Health Action Magazine - Winter 2012

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Winter 2012/13

A Non-Profit Project of Health Action Network Society (HANS) Information Education Action

Nattokinase Supplement Latest Regulatory Casualty Fortify Your Body for Holiday Stress Nobody Is Overweight Cancer & Nutrition Case Studies

Hearts on the Line for Natural Health

Natural Strategies to Avoid the Top 10 Medications Support HANS—Your Natural Health Network p 13 Looking for a Practitioner, Product or Service? Visit the HANS Wellness Directory p 21

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Health Action

Health Action Winter 2012/13 Edition

HANS Members Make a Difference............................................5 Natural Ways to Avoid the Top 10 Medications........................6 Naturopathy......................................................................................8 Holiday Stress? Fortify Your Body First.......................................9 Nattokinase Supplement Latest Regulatory Casualty in Canada...................................................10 HANS Member News and Events..............................................12 Welcome New Professional Members Life Coaching with Sindie Smith..........................................14 Dr. Taams Naturopathic Medical Practice & Therapeutic Spa...................................................................14 Specialized Coaching with Solutions Health Care..........15 Terra Essence Health.............................................................15 Cancer and Related Case Studies Involving Salvestrol and CYP1B1................................................16 Get a Hand Up on Hand Eczema...............................................18 Nobody Is Overweight!.................................................................19 Acceptance—the Saving Peace...................................................20 HANS Wellness Directory...........................................................21

Published quarterly by Health Action Network Society President Jane Shaak Executive Director Lorna Hancock Managing Editor Michelle Hancock Assistant Editor/Proofreader Julie Cheng Layout & Design Angela Nat Membership & Social Media Christine Barham Contributors John Biggs; Kristen Bovee, ND; Sondi Bruner; M. Danny Burke, PhD; Julie Cheng; Trevor Erikson; Allan Lawry; Trish LimO’Donnell, CPP; Ingrid Pincott, ND; Gerard A. Potter, PhD; Brian A Schaefer, D.Phil; Robbie Wood, BDS, D.Orth. R.C.S.(Eng), D.D.Orth.R.C.P.S(Glasg) Submissions: Letters to the editor and requests for article references may be sent to editorial@ HANS reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. Health Action Network Society 202-5262 Rumble St, Burnaby BC V5J 2B6 T: 604-435-0512 F: 604-435-1561 Distribution: We Can Distribution PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT #40050050 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 330-123 Main St, Toronto ON M5W 1A1 Health Action magazine is a free publication to its membership. The opinions expressed within are those of the writer and not necessarily those of HANS. Those with health concerns should contact their health-care provider. We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

Avoid Medications...p 6

Naturopathy...p 8

Cancer Case Studies..p 16

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The Effect of Salvestrols on CYP1B1

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HANS Members Make a Difference


t’s a bleary, wet day and it’s very hard to squeeze a walk in between showers and five degrees Celsius weather. Yet this is, in spite of this weather, a wonderful, glorious day. Because you and I are alive with the possibilities of lifegiving, exciting things we can do with this day. All it takes sometimes is an experience that lifts us up by the shoulders, gives us a good solid shake and says, “Hey. Your life is a gift. Enjoy it. Make every single day count.” That’s the kind of year it’s been for me, and as much as I have hated the growing pains—discovering the ­mysterious world of concussions—I am grateful, too. Health Action Network Society needs you now I say to every member, supporter and Canadian who has appreciated the work of HANS in the past: HANS needs you now. Without you, HANS won’t be here. Like every good idea that comes along, it sometimes must change ­according to how the world is changing. If HANS is to continue serving Canadians and the world of natural health, there are timely changes to be made (reduce

o­ ffice space, review services to members, ­increase internet presence). And yes, we can make those changes. The most ­immediate change we have made this season is returning the printed version of Health Action magazine to “subscription only,” meaning that it is now sent to members only as a membership benefit. Otherwise, archives can be viewed online at While you’re online, we invite you to browse our updated store of books and DVDs. Take a moment and make a difference for HANS Like many wonderful non-profits feeling the financial crunch, HANS has its back up against a wall. I feel some personal sadness that I have been unavoidably absent from the office a lot this year due to a pressing family commitment. In my absence, and due to a general slowdown of donations, we have been forced to dip into contingency funds, making operating revenue low. Too low. If all of you were to renew, or make a donation if you can, raising extra financial support for next year, then we would make those changes and carry on, bringing HANS into the next generation of help

that it can offer. So I am all for enjoying it and creating something even more special out of Health Action Network Society. HANS has delivered for 35 years and satisfied many thousands in the unique public service that it has offered. We are alive with appreciation and gratitude, and love for family, friends, and members of HANS who produce a community service that is loved by so many. Please remember HANS this season when you think of making a contribution to a worthy cause. We love your support and encouragement, and all it takes is a call to (604) 435-0512. Or write a letter starting “Dear Lorna. This is what I want to say…” and mail it to #202-5262 Rumble St., Burnaby BC V5J 2B6. Or, email me at We are counting on you!

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Natural Ways to Avoid the Top 10 Medications by Ingrid Pincott, ND


f you’ve ever taken medicine for your thyroid, heart, high blood pressure, heartburn or infection, chances are you’ve taken one of these 10 most prescribed medications in Canada: #1. Synthroid (thyroid) #2. Crestor (for high cholesterol) #3. Apo-Atorvastatin (for cholesterol) #4. Asaphen (prevents stroke and heart attack) #5. Apo-Furosemide (for high blood pressure) #6. Plavix (blood thinner) #7. Nexium (controls stomach acid, heartburn and difficulty swallowing) #8. Teva-Amoxicillin (antibiotic used for children’s ear infections) #9. Apo-Hydro (for blood pressure) #10. Coversyl (for blood pressure) I would like to suggest naturopathic strategies to help you keep this polypharmacy out of your kitchen cupboards. Thyroid #1. Synthroid: Topping the mostprescribed list is this medication for ­hypothyroidism, often referred to as ­underactive thyroid. Underactive thyroid is ­certainly something I encounter every day in my practice. One nutrient that can often help optimize the health of the ­underactive

t­hyroid gland is naturally occurring ­iodine eaten in the form of seaweed or kelp. When some people eat it daily they notice their body temperature improves and they are less chilly, which is a common symptom. Their energy improves also. There are kelp chips snacks available now as well as nori seaweed wraps that you can put into soups.

“There are natural diuretics including celery, vitamin B6 and herbs such as dandelion.” Heart #2. Crestor and #3. Apo-Atorvastatin are the same class of statin drug used to lower LDL cholesterol. They are recommended for those who have had a heart ­attack, but there is much ­controversy about their efficacy at preventing heart ­attacks. Nutrients that lower LDL ­cholesterol and raise HDL, the so-called good cholesterol, include fish oil containing EPA and DHA in several thousands of ­milligrams;

high fibre (psyllium or flax); low sugar and carbohydrate diet; the Dean Ornish vegetarian diet; exercise and weight loss. Did you know that statin drugs deplete the nutrient coenzyme Q10, which is a critical antioxidant for the heart and the brain? #4. Asaphen is prescribed to prevent strokes and heart attacks due to its antiinflammatory effect. This coated version of Aspirin protects against bleeding from the stomach. #6. Plavix is a blood thinner often used after someone has had a heart attack. This drug is expensive and does a similar job to the Asaphen so ­often ­patients are switched to Asaphen after a few months. Fish oil thins the blood and makes the platelets less sticky. The Mediterranean diet of high fish and coloured vegetables also lowers C reactive protein (CRP), one of the inflammatory markers that you want to keep at a level less than one. Exercise and vitamin D also lower inflammation. Serrapeptase and nattokinase are other natural anti-inflammatory agents that also thin the blood. Blood pressure #5. Apo-Furosemide and #9. ApoHydro are diuretics, also called water pills, used in the treatment of blood pressure. Water pills are particularly bad at

“Did you know that statin drugs deplete the nutrient coenzyme Q10, which is a critical antioxidant for the heart and the brain?” 6 | Health Action |

depleting many nutrients such as magnesium, manganese, zinc and p­ otassium. There are natural diuretics including celery, vitamin B6 and herbs such as dandelion that can have a similar effect. Lowering blood pressure often happens naturally when people correct deficiencies in calcium and magnesium, vitamin D and essential fatty acids. #10. Coverysl, an angiotensin­converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, can be used first line or if a water pill is not adequate to lower blood pressure. ACE inhibitors deplete zinc. Naturopathic medicine does provide effective herbal remedies for high blood pressure and with monitoring some of the milder cases are able to reduce and or get off their medication. Heartburn #7. Nexium helps with heartburn, acid reflux and troubles with swallowing. This drug depletes vitamin B12 and possibly increases the risk of H. pylori and C. difficile overgrowth in the gut. Naturopathic medicine looks at the underlying cause, which is usually foods that are also eaten in the wrong combinations, as well as a yeast overgrowth in the intestinal tract. Treating the cause and then encouraging improved food combining makes a huge difference. It is common in my practice to be able to get people off Nexium. The only ones who should be on it are those with Barrett’s esophagus.

Infection #8. Teva-Amoxicillin is a common penicillin-type antibiotic used for ear ­infections in children. Every time antibiotics are taken they upset the normal gut flora so a good quality probiotic needs to be taken along with them. The most common cause of ear ­infection is an allergy to dairy products. Once alternates are found the child no longer has problems with the adenoids (tissue in the back of the nose) and ear ­infections. Naturopathic medicine provides ear drops and immune system support so that families don’t need to get sick over the w ­ inter. There certainly can always be a time when prescriptions are necessary; however, they don’t address the cause of the problem. Naturopathic physicians are ­experts at helping you identify underlying causes and helping you to change them while being monitored. It isn’t as hard as you think! As Hipprocates said, “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food” and fill your cupboards with healthy ­nutrients instead.1 H

Dr. Ingrid Pincott has been practising naturopathic medicine since 1985 and is currently practising in Campbell River. (250) 286-3655

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7 | Health Action |

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Celebrating 90 Years of Naturopathy in B.C. by Sondi Bruner


or those of us who want to support our health with alternative therapies, there are a plethora of options. We take it for granted that we can choose from a variety of modalities, but as naturopathic medicine celebrates 90 years in British Columbia, we’re humbly reminded this wasn’t always the case. In the early 1900s, pioneers of naturopathic medicine arrived in B.C. from the United States and Europe, beginning the long struggle for legal recognition. Although those doctors are clearly no longer with us, their legacy has grown the profession from a handful of doctors to more than 400 registered naturopaths today. When Dr. Ingrid Pincott began practising in Campbell River in 1985, she was one of only three female naturopathic doctors in the province. Over the years, she has interviewed a number of elder naturopaths and compiled their stories in a series of manuals for new doctors entering the field. She says one of the biggest struggles of the profession 30 years ago was maintaining naturopathic education. Trailblazers like Dr. Jerry Farnsworth and Dr. Fred Loffler would see patients during the week, then drive to Portland on the weekends to lecture at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. ­Unfortunately, once students finished their education, there were few internships available or doctors to practise with. “In the 70s and 80s you were on your own, there were no choices,” she says. “If you’re a medical doctor, the minute you graduate you’re in hot demand. In our profession, it’s learning how to run a business. It’s not enough to be a good doctor. You have to run a business and that’s an ongoing challenge. I’ve been doing this

for 27 years and it’s still challenging.” Dr. Timothy Brown, who opened his practise in 1987 and was the 43rd licensed naturopathic doctor, has spent his career researching innovative therapies and trying to bring them to B.C. “Sometimes, you’re standing on a fence and you’re trying to get people to see what’s on the other side without getting knocked over,” he says. “From a business side, I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in things. But that’s what it takes. The idea is that people here in British Columbia don’t have to go to the U.S. or to other countries to have access to these [treatments].” A major challenge for naturopathic medicine over the years has been contending with misconceptions about the profession and objections from governments

“We’re working ourselves out of a job every day, because we’re getting people better.” and allopathic doctors. While the public has long supported naturopathic doctors, many officials believed they were quacks who used unsound science and bizarre therapies to treat patients. Since the 1990s, organizations like the British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA) have been lobbying the provincial government to expand the naturopathic scope of practice. Dr. Christoph Kind, former president of the BCNA (and B.C.’s 39th licensed naturopathic doctor), was part of a league of physicians who educated the government and western medical doctors about naturopathic

philosophy and training. “We required officials to really ­understand who we are and what we do,” he says. “The biggest effort was bringing an understanding of our education and expertise. As that has become more understood, we have seen the profession grow and become more recognized in all kinds of areas.” While no one can predict the future, Dr. Pincott believes as medical benefits are cut, more patients will recognize the value of naturopathic medicine. “What I tell people when they come is they are purchasing real health insurance,” she says, “because everything else is sickness care. We are truly wellness care, the care that’s going to make you live a longer and more productive life. We’re working ourselves out of a job every day, because we’re getting people better.” Even with a long history of struggling for survival, many naturopathic doctors find joy in helping patients overcome obstacles to healing. “It’s rewarding to walk alongside my patients,” says Dr. Kind. “It’s rewarding to introduce students to naturopathic medicine, to have young doctors in my office wanting to learn what I do, and to see the increased understanding for good health care. I think naturopathic physicians have a lot to offer and I’m excited for the future.”1 H

Sondi Bruner is a Vancouver-based freelance journalist and holistic nutritionist. www. Explore vegetarian, glutenfree and dairy-free recipes on her food blog,

“In the early 1900s, pioneers of naturopathic medicine arrived in B.C. from the United States and Europe.” 8 | Health Action |

Holiday Stress? Fortify Your Body First by Kristen Bovee, ND


he holidays can be a time for ­enjoyment but can also be very stressful and challenging. As we rush to get things done amid the dark days of winter, many health issues can arise. It’s therefore more important than ever to pay attention to our body’s needs to get through the holiday season. Support your adrenal glands The adrenal glands are organs that help you get up in the morning (they produce energy) and also manage your blood sugar, cortisol levels, sex hormones, mineral balance and immune system. The following are easy ways to support these important organs. B vitamins are involved in every step of energy production in your cells and are the most necessary nutrients for the adrenals. A sufficient daily dose, especially during the holidays, is 50 to100 mg of a B complex in capsule or liquid form. Vitamin C is important in the production of all the cells in your body and necessary for tissue regeneration and ­repair. Healthy adrenal function requires vitamin C; some of the highest concentrations of vitamin C in the body are found in the adrenal glands. An optimal daily dosage is 1,000 mg in powder or capsules, in a buffered or ESTER-C form. Ashwaganda is an Ayurvedic plant used as an adaptogen to help the body cope with stress and is a general tonic. It contains phytochemicals that help calm the brain, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and support the immune system. Recommended doses are three to six grams in raw dried herb form for two to three weeks at a time during stress.

Support the immune system Vitamin D is a hormone and not a vitamin, meaning it binds to receptors on cell walls, causing them to produce helpful proteins. Optimal dose for the winter in Canada from new guidelines is no more

than 2,000 IU daily, possibly more if you are known to be deficient. Astragalus has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. This botanical root not only tonifies the immune system but also has a restorative effect on the adrenal glands to help us manage stress. The dose for a standardized extract is 250 to 500 mg three to four times per day. Zinc is necessary for function of our immune cells (lymphocytes) and protection of our mucous membranes, the very place those nasty bugs make their way into our body. Taking extra zinc in the form of pumpkin seeds or small tablet (30 to 50 mg) can strengthen our immune s­ ystem. Check your holiday lifestyle Exercise regularly. OK, it’s not that nice out at this time of year, but it’s important to get outdoors as much as possible for fresh air and a brisk walk. Rejoin the gym or try hot yoga if going out into the rain and cold just isn’t appealing. Eat well. We know those holiday goodies are hard to resist. The best approach is to have a little bit of everything and don’t overdo it on the turkey or the pumpkin pie. We all know it hurts later!

Get enough sleep. Studies show that getting poor quality sleep or not enough hours in the night depresses our immune system, slows down body tissue repair, speeds aging and generally makes us less able to cope with stress. If you are having difficulty sleeping, try a botanical nervine containing scullcap, passionflower, oatstraw and lemonbalm. Up to three mg of melatonin can also be used to reset your clock and get you to sleep faster. Following these simple recommendations and taking a few select nutrients or botanical supports can leave you feeling able to cope with the craziness of the holidays and help you enjoy this time to its fullest.1 H

Dr. Kristen Bovee is a naturopathic physician practising for 10 years on the Saanich Peninsula on Vancouver Island. She has a special interest in bio-identical hormones, weight loss, allergies and pain management. (250) 6551660

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Naturopathic Medicine link to the bc naturopathic association for: Physician Referrals  Student Information  Wellness News Health Updates  Online Doctor Search Engine  Newsletters BC’s Naturopathic Doctors: Providing Science Based Natural Medicine for Over a Century 9 | Health Action |

Nattokinase Supplement Latest Regulatory Casualty in Canada Sample Letter to Politicians by John Biggs Mail your letter to your MP House of Commons Parliament Buildings Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 (no postage required)


Dear MP/ Hon. Member/ Rt. Hon. Mem-

(cc: Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq, Deputy Minister Glenda Yeates) Please stop Health Canada from removing my access to more natural health products (NHPs) without valid evidence of harm. Yet another valuable NHP, called nattokinase, has been refused a natural product number (NPN) by the Natural Health Products Directorate. Nattokinase has been consumed in fermented soybeans for more than 1,000 years in Japan, and supplements have been available in Canada without incident for two decades. As a cardiovascular aid, nattokinase safely lowers blood pressure and prevents blood clots. The real issue does not seem to be safety, but that nattokinase

competes too effectively against pharmaceuticals such as Coumadin/Warfarin, Aggrenox, Aspirin, Heparin, Lovenox, Plavix, Pradaxa and Xalralto, all of which have caused death. Health Canada, via the Directorate, is said to take a “risk-based” approach to regulating NHPs, but this is ludicrous. I can walk into any drugstore and buy more than enough Tylenol to quickly cause ­liver failure or enough ASA (Aspirin) to cause my intestines to bleed. And then there are cigarettes and alcohol, which are available everywhere in society. These are known killers, and no one disputes it. Yet thousands of NHPs intended to improve health have been eliminated from the market when they are on record for killing zero Canadians ever. This completely defies logic.

ing on at Health Canada does not really protect citizens. The provisions that have just come into place are paper processes. No one, for example, at Health Canada is analyzing the product that is actually in the bottle so you have no assurances as a citizen that what you are seeing on the label is actually what is in the bottle. Now if Health Canada were really rigorous, that’s what they would be doing. They would be taking those kinds of safety measures. But, in essence, they’re putting in a paper process that will push small people out of the marketplace and leave it open for the larger pharmaceutical firms who will then come in and try to tell us that the products are now safer. They won’t be safer because there’s no real scrutiny about the quality of the product and the information about the product.”

Analyzing a paper process As Dr. Michele Brill-Edwards, a former senior physician supervisor in charge of drug approval at Health Canada, once said regarding the approval process: “There is no question that what is go-

Safe products denied Good manufacturing practices, ­ingredient testing for purity and ­potency, and adequate labelling—all of which ­Canadian manufacturers perform for each product—have made our NHPs the safest

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in the world. Yet Health Canada, without performing any testing whatsoever, has denied about 30,000 NPN applications strictly from behind a desk. These verdicts have nothing to do with whether a product is actually safe, but whether their analysts can find fault with its application. The only testing that Health ­Canada does is on products manufactured in ­China, not Canada. They are often polluted, and when Health Canada broadcasts their findings, it reinforces doubt in consumers and politicians, and helps justify having eliminated so many high-quality domestic NHPs.

“Health Canada has issued NPNs to hundreds of pharmacy items such as nicotine patches, ­­­­ Ex-Lax and TUMS” Health Canada claims to have a­ pproved over 50,000 products, but this number is artificially inflated by counting the exact same product each time it is sold under a different brand. (In this way, the same product may be counted 50 or more times.) What is shocking is that they have licensed fewer than 40,000 products when we started with more than 70,000 in 2004. Also consider tens of thousands of blocked U.S. imports. Was it really Parliament’s intention to eliminate Canadians’ natural health product choices by more than half?

Illogical safety measures If all of these now-eliminated natural health products were so dangerous, why did Health Canada continue to allow their sale while their applications for NPNs were being processed? For example, nattokinase and countless others have been sold without incident ever since Canada’s Natural Health Products Regulations were first introduced in 2004. Why? Because they’re not dangerous. If a natural ingredient is actually dangerous, it is removed immediately and listed either on the Prohibited Substances in the Food and Drug Regulations or the Restricted Substances, not in the Food and Drug Regulations. With zero deaths, Canadian-manufactured NHPs are extremely safe, relatively speaking, and therefore fall outside of Health Canada’s regulatory jurisdiction. Why has this happened? In 2004, Health Canada ignored a parliamentary, multi-year process that taxpayers ­funded. They ignored the Standing Committee on Health’s recommendations. Instead of giving NHPs their own unique ­regulatory category, as suggested, the government placed NHPs as a subclass of “Drugs” in the Food and Drugs Act and applied standards that thousands of non-patentable NHPs would never be able to meet. Meanwhile, Health Canada has ­issued NPNs to hundreds of ­pharmacy items such as nicotine patches, Ex-Lax and TUMS, while forcing authentic NHPs to reformulate, and thus yielding less ­effective products.

Definition of a drug As soon as healthy food ingredients like ginger or parsley are put into capsules, they magically become “drugs.” The definition of a drug is based on what a substance is used for, not what it is. The ingredient could be sawdust, but if you swallowed it for the purpose of modifying a physical function, then it’s considered a drug. As such, NHP manufacturers are forced to make a claim, then to prove it, and then to add unrealistically ominous warnings to its label that scare consumers. In this way, Health Canada censors our actions while pretending to protect us from substances that have been used for millennia. As a voting Canadian citizen who pays Health Canada with my taxes, I want you as my MP to do whatever is necessary to stop Health Canada from removing any more NHPs without concrete evidence of danger! As opposed to simply needing “reason to believe that an NHP may pose a risk” (i.e., they can restrict whatever they want), and given the safety record of NHPs, if a supplement is produced in a licensed facility under good manufacturing practices, the onus should be on Health Canada to prove that it does pose a genuine risk. 1 H

John Biggs is the owner of Optimum Health in Edmonton, Alta.

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HANS Member News and Events Book Review Opening the Senses of the Soul: Healing into Wholeness with Nature’s Vibrational Medicine Book review by Christine Barham How deeply do you want to live your life? This is the question master herbalist and vibrational medicine practitioner Samantha Orthlieb poses to readers in her new book, Opening the Senses of the Soul: Healing into Wholeness with Nature’s Vibrational Medicine. Orthlieb takes us on a soul journey along an intrinsic path towards healing—first through her own personal transformation and that of many of her clients—using her gentle guidance and enabling you to find where you are on your own path to healing. Opening the Senses of the Soul is thoughtfully written with great consideration to the reader. The book has two parts along with delightful and colourful illustrations, five appendixes, a concise index and a thorough bibliography. Orthlieb delves into such topics as applied kinesiology and the anatomy of body challenges, and she establishes a framework for healing in a clear and comprehensible manner. She addresses

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and deciphers each chakra on an individual basis by breaking them down into digestible segments. We all desire to better understand our complex and often perplexing human condition. Together with Orthlieb, we can better understand why we are who we are on an individual and collective basis, and how using the many different forms of ­vibrational medicine can help us to achieve our optimal physical, spiritual and soulful health. No matter where you are on your path to health and healing—whether you are new to the idea of chakras, archetypes and herbal remedies, or if you are a seasoned connoisseur— by reading this book you will gain a deeper understanding of self and the fact that you have a choice to heal to become your true, authentic self. Canada: Nurture Health and Wellness, 2011, 237 pages $34.99, (403) 208-0812 ISBN 978-0-9878572-0-0 ­

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(604) 435-0512

12 | Health Action |

Congratulations Crossroads Crossroads Naturopathic won a “Best of Vancouver” award from the Georgia Straight for Best Integrated and Best Medical Clinic for the second year in a row. (604) 568-6899 Gong Healing at the Sheraton Last October, Harmony of the Spheres was pleased to share their gift of the heart—the gongs—with the Imago Vancouver Conference group at the Sheraton in Vancouver. It was a joy to hear so many people share how the gongs touched them in a deep way. Energy Healing Offering Ann Perrick, teacher and practitioner of the EMF Balancing Technique, is pleased to offer energy healings. She recently completed a two-year course and is now a Certified Healer. (604) 250-4916 Plant-based Skin Treatment New to New Visage Advanced Skin Care, the Green Power Plant Stem Cell Rebuilder offers repair from sun damage and a deep, firming action to restore skin elasticity. (604) 893-8872 Trish’s Art Therapy Group Class Trish Lim-O’Donnell welcomes those who love to sing but are too shy and need a fun, inspiring, nurturing, creative space to break out. This group is meant for those who are closet performers to share their love for music and creativity. (604) 544-2902 New to the Team at Innate Chiropractic Innate Chiropractic & Wellness would like to introduce Dr. Jonna ­Eggerer, Dr.TCM, Roni Barg, RMT, and Jenni Walker, HHC, to our team. (604) 736-5157

John Croft Fall Workshop Update by Jane Shaak John Croft arrived in Penticton on September 16 with his Australian hat on and hundreds of Dragon Dreaming workshops under his belt. Twenty-six people attended at least one of his three workshops and 15 of them took all three— a Dragon Dreaming marathon held over nine full days! With the Dragon Dreaming process, Croft enchanted, engaged and transformed the participants through exercises, stories and demonstrations. There were

Information Education Action Membership:

many outcomes, including four projects, one of which is the establishment of Dragon Dreaming Canada. The 26 individuals plan to meet, learn and share Dragon Dreaming, and they look forward to Croft’s return in 2014, which has been playfully called “The Second Coming of JC.” (250) 770-7668

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HANS Director Jane Shaak & John Croft

Free DVD with memberships or renewals! Circle below or call for other favourites. (Please include $5 S&H) Annual Cancer Prevention & Healing Conference: choose from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 A variety of presentations that focus on the wholebody prevention and healing of cancer. Digestion, Mercury and Your Health Jonn Matsen, ND, discusses four main causes of chronic disease (2010). Women’s Health Collection Four speakers covering hormones in menopause, TCM and fertility, anti-aging strategies and intuitive eating (2009). Healthy Breast Seminar Lecture with Sat Dharam Kaur, ND, author of The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer (2009). Alzheimer’s Disease: Cause-Prevention-Reversal Harold Foster, PhD – Researcher and author discusses nutrition-based healing (2008). Peace Begins with Me Ted Kuntz, M.Ed. – Practical, everyday strategies to increase your peace, joy and happiness (2008).

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Welcome New Professional Members

Life Coaching with Sindie Smith A few years ago, Sindie Smith felt stuck and didn’t quite know what to do about it. She searched for a practitioner who could offer her objectivity, act as a sounding board and nudge her in the right direction, but came up woefully short. “I was looking for someone who would have empathy and understanding of where I was coming from, and I just couldn’t find that,” she says. Smith decided to become the kind of

practitioner she needed herself and went back to school. As she studied, she realized that she’d been using the techniques being taught for a long time on her own friends and family. “It just worked out well for me. By taking the course, I discovered I’ve kind of been life coaching people all along,” she laughs. Now a certified life coach, Smith specializes in helping clients obtain their

goals, as well as assisting people who are recovering from dysfunctional family ­environments. Smith offers guidance and support to help people overcome ­obstacles and encourages clients to tap into their ­intuition to discover the right d­ irection. “I try to stay out of it. I just let them talk. I want them to tell their story and I ­believe they know the answers themselves,” she says. “Most of the time, they actually do know what they want to do and how they want to do it, it’s just they’re a little hesitant or there’s a fear of failure. If we all follow our own instincts, we’re usually right.” Smith takes great satisfaction in helping others realize their potential and says that her clients value her gentle approach. “It’s a big step to reach out and say ‘I need help’,” she says. “They really appreciate that I don’t rush them into anything, I don’t give them any expectations. I let them lead the way. It’s empowering to them, because they feel they’re taking control of their life.” Sindie Smith Life Coach, V ­ ancouver, B.C. (778) 737-8485

Dr.Taams Naturopathic Medical Practice & Therapeutic Spa One morning in 1983, Dr. Pieter Taams woke up to find six armed men pointing guns in his face. Unbeknownst to Taams, the B.C. attorney general had ordered a raid on his home and practice. The guards ransacked both, yet came up with nothing. The objective of the search? To ­uncover illicit drugs. “The prosecutor went to a judge in Chilliwack where I had my practice,” Taams explains, “and he said, ‘These ­patients of Taams, they come out far too happy. We think he’s giving them ­cocaine’.” That wasn’t Taams’ first brush with the law. Originally trained as a psychiatrist, he felt more inclined to use natural

therapies and energy medicine to treat his patients. This placed him at odds with the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons, who charged him in 1978, stripped him of his medical license in 1981, and continued to dog him in the early 80s to prevent him from practising. “Psychiatry was too drug-oriented. It was not what I was after, just drugging people up or shocking them,” he says. “I felt that I could not change that field from within, and when you can’t, it’s better to leave it. So that’s what I did.” Taams decided to apply to naturopathic college in 1983 and graduated in 1986 (though he still treated clients during this time). Now liberated to practice according to his beliefs, Taams runs a

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naturopathic clinic and therapeutic spa on a 10-acre country property in Mt. Lehman, B.C. Guests travel from all over the world to see him and experience a wide range of services including hydrotherapy, chromotherapy, infrared sauna, acupressure and telomerase activation. Despite the battles to garner acceptance for holistic therapies, Dr. Taams doesn’t view his past conflicts as a hardship. “It’s never been a struggle,” he says. “I just kept on doing what I thought I had to do. It’s a blessing that we can still do that in this society.” Pieter Taams, MD, ND, Dr. Taams Naturopathic Medical Practice & Therapeutic Spa (604) 856-5687

View the full Wellness Directory at Terra Essence Health Specialized Coaching with Solutions Health Care After spending two decades in ER intensive care units and eight years as a cruise ship nurse, Lorrie Rail thought she had seen it all. But she wasn’t prepared when her best friend was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and she discovered the paucity of holistic support for cancer patients. “I was away at the time, so I was looking for something to support her,” Rail recalls. “If you’re hospitalized, there’s lots of care. If you’re palliative, there’s lots of care, but for cancer patients who are just struggling on their own to look for treatments, supplements, assistance and support, it’s not readily there.” To fill this gap, Rail became certified by the National Association of Cancer Coaches and has spent the last six months visiting cancer patients in their homes to educate them about the nutrition, supplements, exercise and lifestyle choices that can improve their prognoses. With her extensive medical background, Rail informs patients about various medications and their side effects, and complements allopathic treatments with options like meditation, juicing or laughter therapy. She plays a multifaceted

role of confidante, advisor, researcher and guide, which she says her clients greatly appreciate. “People are just so happy to have someone else looking out for their needs and not having to do all the research on their own,” she says. “When people are hit with cancer, it’s so overwhelming. We can make a difference right away, and that is such a fulfilling thing for us.” Cancer coaching dovetails ­nicely with the other side of Rail’s business, which is helping clients—many of whom are seniors or immigrants—to navigate the health care system. She works with patients to help them interpret what is happening, understand their choices, translate doctor-speak and connect them with resources. “A lot of people go into the doctor’s office and only hear half of what’s said, and maybe don’t even understand the ­other half that they heard,” she says. “I can be the person that asks the hard questions and really has people understand what’s going on.” Lorrie Rail, RN, CPCC, Solutions Health Care Navigation, (778) 237-4137

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15 | Health Action |

For thousands of years, humans have walked barefoot along the earth and slept on the ground. It’s only in recent history that we’ve begun to wear thick-soled shoes, slumber in beds, work in high-rise offices and live in houses or apartments that separate us from the earth’s energy. But a recent movement called earthing is striving to change all that and reconnect us to the natural world. Jennifer Guo, owner of Terra Essence Health, is hoping to help popularize the concept here in B.C. After reading the book Earthing by Clinton Ober, a retired cable executive who has extensively researched the health benefits of the earth’s electrical charges, Guo was inspired to try earthing products for herself and was immediately hooked. “I felt the difference,” she says. “I feel the improved circulation, and you can actually feel the warmth and the energy that is going through the body. You feel refreshed, you feel calmer.” Proponents of earthing say that our separation from the ground has contributed to an increase in diseases, inflammation and pain, and the key to healing can be as simple as walking barefoot in the cool grass. There is also a growing body of scientific evidence that shows contact with the earth’s electrons can improve sleep, reduce chronic pain and stress, decrease cardiovascular risk and regulate our biological clocks. Guo opened Terra Essence Health last year and carries a number of products online including conductive socks, shoes, bedding, mattress covers and grounding rods that help customers connect to the earth while they’re inside. “We need to make a connection to the earth,” she says. “These products find the mechanisms to reconnect you to the earth while you are indoors. It can help people to heal.” Jennifer Guo, Terra Essence Health, (778) 383-6822

Cancer and Related Case Studies Involving Salvestrol and CYP1B1 by Brian A Schaefer, D.Phil; Gerard A. Potter, PhD; Robbie Wood, BDS, D.Orth. R.C.S.(Eng), D.D.Orth.R.C.P.S(Glasg); M. Danny Burke, PhD


ditor’s Note: Health Action magazine first reported on the natural anti-cancer supplement Salvestrols in 2005. We’re reprinting with permission shortened versions of three new case studies in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (Vol 27, No 3, 2012, pp 131138. Introduction Salvestrols represent a class of naturally occurring metabolically active substances that act as prodrugs through their activation by the Cytochrome P450 ­enzyme CYP1B1. CYP1B1 is now wid­ely regarded as a universal cancer marker. This relationship between Salvestrols and CYP1B1 results in a highly targeted, dietary rescue mechanism for killing cancer cells. Within the context of­ a n­utritional approach to cancer this Salvestrol-CYP1B1 rescue mechanism appears to significantly reduce the number of cancer cells in the body and to increase the chances of a successful outcome. In 2007, five individuals agreed to participate in case studies. Each of these individuals had a complete recovery from their cancer. In 2010, an additional six individuals agreed to participate in case studies. Again all six individuals had a complete recovery from their cancer. We wish to report five new cases representing a diverse array of cancers. These cases are presented to convey the breadth of applicability of Salvestrols as a nutritional approach in the hopes that clinicians and patients will see the benefits of including nutritional therapy in disease management.

Case #1: Stage 1 Breast Cancer A 76-year-old female detected six lumps at the surface of her right breast. A biopsy confirmed that the lumps were cancerous. She was told that she had Stage 1 breast cancer but was not told the type of breast cancer. The treatment offered was a pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitor, Femara® (letrozole). She declined this ­treatment. The patient began a three-week course of Salvestrols. No additional supplements, alternative treatments or prescription medicines were taken, and no other dietary or lifestyle changes were made. The patient has always included walks into her daily routine and has ­always had a well-balanced diet. The patient reported that after 10 to 12 days of Salvestrol supplementation, she could feel that the lumps had ­started to shrink. During the third week of ­Salvestrol supplementation she could no longer feel any lumps in her breast. She also experienced no side effects. In the month following her diagnosis her doctor ordered both computerised tomography (CT) and mammogram X-ray scans. No cancer was found. ­Femara was again prescribed, this time to protect against recurrence of the cancer. She has taken Femara for two years since she became cancer free. During this time she has suffered from nausea and dizziness. She decided to stop taking Femara and resumed Salvestrol supplementation. The lack of side effects with Salvestrols was a deciding factor. She is healthy, happy and pleased to be free of her cancer. 16 | Health Action |

Case #2: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia An 80-year-old woman presented to her family doctor with an “egg-sized” tumour on the left side of her neck. An ear, nose and throat specialist took a biopsy of the tumour. Soon after, her condition deteriorated. The lymph glands in her groin and armpits were swollen. The biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The woman was told an accurate prognosis was difficult―anytime between two days and two years. Her condition declined further. She suffered from severe pain in her throat, causing great difficulty eating and sleeping. She began to lose weight. A tumour was also beginning to show on the right side of her neck and the swelling in the groin and armpits continued. She began a three-month course of Salvestrols. She also decided to take a more relaxed approach to life and modified her diet to include more fruits and vegetables. After one month of Salvestrol supplementation she started feeling much better and the tumours in her neck had started to soften and shrink. She declined radiotherapy, wanting to see if these positive results would continue. After two months, while continuing Salvestrol supplementation, the tumours in her neck had almost disappeared. At the end of the third month of Salvestrol supplementation the tumours had completely disappeared. Her oncologist informed her that he could find no evidence of cancer. Upon hearing this news she stopped

Case #3: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia A 50-year-old male presented to his physician with lower urinary tract symptoms including weak flow and nocturia (getting up at night to urinate). The patient was diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The patient was prescribed a low dose of the alpha-adrenergic blocker, Flomax® (tamsulosin) and asked to minimize his ­fluid intake after early evening. In the second week of Flomax use there was stronger urinary flow and diminished nocturia. These benefits lasted for two months at which time the benefits slowly diminished, and by the end of the four-month prescription, little lasting benefit remained. Throughout the Flomax treatment the patient experienced a low-grade, dull headache upon waking in the morning. The patient began a course of Salvestrols. Within a month the incidence of nocturia had dropped and the flow was as strong or stronger than it had been during the period when Flomax was working most effectively. After three months the patient switched to a higher dose of Salvestrols. He reported a noticeable improvement in terms of decreased incidence of nocturia and increased strength of flow. Concurrent with his treatment for BPH the patient maintained a daily regimen of vitamin supplementation. No other dietary or lifestyle changes were made. The patient enjoys a healthy, balanced diet that includes organic foods. The patient, still taking Salvestrols, is enjoying a level of relief from BPH symptoms that is at least as good, if not better, than the Flomax. Unlike Flomax, the symptom relief found with Salvestrols has not diminished over time and has not been associated with daily headaches.1 H Dr. Brian Schaefer is a director of Acquired Intelligence Inc, the Canadian and U.S. distributor of Salvestrols; Professor Gerry Potter, Dr. Robbie Wood and Professor Dan Burke are shareholders of Salvestrol Natural Products, the U.K. developer of the Salvestrol ­technology.

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Get a Hand Up on Hand Eczema by Dr. Trevor Erikson


bout a year ago, a woman came to see me for the treatment of chronic hand eczema. “Ann” had suffered much stress in her life and was accustomed to washing her hands a lot at work. Steroid creams were no longer helping, and she was nervous about the long-term side effects. Ask anyone like Ann with hand ­eczema and they will tell you that the itch and pain they experience can be very debilitating. Imagine how the simplest of tasks―washing dishes, doing housework, gardening or even wearing a wedding ring―would be like if your hands were swollen, cracked and blistered. ­Thankfully, this common condition plaguing many people can be resolved using natural approaches. Hand care First, it is very important to take care of your hands. This means avoiding contact with overly drying or irritating agents like soap, chemicals and even juices from fruit and veggies. You must try to minimize hand washing and wear gloves whenever possible. The best way is to wear a thin pair of cotton liners underneath plastic gloves, and use these when cutting fruits and veggies, washing the dishes or even washing your hair. To avoid sweating in the gloves, which may aggravate the skin, try not to wear the gloves for longer than 20 minutes at a time. It is very important to regularly moisturize with a cream that keeps moisture in but is still breathable, such as those with shea or cocoa butter as the base ingredient. It is also good if the cream contains nourishing ingredients high in essential

fatty acids, such as evening primrose or borage oil, that help quell inflammation and repair damaged skin. Now if the skin weeps much fluid, then it may be best to temporarily avoid moisturizing, as the cream’s greasy nature may actually aggravate the condition. Best to use an herbal or salt-based soak instead. Epsom salts (heaping tablespoon to a couple cups of boiling water) can make for a good steam bath for blistered, weepy and itchy hands. Just keep your hands over

“Inflammation, once settled into the skin, can be very hard to dislodge.”

Hand protection must be continued for at least one full year after stopping any type of prescribed treatment, as a biopsy of eczematous-turned-healthy skin may still reveal inflammation deep within the cells many months later. Drying and irritating agents can trigger your skin to flare up again, which is commonly seen with health-care workers, especially nurses! Best to nurture your skin like a baby’s until your hands are very stable. Ann certainly saw the benefits of these natural strategies first hand. Her hands became progressively better over several months after following proper

a bowl of the steaming liquid and place a towel over top (much like steaming clogged sinuses). Submerge your hands directly in the water when cool enough. When your hands are less weepy, use the moisturizing cream again. Chinese herbal medicine Inflammation, once settled into the skin, can be very hard to dislodge (as most anyone can attest to who has suffered with eczema for years). This is where Chinese herbal medicine can shine: the herbs have been shown over and over again to eliminate chronic inflammation, stop itching and even repair damaged skin. When properly prescribed, herbal medicines can be a very effective and safe treatment method to complement ­proper hand care and a diet of simple whole foods that is low in sugar and refined flour.

hand care and drinking prescribed herbal medicines two times a day. She was ecstatic to be able to wear her wedding ring, a feat she thought may never happen again.1 H

Dr. Trevor Erikson is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who focuses entirely on the natural treatment of skin disease. (778) 886-1180

“She was ecstatic to be able to wear her wedding ring, a feat she thought may never happen again” 18 | Health Action |

Nobody Is Overweight! by Allan Lawry


anet, as I’ll call her, felt fine about her body image and thought she had a healthy weight. But one year earlier she had been diagnosed as being “overweight” by her MD, who was using the body mass index (BMI) charts. She felt hesitant about the diagnosis and was shocked when the doctor recommended the weight-loss drug, Orlistat. It is a fat blocker that has minimal results and nasty side-effects. When Janet came to see me, she was much relieved to learn a new way to diagnose weight conditions. The new goal of weight control When you gain or lose weight it will be one or more of three body weights: bone, muscle or fat. Known as your body composition, these weights can and do change during our lives, especially during times when you are: • Being sedentary, which can cause fat gain and muscle loss • Exercising, which can cause fat loss and muscle or bone gain • Dieting, which can cause muscle loss and fat gain • Taking bisphosphonates (drugs for “osteoporosis”), which, with intake over four years, can cause bone loss Problem is, the resulting weight gain or loss to fat, muscle or bone cannot be measured or detected by the scales or by BMI or height/weight charts. These charts are based only on your total weight, not the ones that change inside your body. They can only be measured with a combination of ultrasound, skin fold (body fat) measurements, muscle testing and DEXA body composition scans.

With this testing, bone is given a density score called a T-score, muscle is measured as part of your Lean G score and fat is measured as a percentage of your overall weight. This new information has prompted me to create a new definition of a healthy weight: A healthy weight is achieved when an individual’s body composition is within recommended ranges. ­This is the new goal of weight control. As for Janet, her scan results showed

“I have seen people lose muscle and bone while gaining fat on many programs.” a T-score (bone) of 1.6, lean tissue (muscle) of 24,450 G and fat at 33 percent. Since this initial testing, Janet has gone on to lose 10 pounds of fat and gain four pounds of muscle while maintaining her bone density. These results keep her in a good range and are based on science, not recommendations by the medical, pharmaceutical or weight-loss business. Beware the weight-control business After 25 years of experience in the weight-control business, I have ­concluded: The medical business has created a misconceived condition called “overweight,” and created faulty diagnostics to “diagnose” it and promote a harmful drug for the “cure.” It is all very slick marketing of an alleged “disease.”

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The only weight that you may want or need to lose is fat weight, not muscle or bone, which is healthy vital tissue, no matter how much you have in your body. You can be over the fat recommendations (over-fat), but you cannot have too much bone or be over-muscled! Be aware of any program or products that promote weight loss. You must know what kind of weight you need to gain or lose. I have seen people lose muscle and bone while gaining fat on many of these types of programs. Once you know what kind of weight, you’ll be able to use natural strategies for bringing those weights and your body composition back into a healthy weight condition. Armed with this knowledge, you ­realize there is no such thing as overweight, underweight or ideal weight. Terms such as weight loss, losing weight and gaining weight lose their meaning and are replaced with a new awareness about your body and how you can take care of it. You can take control of your weight and develop a healthy weight with knowledge, assertiveness and a good plan of ­action.1 H Allan Lawry is the author of Nobody Is Overweight: Natural Solutions for a Healthy Weight, available on amazon. com. He is a lifestyle and fitness coach with 35 years of experience. His Healthy Weight Program assesses your body composition and provides you with a personalized program for success. (604) 220-7188, or

Acceptance—the Saving Peace by Trish Lim-O’Donnell, CCP “There is nothing more precious in life than the gaining of this inner tranquility. But it comes to very few … except after a long period of agony. For the agony is a preparation for the peace.” ―Victor Gollancz


ecently I had the great privilege of flying to Los Angeles to be with a 66-year-old gentleman who just received news that he had stage 4 lung cancer. For him to be comfortable with me and to share so openly his feelings about his life―his trials, his joys, his misgivings about himself, his love for his daughter and those who are important to him―left an indelible mark on my heart, my being and my soul. In him I saw many facets of myself. Meeting him was a spiritual reminder that we are all pieces of each other, reflecting our own insecurities. This special man had such difficulty receiving love because of his pride and his personal value that it was better to be a giver than a receiver. I felt pain and sorrow at his story because I had gone through the same journey and understood the spiritual lesson that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin.

If you ever think that giving is the better state, you will experience more ­sorrow than you need to. The role of a ­receiver is just as expansive and transforming ­because you need a particular grace to open up to receive what the world has in store for you. For every ­giver who needs to feel complete, you need a ­receiver, one who is capable of “receiving the good,” to complete this gracious transaction b­ etween two people.

“If you ever think that giving is the better state, you will experience more sorrow than you need to.” Through his sharing, I glimpsed his sense of failure for not achieving financial success and his present realization of what the essential things are in life—what gives true happiness, depth, inspiration and meaning. His lesson is the truth we must all learn in life. You have to achieve inner tranquility through the sometimes slow and grueling process of self-acceptance:

accepting the things you have done, the things that you have been for others and the things that you are not. As human beings, we will inevitably be caught up in the “wheel of becoming,” a Buddhist term. This simply means you are always in a state of flux, never arriving. You are constant craving to become something you’ll be happier with or prouder of. True wisdom and saving grace comes when you practise the understanding that “you are already home, you have arrived.” You take, with a pinch of salt, your creative human need to go after the things you want to fulfill your purpose on earth; at the same time, you make peace with the things you have achieved in your life. To take time to do this part of the journey is to sacredly affirm life, to affirm the uniqueness of our individual journey. The resulting peace within is peace without. This is the sweetest grace of all.1 H

Trish Lim-O’Donnell, CCP, is a certified life coach practitioner and E.Q. Music recording artist with 28 years of personal and professional life coaching experience.

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HANS Wellness Directory INDEX More details at * *Discount to HANS Members

HANS does not recommend, prescribe or endorse any particular product, service or professional. This directory is for informational purposes only.

For Associations, Non-Profits and Support Groups, please visit

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine ACU‑BRIDGE Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic (604) 432‑7209 5238 Irmin Street, Burnaby BC BC Naturopathic Association (604) 736‑6646 2238 Pine Street, Vancouver BC, bcna. ca BodaHealth (604) 733‑2632 bodahealth. ca 302‑1245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Lorne Brown, BSc, CA, Dr TCM, RAC (604) 678‑8600 #250 ‑ 828 West 8th Avenue, Van BC acubalance. ca Caldwell Acupuncture Clinic and TCM (604) 618‑3111 #801 ‑ 1200 Burrard Street, Van BC caldwellclinic. com Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca Dr.  Erikson‑Chinese Medical Dermatology (778) 886‑1180 15767 Roper Ave, White Rock BC drerikson. com evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC **Holistic Acupuncture Therapy 778‑999‑3779 3261 Heather St (at 16th Ave, 1 blk W of Cambie) IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Lifelong Health lifelonghealth. ca (604) 538‑6850 15228 Pacific Ave, White Rock BC NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology and Concussion Clinic #60 ‑ 3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC Shelley L Page, Dr TCM (604) 541‑9336 690‑15355 24th Ave, Surrey BC Skin Disease Centre of TCM (604) 736‑6060 330‑2184 W Broadway Vancouver BC TCM Association of BC (604) 602‑7550 4347 W 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC tcmabc. org Jen Wasmund, RTCMP (604) 738‑5569 #409 ‑ 2150 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Yackel, Avery, BASc, R. TCM. P.  (604) 671‑4682 202‑2383 King George Hwy, Surrey BC Yackel, Avery, BASc, R. TCM. P.  (604) 671‑4682 108‑2078 West 4th Ave, Vancouver BC Lyla Yip, MSc, RAc, DTCM (604) 872‑6833 #203 ‑ 2256 Brunswick Street, Vancouver BC Weidong Yu, DTCM, FAc. , BM, MPh (604) 737‑7876 916 West King Edward Avenue, Vancouver BC

Animal & Pet Holistic Health Care Richard Calland, DVM (604) 565‑7217 7280 Adera St, Vancouver BC Fraser Valley Animal Care (604) 852‑4480 206 ‑ 2825 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford BC

Aromatherapy Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Young Living Essential Oils (604) 874‑7318 Carolyn Zerr & Micheal Au http:/ / carolynzerr. younglivingworld. com

Assessments NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology and Concussion Clinic #60 ‑ 3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC

Ayurvedic Medicine Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Jaisri M Lambert, www. ayurveda‑seminars. com Ayurveda Seminars and Consulting (604) 290‑8201

Biofeedback Eloise O’Ball, RN, Registered Holistic Allergist pacificallergyandwellness. com (778) 839‑6557

Business Opportunities Pacific Institute of Reflexology (604) 875‑8818 535 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Cancer Information, Treatments & Support Acquired Intelligence Inc (Salvestrols) Victoria BC salvestrol. ca (250) 483‑3840 Callanish Society (604) 732‑0633 2277 W 10th Ave, Vancouver BC More details at Brian Davies, BSC, ND (778) 340‑1114 * *Discount to HANS Members #1‑156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC InspireHealth (604) 734‑7125 #200 ‑ 1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver BC Dr Nelie C.  Johnson, MD (604) 467‑1794 www. awarenessheals. ca LEMMO Integrated Cancer Care (604) 788‑8858 330 ‑ 2025 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver BC Dr.  Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 **Solutions Health Care Navigation (Cancer Coaching) North Vancouver, BC (778) 237‑4137 Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC Wellness Trading Post www. wellnesstradingpost. com Julieta Criollo, DNM, CHT Surrey, Coquitlam BC

Children’s Health National Vaccine Information Centre (703) 938‑DPT3 204 Mill Street, Suite B1, Vienna Virginia Autism Canada (519) 695‑5858 PO Box 366, Bothwell ON Autism Research Institute 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego CA Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Integrated Health Clinic, Sarah Sjovold, ND Fort Langley, BC (604) 888‑8325 www. drsjovold. com Claudette Varley ‑ Neurological Integration System Abbotsford BC (604) 755‑2801 www. neurolinkglobal. com VRAN ‑ Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc.  (250) 355‑2525 PO Box 169, Winlaw BC

Chiropractors Gregg Anderson, DC (604) 531‑6446 305 ‑ 1656 Martin Drive, Surrey BC Christine Bird, DC (604) 885‑7124 Box 358, Sechelt BC DesLauriers Chiropractic Group & Assoc 1219 Johnston Road, White Rock BC (604) 535‑2500 Dr Barbara James Chiropractic (250) 868‑2951 1333 St.  Paul St, Kelowna BC Dr Kevan Shong Chiropractic (604) 540‑1551 Suite E ‑ 7487 Edmonds Street, Burnaby BC

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DID WE MISS YOU? If you’d like a higher profile with your target market, ask about a Professional Membership, with numerous benefits including a listing in the HANS Wellness Directory. (604) 435-0512

evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Helen Fadden, DC (604) 852‑4480 #206 ‑ 2825 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford BC Dr.  Mahin Darabi ‑ Fraser Chiropractic (604) 321‑6704 #315, North Tower 650 41st Ave W, Vancouver BC Drs Rainer & Randall Zindler ‑ Fraser Chiropractic (604) 321‑6704 #315, North Tower 650 41st Ave W, Vancouver BC John W C Loh, MSc, DC (604) 941‑0644 201 ‑ 3377 Coast Meridian Road, Port Coquitlam BC Karin Mattern, DC (250) 758‑7022 3648 Departure Bay Road, Naniamo BC Kitsilano Chiropractic (604) 731‑6773 3446 W.  Broadway, Vancouver BC Alvin G Klassen, DC, FCCRS(c), CPT (604) 271‑6442 10020 No 3 Rd, Richmond BC Jay Lepp, DC (604) 939‑7556 2325 St.  John’s Street, Port Moody BC McCallum Chiropractic @ the Bay (604) 604‑864‑8232 #2 ‑ 32900 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC Peter Mulyk, DC, 1318 Alberni St, Vancouver, BC (604) 685‑9416 Rozeela Nand, DC (604) 736‑5157 #220‑2475 Bayswater St, Van, BC Don Nixdorf, DC (604) 278‑3505 10020 No.  3 Rd. , Richmond BC Orion Health‑ Surrey (604) 575‑2325 #120 ‑ 16555 Fraser Highway, Surrey BC Robert T Ohori, DC (604) 946‑0144 5017 ‑ 48th Avenue, Delta BC Dr.  Fiona Shamesse, DC (250) 727‑9501 404‑1095 McKenzie Ave, Victoria BC Edith Veillette, DC (819) 669‑9676 435 boul.  La Verendrye e. , Gatineau PQ Brent Willox, DC (604) 253‑6930 1279 Nanaimo St.  Van, BC www. vanwellness. com Woodgrove Pines Chiropractic (250) 390‑2003 or (250) 390‑2993 Unit A ‑ 6439 Portsmouth Road, Nanaimo BC

Cleansing & Detoxification ABC of Colon Care/ Prime Vitality (604) 929‑7452 North Van BC primevitality. ca Higher Source Health & Wellness (604) 450‑3757 #401 ‑ 1110 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC Blue Lotus Revitalized Health (778) 899‑1179 Vancouver, BC www. bluelotusrevitalizedhealth. ca Cedar Springs Renewal Center (360) 826‑3599 Sedro Woolley WA cedarsprings. org Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com **South Granville Naturopathic Clinic (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC Lisa Keith (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC

Colon Hydrotherapy ABC of Colon Care/ Prime Vitality (604) 929‑7452 North Van BC primevitality. ca Higher Source Health & Wellness (604) 450‑3757 #401 ‑ 1110 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC **Kevin Patrick /  Vestta (604) 731‑3571 111‑511 W 7th, Van /  vesttawholehealth. com

**Inner Garden Wheatgrass & Colon Therapy 660 Clyde Ave, West Vancouver BC (604) 912‑0282 Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Lifelong Health www. lifelonghealth. ca (604) 538‑6850 15228 Pacific Ave, White Rock BC Lisa Keith (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC The Happy Colon (604) 525‑8400 #360 ‑ 522 ‑ 7th Street, New Westminster BC **Vancouver Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC Village Health Clinic (604) 575‑7275 105 ‑ 15153 No 10 Hwy, Surrey BC

Counsellors (Registered) Brigitte R.  Clark M. Ed, C. C. C. , S. E. P.  Vancouver, BC (604) 928‑5913 www. freefallinsurrender. com

Craniosacral Therapy Brenda Pulvermacher, BSc (604) 986‑9355 200‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC

Dentists Arshbir S.  Kler, DDS/ A.  Ross Gorrell, DDS #201‑5405 12th Ave, Delta BC (604) 943‑2291 Art of Dentistry (604) 431‑0202 104‑6411 Nelson Ave, Burnaby BC Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca Evangelo Papoutsis, DDS (604) 886‑4543 315 ‑ 287 Gower Point Rd, Gibsons BC Van Cosmetic/ Implant Dentistry (604) 434‑0248 #359 ‑ 4800 Kingsway, Burnaby BC

Electromagnetic Fields & Earth Radiation Jim Waugh, EMF SafeHome (604) 788‑0743 Greater Vancouver, BC EMFSafeHome. com Milt B Bowling (604) 949‑1502 http:/ / www. cleanenergycanada. com/  Earthing Solutions Canada (800) 870‑4248 www. earthingsolutions. ca **Vlasty Senovsky, Geopathic Consultant (604) 990‑0524 Lower Mainland, www. geopathic‑consulting. com **Terra Essence Health (778) 383‑6822 Burnaby, BC terraessencehealth. com

Energy Medicine Blue Lotus Revitalized Health (778) 899‑1179 Vancouver, BC www. bluelotusrevitalizedhealth. ca **Brioso Holistics, Robine Yohm (604) 317‑6676 Burnaby BC, www. briosoholistics. com Maria Djordjevic, BSc.  CIEHP (604) 727‑4186 Vancouver BC sanare. ca Earthing Solutions Canada (800) 870‑4248 www. earthingsolutions. ca Diane Louie, EFT Practitioner (604) 888‑2950 21231 ‑ 93rd Avenue, Langley BC Michael D’Alton’s School of Bio‑Energy Healing (604) 688‑5177 www. daltonsbio. com Vancouver BC Ann Perrick (604) 250‑4916 EMF Balancing Technique, North Vancouver, BC Phillip W Warren (604) 946‑4919 4459 ‑ 52A Street, Delta BC rebprotocol. net

Environmental Products & Services Milt B Bowling (604) 949‑1502 http:/ / www. cleanenergycanada. com/  **Nature Cleaning Services (604) 255‑3735 2316 Nacht Avenue, Port Coquitlam BC

Food Preparation & Healthy Cuisine Earthsave Canada (604) 731‑5885 Vancouver BC, www. earthsave. ca

FarmFolk/ CityFolk Society (604) 730‑0450 Vancouver, BC ffcf. bc. ca Raw Food Society of BC (778) 737‑8852 8051 Poplar St, Van BC www. rawbc. org

Health & Education Centres Amazing Health (604) 572‑9457 6581 Sunshine Drive, Delta BC Canadian Acupressure College Victoria, BC (877) 909‑2244 acupressureshiatsuschool. com Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (604) 730‑5611 #100 ‑ 2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Dominion Herbal College (1926) (604) 433‑1926 Burnaby BC, dominionberbal. com IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Institute of Holistic Nutrition (604) 558‑4000 300‑604 Broadway W, Vancouver BC Love Peace Harmony Vancouver (604)733‑0853 www. lovepeaceharmonyvancouver. com Vancouver Island College of Natural Wellness Nanaimo, BC (800) 255‑2816 www. vicnw. com

Health Food Stores **Alive Health Centres www. alivehealthcentre. ca With 14 locations in BC, mostly in the Vancouver area Clearwater Natural Foods Limited (250) 674‑3147 735 Clearwater Village Road, Clearwater BC Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB Consumers Nutrition Centre (604) 270‑0007 #1318 ‑ 6551 No.  3 Road, Richmond BC Country Sun Natural Foods (604) 531‑1112 1377 Johnston Rd, White Rock BC Dawson Creek Health Food Ctr (250) 782‑4656 901C ‑ 103rd Avenue, Dawson Creek BC Edible Island Whole Foods Market (250) 334‑3116 477‑6th St. , Courtenay BC **Gaia Garden Herbals 604‑734‑HERB (4372) 2672 West Broadway, Van BC, gaiagarden. com **Kelly’s Specialty Shop Ltd.  (604) 485‑5550 4706 Marine Ave, Powell River BC Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery Health Food Store Duncan BC (250) 748‑4421 **Marks Pharmacy (604) 731‑8535 3750 Oak Street, Vancouver BC **Mother Natures (250) 365‑7750 Caslegar, BC www. mothernaturescastlegar. com Nurture Health & Wellness (403) 208‑0812 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary Alberta Seaweeds Health Food Store 689 Gibsons Way Gibsons, BC (604) 886‑1522 seaweedshealthfood. com Sunnyside Naturals Kaslo BC (250) 353‑9667 The Pantry Natural Foods (604) 826‑7561 33051 First Avenue, Mission BC The Peanut Mill Natural Foods Market (905) 685‑8848 191 Welland Ave. , St.  Catharines ON Valley Health (780) 624‑1332 10019‑100 St Peace River AB

Health Products & Equipment AIM Canada (604) 263‑8497 theaimcompanies. com 390‑2025 W.  42nd Ave. , Vancouver BC CHI Wellness (604) 767‑3834 Vancouver BC CHI MACHINE www. chidvd. com/ chiwellness Earthing Solutions Canada (800) 870‑4248 www. earthingsolutions. ca Eastern Currents Distributing Ltd.  (604) 263‑5042 9109 Shaughnessy St, Vancouver BC easterncurrents. ca Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Independent Zango Distributor, Surrey, BC

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Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC Infinite Possibilities Consulting (250) 598‑8574 USANA Distributors, possibilities_intl. usana. com **Inner Garden Wheatgrass & Colon Therapy 660 Clyde Ave, West Vancouver BC (604) 912‑0282 Preferred Nutrition (519) 853‑1118 153 Perth St. , Acton ON, pno. ca Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com The Anti‑Aging Exercise Solution Vancouver, BC antiagingexercisesolution. com

Health Retreats & Spas Cedar Springs Renewal Center (360) 826‑3599 Sedro Woolley WA cedarsprings. org

Health/Life Coaches Allan Lawry Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching (604) 220‑7188 www. alfitness. ca Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC Moira Khouri, NC, MH, HHP, CCP Vancouver, BC (604) 346‑1471 Trish Lim‑O’Donnell, CCP (604) 544‑2902 Vancouver BC, www. trishlimodonnell. com Sindie Smith Life Coach (778) 737‑8485 Vancouver, BC sindiesmithlifecoach. com

Herbalists (Registered) Dominion Herbal College (1926) (604) 433‑1926 Burnaby BC, dominionberbal. com Island Healthworks Natural Health Clinic (250) 468‑7685 1830 Douglas Crescent, Nanoose Bay BC Lifelong Health lifelonghealth. ca (604) 538‑6850 15228 Pacific Ave, White Rock BC Wellness Trading Post www. wellnesstradingpost. com Julieta Criollo, DNM, CHT Surrey, Coquitlam BC

Herbs & Herbal Products Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB Eastern Currents Distributing Ltd.  (604) 263‑5042 9109 Shaughnessy St, Vancouver BC easterncurrents. ca Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Flora Manufacturing and Distributing florahealth. com (888) 436‑6697 Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Independent Zango Distributor, Surrey, BC **Gaia Garden Herbals 604‑734‑HERB (4372) 2672 West Broadway, Van BC, gaiagarden. com Joy of the Mountains Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano joyofthemountains. com (866) 547‑0268

Homeopaths Access Natural Healing (604) 568‑4663 101‑1416 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC Arnica Homeopathy Centre (604) 780‑2114 205‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC BC Society of Homeopaths www. bcsh. ca Referrals to classical homeopaths Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 Marie Lamey, Trinity Homeopathy Clinic Vancouver, BC (604) 837‑7396 Diane Louie, DCH, RSCHom, Classical Homeopath 21231‑93rd Avenue, Langley BC (604) 888‑2950 Sonya McLeod, BA, DCH (604) 677‑7742 351 E 39th Ave, Van, BC Neil Tessler, ND, DHANP (604) 542‑9759 203‑2828 152nd Street, Surrey BC

West Coast Homeopathic Society (604) 803‑9242 #101 ‑ 1001 West Broadway Ave Unit 120, Vancouver BC

Hyperbaric & Oxygen Therapy Ozone Sauna Sessions (604) 888‑2950 At Home in the Grove Wellness Centre 21231 ‑93rd Ave, Langley BC Dr.  Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325

Hypnotherapy Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BC Div) (604) 688‑1714 2036 West 15th Ave. , Vancouver BC Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Suite 176 106‑1656 Martin Dr, Surrey BC

Inspiration **Banana Moon (250) 390‑4010 6439A Portsmouth Road, Nanaimo BC

Iridology **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com Island Healthworks Natural Health Clinic (250) 468‑7685 1830 Douglas Crescent, Nanoose Bay BC

Kinesiology **Well Balanced Kinesiology and Consulting (604) 936‑5463 Coquitlam BC denisecambiotti. com CHI Wellness (604) 767‑3834 Vancouver BC CHI MACHINE www. chidvd. com/ chiwellness Alexis Costello (250) 491‑7559 7655 Falconridge Cres. , Kelowna BC Healing Insights ‑ Linda Taylor Chilliwack BC (604) 792‑7353

Live Blood Analysis Arnica Homeopathy Centre (604) 780‑2114 205‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC

Massage Therapy Behrs’ Massage Therapy Clinic (604) 485‑2155 4763 Joyce Avenue, Powell River BC Mavis Brown RMT ‑ (250) 774‑6769 Top Flr, Sikanni Plaza/ 5004 52nd Ave W, Fort Nelson Elfi M.  Dillon‑Shaw, RMT (250) 247‑9504 730 Captain Ahab’s TRC, Gabriola Island BC Electra Health Floor (604) 685‑4325 Electra Health Floor ‑ 970 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC Doug Fairweather, RMT (250) 542‑3553 11601 Palfrey Drive West, Coldstream BC Pauline Johnson, RMT (250) 472‑3629 #106 ‑ 1595 Mackenzie Avenue, Victoria BC Joyce L deVooght, RMT (250) 372‑1365 #92 ‑ 665 McBeth Place, Kamloops BC Sandra MacDonald, RMT (902) 421‑7549 #440 ‑ 5991 Spring Garden Road, Halifax NS Massage Therapy Assn of BC (604) 873‑4467 Ste 180 Airport Square 1200 W 73rd Ave, Vancouver BC John Russell & Colleen Schmitt, RMT (604) 436‑5500 308 ‑ 4900 Kingsway, Burnaby BC www. burnabyrehab. com Murray P Schwabe, RMT (604) 532‑3050 #203 ‑ 5755 Glover Road, Langley BC Leslie Smith, RMT (250) 492‑5599 1458 Government Street, Penticton BC

Medical Doctors Connect Health Centre (604) 733‑4400 205 ‑ 2786 16th Ave W, Vancouver BC International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario Zoltan Rona, MD (416) 920‑9241 8188 Yonge St.  Suite 101, Thornhill ON The Bridge Health (604) 564‑5847 580‑999 West Broadway, Vancouver BC

Meditation Training in Power Academy, Chris Fleck, Van, BC (604) 255‑5702 www. traininginpower. com Soul Power Metro Vancouver Group www. powerofsoul. ca

Mental & Emotional Wellness **Brioso Holistics, Robine Yohm (604) 317‑6676 Burnaby BC, www. briosoholistics. com IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Dr Nelie C.  Johnson, MD (604) 467‑1794 www. awarenessheals. ca Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd (888) 878‑3467 PO Box 888, Raymond Alberta Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC

Naturopathic Physicians A New Leaf Naturopathic Clinic (604) 514‑8555 #103 ‑ 4061 ‑ 200th Street, Langley BC Acacia Integrative Health Clinic (250) 475‑1522 101‑391 Tyee Road , Victoria BC **Agape Natural Wellness Centre Inc.  (604) 737‑2273 102‑2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Tasreen Alibhai, ND 604‑566‑WELL (9355) 460‑2184 W.  Broadway, vitaliahealthcare. ca Arbour Wellness Centre (250) 729‑4969 2136 Bowen Rd, Nanaimo BC BC Naturopathic Association (604) 736‑6646 2238 Pine Street, Vancouver BC, bcna. ca Bellevue Natural Health Clinic (604) 913‑2262 1467 Bellevue Ave, West Vancouver BC Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (604) 777‑9981 #300 ‑ 435 Columbia St, New Westminster BC Anita Bratt, ND (604) 990‑1110, toll free: 1‑877‑299‑1110 1388 Terrace Ave. , North Vancouver B. C.  Timothy W Brown, ND (604) 538‑3017 #200 ‑ 12761 16th Avenue, Surrey BC Kristen Brown, ND (604) 568‑6899 350‑507 West Broadway Ave, Vancouver BC Cdn Assoc Naturopathic Doctors (416) 496‑8633 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto ON Phoebe Chow, ND (604) 327‑0021 2298 Newport Ave, Vancouver, BC Brian Davies, BSC, ND (778) 340‑1114 #1‑156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC Dr Allana Polo, ND (778) 397‑3979 New Westminster, BC www. drallanapolo. com Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca Mandana Edalati, ND (604) 987‑4660 213‑1940 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Paula Fainstat, DC, ND (604) 222‑2433 #312 ‑ 2083 Alma Street, Vancouver BC Dorothy Fairley, ND (604) 738‑2205 2490 Blenheim St, Vancouver BC Juliet Ghodsian, ND (604) 697‑0397 487 Davie Street, Vancouver BC Brenda Gill, ND (250) 362‑5035 Suite 1 1995 Columbia Ave Box 1841, Rossland BC Tom Glew, ND (604) 263‑6338 330‑2025 W 42 Ave, Vancouver BC Hawthorne Naturopathic Centre (250) 598‑3314 1726 Richmond Avenue, Victoria BC Holistic Healing Arts Centre (519) 751‑3488 213 King George Road Unit 209, Brantford Ontario InspireHealth (604) 734‑7125 #200 ‑ 1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver BC Shyrose Karim, ND (604) 451‑7786 or 604‑922‑7372 J2‑925 Main St, West Vancouver BC Westcoast Naturopathic Clinic (604) 681‑5585 1190 Thurlow Street, Vancouver BC

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**Michael Lederman, LLB, ND (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC LEMMO Integrated Cancer Care (604) 788‑8858 330 ‑ 2025 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver BC Paul Levendusky, ND, RAc (604) 536‑8600 #202 ‑ 15210 North Bluff Road, White Rock BC Bruce Lofting, ND (403) 270‑3372 3701 17th Avenue SW, Calgary AB Jonn Matsen, ND (604) 986‑7774 156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC Heathir Naesgaard, ND (604) 980‑4181 #1 ‑ 3731 Delbrook Avenue, North Vancouver BC Dr.  Karen Parmar, ND Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Dr.  Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Peninsula Naturopathic Clinic (250) 655‑1660 102 ‑ 9725 Fourth Street, Sidney BC Ingrid Pincott, ND (250) 286‑3655 300 ‑ 1170 Shoppers Row, Campbell River BC Port Moody Naturopathic Health & Wellness (604) 949‑0077 #202 ‑ 101 Klahanie Drive, Port Moody BC Danny Jui, ND Ray Clinic (604) 461‑7900 #3‑201 Morrissey Road Port Moody BC Denise Rochon, ND, FCAH, CCH (604) 885‑3150 8442 Redrooffs Rd, Halfmoon Bay BC William Russell, ND (604) 535‑4003 305‑1656 Martin Dr, Surrey BC Selkirk Naturopathic Clinic (604) 463‑4911 230‑22529 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge BC Dr.  Pieter C Taams, MD, ND (604) 856‑5687 Abbotsford, BC www. naturopathic‑retreat. com Neil Tessler, ND, DHANP (604) 542‑9759 203‑2828 152nd Street, Surrey BC Gudrun Tonskamper, ND, RAc (604) 536‑1400 #200 ‑ 1676 Martin Drive, Surrey BC Sherry Ure, ND (250) 493‑6060 461 Martin Street, Penticton BC Village Health Clinic (604) 575‑7275 105 ‑ 15153 No 10 Hwy, Surrey BC Vancouver Holistic Health, David Wang ND 3331 No 3 Rd Richmond BC (604) 273‑4372 Jennie Weisenburger, ND (604) 876‑1150 603 ‑ 805 West Broadway, Vancouver B. C.  **Jese Wiens, BSc,ND (250) 276‑9485 318 Main St. , Penticton BC

Nurses (Registered) Betty Minifie, RN, BSCN, CHTP/ I Calgary, AB (403) 474‑7399 **Solutions Health Care Navigation North Vancouver, BC (778) 237‑4137

Nutritional Consultants (Certified) Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (604) 730‑5611 #100 ‑ 2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com Healing Insights ‑ Linda Taylor Chilliwack BC (604) 792‑7353 Institute of Holistic Nutrition (604) 558‑4000 300‑604 Broadway W, Vancouver BC Vanessa Peacock, BSc N. Med.  RNCP/ ROHP, Van BC nourishnutritionaltherapy. ca (778) 866‑7009

Organic Products Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB Essentia ‑ Natural Mattresses (604) 738‑0321 2144 West 4th Ave, Van.  BC myessentia. com

FarmFolk/ CityFolk Society (604) 730‑0450 Vancouver, BC ffcf. bc. ca Genki Foods Calgary, AB 1‑866‑338‑6583 Experience the power of whole foods! genkifoods. com **Green Earth Organics (604) 708‑2345 Organic delivery service in Vancouver BC Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC NingXia Red™ Super Juice 604‑874‑7318 Van BC, ningxia‑red‑juice. com 778‑222‑7318 cell **West Pointe Organic Produce (604) 736‑2839 2183 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Orthomolecular Medicine International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario ISF International Schizophrenia Foundation (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario Vanessa Peacock, BSc N. Med.  RNCP/ ROHP, Van BC nourishnutritionaltherapy. ca (778) 866‑7009

Osteopathic Practitioners **Carolyne Abrams, DO DPO (UK) (604) 730‑5950 11‑3615 West 19th Ave, Van ‑ vancouverosteopathy. net **Sarah Stranan, Vancouver Osteopathy Centre 201‑2475 Bayswater St, Vancouver BC (778) 835‑1633 **West Coast Clinic of Osteopathy (604) 960‑1171 210‑145 West 15th St. , North Vancouver BC

Personal Development Marie Chang, Burnaby, BC (604) 809‑8378 www. insighttowellness. com Training in Power Academy, Chris Fleck, Van, BC (604) 255‑5702 www. traininginpower. com Brian Madigan (604) 626‑6277 Stressed out at work? endworkstress. com The Haven Institute 1‑877‑247‑9238 240 Davis Road, Gabriola Island BC

Physiotherapy Trimetrics Physiotherapy 307‑850 Harbourside Dr North Van (604) 982‑0366 trimetricsphysio. com

Professional & Business Friends of HANS Caligiuri Financial Group Inc.  (604) 685‑6525 1200‑1111 Georgia St W, Van caligiurigroup. com Carol Nunn, CGA (604) 980‑4577 #207 ‑ 277 Mountain Highway, North Vancouver BC Jane Shaak (888) 484‑7253 Royal LePage 484 Main Street, Penticton BC

Publications (Health & Environmental) Alive Publishing Group Inc.  (604) 295‑9333 100 ‑ 12751 Vulcan Way, Richmond BC Common Ground Publishing Corp (604) 733‑2215 #204 ‑ 4381 Fraser Street, Vancouver BC The Herbal Collective Magazine (250) 754‑7103 Distributed on Vancouver Island, BC The Natural Health Show www. thenaturalhealthshow. ca Saturday mornings at 11am on am650 Vancouver

Reflexologists Yvette Eastman (604) 554‑0252 www. touchpointreflexology. com Enerflow Alternative Healing ‑ Amelie St.  Pierre Port Coquitlam, BC (778) 668‑6750 enerflowhealing. com Judith M Rimes (604) 738‑1842 #407 ‑ 3023 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC **Moira Khouri, NC, MH, HHP, CCP Vancouver BC (604) 346‑1471 Pacific Institute of Reflexology (604) 875‑8818 535 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC Reflexology Association of BC (604) 435‑8325 720 Sixth St PO Box 248, New Westminster BC

Rehabilitation NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology and Concussion Clinic #60 ‑ 3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC **South Granville Naturopathic & Prolotherapy Clinic 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC (604) 738‑3858

Reiki Holistically Yours Holistic Healing (604) 929‑2952 North Vancouver BC holisticallyyours. ca Inner Focus Holistic Healing (604) 985‑7302 North Vancouver BC innerfocus. ca Christa Lynn (604) 837‑5125 Vancouver BC www. christalynn. ca Brian Madigan (604) 626‑6277 Stressed out at work? endworkstress. com Myorei Healing (778) 239‑4555 Vancouver BC myorei. ca **Cress Spicer ‑ Infinitebodytalk (604) 908‑3743 Vancouver, BC www. infinitebodytalk. com

Saunas Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com **South Granville Naturopathic Clinic (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC

Shiatsu Raphael Limsico (604) 876‑4948 House calls available, www. shiatsubyraphael. com

Skin & Hair Care Active Skin Care (604) 961‑7533 Vancouver BC www. activeshiatsu. com Dr.  Erikson‑Chinese Medical Dermatology (778) 886‑1180 15767 Roper Ave, White Rock, BC drerikson. com Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 New Visage Advanced Skincare & Anti Aging Ltd.  #417 ‑ 1770 W 7th Ave, Vancouver BC (604) 893‑8872

Sound Healing Harmony of the Spheres (604) 340‑4955 Vancouver BC www. harmonyofthespheres. net

HANS Health Action Network Society (1984) 202-5262 Rumble Street, Burnaby, BC,V5J 2B6 - Publications Mail Agreement 40050050

The BodyTalk System Christa Lynn (604) 837‑5125 Vancouver BC www. thebodytalkclinic. com **Cress Spicer ‑ Infinitebodytalk (604) 908‑3743 Vancouver, BC www. infinitebodytalk. com

Water & Air Systems Best Water For You, Keremeos, BC Toll Free 1‑855‑499‑8892 www. bestwater. ca

Weight Management AL Fitness ‑ The Healthy Weight Program (604) 220‑7188 www. alfitness. ca Dr.  Lederman HCG Weight Loss Clinic 604‑738‑3858 www. drlhcg. com **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC **Inner Garden Wheatgrass & Colon Therapy 660 Clyde Ave, West Vancouver BC (604) 912‑0282 Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com

Wellness Centres Access Natural Healing (604) 568‑4663 101‑1416 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC

Women’s Health Tasreen Alibhai, ND 604‑566‑WELL (9355) 460‑2184 W.  Broadway, vitaliahealthcare. ca Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 IMeG Health™ www. imeghealth. com (604) 279‑9355 160‑6111 River Road, Richmond BC Integrated Health Clinic, Sarah Sjovold, ND Fort Langley, BC (604) 888‑8325 www. drsjovold. com Dr.  Karen Parmar, ND Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC Vancouver Women’s Health Collective (604) 736‑5262 #225 ‑ 119 West Pender, Vancouver BC Claudette Varley ‑ Neurological Integration System Abbotsford BC (604) 755‑2801 www. neurolinkglobal. com

Yoga Marie Chang, Burnaby, BC (604) 809‑8378 www. insighttowellness. com Salt Spring Island Centre of Yoga (250) 537‑2326 Salt Spring Island BC www. saltspringcentre. com Sandra Tonn (604) 483‑3509 Powell River BC, sandra_tonn@telus. net

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