The Crusader - September 20, 2013

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The Cr usader

Lessons Holy Cross Students Could Learn from Italians Emma Pcolinski Italian Correspondent Study abroad is less about the classes and more about the intersection of cultures—or at least that’s what I was told by the countless others who insisted I must go. Having studied Italian for the past two years, I figured I knew a fair amount of Italian culture before I arrived to my host city, Bologna. I did know the little things like famous dishes and locales; however, the things that cannot be translated even in a language class seem to be the most essential to understanding Italian life, or Italian life as far as I’ve encountered over the first two weeks of my stay. Here, I have listed a few of my favorite lessons I’ve learned— lessons that as a Holy Cross student were difficult to grasp but things I will now always have tucked away. 1. Stop being so awkward. There isn’t a word for ‘awkward’ in Italian, so feel free to misspeak, offend someone, laugh too loudly in public, kiss your significant other in a crowd of people, trip over uneven steps, argue with a someone over a bill, get lost, ask for directions, tell your friends you love time, get too close for comfort, tell someone he or she is too close for

comfort, wear something outrageous, and stand out. Isn’t it freeing to not prioritize imposed norms? When there’s no word for ‘awkward’ most things seems possible. 2. Meals are more than hunger suppressants. Maybe it’s the way a waiter never gives you the check before you ask for it, or maybe it’s just food that overshoots dining hall quality by cosmic proportions, but in Bologna I’ve noticed that meals are slow, meant for conversation. Nearly every evening, my host mother and I spend the better part of two hours catching up and watching the news (as well as an awesome word-centered game show) over dinner. First pasta, then meat, then cheese, and, for dessert, fruit. It’s not about over eating, its about hitting all of the different palates and spending time with someone you value. 3. Venturing outside of central heating and air conditioning need not be reserved for seventy-five-degree-mostlysunny days. I can’t speak for what life will be like in the winter months, but cooler weather does not deter the Bolognese from eating al fresco. Even in temperatures reaching a chilly range of the low 60s, tables outdoors are packed and deserted inside the

restaurant. Piazzas are frequented even when there is a bite to the air. The Bolognese in particular prepared themselves for rain with miles of porticos lining the streets shielding pedestrians from drops. Windows are closed on the condition of street noise, not the dropping of temperatures. Their decision to take advantage of fresh air (or the freshest air a city can offer) makes for a more friendly and relaxed environment and shows for a greater appreciation of what has been given, rather than always hoping for the optimal conditions like we Crusaders do. 4. Style is not homogeneous. Holy Cross students without a doubt have fashion sense. Most everyone is polished for most every class. Any visitor to the campus will let you know this upon the first ten minutes of arrival. However, any visitor will also make it known that everyone looks the same at Holy Cross: sperrys, JCrew, riding boots, Timberlands, puffy vests. Here, there are definitely some patterns and similarities amongst Italians, but they aren’t afraid to try new things with their clothes. Maybe it fails, like the handful of harem pants I’ve witnessed. But most times, the unusual becomes magnificent.

TREND ALERT: MANICURE MADNESS Natalie Correa Phalange Philosopher Are you looking for a different and fashionable design for your nails?! Try the newly trending reverse French manicure! Recently debuted at last week’s Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York City, MAC Cosmetics and Ruffian paired up to design this manicure on their models. They decided to keep the model’s

nails natural, and simply painted along their cuticles with black nail lacquer. Considering the fact that Ruffian promotes a punk style, this reverse French manicure was the perfect complement to the models’ edgy runway outfits. As Halloween is approaching us, this is the ideal manicure you should create in order to endorse the same gothic feel that MAC & Ruffian have newly promoted. Not on the punk side? No worries! Reverse French manicures

can flatter any style one may have. My personal favorite is to paint my nails a pale pink, and paint along my cuticles with a sparkling silver color. It’s easy to say that this new trend is for anyone, you just have to be creative with it!

September 20, 2013

Your ‘To Do’ List: Ali Skamangas Features Co-Editor Hi, I’m back. For half of the school that means nothing, so I guess just…hi. I have loads of topics to cover in the coming issues (probably), but for now, I just want to take the time to dictate to you all what you should be doing in your spare time. Or what you should be doing in your un-spared time: Read: Nicole Krauss’ The Histor y of Love. When you talk to someone whose read it, it’s like they know something about the universe that you don’t. Hopefully, I give off that impression when people ask me if I’ve read it. Anyway, it’s a quick read and not to be missed. Go: To Wal-Mart. Even if you don’t have to. My last two visits to Wal-Mart have been splendid— both times, a man’s voice echoed throughout the store (‘store’ doesn’t seem accurate…entrepôt?), sounding like he had listened to too many recordings of the trailer voice repeating, “In A World…”. Either he was reading off of a script, or he was just seriously relishing in the idea that he could cause chaos in the entrepôt. His delivery was so fragmented, I felt like he was using the gaps of si-

lence to plan out what he actually wanted to say to us all. After I moved past my irritation of his drawn out recitation, I processed that he had said that Wal-Martians were giving out free silverware to all “adult Wal-Mart customers.” I didn’t participate because I wasn't sure what their definition of the word “adult” was. Plus, a mob was already forming around the giveaway table, and all I could picture was a free, brand spankin’ new knife slipping from the hands of one of the adult shoppers and Mr. Voiceover getting exactly what he wanted all along. Anyway, it was still a really surreal experience. You should go sometime soon. Watch: Withnail and I. It’s just so funny. And so good. I’m sorry to overwhelm you with such lavish adjectives. It’s a 1987 black comedy film…said Wikipedia. Eat: My guacamole: Avocados, diced red onion, lemon juice, cumin, garlic salt, not-garlic salt, and tomatoes (if you’re feeling sassy). And no cilantro because I don't like cilantro. Throw one of the avocado pits in the mix to keep the guac’s freshness. That’s probably not true but it sounds like it should be. Wear: Socks. Any kind. They’ll keep you warm.

Ask Alannah

Alannah Heffernan Chief Features Editor Dear Alannah, It was Saturday night and the party I was at off campus had just gotten broken up by the cops. I walked back on campus and there he was standing at Gate 7 alone. I couldn’t help but say, “Hi.” We used to text but that was something we left behind our sophomore year. As I walked to The Edge to get some free pizza, my phone went off and he texted me. It is now Tuesday and he has been texting me ever since then. If I don’t answer right away he double texts me. I don’t want to be rude and not answer but this whole texting again is beginning to weird me out. How can I tell him that I do not want this texting relationship to start up again? Sincerely, Text Me Never

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Dear Text Me Never, Here are a few simple tips to stop the conversation. 1) Tell him that you have to finish your homework and that you are turning off your phone. This should allow you some precious study time and maybe he will even start to forget about you. If you both have an Iphone make sure you turn off imessage so it doesn’t look like you are lying. 2) Stop responding. Every text does not merit a response. 3) If he hasn’t learned by now that the “double text” only belongs to pubescent middle schoolers, he is out of luck. There is no need to respond back to someone who is overly clingy. 4) Find out why all the sudden he is texting you again. Does he plan on stalking you? Or does he just want to be friends? Hopefully he will get the hint. Ask anytime, -A Have a question? Ask me at:

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