HealthSpectra Magazine February 2019

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Climb the Stairs for a



HERGAMUT All about her..

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Editor Note We hope you enjoyed the first edition of the HealthSpectra magazine. After getting such an overwhelming response, we have brought the second edition right to your devices. In this issue, we peek into ways you can keep your heart healthy and unknown facts that you possibly didn’t know about Diabetes. From your weight loss knick knacks to the essential guide to help you establish a healthier lifestyle, this one has it all. You’ll find insights about the importance of Yoga and the role of Alternative Medicine in the cure of HIV. Find some necessary information about your fitness needs and a healthy overnight oats recipe for an amazing start to your mornings. Our main aim is to help steer your life towards the healthy route and that is exactly what this magazine envisions. Hope you like the second issue just like the first one!


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.

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Contents 10

06 BEAUTY Why Is My Makeup Making Me Breakout?

10 WOMEN HEALTH Did you know these about pubic hair?

14 COVER STORY Climb the Stairs for a Better Heart!!



Have you been neglecting these symptoms of Type-II Diabetes?



Herbs work magic for weight loss. Did you know?

26 FITNESS Fitness Trackers are Overestimating The Calorie Burning

30 NUTRITION & DIET This Is Why Magnesium Is Important For Your Health !!s


How To Stop Looking Around For Happiness And Finding It In Yourself!




Insomnia could be the reason behind weight gain our health.




VO L 1 | I S S UE 2




Is Alternative Medicine effective in treating HIV?


Knacks You Should Know Of How To Turn On Your Man


Tips To Deal With Klinefelter Syndrome



Banana and Almond Overnight Oats


Enhance your stamina with Virabhadrasana – 1



Are your constant conflicts affecting your child’s mental health?


Morgellons Syndrome Causes Symptoms - Treatment




Remove Nicotine From Your System With These Steps



Why Is My

Makeup Making Me Breakout? Makeup is often a quintessential part of many people’s daily routine. While the primary application does make your skin look flawless and beautiful (not that you aren’t without it!!), there are chances that it might make your skin break out. How often have you brought home a new makeup item to only realize that its application is not suiting your skin? Quite often, right? WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019


Don’t worry, we do have a brief rundown of the WHYs and HOW you can combat it in the long run if you are apply makeup regularly. 7



Don’t be scare of applying makeup if you know how to take care of your skin regularly. From skin care with a hydration moisturizer to the application of a highlighter, any and every form of makeup has the potency for the development acne or pimples. You might be here questioning, “So, should I not even apply makeup anymore?”


Let’s not do that. Application of every kind of makeup is not going to make you break out. That is a myth. This is also the reason people say that makeup preferences vary from person to person. What might work for one person might not necessarily be fruitful for someone else.


Is Makeup The Culprit Behind The Breakouts? Now, chances are that you are definitely going to have this question. Is it my skin which is not good enough or is it the makeup that’s making me breaks out? As confusing as the question might sound, it is predominantly a coercive connective between the both. Makeup, on general terms, is Comedogenic. Comedogenic is a term used to describe the condition in which the makeup is acne triggering and has the potency of making your skin break out and form acne and pimples because of varying underlying reasons behind the same. Coming back to the point once again. Is it your skin or the makeup? It could very well be both. If your skin is not nourished properly, chances are that it will have dead patches and dead skin cells all over which could very well be a contributing factor to the acne once makeup is slathered over it. On the contrary, sometimes, the 9

composition of the makeup also ends up being a pivotal reason behind the clogging of the pores which then ends up forming acne and other issues on your skin. The thing about this is the fact that the comedogenic ingredients tend to vary from person to person. That means that what might be an acne triggering factor for one might not be the same for someone else. This is the reason why one makeup product which doesn’t suit one person might be amazing for someone else’s skin.

On an average, if your makeup does have questionable ingredients, chances are that it will end up causing irritation in your skin. Not just that, the same also ends up being the primary reason behind the formation of acne on the face. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019


Did you know these about pubic hair? Pubic Hair has become a matter of public attention with the kind of heightened awareness it has garnered around itself. With that being said, much like that of an onion that peels off in layer, even pubic hair has an extensive number of hidden facts and trivia that we often have no account of. If you have been extensively unaware of the varying amount of mysteries that it beholds, we do have some amazing tips and tricks to share with you.

IT GOT ITS NAME CHANGED It is often said that your body starts growing pubic hair after you hit puberty and undergo the extensive hormonal changes within. That is not the whole picture though. It is believed that we have had pubic hair since we were kids. It just went by the name of Vellus hair back then which is predominantly signified short, light and fine hair on the surface of the skin. After we hit puberty, that’s when we start growing the terminal hair that is the stronger and thicker variant of the former.



IT DOESN’T GROW BACK THICKER There is a common notion that the pubic hair in women tend to grow out thicker after you have shaved it. Doctors do suggest that is not the case. Owing to the fact that the hair is cut at midshaft which tend to have the largest circumference, it might seem like the hair is growing back thicker than before. That is not what actually happens though.




IT THINS OUT WITH AGE Age doesn’t just have an impact on your physically visible hair on the head, the does impact the pubic hair too. As you grow older and the body undergoes distinct hormonal changes like that of menopause and such, the pubic hair does start getting thinner with time. Apart from that, under special cases, even medications tend to have impacts in thinning it out.

IT CAN SOMETIMES BE OF DIFFERENT COLOUR THAN YOUR HEAD It might come off as a surprise but one of the most unknown facts about pubic hair is the fact that there may be situations when it might not match the hair colour of that of the head or even armpits. It does, for the most part, but some might encounter exceptions and that’s okay as well. It is nothing to be alarmed of because it is completely normal and can happen to anyone across.


IT DOESN’T INCLUDE ANY HYGIENE REASONS IF YOU SHAVE OR NOT Many women have this notion that cleaning and grooming the pubic hair is necessary to maintain proper hygiene. It is a complete myth. Shaving or waxing your pubic hair doesn’t necessarily determine you hygiene levels in the body. For the most part, it is necessary to ensure that you include proper personal hygiene on a whole to keep the possibilities of infections at bay. Sometimes, shaving off the pubic hair can make a freeway passage for microbes to get into your vagina without obstruction.

WAXING YOUR PUBIC HAIR DURING PERIODS HURT MORE Sounds quite questionable, right? But, it is actually true. Waxing your pubic hair will actually hurt you more when you are on your periods. The main reason is because of the hormones in your body during those days of the month when the pain perception in the pubic region is at its peak. So, if you are planning on waxing during that time, think again.


WOMEN GROOM THEIR PUBIC HAIR BECAUSE OF SEX Listen up, women, if you are grooming yourself down there because of a probability for sex, drop it. Let your partner accept you in your own natural way. Statistics have shown that women do partake in grooming their pubic hair because of sex. Research states that 55% of women who shaved, waxed or even just groomed themselves mentioned sex as their primary reason for doing that.

GROOMING PUBIC HAIR BOOSTS SELF ESTEEM As weird and as different it might sound, it is actually believed that there is a strong connection between grooming pubic hair with one’s overall self esteem. According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, it was stated that women believed that shaving and grooming their pubic hair did instill a sense of accomplishment because it made them feel attractive within.




Climb the Stairs for a BETTER HEART!! Recent study suggests going up and down a few flight of stairs in a day can keep your heart healthy. Been dreading that flight of stairs a lot now? If you are someone who skips on taking the stairs and instead just prefer taking the elevator or escalator, chances are that you are affecting your heart health with the same. For every flight of stairs you say “Later� to, you are impacting your heart health drastically, even more so. If new study or researches are to be considered, it is believed that climbing up the flight of stairs does have positive impacts on your heart health over the course of time.



A new study which was recently conducted by the researchers from the McMaster University states that even just a few minutes of stair climbing for short intervals of time throughout the day is actually beneficial for the overall cardiovascular functioning in the body. If workout is the least favourite part for you, there is a quick alternative for you to ponder on. Cardiovascular health, or simply the heart health, for that matter, is fragile and does impact how the overall body functions. If there is something wrong with the functioning of the heart, chances are that you will witness the signs of the same in your overall health as well. Martin Gibala, a professor of kinesiology at McMaster and senior author on the study stated saying that for people who stay around in high rise apartments or even work around in multi storey buildings should try and get a break from the constant “easy� route of a lift or escalator and climb up and down a flight of stairs for an effective yet brief workout for your overall health.




Just climbing up and down a flight of stairs 3-4 times a day during the morning, lunch and evening is more than enough for them to get the necessary bout of physical training one needs for a healthier heart. There have been prior studies conducted which have indicated how the combination of brief intervals of extensive and vigorous exercise or even the sprint interval training (SIT). These are the most effective when done in single sessions with few minutes of recovery in between. In the recently conducted

study, the main focus of the researchers was to find whether or not the SIT exercises or the vigorous stairclimbing conducted as single sprints multiple times throughout the day was enough to improve the overall cardio respiratory fitness (CRF). This is one of the most important and crucial markers associated with the mortality as well as the imposed risks around the cardiovascular diseases.

the fitness changes and improvements to the group who didn’t do the exercise.

Two groups were taken into consideration; one group of participants went up and down a three-flight stairwell thrice a day with 1-4 hours of recovery time in between and the other group not doing the same. This was done three times a week for a straight of six weeks. Following that, the researchers compared

The impacts of this specific study weren’t just limited to the realms of impacting the heart health. In comparison to the sedentary counterparts, the participants who did climb up and down the stairs were also much stronger and even generated more power during a conducted cycling test.

The conclusions came off as a shock for a number of researchers because they didn’t necessarily think the same would actually end up happening when done with the climbing of the stairs. The study was recently published in the journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism.

So, are you going to TAKE THE STAIRS FINALLY?






HAVE YOU BEEN NEGLECTING THESE SYMPTOMS OF TYPE-II DIABETES? Diabetes is possibly one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases around the world, affecting over 4 million of the population in the United Kingdom, 90% of which is confessed to be cases of Type-II Diabetes.



If you didn’t know better, TypeII Diabetes is the condition which is caused because of the lack of insulin function in the body. The pancreas either fails to produce enough insulin in the body or the insulin in the body is not effective in combating the higher glucose levels in the bloodstream. 19


DIABETES With the presence of enough insulin in the body, the body fails to convert the glucose in the blood to usable energy. But, often times, there are a number of red signals that we either don’t pay attention to or simply swerve through thinking it’s nothing major. Tingling or even numbness in the feet is often considered as one of the most common symptoms of Diabetes type 2 that many people tend to not pay any heed to. A renowned Diabetes Advanced Podiatrist, Donna Welch regarded the numbness and tingling in the feet as one of the most common symptoms of Diabetes type 2 that people ignore. Majority of the doctors suggest this as a possible nerve damage in the feet which is what is predominantly linked to Diabetes. The persistent presence of the same is often times linked with the increased risks of infection and wounds without the affected person noticing in the first place. It is always best suggested to consult a doctor if you have been feeling the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019

tingling sensation for an extended period of time. Welch further proclaimed that experiencing numbness, tingling or even any kind of loss of sensation in the feet ends up with a risk of hurting themselves in the first place unknowingly. If the condition persists, it is always best suggested to consult a general physician to get tested for the presence of diabetes. Additionally, diabetic patients also have the heightened risks of painful neuropathy or even hypersensitive feet. Many even complain of not being able to wear socks or shoes. Apart from that, inflamed or infected gums are also signs of Diabetes type 2. Dr Amy Bibby, who is the Qured Head of Operations, stated that the infected gums are often signs of high glucose levels in the oral cavity. Also often terms as Periodontitis, this condition is caused because of high levels of glucose in the mouth and is often the reason behind the high levels of bacterial interaction in the mouth which ends up causing the gum diseases.

presence of discolouration of the skin around the back of the neck or even under the armpits. This is often a persistent symptom of insulin resistance and diabetes as an extension. The list of symptoms of diabetes for both of the conditions is quite pronounced which is what makes it an important factor to take note of. Passing excessive urine along with uncontrolled weight loss is often signs of diabetes in a number of individuals. If you have been experiencing any of the above signs and symptoms, chances are that you are experiencing diabetes type 2 and it is very important to ensure that you keep track of the same. Diagnosing diabetes is very crucial for one’s overall health. One of the most common reasons behind the worsening condition of diabetes is because majority of the people don’t even pay heed to the signs and symptoms glaring right back at them altogether.

Next on the list is the 20




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Herbs work magic for weight loss. Did you know?

Expecting herbs as a potent way for weight loss is not something many expect. Given the fact that Indian cuisine is especially loaded with beneficial herbs, it is no really surprising that more and more studies are proving the efficacy of herbs in getting rid of the underlying fats in the body. Not just that, they are also considered to be one of the healthiest ways to shed off those excess pounds from the body.



These herbs work magic for weight loss TURMERIC


The yellow bright yellow

Cayenne pepper is loaded with an active compound known as Capsaicin which is predominantly responsible for inducing weight loss. Cayenne when added to your food tastes like a warming spice. This means cayenne boosts the metabolism by increasing the body temperature. It suppresses your hunger cravings. Adding the spice in a meal can help you burn up to 100 calories per meal.

spice can help your body burn fat. According to a study, a substance in turmeric called Curcumin can help lose weight than when you take it with your diet. Turmeric increases body heat that in turn can increase metabolism. You can sprinkle turmeric on soups, stews and roasted vegetables or nuts or even enjoy warm turmeric milk.

CINNAMON Cinnamon is loaded with beneficial blood glucose lowering properties which play a crucial role in preventing issues related to insulin resistance that often contributes to weight loss in an effective way. If required, consume it with warm water or even in your tea or other forms of food items you are consuming and that should get you in track for the weight loss.


CUMIN Cumin is very effective in reducing weight. Cumin when added to food burns calories up to three times more body fat. It improves digestion process and production of energy, according to a study. Cumin is universal to add up to food. You can add cumin in salad, soups, stews or marinades or flat bread. For better results, boil 1 tbsp of cumin in a pot



of water and drink that strained water in the morning.

GINGER Ginger is a very good cleanser. It can help to remove food clogged in the digestive system. It hence prevents fat storage and helps in weight loss. It can prevent rise in blood sugar levels after a carb rich or sugar rich meal which can often lead to insulin spikes that contribute to weight gain. Grate ginger and sprinkle on stir-fries, baked fish, fruit salad or tea.

the free radical damage in the body and boosts the process of weight loss.

BLACK PEPPER Black pepper can help boost metabolism. The substance piperine is filled up in pepper. It is also loaded with healthy dietary fibers and fats which further contribute to helping boost the overall metabolism of the body to boost the weight loss process. The increased metabolism is what helps in boosting the process of fat burning in the body.



Nettle leaf is rich in anti-inflammatory and essential nourishing and diuretic properties which have beneficial impacts on the body’s overall metabolism. Apart from that, it is also loaded with Vitamin A and Vitamin C which are further quite beneficial in getting rid of

Apart from boosting your metabolism as a whole, cardamom is quite beneficial in burning out excess in the body. It also has effective diuretic properties which further help in getting rid of the excess rate of body fats from the body.


ACAI BERRY According to studies, the juice from acai berry or powder can improve the ability to lose weight. It prevents fat building up in the body. It has energizing proprieties. The combination of the healthy nutrients in them further help in boosting the overall metabolism of the body and keeps the rate of free radical damage to the bare minimum that further helps in losing weight.

FLAX SEED Flax seed is also an amazing source of fiber and essential omega-3 fatty acids which further help in shedding off those extra pounds from the body. Irrespective of the situation, it is beneficial in not just boosting your overall metabolism but also about how it helps you control your unnecessary hunger pangs.


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Fitness Trackers are

Overestimating The Calorie Burning Fitness trackers are a common amenity that has weaved its way into our life. More and more people are relying on them to keep track of their fitness progress and witness noticeable results in the long run. But, the question comes down to one – Are they even accurate in the end? A recent study does tend to have evidences that these fitness trackers might be overestimating your calorie burning.



How often do you strap on that fitness band while stepping out of the house for working out? Quite often, or most probably, everyday, right? While you might be here thinking that the device is reverting with the accurate information and statistics, it is not necessarily the case at every step of the way. Some of the researchers from the Aberystwyth University brought together all the fitness trackers in between the range from ÂŁ20 to ÂŁ80 and were astonished to find the inaccuracy in their results in tracking the calories burnt during walking and running. One of the researchers, Dr Rhys Thatcher found that majority of these devices did have the tendency to overestimate the results.




Standing up to these claims, Fitbit stated that every single one of their product is made with scientific approaches and won’t have any kind of discrepancies in them. These tests were carried out for the BBC X-Ray programme in which the researchers measured the amount of oxygen required by a volunteer during a ten minute walking and running session on the treadmill consecutively. The Fitbit Charge 2 did live up to its claims and brought forth the accurate results, underestimating by 2% when it came to the walking but did end up


overestimating by over 50% when it came to running. On other accounts, the cheaper variants of these fitness bands like that of the Letscom HR and Letsfit were also tested out. It was found that both of the devices did end up underestimating the calories burnt by around 33% and 40% respectively. Although, their impacts were tested out to be quite effective when it came to the walking test which was shocking, to say the least. Letscom ended by underestimating by 15.7% while the other one did by only a meager 2%.

Dr Thatcher stated saying that if one needs an exact count of the calories burnt, it is important to ensure that you interpret all the data with caution, irrespective of which device you end up getting for yourself. The inaccuracies panned out to be redundant if the people following them were only doing the same for motivation purposes or even for tracking the progress of the workout altogether. Fitbit was still head steady with their claims stating that every prospect of it is completely based around science and findings.


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THIS IS WHY Magnesium Magnesium is a chemical element that doesn’t really need an introduction, now, does it? Placed in the second column of the periodic table with an atomic number of 18, this compound has an immense contribution to the overall well being of an individual as well. From contributing to the strength of your bones to relieving migraine, it has got multiple facets covered.

RELIEVES CONSTIPATION One of the most common remedies for constipation relief lies in magnesium. If you didn’t already


know, magnesium citrate (available on the over the top counters of the medical stores) is an amazing treatment for treating the signs and symptoms that come with constipation. It is an

osmotic laxative which helps draw water into the bowel to help soften the stool for easier and less painful defecation.



CURES ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION Anxiety and depression are often two of those mental health issues that not many people 31

pay attention to. Studies have shown that an imbalance in the levels of magnesium often tend to be the common reason behind the induction of symptoms of anxiety and depression. As per

dosage, according to the National Institutes of Health, the permissible dietary dosage of magnesium varies from 400-420 mg for adult males and 310-320 mg for adult females. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019




One of the derivatives of magnesium, magnesium sulfate, works wonders in treating the problems that come alongside asthma. But, the question comes down to one. How does it do it? Magnesium sulfate has natural antiinflammatory along with bronchodilating properties which is what comes in handy. The dilated air passage helps the suffering individual breathe freely and a little better which is what helps in immediate remedy for asthma.

Hypertension does impact one’s quality of life and can even impact negative effects on the body. Several researches and studies have shown that the routine consumption of magnesium supplements help in ensuring proper maintenance of blood pressure, keeping in mind, that there is no overdo of the consumption of this mineral more in the diet too because the same can inflict negative impacts on the body and physiological functions.



According to one of the most popular health institutes, the National Institutes of Health concluded that the deficiency of magnesium is often responsible for a number of bone diseases, including osteoporosis and even arthritis. It is not just calcium that’s important for the overall strengthening of the bones in the body, magnesium does play a crucial role in the same as well.

Magnesium benefits include the systemic contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the bladder, thereby ensuring the complete emptying of the bladder so as to ensure proper control of the bladder. It is also very beneficial is relieving the symptoms of continence which is what helps to maintain proper control of the bladder. If you suffer from conditions concerning the bladder


control, there are chances that your doctor might supplement you with magnesium.

IMPROVES DIGESTION Magnesium is responsible for the muscle contraction especially that of the smooth muscles in the body. If you are consistently suffering from issues with indigestion, chances are that your muscular lining of the small intestine is not in its optimum condition. Supplementing with magnesium does help restore the normal function of the muscles for improved digestion altogether.

GETS RID OF BODY ODOR Magnesium, when taken with zinc supplements can effectively reduce the disseminating body odors which can put you in a number of awkward situations. Although the magnesium benefits have still not been confirmed or backed with studies and research, zinc is said to lessen the rate of perspiration which helps in combating body odor. ALL ABOUT PETS & PETCARE







This constant surge for finding a means to fill that void that comes in life due to turmoil of situations and various other emotions and that is the thirst and search for happiness! Can we find it on earth or in Mars? Oh! It is right here! To be lived, to be understood and to bring it on within our own selves!



Here are some ways that can help you find the happiness that you are in search of!


The first step to begin a journey is to believe that you are going to enjoy the best and embrace the difficulties in your journey. This is the foremost aspect you must believe that it exists in reality and it is not a fantasy. Start believing from today, there are 100 reasons to crib, cry and be worried about, think about this logic, there must be a good enough reason to also feel happy about? Do a self introspection and find out at least one good enough reason that it exists, this will make you believe there is happiness. If you got no clue of what to ask yourself to believe happiness exists, think of all you are blessed with and there will be a spark in you telling you that yes happiness exists!







Some quotes teach us that when you spend too much time looking for things you may not find it and when you stop looking for it you come across things you never even asked for, same is the case with happiness. It is a positive energy already existing within you and do not tie your reason of happiness to be another person apart from you and


To be happy, one needs to create the vibes by having the will to be happy. When you eliminate toxicity from your mind and compensate a good thought for every toxic thought, you are creating the magical vibe of bringing on that happiness.

How is this practically feasible ? It is! For instance, think of how can you beat stress on a particular day rather than feeling worried about how your stressful day would go. This is how you add good thoughts to your bucket list.

This often happens that we feel let down by comments made by a person whether in a bad or good mind. You must be able to relate to this situation a million times and that makes you feel low , doesn’t it? This sometimes becomes a barrier in your happiness.

with this feeling and overcome it by believing in yourself and taking a criticism as a scope for self -improvement. Do not take comments as mere comments. If you find them reasonable, work on it and if you think it is putting you down then adapt to the ignorance mantra. It will sort all your problems.

All you got to do is, fight


When you start looking for happiness there are possibilities that you will be left with being disappointed. But when you do not look for it externally, you will see that it is all a positive source of energy that is there in you and if it is not present at the moment you have the power to create it.






Sometimes the circle we are in and the people we are surrounded by plays an important role in the well being of our life. If we are around people who are constantly looking for an opportunity to let us down and they have no good to say to us, it could pull down our energies.

Therefore, recognize the people you are surrounded by and if you think certain people are just passing on negative vibes to you it’s time you take your steps back and take care of your happiness, it is completely in your hands.

You must know to draw a thin line between spending time with people who love you and whom you love and expecting from them. Any sort of expectation can lead to disappointment. Ensure that you give your time

and receive time from the people close to your heart because they are a source of motivation and you feel internally happy to be blessed with their presence in your life.

Little things do all wonders bigger things can do but never give you that level of satisfaction. To begin with, to be happy you need little things to make it possible. For instance, show an act of kindness, smile at someone who needs it the most, eat your favorite dish, take out

time to play your favorite game. These things are little and not big wherein you are spending a lot of money or investing a lot of energy. You will be assured to feel happy when you get watch yourself doing the little things for bigger happiness.



Even Science Proved That!



The debate between

the usages of aspirin on a daily basis has been in the talks since ages. Studies and researches have been conducted to see the kind of results these drugs would bring about in the overall health of an individual. A recent study concludes that any form of prior notion about this might not be the ideal mainly because the conclusions they drew seem to state otherwise. The new study conducted by a team of scientists under the NIH/National Institute on Aging conducted a large clinical trial to scrounge the benefits of low daily dosage of Aspirin in older people who didn’t have any previous medical history of cardiovascular diseases or events and the main finding of this study was the fact that the aspiring was nowhere responsible for prolonging the healthy and independent living in the individuals.

The Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) trial is a placebo controlled, double bind and randomized trial which included a total of 19,114 people in the program, amidst which 16.703 people were from Australia while the remaining 2,411 from the United States. The study kick started back in 2010 and mainly enrolled participants aged 65 and above. The researchers focused more on the African –American and Hispanic ethnicity because of their heightened history concerning dementia and cardiovascular disease. During the enrollment process in the beginning, the participants were assured to have no traces or past history of dementia or other forms of physical disability or health conditions that could pose an inhibition to the aspirin use. The study commenced over a time span of 4.7 years in order to determine the outcomes.

The director of the National Institute of Aging, Richard J. Hodes stated that while the previous clinical trials have affirmed the benefits of aspirin for the prevention of heart attacks as well as strokes for people suffering from coronary artery disease. While this was what paved its way to the persistent studies encircling this subject, it was the small speck of uncertainty which required further studies to determine its effects on a healthy individual.



Hodes further emphasized stating that their main point of concern was to deduce whether or not the daily consumption of aspirin was going to be effective in other healthy older individuals with no previous history of cardiac diseases and such. The study was mainly conducted to put everything into perspective and get a fuller picture of the situation and the overall benefits of aspirin on the healthy older individuals. The entire study was led under the supervision and guidance of John J. McNeil, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., head of the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Health at Monash University, Australia along with Anne


M. Murray, M.D., director of the Berman Center for Outcomes and Clinical Research at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis. The supply for the Aspirin for the study was supplied by Bayer who had no other involvement in the study. While the study was conducted to find the possible impacts of Aspirin on the health, it was found that it didn’t inflict any kind of positive impacts on the health of the participants. On the contrary, the group taking the aspirin had a higher death risk and rate in comparison to the placebo controlled group. 5.9% of the participants died during the study while it was 5.2% in terms of the placebo controlled group.

Even though there has been not much findings concerning whether or not the consumption of Aspirin daily was a contributing factor to the death or not. The researchers said that it requires further studies and findings to solidify the claims. It was found that majority of the deaths were because of the induction of cancer. A small percentage of new cancer types were also witnessed in the participants. But, because of lack of proper evidence in this regard, it is hard to deduce what could be the influencing factor in this. With that aside, the next facet was to conclude whether or not the daily


low dosage of Aspirin was beneficial in preventing the possibilities of cardiovascular diseases or not. The results in the ASPREE participants concluded to the fact that there were no significant changes or alterations in the prevention of coronary heart disease, nonfatal heart attacks, and fatal and nonfatal ischemic stroke in the individuals. 448 people from the aspirin consuming group experienced cardiovascular diseases while 474 people from the placebo group were affected by the same. In the final conclusion for the study, it was found that around 50% of the death in the older adult population was because of the


induction of cancer in those individuals. Other than that, heart diseases and strokes made up for about 19% of the deaths and around 5% of the death was all because

of the excessive and uncontrollable bleeding.

Evan Hadley, M.D., director of NIA’s Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology finally stated saying that it is very crucial for the older adults to stick to advice of their physicians when it comes to the consumption of Aspirin. The new studies and even the prior ones don’t necessarily conclude the possibilities from every possible aspect and can have unwanted implications which are why it is best to not blindly follow the same.



INSOMNIA could be the reason

behind WEIGHT GAIN Sleep plays a quintessential role in impacting our overall well being. Lack of a proper night’s sleep has the ability to not just affect your quality of life but also impact the overall metabolism of the body, thereby inducing weight gain



A new study conducted by the researchers from the Uppsala University insinuates that even a loss of one day of sleep has a profound tissue specific impact on the overall gene regulation of the gene regulation as well as the metabolism in the human beings. This could also pave way for a possible explanation to why shift works and chronic sleep loss often ends up negatively affecting one’s overall metabolism and other body activity.



NEWS Recent epidemiological studies have indicated that the salient rise in the risk of not just obesity but also of the type 2 diabetes in the people who vehemently suffer from chronic sleep loss. Not just that, other studies have shown a very strong connection between the disrupted sleep with the possible association of weight gain and with consistent loss of muscle mass. The same is what adversely affects the overall facet of one’s overall well being. The researchers from the Uppsala University primarily focused on the metabolic functions that are under the primary control of the skeletal muscle and the adipose tissues. They found that the ones who suffered from disrupted sleep schedules witnessed a hampered impact on the overall metabolic regulation. Even with these conclusions, it still can’t be firmly said whether or not the reason behind the weight gain is because of the changes at the molecular levels because of the lack of sleep.


The study was conducted on 15 healthy and normal weight individuals who had to participate in two different in-lab sessions in which they were fed with a very standardized meal plan and took part in the common activities throughout the day.

parts which record and showcase any form of changes and disruption in the metabolism of the body correlated to not just obesity but diabetes too.

The two sessions were completely different from each other. While in the first one the subjects did sleep a normal 8-hour sleep, in the second part of the session, the subjects were kept awake throughout the entirety of the night.

Apart from that, the researchers also collected blood samples from the subjects the next morning apart from the tissue samples to take notes of the present metabolites in the blood. Some of the common types of metabolites that the researchers were looking for included sugar molecules, fatty acids and a few variants of amino acids.

Following each of the individual sessions, the researchers extracted some tissue samples from the sub-cutaneous layers of the fats and the skeletal muscles. These are the

The collected tissue samples showed abrupt changes and impacts on the overall tissue specific DNA methylation because of the lack of sleep. This epigenetic modification of


the DNA was what could have been a possible impact in the abrupt slowing down of the metabolism and the consequent rise in the weight gain. Jonathan Cedernaes, the author who led the study, stated that while it was actually their group who found the impact of acute sleep loss on the epigenetic changes in the clock genes, their new study is primarily focused on establishing the relation between increased degree of DNA methylation with the lack of sleep in individuals. Not just that, the researchers also found a possible connection between the gene and the protein expression associated with wakefulness to be different in both


the skeletal as well as the adipose tissue. While the researchers are still not a 100% sure about the possible line of action regarding the same, they further stated saying that the possible explanation as to why the two tissues respond in the observed manner could be because of the fact of the tissue specific effect on the circadian rhythm which could have been causing an impact on the misalignment of these rhythms. Cedernaes further exclaimed that they have witnessed quite a lot of inflammation across the tissues in the body resulting from the sleep loss. Apart from the same, they further witnessed signs and specific molecular signature insinuating the increased

function of the adipose tissue trying to store excess fat following a night with lack of sleep. They also found a concomitant breakdown of all the necessary proteins in the skeletal muscles. The another thing about this study and research is the fact the researchers based around the entire study on just one night of sleep which is why it can’t be judged for sure whether or not the same will actually end up showcasing similar kind of impacts on the overall situation of chronic lack of sleep. It can’t also be deduced how the same will end up affecting the overall situation of disruption of the circadian misalignment and its influence on weight gain.



Is Alternative Medicine e

HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus has inflicted alarming amount of deaths across the years. While the ongoing research does imply a number of factors one can opt for in this treatment or the possible prevention, there is still a possibly no go for the alternative medicine with the people around.



effective in treating HIV? We often do come across articles and such explaining the inefficiency and the negative impacts of the various forms of alternative medicines in the treatment of HIV. While the inefficiency might be a possible factor panning out a possible question, it does make you wonder of the side effects altogether. Some form of the alternative medicine is being used by that of the people to accentuate the benefits of their standard medicine. If statistics and surveys are to be considered, over 70% of the population around in the United States suffering from the symptoms of HIV have opted for alternative medicine and nonconventional therapies to test out their efficacy. Even some of the health insurance effective covers the alternative forms of medicine like that of chiropractic as well as acupuncture therapy. One of the most common examples regarding alternative medicine and therapies that people suggest for this ailment is meditation which helps in bringing down the stress and anxiety that often builds up because of the disease. These are believed to treat the whole person but not necessarily the disease altogether. It is very important to be safe while practicing sexual intercourse and if you are to consummate your love with your partner, it is important to get tested if you want to forego the condom. One of the most important treatments of HIV is prevention. There is predominantly nothing that surpasses the same and is important that the concerned people understand that prospect.




Knacks You Should Know Of How To





t is every woman’s intention to keep her partner happy and satisfied, isn’t it? Sometimes we know it all, but we just need the right knack on how to do it. It is that fervid thought of every woman to somehow keep her man attracted and happy with her. Your relationship does take a toll at every point in life and to keep up-to the shine in your relationship, it is always nice to hop on a step further to keep the shine shining with the hidden love and affection for your man. Physical satisfaction is one of the aspects that keeps up to the beauty of a marriage. While some may feel it is not necessary. It is a must in a marriage There is no harm in going out of your way to keep him close to you with all your charms. Try these knacks to attract him so that he keeps you close to his heart forever.




KEEP YOURSELF WELL-GROOMED What’s the big deal about grooming yourself for your man whom you are going to live with all your life. Keep yourself fit, keep yourself hygienic and always smell fresh and nice. If you have all of this in you he would feel nice to be around the biggest thing for a man.

WELCOME HIM HOME OR SEE HIM OFF WITH A SMILE Smile is the doorway to attract anyone in general and when you smile at your man with an open heart, he is already 20% attracted as he feels warm, welcomed and like he has someone he can count on. That is the biggest thing for a man.


INITIATE TO GET INTIMATE In a relationship anything that is two sided and when you make the first move and initiate to get physical with your man. He would love it because he would be surprised by your move. 50

DO NOT MISS OUT ON THE OTHER THINGS A man gets sexually turned on not just with sex, but you must initiate and get out the passion in you. You should express your love to him physically trying a new way of making you want you more every time. You must make out with him passionately, cling on to him when you both feel like getting intimate at that moment. WEAR THE BEST LINGERIE FOR HIM One of the factors that turns on a man is the way a woman is dressed and how appealing and revealing is she in front of him. He will be instantly turned on with your beauty. The reason lingerie is an attraction factor for a man is because it is a psychological fantasy he has.

BE CREATIVE WHILE HAVING SEX Intimacy is an enchanting emotion that should be lit up between a couple at every phase of life. Be it in the beginning of a relationship or after years too, let that creativity in making love be there throughout. One of the ways to do so is by trying different sex positions.

All in all, you both are the one’s who would make love to each other, at the end of the day the two of you must understand each others wants and needs and respect them. Discuss with each other if something is not satisfying you rather than collecting all those expectations and remaining unhappy sexually. Age is just a number to make your man feel physically high with you. You can make love all your life, how you make that move is all in your hands.




t i W l a e D o T s



his syndrome is seen in men and it is predefined as problematic when a man takes in one added x chromosome and this does not stop at just one at times. But, it gets added to few more x chromosomes. The reason as to why this is problematic is because it directly impacts the testosterone’s of a man because the testicular cells do not generate


testosterone the way it should be generating. Hence, there is a complete disturbance in the testosterone cycle. The other name to this is known as 47, XXY orXXY. If this disturbance is seen then it can lead to infertility. Usually, the symptoms for this syndrome are not evident and it is tough to realize that one is affected by this syndrome.



Research : This name Klinefelter Syndrome came up after a doctor named Klinefelter discovered this health complication that men face.

Science behind Klinefelter Syndrome


his syndrome directly hits the height and body shape of a man. When a man or woman enter the phase of puberty there is a drastic release of different hormones. Talking of the hormones in specific, the hypothalamus present in a man and woman leads to releasing of gonadotropin.


This gonadotropin then induces the pituitary gland to outburst another hormone called luteinizing hormone and a follicle stimulating hormone. While this mechanism happens the leydig cells come into form. These leydig cells release androgens that are responsible for the reproductive activity



in men. These ledig cells further release hormones that changes cholesterol in testosterone.

In this entire process the chromosomes affect the sertoli and leydig cells which disturbs the cycle and structure of a man’s body.

Possible Signs of Klinefelter Syndrome

There is no age bar for one to have Klinefelter Syndrome it can happen at any age group with the possible signs varying with the age group.

SIGNS OF THIS SYNDROME IN AN INFANT The child will face problems at birth( testicles would have not descended into the scrotum) There is a delay in the growth of the baby in terms of speaking, the time the baby takes to sit and move Babies muscles are affected and the muscles weaken in time



SIGNS OF THIS SYNDROME IN BOYS AND MEN Tiny and hard testicles The size of the penis is not proportionate The size of the body gets in appropriate, a man has broader hips with their legs long and a short torso They do not have body hair as much as the other men after puberty Gynecomastia gets bigger(responsible for the breast tissue) Disturbance in puberty( delay )

How To Get Aware Of It


s it is difficult to understand if someone has Klinefelter Syndrome or not, it can be possibly evident if a man is unable to help a woman concieve. He should get himself checked and work on his health immediately. If a man does not get it cured quick he could witness health complications such as depression, anxiety, problems in


sexual life, bones getting weaker each day, possibilities of heart diseases and lung cancer, diseases such as arthiritis and rhuematoid. The faster a man gets aware of this disease, the better. If one starts the testosterone replacement therapy the person can be less prone to get affected by many other health problems.



Tips To Treat Klinefelter Syndrome Although there is no guaranteed cure to this syndrome but there are definitely methods to treat it, which could possible improve over a period of time. If you want to get this syndrome treated you must visit an endocrinologist, an infertility specialist , a pediatrician or a physical therapist.

Tip No 1 : Foods To Eat and Not Eat A problem can either sprout up or aggravate based on a disturbed pattern of the food we at. These are the foods you should avoid if you are likely to have Klinefelter syndrome Sesame seeds

All sweet products

Flax seeds

Olives and Olive Oil

Apricots, oranges strawberries and dry fruits

Thyme and turmeric

Yanes and carrots Foods high in Zinc and magnesium are good for natural testosterones.



Tip No 2 : Adopt To Treatment Therapy One of the ways to deal with this syndrome is to get a testosterone therapy replacement done which will help in keeping the bones in place and there would barely be any risk of a person getting fractured. This way, the testicles would not get enlarged, there would be an improvement in fertility, there would be sufficient growth of hair on the body etc.

Tip No 3 : Working on the Speaking disabilities Kids getting affected by Klinefelter Syndrome can slip into having disabilities or a delay in speaking. There are specialists known as special language professionals who take sessions twice a week to help these kids and not let this bog them down.

Tip No 4 : The workout therapy In this therapy, someone suffering from this syndrome is given exercises, stretches and massages to help treat this syndrome.

Tip No 5 : Treatment through surgery There can be a surgery performed to remove of the excessive breast tissues in men.

Klinefelter Syndrome is more or less genetic and it is not something that is in our control. But when one is affected by the syndrome, it is reliant on us on how to treat it rather than being upset over it!




Banana and Almond Overnight Oats Oats, especially overnight oats are in the trend now. We live in an era where we want to eat healthy but also have limited time on our hands making it harder for us to prepare our own meals and such which does make it quite hard for us to keep up with the healthy routine that we swear by. Overnight oats are possibly one of the biggest food trends, especially in the vegan community. Not only is it jam packed with healthy nutrients, it is also easy to make and is quite filling as well. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019


Ingredients: Rolled Oats – 1 cup Almond Milk – 2 cups Banana – 1 whole sliced into pieces Almonds – 4-5 chopped Chia seeds – 1 tsp Cinnamon – as per taste

Preparation: In a mason jar, add the rolled oats in the bottom To that, add the almond milk and mix it through completely Once everything is mixed, top it off with some sliced bananas and add in the chopped almonds to it Leave it in the refrigerator overnight The next morning, add in the chia seeds to it before eating 59



Enhance your stamina with

Virabhadrasana – 1 Building up stamina is quite beneficial in maintaining your overall health throughout the time. The level of stamina you have is what deduces the kind of activities you are going to indulge in. Virabhadrasana – 1, otherwise known as the Warrior Pose – 1 is considered as one of the most popular forms of yoga poses that one can indulge in to not just boost their stamina but to also enhance the overall metabolism of their body effectively. It derives its name from the stance and is considered as one of the most graceful posture in terms of depth and firmness. STEPS TO INCLUDE FOR THE POSTURE Stand erect on the ground and hold a steady posture Keep a distance of at least 3-4 feet between the right and the left foot Bring your right foot in front making a 90 degrees angle with respect to the ground Push your left foot back at an angle of 15 degrees to the ground and make sure that the heel of the right foot is aligned to the centre of the left foot Once you have done that, stare at the right of you Stretch your hands over your head and join your palms to forma posture of “Namaste” with your hand and stare upwards towards them Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat it by changing the directions



BENEFITS Helps strengthen the muscles in the lower back, arms and legs Increase stamina in an individual Helps stimulate the rate of metabolism in the body Helps dissipate stress from the shoulder Helps bring a peace of mind and levels down the stress and anxiety level in a person

PRECAUTIONS Like every other asana, it is mandatory to ensure that you go through the list of precautions and prepare to perform the asana accordingly because it is best to be aware of the side effects before jumping head first into it. Always consult a doctor first before doing this posture if you have serious issues with your spine or have just recovered from any kind of chronic disease. If you suffer from neck problems, it is best to avoid looking up at the palms during the yoga. The same goes out if you have problem with your shoulder as well. Never strain yourself and extend it till you can. Pregnant women need supervision if they are doing it for the first time and are not someone who have been doing yoga regularly This is not an ideal asana for people who have issues with their cardiac system and suffer from hypertension




Are your constant conflicts affecting your child’s mental health?

Disputes and misunderstanding are common in any family. It does go without saying that couples are prone to having momentary squabbles and disagreements in the house but how one handles the situation is what matters in the end. When there is a child involved, it is very important to handle the situation in the best way possible to avoid any form of later impacts on the mental health of the child.



Having mature conversations and keeping the unwanted name-calling to yourself is often an amazing way to handle a situation especially when you have a child around. How you handle an argument sets up an example of how any kind of argument should be handled in a mature way. That’s what a kid learns as well.


Serious conflicts are bound to take a toll on the mental health of a kid. When they are consistently surrounded in a hostile situation, chances are that it will end up affecting their minds. Any form of similar negative altercations has the probability of ending up being a bash to your kid’s mental well being.



Why are conflicts between parents a problem? Often times, parents don’t realize their child has become withdrawn and more closed off because of the environment in the house they are subjected to. If you are here wondering why personal conflicts between two parents can inflict negative repercussions on a child, chances are that it is because they are sensitive to the constant battle.

But, why are these conflicts not good for the kids?



Kids are already insecure, especially emotionally. When the children see their parents fight consistently, it makes them doubt their family stability. The child is in the constant dilemma and inner battle thinking their parents are either going to get divorced, making them have to rotate days to stay with them every once in a while. This does take quite a heavy toll on the mind of the children. It also makes them lose the feeling of normalcy in their life because they can’t know when the next fight will erupt. Constant fights with your partner also impose a negative strain on the relationship between the parent and child. The main reason behind the


same is because the child is confused and doesn’t have the sense of judgement to know what is right and what is wrong. Stressed parents often also don’t spend quality time with their kids which pull the strings further.


Projecting the child to a stressful situation is often a common outcome in such situations. Even though the child might not directly be in the scene where the fight is going on, chances are that they could be hearing everything from the room beside or eavesdropping. This projects stress on the kids and negatively affects the mental health in the worst possible way.


What are the long term effects on the mental health? While parents might have this notion that their fights will have temporary impacts on the mind of the child, that is not the case. Often times, these kind of constant exposure to the negative energy around the house ends up impacting the mental health of a child for a long period of time.

Several studies have been conducted to assess the effects it has on the minds of the kids and researchers have actually drawn multiple conclusions from the same, all of which confer to long term impacts on the kid’s mental health.



3 65

A study conducted in the year of 2013 found that the stress projected to a child’s mind after being constantly surrounded in a hostile situation at home take a toll on their cognitive abilities and performance. They further found that the constant fights impact how a child regulates their attention and concentration. It also affected their problem solving abilities. One of the common long term problems that several kids often experience when subjected to conflicts between parents is the change in their behaviour. They either become very reclusive and silent or burst out in aggression, either of which is not healthy for the child. There is also a surge in the social issues which further affect them.

food, thereby inducing risks of eating disorders in the kids for the long run.

4 5

Substance abuse, is quite often common in teen kids who have a dysfunctional home. Studies have found that kids who belong to such homes have the possibility of indulging in binge drinking, smoking or even drugs if the situations are that extreme. Insomnia and constant alertness is often a very common long term effect kids have to experience when they have parents fighting to and fro. Being afraid of when a fight ensues is quite common in children even after the situations get better and such.

Children with fighting parents are often prone to have risks of developing eating disorders. Studies have also found connections with constant fights with the withdrawals of the kids from WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019


Causes - Symptoms - Treatment Have you ever heard of an unexplained skin condition or medical condition that doesn’t have a comprehensive explanation about it? Morgellons Syndrome falls under the category of those kinds of ultra rare diseases. While many doctors actually categorise it as a cognitive impairment, some actually feel like it is caused because of the degeneration of the nerves in the body. What the actual cause is behind the Morgellons disease is still a mystery to a number of people.

WHAT IS MORGELLONS DISEASE? Morgellons Disease is a condition that’s characterized by the delusional feeling that there is a parasite or bug coming out of one’s skin, when in reality; the same is not the case. Majority of the people with this disease complain that they continuously feel crawling or moving sensation on their skin. Leaving that aside, many WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019

people also think that the primary cause behind the disease is a form of psychosis which makes the person believe there are parasites and bugs in their skin, when in reality, that is not the case. As a matter of fact, it is also believed that morgellons is often the major “by product” of the Lyme disease. WHAT CAUSES MORGELLONS DISEASE?

Given the slight different explanation of the disease with little to no suitable symptoms and the lack of factual evidence to back up them up, it becomes very confusing to understand for a fact what the actual reason behind the problem is. Even with everything, there are four distinct causes which often explain to be the primary cause behind these diseases.


People suffering from Lyme disease People who were exposed to the ticks People who have been actually bitten by ticks People who suffer from hypothyroidism As per the shared statistics by the Morgellons Research Foundation, over 14,000 families in the United States suffer from this disease and experience the morgellons disease symptoms. Upon being conducted in a vivid survey with 3.2 million participants, it was found that the Morgellons disease was visible 3.65 cases out of the 100,000 participants which is definitely a rarity.

fiber like threads on the skin.

majority of the doctors opt for.

Some of the common symptoms of morgellons disease include:

For the infection induced problem

Crawling and moving sensation Small red, white or blue fibers originating from the sores or even the unbroken skin Itching and redness Inflamed skin Blisters or pustules Fatigue Joint aches Difficulty in concentrating on a particular thing Short term memory loss Depression Insomnia HOW TO TREAT MORGELLONS DISEASE?

SYMPTOMS OF MORGELLONS People diagnosed with Morgellons disease often tend to showcase similar symptoms to that of Lyme disease. The list of symptoms starts off with the common crawling and stinging sensation with the gradual appearance of the 67

Now that we are well aware of the common symptoms and the causes behind the same, let us focus on the approach to treatment for morgellons. Even though the Morgellons Disease Cure is not something that many doctors are well versed with, there are a primary two distinct treatment approaches that

If the doctor thinks and assesses you to have been suffering from the Morgellons disease because of any kind of infection in the body caused by any form of vector, they are most likely going to administer anti-biotic medications for a long term period. For psychological approach If the doctor thinks that your condition of Morgellons disease is more psychology induced, they are going to assign you to a psychologist for talking the problem out. This approach is often a lot hectic and anxiety inducing because of the fact that many patients feel like their voice is not heard and taken seriously which makes them feel even inferior and bad about the situation they are stuck in.




Nicotine From Your System With These Steps Consume more vitamins and minerals YSmoking results into decreasing vitamin contents from your body. According to the experts, vitamins such as A, C as well as E gets decreased due to regular smoking. However, you certainly can raise vitamin levels in your body by eating fruits such as kiwi. Boost your body WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019

with varying Vitamins that helps in rectifying the negative impacts projected by the nicotine in the body.

Eat more spinach Rich in folic acids as well as vitamins, spinach is highly essential for the body. Spinach also contains vitamin A as well as flavonoids, which prevents the body from lung cancer. It is also considered as rich in iron amount, 68

Nicotine is one of the primary reasons why our body undergoes the destructive changes that we often scare ourselves with. From destructive lung diseases to deadly diseases like cancer, the possibilities are quite vast and endless, for that matter. Tobacco, which also increases the proportion of nicotine in your body not only damages your organs but also your whole body development. Cigarette smoking, tobacco consumption is the main causes of increased nicotine consumption in your body.

It is very important to get these out of the body and we have some amazing ways to share with you.


which is needed for the body for transportation of oxygen from lungs to various other organs of the body. It is necessary to ensure that you consume spinach in limits because it has the tendency to form kidney stones as well.

from your body. Apart from that, it also helps in providing much needed moisturisation to your lungs. This is needed to carry out an important function of the lungs. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water to keep your body in the perfect shape and function.

Drink water


According to the experts, it is important to drink lots of water. It will not only keep you hydrated, but it also will flush out impurities and toxins

While many people just avoid eating onions as it causes bad breath, experts suggest that eating onions will help you in preventing various WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | FEBRUARY 2019


diseases including cancer. According to a research, onion does help in preventing the growth of new cells in the patient suffering with cancer. The anthocyanins present in the onions impose antioxidant properties in the body which is beneficial for the overall functioning of the body.

Oranges Orange is a citrus fruit and is rich in vitamin C, which is required to transport oxygen from your lungs to various organs of the body. It also contains cryptoxanthin, which does helps in preventing diseases such as lung cancer. Orange peel has also been considered as one of the best agents to cleanse your lung. It helps in keeping the free radical damage to a minimum as well that in turn protects the body further.

Broccoli Broccoli is loaded with Vitamin C and Vitamin B5, both of which are essential in negating the effects of the harmful nicotine in the body. Not just that, it is also loaded with other important minerals which have beneficial impacts on the body. The sulphorane in the broccoli is also quite beneficial for activating



the macrophage pathway in the body responsible for the first line of defense.

Corn Even corn is loaded with betacryptoxanthin which does have beneficial impacts in reducing the risks of lung cancer because of high levels of nicotine in the body. If you are an avid smoker, try and switch up your diet with some corn. It even contains the pre-cursor of Vitamin A, beta carotene, which further helps in boosting the body functions.

Brazilian Nuts Brazilian Nuts are loaded with selenium which has amazing antioxidant properties. This not just handles the rate of free radical damage in the body, it is also quite effective in preventing risks of prostate cancer. That being said, it is also important to ensure that you don’t go overboard with the consumption because selenium should be consumed in the required dietary levels in the body.corn. It even contains the pre-cursor of Vitamin A, beta carotene, which further helps in boosting the body functions.



DID YOU KNOW? Listening to music is believed to lower risks of developing brain tumour

Running for half an hour a day can help you lose 0.5 kg of fat in a week Walking for an hour every day reduce risks of breast cancer in women by 15%

Drinking two cups of cold water before a meal can boost metabolism by 30%

Natural pineapple juice is 5x better than your OTC cough syrup



Health Tips Exercising before bed at night can make your body lose more calories during the night

Crying is helpful in releasing out the excess stress hormone, thus helping you feel calm

Skipping a meal can make you gain weight, so consume regular and timely meals

Mid day naps improve your memory and reduces risks of heart diseases


Melons are believed to relieve stress and have amazing impacts in boosting metabolism


he lthspectra Helthspectra is all about providing valid information about health and related issues in the current world. Our dedicated team works on all the aspects on how to spread happiness in all and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.


+91-91339-65752 / HEALTHSPECTRA


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