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Test manager Blackboard What is it? It allows staff to write a test for completion online. It has a variety of option including: mathematical calculations, multi-choice, open-ended questions, matching, fill in the blanks. It can be designed to self-mark and provide instantaneous feedback.

Have you considered using it for? n Workbooks

- the test can be organised to have a range of questions. This function is particularly beneficial for large cohorts as it can significantly reduce the amount of marking the academic has to do. The test can be designed for example, to have half the questions marked automatically requiring the academic to concentrate on a few open-ended questions.

n Pre-session

revision – ask the students to complete a short multi-choice test prior to building on a subject started earlier in the session. For example, students could use it as a diagnostic tool on their knowledge of child protection before attending a lecture building on child protection legislation.

skills – this can be useful for assessing numerical reasoning. For example, nursing students could be set drug calculations.

Where is it found? Blackboard g Control Panel g Test Manager

How easy is it to use?


n Graduate

Making up time – if a student has missed a session and is required to complete a specific amount of theoretical hours, the student could undertake a test to demonstrate that he/she has read around that particular subject. (NB This is particularly useful for professional/vocational courses whereby public safety is an issue or if a student misses some of the course due to medical reasons).

n Ⓓ

What about setting it up? This depends on the knowledge of the subject being tested, the amount of questions being posted and familiarity of the tools (it can take a little longer to get used to the type of question, i.e. multiple choice, fill in the blanks etc.)

How does it save time? The main benefit of this tool lies in removing the need for marking for most of the questions. Once the questions have been devised, they can be reused throughout the module’s life.


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