MochiTsuki process manuals

Page 1

1 INTRODUCTION Creative Brief

5 LOGO Sketches Final Logo Logo Dimensions Color Palette & Typeface Acceptable Usage Unacceptable Usage


Researches Sketches Prototype Packaging Dimensions Label Final Packaging

25 BUSINESS SYSTEM Business Card Letterhead Evelope

29 MARKETING Website & App Advertisements Merchandise

Introduction | Creative Brief |

Creative Brief Needs


Mochi is a traditional Japanese rice

The development of mochi has a long






cake dessert. In ancient Japan, mochi was

history, which can be traced back to the first

producers will overpackage their mochi

the dessert for very important guests only

century BC.

Although its exact origin has

products, which create unnecessary waste.

since rice was very valuable food. When it

yet to be confirmed, most people believe

Besides, the individual bags will not fit

comes to today’s culture, Japanese still sees

that the rice cake dessert was first developed

in a gift packaging style. Therefore, the

mochi as the perfect little indulgence or as a

by Korea. Later, when it was introduced to

main goal of the packaging is to use the

classy gift. Mochi has a unique sticky texture,

Japan, Japanese took this idea and developed

most efficient way to avoid the mochi stick

which makes them very popular over the

a whole new desert, which is today’s mochi.

together without using individual bags. To

world. However, this texture increases the

The existence of mochi becomes exclusive

fulfill this goal, each mochi will be placed

difficulties in delivering the product. To solve

to the Japanese culture. In Japan, there is

in its own individual compartment. These

this problem, most producers will apply a

a traditional event called Mochitsuki. In the

compartments must be well designed so our

special care on the packaging. By meaning

event, all family members will gather together

customers will not experience any difficulties

special care, they will put every mochi in an

to make mochi. The father usually does the

while enjoying our product. To stand out

individual bag to avoid the stickiness. On the

pounding, when the mother regularly shifts

from the numerous competitors, the package

one hand, the problem solves efficiently. On

the rice in the large bowl to ensure evenness.

will be created in the traditional Japanese

the other hand, the product is completely

The mother then shapes the pounded rice

origami style, which makes more connection



into small portions with the help of the

to the Japanese traditional culture.

unnecessary waste. The need here, then, is

children. This tradition is also known as the

to create a functional packaging to remove

spirit of mochi.





waste but at the same time, the appearance of the packaging must look good as a gift. P. 2

Project Objective


There is a famous Japanese mythology

Project Strategy

The product will be available at large







saying the white moon rabbit pounding

chain markets such as Safeway and Whole

Japanese and American markets. The audience

the mochi on the moon. To quote from this

Foods. They are all 16 packets in a set with the

of our brand is a bit more sophisticated. The

mythology, our brand is named mochitsuki,

combination of different flavors. There will be

product is slightly more expensive due to the

which in one way describes the act of pounding

display counters in some shopping mall which

difference in material quality and package

mochi in Japanese, while the word mochizuki

sell individual flavor and the combination

design. Therefore, our customers are mostly

refers to the full moon. This represents that

of flavor sets. The counter will also provide

likely from the middle or higher class who

our products are a gift from the moon. The

samples to let new customers to try our

have a good taste of life. They enjoy buying

gift from the moon is the perfect gift to all

products. Other than releasing sample, we

classy little gifts for their beloveds and

the beloveds and acquaintances.

will also advertise our product through food

acquaintances, small parties, or to enjoy a bit

magazine, Yelp website, Facebook, television,

of self-indulgence. Thus, part of my audiences

and environmental signage. These ways can

is most likely teenagers, primarily female,

catch the attention on the audiences who

who like the cute package design, the unique

have different backgrounds.

texture, color, and flavoring of mochi. Yet, people who love Japanese culture are also our targeted customers.

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Creative Brief| P. 3

Logo | Sketches | Final Logo | Logo Dimensions | Color Palette & Typefaces | Acceptable Usage | Unacceptable Ussage |

Sketches To begin with, I did a lot of researches on


the Japanese style logo. After exploring


with logos and product names, I decided to









go for the idea of “MochiTsuki”. The logo of MochiTsui is aimed to reflect the rich Japanese history of mochi. I came up with a











concept of a moon rabbit inside the mochi. After I developed the basic idea, I started


to experience with the different color combinations to fit the corporate image.



Since MochiTsuki partly targets on female




customers, the color palettes are mostly in a light tone.




MochiTsuki MochiTsuki MochiTsuki

P. 6

Final Logo

This color palette works really well with the corporate identity since this is not too girlish and has an elegant feeling. The sansserif font is Skia Regular, which is very playful and simple.

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Final Logo | P. 7

Logo Dimensions

P. 8

Color Palette


MochiTsuki Process Manual | Color Palette & Typefaces | P. 9

Acceptable Usage

P. 10

Unacceptable Usage

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Unacceptable Usage | P. 11

Packaging | Researches | Sketches | Packaging Dimensions | Prototype | Label | Final Packaging |

Biomimicry • Seashells

P. 14

Biomimicry • Weaver Birds

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Research | P. 15

Biomimicry • Bamboos

P. 16








the bamboo structure as packaging inspiration, sketches

we on

developed the


multiple shape

packaging. Since our product is not only for self-indulgence but also classy little gifts, the packaging needs to be elegant and graceful. This is also the most challenging part when we were designing the package.

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Sketches | P. 17

Packaging Dimensions

P. 18


MochiTsuki Process Manual | Prototype | P. 19


P. 20

Final Packaging

The final packaging is in a form of resealable cylindrical tube inspired by the structure of bamboo. It is made of tracing paper, transparency paper, and paperboard. The tube can be opened in the middle. In the middle layer, there were two wooden forks provided. This design helps customers to take the mochi out from every layer conveniently without getting their hands sticky.

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Final Packaging | P. 21

P. 22

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Final Packaging | P. 23

Business System | Business Card | Letterhead & Envplope |

Business Card

P. 26

Letterhead & Envelope

Stamp Japan Center, 1737 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94115

Japan Center, 1737 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94115 ph: 408.555.4320 | fax: 408.555.3409 web:

Recipient Name Company Name Street Address, City, State, ZIP Date Dear Mrs. Tsuki, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Best Regards, Silvia Wong MochiTsuki

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Letterhead & Envelope | P. 27

Marketing | Website & App | Advertisements | Merchandise |

Website & APP MochiTsuki’s App is available on IOS and Android system. There is no charge for downloading the App. Since we care about every customer’s needs, the app is designed in using a lot of pictograms. We aim that even non-English speakers can still access the app easily. Our website is The website is designed in a minimal style. All the directions are clearly listed on the top of every page to help consumers understand the company. Both platforms are user-friendly and highly secured. Consumers can purchase their orders online



information leaks out.

P. 30



personal © 2016 MochiTsuki. All Rights Reserved.


MochiTsuki advertises the company through food magazine, Yelp website, Facebook, telecision, and enviromental signage. These ways can catch the attention from the audiances who have different age.

MochiTsuki Process Manual | Advertisements | P. 31


P. 32

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