HealthSpectra Magazine July 2019

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JULY 2019





HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note We are glad to be back with yet another installment of the HealthSpectra magazine. For this month’s magazine, we are focusing our main aim at the physical fitness of old age people on the cover story. We have covered a variety of topics to help give our readers a versatile outlook on the possible health insights they need to know of. From insights on gene therapy on fetal diseases to the prospect of intermittent fasting and its impacts on type-2 diabetes, we have covered it all. We have shared a delectable recipe of creamy broccoli and almond soup with baked para for you to take a peek into. For this edition, we have kept the information very spread out and versatile so it is easier for you to take a glance through. We hope you like it and find it important for the daily necessities of the daily life.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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The information hereby is given to educate you about the subject. Get in touch with your physician in case you want to make use of 3any of the article contents. Please note that no liabilities can be charged on the author, magazine, site operator and site owners.


July 2019 06


VO L 1 | ISSUE 7

HEALTH Consume these foods for a healthy heart

10 BEAUTY Natural Ways To Exfoliating Your Skin - Know Them All!


16 WOMEN HEALTH 10 Healthy Tips For Women!

18 WEIGHT LOSE An App Aids Weight Loss Fact Or Fantasy?

22 COVER STORY An Active Lifestyle Can Boost Quality of Living in Old Age

26 DIABETES Intermittent Fasting and Type-II Diabetes

28 FITNESS Salsa Moves To Keep You Slim & Trim Learn About The Advantages!



Consume 10 Foods To Invigorate Calcium In Your Body!


LIVE HAPPY Are You Intoxicating Your Mind And Body With Technology 5 Sure Ways To Detox!


68 40 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Essential Oils for Hypertension

44 NEWS Excessive Processed Food Cause Manic Depression. Study Suggests

48 LOVE & SEX Power of Having Sex In A Marriage. How Good Is It?

54 MEN HEALTH Studies Pave Way For Male Contraception

56 HEALTHY RECIPIE Creamy Broccoli And Almond Soup With Baked Para

58 YOGA Shirshasana Learn the Benefits, Variations, And Steps!

64 HOME & FAMILY Household Cleaning Products Increase Risk of Obesity in Children

68 HEALTHY LIVING Sitting On The Floor And Having A Meal-Live Healthily!


36 5

Is gene therapy enough to cure fetal diseases?




Maintaining good heart health is a necessity if you want to lead a healthy and prosperous life. It goes without saying that if you have been struggling with having a proper diet and leading a sedentary lifestyle, the same will catch up to your heart health. If you wish to keep your heart health, we have a list of foods that can help you do so.



BLUEBERRIES Blueberries are good for heart health. They are known to be rich in anti-oxidants. This can make you reach a good heart health. The anti-oxidants in blueberries 7

can reduce bad cholesterol, LDL, in the artery walls and contribute to heart health and prevent stroke. A cup of a serving of blueberries is recommended for heart health.

STRAWBERRIES Strawberry is a super fruit ranked in the top ten in antioxidant capacity. Not only are they rich in nutrients but also known to aid in lending you a good heart health. Strawberries are rich in fiber, potassium and anti-oxidants that may be a good sign in consuming for heart health. These delicious and heart healthy fruits can control WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


high cholesterol and high blood pressure which are risk factors of heart diseases.

APPLE Eating an apple or two can reduce heart risk factors. In a study, it has been proven that eating apples can reduce heart risks by lowering the bad cholesterol. They can also regulate the blood sugar levels so that they may not endanger the heart health. The combinations of the fiber and the low glycemic index in the apples have been found to have beneficial impacts in helping boost the heart health.


ORANGES Oranges are experts in keeping your arteries healthy by lowering the cholesterol accumulated in them. This nature of them can keep you away from heart attacks. The quality of giving a good heart health is due to the presence of flavonoids that citrus fruits contain. These flavonoids have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Try adding these fruits in your diet for a good heart health.

GRAPEFRUIT Grape fruit can be good for your heart health but if you are already taking heart medication, you may have to avoid it. It can actually lower the risk of developing a heart disease lowering triglyceride, bad cholesterol that may lead you to a heart

disease. It can reduce the blood pressure and keep your heart healthy and free from any heart diseases like heart stroke or heart attack.

CARROT Carrots are recommended for heart health as they contain heart healthy vitamin-A which prevents thickening of artery walls that is due to accumulation of cholesterol. They can help to eliminate the fat through the digestive system itself. A cup of chopped carrots can give you the recommended amount of vitamin -A. Incorporating carrots into your daily meals can take care of your heart health and so try adding in your diet.



Tomato is a vegetable that promotes overall health like the fruit, apple. Tomatoes again can help reduce the LDL in arteries, which is the cause of heart attacks and other heart diseases.

Tomatoes can hence support heart health by reducing the thickening of the arteries by reducing cholesterol accumulated in them.

BROCCOLI This green vegetable has been known for its heart health benefits. A chemical found in this vegetable called sulforaphane can boost the


body’s immune system to keep arteries unclogged. Broccoli contains the highest levels of sulforaphane. It can reduce any inflammation that may lead to a heart attack. Hence, try eating broccoli in salads or other ways to combat heart health issues.

ONION Onions can help combat heart disease. They exceed red wine in heart protecting properties. Generally onions are not common among heart patients due to lack of awareness but they can aid in heart health. They have a compound called quercetin that can reduce blood pressure in hypertension patients. Hence, maintaining a good blood pressure means a good heart health.

Trying fish once in a week can do a favor to your heart health. Fish has omega-3 fatty acids that can lower bad cholesterol and increase

the good cholesterol which can benefit the heart health. They are packed with mono saturated and poly-saturated fats good for heart health. Fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines include the benefits.





Natural Ways To Exfoliating Your Skin - KNOW THEM ALL!



Healthy and glowing skin is what makes you look approachable and pleasant. Do you want to look naturally pleasant? What is exfoliating your skin? Exfoliation is a method of clearing out the dirt and dead skin cells. The primary role of exfoliation is to add freshness and a cleared outlook to your face. It is necessary to keep exfoliating the skin because the skin witnesses numerous changes because of age, hormones, and health. The texture of the skin changes and it requires care which is why there is a need for exfoliation. It is absolutely possible to achieve new skin if you try some tricks and make the best use of every home ingredient. There are natural and non-natural ways of exfoliating your skin. Know them all and choose what suits you the best. The non-natural exfoliators refer to chemical creams. Why use them on the skin when you have so many ingredients at home that will cater to your needs.




NATURAL EXFOLIATORS FOR YOUR SKIN LET YOUR SKIN GET SHINIER AND CLEANER! Here is a combination of powerful exfoliators that will provide your skin with good healthy skin Combination 1 - Sugar + Salt

Take a brush and apply this scrub all over your face leaving it for about twenty minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water and pat dry your face

Combination 2 - Coffee + Oat Meal Salt makes all patches and dead skin shed away because the granules help the skin breathe better and circulate blood in the most appropriate manner. Sugar is a natural humectant and its nature is to sustain moisture in your skin. When you add the two, one ingredient will take away all the dirt while one will retain moisture in the skin.

How to make and use the scrub? Take 1 tsp sugar and 1 tsp salt, blend them into a fine powder To this add 1 tsp honey and few drops of coconut oil to make it more effective and good for your skin


Coffee has anti-inflammatory properties that are useful to get your skin away from any kind of stretch marks and irritation. It is a natural exfoliator. Adding cooked oats to this ingredient makes your skin clear and supple.

How to make and use the scrub? Take 1 tbsp of coffee and mix it into the oatmeal that is cooked


Apply this mixture on your face by first massaging it on your face and then letting it dry for about 20 minutes Use cold water or lukewarm water to wash your face and then pat it dry

Combination 3 - Apple Cider Vinegar

This is the best combination to remove all the dirt and dark patches from your skin as milk and lemon have anti-aging properties to make your skin look fresh. It removes all the clogged pores and dirt from your skin.

How to make this scrub Take about half a bowl milk, to this add 1 tbsp lemon and 1 tbsp honey. Mix all of these well. Take a piece of cotton, dip it into this mixture and apply it all over your face leaving it for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water and pat it dry.

Apple cider vinegar is a great exfoliator because it improves the elasticity in your skin, makes it glow and gets your skin rid of all the toxins. All you have to do is, take little apple cider vinegar in a bowl, dip a piece of cotton in apple cider vinegar and start to apply it on your face, keep it away from your eye area. Let this remain on your face for about 15 minutes, wash it off with cold water and pat dry your face.

Combination 4 - Milk + Lemon Juice + Honey

Combination No 5 - Rice Water + Baking Soda

Baking soda has the ability to remove excess oil from the skin and it ensures to keep your skin cool and does not let pimples and acne stay on your skin. Rice water is an awesome skin toner, it is a great anti-oxidant that helps in clearing the face by minimizing its pores.

How to make this scrub Take about 1/2 a cup of rice and soak it 13



in water for about two hours. Take a bowl and transfer rice water into it adding 2 tsp baking soda. Mix both of these well. Take a piece of cotton, dip it in this mixture and start to rub it all across your face leaving it for about 20 minutes to dry.

Exfoliating gloves are a good way to make your skin feel smooth and take care of. Wash your face well, wear on the exfoliating gloves and in circular motions rub your face. Step 3 - Try An Exfoliating Face Scrub

Wash your face with cold water and pat it dry. You have 5 natural remedies to exfoliate your face naturally. Try these remedies and feel the difference in your face.

Other Ways Of Exfoliating Your Skin Step 1 - Soft Bristled Exfoliating Brush

If you do not have enough time to try the natural remedies you can always choose a face scrub that is good for exfoliating your skin. Wash your face with cold water. Apply dots of the face scrub on your face and in circular motions gently rub it all around your face and then wash your face with lukewarm water. Step 4 - Use An Exfoliating Cleanser

Take a soft bristled exfoliating brush, wash your face well, move this brush in circular motions around your face. Be gentle while you do this. Step 2 - Exfoliating Gloves

After you have a good face wash you can apply a few drops of face cleanser on a towel and gently pat it around your face. All in all, you can either try home remedies to exfoliate your skin or you could even try using an exfoliating glove, cleanser, face scrub and regularly exfoliate your skin.









10 Healthy Tips For Women

Health is first and fore most important aspect for each one of us. But what matter here is that women should be very particular about their health. As they are the strong system of a family and have a lod of responsibility to take care of others. So in this article we will focus on various health tips for women which you need to take care of and the step to be taken.


Here are few healthy tips for women:

Pay Attention To Your WellBeing:

It is obvious that as a women you have a lot of responsibilities but it’s important to take care of your health too! So do your best to eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep. Taking care of yourself is the first most priority. Try to set aside some time for doing things you enjoy and staying in touch with those who mean the most to you.


Let Go Stereotypes:





have come a long way over the years, many women continue to face obstacles related to their gender. From stereotypes and inequality to discrimination, abuse and violence, women’s issues persist today at home, in the workplace, and in society even in progressive areas of the world. So just let go stereotypes and move on in a healthy mind and body.

a good health. So for that do talk to your health care provider about stress, anxiety, and depression, and about the health effects of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. As this can be more serious in women. Follow recommendations for routine health care including regular exams and immunizations, prenatal care, and vision, hearing, and dental care etc.

Care Of 3 Take Your Mental 4 Watch for health issues And physical Health:

Taking care of your mental and physical health is one of the aspect of maintaing

that are more common in women.

Women are more likely than 16

men to experience medical conditions like urinary tract problems—UTIs, overactive bladder, incontinence— joint pain and osteoarthritis, migraine headaches, and others. Know your family history, and contact your health care provider if you develop any new symptoms or experience chronic pain.

care provider about your heart health.

7 Maintain A Healthy

5 Don’t Smoke:

According to the American Lung Association, more women are affected by smoking-related conditions than in the past, and smoking is now the largest preventable cause of death among women (and men). Quitting is the best way to improve your health and avoid exposing your family to dangerous secondhand smoke.


Women typically have less muscle and more fat than men, and are usually smaller. Therefore, they need fewer calories to maintain a healthy body weight and activity level. Be sure to eat a well-balanced diet, get regular exercise and physical activity, and keep your BMI within a healthy range.


Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women (and men) in the United States; however, women are more likely to die following a heart attack. Women also have a higher risk of—and additional risk factors for— stroke. Talk to your health 17

Osteoporosis is a progressive disease characterized by low bone density, bone fragility, and susceptibility to hip, spine, and wrist fractures. Did you know that eighty percent of people with osteoporosis are women? Be sure to get enough calcium, vitamin D, and weightbearing exercise—and don’t smoke—to reduce your risk.

Enough 10Get Iron and Folic

care 8 Take of your

Know your risk of heart diseases and stroke:

bone healthy:

reproductive health:

Sexual health is an important part of overall health. Reproductive concerns include menstruation, contraception, infertility, breast health, female cancers, pregnancy and breastfeeding, menopause, etc. Talk to your health care provider about safer sex, STD prevention, and screening procedures you need to stay healthy.

steps 9 Take to keep your


Iron and folic acid (or folate) help promote good health and energy levels and decrease the risk of birth defects. Iron-rich foods include meat, fish, kale, spinach, beans, lentils and fortified breads and cereals. Folic acid is found in fortified foods, dietary supplements, citrus fruits, leafy greens, beans, and peas. Health is wealth. We are all aware of this proverbs. So this tips as per the above mentioned in the article will provide you a good number of stuff in maintaining a better standard of health in women’s . just go through the article. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019




As technology has taken over and helped us in several ways showing its pros and cons. It is amazing that technology has done an exceptional job proved to be a pocket guide to us no matter which corner of the world we are in. 19

Having said, there is an app named the ‘Noom Diet’ that benefits us with solutions on how to lose weight. It is designed by behavioral psychologists. The best part about this app is that it gives you a long term plan on how to lose weight. Its reliability is seen in one of the scientific reports in the year 2016 says, there was an analysis made on how effective is the app and it was estimated that 77.7 percent of the users stated it to be useful to them in terms of losing weight. It is no fantasy that an app can help you lose weight, in reality, it works if you follow the app. Initially, it would be tough because it is designed to mentally mold you in such a way that it understands your need to eat the right food and how to keep your health quotient in place by tuning your mind to work that way. Nevertheless, it is no way of hypnotizing your mind but it is just a sensible knack of getting you started to live and eat right in order to lose weight. You will find it helpful over the time because your mind would need that time to get used to it. How does it do this? It has a distinctive style of making your follow and get rid of certain habits in your lifestyle. You would need to answer certain questions related to your habits, your health condition and if you are on medicines. Once this



FEATURES OF THIS APP: ABOUT THE FOOD LIST FEATURE Noom Diet has this color based food list that is categorized in three colors yellow, green and red. Each color signifies your type of diet. Green indicates that you are on high nutrition and a low-calorie diet. This app suggests you to eat green room food, yellow noom food or red noom food. ABOUT THE RECIPES

app does a background check of all aspects in your body, it starts to set healthy targets for you by coming up with an interesting plan on what you should be eating and not.

GOOD TO KNOW POINTS ABOUT THIS APP : It works on tuning your behavioral aspect to get you following the target Makes use of latest technology Clear instruction and training will be given to you on what you need for your health The task is made simple in the way the food lists are designed with color codes This app has a pedometer

This app does not give specific recipes it is just going to guide you through how many calories you are allowed to eat per day. There will be foods listed out there and you will have to accordingly plan how to adjust and eat food. It is less stringent because it does not state what you should eat and not eat, you get all the liberty but within limitations. YOUR GUIDE In Noom Diet you will be given a specialist who will stay in touch with you once a week and guide you through what to do and how to go about your process of weight loss through messages. Thus, you have all the ease to make most of this app. When you log into noom you will be able to log meals, read recipes, track workout plans and exercises, make goals, read articles, connect with a group of members who have goals like yours, you get to keep a check on how motivated you are and solves different eating disorders because of feeling emotionally low or getting bored. The best part about this app is that it gives



you the accessibility to not just lose weight for the time being but you are psychologically trained in such a way that you will by default learn how to train your mind and body in a way that you will be able to stay away from putting on weight even in the long run.

FLAW OF THE APP : The flaw is that you would have to keep yourself updated in it by regularly tracking your status and you might find it to be a tiresome task. You would have to pay a subscription of $50 per month which cannot be afforded by all. Initially, when you try it, you can do it for free.

CONCLUSION : One cannot totally rely on an app although it offers several benefits. At times you will need a one on one consultation with your nutritionist because an app misses on giving you a personal touch and if you have health complications it is always better to get it checked or take advice from your doctor before following anything that you see on the web. Nevertheless, you should install the noom diet if you are serious about losing weight the healthy way unless you do not have major hassles with your health.




An Active Lifestyle Can Boost Quality of Living in Old Age WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

Sedentary lifestyle, whatever the age is, heftily affects one’s well being, especially affecting their overall heart health. But, a recent study has claimed that people in their early 60s can ensure better heart health if they keep themselves engaged in physical activities are at lesser risks of developing heart disease. 22

physical activities in their schedule instead of just “retiring” and leading a lazy life. The study also found traces of possible connection between lack of activity and the development of heart risks in the older adults in this age group. Dr Elhakeem further explained saying that their study emphasized on the importance of replacing the sedentary lifestyle with some kind of physical activity as something a must and not an option. In the study, the subjects (from the age of 60-64) were made to wear heart and motion sensors for five days straight. These machines didn’t just record the amount of physical activity these subjects were subjecting themselves to but also the kind of intensity that they are empowering their workouts with. The sensors detected every activity, from light activities like that of slow walking, stretching and golfing to tedious workouts like dancing, bicycling or even playing squash. The results from the Physical activity were found to be a lot contributing and beneficial for women in that age group. Inactivity and impending sedentary lifestyle is considered as two of the most common reasons behind death because of deteriorating heart health. The protective nature of the change is because of the impacts of the biomarkers in the blood that aids in predicting the risks of atherosclerosis. The author of the conducted study and the senior research associate in epidemiology at the renowned Bristol Medical School under the Bristol University, Dr Ahmed Elhakeem exclaimed that the time frame between 60 to 64 is the transitioning time from hectic work schedule to retirement – a phase that is heavily dependent on one’s lifestyle and the changes they adapt themselves to. This is where one needs to introduce some effective 23

Following the five day mark of the data recording, the researchers used the subject’s blood vessels as markers for heart diseases. Some of the common markers used included C-reactive protein, interleukin 6, tissueplasminogen activator (t-PA) and a few other adhesion molecules which were the ones indicative of the possibility of the risks associated with the heart disease.

In order to align and simplify the findings, the researchers highlighted a few of the pointers that they concluded at the end of their study. Some of these findings and conclusions include: An additional 10 minutes of activity, ranging from the realms of moderate to



tedious contributed to lowered levels of leptin, 3.7 percent in men and 6.6 percent in women. Just a mere 10 minutes of leading a sedentary lifestyle contributed to spiked levels of interleukin-6 levels in the blood, 0.6 percent higher in men and 1.4 percent in women. An overall 10 minutes of light activity throughout the day contributed to lowered levels of t-PA in both men and women alike. The subjects with a health cardiorespiratory fitness has an overall healthier biomarker profile which was definitely a positive conclusion up until their related differences in body fat. The adhesion molecule which was used in the study, E-selectin, was the only biomarker out of all the others which didn’t show any form of physical difference upon the effects of physical activity or sedentary lifestyle. It was supposedly only connected with the fitness levels in an individual. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

The researchers who conducted the studies concluded saying that they found that the associated improvement of one’s heart health is basically dependent on the liability of physical activity and how predominant their sedentary lifestyle is in comparison to their daily physical activities. The aversion and prevention of heart risks associated with physical activity was primarily based on the improvement in the function of the blood vessels. The study also suggests that the correlation between sedentary lifestyle could be well connected to one’s endothelial function. Dr Elhakeem further explained that they are still in the process of devising whether it was the activities that affected the biomarkers or was it the other way around. The study was published on the American Heart Association and according to their suggestion, it is necessary to indulge in 150 minutes of moderate workout or 5 minutes of vigorous workout in a week to ensure proper heart health and to avert risks of developing cardiovascular diseases like that of atherosclerosis and such. 24




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ype-II Diabetes can be very taxing on one’s health. From increasing death risks to disrupting one’s quality of life, the possibilities are actually endless. With that being said, there is obviously medication for the same but at the same time, there are things that sure do end up being a hinder to the process of treatment. Have you ever thought of fasting as a possible treatment for the same? A new study conducted by a few doctors writing for the journal of BMJ case reports suggest the influence of intermittent fasting as a


possible cure for type-II diabetes. They noticed the influence in three of their patients that were admitted under their treatment. The patients concerned were actually able to cut out the insulin injections altogether when they included this process of fasting in their day to day life. When we talk of statistics, it is believed that in every 10 people in the United States and Canada, one people suffer from Diabetes. This is the primary reason why this is considered as one of the most serious diseases in the economy. This specific disease itself is believed to

cost around $245 billion in a year to the US economy. The author of the study stated that while diet actually does play a very crucial part in managing the signs and symptoms of the disease, there are actually much more aspects to it than that. Lifestyle changes solely can never control the glucose levels all by themselves. Bariatric surgery is a valid option in this field of treatment but even that doesn’t have profound impacts and have side effects to it. Drugs can manage the condition but in order 26

to cure and uproot the problem from the roots, it is not really enough to uproot the problem completely. In order to stave the symptoms off completely, it is necessary to ensure that one indulges in something what the researchers did.

For their study, three male subjects in between the ages of 40 and 67 were influenced to try out the planned intermittent fasting in order to check whether or not the same would have beneficial impacts on one’s overall health and the symptoms of type-II diabetes. In addition, they were administered with their daily doses of various drugs as well as the daily units of insulin apart from the fasting diet. The patients not only suffer from diabetes but also suffer from high blood pressure as well as high levels of cholesterol. The three patients had different kind of approach to the same. While two of them did their intermittent fasting every other day for a stretch of 24 hours, the third subject only fasted for three days in a week. During the fasting process, the subjects were fed with a single low calorie meal once throughout the day and were given low 27

calorie drinks to ensure that they don’t faint or have negative impacts on their bodies. This approach to the process of fasting for a cure for the type-II diabetes was not something out of the blue and all of a sudden. The patients attended an extensive 6-hour long seminar and conference on the topic of a nutritional training seminar. In this seminar, the speaker emphasized speaking on the development of diabetes along with its impacts on one’s body. Not just that, the study even discussed about the facts of insulin resistance, healthy eating as well as how to manage the condition of diabetes using therapeutic approaches. This kind of approach to treatment of the type-II diabetes was continued up till 10 months following which the insulin levels, fasting blood glucose, average blood glucose as well as the waist circumference of the patients were remeasured again. All of the three patients, within just a month, were effectively able to give up their daily requirement of insulin injections for the management of their diabetes and glucose levels in the body. In one of them, the effects were visible in just five days itself.

Two of the subjects were able to completely stop the consumption of their drugs and one of them was able to give up three out of the four drugs they previously took. Not just that, all three of the subjects were able to lose their weight by 10-18% which is pretty impressive and not just that, they were also effectively able to reduce off the excess fasting glucose levels by impressive amounts which ended up reducing the risks of future complications. This specific observational study was actually fruitful and ended up providing with positive feedback to their administered approach. Because of the fact that the study has just been conducted on three subjects, it is quite important to ensure that you don’t end up drawing firm conclusions from the same concerning the approach to the treatment of type-II diabetes. The author of the study concluded finally stating the fact that even though there are not many cemented approach for the treatment and this specific mode of intermittent fasting as an approach to treatment is mainly beneficial to either reverse or end up eliminating the need for any source of type-II diabetes treatment.




Moves To Keep You Slim & Trim Learn About The Advantages!



Salsa dance is a peppy dance form, it is fun, creative and energizing. The movements of this dance are unique and you would love it. If you haven’t tried salsa at a famjam yet, you should! It is insanely entertaining and refreshing. If you want to learn it to dance with your loved one, then it is all the more fun. Besides being a fun dance form to get out of all your jimjams it has other health benefits too. If you love dancing then you will go mad about salsa and if you are not the one who is fond of dancing it is still going to benefit you as it has a series of health benefits tied to it and so it becomes one kind of a fitness activity because the beats and movement in this form of dance are amazing.

Know These Health Benefits of Salsa! Revitalize Your Body!


BENEFIT NO 1 You Won’t Experience Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is one kind of a health concern wherein the bones in the body get so weak that it gets difficult for a person to move as well. Salsa is one of those ways to overcome this problem and strengthen all the



joints and bones in the body. If you are in touch with salsa you won’t ever come to this situation.

The Focal Point Is Upon The Major Muscles

Generally in women after a certain age when the estrogen levels depreciate because the bones do not get enough calcium. Trying salsa will maximum keep your bones healthy by keeping it greased throughout.

All the muscles in your body are given immense strength. To name them, the quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings will be focused on as the moves in salsa are designed in such a way. That said, you will see an improvement in all the muscles in your body. They start to look well formed and gain better strength.

BENEFIT NO 2 Sheds Away Fat And Keeps You Fit Salsa is one of those dance forms that will help tone your body by shedding away all the excess accumulated fats. That said, salsa is one of those dance forms that will enable smooth blood flow and increase strength in your body. Therefore, if you want to be all slim and trim or want to lose some pounds then you should try some salsa moves.


BENEFIT NO 4 Your Body Is Always Active And Stays Young If you are used to salsa for years together you will notice that your body performs like the people who are into a major sport. This magic is there in salsa because it keeps your rate of breathing, the performance of your heart by keeping away all kind of heart problems.

If you have been a dancer, even when you go grow old you would still feel like you are young because your body won’t age that quick. Thus, if you want to feel young and energetic, try salsa!

BENEFIT NO 5 High Blood Sugar Levels Get A Red Signal It has been studied that low and high cholesterol levels are in the right control when you try salsa dancing, it is because the moves are as such. Three things happen with salsa dancing the lipids are in control and because of this the high cholesterol levels and low cholesterol levels are just the way they are supposed to be, wherein it does no harm to the body. When your body is functioning this way there are fewer chances for you to get diabetes too.


BENEFIT NO 6 Emotional Health Is Boosted

retain details it is in one way a good thing you are doing for your mind.

Dancing is one form of feeling good and getting the stress off your mind. The hormones that are responsible to elevate your mood and de-stress you get active during this process. Once your mood gets better you get over all the mental stress. You experience new peace and new happiness in your mind from there on. Try salsa in order to improve your emotional health.

BENEFIT NO 8 Salsa Teaches You Patience

BENEFIT NO 7 Keeps Your Memorizing Skills On Top Salsa will need you to remember beats and steps to accordingly go in sequence with the music. Having said, this is an activity for your brain to stay alert and gives you practice in retaining things. When you learn to 31

Patience is good, it means you know how to control your mind and when you know how to control your mind you have good mental health. Your patience goes to such a level that you tend to solve problems in your life, you get more loving and passionate with your relationships and you see that you are getting positive from all ends.

BENEFIT NO 9 You Learn The Beautiful Art Of Balancing Your Body Salsa is all about balancing your body and moving around. Constantly practicing

Salsa helps in improving your posture as well as you learn to gain good control over your body. A good body posture and balance helps in relieving back, shoulder and hip aches, the nervous system of your body comes in control and you have more resistance to any kind of injury that hits on your body and health.

Salsa dance is a fun fitness way to help you lose weight, improve your posture, keep you away from heart problems and improve your social and mental skills. In this form of dance, you improve on your social, interpersonal and emotional skills.

Try salsa dance if you are looking for a fitness option to stay fit mentally, physically and emotionally! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


Consume 10 Foods To Invigorate Calcium In Your Body! No nutrient can compensate the other, every nutrient has its position and relevance in your body. Only a combination of all nutrients can help the body function well. Having said, you would truly know the importance of calcium when you have reached a certain age and your body does not have strength in the bones or you either know it when your joints are targeted with severe pain in them. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


Why Is Calcium Important? It sustains teeth and bone health by strengthening them It plays a role in helping the muscles relax and squeeze It contributes to keeping the body’s heartbeat at a normal rate It is needed in order to release hormones and chemicals The nerve signals work efficiently because calcium also contributes to its efficiency 33



Good Tips on How To Add Calcium In Your Body Focus on eating dairy products Add tons of green vegetables to your diet Increase your fish intake if you are a non-vegetarian instead of eating too much meat To your snack diet try and eat foods that have calcium

Avoid too much of the known to be bad caffeine, soft drinks, and hard drinks Sesame seeds should do great on your salads Try and add some form of calcium to your diet

If you want the above-mentioned factors to do good to your body, you must eat foods rich in calcium in order to be able to increase its quantity in your body. Calcium deficiency is a common problem and is more seen in the case of women and it can be treated by eating foods rich in calcium. Every adult should get about 1200 mg of calcium and kids should get about 1300 mg. Here is a list of foods to increase calcium in your body and understand why is it good for you

Food No 1 - Nutritious Seeds Seeds consist of the nutrition value of no-fats and a considerable amount of protein in the body, so they are in a way great for the body. Talking of seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds,


and poppy seeds are good to increase the level of calcium in your body. Poppy seeds contribute around 9 grams of calcium to the body.

Food No 2 - Lentils Lentils are rich in zinc, folate, iron, magnesium, proteins

and calcium as well. If you eat about 108g rice you would gain 4 g calcium in your body.

Food No 3 - Beans 172 grams of beans has about 24percent of calcium and you should consider


having it as it is high in fiber, protein and other nutrients as well. Beans also take away the risk of type-2 diabetes and make the bad cholesterol good. Food

No 4 - Almonds

Almonds have 8 percent calcium, 3 grams of fiber and are an amazing source of vitamin-E as well as manganese. This is considered the best among all nuts in terms of the amount of calcium it has. Apart from providing calcium to the body, calcium saves the body from blood pressure, fats and any problems related to the body’s metabolism.

Food No 5 - Whey Protein Whey protein is a powerful source of protein and amino acids that help in proper digestion. This protein has about 20 percent of the calcium in it and it is necessary for the body. All blood sugar problems and weight gain problems go away with a scoop of whey protein.

Food No 6 - Leafy Vegetables


Spinach and Kale are two of the best leafy vegetable having the highest amount of calcium. Your body gets about 25 percent of calcium with these greens. These greens are rich in iron as well they are good for boosting the body’s hemoglobin.

Food No 7 - Tofu And Soy Beans Tofu and soybeans are great in terms of increasing the protein and folate in your body besides calcium. Tofu contains about 86 percent of calcium and so beans contains about 10 percent of calcium.

Food No 8 - Figs Figs are rich sources of fiber and antioxidants. Figs add about 5 percent of the calcium in your body. Besides this it is rich in pottasium and Vitamin K. This fruit helps in keeping your bones strong and is good for hair and skin health as well.

Food No 9 - Canned Salmons Canned Salmons gives about 25 percent of calcium to your body. Salmons is a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids as well.

It takes care of the health of your hair, skin and has the ability to keep your body away from any toxicity that has to got to do with mercury.

Food No 10 - Yogurt, Milk, And Cheese This trio combination of milk, cheese, and yogurt is a boosting source of calcium. Cheese gives about 33 percent of calcium to the body, yogurt gives about 30 percent of calcium to the body and milk gives about 35 percent of calcium to the body. Milk is a rich source of protein, Vitamin A and Vitamin E. Yogurt has probiotic bacteria which is great for the body. Summary

You must make sure that to see to it that you have the right amount of calcium in your body before it is too late by including all these foods in your diet everyday. Be it animal-based or plantbased, you have both of them. Usually you must be having most of the diary products every day, see how best you can add calcium and stay strong and healthy.



Are You Intoxicating Your Mind And Body With

Technology 5 Sure Ways To Detox!



At this point in time, it seems close to impossible to imagine a detox with technology, for most of you it must be like someone is stealing away your organ, isn’t it? Stop for a moment and evaluate yourself on how much does your life revolve around technology and you will accordingly have to rate yourself.

Questions to ask yourself How much of my entire day do I spend on technology? How much of it is for the right reasons? How does being away from technology affect me? How many times have I wasted my productive time on technology? What have I learned from technology?

Once you are done asking and answering these questions to yourself. It is time to rate yourself. You are the best judge and only you know if technology is being a virus or

antivirus in your life. If it is a virus then you have to get over it. That being said, here is what you should know about detoxing and shutting away from technology.

What Is Intoxicating Technology? Only if we all knew how to draw lines life would be easier. Talking of intoxicating technology, it is as good as how alcohol and drugs can get you immune to it. People get used to it and consider technology as their oxygen. If you make an observation, be it any age group, people are glued to their gadgets and forget that people around exist, human touch is degraded while technology 37

is getting upgraded each day. Treating technology as one of the sources to survive in life can be a sure sign that technology is intoxicating. That being said, the whole world does not live that way, there are certain exceptions where people rightly use technology without giving technology the space to hamper their personal and professional life. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


What Is The Good In Getting Away From Technology? We must all keep ourselves updated and we need the little of technology. Having said, we do not need it as a source of survival either. Look at all the good a technologyfree life can do to you The stress factor in your life is almost zeroed out, this means your mental health will improve bit by bit. You get to meet nature which otherwise would never be possible because your head would be drowning in your gadget, isn’t this good enough that you are improving your health by getting fresh oxygen to breathe. You are away from an alcoholic like an addiction. When you have no addiction

you have control over your mind and body which is a sign of good mental and physical health. You get so much time to spend with all your closed ones and when you spend quality time that is also indirectly helping you in some way or the other by triggering the happiness hormone in your body. Your focus is diverted to several other activities such as pursuing your hobby, working out and none of your senses are targeted. In other words, when you are always looking into your phone you are straining your eyes way too much. This way you will be saving your eyes from a lot of strain and your vision stays in place or does not get worse.

Sure Ways To Detox From Technology Where there is a will there is a way! If you can let this settle down in your mind it would really help you get over this intoxicating technology. You may not succeed in completely shutting off from technology right away but then you will hop and reach there.

WAY NO 1 FOLLOW THE ‘KISS’ RULE This rule implies keeping it simple and WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

sweet, do not outrightly start with big targets. Start it simple and sweet. Bifurcate using technology for entertainment vs work related. Allocate about an hour for the two. Try this for two days, then add it on to three days and then try it for ten days. Keep your goals simple and short, the probability and success rate of achieving the detox will be higher.


This means that you will be on your gadgets only at the time that you have designated to use technology. Say suppose you have decided that you will use technology only at 6.00 in the evening. You will use it only at that time and not a minute less or more over technology

kilometer. Give importance to developing your personality by reading an inspirational book or listening to a podcast that has a takeaway.



We are all built or made in such a way that to get over one bad habit, diverting our focus and keeping the mind busy with another interesting and good habit helps us get over the addiction for technology. Make sure that you choose a habit or activity that you enjoy doing.

As you see yourself progress in your usage with technology you should take the next step and see how well have you done and where did you go bad after you were on the mission of staying away from technology. Take the benefit of saying kudos to yourself for doing a great job.


In the end, over the time you would yourself notice that how mentally peaceful and physically sound has your life turned to be after the noise of technology has to come to an end. The only take away is that you should use technology for useful reasons, entertainment and keep it away when you are off your limits. Now you know what to do with the gift of technology.

If you detox yourself from technology you get all the time to focus on exercising and working on the changes you want to see in yourself. To do so, get engaged in either playing a sport or just get on to running a

Do not let technology control your life but let it do good to your life! 39



Essential Oils for Hypertension Essential oils are more than just bringing you calmness and tranquility. The therapeutic benefits of the essential oils for high blood pressure are actually quite effective in managing the levels of hypertension in the best way possible. If you are finding your condition with the high blood pressure affecting your normal course of life, it is always best suggested to find ways that would be helpful in combating the problems, essential oils being one of them WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


Jasmine Oil Often times, the condition of high blood pressure stems from the feelings of stress and anxiety. If you are here wondering how it helps bring down blood pressure, it has calming and soothing properties which tend to be effective in managing the overall condition of hypertension. Studies even suggest that jasmine oil has inhibiting properties on the hyper excited nervous system which can be brought down and calmed down for beneficial impacts further.

Bergamot Essential Oil Bergamot oil is extracted from a citrus fruit and does have beneficial impacts in getting rid of the signs and symptoms associated with high blood pressure. Even a conducted study found that inhaling the diffused air with bergamot oil does have beneficial impacts in reducing the levels of high blood pressure effectively. Additionally, this essential oil has been found to be quite beneficial in improving one’s mood and reduce signs of anxiety and stress to further bring down the possible problems associated with it.




Citronella Essential Oil

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Citronella oil might have a strong smell to it which is not loved by many but the impacts of this are quite amazing in combating the problems associated with high blood pressure. The citronella does have beneficial impacts in bringing down stress and combating the issues associated with an anxious mind. The combination of easing the stress out and the calming sensation is what help in bringing down the overall blood pressure altogether effectively.

few studies conducted have found the efficacy of the clary sage oil in the effective regulation of both the systolic as well as the diastolic blood pressure. If the rampant increase in the blood pressure levels has caused for the overall respiratory rate to go up as well, you can control the same with the aromatherapy practice with the Clary sage oil. This has been found beneficial for people who have a relaxed state of mind but a very spiked blood pressure levels.

Geranium Essential Oil

Lavender Oil

G e r a n i u m essential oil has multifaceted benefits on our health. This is the primary reason why the same has been time and time picked as one of the best essential oils for high blood pressure. Not only does it have antioxidant properties, it is also impactful in getting rid of the condition of bad digestion and even helps in balancing the emotions and promoting better sleep. It is also an amazing nervous system balancer which further keeps the possibilities of stress and anxiety at bay, thus helping out with the condition of high blood pressure.

Lavender oil is yet another one of the effective essential oils that have been found to have beneficial impacts on the overall prospects on managing the heightened blood pressure levels in the body. In one of the conducted study, the brain activity of the participants was recorded before and after the process of aromatherapy was conducted. The researchers did find that the process of aromatherapy with the lavender oil did prove out to be beneficial in reducing not just the blood pressure but also the heart rate of the individuals involved.




Marjoram Oil Marjoram Oil is definitely one of the essential oils for high blood pressure that not many are aware of. The sweet marjoram oil is what is effective in bringing down the problems associated with hypertension. In a study, it was found that this specific essential oil is quite effective in warding off the problems associated with myocardial oxidative stress which does have the potential to lead to heart failure as well. This is very helpful in warding off the signs and symptoms along with possibilities of someone suffering through a heart attack owing to the persistent high levels of blood pressure.

Frankincense Oil If your hypertension and rapid heart palpitations is because of the stress and the rapid onslaught of negative thoughts swirling around in your mind, this specific essential oil can be quite helpful. This oil has been found to be quite beneficial in bringing down the unwanted levels of stress and brings back the heartbeat back to normal as well. It encourages mental peace and does bring about overall better health which you just can’t miss out on. Opt for the natural and organic frankincense oil for the maximum benefits.


Cedarwood Essential Oil If

you are here wondering what can be done with this, cedarwood oil has been proven to have beneficial to have properties which turn out to be a good option for you to ponder on. This specific essential oil has been found to be beneficial in promoting better relaxation and even help in decreasing the heart rate effectively. Owing to the fact that the very first victim of the high blood pressure is the heart, it is quintessential to keep the same in check and avoid conditions which would end up being a risk factor for the heart.

Helichrysum Essential Oil Several studies have shown how amazing and beneficial it is for treating the condition of hypertension which does have the potency to induce fatal impacts on our health. The absorption of this oil into the bloodstream has been found to have beneficial impacts in relaxing the blood vessels and promoting smooth and better blood flow. It also does promote better smooth muscle function which further aids in better functioning of the same in reducing the high blood pressure.



Excessive Processed Food Cause Manic Depression. Study Suggests


ecent experiments showcase that the overconsumption of processed food and meats can adversely affect one’s psychological well being, probing the possibility of causing manic depression in the individual. It is believed that it is the excess presence of nitrate in these foods is what is causing the problem. Manic depression, otherwise commonly known as Mania is a behavioural condition which is characterized by a state of hyperactivity, sometimes euphoria and insomnia as well. The researchers were ignited with this sudden thought of researching the effect of processed and canned food when it came to their notion that majority of the



people hospitalized for manic depression have been tested positive to have eaten a good chunk of nitrate-processed meat in comparison to other healthy individuals. Researchers from the Johns Hopkins University conducted their research on lab rats where they administered them a diet filled with nitrate compounds. Noticeably, the rats were found to show signs of hyperactivity just after a few weeks of being fed with that diet. According to the progress of the experiment, it is believed that the diet and certain consumption of a few variants of compounds exceptionally could be the contributing factor to the hyperactivity brought along with Mania and several other brain related ailments. A scientist from the Johns Hopkin University, Dr Robert Yolken professed his vision stating that this initial research can be a breakthrough in testing out the potential association between the dietary aspect in order to combat the signs and symptoms of manic episodes that could infest in a patient suffering from bipolar disorders or other forms of manic depression. Mania is a condition that is often seen in patients suffering from either bipolar disorder or signs of schizoaffective disorder. While many people might forego the problem as mistaking it as something like that of hyperactivity like that of sugar rush, it does have severe impacts on one’s mental health and that too degrading ones. While the link between the consumption


of nitrates and manic depression was not done before, scientist Dr Yolken was the one who deduced the possibility of link between the two and went on to initiate a research concerning the subject. Since nitrates have had prior history of having negative impacts in the body’s nervous degeneration, and because of its cancer causing abilities, it was under high scrutiny under the done experiment to figure out its impact on one’s psychological well being, especially for the people suffering from mania. The rats involved in the experiment were fed with a nitrate rich diet and then their gut microbiota was analysed. It was found that the gut bacteria pattern in the rats with nitrate in their diet was different than what you would expect in the normal healthy rats. Dr Yolken and his team even witnessed an impactful difference in the molecular pathways in the brain, much like what one would experience and witness in patients suffering from bipolar disorder. Concluding all of these findings from the recent research, Dr Yolken emphasized on the fact that the same doesn’t necessarily inflict the proper conclusion that the consumption of processed meat is the primary causative agent with manic depression or other related mental health issues. These findings help establish a possible link between the possibility of the nitrate-processed meat being a possible trigger for mania.



Gliotoxin and the Immune System Our immune system is possibly one of the most important prospects of our overall health. Any kind of disturbances with the immune system has the possibility of affecting the overall body activity. Gliotoxin is one such fungus that has the capability of crippling the system altogether. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Friedrich-SchillerUniversitaet Jena found the mode of action opted by the harmful mycotoxin, gliotoxin in the body. They have established a complete rundown of the process of infestation which causes WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

the fatal fungal infection to spread around. The presence of this fungus is everywhere around you and it is often hard to detect where they will be around and might end up infesting your body. This form of fungus is actually quite harmful for the people who suffer from an extremely weak immune system. It is the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus which ends up affecting the immune system heavily. It virtually does occur around everywhere which is one of the reasons why it is hard to detect this from around you. It is found as dark grey, wrinkled cushions

on the damp walls or even in the microscopically small spores that is found around in the air. A healthy individual with a well working and strong immune system will actually be able to fight off the infestation of the pores around which is not the case with that of the people with a weakened immunity. It is predominantly the AIDS patients or people with immunosuppression who tend to be affected the most by this fungus, so and so that it could even be fatal for their lives. This international research has been led on by one of the 46

activity of the immune cells in the body. Werz, along with his colleagues have worked to find the efficacy of this specific mycotoxin in suppressing the immune response in the body. Communication the immune cells

renowned professors from Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Prof. Oliver Werz. They have worked on to find that it does knock out the immune defenses of an individual, enabling the formation of a potential dangerous fungal infection in the body. They have found that it is the action of the mycotoxin, gliotoxin is what is responsible for the pathogenicity of the fungus altogether. Prof. Werz stated saying that it was very clear and known right from the start that this specific fungus did have effective immunosuppressive effects on the body, which in short means that it suppresses the 47


In order to test out the process of interaction, the researchers developed synthetically derived gliotoxin and brought the same is contact with the immune cells. The immune cells in question were the neutrophilic granulocytes which account for the first line of immune response in our body. Their primary job is to detect the pathogens and then eliminate the same from the body. Werz further explains stating that the moment the immune cells come in contact with a pathogen, it ends up releasing specific messenger substances known as the leukotrienes into the bloodstream which ends up being a trigger for the other immune cells in the periphery to accumulate around. Once there is a substantial amount of immune cells around, the same can work around to inactivate the pathogen

completely. Gliotoxin switches enzyme off


Enzymatic reactions are beneficial for smooth functioning. This process is hindered when Aspergillus fumigatus is involved in the process. The group of scientists working on this has found that gliotoxin does end up affecting the release of leukotrieneB4 in the neutrophilic granulocytes in the body. This ends up prohibiting the signal to be sent to the other immune cells nearby. The gliotoxin ends up affecting and stopping the activity of the LTA4 hydrolase enzyme. This is what ends up altering the communication between the immune cells amidst the body and thus hampers the defense mechanism in the body. This makes it easier for the infested spores to infiltrate the body tissues and organs. All in all, it is very important to maintain proper hygiene to reduce the risks of the fungal interaction in the body. The gliotoxin in the Aspergillus fumigatus can be a deadly impact on the people who already suffer from an affected immune system.





at the right time. It is proved by studies also that having sex can have a long-lasting charm on you for about two days which strengthens the bond and attraction between the man and woman. If you look at it practically, there are many men and women who are either physically not satisfied with one another or they are too involved with their routine that they forget about the magic sex can do to the relationship. Everyone has a different way of looking at it.


here are different ways of looking at sex. For few it is just ‘natural’ as a bodily need, while for few it is not just a bodily need but even beyond it. It is an instrument that binds you in a marriage, definitely one of those special and strongest factors. No one wants to get deprived of being physically satisfied, everyone needs sex at a certain age and the urge to have sex comes down too at a certain age. It is just like giving your mind, emotions, and body the right thing


That being said, there should be the right connection between how a woman can turn on a man and how can a man make an orgasm last longer for his woman. If this goes right many things would go great in a marriage. It has even been observed that there are many couples are missing out on getting sexually involved. As per the final analysis is done it was said that sexual satisfaction stays intact for about 48 hours which is not just good for health but it is also absolutely amazing for the couple Here is the good sex does to marriage! Take a look! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


8 Reasons Why Sex Is Good For Marriage

connection is directly related to intimacy and the amount of sex you have with your partner, it is essential that you keep all the elements secure and alive in order for you to be closely tied to your partner.

YOU FEEL A DIVINE ONENESS TIES THE TWO OF YOU Just like how a plant needs sunlight as well as water to survive, just like how we all need mental and physical health to stay good, even a relationship needs combined elements in order for it to go great. Talking of those elements, it requires a strong emotional as well as physical bond. A physical WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

As you know that sex and intimacy keeps you tied to your partner, it just does not tie you in an obligation but an everlasting and stronger one. Having said, as you connect and explore each others body, if you are happy with each other physically, the emotional bond between the two of you just grows over time. There is binding oneness through sex despite the changes that will come by in your


sexual life. You would feel one in a way that you would always find a way to stay by although there are a hundred reasons to part ways.

ATTACHMENT GROWS It is a good sign if your attachment is growing the healthy way in your marriage, isn’t it? Only when there is attachment will the two of you feel like family, you will value each other better and your closeness will increase so much that there would never be scope for a third person to come in between the two of you. It is common that when a couple is not satisfied they go out of their way to find that missing space if there is proper sex in the marriage a man or woman would not go astray.


HIGHER THE OXYTOCIN GREATER THE TRUST Oxytocin is a love hormone and it is nice if it is doing well, it is one way of keeping the happiness alive in your marriage. That said, sex is one of the reasons to be happy in a marriage. When a couple regularly has sex and keeps that going, the level of romance in between the couple is sky high and that in turn helps the trust between them build and last longer. There is a link between romance and trust.


LOVE & SEX It is so obvious that we are all so caught up with our schedule, whether it is a man or woman, everyone is busy all day. When the two of you give importance to each other by making time for sex, you are not just building on your relationship but you both get to discuss the good and bad things that happened throughout. Try more of foreplay to extend the time you have in bed.

KEEPS THE COMMUNICATION FACTOR ALIVE When you come together and have sex frequently, you get more comfortable and open with each other as well and the communication between a man and woman should be there, only WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

if the communication exists there won’t be scope for any kind of misunderstanding. Another way of looking at it is that the two of you will feel comfortable to talk to each other about what went well and what you both would like to improve. This healthy communication will not just help on the physical front. It would help a couple communicate on other affairs with utmost comfort and confidence.

TOGETHER THE TWO OF YOU ARE HEALTHY Sex is good for health mentally, physically and psychologically. It is great for both of your health for the following reasons :


The two of you would feel stress-free after a tiring day, it is good if the two of you are able to get over stress together by spending a lovely time together when the endorphins in your body are released. Sex is one form of a workout in its own, it is believed that you can cut down on a lot of calories with sex. It is as good as exercising. Sex keeps your blood pressure in control which is in turn good for your heart because it keeps you away from all the heart diseases. It strengthens your immune system and is one of the strongest reasons to reduce the risks of getting prostate cancer and keeps away all the bladder related issues. Sex is known to be good therapy to keep you away from migraine headache and this has been published in one of the medical magazines. After the research was conducted, majority of the crowd saw an improvement in their headache after they started having sex. It is proved that sex can solve all 53

your sleep disorder problems. You can get a good night to sleep if you are regularly in touch with sex in your life.

IT IS A BEAUTIFUL FORM OF EXPRESSING LOVE One can say that sex is an artistic form of expressing love. Love is expressed in the form of affection and care. One can express deep love through sex when two bodies come together to make the bond of marriage rock strong. Sex is artistic because two people can try different positions in sex, one can cuddle their partner and try different ways of foreplay. This kind of lovemaking is artistic. It doubles love between the couple.

FINAL WORD Give priority to intimacy and sex in your marriage, it is one of the biggest secrets of a strong and happy marriage. Marriage is not always about sex but a sexless marriage is not good for your marriage either. Take it this way, we all need a strong binding force to hold on to and sex is one of that powerful factor in a marriage. Realize the power of sex and keep it going in your marriage. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


Studies Pave Way For

Male Contraception C

ontraception in men is not a very common happenstance, now, is it? While shots and injections have been in predominance till now, a new form of oral contraception is set to make a breakthrough in this field. This new birth control pill for men is expected to be harmless and impose little to no side effects in any of the overall reproductive functions in a man with its daily oral consumption. The study was conducted with 83 healthy men and the results and conclusion were presented in the Endo 2018 which is the Endocrine Society’s 100th Annual Meeting which was held in Chicago, Illinois. The male oral contraceptive pill, named dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU) functions much like how a woman contraceptive pill would work. The research’s senior investigator, Stephanie Page, who is also the Professor of


Medicine at the University of Washington stated that this oral pill combines the activity of a male hormone (testosterone) along with a progestin and needs to be taken once a day to meet the concluded results.

primarily because a majority of men have exclaimed wanting a daily pill as a reversible contraceptive, rather than the shots and in-vitro methods or even the topical gels that have been in prominence till now.

Prof. Page further stated saying that this new male contraceptive pill is a breakthrough in this field,

The new research stemmed from the lack of these novel drugs in the market that function well without 54

inflicting serious side effects. The researchers noticed that the available male birth control pills that are now found over the counter have the sheer possibilities of inducing liver inflammation in the individual which is definitely a big downside. Not just that, it was also found that the currently available ones tend to clear off the body at a faster pace, thus needing more than one dosage every single day. This new contraceptive pill for men, the DMAU has the undecanoate which is a long chain fatty acid in its composition. This prevents the quick clearance of the drug out of the body, thus assuring that one dosage every day is more than enough for the effects of the drug to stay in the body. This male contraceptive drug has been formulated and developed at the National Institutes of Health. The entire process and the study that went behind the formulation and final conclusion were funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

While the study initially started off with 100 healthy men in between 55

the ages of 18 to 50 years, only 83 of them successfully completed the entire study. The study was conducted at the University Of Washington Medical Center and at HarborUCLA Medical Center in Torrance, CA, the latter under the supervision of the co-author of the study, Dr Christina Wang. Three distinct doses of the DMAU was tested out on the subjects – 100, 200 and 400 mg. Even the formulations inside the capsules had two distinct composition, one with castor oil and the other with powder. Each of the dosage group had 5 distinct members who were administered with an inactive placebo while the rest of the 12-15 men were administered with DMAU. The drug as well as the placebo was given once a day with a meal. Prof. Page made it very assertive that the drug needs to be administered with food and not on its own. For the conclusions and results, Prof. Page concluded stating that the ones with the highest administered dosage of 400 mg of the DMAU showed starking lowered levels of their levels of testosterone in their

body which she referred to as “marked suppression”. Not just that, along with the primary androgen, even some associated hormones linked with sperm production was seen to have remarkably low levels in the blood stream. The most positive outcome that Prof. Page exclaimed was that the men, inspite of their remarkably lowered levels of testosterone, they didn’t show any negative symptoms or side effects associated with the deficiency of testosterone in the body. Except for a little weight gain and mild lowering in the levels of HDL concentration in the body, the rest was concluded to be fine and suitable for consumption. The drug even passed the safety tests inclined with the markers associated with the Liver and Kidney functions which was yet another breakthrough. Even with all these conclusions, there still need to be even more extensive study encircling this contraception pill for men to test out every scope of possibility conducting to the lowered levels of sperm production.



Creamy Broccoli And Almond Soup With Baked Para Hot and healthy soup with a crunchy dish to hog on, yummy isn’t it? Trying a combination of broccoli and almond is healthy because broccoli helps in boosting your immune system and keeps your body detoxed and almonds are rich in almost all the nutrients, it is said to be a memory booster. Look at this recipe of broccoli and almond soup with para’s to savor your taste buds so that you can gain health benefits as well as enjoy an evening snack, the best time to have this soup is in the chilled winters

Ingredients You Will Need : The number of ingredients will depend on the number of people. However, on an average with this quantity, you can serve 3 people 1 tbsp of ground pepper


Broccoli - 2 and a half cups Almonds ground - 1/2 a cup Carrot, celery, and onion - 2 cups( chopped pieces and a mixture of all) Salt - As per your requirement Milk - 2 cups Lemon juice(optional)

Steps To Follow : Step STEP11- Chop the broccoli into small pieces. Step STEP22- Keep the broccoli and the other vegetables for boiling on a medium flame for about 5 minutes until it gets soft. Remove the broccoli and strain out the water. Step STEP33- Add these chopped and slightly 56

Ingredients You Will Need : Wheat flour - 1 and a half cup Refined Flour(Maida) - 1/2 a cup Baking powder - 1/2 tsp Ghee - 1/2 cup Salt - As per your requirement Ajwain(carom seeds) - 1/2 tsp Ghee - 2 tbsp

Steps To Follow : STEP11 Take a bowl, add both flours, give Step them a dry mix, then add some ghee to this, add salt, carom seeds and mix them all. Add some water to this and make it a dough mix.

Step STEP22 Let the dough remain this way for a few minutes. boiled vegetables into a blender and to this add some milk to blend all of these well. Step 4 You can then check if everything STEP has got blended well and add a little water to blend it again in case it is too thick. STEP Step 5 Once you have everything blended you can add the ground pepper and lemon juice to this soup and give it a good boil. STEP Step 6 You could either garnish the soup with crushed almonds or you could mix it well in the soup.

Baked Para This is a tea time snack, having it with a healthy soup will just add on to the taste and flavor. It is crunchy to binge on 57

STEP 33 Then make balls out of this dough Step and then start to roll them in dry refined flour

Step STEP 44 Once you roll them, cut them in diamond shapes(see to it that you roll them thick, do not make the rolling too thin) STEP 55 Heat the baking pan, add few Step drops of oil and grease the pan, now place all diamond shaped pieces to bake them. STEP 66 Heat them for about 20 minutes at Step 200-degree Celsius.

Your Para’s are ready, you can now dip them in your soup or either it eat along with your soup.



SHIRSHASANA Learn the Benefits, Variations, And Steps!

Balancing Your Body On The Head!



It is lovely when you are capable to be able to balance your entire body on your head, isn’t it? If you think it is not a doddle, it is certainly not until and unless you know the right technique and keep practicing how to do it. Once you get it, it is a simple task. Here is what you should know about what is this asana, different variations, benefits and steps on how to do this asana.

What Is Shirshasana? Shirshasana is known as the inverted headstand pose as per modern yoga. Usually, the position of this asana is your palms on the ground, your head is on the floor and your entire lower body is facing the ceiling. In short, you are upside down.

Shirshasana is a great asana, it can be bad as well in case you overdo it or do not do it the right way. This yoga pose specifically focuses on the legs, arms, vertebral column and lungs.

Types Or Variations In Shirshasana The central or original pose is the headstand pose. Here are the other kinds of variations is Shirshasana. Headstand Backbend

Seated angle pose in headstand

Side Headstand

Single Leg revolved headstand

Single Leg Headstand

Bound hands headstand

Upwards lotus in headstand

MANDALASANA is a support system that contributes to Shirshasana, in this asana the legs move in a circular motion all around the head.




Benefits Of Shirshasana Here are some of the benefits of Shirshasana BENEFIT NO 1 : Relieves all your stress and tension and helps in keeping your mind cool and this is possible because your focus is within your body. BENEFIT NO 2 : In this asana, you get to improve your memory power because there is direct blood flow to your brain and this as well eases your mind. BENEFIT NO 3 : You will be able to save your eyes from vision problems because the blood flow not just reaches your brain but it also gives added oxygen and supply of blood to your eyes as well. BENEFIT NO 4 : Strength increases in your upper body and your muscles get all stronger. That said, you are taking help of your arms, shoulders and back to lift yourself up and balance your body by keeping your neck away from any kind of strain.

BENEFIT NO 5 : All the gas stuck in your stomach gets released when you go on your head and lift your legs up, this happens because when you are reversing your body, the digestive system tends to shake up and function well. BENEFIT NO 6 : You get a hold on how to manage your stress because you going upside down will hit on your stress hormone and when your stress hormone is touched upon all your stress is released and you learn how to conduct yourself in stress. BENEFIT NO 7 : If there is any kind of fluid stuck in your feet that gets moving. Usually, when you sit for too long, blood gets clotted at your feet and that can be really painful when your body gets turned upside down you are free from all such problems. BENEFIT NO 8 : Practising this asana will help in releasing all the toxins stuck in your body by managing your lymphatic system well.

Steps To Do Shirshasana Before beginning this asana it is necessary that your body is used to performing certain asanas such as Sarvangasana, Uttanasana, Virasana, and Adho Mukha Svanasana in order to be able to do Shirshasana.

asana without proper guidance and instructions from an instructor. It is essential that you take the support of a wall while you start this asana until you learn the right positioning and technique. Follow these steps to do Shirshasana

Make sure that you do not experiment on this




The first thing you can do is to get comfortable by sitting on your knees, probably just the way you would position yourself for a child’s pose. Sit on your knees, place your butt in between your legs by joining both your toes behind, maintain a distance and right width between your shoulders and your arms and let your elbows touch the ground. Note : (the fingers of your left hand should touch the right hand’s line that bifurcates your arms and hand and vice-versa) STEP 2


You might think that Shirshasana is all about placing your head the right way. That said, this asana demands from you to understand the importance of placing your arms the right way. Since your arms are on the mat already, from here on the next step continues and all you have to do is slightly change the position of your fingers and attach the fingers of your right hand in the spaces of your left palms fingers and vice versa. In other words, clasp your fingers.

pressure on your head, you have to balance weight on your arms. You have to put your head in between the joined fingers of both your hands. STEP 4 TIME TO STRETCH YOUR LEGS WITH YOUR HEAD

ON THE MAT The previous position set a base, to begin with, the asanas, as you placed your head down with your body bent. Now it is time for you to slowly start raising your lower body upwards just like how you do one of the stretches in suryanamaskar. Your lower body is pushed upwards and your head is stuck on the ground touching your palms. Make sure that you keep your legs straight while you stretch it up and you will have to lift your heels above the ground and balance the weight of your legs on your toes. Note: Remember that you must not apply any kind of pressure on your head, the pressure is supposed to be placed on your arms. STEP 5

Your legs are stretched and now you have to get ready for the next step, you will have to bring your stretched legs forward towards your head.

Note: Be aware of your little finger because it might seem delicate to you if too much weight is put on it STEP 3

TIME TO GET BENDING YOUR HEAD In this step you will need to remember that now you are going to place your head on the mat, you will have to keep in mind that you are not going to add any excess



Note: Move inside slowly so that you do not lose balance and keep in mind that you are applying weight on your arms and not your head.


In this step, you will have to see to it that you move your legs towards your head until your WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

YOGA body is positioned straight and vertically. Note: Be careful and do it slowly. Initially do it only as much as you can. STEP 7 SLOWLY START TO LIFT YOUR LEGS UP BY BRING


by bending them.

Now you will have to slowly lift your legs off the ground by applying weight on your core, first, you will lift your legs and then you will bring your knees close to your chest

good as learning how to do this asana. That said, you will pretty much follow the same steps to come down in a reversed way. Bend your knees in a way that your heels reach in and touch your buttocks After bending the knees bring it forward in a way that your knees touch the chest Slowly taking the support of your abs and balancing the strength in your abs bring your toes down on the floor Now you will stay in this bent position and you should lift your forehead up, keep your hands clasped and lift your body slightly up. Now, rest your head on your hands and then slowly come up and sit straight


HORIZONTAL POSITION If you want to give support to your legs when they are in the air, you can place a chair in order to rest your feet on it. Now you will need a little more help from your core because from this bent position you have to straighten your legs horizontally. STEP 9

DO THE REAL LIFT To get here you would have had to put in so much effort. Lifting your legs all the more up will need you to apply some more pressure on your core and totally lift it straight up.



Learning how to make your body straight is as



Avoid These Things During The Asana Do not aim to attain perfection in an asana on day one. It happens gradually and step by step. Do not overdo or force yourself. Be really careful with how you position your head. That said, you should at any cost not move your head in any direction, towards the left or right, you could get injured. Remember to keep your head straight. See to it you take help from an instructor to guide you on whether you are positioning yourself correctly, do not try this asana on your own in the beginning. Ensure to apply weight on your arms, shoulders, and back. Do not pressurize your head at any cost because your head is delicate. To keep your head safe you need to place it in between your palms.

Once you have completed the pose see to it that you take small steps and make your body straight. Do it step by step, if you immediately get your body down you might end up feeling giddy. While you lift your leg up and stretch, do it as slowly as you can in order to derive maximum benefits from this asana if you do this asana really quick you may not be able to benefit from it. See to it that you avoid flapping your legs when they are up, try to keep them straight. Initially you would not attain perfection in this pose but eventually, you will learn it. If you are doing this asana the right way then your legs should be able to go up easily and stay firm. If you do not take care of this you can trip and may lose balance completely.

Follow These Things During The Asana


If you want to derive maximum benefits from this asana then you need to perform all the stretches slowly.

and you might not be able to perform this asana well. See to it that you are comfortable while doing this asana.

Before you begin the asana do not be worried about how would you stand on your head, be sure and confident. Before you begin the asana stretch yourself well and loosen it.

More than focusing on your head you need to first focus on your upper body, you must know how to get the right balance and divide the weight into your shoulders as well as arms and not completely target your arms.

Do not restrict yourself from breathing because this can make you feel suffocated

For sufficient support, while you are lifting your legs up you can keep a chair



Household Cleaning Products Increase Risk of Obesity in Children Making your children do the household cleaning and other chores is definitely nothing uncommon, right? And neither is obesity in children. What is I told you that the both might have a possible connection between them? Shocking, isn’t it?



A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal states that the commonly used household cleaning products could very well be a contributing reason behind obesity in children. According to the researchers across Canada, it is believed that the same is because of the change in the gut microbiota. This study included the analysis of the gut flora of around 757 infants in between the age of 3-4 months and 1-3 years. The analysis was conducted for a time period of 3-4 months to trace any kind of excess exposure to disinfectants and other forms of household cleaning products used in the home cleaning process. Following the analysis, the researchers got hold of all the data from the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) in the fecal matter of these infants. Simultaneously, they also used the similar data and aligned the same with the BMI index registered by the World Health Organisation growth charts. The researchers found that the alterations in the gut microbiota in the babies in between the ages of 3-4 65

months were affected the most because of the usage of the disinfectants much like that of the multisurface cleaners and other cleaners. Upon analyzing the microbiota of these children, the researchers found a lowered level of Haemophilus and Clostridium bacteria while there was a heightened level of Lachnospiraceae in the gut flora. They also found that the increase in the levels of Lachnospiraceae was primarily associated with the frequent cleaning with the disinfectants and not much with that of the detergents or even the ecofriendly cleaners. Anita Kozyrskyj, the principal investigator on the SyMBIOTA project, an investigation into how alteration of the infant gut microbiome impacts health stated saying that there analysis led them to find for a fact that the infants living in the households with disinfectants being used either two times or more are more likely at the risk of being obese because of altered gut microbiota. This was not the same case with the children of same age group who were not WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019


was to source and showcase a novel information regarding the possible connection between the impacts of these disinfectant cleaners on the gut flora of the kids and inadvertently with the risks of obesity in children.

necessarily exposed to similar conditions. In comparison to the normal disinfectants, the usage of eco-friendly cleaners had a completely different impact on the gut flora and was not likely to be on the risk of being overweight and obese as compared to the ones who were consistently exposed to the same. Kozyrskyj further stated that the kids who are growing up in such conditions with the inclusion of ecofriendly cleaning products have a lowered level of Enterobacteriaceae. But, the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

thing about this is the fact that the researchers don’t have any definitive proof considering the connection between these two. According to her, there could be possibilities of such households using eco-friendly cleaners to have a well maintained and healthier diet which could very well be a contributing factor to the healthier gut microbiome of the infant and thus, the properly maintained weight of the kid. The main goal of the study

Dr. Noel Mueller and Moira Differding, who are epidemiologists from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health further emphasised stating that the persistent and early-life exposure to the disinfectants have the capability of increasing the risks of obesity in the infants mainly because of the alterations in the bacteria within the Lachnospiraceae family. They are in the lookout for further studies regarding this same topic to source any possible links concerning the possibility of the household cleaning products and its contribution to the complex causes of obesity through several of the microbially mediated mechanisms. 66

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Derive benefits of eating healthy and the right way in order to live healthily

Enjoying your food is one thing but have you ever given importance to whether you are eating the right way or not? Sitting in the right position and eating will always be advantageous to your health. Go back to your childhood times and if you have spent time with your grandparents can you recollect that they would always insist on sitting on the floor and having a meal. Can you relate to this? In fact, most of the Japanese

follow this culture of sitting crossed legs and having their meals. Science also recommends that one should sit on the floor crossed legs and have their meals so that it does good to the mind and body. If you want to live the healthy way, this is what you should do. This posture of sitting this way and eating is also known as Sukhasana or partial Padmasana.

5 Benefits Of Sitting On The Floor And Eating Your Brains Accept And Respond To The Signal

It is scientifically believed that the moment you sit crossed leg on the floor to eat, your brain gets a signal that you are calm and you want the stomach to get ready to digest all the food 69

well. That said, the reason your mind gets calm and is able to give that signal well to your brain is because of the position you are sitting in. Crossed leg position indicates the Sukhasana pose which means to spread peace in your life.

Digestion Becomes A Cake Walk


HEALTHY LIVING All your digestion problems come to an end, if you have always found a difficulty in your food getting digested then you should simply sit on the floor and eat. This way your abdomen gets to exercise, all the stomach acids get secreted and because of this the food also gets digested easily. All this happens because when you sit on the ground to eat, you bend forward to put the food in your mouth, when you bend forward there is a movement from your hip until your abdomen and this way the muscles in your abdomen stretch.

There Is No Room For Overeating

Sometimes we all have cravings although we have eaten stomach full, it is okay to entertain these cravings sometimes. However, always encouraging overeating is not good and you get over this thought or habit when you make it a practice to sit on the floor and eat your meals, this style of sitting is considered to give you contentment and feel full after your meal


Sitting down and eating keeps your mind calm and on the other hand you have all the advantages of not putting on excess weight, this is for two reasons, one you are moving back and forth to eat and there is a chance that you would get up another time to take a second serving and it is understood that your position of sitting aids better digestion and if there are no problems with the digestion then it is all good to go in terms of maintaining the right weight.

Your spine lengthens The aches that you get because of a bad posture all of them go away Thus, shape up your posture by sitting down and upright and say bye-bye to all kind of back and shoulder pains.

Betters Blood Circulation In The Body

Shapes Up Your Posture

Did you know that sitting down on the floor and eating even helps in keeping your posture good? If you are able to maintain the right posture you can save your body from a lot of other aches. Take a look at these points Your shoulders get upright Your back gets straight


The blood circulation in your body drastically improves when you practice sitting on the floor and eating food. There is smooth blood flow from the heart to the other organs in the body. This way the health of your heart is as well good and you are more capable of coming in terms with the stress that you go through every day.

Ayurveda Says - Sit On The Floor And Have Your Meals! Ayurveda pretty much believes in the same things about sitting on the floor


and eating. However, here is a list of points that Ayurveda states as healthy for your body It enables a better outlet of waste from your body by keeping the colon clear and clean. Sitting on the floor and eating strengthens the lumbar region and corrects your posture as well as enables a good blood flow and strengthens and makes many other muscles flexible

Note: It is also believed that you really connect with the food you eat when you use your fingers to take in the food. Using spoons and folks is a new way of eating. However, eating with your hands is considered and proved even healthier. Since you are sitting on the floor and eating it is a brownie point to your health if you could even practice eating with your hands instead of the cutlery. Sit on the floor and have your meals to feel even healthier! It is okay if it seems old school!



Is gene therapy enough to cure fetal diseases? Gene therapy is an evolving form of research technique in which the correct form of gene is injected into the body of an affected individual, primarily with a vector (virus in most cases). The ongoing research shows that the scientists are developing cures for gene mutation causes diseases like that of WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

sickle cell anemia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and a range of other ones. The success of this technique has also been seen after its implementation in the treatment of a form of inherited blindness in a patient in the United States.

But, let us divert our focus to how this therapy can benefit a baby even before it’s born. Can you even imagine how easier it would be if the inflicted disease is remedied even before the baby’s birth? While the progress in the fetal gene therapy is still in progress, its feasibility is still being tested before the scientists finally decide to approach any form of clinical trial. A renowned scientist from the University College London, Dr Simon Waddington exclaimed that they are ready to go with their trials of gene medicinal 72

therapy on the sick children. If you are questioning the root cause behind the heightened enthusiasm, it is primarily all because of the study conducted and published by Waddington and his team concerning a successful gene therapy trial. The treatment was conducted on fetal mice for the possible treatment of Gaucher disease, a form of disease which results in the absence of a certain type of enzyme that aids in breaking down a form of fat in the body. Dr Waddington and his team transferred a corrective gene with a vector in the body of the affected mice. The entirety of this treatment was conducted in utero and the outcomes were definitely what the scientist and his team expected. They noticed that the affected mouse, after the treatment, was almost indistinguishable from the other healthy mice in the litter. But the most distinguishable result was seen in the fact that the success of the treatment was way more in utero than after the mice was born.

human fetus would require regulatory as well as ethical approval because of the primary reason that this process of gene therapy would impose possibilities of risk on not just the fetus but the mother as well. Dr Waddington and his team decided to start off their research with the treatment of neuronopathic Gaucher disease owing to the severity it brings about in a child’s life. Majority of children born of with this mutationcaused disease often ends up with a few years to live right after their birth which is nothing but devastating. He is expecting that the conclusion and results of his conducted study would make people understand the actual awesomeness behind the science of gene therapy.

Another pediatric and fetal surgeon at the

Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, Dr William Peranteau who has also responsibly done a recent review on gene therapy exclaimed that with the overwhelming development of both the pre-natal and postnatal gene therapy, the possibilities of actually implementing this treatment for clinical trials is a definite possibility in the future (with substantial research and studies supporting the cause). With that being said, scientists and researchers don’t think that the usage of gene therapy would dictate its importance in all forms of diseases but only a handful of them. The primary reason behind the same is because

That being said, even though there has been distinguishable results on the conducted trials on mice, for it to be successfully administered in 73


there are possibilities that the corrected gene can attach itself to the mother’s DNA, instead of the fetus, which is one of the primary concerns. Studies and trials are being conducted surrounding this to find the intensity and probability behind the same. Many researchers believe that administering this gene therapy during the fetal stage is fruitful because of the fact that the immune system of the fetus is still underdeveloped which lessens the risks of the body WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JULY 2019

treating the injected gene as a foreign particle (although the completely possibility of it is not abolished). Researches are still being conducted to make a form of vector that would specifically reach the fetus rather than affecting the mother. MacKenzie’s fetal stem cell trial was probably the first implemented trial but there have been recent studies that sure do shed some light on the possibility of treating rare genetic diseases in fetus by directly injecting the gene into the amniotic

fluid. Clinical trials are also being conducted encircling the “Everrest” in which the pregnant woman will directly be treated with a gene therapy to optimize a condition, otherwise known as fetal growth restriction. The first setback in this field was back in 1999 when a patient died upon the administration of the gene therapy. This is the primary reason why the growth in this particular field is still calculated and measure rather than rushed and vigorous.


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