Head-Royce Strategic Plan 2022–24

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STRATEGIC PLAN: Bridge from 2022 to 2024

Mission-Aligned and Student Centered

Enhance and amplify a student-centered academic program with opportunities

for choice, real-world problem solving, creativity and intellectual engagement.

Our exceptional academic program successfully prepares students for intellectual engagement, lifelong learning and real-world application. Critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity along with building a strong character are essential components for the growth of all students. Enhancing and amplifying a student-centered academic program is still a goal for the bridge-from-the-bridge strategic plan extension. Yet at this time we need to prioritize the imperative that was stated in 2018: to adapt our current approaches to teaching and learning so our students are instilled with the knowledge, skills and mindset required for success in the 21st century and beyond.







Created Phi osophy on Teaching and Learning (PT&L). 2

Align Head-Royce’s K-12 curriculum and program to the NAIS 21st Century Competencies, which include critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and cultural competency. Adopted the Folio and Dan e son Frameworks to ensure objective metrics for the evaluat on process

Implemented project based learning throughout the div sions

In tiated process of evolv ng from AP Program to Honors courses in the US Re-examined and revamped curricular strands (math, anguage arts sc ence and soc al studies) to add nqu ry based elements in the LS

Re-examined Amer can History curriculum (LS, MS, US)


Examine 21st century Best Practices for Teaching and Learning; Refine and align with our current Philosophy on Teaching and Learning. Share our revised definition of academic rigor in terms of intellectual challenge vs. volume and load.

Incorporate civ c engagement sk lls that nc ude po it cal act on, human connection and env ronmental stewardsh p.

Cultivate K-12 programs and courses that expand options for choice, real-world problem solving and experiential learning.

Moved toward a common adoption of exper ent al earn ng with the creat on of the Philosophy on Teaching and Learning (PTL)


In tiate a reflect ve curr cu um audit process including a regular cycle for review at div sion/ department/grade evels; with associated updates where needed

Find specif c pathways to assess post-AP Honors and Capstone Courses

Explore ways to incorporate the princ ples from the AntiRacist Theory of Action and Immers ve C imate Assessment (ICA) nto curricular review cycles And extend these reflective pract ces and criteria to faculty evaluation

Created a trans tion plan in the US for the evolution from AP programs to Honors coursework. 3

Init ated pro ect-based earn ng approach to faculty professional development (PD)

Re-examine our K-12 assessment philosophy and methods in order to investigate forward-thinking measurements of academic and social competencies.

Broadened the definition of “assessment” in a var ety of ways

Create student-centered programming that offers more experiential learning.

Pi ot/develop an exper ential education session ( ntersession) for the Upper School

Created authentic learning opportunit es as assessments that are transferable to the rea world.

Offer Capstone programs in each d vision (at 5th/8th /12th grades)

Add outdoor and globa educat on components where prudent

Elevate project based experient al learn ng and offer addit ona training

Develop forward thinking measurements of academic success and social emotional outcomes. 3

Research and offer PD opportunit es in competency-based learning and grad ng for equity, and prov de the profess ona learning commun ty with clear definit ons

Examine tradit onal assessment tools to ensure that they al gn with and accurately measure our des red learning outcomes for students


Promote equity by increasing institutional access, sustaining diversity and actively advancing a community of inclusion and belonging.

Diversity—one of the three core tenets of our mission—is essential to our identity as part of the larger Oakland and Bay Area community. We believe in the power of an intentionally diverse community where all are not only welcomed, but also belong. While we have put a considerable amount of focus in this area, we have more work to do to define what it means to be a community that promotes equity, inclusion and belonging, and encourages a range of ideas and perspectives. With a deep commitment to DEIB, we will examine and adjust our systems, practices and messaging to further deliver on our mission. In an ever-changing world, we celebrate that Head-Royce is a place where we are stronger and more connected because of our diversity, and where students will flourish in the larger world with tools to offer others because of their experience here. Our work in this area is critical for our students’ and our community’s future.


Created a Bias Incident Report and fo low up structure.


Analyze and improve our administrative practices, policies and programs to ensure equity and inclusion.


Enhance our K-12 curriculum and co-curricular programs to strengthen our commitment to equity and inclusion.

Trans tioned from APs to allow for the introduct on of more m ss on-aligned and relevant courses

Rev sed “Use of Offensive Language“ policy

Formalized structures to support Affinity Spaces for adults and students

Implemented Folio and Danielson to systematically grow and evaluate faculty.

Created and adopted standards to guid our principles of practice in: DEI M ss on Statement, PTL, Department-specif c Mission Statements and Learn ng for Justice Standards.

Designed the Anti-Racist Pedagogy Theory of Action and Text Select on Tool as frameworks to support our curr cu ar work


Promote our core values of diversity, equity and inclusion through effective storytelling and communication within and beyond the Head-Royce community.

Rev sed the DEI Mission Statement

Developed the DEI 10-Point Action Plan Implemented the Be ong ng Survey.

Wrote departmental anguage covenants.

Developed department Mission Statements as guiding documents Launched the Belonging newsletter.

Create a sequenced and stipulated DEIB curr culum to onboard various stakeholders

A ign PD around a foundationa vocabulary, a commitment to anti-racism, and building indiv dual and col ective sk lls to advance the mission and work

Identify the guiding documents required to review our curriculum and define the expectations for our PC and their evaluation. 2

Create studentcentered programming that offers more experiential learning.


Move the School community towards cultural fluency and have a unified understanding of what it means to belong, including feeling seen, heard and respected in order to advance a more inclusive community.

Define clear expectat ons for DEIB work and develop a process to hold PC members accountable for engagement and growth. Build n t me and structure throughout the Schoo year and use Fol o as a collaborative tracking tool.


Create formal pathways for reflect on and conversation in affinity and across differences inside and outs de of the classroom.

Create and implement consistent protocols for restorative practices in the K-12 community.

Bolster structures that identify and address difficult experiences and issues 3

Interrogate our systems using an anti-racist lens, examining why we do what we do and who benefits or is left out

Use data and metrics to assess our pract ce and nform our decisions in support of DEIB initiatives (dashboard, surveys)

Seek opportunit es and support programs that keep commun ty members involved in and aligned with DEIB work on an ongoing basis

Define the work of various DEIB groups to ensure the right amount of overlap and ownersh p of this work (E&I Council Office of E&I, ADCO, Board DEI Committee).

Ensure that the Board and ADCO elevate and sustain the prior ty of anti-racism work

Lead with a commitment to antiracism with an emphasis and urgency to address the critical needs of the BIPOC community and regularly assess our practice and progress.


Drive deeper civic engagement and build authentic partnerships within Oakland and the local Bay Area.

Head-Royce has a long history of civic purpose through community partnerships such as our Heads Up (HU) program and a well-developed citizenship program through the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) that includes curricular connections, service learning and travel study. Students thrive when they have a greater understanding and perspective of the world around them and have authentic experiences in their communities. Deeper engagement with our local community requires us to align our outreach programs, formalize the goals and objectives of each and establish systems of support ensuring our partnerships have longevity and lasting impact. By committing to a renewed civic purpose, we seek to become a model for positive community partnerships in our local community and beyond.


Focus the CCE on citizenship, public engagement and real-world problem-solving.

Expanded community and global partnerships and semester opportunit es


Deve oped a CCE mission statement and resource banks

Created a deliberate and focused K-12 program, appropriate for each grade level 2

Embrace the Heads Up (HU) program ensuring financial sustainability, strategic alignment and deep infusion within the Head-Royce community and the city of Oakland.

Implemented HU Strateg c Plan with budget, fundraising and partnerships.

Implement and align a K-12 scope and sequence for the identified CCE skills and objectives. 1

Developed a Community Engagement Board (CEB) that includes 52 students

Developed three strands for our civic engagement program and articulated associated sk lls related to: Political Act on, Human Connection and Env ronmental Stewardsh p

Increased campus solar power usage from approximately 20% to over 50%

Updated our Energy Contract

Created plan for South Campus teaching and learning spaces with attention to green and open space.


Determ ne and co lect the metrics that are ndicators of success

Continue to develop Capstone pro ects at key grade leve s. Determine appropriate staffing and resources for the scope of the CCE program.

Pilot and refine the Workforce Deve opment Program, including exploration of paid Counselor in Train ng (CIT) program

Received a Green Business Cert fication

Rev sed the HRS Green Mission Statement.

Continue to build systems, educational practices and civic partnerships that support, promote and cross-pollinate our Green Mission.

Piloted a Workforce Development Program for HU 3

D vested 60% of the endowment into environmental, socia and governance (ESG) investments.

Evaluate and determine the impact of the strategic shifts in ancillary programs, including the year-round HU program and summer Workforce Development program, the After School Program (ASP), Summer Program and CCE.

Connect on-campus sustainab lity efforts directly w th curricular and co-curr cular programm ng, includ ng a focus on env ronmental just ce, resource stewardship and real world problem-solv ng.

Incorporate the green m ssion into our Phi osophy of Teaching & Learning.

Align civic engagement skills with the key ski ls and initiat ves outl ned n the PT&L, Balance and We l-be ng goa s, DEI Mission Statement and DEI Action Plan. 2

Use strategic data to assess ancillary program effect veness.


Deepen our commitment to building systems, educational practices and civic partnerships that support, promote and crosspollinate our Green Mission.


Commit to and sustain a culture of balance and well-being.

As a School, we are committed to fostering a learning community that is intellectually engaged, socially connected and healthy. While we cannot ignore the challenges of modern life, including the increasing demands on time, the role of technology and the pressures to perform in an achievement-oriented world, we must prioritize our community’s health and well-being. We have learned from our current partnerships with Challenge Success and through research and best practices, that students need to develop skills in self-awareness, self-care, healthy decision-making and coping. Collectively, we need to align our entire community—students, parents and the professional community—on the importance of offering a challenging and purposeful curriculum while also providing opportunities to pause, reflect and take care of our bodies and minds.


Adjust and leverage the School schedule to support balance and well-being (B+W) while maintaining academic rigor.


Appraise and improve the “lived experience” of students and professional community (PC) members around B+W. 1


Reduced the number of Committee and Task Force meetings and regular zed PC, Division and Department meetings after-school. 2

Implemented consistent periods breaks and designated time for affinity group/clubs n the US/MS schedule, and developmentally appropriate t mes for special st classes in LS.

Continue to everage key partnership with the Med cal Advisory Board to support physica and mental hea th.

Cont nue to track and respond to feedback from Challenge Success Surveys, Belonging Survey and 2022 Parent Op nion Survey; Address key themes where possible and appropriate

C arify adm nistrative structures and pathways for student support. 2

Formed Medical Adv sory Board and Health Working Group.

Elevate B+W as critical elements of our climate and culture through community-wide education and support from faculty, professional staff, administration and the Board of Trustees.

Formed Student We lness and Support (SWS) department and added additional capacity in the department.

Formalized Aff nity Group job descriptions and compensation structures for faculty adv sors; Added new identity groups to reflect the needs of our diverse community. Incorporated language in the PT&L that better def nes academic r gor in terms of intel ectual cha lenge vs. volume and load.

Partnered with Challenge Success (for two student and one parent survey) 3

Ensure that current and future physical spaces optimize opportunities for well-being, health and learning.

Worked with landscape architects to create outdoor learn ng spaces on the proposed South Campus.

Pr orit ze PD in cross-cu tural competence and respons veness, adolescent dent ty development, antibu lying and diverse learning styles


Further articulate and promote balance and wellbeing as essential elements of our School’s vision and purpose as we continue to engage and align our constituents with our community values.

Review and rev se the Mentor Program to better al gn overarching purpose and meeting content with B+W and DEIB values.

Use storytel ing to re nforce the importance of B+W n communication channels, such as the website, admissions, or entat on and onboarding materials

Track and manage the homework load to protect PDF (play t me, down time, family t me). Seek additional opportunities that leverage the School schedule to support B+W for students and staff.

Pr orit ze designated affin ty groups/ advising time in any iteration of the school schedule.

Exam ne the role of the South Campus outdoor learning spaces to improve B+W.

Seek input from Deans and advisors on how to support student life through program time and scheduling.

Continue to build out adv sing/socialemotional learning (SEL)/health/ physical education curriculum to address sk ll-bu lding around self-awareness, healthy decis on making, t me/stress management and coping ski ls.

Returned to campus successfully with COVID risk m tigation strateg es in place.



Better serve all our families by building upon our disciplined approach to financial management.

A solid financial base and responsible planning for the future is essential for Head-Royce to continue our exceptional student-centered programming and as we expand to the South Campus with an increased student body and new spaces for instruction. One of the primary responsibilities of the Board of Trustees is to serve as careful financial stewards of the School’s resources by reviewing how we manage tuition and financial dollars, set competitive faculty salaries and manage future campus costs. With exciting changes ahead as we build and open the South Campus, we will need to be rigorous, intentional, creative and forward thinking with our assets, processes and fundraising strategies.


Advance a culture of stewardship that effectively utilizes, conserves and sustains our resources.

Carefu ly used external benchmarking data to make salary decis ons 2

Change how we view and communicate tuition assistance to identify ways to make the School more approachable for all our families.

Revised our Financia Aid Policy.

Conducted a rev ew of al expenses that are n addition to tuition and developed formal procedures for ass sting fam lies rece ving F nanc al Aid w th those costs.


Created guid ng budget philosophy document

Imp emented a transparent budget approva process

Launched the TADS bill ng system

Strengthen communications related to institutional and financial decision making to showcase our careful stewardship of resources and to celebrate opportunities and successes.


Conducted a review of all expenses that are n add tion to tuition and developed formal procedures for ass sting fam lies receiving Financia Aid with those costs

Evaluate and implement fundraising strategies that promote long-term stability and uncover new opportunities.

Completed argest cap tal campaign in HRS h story (est mated to exceed $25M by June 2022)

Added Campa gn Director/Major Gifts Officer.

Integrate North and South campus operations including plant, technology maintenance, staffing and other needs for newly designed Co laborat on and STEM spaces

Once a new conditional use permit (CUP) is approved, define and implement future admissions models

Operationalize our budgeting and planning processes to formally connect campus growth plans with current systems and to anticipate future needs.

Re-examine financial aid needs and budget with expanded US student body.


Work with ne ghbors to strengthen relat onships as construction begins

Use artic es, infograph cs and blogs to communicate the construct on phase and eventual open ng of South Campus

Increase storytelling around f nanc al aid and school affordab lity 2


As we emerge from the successful capital campaign period, focus on strengthening the Annual Fund, continuing major gift fundraising and planning/groundwork for the next philanthropic cycle.

Create an Affordability and Access Task Force to assess financial a d and other needs.

Rebrand and refocus

Annual Fund to level up overa l dollars raised post-campaign, building on successfu G vetober and Day-of-Giv ng pi ots

Explore/define the next philanthropic cyc e endowment or capital pro ect.

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