HealthSpectra Magazine June 2020

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JUNE 2020






The Connection Between Food And Mood Know How It Affects Your Health!




HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note For June, our health spectra magazine would take you through insightful information. Every category will either help you improve your diet or educate you about important health facts. Are you ready to flip through each page and get the necessary health information? The cover story begins with an interesting concept about how there is an innate connection between food and mood that you must have given a thought to at some point. Aside, there are useful tips on how a picky eater can work on his/her eating pattern. When you flip through more, you will get acquainted with a few myths and facts around fitness. Many of us out there are fond of our skin and if you want to know secrets to keep that skin glowing, there is an article on Korean tips for good skin. Start reading and learn a new point from every health category that we have to keep our readers engaged.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.




Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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he lthspectra


What Are the Benefits of Using Mustard Oil? 2 Ways to Use It!


10 BEAUTY 10 Interesting Korean Beauty Tips for Perfectly Beautiful Skin!



10 Must-Have Habits Every Woman Needs To Incorporate In Their Lives


What not to do when trying to Lose Weight?

24 COVER STORY The Connection Between Food And Mood Know How It Affects Your Health!

28 DIABETES How to take care of your diabetes during Covid-19 impact?




Open Your Eyes To The Myths And Facts Around Fitness



Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Banana for Breakfast


4 Ways To Deal With People You Dislike








Everything You Need to Know About Reiki A Healing Therapy!


Covid-19 Might Be Linked To Delirium & Brain inflammation



8 Tips to Make Love by Staying Safe During This COVID-19 Phase


Study Says: Testosterone Levels Are Influenced Based on A Man’s Environment


Spinach and Mushrooms - The Italian Way!



Uttana Padasana A Good Asana For the Upper And Lower Body!


66 HOME & FAMILY Do You Have A Picky Eater? 9 Useful Tips That Work

70 HEALTHY LIVING Covid-19 showcases neurological symptoms before respiratory symptoms

72 DISEASE Everything You Need To Know About Cat Scratch Fever! 5



What Are the Benefits of Using Mustard Oil? 2 Ways to Use It!


The strong and thick mustard oil is good for health. In a few places, this oil is used while cooking. This oil is extracted from a mustard plant. It smells strong and commonly used in places like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India.

In some countries of the world, this oil is not used in food. It is only used on the skin and hair. Needless to say, the ingredients in this oil are amazing. Let’s read through this article and see how is it beneficial.


In some countries of the world, this oil is not used in food. It is only used on the skin and hair. Needless to say, the ingredients in this oil are amazing. Let’s read through this article and see how is it beneficial.

that mustard oil effectively reduces fine lines and wrinkles. If you aim at having thick hair and supple skin texture, use mustard oil twice a week after doing a patch test.

Health Could Benefits of Reduce Mustard Oil Pain in Your Here is a list of the health Body benefits of mustard oil. Take a look at it and see if you want to use it.

Good for Healthy Hair and Skin The strong and thick mustard oil is good for health. In a few places, this oil is used while cooking. This oil is extracted from a mustard plant. It smells strong and commonly used in places like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India.


In most of the countries, people use mustard oil for healthy hair and skin. It is a healing oil. In some places, this oil is considered good for the skin and applied on born babies because it is known to act as a layer of protection to keep the skin healthy. Mustard oil suits a few people while the others might be allergic to this oil. To be safe, it is better to do a patch test and check if the oil is suiting your skin or not. It has been studied

In some places, senior citizens or people experiencing pain in any part of their body, take a few drops of mustard oil and massage it well on their skin for a few minutes. Interestingly, this oil gives your body the strength to resist pain. It has been studied that mustard oil has a chemical compound that takes care of the pain receptors. The effects of mustard oil were tested on a mouse and finally, it was found that this oil is effective for reducing pain in the body. Another plus point is that mustard oil has linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are good for reducing pain in your body. Leaving mustard oil on the skin for long is not healthy because it might cause sunburns.


HEALTH Thus, give yourself a warm mustard oil massage to reduce all the pain in your body.

May Control the Growth of Cancer Cells Cancer cells are life-taking and quit tormenting on the body. The compounds in mustard oil are known to restrict the cancer cells from spreading in your body. Studies say that if you apply mustard oil on your body, the growth of cancer cells slows down in your body. After research, it has been noted that the components in mustard oil make all the difference in your body.

Might Be Good for Your Heart Suffering from heart diseases is quite a challenge. Taking necessary precautions in prior are one way of avoiding blockages in the heart and a healthy way of doing so is by consuming food made of


mustard oil. This oil has monosaturated fatty acids that drastically reduces the risk of having blockages in your heart or an attack. The sooner a person can get their heart problems treated or keep the heart healthy always, the better it is to avoid fluctuation in the blood sugar levels or blood pressure.

Treats Inflammation Mustard oil has medicinal properties and it is known for treating inflammation. There was a study conducted on mice to find out if mustard oil has antiinflammatory properties or not and they found out that the mice that had psoriasis and inflammation consumed mustard oil and it seemed to have worked on its body, it showed a remarkable difference. However, researchers are still trying to understand if mustard oil is good for reducing the inflammation on human skin or not. Apart from reducing inflammation, mustard oil does the following •

Reduces pain and discomfort • Reduces the symptoms

of arthritis • Decreases the oxidative stress in your body

Might Reduce Symptoms of Cold In many places, people suffering from cold and cough try having food with mustard oil to keep the infection away. Right now, there is no scientific evidence of how mustard oil is good with treating cold and cough but people who take steam of hot water with a few drops of mustard oil have witnessed a difference on their face

Improves Digestion You will be glad to know that mustard oil aids better digestion. This oil boosts one’s appetite and keeps the liver good. This oil is even known for improving blood circulation and eliminates harmful toxins from the body. You should massage it on your skin and see how good it would make you feel.


Treats Numb Muscles Due to sitting in one place for a long time or not changing the position of your body, the muscles get tight or even numb. In these cases, it is important to have enough movement and massage a little mustard oil on your strained muscles. This will ease all the pain as well as make your muscles flexible.

Heals Dry Lips At times it is due to the weather or lack of moisture in your body that causes your lips to dry. When you notice too much dryness on the lips. It is important to apply a few drops of mustard oil and boost the moisture that is lacking. Mustard oil is extremely good in protecting the dead layer on your skin.

Treats Dental Issues Dental problems are very painful and they look bad at the corners of your teeth. If you failed to take care of your teeth, then you will need to add another step to your routine and that is of using mustard oil on your 9

gums and teeth every day. Add 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp turmeric powder, and 1 tsp mustard oil. Mix these ingredients and use them every day.

Good for The Brains Mustard oil is good for your brain because the presence of fatty acids makes it work better. Besides, this oil helps with boosting memory and improves cognitive functions.

to your scalp. Then, leave it for an hour and wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Since the texture of this oil is thick, gently scrub your hair for a few more minutes so that all the oil comes out of your scalp and hair. Following are the other healthy ingredients you can mix with mustard oil. • Coconut oil • A dry paste of curry leaves • Olive Oil

How to Use How to use mustard oil Mustard on the face? Oil? Mustard oil has medicinal properties. This oil can be used on the hair and face. When you use this oil on the hair, it treats hair loss problems and strengthens the hair roots. On the other hand, when you use this oil on your face, the skin gets soft and fresh.

Ways to use mustard oil on your hair Since mustard oil is thick, you can heat it for a few seconds before applying it

Heat mustard oil for a few seconds, take ½ a tsp, and gently massage it on your skin. Since it is thick, you’d need only ½ tsp. Sit in sunlight for ten to fifteen minutes and then go for a shower.

Take Away Mustard oil is extracted from mustard seeds. This oil has rich compounds and it treats inflammation, makes the skin and hair healthy, reduces microbial growth and reduces the growth of cancer cells.








BEAUTY Emphasizing on beautiful and healthy skin, have you ever looked at that pretty and shining cottonlike skin the Koreans have? They look simply superb. Their beauty is a gift and at the same time they follow a few tips or you can even say the perfect skincare routine to look their best. The products they make doesn’t have many chemicals; it comprises of natural ingredients. Besides following a good skincare routine, Koreans even eat healthy food. The fact that they religiously take care of their skin shows how much they care and without a second thought, they never step back from a luxurious skincare routine. If you want gorgeous skin like them, here are a few healthy Korean WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

skincare tips you should follow. Half o

TIP NO 1 – A GOOD CLEANSING First things first and it all begins with cleansing dirt, makeup, and sebum from the skin. Agree? This is exactly what Koreans follow as well. What Koreans do; they use an oil cleanser on their skin before getting on with washing their face. They massage a few drops of this oil in circular motions and then wash their face.

You can follow this too. Massage an oil cleanser on your skin for a minute or two and then wash it with some Luke warm water.

TIP NO 2 – GENTLY SLAP YOUR FACE Like the body, even your skin needs an activity that can boost blood circulation. One of the biggest reasons for Koreans to have flawless skin is that they perform an activity of slapping the face. It might sound unrealistic 12

but this is what you need for your skin to stay firm. If you want younglooking skin, after the step of cleansing is completed, use your hands and gently slap your face for a while every day. If you want to skip slapping, you can massage your skin for a while every day.

TIP NO 3 – GO IN FOR DEEP EXFOLIATION Koreans never skin exfoliation. The act of getting rid of all the dead skin cells helps with bringing back all the glow that is lacking on your skin. Since we are exposed to dust and pollution, the skin gets bad, and dead skin cells begin to form. Like Koreans, ensure to exfoliate your skin every two days a week. If you have gentle skin, be extra careful 13

while scrubbing it. Use sugar and salt scrubs, they work the best on exfoliating dead skin cells and it will beautifully enhance the glow and soften your skin.

TIP NO 4 – USE A TONER Although the process of skincare looks tedious and involves many steps, it is essential to follow them all as it doesn’t take too long to follow every step. Toning is essential to retain the natural moisture and balances the ph levels on your skin. If your skin is moisturized well, it will never get dehydrated. Isn’t it amazing to have hydrated skin at all times? Yes, it is. Just like the Koreans, you can always tone

your skin two times a day. This step is usually performed after you cleanse your skin. keep in mind to limit your usage on toners if you have extremely dry skin. If you tone your skin every day and it quickly dries up, then use it not more than two or three times a week.

TIP NO 5 – APPLY ESSENCE The very term essence says it all. This liquid has a pleasant and a soothing fragrance that sweeps through your gorgeous skin. When essence is applied on your skin, it adds an extra layer of moisture and shines that brightens your skin and takes care of the Ph levels that decides if your skin should stay dry or oily. You can apply essence after you have cleansed


BEAUTY and toned it. It is not important to apply it every day. You can use it two or three times a week.

TIP NO 6 – PAMPER THE SKIN WITH A FACE MASK Applying a face mask is relaxing. Koreans follow this step in their skincare routine. Most of their face packs are chemical-free and it comprises of natural ingredients. That being said, if you want to pamper your skin and make it feel better, it is necessary to pump it up with natural ingredients such as turmeric powder, fruit masks, yogurt, milk, and so on. Natural ingredients have healthy vitamins and minerals that improve the glow, tighten, and moisturize your skin.


If you want to look pretty and bright for a special occasion, start feeding your skin with natural face packs a week prior and on a special day, you will have all eyes on your skin. Even otherwise, applying a face pack once a week is good for the skin.

and Vitamins, these antioxidants are good for fighting against wrinkles or loose skin. Apply a good eye cream and be ready to look fresh.


Step back inside your house if you haven’t applied a moisturizer. As important as brushing your teeth, even a moisturizer is equally important. Regularly, you need to keep pumping up your skin.

Eye creams are highly moisturizing and good for the skin. Apply eye cream before you fall asleep at night. It eliminates dark circles and makes the eye area look healthy and bright. Koreans do this skincare routine and if you would have ever noticed, the skin under their eyes is never dark because they take regular care. Most of the eye creams have retinol


Moisturizers usually comprise of humectants and these ingredients in a cream help with balancing the moisture and they protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Ensure to ascertain your skin type and accordingly choose a 14

moisturizer. Once a week, you can even moisturize your skin with natural and hydrating home remedies. All moisturizers effectively save the skin from UV rays and at the same time eliminate dryness and have the best antiaging properties.

TIP NO 9 – ALLOW RICE WATER TO STAY ON YOUR SKIN Rice water has anecdotal benefits and firstly it is safe on the skin. Like Koreans use it to make the skin look and feel healthy, you should use it as a toner to enhance the glow by clearing the dead skin cells. Rice water is boosted with antioxidants and moisturizing 15

properties to soften your skin, save it from inflammation, reduce skin pores, fine lines and eliminates all the sagging skin. Just as rice water balances the Ph levels on your hair, it does the same with your skin as well. To apply rice water as a toner, soak rice in water for 12 hours and strain out that milky like substance as it is rice water for your skin. To feel fresh, you can leave the fermented rice water for a few hours in the fridge and then use the same to cleanse the dirt and make your skin look young.

TIP NO 10 – CONCEAL YOUR SKIN WITH A SUNSCREEN Finally, a skincare routine is incomplete without a good

sunscreen. Never forget this step. Sunscreens give you the best UVA and UVB protection for your skin. To choose an effective sunscreen, you need to check for a good SPF formula. Pick a sunscreen that has oxybenzone and provides enough UVA protection to your skin. These ingredients have the potential to safeguard your skin from all the harm.

CONCLUSION To have a good skincare routine like the Koreans, you need to cleanse, slap, exfoliate, tone, apply essence, use a face pack, apply an eye cream, apply a moisturizer, clean your skin with rice water and finally conceal it with a sunscreen. Most of the steps for skincare are similar to what we usually do except for two or three steps.


10 Must-Have Habits Every Woman Needs To Incorporate In Their Lives WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


As a woman, our body undergoes a lot of changes every month. We experience hormonal imbalance and a lot of issues along the way. If you have been looking for better ways to keep your life healthy, one of the best ways to keep your life healthy is by incorporating healthier habits in your life. It goes without saying that adhering to healthy lifestyle is not something that happens overnight but takes some time. Here, we are going to highlight some of the best ones that you have likely been avoiding.

1- Eat to stay healthy Women are often subjected to constant criticism about their body, wherein they must always fit into the construct of people’s minds to be accepted. This often makes many women insecure about their bodies, making them start extreme weight loss diets and habits that are often not good for their body at all. In case you must doing something similar, it is necessary that you do give up that habit right now. It could be something as easy as giving up on that restrictive diet. Eat things that are healthy for you and not the other way around.


2-Practice meditation Not many realise this but gaining mental peace is just as important as gaining physical fitness. Meditation is one of the best ways to bring your mental peace in check, ensuring the best to boost your brain power, memory, power of concentration and a lot more. We only tend to focus on the importance of our physical wellbeing, forgetting the strain that our mind goes through every single day. Spare 10 minutes everyday to focus on your mental wellbeing and practice meditation every day.

3-Pay value to your emotions Your emotions are valid and needs tending to and nurturing. In case you have been wondering what, you have been doing wrong, it is likely that you are not paying attention to your mental health. We women have a habit of often invalidating our emotions. If you are feeling overwhelmed about a situation, it is important that you acknowledge the problem. There is no good that comes from hiding away your emotions. Being deceptive with emotion, we often deprive ourselves of our inner self. Accepting your emotions helps in keeping your wellbeing in check. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


4- Start appreciating yourself Not being appreciative of your own self is a very common problem that all of us experience. This is one of the reasons why you need to work on yourself. Start appreciating yourself more. This is one of the reasons why it is important to ensure that you follow two of the golden rules of your emotional wellbeing. Stop procrastinating and love doing the things that bring you happiness. Once you start appreciating yourself, it becomes easier for you to keep your health in check.

5-Breast examination I can’t stress this enough, but it is extremely important to ensure that you self-examine your breasts every month. Breast cancer can affect any woman, irrespective of their age or even the lifestyle. Some women every have predisposition of the disease as well. It is the reason why it is important that you know the correct ways of examination and get the same done every month without fail. Press and move your palm around your breasts WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

in circular motions to feel for lumps in them. In case you feel something off, it is important that you see your doctor.

6-Prioritise skin care You need to take care of your skin, not because you have to look spotless for others but because you want a spotless skin for yourself. We are always so wired to look better for others that we fail to prioritise these small things for ourself. This is something that needs changing. Know what is good for your skin and your overall health and do them accordingly. Remove your makeup, apply good moisturiser, take care of your undereyes and your lips too. It is all about how you manage your skin health that matters in the end.

7-Change your pillowcase Not many women know this but your pillowcase could be the reason you are breaking out. Sounds quite surprising, doesn’t it? But, in case you have been struggling with something similar, you need to consider this as a cause and take necessary steps to wipe it away. To be honest, it is not like you must do a lot. Just change your pillowcase every 18

single day and you are good to go. Pillowcases absorb the excess oil and dirt from your face every night, leaving behind a layer on the same. When you sleep on it for an extended time, it can cause irritation and constant complaints of acne as well.

8-Clean before going to bed One of the most common things that we avoid doing is no take care of our belongings. This is one of the things that you need to change before it does become worse. In case you have been wondering, cleaning up before bed allows you to wake up to a clean room that lets propagate healthy thoughts in your mind. Seeing things decluttered around you helps you in being more productive all throughout the day, right from the morning, which is one of the reasons why it is important that you clean and keep things aside before going to bed.

9-Sleep without an underwear at night It might not seem like a very “healthy habit” but trust me on this, this is a life changing habit. Not only does it help keep your genitals breathing 19

better at night, it also reduces the risks of bad bacterial growth, which is quite common in several cases. It is also important that in case you are not comfortable sleeping without one, you can always switch to an allcotton underwear instead. This keeps the area dry and helps in healing the risks of yeast infection a lot faster than normal. It is an acquired habit, one that will take you some time to get used to but once you get used to it, there is no going back.

10- Clean your room once a week Clutter in your room will clutter your mind. If you don’t believe this, trust me on this, it is true. It is extremely important that you focus on finding ways to keep your room cleaned every single week and get rid of the clutter that you have accumulated throughout the week. It might seem tough to understand but it is what makes all the difference. Cleaning the room and rearranging things here and there helps improve the vibes in the room. If you have been feeling extremely down, this is the best way to change that habit. Healthy habits are hard to imbibe but once you adhere to them, it becomes easier for you to get used to the same. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


What not to do when try

Weight loss is not a linear process. Sometimes, you lose weight drastically and sometimes those stubborn fats are way too hard to lose. Whatever the situation be, it is quite important that you focus on the end result, which is the weight loss. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, there are a few things that you need to avoid. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


ying to Lose Weight? Stop focusing on scale weight So, you weighed yourself the first day of your weight loss journey. 10 days later after rigorous workout and diets, you seem to lose nothing because your scale shows so. Don’t rely blindly on your scale weight. This is one of the most common mistakes that people do. Despite sticking to your diet faithfully, there are possibilities that you might not lose weight. This is where you need to take charge. When you initially start with your weight loss journey, it is the water that you lose. This is one of those factors not many people realise. It might not show up on your scale but it doesn’t mean you didn’t lose weight.

Weight loss mistakes are common and can impact your progress. If you think that losing weight is an easy process, you are mistaken. You will hit a peak when losing weight will become extremely tough. That is when you need to take charge. Cut out the things that are not doing your body any good. 21

Not keeping track of your diet When you are following a weight loss journey, keeping track of what you are putting into your body is important. Often, many people don’t even have a hunch of what they are WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

WEIGHT LOSE eating. That is where the problem is. If you want to lose your weight successfully, it is necessary that you be aware of what you are eating. Even studies have proven that keeping a track of your diet helps in losing weight. One of the best ways to do that is by maintaining a food journal.

Avoid having a cutoff time for eating Every person’s body is different and their metabolism is different. While one person might not feel hungry quite frequently, there are several people with a higher metabolism that might. If you are trying to lose weight, one of the most common mistakes that they do is have a cut-off time. If you heard that you shouldn’t eat past 7, or 8, that is where you need to reevaluate. This is not always true and doesn’t fit everyone’s body. When you are stopping your meals in the day doesn’t have any impacts on how much weight you lose.

Not keeping track of calories Now, before you get diverted, no, when we are talking about the calories and keeping track of it, I am not talking about calorie restrictions. It is more of the number of calories that you are putting into your body. As much as more calories are bad for you, similarly reduced calories are equally bad for you. Recent studies have found that the calorie deficit needs vary from person to person and affects everyone differently. If you are undereating your calories, increase them. If you are overdoing your calories, increase them.


Lacking protein in the diet One of the best accompaniments of weight loss is protein. If you are not eating enough protein, it is likely going to impact your journey and how well your body is toned down. Eating around 25-30% of calories with protein helps accelerate your metabolism and even reduce the unnecessary cravings and need for snacking throughout the day. This is because the consumption of protein further regulates the secretion of ghrelin, or the appetite hormone, keeping your appetite throughout the day in check.

Forced deprivation When you are losing weight, it is pretty common for you to cut out on carbs, or the unhealthy fats. Even though this might come from a point of concern and to get better results from the weight loss journey, at the end of the day, it does no good to your body. Forced deprivation results in unhealthy cravings throughout the day, which become very hard to control. This is one of the reasons why expert nutritionists don’t suggest the elimination diets for weight loss because they are not very sustainable in the long run.

Unregulated exercise When it comes to weight loss, it is believed that 80% of it comes from diet and 20% from exercise. If you have been doing your


foods Just because the food is healthy doesn’t mean binge eating is as well. This is a wrong notion that eating large quantities of healthy food won’t do any harm to your body. This is what needs to be changed. If you do want the best for your weight loss journey, it is necessary that you cut out the habit of binge eating and snack on smaller amounts of healthy food every once in a while. When you binge eat, you are distorting the calorie intake for the day.

Avoid low fat diets Low fat diets were very popular back in the days but as popular as they were, they brought in a lot of complications with them. One of the most common one of the lot is the weight gain, especially around the abdomen and belly region. This is mainly because majority of the low-fat diets are enriched with high sugar elements. So, even when you are eating low fat, you are likely doing worse to your body with the other elements present in the food.

Skipping out on fiber diet right but not doing or overdoing your exercises, it will impact your health in the long run. When you don’t add exercise to the cycle, it is likely that you will lose more muscle mass, leading to a reduced metabolic rate of the body. But, then again, if you do unattainable amount of exercise, the same is believed to be unsustainable in the long run, which again is not something healthy for your body. If you want a toned and fit body during your weight loss journey, it is best that you consult a physical trainer.

Fiber is a quintessential nutrient when it comes to weight loss. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, it is important that you don’t skip fiber out of your diet. Consuming more soluble fiber helps reduce the appetite by holding more water in the body. This comes in handy for when you want to prevent overeating to lose weight. Research has show that every type of fiber has positive impacts on weight loss, so if you are skipping out on that, you are setting yourself up for a failure.

Binge eating healthy 23



The Connection Between Food And Mood Know How It Affects Your Health!



Isn’t this an interesting concept that science has drawn light on. Isn’t it? Let’s read this article and understand how your mood and the food you eat are connected.

Effects Of Mood On Food

When you are not in the best frame of mind and anxious, depressed, or demotivated, it goes without saying that you will not keep your health in mind or bother about choosing healthy foods. Regardless of the situation, it is a need to stay healthy and follow a healthy diet. We are all on the same page when it comes to understanding this concept because every human being experiences the effects of food and mood. If you stick to a healthy diet, you will never slip into depression.

Your ‘food’ and ‘mood’ both are united and together. How you feel and what you think affects your food choices. On the other hand, what you eat affects your mood. 25

What happens when you don’t eat in a bad mood? Generally, if you are sad,

you tend to eat what is convenient. What you choose to eat may or may not be healthy. However, not getting the right nutrients will increase depression and anxiousness. The blood sugar levels dangerously fluctuate when you don’t give your body enough nutrients. Neither the mind nor the body would function well. Skipping a meal would pull down sugar levels. The worst is if you skip your breakfast meal. Not realizing and eating foods rich in carbohydrates can affect blood sugar levels. For example white bread and pastries. According to researchers, if you don’t want foods to affect your mood, it is essential to ‘fix the food’. Before you try probiotics or prebiotics to feel better, it will make sense to eat whole foods and avoid unprocessed foods. The gut is affected and there is a risk of diseases if foods that contain chemical additives are consumed. At present, linking mental health with nutrition has become critical. As most of us face this scenario.


COVER STORY Research has always shown us that food affects mental health and it is true that our mental well-being is taken care of. They researched on how diet influences mental health by studying the result of the gut microbiota (organisms in the intestinal tract), neuroplasticity (brain’s ability to modify the structure, wiring, and function), oxidative stress (cellular damage) and chronic inflammation. To convey it right, good mental and physical health is important, and only when you eat healthy food without letting your moods take over, you’d be able to balance with your mental and physical health.

What is the connection between the gut and your mood? It has been studied that 90% of serotonin receptors are present in the gut. Nutritionists always focus on making patients understand how gut health can have affected your mood, either for the good or bad. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

Having said, when a person takes anti-depressants and if it doesn’t suit the body completely, he/she will experience side effects, and gut health is impacted.

Since not eating a few healthy foods can cause depression, eat the following foods to keep your mood good

Besides, issues like nausea, diarrhea, or gastrointestinal problems occur.

l Mussels

Wondering how do the gut and brain connect? Vagus nerve is used by your gut and brain for communicating and signals are sent and received.

l Watercress

This gut and brain communication enable us to gain a better knowledge of the connection between diet and disease. This even includes depression and anxiety. It is highly essential for good bacteria and bad bacteria to stay balanced. If there is no balance, it will have a direct impact on the body and other diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), asthma, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cognitive and mood problems will occur.

What foods would take care of your mood?

l Oysters

l Salmon

l Spinach l romaine lettuce l Cauliflower l strawberries

To not let your mood get affected, you can eat these foods and protect yourself from feeling low. Along with food, you should consider other solutions to take care of your mood. If you are unable to handle stress alone, talk about it instead of letting it consume you.









How to take care of your diabetes during Covid-19 impact?



If you struggle with diabetes, it is likely that the same will have direct impacts on your immunity and enhance your risks to Covid-19. This is a very common news that everyone knows. But, given that diabetes can become a progressive disease if the right measures aren’t taken, it is important that you do

take care of your health despite the risky times that the world is currently in. Not just the virtual doctor’s appointment and regular testing, it is extremely important to ensure that you also do take care of some of the other important factors involved as well.

There are several instances that could go wrong if you take this easy and don’t take the necessary steps for keeping the same in control. To help you out, we are going to share some of the most important healthcare tips that you need to keep in mind during the Covid-19 pandemic if you want improved health.

Follow the CDC guidelines Not just for the diabetics specifically, the CDC guidelines for Covid-19 are for every person. Be it washing your hands consistently or keeping social distancing from people around, the same applies for you as well. If you are a diabetic who is at a higher risk of contracting the disease and suffering from it, it is important that you strictly follow the rules without further questions asked. Make sure that you don’t step out of the house unless necessary. This is something you just can’t take for granted. Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze. Wear masks and 29


DIABETES gloves when out.

Practice hygiene with the equipment If you have diabetes equipment and surgical instruments for your diabetes treatment, it is very important that you do keep everything clean and sanitised. If you inject insulin into your body, it is extremely important that you wash your hands before injecting it. Also ensure that you use soap and water on the area that you have injected the insulin into. This will keep the wound sanitised and ensure to keep the risks in check.

Stock up While stocking up is not necessarily the most favourable thing to hear about, it is important that you do keep a check on the available medication that you have in your cabinet and stock up to last you quite some time. This is to ensure that you have your stash of medication ready and you don’t have to step out of your house every other week, which can be quite risky for your health. If required, you can call your doctor to get a better idea of where you can get all the medication or ask for alternatives in case you can’t find your own.

Don’t stress One of the worst enemies of diabetes is WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

stress. If you are unnecessarily stressing yourself, it is likely going to end up doing worse than good for you. If you are not able to find medication or the insulin supply chain that you generally use now, don’t fret. It is important that you stay calm and make rational decisions instead of rushing into things. Governments are working to ensure seamless supply of drugs, so it is not required for you to fret about the situation that you are stuck in, so take it easy.

Be assured of the other medications or over the counter drugs There are some common over the counter medications available in the stores that can end up causing a spike in the blood sugar levels. There is no need for you to fret about it. Not just that, in case you are not aware of which drugs to use and which are safe for you, ask your healthcare provider to be sure. It is important for you to be aware of the same instead of blindly consuming a drug to get the symptoms down. This can end up causing reverse impacts on your health.

Be vigilant Diabetics can suffer from sudden reduce levels of the blood glucose levels. This can happen quite often, especially when the world is stuck in such a stressful situation. 30

diet and the overall nutrition that you are abiding by. With the fitness centres closed, it should not pose as an excuse for you to skip out on the exercise but take it as a motivation to work harder in your home to further keep yourself fit and in the best of health without further questions. Not just that, keep an eye out on your snacking habits because that can get worse when you are stuck at home for most of the day. Get the necessary amount of sleep that your body needs. This is a necessity too.

Arrange virtual appointments

In case you tend to experience similar episodes, it is important to ensure that you do be vigilant of such symptoms. They might not seem like a lot but can come in handy and help keep your health in check. In case you are running low on the insulin and medication, it is important that you are extra careful about your blood glucose levels and your status.

Prioritise your health Even during the lockdown and the pandemic going around in the world, it is necessary for a diabetic to prioritise their health. It is necessary that you focus on your sleep, 31

With Covid-19 in such a delicate stage, it is likely that you will have a hard time attending doctor’s appointments every month like your previously did. While this is true, it is also true that you need to find better ways to keep in touch with your doctor and get an update on your health, both with respect to diabetes as well as covid-19. You need to ensure that you have enough information about the situation going around and how you can do your part to practice better health for yourself. There are several instances that could go wrong if you take this easy and don’t take the necessary steps for keeping the same in control. Follow the steps and the tips mentioned and you will be fine and health enough. Make sure that you avoid going out of the house until it is necessary. Remember that you are at risk and you need to acknowledge the same. Don’t put your life at even more risk than necessary. Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze. Wear masks and gloves when out.



Open Your Eyes To The

Myths And Facts Around Fitness



When it comes to being fit, many of us are dedicated to a diet and a good workout. In this rush of maintaining our body or being a fitness maniac, we often tend to forget if we what we are believing and doing needs to be done or are we being blind and following the crowd. Has it ever happened that you thought “Is this exercise truly beneficial for my health?�



FITNESS If this question struck to you at some point, it is more than enough to prove that you are trying to reason the purpose of moving left to right and so on. Whether you worship exercise or don’t find out about the different myths and facts around fitness for knowledge. Are you looking forward to opening your eyes to the right information?

No 2 - It Is Difficult to Have A Flat Belly Now When I am Old Is it age that counts for making you look flat or healthy?

Read this article and pay attention to every point that is listed out here!


No 1 - It Is Important to Stretch Before Exercising

At any age, you can be flexible, strong, and cut down on calories.


As studies have suggested that as you grow old, you lose out on muscle mass and people have formed a wrong notion that since they are anyways going to lose out on muscle mass, there is no chance to look slim and fit.

How can you exercise well if your body is not loosened enough? This loosening happens only when you move your body and swing it along.

They think that less muscle mass leads to weakness and with lack of strength, there is no chance of being able to workout.

Many fitness experts have debated over what is a fact and myth over stretching before exercising.

So, breaking this myth, a person loses out on muscle mass more when he/she is living an unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle. Thus, move your body even if you are old. Don’t strain yourself but at the same time don’t stop.

The answer is it is a fact that you need some movement before you get on with a full-fledged workout session. So, stretching in prior is the best!


It is still possible to have a flat belly while your diet and fitness would build your muscle mass to some extent. 34

No 3 – An Effective Workout Without Facing Pain Is Impossible If I don’t experience pain, I will never be able to make it and complete a workout.

DO YOU THINK IT IS TRUE? An MD who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation as well as spine and sports medicine at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City says that it is not advisable to exercise through pain. Experiencing pain is likely to be a sign of an injury. You can consider pain to be a warning sign. Therefore, it is a complete myth that you have to go through pain if you want to make sure that you are exercising effectively.

No 4 Swimming Aids Weight Loss 35

It is evident that investing energy and flapping your hands and legs is good enough movement and it is likely to burn all the excess fats in our body. Isn’t it? But this is a myth because you will lose weight only if you continuously swim for hours together and that’s not possible. Swimming is otherwise a good workout if you want to improve your lung’s capacity, tone all the loose muscles, and boosting your mood. Relying on this workout for weight loss won’t be of much help.

No 5 – To Get Rid Of Any Kind Of Back Pain Try Yoga Any kind of back pain is terrible and causes a lot of discomfort and picking up yoga asanas to work on all your back pain may or may not help. Yoga does help with a few aspects of your body. However, it won’t benefit your back in every way. If the pain is arising due to a muscle pull or strain in your back, you can rely on yoga. If you have other major problems such as slip disc and so on, it is a myth to believe that yoga can solve every back problem. If you have major back issues, immediately get it checked by your doctor. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


No 6 - Fats Burn Fast Only When You Exercise On An Empty Stomach From our childhood, we have always been asked to exercise on empty stomach to derive the best benefits from a particular workout. Another reason as to why we were asked to exercise on an empty stomach so that we don’t feel nauseous after eating and exercising. Can you relate to this?

NOW THE QUESTION IS IF THIS PRACTICE IS A FACT OR A MYTH? It is a myth because the body needs glucose while exercising and if your stomach is totally empty, your body is going to search for another source of gaining energy and you wouldn’t want your body to go to that source as it would make you put on weight.

YES, YOU HEARD IT RIGHT! The body goes into an emergency mode and it goes to the fats to fight this difficulty. The fats would further consume all your muscle tissues and take all your energy. Losing muscle tissues will hit badly WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

on your metabolism and you won’t be able to digest food or even burn calories like you usually do. Hence, don’t ever make the mistake of exercising on empty stomach. Get some form of glucose into the body and then begin with a vigorous workout.

No 7 – Proof Of A Good Workout Is In How Much A Person Sweats Most of us think that only if we have sweat enough, it can be called a day of the best workout. Well, that’s not true because everyone’s body is different from how one’s body reacts is solely dependent on many factors. Talking of sweating, a few people sweat less and a few people sweat more after working out but that doesn’t mean someone who didn’t sweat well hasn’t benefited at all from the workout. You sweat less or more based on factors such as your body’s metabolism, your weight, and the place you are exercising at. While another reason for sweating too much is because the body is cooling down. Thus, sweat has nothing to do with how effectively or ineffectively you are working out. 36

No 8 – Crunches Is the Best Way to Say Good-Bye To All the Belly Fat Avoid being blinded to what you are asked to do. Whenever you are asked to do a particular exercise or picked on one random exercise, first off, read through the purpose of that exercise and then discover its benefits on your body. Blindly don’t say a YES to any workout. If you think crunches are the best way to lose belly fat, then you have got it all wrong. Crunches only help with strengthening the muscles around your belly and it gives you a good posture. This workout won’t affect the entire weight of your body. Moreover, sometimes it is not even about your belly. You must be healthy and because of that, it might seem like you have a big belly. Once you start working out, to lose overall weight on your body. The abs muscles after crunches will show up automatically. If you want to burn fats and effectively lose weight, it is necessary to do cardiovascular and strengthtraining workouts. This will help you lose weight on your belly as well as the body. On the whole, your belly would look flat and you will be in 37


Conclusion Did you have fun opening your eyes to many myths that were never visible to you or is it making you sad that you didn’t research enough and kept exercising with the wrong mindset or never understood the purpose? Either way, now you a few fitness facts are known to you. It is time to stick to the facts and enlighten all your other fitness fellow mates about what you know. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating

Banana for Breakfast Banana is a sweet and nutritious fruit. For those who love eating a banana, you will enjoy having it for breakfast. Note that it is not good to just have a banana for breakfast, it is essential to have it along with another breakfast item such as oats or milk. Wondered why is it recommended to have a banana for breakfast? It is claimed to be the best option for weight loss and its fiber content will keep you full all day





NUTRITION & DIET Even dieticians recommend eating a banana for breakfast. This concept of banana being a good breakfast meal for weight loss was introduced by a Japanese pharmacist named Sumiko Watanabe. Some studies say banana is good for weight loss while others say it is good for weight gain. In reality, there is no clear scientific evidence of whether a banana is good for weight loss or weight gain. However, its calories would make you healthy and its fiber will keep you full for long that you might not feel the need to eat too many meals or a lot of junk the entire day. The logic of banana helping you lose weight holds good only if your reason for gaining weight is because of eating junk. If you put on weight due to stress, lack of sleep, or it is in your genes then eating a banana won’t help you lose weight.

Why Is Banana Good for Health? Banana comprises of essential nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, vitamins, fiber, and other


important nutrients. Since it is so nutritious, let’s look at how would it benefit the body! Ø Banana boosts serotonin and reduces depression Ø It has fructose, glucose, and sucrose; these sugar nutrients are good for boosting your energy levels Ø The presence of magnesium and potassium make it a good fruit to keep your brain energized and alert Ø It is one of the best foods for boosting libido in your body Advantages Of Eating Banana For Breakfast

No 1 - Keeps The Colon Clean And Prevents Colon Cancer If you are facing troubles with bowel movements and highly constipated. Eating banana as your breakfast meal will help clear your stomach. Good ripe bananas help in easy stool movement through the intestine. The colon is nothing but your large

intestine and the enzymes in banana help with cleaning the colon. Besides, the presence of fiber and resistant sugar in this fruit is good for preventing colon cancer too.

No 2 - Boosts Gut Health

To sustain good gut health, eat a green banana every day. Green bananas have nutrients such as pectin and resistant sugars that feed the good bacteria in your intestines and this boosts your gut health. Good gut health enables the body to absorb healthy nutrients and ease the process of digestion. Thus, make the most of bananas if you have digestion problems.

Disadvantages Of Eating Banana For Breakfast Every fruit comes with an advantage and disadvantage. However, everything is dependent on what agrees with your body and doesn’t.

Just as banana is good for keeping your calories in check and boosting digestion, it has a few disadvantages that would show up on your body 40

if you eat it in excess or if the fruit doesn’t suit you.

No 1 – Likely to Cause Constipation

We need a banana to boost digestion at the same time, if it is excessively consumed, instead of being advantageous it will affect the body. As you know banana is packed with fiber and if you over-consume it or it doesn’t suit your body, there are chances of getting constipated. To protect your body from the disadvantages of banana, ensure to drink 8 glasses of water every day.

No 2 – Bad for People Who Are Diabetic th?id=OIP.5fXBu-rrYrE9CRDXV fdEugHaEI&pid=Api&P=0&w= 296&h=166

As said earlier, every fruit will not suit our body. Consuming banana as a breakfast meal is not advisable for people who are diabetic as it contains fructose, glucose, and sucrose which has too much 41

sugar content and it can affect diabetic patients. On the other hand, people who have low blood pressure levels should eat a banana as it gives energy and incredibly shoots up the blood sugar levels in the body.

No 3 – Can Affect Your Teeth

Anything sweet is not good for the teeth unless you brush twice a day. Bananas have fructose and this sugar nutrient is not good for the teeth. It is the excess debris that settles down and if it is not cleaned from time to time, it can cause cavities. Cavities in turn cause other complications in your teeth. To save your teeth from the disadvantage of eating a banana, ensure to gargle your mouth 5-6 times and brush your teeth before you go to bed to avoid dental issues.

How To Eat Banana To Lose Weight?

grams fiber, and 14 grams of sugar. It even has macronutrients to boost your metabolism and keep you full for long. Banana comprises sugar and carbohydrates; we cannot fully say that it is good for weight loss or weight gain. Thus, if you want the fruit to help you lose weight, here are a few tips you need to follow. Take a look! Tip 1 - Don’t eat more than one banana every day Tip 2 – Eat a banana before or after working out. It is good as a snack with your breakfast and boosts the energy levels in your body. If your body is bloated, banana is the best fruit to help you lose weight and reduce those fats without making you starve for long.

Take Away

Bananas are tasty and nutritious. Begin your day with a banana and another breakfast item to stay full and keep away from excessive junk cravings all day. Besides, a banana will even take care of your gut health and boost digestion.

A medium-sized banana comprises 105 calories, 27 grams of carbohydrates, 3



4 Ways To Deal With People You Dislike In life, it is difficult to have a good opinion about every person. There are a few people we like and dislike. Talking and spending time with people we like is always like being in a comfortable zone with no judgment or hassles. When it comes to people we dislike, things get a little difficult. How do you deal with people you dislike? Do you walk through their face? End up showing your frustration or deal with them tactfully? WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


Irrespective of what you do, sometimes you cannot connect with that person. On the other hand, you can be a hypocrite and pretend to like them, but it won’t last long. This bit of negativity we all have in us. We 43

forgive the blunders our loved ones make and always look at it as an issue when someone we dislike does it. If you peacefully wish to deal with people you dislike, read this article and find out what to do.

No 1 - Get Comfortable With The Fact That You Dislike The Person Disliking someone is human, but drawing that line of humanity and not causing harm to the opposite person WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


is what matters. So, you should be aware that it is not wrong if you dislike someone. Why hesitate? Be vocal about it and agree. Since our fingers are unequal, even our likes and dislikes would vary. As long as you don’t intend to

wish bad or harm someone you don’t like, you should be comfortable about accepting why you dislike someone.

No 2 - Let Go Of Their Actions There is only suffering and sadness in holding on to the thoughts and actions of the

people you dislike. Let them be the best or the worst people. You do your job of keeping away if you don’t like them. The more you can let go and take it easy, the less it will affect you. Would you want to feel sick in your mind? None of us want it. Thus, stick by your humanity and let the person and their words go out of your head.

No 3 - Avoid Yelling Or WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


stopping you from putting across your points firm but ensure not to yell, fight, or even wish bad for the one you dislike. Get control over your emotions and deal with it peacefully.

No 4 - Respect Positive Qualities In The Person You Dislike

Fighting, Keep It Peaceful Usually, it is natural to get into an argumentative mood especially when that someone is your family member. Never allow your moods to take over, get a grip of what you say and how you say it. End of the day, even if that’s someone who annoys you, there is a way of treating someone. Avoid going down to a level that is against the person you are. No one is


to hold on to hatred. If you think you cannot get along or dislike someone. Either keep distance and if that’s not possible, look at them with a neutral mindset.

If you don’t like something, say it in a good way without hesitating. Being nice, won’t cost you anything. ultimately, you would be proud of yourself.

When you dislike a person, instantly you can sense negativity in the environment and your thoughts as well. Why feel negative? Instead, positively look at that person, for all you know, it might help you feel better. If not for the other person, try it for yourself, you will end up feeling better. For example, if you are getting into that judgemental mode, immediately divert your mind and tell yourself that he/she is doing whatever they feel is right. Think positively, don’t judge, try, and understand what that person is going through that he or she ended up taking a particular decision. In conclusion, life is too short



Everything You Need to Know About

Reiki A Healing Therapy!



According to Medical News Today, a news survey done in 2007 says that in the U.S., 1.2 million adults tried Reiki and there are many Reiki practitioners around the world who are busy healing sufferers. Reiki believes in energy and even science won’t deny this fact as everything in this universe is made with some form of energy.

History of Reiki This concept of Reiki came from Japan for the first time. In one of the villages in Japan, there lived a man named Dr. Mikao Usui who was passionate about understanding energies and in the search of some energy he turned into a Buddhist monk and lived in a monastery That being said, his brilliant mind worked on finding the energy that could heal a person even from a distance. He took it seriously and started his journey to finding something significant. On a mountain, he meditated and prayed for 21 days after which he felt peaceful and discovered symbols that are an integral part of Reiki that is used for healing.

It is a form of treating mental, emotional, and physical pain through healing therapy. It is believed that a person giving reiki absorbs this energy from the universe and treats the sufferer by placing their palms or focusing on the pain area. This kind of therapy is done for centuries now. There is no scientific evidence on the benefits of Reiki but it has healed people and known to treat many mental and physical problems. For example, if you are depressed and you tell a practitioner to give you Reiki, she would focus on your problem and try healing you through thoughts. This has been done a lot of times and is found to work.


After this, he got back and started a Reiki clinic to help people heal. He spread this knowledge and made many people Reiki masters. In 1935, along with symbols, one of the Reiki masters improvised it with placing of hands. After this, an American woman learned the concept of Reiki and taught 22 other Reiki masters around the world.

What Is Reiki? According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), reiki is a positive form of selfhealing using light, symbols, and gentle hand movements. When a practitioner gives Reiki, he/she encourages the sufferer to stay positive and get over the pain. As mentioned in the introduction, there is no scientific evidence about how Reiki works but data suggest that WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE it has helped people having sleep issues, pain, anxiety, depression, stress, and other chronic problems. In 2014, according to a journal named Pain Management Nursing, Reiki has proved to show healing effects after there was an interaction of energies between the practitioner and recipient. According to one of the NY based Reiki master who collaborated with Harvard and Yale to improve Reiki programs, he says that a positive encouragement to heal is needed for restoring balance. It is said that after a Reiki session, your body that was in a “fight-flight” state gets relaxed and this is good for your health. Conversely, continuously staying in a fight-or-flight mode increases stress, and healing happens fast only when the body is calm. Reiki is even known as ‘universal energy’. If you got to see it in the spiritual sense, a practitioner puts his hands on the sufferer, sends him positive energy to heal himself and the sufferer takes this energy and gradually begins to heal. While it might sound like a fairytale, know that it truly works. Reiki has helped majority of the sufferers heal. So far, the only limitation we have seen about Reiki is that it never assured of fighting against disease. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

In Europe and America, there are a few hospitals that offer Reiki services. In Europe, this technique became powerful in the ’80s. You can learn the process and try this healing therapy for small things such as beating stress or if there is pain in your stomach. Everything You Need to Know About Reiki Here are important points to learn about Reiki!

No 1 - Safety It is understandable to be skeptical about this form of healing. At the same time, you will be glad to know that Reiki is safe for anyone and everyone. Be it any kind of healing. Practicing Reiki will always make you feel better.

No 2 – Is Reiki like a medicine? While Reiki is not a physical capsule or tablet, it works like a medicine and makes you feel better after you have undergone surgery but doesn’t treat a disease. Having said, if a patient wants to get treated for a mental or a physical problem, he/she must approach doctors first and then go for Reiki to recover faster.

No 3 – Who is eligible to give

Reiki? You cannot receive the power of healing from anyone just like that. The person has to be a certified and trained practitioner. Consider these points while choosing a practitioner. · Levels of training the practitioners have covered · A person should be certified by a Reiki master or a Reputable Reiki organization · In the U.S. two wellknown Reiki Organizations are International Center for Reiki Training and Reiki Alliance

No 4 – What to expect from a Reiki session? Usually, a Reiki session lasts for 60to90 minutes. You’d be asked to lie down flat on your back and change your position of lying on your stomach. If you are pregnant, keep the practitioner informed and the master would place their hands on your body to pass on positive energy. However, not that your genitals are not touched until and unless a woman has breast cancer and they need to heal that part of the body. When the practitioner or master gives you Reiki, their 48

hands turn warm and you can sense good energy getting into your body. While everyone has a different experience in Reiki, it is common for most people to fall asleep during the session because your mind feels calm and relaxed. You might get to see colors, words, images, or random ideas that will flash in your mind. To make the long story short, ultimately, you’d be peaceful.

No 5 - How often to get Reiki done? Based on your health concern, a practitioner will let you know about the number of times you should get Reiki done. A few problems are solved in one Reiki session while the rest take a while and you will need to go for a couple of Reiki sessions to feel better. The University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Centre for Spirituality and Healing recommends trying at least 4 sessions to gauge the good it did to your body.

No 6 – Is Reiki a cost-effective method of healing? On the whole, Reiki is not an expensive healing therapy. However, it even depends on 49

the places you go to for Reiki sessions. For a Reiki session, you’d need to pay between $25 to $100 and not more. You should even be aware that there is no Insurance coverage for a Reiki Treatment.

we derive from Tai exercises. This beautiful energy that is absorbed by your body is good for balancing emotions, keeping you mentally fit, and spiritually enlightened. Here are a few benefits of Reiki!

No 7 – How to be dressed when going for a Reiki session?

• Gradually eliminates every sort of pain and discomfort

Don’t wear tight clothes. Get into a comfortable t-shirt and loose track pants when you go for a Reiki session. The more you wear comfortable clothes, the better you will feel during the session.

No 8 – What are some of the Reiki techniques? Some of the practitioners use crystals or healing wands to heal pain and drive out negative energy. Besides, techniques such as centering, clearing, beaming, extracting, infusing and smoothing are adopted to while practicing Reiki.

No 9 - Benefits of Reiki Reiki is a powerful energy that science cannot express and it is only felt by a person practicing Reiki. This energy that comes from Reiki is similar to what

• Helps you deal with trust issues • Let’s the suppressed emotions and blocked thoughts out of you • You get to connect with your higher-self • You attain a calm mind that you least expected • Reiki teaches you how to enjoy your present • This healing therapy teaches you how to get emotionally independent • You get the knack of doing self-healing • You become a balanced person • You get better at dealing with stress • This form of healing detaches you from ego • You get aware of who you truly are •

Reiki polishes your intuitive power



Covid-19 Might Be Linked To Delirium & Brain inflammation The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery studied about COVID-19 positive or suspected patients and they found out that coronavirus might be linked to several neurological conditions such as delirium, stroke, and brain inflammation.



An MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow affiliated to the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and the UCL Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Dr.Rachel Brown, was asked about the possible connection of COVID-19 to the brain because her research showed that besides COVID-19 doing attacking the respiratory system, it even affects the development of neurological syndromes. She says, after the research, they have seen neurological symptoms and syndromes while studying about COVID-19. Even according to the Wuhan studied, they saw patients suffering from neurological symptoms. They were not surprised by the possible neurological symptoms related to COVID-19. Effects of ADEM and GuillainBarrĂŠ Syndrome After an infection, ADEM affects 51

the brain and the spinal cord, this is mostly seen in children and adolescents. It affects one of the proteins in the myelin sheath(it is the protective layer around the nerves in your brain) due to an antibody against this protein. When this happens, a person might get a headache, experience weakness, and suffer from seizures. The same is with GuillainBarre, it is a post-infectious inflammatory syndrome. This condition hampers the peripheral nerves that monitor movement and sensation in your arms and legs. In such a situation your immune system misunderstands the virus to be a protein or cell in the body, this ultimately causes inflammation. These neurological complications are rare and they arise only if things are severe. Is It Possible That The Virus Might Aggravate Existing Neurological Symptoms? Stroke and encephalopathy would have arisen if these neurological conditions were existing earlier. As of now, it is not clear or known if the virus can aggravate neurological symptoms. Can the risk of COVID patients having neurological

complications reduce or be treated? At the moment, it is tough to say anything. However, ADEM and Guillain-Barre are posts- or para-infectious autoinflammatory illnesses. A few of these cases are unusual. Blood clotting could be an impact due to COVID-19. There are some assumptions that the virus is aggravating these neurological conditions but there isn’t enough evidence to prove it. In a few reports, this virus is found in the brain or spinal fluid. However, the researchers are not sure if their tests are enough for finding the virus or not. Besides, they have said that the major factors responsible for this situation are the immune system and the other factors such as hypoxic(low oxygen levels) can also affect the brain and nerves. In conclusion, they are yet to test if it is the virus that is causing these complications or these complications are arising on their own. They would look at which patients are at a higher risk and accordingly reduce the risk of these neurological complications and ways to treat it. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


8 Tips to Make Love by Staying Safe During This COVID-19 Phase

Getting horny for him or her and even craving to see your loved one who is locked in another place is a sad and helpless situation to be in. You want to express it all but you cannot help but manage yourself with this distance. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


On the other hand, if you are single and want to date for you have not done it in a while, there are a few rules of dating that most of the dating sites recommend. The same way, if you have all the means to make love on your cozy bed, you would have to take necessary precautions if you are not prepared to be a parent yet. Couples are more likely to involve in sex during this phase when they are working from home and spending enough time together. Having said, with the pandemic around, you must be worried about mating or even dating someone from another place wondering if it is even safe? Stay eased out! Here are a few dos and don’ts recommended by health experts on dating or romancing during this pandemic. Read through them and find your way! What Should You Know? Before we find out about how safe it is to have sex or get deeply intimate with your partner, here is a little you should know about how this the virus works on the body and knows how to handle your sexual life during the pandemic. Before November 2019, coronavirus was never seen or even heard of. According to Healthline, there is a good 53

reason why this virus is called COVID-19. According to a doctor named Kecia Gaither, a double board-certified physician in OB-GYN and maternalfetal medicine and director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/ Lincoln, since we don’t have enough research on this virus, it is still new and has less information is what makes it known as ‘Novel Coronavirus’. Since we don’t have enough information about the virus, it is time to reiterate that every time you step out of the house, you have a mask on your mouth. It might not assure you complete safety but there are lesser chances of coming in contact with the virus. Your next question must be whether kissing during this pandemic is a good idea or not.

No 1 - Is Kissing During the Pandemic Safe?

According to doctors, it is not a risk if you are kissing your partner you’ve been staying with during the lockdown. However, it is a risk if you kiss your partner who is staying elsewhere.

You never know what he or she is touching while traveling or if his/her family members are safe and away from the virus or not. According to Dr. Eric Mizuno, this virus spreads through respiratory droplets and if you are into kissing your partner staying in another place, there is a bigger risk of contracting this virus.

No 2 – Is Coronavirus A Sexually Transmitted Disease?

We are unsure of coronavirus is a sexually transmitted disease or not as there is not enough research done on this. However, they tried researching on this subject in China and one of the researchers found out that a patient who had recovered was found having the the virus in his semen. Even then, it doesn’t prove that coronavirus is a sexually transmitted disease. This subject needs to be further researched. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sex that can infect you but even getting your bodies close to each other is enough to contract the virus. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

LOVE & SEX Note - CDC recommends to keep 6 feet distance from everyone.

you don’t want to put yourself in trouble.

Even if your partner doesn’t have this virus, there is a risk of contracting it if your partner has a cold. The flu may or may not be the virus, but the risk factor is always there.

Tip No 2

Tips on Making Love with Keeping Social Distancing In Mind Even though there are a few don’ts, why bother when you have many options for making love with your partner? Here are a few tips on how to make love during the pandemic. Take a look!

Tip No 1

It is safe if you are having sex with a partner you are living with and when the two of you are always locked or in other words quarantined at home. However, if you have plans on having sex with your onenight-stand date, avoid it if WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

Even if you are living together, the two of you are not 100% in a risk-free zone. Therefore, take the same precautions to stay safe and reduce kissing your partner.

Tip No 3

As the fecel matter is one of the ways you are likely to contract the virus. It is better to avoid having anal sex during this time. If you want to enjoy the pleasure of anal sex, you can stick to anal fingering or rimming.

Tip No 4

dance, reverse rider on top, and wheelbarrow.

Tip No 5

Don’t go in for sex positions that would make the two of you face each other. The more you avoid having direct contact with your partner, the better it is to keep away from the virus.

Thanks to technology that helps two people bond with each other. If you are away from each other make the most of technology to check on one another and stay in touch.

Interestingly, you can try sex positions facing away from each other. Some of the best sex positions recommended to avoid direct face contact are standing doggy style, lap

Indulge in sexting. Talk about the kind of sex you

Tip No 6


had in the past and tell your partner what you would do if the two of you were together. Besides, ask your partner about his/her fantasies. If it goes on well, you can send nudes to your partner.

Tip no 7

Imagine getting intimate with each other over a video call. To go ahead, be sportive, and overcome being shy on the video. Tell your partner what you want to do, touch yourself, and tell your partner to do the same. One by one, take off 55

all your clothes. Talk about all your sexual fantasies and make it interesting.

Tip No 8

Try masturbating if you don’t have a partner and want to give your body what it needs. Masturbation is 100% riskfree. While being isolated this will help you overcome stress, get good sleep, boost your immunity and it will make you feel confident about yourself.

Take Away Making love during the pandemic comes with a set of rules. It is a a choice on whether you want to follow those rules or not. Although it is not proved that coronavirus is a sexually transmitted disease, actions such as kissing and sticking to each other increases the risk of contracting the virus. Follow these tips and manage to make love during this pandemic. Stay safe and keep your partner safe. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


Study Says: Testosterone Levels Are Influenced Based on A Man’s Environment



It has been noticed that the testosterone levels in men living in different areas vary. A few have naturally higher levels of testosterone while others have low levels of testosterone. In short, there is a connection between a man’s situations in life and his testosterone levels. Hormones are affected if factors such as marriage, becoming a father, and other reasons for stress stay in a man’s mind. Testosterones levels in a man are even influenced by the an environment, not just his genes The testosterone levels in a man depend on his childhood environment, a study done by Durham University in the United Kingdom says so. This theory is way different from what it is otherwise known about race or genes influencing the hormone levels in every individual. Hormones of men living in poverty-struck areas differ from men living in Industrialized Areas According to Kesson Magid, Ph.D., a biological anthropologist at Durham University and lead author of the study, published this week in Nature Ecology and 57

Evolution, the hormone levels in men are affected depending on the area or place they live at. They studied the environment for men in Europe and compared it with that of the Bangladeshi men to find out if their different environments affect their hormone levels or not and what they assume after the study is that there was a difference either due to the way men reacted to their situations or because of how they were used to living before being adults. That being said, what they found out is that migration before puberty does increase the testosterone levels in men. While the study hasn’t been able to find out the actual reason for a difference in the hormones. However, they noticed that the environment before puberty affects the testosterone levels in men.

Details about this study This study picked men from Bangladesh because it is a poor country in the entire world and many people are suffering from nutritional

deficiencies here and it clearly shows how difficult survival over there must be. To not let the aspect of ‘nutritional deficiencies’ influence any decision, the researchers picked Bangladeshi men who came from middle class families where they are not deprived of food due to poverty. In total, around 359 men participated in this study. These men were picked from the following categories (i) Men born and brought up in Bangladesh. (ii) Men who migrated from Bangladesh to the UK in their childhood (iii) Men who migrated to the UK as they became adults (iv) Second-generation children born in the UK and brought up in Bangladesh (v)

UK born Europeans

Who had the highest levels of testosterone among this list of Bangladeshis? Men who migrated from Bangladesh to the UK in their childhood had higher testosterone levels when WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

MEN HEALTH compared to men who grew up and lived in Bangladesh as adults. Bangladeshis living in the UK attained puberty at a younger age and were taller to the men originally from Bangladesh. Why the Difference in The Testosterone Levels?

No 1 – Amount of energy utilized by the body The amount of energy invested by the body in generating the hormones are what makes all the difference in the hormone levels of men in UK and Bangladesh. If you look at the study, why the Bangladeshi men born and brought up in Bangladesh have lower testosterone levels is because they invest most of


their energy to fight against diseases or lack of nutrition in their years of growing up and this leaves less energy for the testosterone levels.

No 2 – Childhood

surroundings impact testosterone levels later Based on the analysis made by this study, it is more of a childhood environment than the environment during youth that influences the testosterone levels. Further, it not the infancy stage but the childhood that counts more in influencing hormone levels.

No 3 – Genes Play A Role Even genes contribute to the testosterone levels. Even scientific evidence says that testosterone levels and genes

are related. Men even inherit the testosterone levels from the men in their families. After finding out about the testosterone levels. Researchers say that they are at risk of suffering from prostate diseases later in life or they could either be suffering from the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. These results have created more questions about the testosterone levels decreasing in the men living in the U.S. The other reasons for decreased testosterone levels is due to an increased rate of obesity and too much smoking. Apart from this, there are several other reasons for a fall in the testosterone levels in men. In the end, the researcher, Magid says that the migrant’s children are likely to have low levels of testosterone when compared to their fathers.


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Spinach and Mushrooms - The Italian Way! Always aim at eating every vegetable even if it means chewing a flavor you dislike because you would feel amazed to see the nutritional value of these vegetables and their benefits on the body. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

A recipe of Spinach and Mushrooms, that too the Italian way must be exciting unless you keep away from these vegetables. Stay assured that spinach and mushrooms aren’t as bad as you think of them. Both the vegetables have their share of nutrients and their natural aroma is lovely. In this article, we will see the recipe for Spinach and Mushrooms. Then, let’s take a glance at the health benefits of eating mushrooms and spinach. The recipe is quite simple and you can have this dish as a breakfast meal or a snack. Let’s see what to do!

How to make The quantity of this recipe is apt for 4 people. If you are making it for few more people, increase the number of ingredients based on the number 60 of people

You will need Ø Olive Oil – 2 tbsp Ø Onions – Finely chopped – (1 if big) and (2 if small) Ø Garlic – Finely chopped (3 cloves)

low flame for a few more seconds. Put off the flame, add parsley leaves and garnish this delicious mushroom and spinach well.

Health Benefits of Mushrooms

Ø Spinach – 10-15 leaves

Mushrooms are boosted with nutrients such as Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 and selenium. It benefits your body in the following ways!

Ø Salt – As per your requirement

Ø Boosts fertility

Ø Mushrooms – 15 ounces – cut it long

Ø Balsamic Vinegar – 2 tsp Ø White Wine – 8 tsp Ø Parsley leaves – 1 spring – Finely chopped

Method to prepare The method is all about tossing it well. NO 1 – You will begin with heating the required olive oil on a medium flame for a while. Add onions and stir it till it becomes slightly pink. After two minutes, add garlic and cook this for another minute. Once the onions and garlic pieces have mixed and cooked well, you can add the mushrooms and sauté them well. After a few minutes, add the spinach leaves and stir it till it gets soft and mixes well. NO 2 – Now it is time to add two main ingredients that will add a royal flavor to this dish. First, add vinegar and stir until you see it getting mixed with the mushrooms. Lower the medium flame and add white wine. Stir everything well. NO 3 - Add salt and pepper, give this mixture a good stir and let it cook on


Ø It is a low-calorie food Ø Improves metabolism Ø Has anti-aging properties Ø Treats anemia Ø Regulates insulin in the body Ø Provides protection against cancer Ø Keeps your nails and hair strong Ø Strengthens your bones by boosting the bone mineral density

Health Benefits of Spinach Spinach is boosted with nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin K, folate, iron, fiber, magnesium, and calcium. It benefits your body in the following ways! Ø Helps in maintaining the sugar levels in your body Ø It is boosted with anti-aging properties Ø Helps with keeping your vision good WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020



A Good Asana For the Upper And Lower Body! INTRODUCTION : This asana is an energetic stretch of the legs. The Sanskrit meaning to Uttana Padasana is the leg posture. Breaking it down, uttana means “intense stretch,” pada, means “leg” or “foot,” and asana meaning “pose” or “posture.”



This asana is even known as the raised leg pose. It works excellent for the back and stomach. The thighs, abdomen, calves, and lower back get strong. You can achieve strong and flat abs with this asana. If you are suffering from back pain, gas problems, arthritis pain or heart problems, this is the best asana. The crucial part of this asana is when you raise your legs above the ground and stretch the muscles in your body. This asana is a blend of the fish pose and raised legs pose variation hands on the floor. While doing this stretch a person is in the supine position. Having said, this position is strengthening for the upper as well as lower body.


This asana pays attention to your lower back, middle Back, core (Abs), chest, neck, pelvic and quadriceps. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


BENEFITS We know that this lovely stretch is good for the body. Now, one by one, let’s take a look at the benefits of this asana! No 1 – This asana supports diabetic patients. No 2 – Practicing it regularly can treat constipation problems. No 3 - Treats all indigestion or gastric problems by boosting your digestive system. No 4 – After practicing this asana, you can get rid of lower back pain. No 5 – Any kind of a pain in your buttocks, hips, and joints is relieved with this asana. No 6 – Sheds away all the excess fats around the waist and strengthen the abdomen. No 7 – This asana keeps the body calm and treats every kind of weakness in the nerves. No 8 – Gets you rid of the tension and pain in your shoulders, neck and throat. No 9 – If there is a fault in your posture, it gets corrected with this asana. No 10 – Boosts overall blood circulation. No 11 – After practicing this asana, the reproductive system functions better. No 12 - Improves the cardiovascular system. No 13 – Takes care of all the spinal problems and boosts flexibility. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

No 14 - Helps the respiratory system function better. No 15 - The asana will make you feel active and treat all your insomnia problems. No 16 – This asana will make you completely aware.

TIPS BEFORE YOU BEGIN 1. Always keep your feet together and toes pointing the ceiling when you are lying down. 2. Make sure to inhale whenever you lift your legs up. 3. While stretching there will be a step when you have to form an arch on your lower back while stretching the body forward. 4. Be gentle while placing your head on the floor. 5. Make sure to exhale before you finish the pose. 6. Avoid bending your knees while doing this asana. 7. While lifting your legs, always keep in mind to keep your legs at a 60-degree angle. 8. Do your best to do at least 5 rounds of this asana. If you are tired in between, take a break for 1 minute before you begin with the next set. Steps to do this asana To practice this energizing asana, take a look at64

the following steps!

few seconds.


Note: if you have just started to do this asana, then while lifting your head and back above the ground. Place your hands and palms on the ground for support, then let your legs remain lifted. On the other hand, if you are used to the asana, then stretch your hands forward and up in such a way that the palms of both your hands face each other like what you see in the image of this asana.

Step 1 – Roll a yoga mat on the floor. Step 2 - Lie down flat on your back. Step 3 – Breathe normally, join your knees and keep them firm. Step 4 - Stretch your hands and place them above the head. Step 5 – Bring your toes together pointing it at the sky. Step 6 - Let your torso remain where it is, now slowly lift your feet a little above the ground and keep your legs stretched. Step 7 - Stay in this position and hold your breath as long as you can. Step 8 – Slowly exhale and put your legs down. This part was to prepare you on stretching your body while balancing the weight of your lower body on the abdomen.

PART-2 Step 9 – Stretch your legs up another time. Let your legs be at a 60 degrees angle. Step 10 - Form an arch between your head and buttocks in such a way that there is an arch formed at your lower back. Then slowly lift your legs up and stay in this position for a 65

Step 10 – When you are in the final position, see to it that you don’t change the position of your legs. Stay there for a few seconds and release from the posture once you are tired.

PRECAUTIONS Asanas are good for health. If you know nothing about what precautions to take, it can damage the body instead of making it better. Here are a few precautions to take before doing this asana. Take a look! No 1 – Raised leg pose is not for individuals having problems in their lumber region. It is strenuous. No 2 – If you have a bad muscle pull in your lower body, avoid doing this asana. No 3 – If you are not sure of doing this asana, take help from a professional. Don’t try it alone, it might cause injury. No 4 – This asana is not recommended for those having high BP. No 5 – Avoid doing this asana if you have had an abdominal surgery or a major back injury. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


Do You Have A Picky Eater?

9 Useful Tips That Work



Having a picky eater as a kid is normal. While kids are not fussy about their food, some are on a whole new different level of struggle. In case you have been struggling to get your kid to eat, it is important that you improvise and opt for alternative ways to get them to eat. Your kids having necessary nutrition is a necessity. Being creative is important when you have a cranky toddler, who is hungry but doesn’t want to eat what you have made. The last thing you want is for them to not finish their food.. To help you out, we have set out some important tips that you likely didn’t know of before.

Have realistic expectations If you are introducing a new food to your kid, it is likely that they wouldn’t like it the first time around. They are going to be sceptical and might not want to eat it. It is okay because even studies suggest that there needs to



HOME & FAMILY be 12 exposures for your kid to be able to decide whether they like the food or not. Putting too much pressure on your kid about the food and forcing them to eat what they don’t like can cause a reverse reaction in them about the food.

Respect their appetite Sometimes, kids are extremely hungry and will eat just about anything that you feed them. But, there could be times when they are not hungry or could have a bloating that is preventing them from eating. If your child isn’t hungry, don’t force them to eat anything. Additionally, there is no point bribing them into eating the food that they don’t feel like eating at the moment. The last thing you want is for them to have a restless day feeling uncomfortable and bloated. Instead, give them smaller portions. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

Bring somechange Another amazing way to get your picky eating kid to eat is by spicing up the menu. You don’t necessarily have to do a lot. Just ensure that you rotate the foods around the weeks instead of feeding them the same thing for every meal. If you as an adult eat the same thing every day, it is not just going to get boring, it won’t suffice your nutritional needs too. The same goes out for your kids too. When the time is right, give options to your kids to choose from, this is also quite a healthy way for them to interact with food better.

Havea routine Unless your kid is a new-born, you need to stop feeding them sporadically. This does no good to their eating habits and can make them reject the food. Try

and stick to a routine and serve them the meals and the snacks at the same time every day. This will help you have things sorted out without any hassle. Try and keep your kids hydrated in between the meals too. This is just as important. Avoid giving them a lot of food than what they can eat. You don’t want them to be filled so much that they want to skip out on the next meal.

Don’t make separate recipes When you give into your kid’s tantrum, that is where the problem starts. Your kid is not the first one who is picky about a vegetable or a fruit. This happens almost every time, so the last thing you want is to encourage this habit by giving them a separate recipe just because they refused to eat their regular food. Offering substitutes for their 68

meals every time makes them realise that they can get away from eating the healthy food. That is not something you want to encourage at all.

Make itappealing If you are serving your kid a plate of steamed broccoli or carrot, it is unlikely that they will eat it. You wouldn’t as well, lets be real. But, that is where you need to spice things up. The best way you can change things up a bit is by ensuring that you make food fun for your kids. It doesn’t have to be a lot of extensive things. You can simply add a dip on the side or fry up the vegetables with some noodles, something that makes the food go from bland to fun and interesting.

Involve them whilecooking One of the best ways to get rid of the picky 69

eating habit in your kid is by including them during your cooking endeavours. When they cook and help you around the kitchen, it will become a lot easier for you to manage through the things. It will also make them see the kind of efforts that go into making food and appreciate food a lot more. Make your kids pick out groceries and cook their meals with you. These small steps can bring a lot of change.

Avoidoffering dessertevery time It is okay for you to offer dessert to your kid as a reward when they finish their meals but doing this every time can take a toll. When you treat the dessert as a reward, it makes your kid realise that desserts are the best food, which is why they crave them more. It is okay to select one or two desserts a week or a snack every now and

then but treating the same as a distraction everyday is not going to help in the long run. This doesn’t address the main issue which is picky eating.

Makeeach meal a positive experience If you lash out on your kids during every meal because they refuse to eat what you made, you need to change that behaviour. Mealtimes need to be a positive experience of the day that your kid looks forward to. Even the healthiest eater can sometimes be a picky one. Kids are extremely moody, so the last thing that you want is to make them regret having meal times. Take the time you need and give them some time to calm down and try again. It is all about the positive environment that you create around mealtime that matters. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


Covid-19 showcases neurological symptoms before respiratory symptoms While cough, shortness of breath and breathing are considered the initial and primary symptoms of Covid-19, it is likely that the picture could be a whole lot different than that. A study conducted by the Northwestern Medicine suggests that the coronavirus poses a global threat to the entirety of the nervous and neurological system and it is quite possible that the neurological symptoms will very likely appear before the fever and cough. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

A review of some of the neurological symptoms of the Covid-19 patients in the current scientific literature was conducted following which the results were published this week in the Annals of Neurology. According to the results, around half of the hospitalised patients showcased neurological manifestations of the disease which include headache, dizziness, decreased alertness and even impacts on the concentration of the individuals along with the loss of smell and taste. “It`s important for the general public and physicians to be aware of this, 70

organs, it is likely that the same might impact the brain to have lack of oxygenation or suffer from clotting disorders, which is quite common in such conditions. This can further lead to the risks of ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes. The virus can also affect the brain and the meninges, causing infections. But, the further risks of this is by the immune system which ends up causing inflammation that can directly cause damage to the brain and the nerves.

because a SARS-COV-2 infection may present with neurologic symptoms initially, before any fever, cough or respiratory problems occur,� said Dr Igor Koralnik, Northwestern Medicine chief of neuro-infectious diseases and global neurology and a professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, who is also the lead author of the study. The review highlights some of the various neurological issues that the Covid-19 patients struggle with and how to diagnose them before its too late. The understanding of the symptoms is key to better clinical management and treatment of the individuals. The disease is not localised to just the respiratory system but might affect the entire nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord along with the nerves and the muscles. Koralnik further said that there are several ways in which Covid-19 can end up affecting the nervous system. Since the disease also impacts multiple 71

Koralnik and his colleagues have conducted a neuro-COVID research team surrounding the same and even conducted further analysis concerning the situation and to find more evidence surrounding this issue. The same has been done with all the patients from the Northwestern Medicine to further determine both the frequency and the type of the complications that the body undergoes because of the infection. Further studies need to be conducted to get a better understanding of the longterm impacts of the virus and the kind of manifestations of the Covid-19 on the body. Koralnik reported that since the available information is a lot limited now, he is going to follow up with these patients in the outpatient Neuro-COVID clinic to check whether these impacts are temporary or permanent. Better understanding of such prospects is likely going to help the scientists get a better understanding of the ways to diagnose, manage and treat several of the neurological impacts that Covid-19 leaves behind on the lives of these infected individuals. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


Everything You Need To Know About

Cat Scratch Fever!

As the name suggests, getting scratched, licked or bitten by a cat might not be a healthy sign and you might end up having a disease called cat scratch disease or cat scratch fever. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


Your next question must be how to treat it or what are the risks involved with getting bitten or scratched by a cat. Right? So, read this article and get to know everything you need to know about cat scratch fever.

WHAT IS CAT SCRATCH FEVER? According to Healthline, there is a bacteria known as Bartonella henselae in cats and when it passes on to a person through a bite, scratch, or saliva, it might end up causing a bacterial infection. In the U.S. around 12,000 people get affected with cat scratch fever.

If a cat doesn’t have the bacterial infection and it bites or scratches you, there is no risk of getting infected.


Cat scratch


Cat bite

· The saliva of an infected cat in your wounds


· One human doesn’t carry the disease to another


Cat fever is commonly seen in kids. Unfortunately, if you are infected and have a bad immune system, this disease would surely affect your health.

A little less than half of the cats carry these bacteria in their claws or mouth that can infect the others as well.

HOW DO CATS CARRY THIS INFECTION? Wherever there is an infected flea, cats get it from coming in contact with that infection or even when they fight with the other cats that are infected.


Strangely, some cats don’t even show symptoms of being infected. However, the cats that are infected cannot breathe properly, their mouth, eyes, and The urinary tract gets infected.

If a person has cancer, diabetes, AIDS or weakness in the organs, they are likely to get affected.

SYMPTOMS OF CAT SCRATCH FEVER Here are a few symptoms of cat scratch fever. Take a look!


Scratch bites or a bump

· Swelling near the scratch bite ·





Slight fever


Pain in the body


Bad appetite


You lose weight


The throat is affected


Pain in the back


Pain in the abdomen






Fever for a long time

HOW TO PREVENT CAT SCRATCH FEVER? Look into these simple steps to avoid Cat Scratch Fever. Take a look! · Be careful with taking care of stray cats. You never know if these cats would have come in contact with fleas · Don’t provoke your cat to scratch or bite you ·

If you have a cat at WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020


home, see to it that you cut its nails or use a cream that can keep the fleas away. If you are not sure of which product to use, contact a veterinary doctor and find out · After you play with your cat or the one on streets, ensure to wash your hands with soap and water or use a sanitizer · The risk of CSD is higher in younger cats. If you want to take care of a cat, bring a cat who is a year old. Keep this method of prevention in mind if you are unwell yourself. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2020

HOW IS CAT SCRATCH FEVER DIAGNOSED? To diagnose cat scratch fever, you will need to visit the doctor and after looking at the symptoms he will let you know about whether to get a blood test done or not. With these tests, the doctor will check a tissue from your lymph node.


cat scratch fever. If your immunity is good, wait for a while to heal and in the meantime, for the pain to reduce, you can take ibuprofen or naproxen and do a hot compress. However, to be on a safe side, consult your doctor on this. If your immunity is not great then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and you’d have to take them for a few months. Further, follow the instructions of your doctor and get yourself treated.

First off, don’t get too stressed if you have 74

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