HealthSpectra Magazine April 2020

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APRIL 2020




Discover The Concept Of Response To





HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note We are elated to bring you yet another installment of the HealthSpectra magazine. Amidst such harsh times, we hope this magazine brings you a little distraction from the constant stress of the coronavirus pandemic. As for this edition, we have shared some best ways of managing your health along with some insights on the Hanta virus. Aside from that, we have also shared some important insights for the safety of pregnant women during the coronavirus outbreak and even a list of the nutritional foods that a new mama can eat. Aside from that, you can also read through the amazing benefits of natural makeup products and the various ways diabetes and the environmental factors are related. We have shared some useful weight loss tips and the latest scientific breakthroughs that you probably didn’t know of.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.




Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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The information hereby is given to educate you about the subject. Get in touch with your physician in case you want to make use of 3any of the article contents. Please note that no liabilities can be charged on the author, magazine, site operator and site owners.


he lthspectra

06 HEALTH 12 Signs That You Are Unhealthy


12 BEAUTY Nurture Your Skin Without Skincare Products



Safety Measures Pregnant Women Must Take During COVID-19


How To Tune Your Mind To Lose Weight?

26 COVER STORY Discover The Concept Of Response To Stimuli

30 DIABETES Sugar-rich diet may lead to early death but not because of obesity




5 Things To Stop Doing After Having A Meal – Healthy Restriction!


Everything You Need To Know About Eating Raw Vegetables And Fruits


5 Tips To Manage Time Correctly And Productively








Safeguard yourself against Coronavirus the natural way


Mindfulness App Curbs Anxious Thoughts And Beats Burnout, Study Finds



The physical and psychological changes that your go through when you fall in love


Chordee Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

64 HEALTHY RECIPIE Egg salad sandwich



Add Strength In Your Body With Virabhadrasana II


72 HOME & FAMILY Important Foods For Mother’s Having A New Born Baby

76 HEALTHY LIVING Blood Cleansing – Importance, Benefits & Methods

80 DISEASE 30 Things You Need To Know About Hanta Virus 5



12 Signs That You Are Unhealthy WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


Why do we fall sick or feel unhealthy? It is either due to our negligence in taking care of our health or sticking to a bad lifestyle, isn’t it? For example, having a chilled drink that doesn’t suit your body can give you a headache or untimely meals that can cause indigestion. Blame it on your habits. Similarly, many of your actions make us unhealthy. If you care about your health and want to be vigilant, look for these signs that clearly state you are unhealthy. Once you know what caused all the problems, you can take important steps to feel healthy!

Sign No 1 - Wrinkles Settle on Your Skin Good health is an integral part of our life and messing with a healthy lifestyle is sure to show its repercussions on the mind and body. Feeling healthy isn’t only about being physically fit, it is equally important to be mentally fit as well. If one of these aspects is at a fault, it is a clear sign that you are unhealthy. 7

different and wrinkles might not be visible on your skin if you have taken good care of your skin from day one by eating good fruits and vegetables, staying away from nicotine, doing good skincare and many more things that are good with boosting the collagen in your skin. If you have started to develop wrinkles at an early age, you can blame it on your habits. However, in some cases, wrinkles form when there is less protein in the body.

WHAT TO DO? To reverse this problem, you need to eat the following foods! Cheese, almonds, eggs, yogurt, salad, protein shake, peanut butter, soybean, and fish.

Sign No 2 – Falling Asleep Gets Challenging It is normal for skin to lose out on its elasticity after a certain age. The situation can be a little


HEALTH When you are mentally or physically unwell, falling asleep gets difficult because the cortisol hormone gets imbalanced and it disturbs the fight and flight responses in your body. Only when the cortisol hormone comes in control your body gets to rest. Apart from this, eating heavy food or taking too much caffeine can be one of the reasons that you are finding it difficult to fall asleep.

WHAT TO DO? Avoid having a heavy meal before you go to bed Keep away from caffeine a few hours before you sleep Manage stress by keeping yourself busy with an activity so that you can keep the cortisol levels in check

Sign No 3 – Urine And Bowel Problems Occur

Unknowingly, day by day if you start to experience problems when you urinate or pass bowel movements, you are not healthy. Generally, the color of your urine changes giving out an odor and if you are unable to pass smooth bowel movements, you need to understand that your body is not fine.

If you see your face and body shrink, understand that there must be a problem with your bones.

You can be assured that you are fine if your urine doesn’t smell and you have bowel movements every day.

The main cause of osteoporosis is when you don’t eat the right food and perform activities that can be strenuous for your bones.



To save your urine from smelling bad, it is important that you avoid eating too much garlic, onion, and salmon. Any food that has asparagus should be avoided as it produces sulfur metabolite, this, in turn, gives rise to bad smell from your urine.

Always consult a doctor if you have osteoporosis. They will guide you correctly

To save yourself from irregular bowel movements, you have to keep yourself well hydrated and eat healthy food on time.

Make sure to give your body essential nutrients such as calcium and Vitamin D Practice meditation keep your mind calm


Sign No 5 – Lips Dry Up

Sign No 4 – Body Begins to Shrink The easiest way to identify that someone is unhealthy is through their face and body.



If your lips get extremely dry, it shows that you are unhealthy. Although it may seem like a small reason, it is an indication that your body is highly dehydrated. Apart from this, it is even noted that dry lips are formed when there is a vitamin deficiency in your body. Having said, if your lips are getting extremely bad and you cannot do without a moisturizer, it is time for you to get alert and work on ways to boost vitamins in your body.

WHAT TO DO? Eat vitamin boosting foods such as mushrooms, eggs, cereals, tuna, salmons and sardines. Take a 15-minute walk in the sunlight every day.

Sign No 6 – Body Goes Out Of Shape

fat is another sign that proves you are unhealthy. Hormonal disturbance or eating unhealthy food could make you obese and this is not good for your body otherwise as it results in you being affected by diseases. On one end, you don’t look nice when you are obese and on the other end, you are likely to suffer from heart diseases.

WHAT TO DO? Exercise regularly – jogging, running, cycling and weight training. Don’t starve – the body goes into starvation mode, stores fats and the metabolism is affected, this is bad. Apart from this, your body doesn’t get the essential nutrients it needs and this might result in nutritional deficiency. Avoid overeating foods such as candy bars, potato chips, white bread, sweets, pizza, high-calorie coffee, etc.

Earlier you saw that if a person is unhealthy his/her lips get extremely dry and they cannot do without a lip balm. Similarly, the toes and fingernails get bad if you are unhealthy. If you think that your nails have got discolored or your fingers look different, it is a clear indication take it further to investigate what’s gone wrong. Probably you have a fungal infection due to lack of hygiene or you must have eaten foods that didn’t suit your body.

Sign No 8 – Palms Get Cold And Sweaty

Try and manage stress so that it doesn’t show up on your body.

As mentioned earlier, when you are unhealthy it shows up on your body and getting 9

Sign No 7 – Finger And Toe Nails Get Bad

Having cold or sweaty palms is not a comfortable place to WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

HEALTH be in. You might think that is normal and your body’s temperature is that way. However, that’s not the case always. It is clear that you are unhealthy if your palms get cold or you sweat often. It is possible that you are suffering from a cardiovascular disease or you have hyperhidrosis. There are two reasons for your hands to get cold and sweaty. One, the blood is not circulating well through your body. Two, if you don’t take necessary measures to let your body generate enough heat, your sweat glands receive an intense/abnormal signal from the nerves. Get yourself checked at the earliest if this situation persists. Don’t easily let it go.

Sign No 9 – You Have A Close Connection With Tiredness

It is natural to feel tired after running about the entire day, we all experience it. However, if you are excessively or abnormally feeling tired all the time, it is not healthy.



It is a sign that your thyroid levels have increased. There must be an iron deficiency in your body. You must be having type 2 diabetes Sleep apnea Depression Your body is tired fighting against the toxins etc

WHAT TO DO There are only three solutions to this problem – eat well and good food, sleep on time and keep away from habits that can ruin your system and stress you out.

Sign No 10 – Anxiety Resides Within Your Mind The biggest reason for a person to get anxious is


due to stress and conflicting thoughts. You can’t always blame it on stress although it is partly one of the reasons. As such, problems such as imbalanced sex hormones, thyroid, and a few other problems causes anxiousness. This is not at all healthy.

WHAT TO DO? Don’t battle with anxiety alone. Discuss it with the person you feel most connected to. Find a way to destroy this anxious phase. If it doesn’t have to do with your mental health, get yourself checked by a doctor and take necessary measures.

Sign No 11 – Loud Snores It is understandable when you snore sometimes. However, if you have regularly started to snore loudly, it shows that you are unhealthy.


Snoring is a baby stage of struggling with a sleep disorder and there are chances that you might be having heart disease or pulmonary hypertension as air easily doesn’t pass through your arteries or lungs.

Sign No 12 – Hair Turns Gray At An Early Age When gray hair is seen as a sign of aging, it is digestible.


However, it is that you check if you are having a nutrition deficiency or any other health problems. At the end of the day, it is important to be convinced that you are healthy. On the contrary, if you start to see your hair getting gray at an early age, you are either unhealthy or it’s the genes that are causing the trouble. None of us would prefer looking old before its time. Hair color can always be a solution to hide those ugly looking gray hair strands.

CONCLUSION Beating stress, eating good food and sleeping well are the only powerful mantras to stay mentally and physically healthy. Unfortunately, if you experience any of the signs that are mentioned above, it is high time to show yourself to a doctor and get treated.






Playing it organic on your skin won’t steal away your charm or make you look dehydrated and dead. You might be thinking that it is easier said than done, but you will enjoy touching your soft skin and watch it glow when you start depending more on a natural routine than a costly beauty product. Having said, it is worth it if you have to spend money on a donut instead of an expensive skincare product. The role of skincare products comes into the picture only when your skincare routine is not enough or natural remedies aren’t co-operating with your skin.



BEAUTY Its time to get one step close to nature and look out for a fresh organic path to taking care of your skin, no harm in ditching skincare products. See everything you need to do!

IMPORTANT POINTS TO KEEP IN MIND Before you get to know what to do and how to go about following it. You need to read through the points listed below.

I – SKIN CARE ROUTINE Skincare routine is divided into two. Morning skincare routine and Night skincare routine. You can call it an am or pm routine. In other words, you need to pamper your skin before you sleep and after you wake up.

II – WHAT TYPE OF SKIN DO YOU HAVE? Check on the type of skin you have. Is it dry, sensitive, acne-prone, combination or oily skin? You need to know this to accordingly treat your skin.


Touch your skin and see


how you feel. Is it oily, dry or both?


2. Pay attention to your pores. If they are too big then you have oily or acneprone skin. If they are small, then you have a dry or combination skin type.

You need skincare first. Following a routine itself will solve all your problems.

3. After cleansing, take a look at how your skin feels. If you have oily skin, it won’t feel oily. If you have dry skin, you will feel the pull on your skin. 4. Check on how often do you need to apply a moisturizer. If you have oily skin you might not need a moisturizer all day and if you have dry skin, you will need to keep a moisturizer handy.

III - KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SKINCARE AND SKINCARE PRODUCTS There is a a huge difference between skincare and skincare products. Skincare products only address one segment of the problems in your skin. Skincare includes measures to pamper and nurture your skin from the inside out.


When your skin concerns don’t seem to come to an end despite giving your 100%. Then skincare products will play a significant role in solving all kinds of skin concerns. Skincare is inexpensive and needs to be done consistently. Whereas skincare products are expensive and they can come along with side effects or for all you know, it might not benefit your skin. 10 Ways To Nurture Your Skin Without Skincare Products Nothing like staying on detox from skincare products. Ever tried it? It may or might not help. However, you won’t know until you try. Here are ways to nurture your skin naturally without skincare products!

NO 1 – MEDITATE FOR GOOD SKIN In meditation you go into the relaxation mode and this is quite beneficial for your skin. 14


The effects of these mantras work even if you don’t have faith based on the wave sounds and resonances that draw a strong connection with the universe.

If you meditate for 10 minutes every day, your mind and skin get rid of the stress due to pollution, imbalanced hormones and unhealthy lifestyle. Meditation is a positive health booster. The good that it does is it increases your blood circulation, compensates for lack of moisture, strengthens lymphatic drainage and enable oxygen to flow throw all the cells in your body.

TIP Don’t force yourself too much to focus on meditation. Keep your eyes closed. Take deep and long breaths. If you can be mindful of what is happening in your body, nothing like it.

STUDY FOUND Even the skin responds to environmental and emotional stress just like the mind. If you want good and young-looking skin, it is essential to beat your stress through meditation.

The game is all in the mind! If you are guessing being positive to be a healthy way of taking care of your skin without a skincare product, you got it perfectly right.

Reciting a positive skin mantra will bless you with a distinctive charm on your skin.


The more we develop positive thoughts, it does good to our body. Interestingly, the same logic goes with the skin too. Here’s one of the best affirmations, you can make for yourself “I have beautiful skin. The flaws are temporary and they make me look even more beautiful.” Practice saying this and you see how it would help your skin shine. If you can manage shining from the inside, it is not difficult for it to show up on the outside.

STUDY Studies


affirmations or mantras end up working. Ask positive from the universe and it will give you what you need. It sounds like a fiction story, but research says it’s true.



To keep your skin good, it is necessary to internally hydrate yourself. Is water sufficient to keep your skin healthy? First off, it is water that will help. Additionally, healthy drinks such as turmeric juice, ginger juice, Chaga tea, and green tea will show its profound impacts on your skin.


BEAUTY You can drink one glass of any drink and it will do good to your skin. Coming back to the water, 8 glasses a day is good enough for your skin.

HOW DO DO THESE DRINKS HELP? 1. Water has properties to eliminate all the toxins from your skin. 2. Chaga tea helps with boosting your immunity and improves collagen production in the skin. In other words, if not directly, indirectly, the skin has a role in benefiting from your digestive system. This drink is packed with Vitamin C and it is organic. 3. Ginger and green tea helps in reducing inflammation in your skin and body.


Were you aware that your skin’s health is dependent on your gut health? Interestingly or surprisingly, this is true. Our brain, gut, and skin are all connected. How? If you want your skin to get good care, you need to take care of your gut health. Here are a few tips to take care of your gut health. The word bacteria sound scary, but in the body, there are good bacteria present and your gut uses these bacteria to convert food into energy. In other words, you need to increase your probiotic intake. Here are tips to improve your gut health. Take a look!

5. Stress and gut health are interconnected with each other. Just like every other body organ gets signals, neurons are surrounding the intestinal wall and it sends information to your brain. Then the brain sends messages to your gut in the form of chemicals.


1. Floratrex is a good probiotic as it is supportive and good for the system. 2. Don’t consume antibiotics excessively. No doubt antibiotics kill bad bacteria; however, they might end up killing good bacteria as well. 3. Try your best to consume fermented foods. These good bacteria are good for your gut. Make yogurt at home, this is the safest option. 4.


too much sugar. Sugar directly affects the gut as it encourages the growth of bad bacteria. Besides, you will have to deal with problems like imbalanced hormones, you will put on weight and it causes inflammation.

Avoid consuming

Our skin changes like seasons, at times it will seem great or otherwise, you have to deal with rashes, allergies, dryness, greasiness or acne. No one escapes this struggle with skin issues. If your skin problem is related to an external factor like the weather or pollution, you can treat it by applying 16

natural home remedies like aloe Vera, tomato juice, chic pea powder and many others. If your skin problem is the consequence of an internal issue like cystic acne due to a change in hormones, you can eat 2 tsp flax or pumpkin seeds to reduce the acne. Additionally, it subsides periods cramps as well. For your skin, always trust a natural remedy, it certainly helps.


WHY IS IS FACIAL MASSAGE GOOD? Rejuvenates your skin Enhances glow Reduces fine puffiness



A a good way to de-stress Boosts collages Improves blood circulation

BEST TIPS ON FACIAL MASSAGE Pick any plant-based facial oil for your skin. Heat it for a few seconds. Apply a few 4-5 drops of this oil and gently massage it clockwise and anti-clockwise. Use a jade roller and for ten minutes move it around your skin. Let the healthy oil go deep inside and provide it with all the necessary nutrients to keep it soft and glowing.

To pamper your skin you will need oils or at least natural products to seep in and make it healthy. If you want to take good care of your skin. It is highly essential to massage it every alternate day. You can massage your face at night. First, clean the skin with rose water and then use oil. 17

Along with massaging your face, ensure to massage your neck. Even this portion of the skin is equally exposed to the UV rays and pollution. It equally needs pampering. While massaging your face, press the pressure points and make it feel better. Begin with the sides of your face and use circular strokes.

Go to your mouth, beside the nostrils and on the cheekbones, go to the neck if your skin is loose.

NO 7 – MOVE YOUR BODY Every woman wants shining and healthy skin. If you want to keep up the shine, you must exercise and drive out all the toxins and dirt accumulated in your skin through pores.

CONCLUSION To take care of your skin without skincare products you need to stay calm with meditation, manage stress with a smile, burn it out after a stressful day, feed your body with vegetables and fruits, get your beauty sleep and apply a natural home remedy for healthy and charming skin.


Safety Measures Pregnant Women Must Take During COVID-19 WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


life and the little life in your stomach. Here is everything you need to know about the safety measures pregnant women must take during COVID-19. Read it carefully as it is informational and necessary.

Introduction Corona Virus came from Wuhan, China. It began affecting around 8,000 people across the world and there were about 180 deaths. This has gone beyond and day by day, cases have been increasing. You cannot estimate the severity of the Corona Virus. However, there are two ways of bifurcating the severity Blame the respiratory droplets that are passing on from one person to another through actions such as coughing, cold or sneezing and making the virus spread. If you get in contact with an affected person and shake hands or touch your skin and touch them, the other person is prone to suffer too.

COVID-19 has shaken up every person across the globe. Given the fact that this virus is spreading and bringing up more positive cases, stepping out of the house has become dangerous. People are social distancing with the fear of being quarantined or dying. Right from our Ministers to the people below the poverty line, everyone around us is fighting a battle. A few people are luckily escaping the virus, while the virus is killing the rest of them. This is a shout out to all the pregnant women out there, ensure to be the most careful. Remember, you need to protect your own 19

Symptoms Fever Dry cold Cough Shortness of breath It may or may not be severe It affects a person between 2-14 days

Is Corona Virus Dangerous For The Fetus Or New WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


Born Baby?

sources through which the virus could affect the fetus.

For the most part, when there is a serious illness or infection, we feel that a pregnant woman is more at risk and her immunity could dropdown. Having said, concerning coronavirus, every pregnant woman out there must be worried or have questions about the effects of the virus on the fetus or newborn baby, isn’t it?

Keeping this in mind, it is clear that the virus doesn’t affect the fetus at all. In addition to this, he says that the virus can be detected in the third semester. There is no clarity on how the virus attacks women during their first semester.

Let’s clear all your doubts. Take a look! First off, pregnant women don’t have to worry at all as coronavirus will not harm your baby. You will just need to follow the instructions of the healthcare providers and take good care of your health. Researchers are working hard day and night to see if the virus can affect the baby inside the stomach or not. So far, they don’t see the virus causing any problem to the fetus as such. This is studied by various

Therefore, it is not a matter of concern that pregnant women are at a risk to catch the virus sooner. There is no such scientific evidence to it. However, if you are tested positive after your baby is born. To be on a safe side, it is better if you are kept in isolation for a while so that the infection doesn’t spread to the baby.

How Can Pregnant Women Avoid Being

In the Lancet publication, they studied to understand the effects of COVID-19 on the fetus. 9 pregnant women between 26-40 participated in this study and they were all COVID-19 tested positive. Related to this study, a mother was tested COVID-19 positive 36 hours after the baby was born and the scientists studied this to find out if the baby was affected in the stomach or not. Wei Zhang, an associate professor at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, stated that the virus doesn’t travel through the amniotic fluid, cord blood, or breast milk and these are the WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


Affected With Corona Virus? Here is what pregnant women should do to avoid coronavirus. Take a look! You need to keep washing your hands now and then to maintain hand hygiene. Most importantly, after you have coughed, sneezed or used the toilet. For at least 30 seconds you should continuously clean your hands Pregnant women need to keep away from extremely crowded places. The air inside or around is unsafe Although face masks don’t completely help keep with keeping the virus away. It is something better than nothing

of the flu. Do your best in managing cold, fever or throat pain with medicines. At the same time, get yourself tested To boost immunity, you must eat enough fluids and take good rest so that your body is strong to fight problems

It is a good safety measure if you can drink warm water instead of drinking water at room temperature. That being said, in situations when you experience an itchy sensation in your throat, it gets all the more necessary to drink warm water. This might not necessarily help; however, it is to protect your body from the virus By chance, if you are in a crowd, ensure to stay 1 meter away from people

Precaution is always better than cure. As the virus has similar symptoms like that




How To Tune Your Mind To Lose Weight?

Where there is a will, there is a way! The more we can manage our weight, the better we feel. Deep down all of us want to be fit. We make big health goals and all of a sudden think of adhering to a healthy diet. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


How many of us are able to follow health plans and goals or come down from 70kgs to 50kgs? Not all of us and this is simple because we don’t have strong will power and haven’t tuned our minds to lose weight. Losing weight is not an overnight miracle. It is a gradual process that demands from you to go step by step and mentally tune your mind to focus on weight loss techniques/tips. Read this article and learn how to tune your mind to lose weight!

No 1 - Visualize Your Wish Only when you visualize and dream to achieve what you want will you be able to tell your mind to follow rules. So, if you have to tune your mind to lose weight, start imagining how you will look thin. That’s how you visualize your wish. As said, it is all in the mind. The more you start to think you are thin, the closer you will get to your goal. You might not lose all 20 kgs. However, you will succeed in losing atleast 6-7 kgs. Take this tip serious and start visualizing.


No 2 - Practice Self-Control On Repeat Mode The only secret to losing weight is by maintaining a consistency in doing what you have to in order to reach your goal. It goes without saying that one of your goals to lose weight must be that of controlling your cravings. So you need to lose if you want to gain something. Think of this the motivating way, if you can step back a little every time, finally you will learn how to start eating healthy food and those cravings over a period of time might begin to mean nothing to you.

No 3 - Stop Comparing Your Body With Someone Skinnier It is psychological that you might tend to compare your body to someone who is thinner and wish to be like him/her. You must take a pause there and think of how a world would be if all of us were the same size. It would get boring! If you want to train your mind to lose weight, you have to stop comparing and envying thin women. The best you can do is avoid seeing their pictures. The more you see, the more you will feel low about yourself. Besides, you might be good with something WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

WEIGHT LOSE else if the opposite person is thinner. So stop being disappointed and just focus on your body!

No 4 - Start Retrospecting Going out of your way and working towards your health goal is quite an achievement. Does it stop there? You need to go to the next step and see if you are walking in the right direction towards achieving your goal or not. Ask yourself if you are doing enough and retrospect on what’s your progress in weight loss so far. This might not seem like a potential tip towards mentally tuning your mind to lose weight. However, in a way you get to know where you stand and that’s more than enough to help you progress better.

No 5 - Don’t Over Expect From Your Body When we invest time and efforts in attaining a goal, expecting results is normal and when those expectations aren’t meant it can feel demotivating and pull us down in no time. As things like losing weight is a process and it isn’t you who is to be blamed if you are trying to lose weight and not able to. There are several other factors that influence weight loss. Talking of which, it must be a family history or the pace at which your body responds. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

Therefore, stop expecting too much and go with your weight loss process step by step. Keep it simple, so promise yourself that you will not expect much and tweak your weight loss aims every single day.

No 6 - Find An Alternative To Your Sacrificed Cravings You should not cheat on your cheat days. Being firm over your diet is important when you want to lose weight, however, you can keep a day for all your junk. Don’t cheat on that. Fulfill you craving for that one day. For rest of the days, it always helps if you find healthy alternatives to replace the cravings you have. Initially, you might not find these alternatives as effective as your cravings are. However, it becomes a ‘something better than nothing’ case and the best part is that you will get immune to it over a period of time. Therefore, instead of drinking unhealthy aerated drinks, start to sip on some fresh juice. It will keep you healthier.

No 7 - Find A Company To Exercise With Motivation comes when you have someone to cheer you up in times you feel like saying ‘its enough and I cannot do it’. Especially with exercising. 24

If you want your mind to be an ally who can help you focus on weight loss, you need to find an ally who can physically come along with you or probably you can find someone who needs the mind tuning like you do and take it from there together. There was a study conducted over understanding how having social groups while exercising can help and after experimenting they found out that almost half the crowd who socialized while exercising lost more weight when compared to the people who exercised alone.

No 8 - Eat What’s Required, Not More Eating only what’s required is surely a punishment for foodies. That’s the catch, you need to let go a little to train your mind. If you want to tune your mind to lose weight. Eat as much as you need to fill your hunger. Avoid over-eating or getting carried away. Just tell yourself that you will get to eat after a few hours or the next day and until then you are going to be strong an control. As you know overeating never does good, it will just make you healthy and that’s not what you want for your body. Right?

No 9 - Hug Health Commitments Tuning your mind to lose weight is easy, sticking to it is all it takes. Breaking up with 25

your health goals will take a few seconds. While it takes time to nurture and stick to what you need to do. Are you doing it all? If you are doing it, keep doing it. If you are not, its never too late to re-start. But the deal here is that you have to stay dedicated. Stay committed and nothing can stop you from achieving what you want.

No 10 - Keep Your Goals Simple While making health goals you might overestimate living upto all of them and finally things don’t turn out as expected. What should be done then? It is simple, you just need to focus on setting small goals and achieving them. You don’t have to do anything more or less. Besides helping you achieve all the little health goals, you even get to learn how to plan and work on other goals in life. This in turn gives you what you want and makes you a responsible person.

Conclusion Thus, to tune your mind to lose weight, you need focus, determination, an ally to keep you motivated, an alternative to junk, little struggle to keep away from cravings and ideas to set small goals and attain them. If you don’t achieve and fail to do any of these things. Re-try and don’t give up as you will get there at some point. Is your mind at least 50% tuned to lose weight now? Give it the boost it needs and work towards bettering your health! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


Discover The Concept Of Response To




Speaking about one of the simplest yet effective concepts known as response to stimuli, let’s discover as to how this works in every living thing. You must have already read of this concept. However, let’s refresh our knowledge with the meaning and experiments around response to stimuli. Introduction Every living being is naturally prone to react to every situation based on what the five senses indicate. This concept of response is broadly classified into two categories, conscious and unconscious responses. Based on situations, we either have subconscious or conscious responses. Living beings respond to light, sound, smell, and touch. Responses can be positive or negative based on what a person feels.

The seeds of science are within and around us. We wouldn’t manage to exist, survive and discover without this incredible subject. So, you can imagine how most of the things that happen in our life right from evolution to destruction are indirectly or directly an outcome of discovery and experiments. 27

What Is Response To Stimuli? An instant reaction after an activity takes place is known as response to stimuli. For instance, if you touch a

thorn, this is the stimulus. Removing your hand after getting pricked by the thorn is the stimulus. Only where there is a stimulus, there is a response. Each of these is dependent on the other. 1. Anything that has a response is a stimulus. 2. Any kind of reaction to an event is a response. There is perfect coordination in the patterns of response based on the changes in the environment.

Understanding The Stimulus The most important factor that understands the stimulus are the receptors. The task of a receptor is to pass on a message of the stimulus through electrical signals to the nerve cells. Take a look at things that a receptor understands/ detect from a stimulus Light receptors for your eyes Vibration receptors for your ears Skin receptors for touch, pressure, and pain Chemical receptors that can recognize taste and smell


COVER STORY Finally, our body receives signals from multiple receptors at the same time. How the mind co-ordinates this information coming from different receptors is totally dependent on the person’s ability to understand. The process of stimulus and response wouldn’t be valid if there were no effectors(organs) in the body.

they cannot estimate the distance, however, the vision is super good. All thanks to their light receptors.

Example Of Stimulus In Animals

1. If you’ve ever noticed mimosa plants, their leaves cling to each other and close when you touch them. Therefore, this is one of the most perfect examples of the stimuli (mimosa plant) responding to our touch (leaves close and cling to each other).

1. In animals, the light receptors in the eyes work most effectively. Usually animals have a strong vision while they are hunting. Both the eyes won’t look at an image the same way.

2. The basic nature of a plant leaning towards sunlight.

2. Animals get a hint about the weather and they make fur coats for themselves. 3. Earthworms make burrows whenever they see light. On a whole, animals have a deep vision and from far they can watch the animal they are about to hunt. One disadvantage is that WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

Examples Of Stimulus In Plants

Conscious Response To Stimuli As the name suggests, this form of response is when a person is conscious, has the capacity to understand and decide as to how to react on a given situation or event. There is a perfect co-ordination between the stimulus and multiple receptors. When a person

is experiencing a conscious response to stimuli, he/she is capable of talking about it. Let’s take a look at the kinds of conscious response to stimuli No 1 – Episodic Memory Recall This conscious response means you deliberately going back to experience in the past. For instance, on your own you go back to your memories of a restaurant you visited a decade back. Then, you think about the ambience, taste of the food and if they played special music in that restaurant, it stays in your mind and you experience an emotion, could be a happy or sad one. No 2 – Making A Decision Based On The Environment While making a response here, you think, realize and then make a decision based on what the environment demands from you. For instance, in the morning if you notice cloudy weather, you will automatically decide to carry an umbrella along. So, this is how you would respond by making a conscious decision. No 3 – Mental Manipulation In this form of response, you visualize, decide and then 28

plan your response. The most common example is if you have taken up a course, you see yourself certified, you decide on how much to study every week and then set a deadline as to when to complete it. This is how your response is planned in prior.

stimuli because they can get our nervous system, the aware when their life is in ANS regulates unconscious danger when another animal responses. is on its way to attack it For example, your hands will 端 Our entire survival counts freeze if you touch a vessel on response to stimuli filled with ice cubes.

Importance Conclusion to stimuli is Unconscious of Response Response beautiful co-ordination To Stimuli between the five senses, Response To stimulus, receptors and Stimuli See why is it important to the nervous system. No A total opposite scenario of conscious response to stimuli is unconscious response to stimuli, where the response is more of a reflex action and the person may or may not be conscious in this situation. It is a totally uncontrolled scenario. In


have a response to stimuli!

organism would be able to live without a response to 端 To be sure that the nervous stimuli. However, the way system is functioning well plants, animals and human beings respond to stimuli 端 It indicates that your body that are unique and different. knows how to respond to the environmental changes 端 For animals, it is important to have a good response to



Sugar-rich diet may lead to early death but not because of obesity



People have a very big misconception about life. While majority of the people think that it is easier to combat and tide over the impacts of diabetes, the same is not the truth. This is one of those diseases that leave you affected for your whole life and requires management throughout the life.

Consumption of the sugar rich diets harm your body in more ways than known. It is not just the impacts of obesity that you need to worry about, the possibilities of the same are quite diverse.

rich diet consistently doesn’t result in death because of the diabetes like symptoms like obesity but mainly because of the accumulation of the waste products in the body in the form of uric acid.

The researchers from the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences found that the consumption of sugar

The findings of the paper has already been published on Cell Metabolism journal and clarified that the early death because of a sugar rich diet is not because of the diabetic like metabolic issues. The prospects of this are way deeper than just that. It is not a new thing that the consumption of the excess sugar has direct impacts on the body and is very unhealthy. It enhances the risks of metabolic disorders including obesity and diabetes. It has also been responsible for cutting down the lifespan of people because of the persistent metabolic defects. While majority of the researchers believed that it is the metabolic defects and obesity driven diabetes that cause the early death, this new study has proven that is not necessarily the case. Dr Helena CochemĂŠ, the lead author of the study stated saying that much like humans, even the flies that are fed with a high sugar diet show all the traditional hallmarks of the standard



DIABETES metabolic disease. They become fat and show signs of insulin resistance. Studies have found that obesity paired with the metabolic disease is one of the principal signs of increases mortality rate in the human beings. This was the reason why the researchers and even common people believed that the excess sugar was damaging to the body. Aside from that, the combination of salt and sugar has also been found to contribute to the signs of dehydration. Thirst is one of the early signs of high blood sugar levels.

to see whether or not there are changes in that. The researchers found that because of the high consumption of sugar in their diet, the flies started accumulating uric acid in their bodies in high concentration. Uric acid is an end product of purine metabolism and breakdown. As much as these purines are important for your body’s genetic material, the uric acid tend to crystallise in the renal system contributing

to the formation of kidney stones, as we generally know it as. The researchers found that they were able to reduce the incidence of these stone formation either by diluting the sugar or by blocking the production of the uric acid using a drug. This protected against the negative impacts of the high sugar diet. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that one can eat sugar rich foods and just rely on drinking water to balance

Water is a necessity for our health, there is no two ways about it. Yet, this is one of those attributes that is often overlooked in majority of the conducted studies around. This was the reason when the researchers fed these flies with extra water to drink, they didn’t show signs of reduced life span. On the contrary, they did exhibit the typical metabolic defects that majority of the individuals experience when on a high sugar diet. Because of this water system and the kind of impacts it imposed on the fly’s mortality rate, the researchers wanted to focus on their renal system WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


that out. That is not how things work.

Dr CochemĂŠ said that even though the water did increase the lifespan of these flies, at the end of the day, they are still unhealthy. In case of humans, the same leads to obesity and in turn, enhance the risks associated with heart diseases and


such. This means that the early death is not just because of the obesity and diabetes but because of the accumulation of the uric acid in the body. To understand this better, collaborators from Kiel University in Germany explored the influence of diet in healthy volunteers and check whether the same stands out true for the normal healthy individual as well.

The researchers concluded that much like the flies, the same has direct impacts on the renal system of humans as well. They found high purine levels in the blood. Further studies are being conducted to find therapeutic approaches to help manage the same.



5 Things To Stop Doing After Having A Meal –

Healthy Restriction!



Having a healthy or rich meal is satisfying. Till we follow healthy habits it is good. Subconsciously or consciously sometimes or often we end up spoiling that moment of being satisfied by giving into wrong habits after a meal. How bad is it for your health? Ever found yourself gulping down a big glass of water immediately after having a meal or done something even more against your health? Well, we are all used to doing much such unhealthy stuff. If you go by the rule, immediately after having a meal, there are a few things we need to avoid doing to stay healthy and fit. What are those? Do we know them all? You never know how one unhealthy habit can cost your weight or it might be a sign of welcoming another disease. Let’s look at what are those unhealthy things we must strictly avoid after having a good meal.


No 1 Keep Away From Cold Water

having a delicious meal. The satisfied stomach wants to quench its thirst. Especially, when summer enters, we all want to gulp down cold water.

It is our natural tendency to pick up a glass of water after

In reality, it is not a good idea at all. Yes, water is good. It


FITNESS plays a significant role while the food is getting digested. However, drinking extremely cold water or immediately after a meal or even before a meal has an adverse impact on your body and it is definitely not good for you.

the process of digestion, there is a fluid component that is present in the gastric system and it needs to stay balanced in all times. By drinking water before meals or after meals, you end up disturbing that component. This is why the process of digestion goes haywire.

WHAT BEST TO DO? 1. Don’t be in a hurry to sip water. You can wait. Give a gap of at least 30 minutes and then have water. 2. Never have water while having your meals because your body might lose its ability to absorb the necessary nutrients present in the food you are eating. This can lead to colon expansion in a few cases. 3. If possible, have warm water to improve your metabolism.

WHAT HAPPENS? If you gulp down chilled water immediately after a meal, The following things happen to your body.

No 2 Never Go To Bed

Ø Your body begins to search for more energy as your organs get pressurized. While this happens, even the process of digestion is disturbed Ø You are prone to feel hungry comparatively faster than you would otherwise feel if you didn’t have water. The more you are hungrier, chances are you might start over eating and you can get obese Apart from this, taking into account WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


It is the most convenient to happily jump on the bed and go to sleep after a meal. Most of us do this when we are tired for the day. If you go to see, to stay healthy and fit is easy provided we all abide by rules. The biggest challenge is to stay consistent in following rules before it hits on the body and makes us unhealthy. Thus, one should never go to bed immediately after a meal.


for a while and then cling on to your bed. By this time, the food would have digested and without any risk, you can sleep well. 2. Even if you want to take a power nap. Wait for a while and then take a nap.

No 3 Don’t Take A Bath Immediately

Can’t blame a person for being used to this habit because we all feel drowsy after eating. Having said, this is why it is not good. Ø Acids start to float everywhere in the stomach and this causes a major heartburn Ø If the acids reach your throat, it will affect the mucus membranes and things get worse. This is known as acid reflux and this usually happens because the valve that’s in between the stomach and esophagus needs to close, but it doesn’t close Ø It impacts digestion and there are a few chances that you might put on weight. However, this is not the case for everybody


Ø According to one of the studies, sleeping after eating might cause a stroke or heart diseases

Knowingly or unknowingly, most people take a shower after their meals. A few of us are lazy and we want to fill our stomach first before getting onto a new task. In reality, this habit is bad for your health.



1. Usually it takes about two hours for the food to digest. Ensure to wait

When you take it easy and don’t consider it bad to take a bath


FITNESS immediately after a meal, see what happens to your body. The blood circulation increases when the process of digestion has to happen. By taking a shower immediately, you are affecting the blood circulation as it gets into your skin and reduces the temperature of your body which further causes hindrances through the process of digestion.

WHAT BEST TO DO? If you want to be fit, instead of going for a shower after your meals. Practice taking a shower before your meals. Psychologically if you look at it, you will understand that after a shower your brain sends refreshed signals to your body indicating it to absorb all the nutrients from your food. If you cannot take a shower before eating, wait for two hours after your meal and then go for a shower.

No 4 Stay Away From Tea or Coffee Beverages are refreshing and tasty. Most of us are habituated to sip on some tea and coffee after a heavy meal. This is not a good idea although it might seem refreshing.

WHAT HAPPENS? So far, there aren’t specific reasons as to why you should avoid drinking tea or coffee. More or less it has a WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

negative impact on your digestion. You wouldn’t want that for your body, right? On the other hand, if you see, tea is good for digestion. But the fact that caffeine is present, drinking it right after having your meals stops your digestive system from letting the main nutrients into your body.

WHAT BEST TO DO? The best is to have all your beverages a while before you take your meal. If you want get refreshed with a cup of coffee or tea after your meal, wait for two hours and then sip on these refreshing drinks.

No 5 – Never Eat Fruits After Lunch Eating fruits is healthy and at the same time eating them at the right 38

time is healthier. When do you eat fruits? Before a meal or after a meal? It is important to avoid eating fruits after a meal.

meal if you want to munch on fruit. The best time to eat fruits is in the morning. Have a glass of water and then grab a few fruits. This is one of the healthiest practices. Besides fiber, fruits have essential vitamins and minerals too.


WHAT HAPPENS? If you eat fruits after a meal, chances are that the food and the fruit, both will be difficult to digest. In some cases, this becomes problematic in your digestive tract. How? No doubt that fruits have fiber and it digests well. However, it takes a while to pass through the intestine and reach your stomach. This doesn’t happen in a minute or two, it takes more than 15 minutes.

WHAT BEST TO DO? So, the best you can do for your body is by keeping away from fruits immediately after your meal. Either eat it a while before your meal or give a gap of at least an hour after your 39

Often, we miss out on the little things that have an impact on our health the most. Having said, after eating a meal, follow the above-mentioned points to save your body from complications. Apart from what’s mentioned, immediately after you have a meal, you shouldn’t wear tight clothes, drink alcohol, swim, drink too much water, exercise or brush your teeth. To stay fit you need to pay heed to minor things!



Everything You Need To Know About Eating Raw Vegetables And Fruits Eat fresh and stay healthy to rock the stamina in your body!






Introduction We all want spices and wellcooked food to enjoy the taste. Perhaps now we are enjoying the spices. Later on in life, it is the raw food and nutrition that we derive in all these years is what has better weightage and substantially it counts. Since you know how much eating raw foods counts, even if you dislike its sight, you need to read this article and understand the significance of eating raw food and what do researchers have to say about it. Read this article to know it all Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Food How much of salads do you eat as a snack or with food every day? If salad is not a part of your routine, start including it in your diet. Here are some of the potential benefits of eating raw food. Take a look!

No 1 – Boosts Fiber In Your Body Fiber is a powerful nutrient and by eating most of the raw fruits and vegetables, the percentage of fiber in WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

your body rises up. The main reason for giving your body the fiber it needs is to boost digestion. If your body doesn’t get enough fiber, problems such as bad colon health, gastric issues, and diverticular disease occur. Thus, save yourself from experiencing a health complication. Benefits of fiber The phytochemicals in your body are activated to fight against diseases There are rare chances that a person would get obese if they eat sufficient fiber foods It keeps a check on your digestive health

No 2 – Aids Weight Loss No person wishes to get obese in an unhealthy manner. People are obese due to hormonal disturbances or because of resorting to bad habits. Lately, if you have put on too much weight and want to stay healthy, you must start eating raw vegetables and fruits. All of it has the necessary nutrients to improve your health. The risk of being obese ends up affecting the heart, it can

make a person diabetic or end up causing several other health problems. The best benefit of losing weight is that you won’t be at risk of suffering from diseases and you will feel happier about the way you look.

No 3 – Improves Vitamin And Mineral Content In Your Body If you don’t have enough vitamins and minerals in your body, you must eat raw fruits and vegetables. Every kind of vitamin is good to improve immunity. This helps in fighting against diseases.

No 4 – Makes You Physically Stronger It is indeed a blessing to feel rejuvenated and healthy. The best way to achieve it is by eating raw fruits and vegetables. These raw foods instantly improve the energy levels in your body. No 5 – Enhances Mental Health Interestingly,



have found out that for good mental health, one must eat raw fruits and vegetables instead of the ones that are processed. They say so because raw vegetables and fruits keep the nutrients as they are. Nutrients in fruits and vegetables tend to decrease once it is cooked. A group of adults from New Zealand and the US participated in a survey that finally proved that raw fruits and vegetables are much better and good for the mind.

Fallacy About Eating Raw Food Generally, most of us are in a notion that cooked foods steal away all the essential nutrients required for the body, isn’t it? However, the fact is that cooking doesn’t steal away all the nutrients if you cook at a low temperature. In fact, nutritionists suggest this as a better option for your health. Having said, two nutrients such as lycopene in tomatoes and beta carotene in carrots come out the best only after it is cooked. This fact was studied by experts.


Is Raw Food Or Cooked Food Healthier? Experts from the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention suggest that it is super healthy and nutritious to eat raw foods. Additionally, the most effective way to stay healthy is by eating foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains. Therefore, it isn’t said for the sake of it that raw foods are good for health, even scientists have done a study and they found out in a study that was published in the year 2005 that LDL Cholesterol and triglycerides levels reduce when you consume raw fruits and vegetables. On the contrary, they have even understood that excessively eating raw foods can be bad for the vitamins in your body

Disadvantages Of Eating Raw Food Until now you have just seen the bright side of eating raw foods. Now take a look at the dark side of eating raw foods! No 1 – Sometimes raw foods are not easily digestible.

function smoothly you need a little of every nutrient. Raw foods don’t have enough protein. In addition to this, your body doesn’t get enough amino acids when you eat raw foods because this nutrient comes from protein. Although there are only two disadvantages, you still need necessary amino acids to monitor and repair the growth hormone, to take care of damaged tissues, to boost your immunity and finally to keep appetite, sleep, and mood in place.

Conclusion Raw food has lesser calories when compared to processed or cooked foods A lesser number of chemicals go into your body when you eat raw foods You get to eat more volume from raw foods and the enzymes that are necessary to do good to the body are present in raw foods Protein is the only nutrient your body doesn’t get after eating raw foods

No 2 – For your body to



5 Tips To Manage Time Correctly And Productively More often than not, all of us have this stereotypical complaint “I want to do this and that, but I don’t have time”. Why is it that we don’t have time? Are we really held up? or Are we lagging in managing time? Everyone in this world is held up and that cannot be an excuse if you want to accomplish a task. Time is precious and if you want to do something, you have to make time for yourself. Making it happen is what is time management. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


While we all cannot be perfect followers of time, we must at least ensure to productively use every minute we are spending on a task. It could be a simple task such as walking to the market or a complex task such as reading a book. How can we productively manage our time? Read 45

this article and learn about two of the most effective time management concepts that will transform your productivity at work and the ability to manage responsibilities at home.

Two Time Management Concepts

Discipline, observation, and assessment are three steps to walk towards time productivity. That being said, two of the most renowned time management concepts are time blocking and time boxing. Heard of them ever? Both these concepts will teach you how to constructively manage time.


LIVE LIVEHAPPY HAPPY What Is Time Blocking? Time blocking is the process of allotting time to complete a particular task and by all means, finishing it within the stipulated period. For example - If you have set a time limit to run 2 km in 35 minutes. By hook or crook, you will need to complete that task. It is a method of blocking time and training your mind to stick to the process. The purpose of time blocking is nothing but completing all tasks so that your day moves forward as planned.

allotted time limit. Basically, this method teaches you how to reduce your time on completing a particular task.

What Is Time Boxing?

Dif ferences Between Time Boxing And Time Blocking

Time blocking is the process of allotting time to a task. You need not necessarily finish it. If you finish it, well and good. If you don’t, you need to stop right there and get on to the next task. For example - If you have set a time limit to write an essay in 1 hour, whether you finish the essay or not, after an hour is up. You will stop writing. The purpose of timeboxing is about timing yourself to complete a task and you assess yourself on how much you could finish in the


Both of these concepts approach different ways of teaching you time management. Read about a few differences between the two!

No 1 - Description Time blocking The time allotted for completing a particular task is known as time blocks. Timeboxing

The time allotted for completing a particular task is known as time boxes.

No 2 - Purpose Time Blocking The purpose of time blocking is to help you complete your task. Time Boxing The purpose of timeboxing is to help you learn ways to quickly complete your task.

No 3 - Learning Time Blocking In time blocking you learn to complete the task in time and you either finish it or don’t.


Timeboxing In time boxing you learn to assess the amount of time you are taking to complete a particular task and get better at it. Both of these methods will teach you how to discipline yourself.

Tips To Timebox Better Take a look at five steps to learn how to time box!

No 1 - Determine Your Task To reach a goal, you need to start from somewhere and that’s nothing but determining a task for yourself. Once the task is in place, working over it gets easier. We always like being in our comfort zone. Therefore, we generally choose a task that’s easy for us. There is no harm in doing so. But, this way you will never touch difficult tasks, with the fear of not being able to complete it and here’s the catch. Read on for more tips on picking a suitable task. A. Pick a task that you tend


to procrastinate

achieve it.

When you begin with what you might procrastinate, you will feel light that you are done with it and it might help you keep the process going.

That being said, to practically make it come true, you need to set a time limit of how many chapters you need to study every day. So setting small goals every day will help you complete 5 tools in the entire month.

B. Pick a task you think is not necessary On tasks you dislike, if you set a time limit, you are likely to complete them faster than expected. Therefore, once again you get the positive push to continue following time boxing. Example - Your goal is to learn five tools. You got your task. Among the five, you will begin with the one you think is not interesting and then move on to the ones that seem interesting.

No 2 - Understand Your Goal You found out a task for yourself. Now, its time for you to understand why you want to complete them and in how long would you want to do it. For example, your goal is to learn 5 tools in a month and you want to achieve it to upgrade your skills. So you are clear as to why you have set a goal and a time limit to

How do you do it? Say suppose, in total, you have 25 chapters to learn. You have to aim and complete them in 26 days. Don’t stretch it until the last day. Keep 4 more days to review, revise and get thorough with all your concepts. The purpose of doing this is to teach yourself the skill to finish a task beforehand. It is advantageous in learning to finish a task beforehand. Even otherwise, it helps you improve your productivity.

No 3 - Decide On How Long To Take For Every Task Your work is easier now. However, all you will need to do is follow your decision. Since your task and goal comes in place. You will need to decide on setting a time limit for each and every task that you do.



What do you need to do? Decide on a start time Decide on an end time Notice how much are you progressing every day Maintain consistency whatever you do


Take a break of two or three minutes between all your tasks Don’t strain yourself excessively. Do as much as you can within the time limit. Make sure to be productive in whatever you do.

No 4 - Introspect How Well You Are Doing Introspection is a good way to understand where you stand. It isn’t only about assessing yourself. But, it is even about understanding where you are lagging behind.

Supposing there is no improvement in the time you are taking to do a task, there is a need to introspect and understand where is the problem. Once you find out, you can maybe adopt another method of doing the same task for better productivity. Therefore, keep introspecting once in a week. What you introspect might not necessarily turn out positive. However, it is all about learning. At some point, you will learn how to manage time.

No 5 - You Deserve To Be Rewarded If you think rewarding yourself is not important, you are wrong. You must reward yourself even if you haven’t made much of a difference. The little steps that you take today will take you to heights tomorrow.

Even if you time-boxed for just three or four tasks productively, it still means you are doing a good job. The more you reward yourself, the better you will stay motivated. In addition to this, you will learn how to time box even better. Conclusion To manage time, you don’t have to start with being a perfectionist. Little by little you will step up and understand the significance of managing time productively. Whether it is through time blocking or time boxing, certain discipline comes into your life. If you adopt to time blocking, you will learn the skill of completing your work no matter what. Whether it is about completion of an easy or tough task. If you adopt to timeboxing, you will learn how to complete difficult, easy, uninteresting and interesting tasks productively. The fact that you will keep assessing yourself will boost your efficiency. Try either of the methods and you will see an improvement in yourself.










Safeguard yourself against Coronavirus the natural way



When it comes to boosting your immunity and overall health, what you eat contributes a lot. If you struggle with poor immunity, it is likely that your diet could be one to blame. In order to keep yourself healthy and in the best shape, especially during this pandemic spread of coronavirus, the naturopaths believe that eating foods that boost immunity can help keep you safe. Some of the necessary items that are worth including are gut friendly foods like sauerkraut, yogurt etc. and even other foods like coriander, ginger, garlic and such foods.

Do some kind of physical activity Amidst all the panic across the world following the impacts of coronavirus, people are looking for every kind of preventive measure they can take to keep themselves healthy. While there is no possible cure or vaccine yet discovered for the Covid-19, the naturopaths and the Ayurveda experts are suggesting some natural ways that can help boost the overall immunity to help combat the condition better. If you have been trying to find better ways to cope with 51

the situation, one of the best ways to do so is by following through the tips mentioned.

Keep a check on your diet People get stressed when talking about exercises and physical activities. But, one of the most important ways to keep your body in the best condition is to ensure that you lead an active lifestyle.


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE More than anything, it is necessary that you maintain an active lifestyle if you want to keep your immunity in the best condition. Yoga has been found to have amazing benefits, especially in helping promote the drainage of the lymph nodes, which is necessary for our body’s detoxification. It also helps boost the circulation in the body to further promote better health.

Practice self massage

Managed stress levels have been found to boost your immunity for the better.

Try taking warm baths health in check. It also keeps your skin clean and wipes out any possible incidence of the viral infection on the body.

Another effective way to combat and prevent the risks of coronavirus with the natural ways is by taking warm baths. Warm baths with Epsom salt and essential oils have been found to have amazing impacts in keeping your

Avoid deep fried foods As much as the fried foods are delectable to eat, they do no good to your body, especially when you are struggling with the rising

Abhyagna or self massage which is very common in the field of Ayurveda is believed to have amazing benefits in helping keep your body prepared to fight the risks of coronavirus. Studies have found that doing this helps keep your body’s stress levels in check and even improve the nervous system function in the body which again has positive impacts in helping promote better health. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


risks of the virus around. Fried foods and even sweet food items have been found to have impacts on the digestive health, slowing down the overall metabolism too. It also does affect one’s immunity in the long run. They are difficult to digest, which is the reason why it is important that you stick to healthier food options instead.

Practice mindfulness on the overall immune function of the body.

Take your sleeping cycles seriously It is likely that you wouldn’t draw correlations between your mental health and your physical well being but the two are interconnected. If you want to keep your immunity in check and prevent the risks from taking over your body, it is necessary that you find effective ways to combat the condition and practicing mindfulness is one of the best ways. Meditation can help you collect your thoughts better, thereby preventing the risks of stress which has adverse impacts 53

Sleep and immune functions are correlated which is one of the reasons why the Ayurveda experts suggest getting quality sleep at night. Focus on getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep during the night. This reduces the risks of stress, promotes better immune function and even keeps you alert through the day. If you want to keep the risks of coronavirus in check, it is very important that you do let you body rejuvenate and rest through the night for it to be able to fight back.

Holy basil to the rescue Tulsi, as it is called in India, has amazing impacts on your overall health. This herb has medicinal and therapeutic properties which are considered good enough for you to add to your daily routine. It is likely that it might not do anything to control your condition once you are infected but it can provide with a mode of defense when you are trying to prevent the virus from infecting you. It does help in keeping the condition of cold and cough in check and help keep the condition from getting worse.



Mindfulness App Curbs Anxious Thoughts And Beats Burnout, Study Finds In times of crisis with the pandemic spreading all over the world, the most physically and emotionally affected are all health care professionals. Taking care of all the coronavirus cases, they certainly need to burn out all that stress through the most effective mindfulness app, say, researchers. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


app could reduce anxiety or not. The researcher Brewer believes that individuals can make the most of this app as per their convenience as it is in the digitalized form. Thankfully, researchers checked this app after three months and the participants saw a decline in their anxiety scores after using it for 30 days. Apart from this, they came up with a new understanding that cynicism, emotional exhaustion, and anxiety are all linked. All it takes is the will to fight it through some techniques provided in the mindfulness app. Purpose Of This App Mindfulness apps come to use when a person is experiencing uncontrollable anxiety. This app gives tips to an individual about living in the moment keeping aside stress and worry of the past or future. One of the researchers named Jud Brewer from Brown University in the US says that at this point of time, health care professionals need to burnout their emotional stress just as they were working out to burn their physical stress before the isolation. In 2014, experts conducted 55

a study and found out that mostly all the physicians go through burnout when they can sense that a few conditions aren’t in their control.

This app aims to beat anxiety and choosing maladaptive thought patterns. This is a knack of showing less reaction to all the anxious thoughts.

Once a person gets to know that a critical situation is not in control, anxiety, and burnout is bound to happen. Researchers further looked into this situation and tried to find a solution through the ‘Unwinding Anxiety’ program and that’s how mindfulness came into the picture.

How does It work?

This app was tested on 30 plus physicians while this study was on. They checked if this

This app provides short training every day. People can invest ten minutes and access their smartphones to make the most of all tools in this app. Therefore, mindfulness app has been tested and it helped many individuals beat anxiety, reduce emotional stress WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


The physical and psychological changes that your go through when you fall in love



We keep hearing the jokes on people having sleepless nights and loss of appetite when love happens. Is that all true? Or just a myth, joke or a fact. It must not be very strange to know that- love is linked to mental and physical changes. So, there is definitely a link between changes that you go through when you fall in love. To know about all that you must get into the details of knowing it all. What happens to your body and mind when you fall in love? The high chemistry that is working with your partner has some of the scientific facts. Again it doesn’t mean that it is not love at all if you are not seeing these changes in yourself after falling in love.

1. You feel butterflies This is the most common reaction that happens to someone who floating in love. Even the sight of though can make you feel butterflies in your stomach. For your clearance, let me add another 57

reaction happens to your body- your heartbeat speeds up when you see, talk, or think about the person. Cortisol is the hormone that is responsible for all these reactions of love. When this hormone level increases, you will feel butterflies in your stomach. Everything that is happening feels like a blur dream or magic for some time.

2. You feel addicted This is an amazing affect on your mental state with physical and emotional connection with the person you are in love. You may feel incomplete or low without the person’s presence. The touch can stimulate your senses in seconds. This is change that happens when you naturally and insanely fall for someone. When this is happening, you can assume it as amazing addiction. It happens only when thing go really well in between two people.

3. You feel the anxiety

If you are feeling the anxiety and you assume it as a cause of love, then your assumption is true. It is due to the release of chemical named as oxytocin. You are not self conscious with the release of this hormone. With this reaction, you feel confident and opened up than normal. This happens only when you go for skin contact with each other. That is how you lose control on your emotions and actions when you are in love with someone.

4. You feel happier When you are in love, you feel happier. You need to believe this fact with the below scientific reasonThe emotions of love lead to the release of dopamine. It is a messenger hormone that conveys signals between neurons. When two people are together, they feel the pleasure of love. Their presence of each other makes them happier than along or in a group.



enlarge When your eyes meets your lover’s eyes or eye contact can enlarge your pupils. This is a reaction that happens even when you are aroused. It takes you into fight or flight mode. This is a reaction that you may experience when you are newly falling in love or in your initial stages of relationship. This is a physical change that you may also experience with your partner’s surprises or meeting your partner after a long time. It is because, your body wants to be prepared for what is approaching close to you. This reaction happens within the sympathetic nervous system.

6. Love can heal the pain This is a truth that many of us cant deny. We experience this at least once in life time. It is not just romantic love but any love can heal the pain. Getting the attention and love from the person who


are attracted to can make you feel better. The passionate lovers don’t feel the pain when they get love from the partner. There are chances of feeling less pain emotionally and mentally when there is support from the person you need.

7. Strong attachment and safe This is another symptom of being in love. When you are with the person whom you love, you feel safe and secured. Getting the space in your partner’s arms is greater than anything for you. This happens when you are developing the trust being in love.

8. You feel less stressful Is your partner a stress buster for you? Couples feel rejuvenated and less stressful after long tiring day. Even a if your day is going bad, a call or message from your partner can make you feel relaxed. When you are in love, the stress hormones reduce and make you feel better than alone. The

support and strength that you gain in love is the secret behind peoples happy life. The happy couples would fetch for their partner to burst their stress and no wonder in knowing this fact of love.

9. Stressed with distance When you are separated from your lover, your body releases a hormone called corticoliberin. It is in response of the stress due to the distance. The hormonal changes can cause depression, sadness and low feeling, When you are facing such situation, your body goes through this until it finds what it needs or get used to it.

All the changes in love are the reactions based on the hormones. The mental peace or disturbance everything is related to the hormonal changes. After finding the reasons behind the love actions and reactions, you don’t feel sensible about what you are going through.


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Chordee Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment



What Is Chordee? Chordee is an unusual development on the tip of the penis. In this condition, a man’s penis either curves upwards or downwards instead of staying in its usual position. Sadly, at least 1 in 200 such cases are seen when a male baby is born. Apart from this there can be another complication where the urinary opening is formed under the penis. This condition is known as hypospadias. Further, take a look at the places where hypospadias occurs Middle of the penis A little under the tip of the penis At the testicles The place between scrotum and anus


Usually, doctor’s notice this in the beginning when a baby boy is born and further recommend an operation if needed.

Causes of Chordee Doctor’s haven’t found the 61

main cause for chordee yet. For now, its been understood that this unusual situation arises due to developmental complications when the baby boy is in the womb and that’s why the penis is not straight but curved. Apart from this, there could be other related development issues such as tethering of the skin under the penis and the formation of scar tissues around the urinary tube. Doctors even say that a baby might suffer with chordee if a circumcision operation is done. According to researchers, initially during the 10th week of pregnancy, the penis is still developing and at that time it is curved. However, after the 27th week, shape of the penis changes and the fetus doesn’t have chordee by then. In a few cases, there are complications. When a baby is suffering from chordee, the urinary opening is quite small and not developed. This is why, the opening is either under or at the tip of the penis.

Symptoms of Chordee

Here are some of the symptoms of chordee, read through them! No 1 – The penis is either an upward or downward sharp curve. It starts near the testicles and continues till the glans. No 2 – The urine flow is haphazard if you have chordee with hypospadias. It is in rare cases that it happens not always. No 3 – The midline raphe is supposed to go along the shaft and instead it goes around the penis tissue. No 4 – A layer of skin near the tip of the urinary tube is delicate, it is known as skin tethering and this is one of the symptoms of chordee. No 5 – The foreskin doesn’t wrap the penis correctly; it only wraps half of the penis from above. No 6 – A layer of webbed skin forms in between the bottom of the penis and at the skin of the scrotum. No 7 – If the symptom of chordee is not severe, it


MEN HEALTH shows its effects in puberty when a man experiences an erection for the first time. No 8 – At times when a person has sex for the first time and experiences some kind of discomfort, there could be a problem in shape of the penis. Usually a boy or man will not know if they have chordee if the chordee doesn’t arise with hypospadias. No 9 – A few men suffering with chordee might not have enough erections.

How Chordee Is Diagnosed? Since chordee could be a defect in babyhood, the doctor would look at the penis and check if there is a problem in the initial stage. Take a look at how the A doctor examines the penis by applying a saline solution. What they see here is to what extent does the penis get curved. If they notice the penis getting curved more than 30 degrees upwards or downwards, the doctor would recommend a surgery

Treatment for Chordee It is recommended that the best time to have the surgery is when the child is between 4-6 months. This way it is easy to correct the chordee and the penis will grow back to normal. After surgery, the patient is likely to have a swelling and it is covered with a dressing to reduce the swelling. For the first seven days after surgery, usually the doctor suggests that a child use catheter instead of urinating. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

This surgery is usually done during childhood. Even later on, during puberty or adulthood, this surgery is done and in a few cases one operation is not enough, more than one operation is needed to set right things. A doctor will always keep you informed about the advantages of doing this surgery. Further, he will give you details about when to stop medicines for the child. Here is what doctor’s do during the surgery. Take a look! No 1 – Anesthesia is given to the child/patient so that he is asleep when the surgery is going on. No 2 – The doctor removes extra tissues if that’s the reason for the penis to bend. No 3 – From a curve, the doctor’s aim at making the penis straight by making use of the tissue on all sides. No 4 – The urinary opening is extended upto the tip of the penis. No 5 – Openings or cuts are stitched correctly. If the child has hypospadias with chordee, during treatment, the doctor will do the following things. Take a look! At the new penis tissue, the urinary opening will be moved. Hole of the previous urinary opening is kept closed. For urine to pass through, a new hole will be 62


Openings and cuts get stitched. If a baby had circumcision and then chordee formed, then the doctor will do Z-plasty and treat scars.

Things To Know After Chordee Is Treated After surgery, the urethra takes a while to heal. So, doctors place a catheter into the child’s bladder for at least 7 days. Then the child can be taken home to rest after the surgery. After surgery, mentioned below are some of the points you must be aware of. Take a look! No 1: Give the child the right medication for the pain to subside after surgery. No 2: Do a clean dressing on your wound and if the wound falls, change the dressing as and when required. No 3: To keep away from irritation or rashes, ensure to apply ointments prescribed by the surgeon. No 4: Don’t be worried about the swelling. After surgery, it is normal to have it.

When To Be Aware After The Surgery?

might experience a few health complications. Thus, it is necessary that you call a doctor if the following things happen. Take a look! No 1 – Whenever you notice the stitches opening. No 2 – If pain, swelling and redness persists for a long time after surgery. No 3 – If the penis is infected. No 4 – When the child suffers with high fever of more than 101-degree F. No 5 – If urinating gets difficult or when the child is not able to urinate at all. No 6 – If an adult has undergone this surgery, the patient is supposed to keep away from having sex until the doctor checks to see if the penis is fine or not. Usually, it takes about 8 weeks to recover after the surgery. Even then, it is always good to take your doctor’s advice instead of risking your health. Conclusion In most cases, chordee and hypospadias surgery turns out a success. Especially in the case of children it is even more successful and after this surgery the child doesn’t face any difficulty in urinating and the penis begins to straighten. It is not necessary that every child suffering with chordee will need to undergo an operation. The doctor will examine and then give a confirmation on whether to go for the surgery or not.

Sometimes after the surgery, the child 63



Egg salad sandwich If you are on a cruise to lose weight but want something delectable to eat as well, the eggs salad sandwich is an amazing option for you to look into. The primary reason why this is touted as a good option is because of the delectable taste as well as the amazing amount of proteins and healthy nutrients that are present in it.

Ingredients Eggs – 6 Whole wheat bread slices Cream cheese Mayonnaise or cheese spread Salt Pepper Chopped chives Chopped pickled gherkins

How to make? Start by boiling the eggs till they are completely done. You don’t want a runny centre but perfectly hard boiled eggs. Once the eggs are done, set them aside till they are cold and then peel the outer layer Following that, bread down the eggs into smaller chunks either by cutting them into pieces or smashing them with the back of a spoon To that, add the salt and pepper and mix well



Next, add the chopped gherkins to it

To that, add a generous layer of the egg mixture and cover it with the other slice

Add the cream cheese, mayo or the cheese spread to the mix

If you like to eat the bread raw, you can eat it just as it is

If you want it to be a little spicy, you can add a little mustard to it as well

Otherwise, grilled the sandwich with some extra butter on both sides till it is crispy and brown

Once done, mix everything together till it is completely combined

Serve it with some cheesy dip or ketchup

For the sandwich, take two slices of the whole wheat bread 65



Add Strength In Your Body With

Virabhadrasana II Virabhadrasana II is even known as the warrior pose. Going deep into its meaning, the meaning of Virabhadra is a warrior and another form of Lord Shiva who is covered with tiger’s skin and has thousands of feet, eyes, and heads. In this posture, a person stands straight, one leg is stretched forward, the other one is stretched behind, the hands are stretched out and the chest is wide open. This asana can be done with the eyes either opened or closed.



Are you ready to learn warrior 2 pose and bring in strength in your body? Get going! BENEFITS By now you must have got the idea that this yoga posture has its potential benefits in strengthening the body. Take a look at the below-mentioned points!




No 1 Improves Strength In Your Arms We need strength in our arms to be able to lift weights and smoothly carry on with our activities. That being said, warrior 2 is an amazing workout to increase stamina from the wrist to the arms. If you practice this asana regularly, all the muscles in your arms will get stronger irrespective of how old you are.

No 3 Makes The Chest And Shoulders Flexible Gaining stamina in the chest is as important as any other part of your body. When the chest muscles are strong, it automatically benefits your back and gives you a good posture. When there is coordination, you won’t face a difficulty in pulling or pushing things.

No 2 - Boosts No 4 Stamina In Improves Your Legs Strength In Abdominal Muscles We need strength in our legs to be able to move around without much difficulty. Warrior Pose II involves stretching your legs to the best you can and it improves the stamina in your thigh muscles and opens up your hips.


The abdominal muscles need to be strong in order to keep weakness at bay. Warrior 2 ends up strengthening the abdominal muscles through long stretches. Just as the

legs, knees, groin, chest etc, open up. Even the abdominal muscles get strong.

No 5 - Good For II Semester Pregnant Women Regularly doing warrior pose 2 is beneficial for all the pregnant women who are in their 2nd semester. This asana eases all back pain and improves overall strength in the body. As you already know it is good for the abdominal muscles, you can stay assured about its safety.

No 6 Eliminates Back Pain If you want a good posture, it is necessary that you have a strong back. If there is pain in your back, try warrior 2 pose. As your muscles stretch and many organs open up. Even the back gets benefited and 68

you can be proud of having a strong back.

No 7 Improves Lungs Functioning For a simple reason it is essential to have strong lungs because it enables you to breathe well. How? There are air sacs in between your lungs and these sacs take care of the oxygen supply. Right as you stretch in warrior pose 2, your chest opens up and this 69

betters lung functioning. In addition, this asana helps in treating issues such as infertility, sciatica pain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

STEPS Follow these steps and practice the warrior 2 pose. If you are not comfortable with the posture, you can place a chair behind your thigh, take support and continue with the asana. Be careful while bending your right knee forward, be quick. Here is what you need to do!

STEP 1 - Get into the

mountain pose and keep your eyes closed. Ensure to keep your feet slightly apart. Slowly inhale and lift both your hands up. Position it in such a way that your hands and legs are in one straight line and lift both your palms sideways in such a way that your palms are facing the floor

STEP 2 - Put your hands

down and now focus on the legs. Slightly turn your left and right foot to their respective sides. Ensure that it is in a 90-degree angle and both your left and right feet are


YOGA well aligned. Stretch your left thigh out and see to it that it is in line with your left knee.

STEP 3 - Go ahead and bend your left knee a little more forward and see to it that the left thigh is parallel to the floor. While bending your left knee, ensure to keep your right thigh intact.

STEP 4 - Now focus on

your right leg and stretch it out even better. Ensure to keep your back and hips firm in one line.

STEP 5 - Make yourself

comfortable by placing both your hands on the hips. Slowly raise both your hands to the side and keep it straight. Ensure to be in the right position, left leg bent, right leg stretched and the hands stretched out straight.


If you want to bring in a change in warrior pose 2, there are three interesting variations you can try. That being said, the position of your legs will be the same. Only your hand movement will change. The three variation poses are known as the archer warrior pose 2, eagle arms warrior pose 2 and cactus warrior pose 2. The steps are simple, follow them!


turn your waist to the left and stretch your right and left leg.

STEP 3 - Slightly bend

your left knee in such a way that the portion from your knee to your feet is in a slanted line. Once that’s done, stretch your right leg behind. VARIATION - In the warrior 2 pose, you were stretching your hands out in a way that your palms face the floor. Now, from your elbows to the fingers, you will have to stretch your hands up.

STEP 4 - Stretch your

slightly apart.

hands out and from your elbows to the finger, lift your hands up and spread open your fingers.

STEP 2 - Don’t move


STEP 1 - Stand straight with your right and left feet

your upper body, slightly

STEP 1 - Stand straight with both your feet slightly apart.

STEP 2 - Now stretch

your left and right leg wide. Go slightly forward and bend your left knee. Now, stretch your right leg behind. VARIATION - The only variation here is that you will have to wrap your hands. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


STEP 3 - Touch your

shoulder blades by hugging yourself.

STEP 4 - To the height

of your shoulders, bring your elbows up and squeeze them together.

STEP 5 - Slightly bend forward and wrap your hands in a way that both your palms touch each other.

Therefore, try this variation pose and notice the difference it brings on your body.

Archer Warrior Pose 2 STEP 1 - Stand beside a wall. Let the side portion of your cheeks face the wall.

VARIATION - The only variation here is that your hands will be placed in a way that you are shooting an arrow.

STEP 2 - Slightly bend

your lower body and stretch your right leg behind. 71

While stretching the leg, simultaneously pull your right hand out in such a way that you are pulling an arrow from the bow.

STEP 3 - Once you’ve

settled your right leg and right hand, stretch your left hand forward.

Precautions In the following scenarios, you must strictly avoid doing this asana. Take a look!

NO 1 - If you have diarrhea you must avoid it.

NO 2 - If your blood

pressure is not in control and has exceeded.

NO 3 - If you have pain

or other problems with your neck. Especially when you have to turn your neck.


asana, you can improve the strength in your chest, arms, legs, shoulders, back ad abdomen. It is a great stretching exercise that helps in eliminating pain across several points in the body and it gives your body an overall boost. Ensure to practice this asana three times a week and you will notice an improvement in your body. Everyone has their own reasons for practicing this asana, either someone wants to improve their mental health or the others want to strengthen some part of their body.

Warrior 2 Pose is a good physical workout. It is a good way to focus and relax your mind as well. Once you practice this WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


Important Foods For Mother’s Having A New Born Baby WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


The phase after pregnancy is as crucial and two times more consuming than pregnancy or more than what you think of it to be, if you are a new mother, you will agree to this. When your newborn comes into this world, it is your duty to take care of his/her health by providing essential nutrients through a good breastfeed. For that, it is highly essential for every mother to boost her body with energizing foods that is sufficient with nutrients needed for the mother and baby’s growth. If you are giving your body all that it needs, keep doing it. On the other hand, if you are on a lookout for the right information, here’s an article listing out important foods the mother of a newborn baby should consume.




No 1 – Canned Chickpeas

For a mother to be healthy with a new born around, she needs every possible nutrient. Having said, you must add canned chickpeas to your diet as it is packed with proteins, vitamins, iron, folate, and magnesium. You can add chickpeas to your salads or soap. It is healthy and will taste good at the same time. The other name to chickpeas is garbanzo beans. As a new mother, you need to keep your bones strong and beat anemia. Thus, the consumption of chickpeas provides for everything you need.


No 2 – Chicken Breast Without Bones and Skin

vitamins and protein that is essential for boosting the mother and baby’s immunity. You can eat an egg sandwich or egg salad. See to it that you consume it in some form or the other.

No 4 – Fish Chicken breast is everknown for its potent benefits. This food is packed with proteins, vitamins, selenium, minerals, and iron. You can have chicken soup or have chicken pizza whenever you have this strong craving to munch on something tasty.

No 3 – Eggs

You can eat eggs for breakfast lunch or dinner. It comprises of

If you are not a vegetarian and binge on fish. Since you are breast-feeding, ensure not to eat fish that has too much mercury. Trout and salmon are two of the best fishes that you must consume for your baby and your health. Apart from this, fishes have omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, and iodine. This nutrient is good for keeping the brain and heart healthy.


No 5 – Quinoa

Quinoa is good for a new mother owing to the fact that it is packed with nutrients such as protein, vitamin, and fiber. After childbirth, the body loses nutrients and eating this food is the best way to regain all the exhausted nutrients back into your body.

No 6 – Wheat

Wheat is yet another healthy food that will help in boosting your metabolism and immunity. You need this after postpartum because a few women 75

tend to put on weight. Wheat has vitamins and phosphorous. You can eat wheat pasta or tortillas. They are proven healthy.

No 7 – Tomatoes

Add tomatoes in your salad or when you prepare a stew. This vegetable is good for fighting against any kind of oxidative stress in your body. It is packed with vitamin C and potassium. The more the toxins are filtered out, the better it is for your health.

No 8 – Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are super healthy and energizing. It improves the hemoglobin in your

body and helps you fight against anemia. You can eat dry fruits while having a glass of milk. Almonds, walnuts, figs, cranberries are all good for your hair and skin as well.

No 9 – Yogurt and Cheese

You need to clearly understand that after childbirth, your body has lost a lot of energy. Therefore, you need to eat foods such as yogurt and cheese. These foods are packed with enough calories, calcium, and protein. It is enough to regain all the lost stamina. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


Blood Cleansing – Importance, Benefits & Methods The blood in our body has a major responsibility to flow well and get cleansed once in a while. How often do you take measures to clean your blood? Once a month at least? If you haven’t ever focused on this aspect, its time to pay attention so that the blood doesn’t give up.


In our day to day life, stress is prevailing and at times we are not eating good food that can help with the process of blood cleansing. So, let’s divert our attention to the process of blood cleansing through food, juices or other substances that are good for purifying the blood. Read this article and get to know about the importance of blood cleansing, methods to cleanse the blood and its benefits to the body.

Importance Of Blood Cleansing 76

Majority of individuals would wish to have their blood cleansed the natural way by eating healthy foods, wouldn’t that be your wish too? Take a look at natural methods of blood cleansing. It helps!

Benefits Of Blood Cleansing No 1 – There is an association between our immune system and the blood getting cleansed. Once blood cleansing is done, all harmful toxins banish from the body and one’s immunity gets stronger. On the other hand, to have strong immunity, sufficient red and white blood cells should be produced.

Here is why it is important to get the body cleansed! The blood sends nutrients and oxygen to all the organs so that they function well. Apart from this, the blood purifies all the toxins and impurities that can reach our kidney and lungs. Therefore, the blood needs to take a break and needs care which is why cleansing needs to be done. That being said, it is equally important for your blood to feel fresh and good so that the body functions well. How do you want to get it done? Naturally or through medication?

No 2 – Blood cleansing is a good way to save your body from unnecessary tumor growth. Tumors are bad. What happens is that you will be asked to have enzymes before and after a meal. These enzymes will protect you against toxic chemicals. No 3 – Blood cleansing is a good skin treatment. It boosts shine and texture on your skin. Apart from this, it decreases the number of pimples on your skin No 4 – If your body has excess cholesterol, blood cleansing has the ability to clear toxins and save you from cholesterol. This helps in keeping your blood pressure levels in control. Try and not depend on refined foods. No 5 - Blood cleansing keeps blemishes away and that’s good for your skin. No 6 - Blood cleansing can help with



HEALTHY LIVING keeping free radicals away from the body after consuming antioxidants. Free radicals are harmful toxins that can spoil the health of your skin. No 7 - After the process of blood cleansing, your liver begins to function well. No 8 - Blood cleansing contributes to better blood circulation and it helps in cleansing the toxins in your body. No 9 – By blood cleansing, you can save yourself from falling sick and suffering from basic problems like allergies, headache, fatigue, and weakness. This magic happens because all the toxins get out of the blood. No 10 – Blood cleansing can chase away psychological and cognitive health problems to keep your body fit. No 11 – Once the blood is cleansed well, your body can digest food in a healthier manner and this, in turn, boosts metabolism.

Methods Of Blood Cleansing WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

Isn’t it healthy to naturally clean your blood instead of taking medicines or resorting to any form of medical treatment?

Listed below are methods to purify or cleanse your blood naturally! No 1 – Regularly Exercise There has to be a healthy outlet to eliminate the toxins from your body and exercising is one of the best ways wherein you sweat and all the toxins disappear from your blood. Sweat glands get into your blood and clean it well. Therefore, keep exercising, if you don’t have the time to exercise regularly, then try working out once or twice a week.

No 2 – Eat Healthy Foods What you eat will show up on your body and this means that you can effectively cleanse your blood. It is highly essential to keep an eye on what you eat. Ensure

to take enough vitamins as antioxidants are good at fighting against toxins. You should know for a fact that the more you eat antioxidants, the better it will clean your blood.

No 3 – Drink Enough Water Water is basic. Yet, a few of us don’t pay attention to how much water we drink. Therefore, start drinking sufficient water so that it can clean all the toxins in your blood. Make it a point to drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. Set alarms if you don’t remember and see to it that you keep up to this quantity.

No 4 – Follow Blood Cleansing Fast The best way to clean your blood is by adapting to the method of blood cleansing fast. To follow this method well you need to do the following. Take a look at it! Make up your mind to fast, don’t do it half-hearted, you won’t be able to


successfully cleanse the blood in your body Choose a time to do the blood cleansing fast You need to save energy while you are on this fast, avoid working out too much The best time to do this fast is during the summer or spring season A week before you begin the blood cleansing fast ensure to eat healthy raw vegetables If you want the blood cleansing fast to be successful, it is important that you drink sufficient water

Best Foods For Blood Cleansing To get rid of harmful toxins and detoxify your blood. Here is a list of the best blood cleansing foods you must focus on eating. Take a look!

Cauliflower Cabbage Watercress Pears Kiwi Black currant Orange Pineapple Apple Burdock Cayenne Chaparral Charcoal drinks Green Tea Black Tea Avoid taking caffeine, gluten, alcohol and refined sugars

Conclusion It is important to pay attention to whether you are taking steps to cleanse your blood or not. If you don’t take the necessary steps to clear the toxins

from your blood, it will end up making you fall ill. Blood cleansing is a smooth and natural process if you can manage to eat specific foods and drink healthy juices. Owing to the fact that these foods or juices comprise of nutrients such as beta carotene, antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids, antibacterial properties, antiinflammatory properties, minerals, folate, iron, phytonutrients, glucosinolates, sulfur, anti-cancer properties, flavonoids, and others make them the best remedies to successfully purify your blood. Ensure to keep your kidney, liver, intestines lungs and skin healthy. Taking good care of these organs is more than enough to drive out all the toxins in your blood.

Ginger Garlic Red Clover Alfalfa Cilantro




30 Things You Need To Know About Hanta Virus

COVID-19 is no less horrifying that now we are getting aware of Hanta Virus that’s taken its form to get into human bodies and create complications. Hanta Virus Pulmonary Syndrome is a respiratory disease that is caused due to the widespread hantaviruses that attack your body if you come in contact with rodents. Its effects on the body are similar to that of a flu and it can be a threat to life. Any air infected with hantaviruses is dangerous. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


Here is everything you need to know about Hanta Virus Pulmonary Syndrome

so far. In 1993, this virus got its place in the four corners of Southwestern United States. In 2012, this virus came at the Yosemite National Park due to deer mice.

No 1 - Hantaviruses can

No 6 – The transmission

attack your body through the urine and droppings of a rodent. The biggest risk is with that of a deer mouse. It is sensible to keep away from all kinds of rodents because treating Hanta Virus Pulmonary Syndrome is not easy.

No 2 – Your body will pass

through two stages and after your healthcare provider checks, you will get to know if you have the virus or not. The first stage will be like any other flu and during the second stage, the victim is likely to have a headache, fever, shivering, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.

No 3 – During the initial

phase of this disease you won’t be able to talk about the cause of the virus.

No 4 – Hanta doesn’t

damage your body alone, it brings along renal syndrome with hemorrhagic fever as the disease goes out of control.

No 5 – This virus has come into the picture three times 81

routes to hantavirus is the urine of rodents, saliva, excreted airborne particles and feces.

No 7 – In the second

stage, this virus shows intense symptoms such as secretions while coughing, difficulty in breathing, lungs get accumulated with fluid, blood pressure dips down, and heart rate fluctuates.

No 8 – Hantavirus is not

transferred when you come in contact with people, it affects the body through rodents only.

No 9 – The research

on whether this virus is contagious or not is still going on. Blame the mixed opinions and different things researchers have analyzed.

No 10 – The virus needs

somewhere around 1-5 weeks to show its signs and symptoms on your body.

No 11 –

Hantavirus gets severe when your lung tissues are flooded with a fluid that leaks from the lung capillaries

No 12 – The mortality rate

of hantavirus is 38% for now.

No 13 – As of now, there is no treatment or vaccine to protect your body from Hanta Virus.

No 14 – The U.S. Centers

for Disease Control And Prevention has specialized labs where the hantavirus is tested. The medium for testing hantavirus is through looking at the condition of the lungs through chest X-rays to see if there is a contact with rodents or rodent-contaminated airborne-dust.

No 15 – The people who survive hantavirus will not face further health complications.

No 16 – Researchers have found out that there are 14 other categories within the hantavirus. To name a few, those are the Seoul virus, New York hantavirus, black creek hantavirus, and Sin Nombre.

No 17 – Apart from doing

bad to the lungs, hantavirus damages your cells too.

No 18 - Hantavirus live

inside rodents and they have a tendency of multiplying in the urine and feces. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020


No 19 – Around 15% of

deer mice have hantavirus in them. This means it isn’t just the deer mice that carries this virus. As such, white-footed, cotton rat and rice rats also carry this virus.

No 20– If you know that a

place has hantavirus, avoid being there even if you have to complete the most important task. Having said, it is mostly construction sites or empty buildings that have rats moving around the place.

No 21 – You are at risk of

suffering from Hanta Virus if you are camping at a place where there could be rats.

No 22 - By keeping your

home covered you can avoid having any direct or indirect contact with rodents. What best you can do is to close every opening or hole in your house through which a rat can easily enter. Do it with cement or use a wire screen.

No 23 – Sometimes

it is necessary to do the most basic thing like maintaining hygiene in your surroundings. If you keep dishes unwashed or keep your floors dirty, rats can easily enter. No 24 – It is highly essential to keep all trash away from the building. Otherwise, it won’t WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2020

take long for hantavirus affected rodents to come and worsen things for you.

No 25 – It is always good

to wet, use a disinfectant or sprinkle bleaching powder on the ground where you witnessed rats moving. By taking this step you can successfully kill the virus.

No 26 – In the worst-case

scenario when symptoms go beyond control, the heart and lungs can fail.

History Of Hanta Virus Let’s look at how old records give us a history of the Hanta Virus. Studies have found out that hantaviruses are found in musk shrew (Indian Subcontinent), the bank vole (Europe, Russia, Scandinavia), striped field mouse (Russia, China, Korea), yellow-neck mouse (Balkans), Norway rat (worldwide), bandicoot rat (Thailand), among others. Years back, this disease was known as HFRS. According to the reports, here are some of the details about the history of the Hanta Virus. Take a look! In 1931 and 1932, in Manchuria, among the Japanese troops, there were people affected. Apart from

this, in Sweden, in 1934 there were similar cases. Between 1951 to 1954 in Korea, 3200 people suffered from Hanta Virus. This disease lasted in Asia for years. In 1997, half of the people in China were hospitalized as there were 150,000 to 200,000 cases of HFRS. Similarly, there were thousands of cases in Russia and Korea as well.

What Is WHO saying? An epidemiological alert was sent by the Argentinian Ministry of Health and Social Development with respect to an increase in the number of cases in Chubut Province. According to WHO, from 28th October 2018 to 20th January 2019, 11 people died and there were 29 cases tested HPS positive in Chubut province. All this happened in a small place named Epuyén where the population is not more than 2000 people. As Corona Virus is being addressed, it is equally important to look into hantavirus too. Therefore, hantavirus is affecting the body through a host species that are getting into the urine, feces, and saliva of a rat. 82

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