulates the nervous system, increases urine output. 28 |


CAFFEINE INTAKE UPSIDE? • Studies have shown that caffeine promotes heightened awareness and attention • When consumed in moderation, it appears that there are no serious adverse health effects associated with its use by adults • It is absorbed into the bloodstream within about 15 minutes of consumption, making It readily available for a “quick fix”.


• Withdrawal from caffeine can cause fatigue, decreased physical strength, anxiety, headache, nausea/vomiting etc • Caffeine has a diuretic effect which can in turn cause dehydration • It has a negative effect on endurance events due to the loss of calcium. It can lead to decreased muscle contraction and in turn a loss of magnesium, which has potential to lead to muscle cramping • Caffeine can cause trouble in sleep patterns • It can contribute to anxiety and panic disorders • Through caffeine’s manipulation on adenosine receptors, the body may experience a decrease in the production of erythropoietin. This is the hormone that indicates the production of red blood cells - thus decreasing the body’s ability to carry oxygen (haemoglobin) • Caffeine can also counteract the ergogenic effect of creatine-loading for sports performance • Symptoms include anxiety, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, dysphoria, and potentially effect cognitive function in the ability to converse


The absorption is roughly the same regardless of whether caffeine is drunk, swallowed in capsules or eaten. Countless things disturb caffeine metabolism. Its metabolism is increased in users with habitual routines (such as myself), in people who smoke cigarettes, and even those who use certain over the counter painkillers.

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It can also affect people who exercise, and those who eat a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables (such as brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower) and/ or flavonoids (a diverse group of phytonutrients, or plant chemicals, found in almost all fruits and vegetables. Along with carotenoids, they are responsible for the vivid colours in fruits and vegetables). Caffeine is mainly metabolised in the liver but the kidneys can be involved. On average, it takes three to five hours to expel half of the caffeine ingested through urine Studies show that caffeine can be metabolised at a similar rate in both men and women. However, should both a male and female athlete be competing in strenuous activities, there is a greater decrease in excretion in women in comparison to men Larger effects of caffeine appear to transpire in the sensitive folks. Higher sensitivity to the panicogenic substances effect those who consume high doses typically >400 mg+. Similar findings have also been made in patients with “performance social anxiety disorder”. Highest plasma absorptions are met within 15 minutes to two hours. However, this is dependent on the gastric emptying time of the individual. I personally like to limit my coffee to one per day and have a routine where twice a year I go caffeine-free for one month. I like to prove to myself and the world that you don’t need to depend on your caffeine dosage to get you through. There are ways to get you through your day safe and sound, without risking those nasty jitters.

Some substitutes are:

• Consistent nutritional balance throughout the day (insulin effective) • Chamomile tea • Kombucha • Green juice – eg. spinach, kale, pineapple, coconut water, apple and honey • Chai tea • Chicory root coffee In all, the information provided is based on my own personal thought and research, to educate and inform.

ABOUT KATIE MISSINGHAM Katie Missingham is a qualified Nutritional Therapist who believes western medicine and alternative medicine and nutrition are best used cohesively. Her interest in nutrition began when she competed in a bikini and fitness competition: “Unfortunately, a result of not understanding nutritional intake and exercise, I took away no trophies, only an eating disorder.” After overcoming the eating disorder she developed her passion to educate others. “I was very fortunate to have the support around me. However, the only way to truly escape it is education. So here we are! " “I used to be a Muay Thai fighter while living in Thailand, hence the passion has become so prominent." “I have completed studies in remedial massage and nutrition, and human movement. If I can do it all under one roof, then I feel the better result for the client." “I specialise in combat sports nutrition but I also assist many people with eating disorders and nutrient deficiencies, weight loss/gain, general health and betterment of lifestyle.”

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� Therapeutic � Pillow™





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S a f f r on

Br o w n Ri c e Porridge w i t h A ppl e

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

220 g (7.34 oz/1 cup) brown rice, soaked in filtered water for 1 hour and drained 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cups) coconut or almond milk, plus extra to serve 1 apple, peeled, cored and cut into matchsticks, plus extra to serve 15 g (1.2 oz/1/4 cup) coconut flakes (optional) 45 g (1.12 oz/1/3 cup) pistachio nut kernels, roughly chopped, plus extra to serve 50 g (1.34 oz/1/3 cup) raw cashews, roughly chopped 8 saffron threads 5 cardamom pods, bruised or crushed 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon alcohol-free vanilla extract or vanilla powder Sea salt, to taste 2 tablespoons raw honey or rice malt syrup, to serve (optional) Dehydrated/roasted apple slices, to serve (optional) Edible flowers, to serve (optional)

Mix the rice and milk in a large saucepan over medium heat and bring to the boil. Add the apple, coconut flakes (if using), nuts, spices and vanilla. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes, or until all the milk has been absorbed and the rice is cooked through. Season with salt and sweeten, if you like. Serve topped with extra chopped pistachio nuts, apple matchsticks and milk. Add a dehydrated apple slice and an edible flower or two, if using.





Braised Lamb with Roasted Carrots

• • • • • • • •

2 kg (4 lb 8 oz) leg of lamb or lamb shoulder 4 garlic cloves, sliced 6 anchovy fillets, cut in half Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 250 ml (9 fl oz/1 cup) almond milk or water 1 cinnamon stick 1 fennel bulb, quartered Bunch baby carrots oregano leaves, to serve

MARINADE • 1 tablespoon cumin seeds, toasted and lightly crushed • 1 tablespoon fennel seeds • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon • 90 g (3.14 oz/1/4 cup) rice malt syrup • 2 tablespoons olive oil • Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon

Preheat the oven to 175°C (345°F). Using a small knife, make incisions all over the meat and insert the garlic and anchovies. Mix together the marinade ingredients to form a thick paste, then rub all over the lamb using your hands. Sit the lamb in a roasting tin or casserole dish. Season with salt and pepper, pour over the almond milk and add the cinnamon stick. Cover with foil and roast for 2/12–3 hours, basting regularly during cooking. Add the vegetables for the final 30–60 minutes, or roast separately. Remove from the oven, remove the foil, cover with a tea towel and allow to rest for about 10 minutes. I’VE WRITTEN THIS RECIPE FOR THE OVEN, AS NOT EVERYONE HAS A SLOW-COOKER. BUT IF YOU DO, FEEL FREE TO USE THAT AND COOK ON LOW FOR 6 TO 8 HOURS.

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Cinnamon a n d Rhubarb Cake

• • • • • • • • • • • •

60 g (2.14 oz) unsalted butter or ghee, softened 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 225 g (8 oz/11/2 cups) coconut sugar 2 eggs 200 g (7 oz/2 cups) almond meal 1/2 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 125 ml (4 fl oz/1/2 cup) coconut cream 250 g (9 oz/2 cups) chopped rhubarb

Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F). Grease an 18 cm (7 inch) round cake tin or a 9 × 30 cm (3.12 × 12 inch) loaf (bar) tin. In a large bowl, beat the butter, lemon zest, coconut sugar and eggs until creamy. Fold in the almond meal, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and coconut cream. Gently fold in the rhubarb. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 45–55 minutes, until the cake springs back when pressed in the centre. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.




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