HealthSpectra Magazine January 2019

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Live Longer



HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.



Editor Note Your health is your biggest asset. This goes without saying that there is nothing more important than your health. The Health Spectra magazine is attuned to providing you with every last detail you need to be familiar with to lead a healthy life ahead. For the first issue of the magazine, we have focused around on the topic that is going to be needed the most by you – Healthy Weight Loss ideas following the holiday season, as our cover story. We are also going to touch bases with some important topics concerning women and men health and also give you a peek into why sunshine is actually more than just a source of Vitamin D. Get to know about the ample reasons why Ayurveda is gaining a boost in every household as well. We are kickstarting our monthly issues with our first edition and we hope you enrich your knowledge with important information. If you have any suggestions, do get back to us. Happy Reading!


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.

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he lthspectra

06 HEALTH 9 Habits That Make You Live Longer


10 COVER STORY 16 DISEASES Are You OBESE? It May Be A Good Time To Check The Thyroid Levels


18 HEALTHY LIVING Did you know about benefits of Sunlight?


Experiencing Cramps But No Period? Here’s Why.

28 DIABETES Prevent Signs Of Diabetes With These Science Backed Tips




Keep Your Relationshi pThriving With These Advices


Hickey Alert? Use These Hacks To Get Rid Of The Hickeys


Blowing a Balloon can improve your health. Here’s why.








Avoid these 10 Foods on an Empty Stomach


8Easy Natural Hacks for Wispier Eyelashes



Basa Cooked With Lemon Butter Sauce


Eating These Fruits Can Make You Lose Weight


Tired Of Hair Loss and Balding? Ayurvedic Treatment Can Help



Need To Forget Bad Memories? Detox Your Mind


8 Superfoods To Boost Virility In Men


The Act of Giving Can Make You Happy Longer

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Habits That Make You Live Longer

So, you often see a number of people living till the age of 100. As troublesome as the thought of staying alive for so long might be, do you ever wonder what could be the reason behind such a long lifespan? Life expectancy is not just influenced by the genetics, our choices, diet and overall lifestyle does play a very crucial role in this as well.

off 1 Cut the excess eating

Often times, overeating is one of the primary reasons behind our reduced life expectancy. The calorie intake and the persistent sedentary lifestyle often


affect our major organs; induce extensive ailments and the associated which is what ends up causing issues with our mortality. Studies have even encountered heightened life expectancy with 10-50% reduction in daily calories intake.

on 2 Depend phytonutrients Plant based proteins can actually be quite beneficial in boosting your life expectancy. Not only are these loaded with proteins but essential phytonutrients too which are quite


beneficial for the overall health. Apart from this, the plant based proteins are a lot lighter on the stomach which makes it quite easier to digest as well. People who consumed plant proteins have been found to live longer.


faith 3 Have on turmeric Turmeric is one of the most popular spices correlated to not just aging but also for the overall life expectancy and lifestyle that we lead. The bioactive compound, Curcumin, found in Turmeric is quite

essential in tending to a number of our health ailments. The combination of antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties play a crucial role in improving our overall body function for improved life span.





Having a sedentary lifestyle is one of the most important factors that decrease our overall life expectancy. Ideal time spent for exercise is believed to be something around 150 minutes in a week which can be lesser too. Increasing the physical activities on a gradual basis is the best way to go along with it, mainly because doing it all of a sudden has the capability of inflicting negative impacts on the body.

Limit the meat intake

Meats do contain a higher level of unwanted fats and calories that could impact your overall heart health aside from making you obese. As healthier options, it is best suggested to stick to consuming not more than 2 ounces of meat and that too not more than twice a week. Switch up the meat consumption with healthier animal proteins like chicken and turkey.


Quit the lazy lifestyle


Eggs thrice a week

Eggs are an amazing source for not just the proteins but the essential fats too. The combination of these two essential nutrients is what makes eggs one of the best options to look into. Owing to the fact that it is a lot easier to digest eggs in comparison to other animal proteins, it is often best advised to stick to including eggs in your diet three days in a week if you haven’t already.


7 Quit Smoking It doesn’t require much explanation as to why and how quitting smoking fits into the realms of better life expectancy. Studies have shown that men and women who smoke tend to have risks of dying prematurely. People who can actively quit smoking by the age of 35 years can effectively add around 8-9 years in their life.

down 8 Cut on the sugar

The extra spoon of sugar you added to your tea might be responsible for cutting your years down by a few years. Wondering why? Consumption of refined sugar has been reported to have quite an impact on the overall well being, induction of chronic diseases being one of the most important downsides of it. Even the skewing alternatives for sugar are nothing but a waste of time, so ensure that you withholding its consumption.

9Look after your happiness


Prioritise your happiness. Life expectancy is not just dependant on your physical but mental health too. If you are not happy and not enjoying your life, chances are that you won’t necessarily be able to lead a healthy life even if you have everything in order. Improper stress levels can actually and quite badly impact your quality of life, in turn, impacting your life span too. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019




With the lingering excitement of the holiday season we left behind, we also carry forth some of the extra pounds we gain during the entire season. But, let’s be real, no one is going to skip out on the roast and the stuffing, right? So, how can you manage to prevent taking those extra pounds forward to the New Year?

We got your back! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


Let go of that sedentary lifestyle One of the primary reasons why people tend to struggle with post holiday weight gain is because they might have been a lazy couch all throughout the holidays. If you want to keep everything balanced, make sure that you are including physical activities too during the holidays. Play some games with your kids or even just go for a morning jog. Anything works!




Seven-a-day Seven-a-day is a way in which one can include more fruits and vegetables in their diet. If you wish to maintain a healthy weight even with you gorging down all the turkey and stuffing and pies, ensure that you balance out the heavy calories with healthy fibres from the fruits and vegetables. Ensure to eat seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

Say no to booze Wine, sodas or even any form of beer can contribute to the overall weight gain after the holidays are done with. If you want to cut down on some of the possible weight gain, turn your head sideways when someone offers you alcohol or even soda. Do this till you return to the normal food habits.

Practice Mindful Eating The most common reason why we overeat is because we are distracted with something. If you wish to avert gaining those extra pounds at all costs, it is best suggested to practice mindful eating. While having your meals, keep the electronics aside and even if you are conversing, make sure to not let that overwhelm your eating and distract you from it.






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| JANUARY 2019

Stick to what you love Snack smart “It’s just the holidays. We’ll start watching what we eat after it’s over.” How many times have you said that to yourself? Quite often, right? Instead of depending on the heavy fat food from the night before, rely on the healthier snack options. Nuts and even a bowl of fruit make up for a good snack option to kill those hunger pangs.

Let’s be real here. If you are going to end up eating a lot, might as well stick to something you love. Our desires often end up coinciding with our hunger, making it harder to reach our level of satiety. Instead of picking up every food on display, stick to eating just one type of the food and serve yourself only what you love.

Get proper sleep We might not realize this but sleep deprivation is often a crucial contributor to weight gain, especially when you pair it with high fat and high calorie food like that of meats, fries and pies. If you want a steady flow of the hormones, ensure that you don’t deprive yourself of the sleep that your body demands.

Watch out the portion sizes Portion sizes matter a lot when it comes down to managing your weight. If your portion sizes for every meal are a lot, chances are that you are consuming more calories that you need. Pair that with being a couch potato during the holidays and you have the worst potion recipe for weight gain at the end of the holidays.


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Are You OBESE? It May Be A Good Time To Check The Thyroid Levels Owing to the fact that the thyroid gland is the primary metabolism regulator in our body, any kind of dysfunctionality of it often ends up causing havoc in our body. One of the main reasons why you might not be losing weight could very well be because of the fact that your thyroid gland is not working to its optimal level.


How often has it happened that you have indulged in every way of losing weight and none of it has worked? Happens to quite a few of us, doesn’t it? Ever wondered why the same happens? Often times we do restrict ourselves to a healthy diet and even commit to regular exercises to get rid of the unwanted fats from our body. So, what is it that is going wrong in our body that’s preventing us from losing weight? Have you heard of the Thyroid Gland? Do you know about its functions? 16

and the lack of weight loss even with measured means.

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common reasons behind the obesity and consistent weight gain. The primary hormones secreted by the thyroid gland, T3, T4 and Calcitonin are responsible for a plethora of the body functions, especially associated with that of one’s metabolism. When the level of thyroid activity is lower than optimal, chances are that it ends up affecting the way your body reacts to weight loss, thus making it hard to lose the extra pounds effectively. The T3 and T4 hormones in our body are primarily responsible for the majority of the cellular 17

mechanisms in our body.

In a conducted study on a group of 72 patients who were about to undergo a gastric bypass surgery, it was found that 25% amidst them had undetected traces of hypothyroidism. The researchers even concluded with the fact that the heightened levels of obesity is mainly because of the elevated levels of TSH in the body which later reflected to come down to normal levels post surgery.

Even though the researchers have more or less pointed out the hormones primarily responsible for obstructing your weight loss, there are still no conclusive answers as to how the prospect of hypothyroidism is related with obesity and the lack of successful weight loss.

A recent popular theory stated by a number of researchers is indicating that insulin resistance in the body could very well be a contributing factor to the changes in the thyroid functioning. Some other possible connections are believed to be that with leptin and adiponectin and their levels in the body.

Several studies conducted over the course of years have found the impacts of heightened levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in patients who have complained about higher BMI levels and even with the reports concerning the obesity

All in all, if you have been persistently trying to lose weight only for your pounds to not even waver by the slightest margin, it is best to consult a doctor and get your levels of TSH, T3 and T4 checked before the problem gets worse. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


Did you know about benefits of Sunlight? Sunshine – just the mere mention of it has a happy and positive connotation to it, doesn’t it? But could you have ever thought that these rays of bright light from the sun could actually be very beneficial for your overall health? Probably not, right? Well, let us break it for you that, for the most part, the benefits of sunlight tend to overshadow the common cons that we know about. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019



PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH If you are here wondering how the bright sunlight would even promote anything good for the hair, it is time to change your thought process. The exposure to sunlight helps in the production of Vitamin D (R) in the body which is what boosts the hair growth. Avoid prolonged exposure to the UV rays because it can damage the hair.


PREVENTS DIABETES As astonishing as it sounds, regular exposure to sunlight benefits in the prevention of the risks of diabetes, especially the Type-1 Diabetes. It is essential to understand for a fact that the more the sunlight, the more the levels of Vitamin D production in the body which has positive impacts in the prevention of Diabetes.






While there are still very nonconclusive studies regarding this, it is an actual fact that sunbathing can actually make you lose those extra pounds from your body. It is believed that sweating induced by the extended exposure to the sun contributes to the process.

Owing to the presence of the UV radiations in the sunlight, it possesses amazing qualities in healing skin diseases, especially the ones associated with acne, scarring, psoriasis etc. A recent study also found that the prolonged exposure to sunlight helped in relieving the signs and symptoms associated with healing the problems associated with psoriasis.



BENEFICIAL FOR EYE HEALTH Our eyes are made of photosensitive cells which have direct association and connection with the pituitary system of our body. The sunlight is the major source which helps activate these photosensitive cells in the eyes which then helps trigger the functions of the pituitary. This, as a whole, also impacts our eye health as well.




BOOSTS BONE HEALTH Sunlight exceeds and influences the production of Vitamin D in the body which is one of the primary factors that influences the absorption of calcium from the food that we consume. The more the calcium in the body, the healthier the bones are going to be.



RELIEVES HYPERTENSION A study conducted by the Harvard Medical School found that the lack of sun exposure was one of the primary reasons behind the heightened blood pressure in the body. While the exact reasons behind the same are not that conclusive, it is believed that the Vitamin D from the sunlight plays a very crucial role in regulating the blood pressure levels.




The heightened levels of basking in the sunshine are what acts as a protective shield from the risks of cancer. But, excess exposure to UV radiations also have the risks of developing cancer, so be very wise whilst soaking in those Vitamin D particles into your body. Studies have even shown that sunlight has the capacity to reduce risks associated with prostate cancer. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


Experiencing Cramps But No Period? Here’s Why.

Cramps or signified abdominal pain is a common phenomenon in every girl, lady or woman. This is a significant trigger or alarm about the upcoming days of menstruation. In an overview, cramps and the pain associated with it are never nice, now are they? This pain or abdominal discomfort is primarily caused by the actions of the prostaglandins which contract the muscles of the uterus to get rid of the unfertilized egg from the body along with the lining of the uterus.

All of this is a normal happenstance but what if there are cramps but no period to back up the reason behind it? Does it sound like something you might have encountered a few times in your life already?

1 Stress Our body’s stress hormone, cortisol, which is released from the adrenal cortex plays a huge role in the regulation of the gonadotropin hormones in women. In simple words, WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


the higher the levels of cortisol in the blood, the higher is the levels of beta-endorphins too. This adversely affects by restricting the release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) which arrests the proper release of the hormones related to the smooth onset of the menstrual cycle in a woman. This is one of the main reasons why you are experiencing cramps but no period.

2 Early Signs of


Cramps as an early sign of pregnancy is a normal occurrence. If you are experiencing period symptoms but no period and you are 23

sexually active, there are possibilities that you might be pregnant. It is thus why it is important to be alert about the possibilities and seek a professional’s help as soon as possible to get everything confirmed.

3 Ovulation Have you experienced an unbearable amount of pain during the middle of your menstrual cycle, primarily, during the time of ovulation? This condition is known as mittelschmerz which, in German, translates to “middle pain”. This is one of the most common occurrences of cramps but no period particularly. Primarily, the sac ruptures and releases the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

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bowel or sometimes even the on the other internal parts of a woman’s body. The cramping elevates during the peak or onset of the menstrual cycle when the body hormones start changing. During this time, the common symptoms include persistent pain near the abdominal area or sometimes even the genitals.

6 Ovarian Cancer egg which is exactly what causes the spikes of pain in one of the abdomen.

4 Miscarriage While cramps and short lives pains near the abdomen without the blood is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy, the same changes scenarios completely if there are sightings of blood through the vagina. These kind of symptoms are primarily of miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. Miscarriages are a very common occurrence during the first trimester which is why it is best to stay wary of the symptoms and never neglect them.

5 Endometriosis Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissues that line the uterine lining grow in adjoining parts outside the uterus, primarily in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, 25

Most women are very well acquainted with cervical cancer but tend to not pay heed to yet another important form of cancer – ovarian cancer. The inception of ovarian cancer can be deadly if the same is left untreated even with the sightings of the above mentioned signs and symptoms. This form of cancer often times instigates hormonal imbalance in a person which is why there are often stomach cramps but no period.

7 Irritable Bowel


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is characterised by the abdominal cramping and constipation and irregular excretion of stool. One of the primary symptoms associated with IBS is cramping near the abdominal regions. Many often get afraid because of WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

the cramps but no period situation that it is necessary to understand that this situation is curable with the correct prescribed medicines or even home remedies. Watch out for the symptoms and consult a doctor for better assistance on this situation.



Menopause is the condition which marks the end of a woman’s reproductive cycle and fertility. This condition

is primarily sighted during the late 40s and 50s which can even prolong in other women depending on their physiology and hormonal balance. If you have reached the nearing age of menopause and have been experiencing period pain but having no period, it is most likely that you have attained menopause.

9 Ovarian Cyst Much like the formation of any other type of cyst in a human body, the ovarian cyst accounts for the fluid filled sacs that arise on or in the ovaries. These resemble a bump like structure on the site they affect. The ruptured ones tend to cause impending abdominal cramps but no period and tend to be persistent which is when you need to reach


out to a professional and get the issue checked before the situation becomes even worse.

10 Autoimmune Oophoritis Autoimmune oophoritis is a condition under the primary ovarian insufficiency in which the body’s immune system misidentifies the ovaries of the body as foreign and attacks them. This condition is characterized by inflammation and scarring in and around the ovaries. It often leads to lesions, fibrosis, and atrophy as well which not just results in restriction of the functions attached with the ovaries but also causes severe abdominal pain which many people confuse with menstrual cramps. ALL ABOUT PETS & PETCARE







Prevent Signs Of


With These Science Backed Tips

Medical experts confer as diabetes being the fastest growing disease around the world. Millions of people across the globe are suffering from this condition, be it the type 1 or even the type 2 diabetes. The main reason behind the same is either because of the lifestyle or sometimes even because people don’t realize they are diabetic. Lack of treatments makes the condition worse.

But, how can you prevent this condition in the first place? Science has answers for you. CUT DOWN THE REFINED SUGAR AND CARBS


The consistent consumption of high sugar foods and even carbs often end up with higher levels of glucose in the bloodstream which triggers the pancreas to produce more insulin. The unprecedented levels of the glucose and the hormone often impose negative impacts on the body and can induce type-2 diabetes if left untreated. Make healthier life choices and cut down sugar to a bare minimum.

Apart from the fact that obesity is considered one of the primary antagonist for diabetes, working out and regular exercise also helps in increasing the insulin sensitivity of the cells. Even a study has shown that regular working out increased the insulin sensitivity in prediabetics by 51%. Proper maintenance of the insulin levels is key to diabetes prevention.






STICK TO WATER If you are someone who is fond of the sugary and carbonated beverages, it is time to put a halt to the same. Not only is it bad for your overall body functions, it is also believed to have negative impacts on the insulin levels in body. Drinking these often increase the risks of developing not just Diabetes but also latent autoimmune diabetes of adults. Stick to drinking water for a healthier life. START WITH YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY One of the most potent causes of diabetes is obesity.


The excess visceral fat in the body, the one around the abdominal region and the main organs of the body is what ends up being a threat for the induction of the diabetes. Losing weight is often associated with not just maintenance of the proper body metabolism but also does keep the risks of diabetes at bay. QUIT SMOKING Studies have often found links between type-2 diabetes and second hand smoke exposure. If you smoke on a daily basis, chances are that you are increasing the risks of diabetes by 44% in your body. The higher risks are

imposed on the ones who smoke not just one a regular basis but smoke more than 20 cigarettes every single day. Cut down this habit and you would be able to keep diabetes at bay. STICK TO A LOW-CARB DIET Carbohydrates are necessary for your daily energy requirements of the body but the same is also a potent reason behind the induction of diabetes. The best way to prevent such threats is by sticking to low carb diets like Ketogenic diet. Consume more proteins and healthy fats to compensate for the lack of carbs in the body.


LOOK OUT FOR PORTION SIZES Even if you just can’t cut down the carbs completely from the diet, the next best thing to do is to stick to a portion size that will help you prevent overeating. Study has shown that consumption of large portions of food at one go is often associated with spiked levels of insulin which imposes the risks of diabetes. Eat healthy but eat in required portion sizes. AVOID A SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE Being a couch potato isn’t helping your case if you wish to lose weight and


prevent the risks of diabetes altogether. Study has often shown links between the sedentary lifestyle with that of the higher potency of induction of diabetes. Avoid sitting excessively and walk around if required because that is what often contributes to visceral fat accumulation in the body. CONSUME HIGH FIBER FOODS Fibers are key to your diabetes prevention list. Not only are they beneficial for your regulated gut health, fibers are also quite important to keep your metabolism in check. Most importantly, it is a

key contributor to weight loss but keeping you full for longer periods of time and preventing frequent snacking. AVOID PROCESSED FOODS As much as we might fail to be unaware of, processed foods are actually quite a potent reason behind the causes of diabetes in an individual. Over consumption of processed food are often associated with the unhealthy traits in the body which overall contribute to the enhanced risks of diabetes in the body.



Keep Your Relationship Thriving With These Advices


Relationships are not a cakewalk. There could be an outpouring love but sometimes, even that is not enough to make you stay together. Ups and downs, highs and lows are part of a healthy relationship; it can’t be rainbows and butterflies all throughout.


Not only is it unrealistic but contrary to popular belief, not stable too. Much like every other part in your life, even relationships do take a bit of work and we are here to share a few tips you can implement for a healthier and stable relationship.

1 Don’t let the love fade

This goes without saying that keeping the love thriving between the two of you is the key to your happy relationship and everything in between. If the love between the two of you is not even that passionate all throughout, work out ways to spend more time with each other to keep the fire burning.

2 Be honest with each other

Honesty is something that is key to any and every kind of relationship. If you are not being honest with your partner, chances are that they will find out the truth at some point. The repercussions of not being honest in a relationship do take a toll on the relationship itself creating distance between the two.

3 Communicate better

One of the most common reasons behind the persistent strains on the relationship is because of the lack of communication between the partners. Communication is the primary way in which you can get your thoughts out to the partner and make them understand the problems you are facing in the relationship. Instead of bottling everything up, talk to your partner and clarify the issues before it gets worse.

4 Forgive and Forget

Relationships are not about holding grudges. As clichĂŠ as it sounds, if you want your relationship to work and thrive in the future, you need to live in the present and not carry along the burden or hurt of something that possibly happened a year back. Forgive and forget what was said and done. If your partner is



making amends, it is time you move on from the same and give back as much to your beloved.

5 Accept when it’s not OKAY

As mentioned before, no relationship is going to be perfect. Every single one has its ups and downs, good and bads. If there is something not okay and the same is bothering you, confess the same to your partner and get the problem solved rather than suppressing it. Even if it’s something trivial as “keeping the toilet seat up”, talk it out with your partner.

6 Apologise when you mean it

What many people in relationship tend to do is apologise for the sake of it and that’s where they go wrong. Apologising without actually meaning it will reflect in your body language, creating more rifts between the two of you. Assess what you did wrong and whether it is your place to apologise. If it is, mean the apology and ensure that the same won’t be repeated again. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

7 Stop bringing up exes

“My ex was so much better than you.” NEVER UTTER THIS PHRASE when you are fighting with your partner. Your ex is your ex because of a reason and you need to understand that. Comparing your partner with your ex will not just make the stability of the relationship worse but also end up instilling second thoughts in your partner’s mind. Don’t do that.

8 Don’t go to sleep fighting

If you had a bad fight and it’s hard to look at each 34

other without screaming profanities, take some time away from each other to calm yourself down. This will help you think rationally and understand what caused the fight in the first place. Never go to sleep without resolving a fight even if you are fighting more while resolving it. Talking things out is better than “sleeping it off”.

9 Make your

partner feel special


Every single person loves to feel pampered and special and if you have been in a relationship for a long period of time, it is possible for you to forget doing something special for your partner. Stop that and make sure to indulge your partner is something nice and special every once in a while. It could be something as small as a spa day to something as big as a planned vacation.

10 It’s about being the right one

Contrary to popular beliefs, no relationship is “perfect”. Every relationship comes with its fair share of flaws and imperfections and that is what makes it perfect. You don’t need to be the perfect one but the right one. This is the key to ensuring better compatibility and understanding between you and your partner.



Hickey Alert? Use These Hacks To Get Rid Of The Hickeys



Hickeys can be exciting to get but the aftermath is not just painful sometimes but very embarrassing as well. After all, who likes to walk around with a stamp of love proclamation made by their supposed partner in the heat of the moment? If you are embarrassed of getting caught in the public flashing the bright redpurple mark on your neck, it is time to opt for some easy methods to get rid of hickeys fast.

We have brought you some amazing and effective ways in which you can get rid of the hickeys fast and effectively.

1 Banana Peel Banana peels have a soothing and cooling property which helps relieve the sting and pain that comes along with a hickey. Not just that, it is also believed that the banana peels have beneficial enzymes which also help in lightening the appearance of the hickeys. Best way to use is to place a banana WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


peel on the hickey inside part facing down and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

2 Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is loaded with moisturizing as well as anti-inflammatory properties which together help tone down the appearance of the hickeys. The application of the aloe vera over the hickey helps in healing the broken capillaries which is what causes the red and purplish appearance in the first place.



HOME & FAMILY the toothpaste speeds up the healing process and helps in relieving the pain and irritation that often comes along with it. Best way to use it is to apply a thick layer of the peppermint toothpaste and leave it on the hickey for 10 minutes. Wipe it off with a damp towel after that.

5 Cold Compress A cold compress not just provides with a soothing and cooling feeling over the burning and painful hickey, it also helps boost the circulation around the hickey which is what helps in reducing the appearance of the hickey. Best way to use is to cut open an aloe vera leaf and apply the pulp of the leaf on the hickeys and leave it on and let it seep into the skin.

3 Cold Spoon Sudden skin shock with the cold spoon helps stone the blood flow and restricts the same to help fade the appearance of the redness that is caused because of the bleeding around the hickey. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

Best way to use is to refrigerate the spoon in the freezer and then apply the cold spoon on the site of the hickey for effective results.

4 Toothpaste It is necessary that you use peppermint based toothpaste which will help boost the blood circulation that’s obstructed because of the broken capillaries under the skin. The application of

Best way to use it is to fill a compress with ice cubes and apply the same on the site of the hickey with gentle pressure.

6 Rubbing Alcohol The cooling, antiseptic and soothing properties help disinfect the area and even heal the appearance of the hickeys by promoting improved blood circulation underneath the skin. 38

Best way to use it is to soak cotton with some rubbing alcohol and applying it on the site of the hickey with mild and gentle pressure.

7 Vicks Vaporub Vicks Vapor Rub is loaded with amazing and beneficial menthol properties which have positive benefits in treating hickeys. The menthol showcases


properties like that of peppermint which has a cooling and soothing effect on the darkened hickeys. The application of the rub also promotes the blood circulation underneath because of the instigating properties that it has. Best way to use it is by applying a smooth layer of the Vicks vaporub on the site of the hickey and gently rubbing it into the skin. Do it multiple times throughout the day.

Best way to use it is by applying the peppermint oil on the site of the hickey directly. You can even mix it with carrier oil and then apply it in the site of the hickey.

8 Peppermint Oil Peppermint oil is possibly one of the most common hacks to remove hickeys fast. The peppermint has beneficial properties which not just heals and soothes the broken skin and the pain that accompanies it but also helps in healing it gradually.



Blowing a Balloon can improve your health. Here’s why.



Balloons, which play a quintessential part in every party, have amazing impacts on your health and fitness as well. Experts suggest that regular practice of blowing balloons helps you in keeping yourself healthy and fit. To explain more on the balloon exercise benefits, we have made a list of important benefits of balloon exercises, which you can consider performing to keep yourself away from diseases.




Breathing Gets Better Experts says that regular practice of balloon exercises helps in continuously activating your diaphragm as well as transversus abdominus or more commonly known as TVA. It is a deepest layer of your abs. Balloon exercise also helps in increasing the strength of your TVA and allows them to work at their maximum efficiency. This practice helps in providing healthy respiratory system.

Improves Lung Capacity

balloon exercises is that it induces a healthy diaphragm. An increased strength of your diaphragm also leads to the increased abilities of your lungs, according to the experts. Due to balloon exercises diaphragm gets contracts to its highest limit and hence it helps in pulling more air into your lungs.

Improves Posture Experts say that many people are not aware with the fact that many breathing muscles are also involved with your body posture. TVA, diaphragm as well as pelvic muscles

One of the important benefits of WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


are few examples of it. These muscles play an important role in providing stability to the spine along the lumbar region. While performing balloon exercises, your diaphragm as well as TVA gets strong as you need to exhale and inhale continuously for doing the exercise. It also offers a great stability to your pelvic floor along with spine.

Pain Relief One of the major benefits of balloon exercises includes relieving pain in the muscles. As it helps in making the muscles active, it releases the tension in the muscles, according to the experts. Sometimes, it has also been found, that lower back pain is linked to poor breathing as well as posture. This problem can be solved by doing balloon exercises regularly.

Improves quality of Life Apart from providing important health benefits, balloon exercise also helps in providing you a mental stability and reduces stress. As the lung capacity gets increased by performing balloon exercises, it also increases your overall body benefits and enhances your confidence. This will help in removing pain as well as fatigue in respiratory system.




Avoid these

10 Foods on an

Empty Stomach literally do break our fast after a long night in the morning which is exactly why the name. But, have you ever wondered what kind of diet you need to adhere to in order to achieve a healthy well being? Probably not, right? It is important you to know the foods to avoid on empty stomach to not worsen the condition even further. It is most likely that you are already consuming a lot of foods that you shouldn’t be on an empty stomach. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


Let’s take a look at some, shall we? Puff Pastry The puff pastry is made of yeast, which when consumed when you stomach is empty can actually impact the inner lining of the stomach and irritate that. Not just that, because of the fact that yeast proliferates the process of fermentation, the same when consumed while you are starving can end up causing indigestion and flatulence.

Sweets We often times tend to reach for sweets and chocolates when we are hungry or starving. The sudden spike of insulin after starvation negatively impacts the body, inducing a pressure on the pancreas which has just been triggered. This sudden trigger and load can often end up being the reason behind the cause of diabetes




disrupting the inner lining as well as the mucous membrane in the stomach, thus impacting the digestion process in the end. It is always suggested to consume pears when you are done eating or have some form of nutrients in the body.

Tomato Fermented Milk Products Yogurt or any other form of fermented milk products are one of those food that you should avoid eating on an empty stomach, primarily because the hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach often overpowers the lactic acid from these milk products. This is one of those primary reasons why it is futile to eat yoghurt on an empty stomach.

Pear It is believed that pears contain certain kinds of crude fibers which when consumed in an empty stomach can end up


It shouldn’t be a surprise when one mentions that tomatoes are loaded with tannic acid, which when consumed in higher quantities actually does end up inducing acidity which is the last thing you want to experience after have not been eating for quite some time. Avoid eating it on an empty stomach, instead either include it in a salad or eat it when you have had something to eat.

Cucumber Cucumber is yet another one of those foods to avoid on empty stomach because of the kind of implications they have on the overall functioning of the GI tract and the digestion process too. It is believed that the raw fruits and vegetables are often a rich source of amino acids which is beneficial for the overall development of the body but is not quite a good option when you haven’t eaten in a long stretch of time.



Spicy food

Bananas are loaded with potassium and magnesium and when the same is consumed in an empty stomach, there are chances that the same will end up spiking the levels of magnesium in the blood stream which is related to the causes behind heart diseases.

The spice and the chilli in the food have the capability of actually causing damage as well as irritation to the gastric mucosa lining in the stomach. This, in turn, ends up contributing to the excess secretion of stomach acids which has the capability of inflicting a number of negative impacts on the stomach – especially inducing ulcers.

Carbonated Drinks Carbonated drinks have their own list of bad reputation because of the kind of implications that they have on the stomach. But it is listed under the foods to avoid on empty stomach mainly because of the kind of negative implications that it has on the stomach the functions of the overall GI tract (R) when it comes to proper digestion of the food.


Citrus Fruits Because of the fact that the acids in the fruits like ascorbic and other mild organic acids have the capability of eroding the stomach inner lining when consumed in an empty stomach, it is always best to constrict the consumption of the citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, tangerine, grapefruit etc when you are on an empty stomach. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


Easy Natural Hacks for Wispier Eyelashes


Whatever the reasons are, we all want to have wispy and naturally longer eyelashes, don’t we? But, have you ever wondered how to promote your eyelashes growth with easy, effective and natural hacks that won’t leave behind any kind of side effects? If not, you are in the correct place.


Much like any other kind of hair, even eyelashes need nurturing and care to grow faster and grow in volume. In order to guide you, we are going to be discussing some of the amazing home remedies you can use for longer and healthier eyelashes.


Castor Oil

Although there are no specific scientific experiments conducted to back up the claims of castor oil for eyelashes growth, there are specific studies conducted on ricinoleic acid which is the major constituent of the castor oil. Studies claim that

this acid helps reverse hair loss and promotes hair growth which is why the use of castor oil to grow thicker eyelashes actually provides with fruitful results.


Coconut Oil

It is believed that the coconut oil, when applied on the eyelashes, penetrate into the eyelash follicles and helps stimulate hair growth there. Not just that, even the moisturizing and healing properties of the coconut oil helps curb any kind of dryness or presence of dandruff in the eyelashes. The application of coconut oil also helps make them smoother, softer and shinier which is yet another bonus.


Olive Oil

Olive Oil is considered as one of the best natural ways for eyelashes to grow because of its pronounced effects in the process of normal WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


hair growth. It stimulates the healthy growth of hair and makes them smoother and shinier. Much like normal hair, it also affects the growth of eyelashes and in a positive way. With the amazing reserve of vitamins and minerals, the olive oil is considered as one of the best remedies for naturally longer lashes because it provides them with the nutrition that they require.


Almond Oil

Almond Oil is loaded with Vitamin E and that too in a concentration that is 200% more than the normal recommended amount – 100 gms of Almond Oil consists WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

of 60 units of Vitamin E (international units). Vitamin E is one of the primary contributors to healthier hair growth and thus the application of Vitamin E rich almond oil is an amazing treatment for eyelashes to grow and that too at an alarmingly faster rate.


Argan Oil

Argan oil is loaded with Vitamin A along with essential fatty acids which are very beneficial to grow eyelashes longer. It helps moisturize the eyelashes and strengthens them to avoid them from being brittle because of lack of hydration.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is loaded with amazing nutrients and vitamins which come a lot in handy for eyelashes growth. This natural ingredient is not just a soother but promotes the growth of hair as well, especially that of the eyelashes. The application of aloe vera on the eyelashes restores the moisture and helps grow eyelashes longer and faster too.



The consumption of biotin supplements helps in the healthy growth of eyelashes by increasing the blood flow 50

to the hair follicles of the eyelashes. This helps in not just thickening the eyelashes, but also prevents the eyelashes from becoming dehydrated. Apart from being such a positive influence for the growth of eyelashes, biotin also helps the body to nutrients like that of fats, carbs and amino acids.


Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is one of the most inexpensive and effective hacks for the eyelashes growth. The conditioning and moisturizing property of the petroleum jelly helps curb the dryness of the eyelashes which is what is restricting their easy and healthy growth. The application of petroleum jelly can treat the weakened and brittle eyelashes by making them stronger and healthier because of the conditioning property.




Basa Cooked With Lemon Butter Sauce

Ketogenic Diet is on the rise and if you wish to make healthier choices this new year, the best way to go about with the same is to start eating healthy. This recipe of Basa cooked with lemon butter sauce is not just delectable but is an amazingly healthy recipe that keeps your weight loss journey in check too. And the best part, you can reach out for more without being ashamed of overeating. That’s how healthy this is. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019




Basa fillets – 2 (cleaned and skinless)

In a pan, add 4 tablespoons of

Lemon – 1 whole

unsalted butter and heat till it

Unsalted butter – 4-5 tablespoon

forms a brown colour. This is the

Parsley – for garnishing Lemon wedges – for garnishing Salt and pepper – according to taste Oil – 2 tablespoon

Preparation FOR THE FISH: Clean the basa fillets and place them in a bowl Sprinkle some salt and water to season the fillets

hazelnut stage. Don’t burn the butter and keep a close eye on

it and keep stirring the butter till you get a nutty smell. Once you reach that stage, add the juice of one lemon and keep stirring on Add some salt and pepper to taste Mix everything and keep stirring over medium heat


Heat up a pan over medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of oil

On a plate, place the cooked fil

Let the oil heat up

lets of Basa.

Add the fish fillets in the oil and let it sizzle for 2-3 minutes till one side is complete ly cooked Once that is done, using a spatula, flip the fish and cook the other side too


On top of that, spoon down the lemon butter sauce. Sprinkle some chopped parsley

on top for some colour and freshness

Leave it for another 2-3 minutes on the pan

If required, serve this dish with a

Following that, remove the fish fillet and let it res

the side with some lemon wedges

garnish of roasted vegetables on



Eating These F ruits Can Make You

Lose Weight




Many often think that eating fruits and its correlation with weight loss is a complete myth. That is not necessarily the case. There are a number of fruits which are actually quite beneficial in boosting your overall weight loss journey. Not only are fruits loaded around with important nutrients and vitamins and minerals, they are also quite beneficial for the overall body metabolism which is how they aid in promoting weight loss.





Let’s see which fruits can make you fit back into your jeans, shall we? Apples Apples are a storehouse of beneficial phytonutrients as well as beneficial dietary fiber which have proven benefits in promoting feasible weight loss over time. In a conducted study with 411 participants, it was found that the group fed with apples experienced the maximum weight loss, losing around 1.22 kg in a matter of 12 weeks.

Bananas Bananas are not just loaded with necessary nutrients and minerals but are quite beneficial for the prospect of weight loss as well. In a study conducted with 30 patients with similar criteria of obesity and type-2 diabetes, the banana supplementation for a stretch of 4 weeks was found to be fruitful in reducing weight and also impacting the insulin sensitivity in the body.

Blueberries Blueberries are loaded with essential antioxidants which come in handy in terms of weight loss. In a pre-clinical study conducted by the researchers from the University of Michigan, it was found that the supplementation of blueberries helped in cutting down excess abdominal fat in the rats following 90 days of the diet with blueberries. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


Goji berries Goji berries do play a crucial role in lowering one’s glucose levels along with their appetite as well. Goji berries have been found to lower the levels of Glutathione in the body which helps cut down the excess abdominal fats. In a conducted study on patients suffering from metabolic syndrome, it was found that Goji berries.

Grapefruit Grapefruit is not just beneficial for inducing the body with better antioxidants; beneficial for weight loss owing to the kind of fibers that are present in it. Even a conducted study abides by the potency of the consumption of grapefruit for successful weight loss in individuals. The supplementation for 12 weeks with grapefruit helped in losing 1.6 kg in the subjects.

Pears Pears are very effective in combating those unnecessary and untimely hunger pangs owing to the presence of amazing amount of fibers in them. Every average sized pear is loaded with 5.5 gms of fiber which is almost 1/5th of the daily fiber requirement of the body. Even studies abide by the same stating how effective pears are.




Tired Of Hair Loss and Balding?

Treatment Can Help

Balding and the subsequent hair loss can stem from a number of reasons, the impending stress of life being one of the major ones. Lack of care or even an underlying health issue can end up contributing to the overall aspect of bald patches in your head.




Ayurveda treatment for baldness are considered as one of the best health remedy to counter hair fall issues as it deals with the natural substances and hardly shows any side effects. Many women use various Ayurveda treatments to counter hair fall problem to save them from baldness. We have shared the top 8 Ayurveda treatments that can help put a halt to your baldness.

Bhringaraj Leaves Bhringaraj leaves are quite beneficial in not just boosting your hair health but also for boosting the overall strength of the hair. Bhringaraj literally means king of herbs in English. As its name suggest, it has definitely got the powers to counter hair fall problem and also helps in reversing the balding condition. The herb, which can be available in powder as well as oil form, produces a calming effect after applying on the scalp, according to the experts. For best results, make a paste of the leaves and then apply the same on the scalp and the hair follicles as well. Leave it on and wash it off with a mild shampoo for amazing results. 59

Amla Apart from considering it as a great solution for blood purification, experts also say that amla equally is considered as a highly effective hair loss solution. Amla has been proven effective as it counters dandruff as well as scalp aggravation, according to the experts. It also works as a natural dye for your hair if combined with shikakai and provides natural brown color to your hair.

For best results, make a paste of the amla with some water and apply the same on the scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Neem leaves According to the experts, Neem has been considered as one of best solutions for improving skin health and hair loss. Neem, if applied on the scalp, helps in strengthening roots which helps in improving hair WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019


growth. Neem also helps in countering various scalp disorders caused due to eczema, psoriasis, dryness, scaliness etc., and thus help in solving the state of baldness. For best results, boil a bunch of Neem leaves in a pot of water and strain the liquid. Store this in a spray bottle and use it to apply on the scalp.

Ritha Rithaor, also known as soap nuts, is very helpful in promoting hair growth as well as improving volume and texture of the hair. Ritha has been used as a great remedy for hair growth since a long time due to its various natural properties. It can also be used to cleanse your scalp as it also helps in retaining natural oils releases from your scalp in the process. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

For best results, boil 4-5 soap nuts in a pot of water and let it boil for 30 minutes. Leave the solution to rest overnight and then strain the liquid into a spray bottle. Apply on the scalp and gently massage into the scalp and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Shikakai Shikakai is considered as high in antioxidants which helps in strengthening scalp health as well as triggering hair growth. It is also considered as one of the best ingredient for to treat hair loss solution as it also retains the natural oil from your hair. It also helps in countering dandruff and makes your hair more attractive and manageable. For best results, make the paste of Shikakai with some 60

water and apply it on the scalp and leave it in. Wash it off with some mild shampoo following that.

Ashwagandha This ayurvedic herb, which is also known as Indian Winter

Cherry, is most famous for its ability to counter hair loss problems. Ashwagandha helps in controlling cortisol, which is a hormone triggers hair loss in the body, and helps in countering baldness. It also helps in increasing scalp circulation by boosting antioxidant activities. For the best results, make a paste with Ashwagandha, Amla and water to make a smooth paste. Apply this on the scalp and leave it on for 20-30 minutes and then wash it off with some mild shampoo.

Brahmi Brahmi is helpful in promoting hair growth and strengthening the hair follicles and hair roots. By providing nourishment to the roots, Brahmi also promotes new follicle growth. Apart from countering dandruff, it also helps in solving itchiness of the scalp. It gives an extra layer of protection to the hair and makes them shiny and strong. It also helps in


removing split ends. For the best results, mix dried Brahmi, ashwagandha as well as amla powder to make a smooth paste. Apply this on the scalp and length of the hair and leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

8-Aloe Vera Aloe Vera not just helps strengthen the hair roots and the follicles; it is also quite beneficial in removing any traces of dandruff that several people often tend to complain about. Not only is it effective in getting rid of the traces of dandruff, it is also quite effective in combating the condition of balding effectively. For the best results, apply a thick layer of the aloe vera pulp all over the scalp and the hair length and leave it on. Let it seep into the scalp and then wash it off with some mild shampoo.





Need To Forget Bad Memories?

Detox Your Mind

Memories – good or bad, tend to stick with us. We smile thinking or some and we grimace thinking of the others. Bad Memories often tend to leave behind an invisible scar that we carry forth throughout our life. Wondering how to forget bad memories? It is not always feasible enough to drive away the bad memories with a snap of the fingers. It does take more time and effort than that.




Here, we are going to be sharing some of the effective ways in which one can drive away the bad memories and effectively get over them.

Improving your thought pattern Your thought process plays a very crucial role in how you store and perceive your memories – good and bad. The things going around in your head and mind are completely up to your realm of experiences and imaginations. It is important to understand that you are in complete charge and control of them.

Know your triggers Identifying the triggers for the bad memories is the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

key. Once you are well versed with the kind of situations or people who are constantly triggering your thought process with the bad memories, it becomes easier for you to distance yourself from the situation and suppress and erase memories that bring you down.

Think-No Think Paradigm It has been for years that researchers have been consistently working to discover and develop ways to either forget bad memories or suppress and isolate them for good. The think/no-think paradigm is the outcome of the years of research. According to this process, it is believed that one can use the higher functions of

brain including reasoning and rationality to be able to consciously block away the bad memories that have been invading your mind.

Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is a state of mind that boosts your overall thought process to be engrossed in what are going around at the current time. It primarily does focus on making the person bring their focus back on the present and persuades them to focus on the sight and smell infiltrating the mind in current time. This is quite beneficial in blocking out the onslaught of bad memories that were close to imbibe into your thoughts.


Exposure Therapy As harsh and cruel it might sound, exposure therapy is actually an amazing way to get rid of the bad memories. Relieving those memories with a healthy outlet can actually help you overcome them and help recover from the trauma the memory inflicts in your mind. It is often an amazing mode of therapy for the patients dealing with PTSD.

your mind idle. That is where the problem stems off of. If you have nothing to engage yourself with, your mind will reel back to the events that you have been working hard to suppress.

Get Professional Help

thought process which in turn, helps you erase memories that have been affecting your overall mental health and quality of life. Therapists are trained to assess and advise you with methods that will beneficially bring you out of the dark hole that you are finding yourself stuck in.

Reaching out to a therapist can actually help you get a proper direction to your

Opt For Memory Alterations Our brain does this thing where every time you recall a memory, there is going to be some miniscule alterations to them. This can often be taken to advantage by our conscious state of mind. If you have been seeking active ways of how to forget bad memories, every time you are exposed to a bad memory, try and imbibe some altered version of the memory and try and consolidate that.

Make Yourself Busier You must have heard the term that an empty mind is a devil’s nest. If you successful want to forget bad memories, it is important not to leave 65





8 Superfoods

To Boost Virility In


While physical intimacy might not be the pivotal factor in a relationship, it does play an important role. Virility in men, or sex drive, as we often call it in common terms can actually be boosted with a number of factors.




1- Oysters Zinc has been cited to be a vital component when it comes to production of testosterone, which is a steroid hormone which is responsible for male sexual desires. It also catalyzes the production of semen, the male birth fluid. Oysters to most, are drippy bags of protein that are hard to stomach. Yet it is an aphrodisiac of the highest order, owing to its high zinc content.

2-Tomatoes Tomatoes are abundant in lycopene and vitamin C. While the latter is beneficial for your overall health, lycopene, on the other hand works directly on your sexual desires and is known to help prevent prostate cancer and promote prostate health. Tomato ketchup or even juice of it can help boost your overall sexual drive.



3- Almonds Arginine, as a compound is known to be, nature’s Viagra. It is an amino acid that infuses carnal desires and enables the erection process. Test of this compound on lab rats have shown a marked rise in the frequency of their erection. A regular supplement of almonds in your diet might just prove to be therapeutic in erectile dysfunction disorder.

4-Chillies Chilies contain the compound capsacin, that increases your heart rate, dilates blood vessels and releases endorphin. All these factors could only add up to an increased level of aroused desires. If you have been hearing complaints from your partner, amp up the spicy level in the food and that could help rectify the process.




5-Ginger Just like chilies, even ginger is said to have an invigorating effect on your libido. The phenolic compounds which add a pungent flavour to ginger are gingerols and shagaol. These are the very compounds that are also responsible for stimulating your blood flow and enhances the levels of testosterone that is been produced by your body. A knot of ginger every day, and you may bid those depressing, inactive nights goodbye.

7- Avocado Avocado has a healthy percentage of Vitamin B6 along with Folic Acid which has a very important benefit in boosting the virility in men. Folic acid is responsible for boosting the energy in the body while the presence of healthy levels of Vitamin B6 in the body has been associated with maintained balance of the hormones in the body.



6-Strawberries and Raspberries Much like oysters, even the seeds of the strawberries and raspberries are loaded with zinc which is quite beneficial for the over sexual health in men. It is quite often seen that the zinc in the berries help in boosting the secretion of testosterone in the body which helps in better production of sperm. It is also important to load up on zinc during the sexual intercourse because the levels of zinc drop during that time in men.

8-Chocolate It would be a complete waste if we are talking about virility and sexual health and don’t include chocolate in the list. Chocolate isn’t directly associated with affecting the libido in men but has a very important role in affecting the mood in male individuals. The consumption of chocolates is associated with secretion of dopamine, serotonin and other endorphins which boost your mood and impacts the overall situation. 71



The Act of Giving Can Make

You Happy Longer

NEW STUDY SUGGESTS We often hear that being kind to someone doesn’t cost you anything but can make you feel better about yourself. While the feeling of happiness from any event is temporary and tends to fizzle out over time, it is believed that the happiness from the act of giving is definitely something that lingers around for a longer period of time. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Association for Psychological Science have found a little difference to the hedonic adaptation when it comes to the act of giving to others. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

The study completely focused on the act of giving others something and assessing the reaction to the same over a period of time. The study is consecutive compilation of two studies which have been conducted by Ed O’Brien from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Samantha Kassirer from the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. In the consecutive studies, the researchers found a lack of decline or even a very slow decline in the feeling of

happiness in comparison to when they were the ones receiving the same gifts themselves. Owing to the conclusions they recorded, O’Brien clarified stating that while the previous studies might have stated that we need to take a break from what we are doing to be able to experience a new form of happiness; their new findings tend to explain something else. He believes that the act of giving even if it’s in identical ways to identical others may actually end up feeling rather fresh 72

In one subsequent experiment, several University students were given $5 consecutively for 5 days. The students were then asked to spend their money on the same thing every single day. They were also provided with the option to spend the money either on themselves or give it to someone else. Some options included either donating to a charity or giving to someone’s tip jar. The participants were then asked to reflect on their spending and on the overall happiness at the end

of each day. The cumulative data from 96 participants were then recorded and the results were exactly what the researchers thought it would be. The students who experienced self-reported happiness by spending them money on themselves experienced a steady decline in the level of happiness by the end of the fifth day. On the other hand, the participants who gave it away to someone else had a steady level of happiness right from the first till the last day. Both O’Brien and Kassirer then performed a second

Similarly, the self reported happiness for the people who gave their money away declined quite slowly in com

The study completely focused on the act of giving others something and assessing the reaction to the same over a period of time.

parison to the ones to kept the money for themselves.

they are on the lookout for the same.

On performing further analyses on the subject, the researchers found that one possible explanation for the sustenance of the happiness could be because of the fact that the people who give their money away need more time to decide what and where they are going to give the money away to. Even O’Brien stated that the reason behind the gradual decline of happiness was still unknown to them and that

One possible explanation that the researchers believe is that when the situation is about “get”, people tend to focus more on the possible outcomes and draw comparisons which tend to end up diminishing the sensitivity to that specific experience. On the other hand, when it is a situation of “give”, people tend to blur out the lines of comparison, which makes the happiness sustain longer.


experiment online to record a stable and steady result. In this experiment, 502 participants played 10 rounds of a puzzle game and were awarded with $0.05 for each win. The participants had the choice of either keeping the money or donating the same to a charity. Following the completion of each round, the participants disclosed the amount of happiness and joy they felt after each round.

and pleasurable irrespective of anything.

Yet another possible reason could be the fact that giving something to someone reinforces our prosocial reputation, making us feels like we belong and have a better social life which is what one needs to keep their heart content throughout. O’Brien further stated that they are currently working on testing out the repeated conversation and social experiences to find their impacts on happiness like the act of giving.



New Study claims that MATERNAL DEPRI can affect adult mental abi Even when we become an adult, not talking to one’s mom can make a day feel incomplete, right? Well, maternal deprivation during infancy can actually be a matter of grave concern because the same has been linked with higher risks of developing risks of mental illness later in the adulthood. Concerned? Intrigued? Surprised? A new study which was conducted in the laboratory of associate professor of psychology Christopher Lapish at the School of Science at IUPUI focuses on the connection between the maternal deprivation in the infant stages and its possible repercussions in the mental health when the baby grows into an adult. According to this animal model study, it is believed that even the slightest bit of separation of the baby from its mother is connected to significant alterations in the future, adult function of the brain. These changes and alterations with the brain are associated with WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2019

the disturbances in the brain structure and have been correlated with the higher risks of the neuropsychiatric disorders much like schizophrenia.

well in correlation to the brain development and subsequent abnormalities.

In order to establish the significant connection of this study with human and clinical In this conducted study, the 9 approaches, Prof Christopher day old rats were separated Lapish, in whose lab the study from their mothers for 24 was conducted, stated that hours to show the kind as the rat and the human of changes they could be brain have similar kind of projected to. The time that they connectivity and structure, it were separated is considered can be conveniently said that as one of the most crucial this kind of trauma could very time frame for the proper possibly be inflicted in the development of the brain and minds of an infant as well. the neural activity. In order to conduct a comparative study, Lapish further said that they had a group that was not knowing the kind of changes separated from their mother. and alteration in the rat’s brain would be a significant Following the separation, breakthrough in understanding the group of separated rats how any kind of similar trauma underwent a brain scan would affect the young human to note their activities and brain as well. This finding and alterations. The resulting understanding of the kind of scans significantly revealed response that the brain inflicts that in comparison to the rats against the separation would that were not separated from be helpful for the researchers their mothers, the ones that to understand the alterations were separated from their and come up with novel mother experienced not just strategies to make a switch to behavioural but biological and these neurological diseases. physiological alterations as 74

IVATION in infancy ilities Another corresponding author of the study, Sarine JanetsianFritz, a postdoctoral fellow in neuropsychology at the Indiana University School of Medicine, stated that apart from the possible risks of developing neurological disorders, the scan results also found a few problems associated with the memory impairment as well issues with the lack of proper communication between the brain regions who were removed from their mothers. While the researchers suspect the higher risks of neuropsychiatric disorders because of this separation, the cause as well as the course of action of how it actually occurs is still a mystery to this day. Further explaining the stance, the co-author of the study, Brian F. O’Donnell, professor of psychological and brain sciences at IU Bloomington stated that the children who have experienced maternal deprivation and have been exposed to higher levels of stress and depression in their early life are more likely to be at risks of mental illness in later stages in life. 75


DID YOU KNOW? Your ears never stop hearing, even when you sleep. Your brain just ignores incoming sounds.

A person can stay alive for days without eating but it is not possible to stay alive for more than 11 days without sleep.

80% of our brain is water and an average adult male brain weighs 1375 gms.



Health Tips Stretching and doing stretching exercises after waking up is believed to boost the overall circulation, digestion and also ease any kind of back pain.

Consume the day requirement of 90 mg of Vitamin C everyday to ensure a proper and balanced body functions altogether.


Start your day with a glass of lemon water for boosting the overall metabolism of the body.


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