Th e film fitna anti islam product cry on the tomb of the prophet muhammad, peace be upon him

Page 1 Th e film "Fitna" anti-Islam product cry on the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him The film "Fitna" anti-Islam product cry on the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him

Arnold led the Dutch Vandron pilgrimage days ago, and expressed a desire to live next to the tomb of the Prophet

Muhammad, peace be upon him in Medina. The Vandron a film "Fitna" anti-Islam producers in 2006.

"Dishonor doubled in front of the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, where toured my mind a big mistake that they occurred before the God of Islam explains my chest size, the search process has led me to discover the sheer size of the offense perpetrated." With these words across the Dutch Vandron Arnold, one of the film "Fitna" abuser of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and he is very happy producers Batnagah Islam. He also expressed Vandron for feelings of pleasure that psychotic performance of the Hajj days ago, adding with a smile on his face that did not stop his tears since he arrived in Mecca, and that he is now living the most beautiful moments of his life. He also added that he intends to work on producing another film reflects the ethics of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Vandron has made dialogue to the newspaper "Okaz" Saudi Arabia in which he said: "Here I found a selfbetween these hearts locked, and my calls to wipe my tears all my sins after my repentance, and I will work to produce a large work to serve Islam and Muslims and reflects the creation of the ethics of the Prophet of mercy after my return from the pilgrimage," He expressed his wish to spend the whole day in the old Medina, which he said gives him a sense of comfort and safety, and calling it the

wonderful place to recite the Koran, "reflecting on", as well as access to religious books. The film mentioned producer said that he was eager to learn more about Islam, so he read about him and his teachings, Voiguen that Islam is a great religion holds Semitic message, adding to his desire to enter the true religion, he said. "Now Praise be to Allah that became a happy person who is apprehensive tranquility and serenity ". Arnold Vandron also spoke about his conversion to Islam by saying .. "At first I found it difficult to me to Islam, where did not grow up in a Muslim society teach me more about this great religion, I have found what I was Osabo to him and I was missing in my previous life, I imagine that all my life before the Islamic declaration It was like catch the wind. I did not find the full palms, but next to the tomb of Mustafa peace be upon him when I visited him. " In the context of the dialogue, the young Muslim stated that he "does not know in my mind the former member of the Dutch far-right Freedom Party to enter Islam religion, and I then to visit the Two Holy Mosques, especially since I belong to the party that has contributed to the film abuser to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him produce, but you product That film, which is a black point in my life. I was belong to the most extreme and parties hostile to the true religion, but after that I saw the reactions against the

production of the movie Fitna (which was introduced in 2006), I began to search for the truth of Islam. "

It is noteworthy that this is not the first visit to the Holy land Vandron, as has previously decamp to Mecca last February to perform Umrah. -the son of Product film "Fitna" converts to Islam

He joined the son of Dutch filmmaker Arnoud van Doorn his father, after say a brief prayer and finally chose the name "Ali" during the events of the Dubai International Peace Conference, after a year to convert to his father for religion itself, which was directed film "Fitna" abuser to the Prophet and famous former Blh of Islam. There is not unaware of the story of Dutch filmmaker Arnoud van Doorn, who began leading a fanatic against Muslims, in the party "for freedom," the right-wing in the Netherlands, and then contributed to the production of the film "Fitna" offensive to Muslims, to end up cap in hand,

announcing his conversion to Islam in March (March 2013). After almost a year, the son of Dutch filmmaker Arnaud Van Dorn announced his conversion to Islam at the hands of Sheikh Mohammed Salah, during the second day of business activities of the Dubai International Peace Conference in 2014, and is the Dutch name to "on", after high say a brief prayer. And Ali and his father received a commemorative shield of the Imam of the Grand Mosque, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, who delivered a speech during the closing ceremony of the conference. He called on God to guide his mother to Islam, and announced his intention to perform Umrah soon.

-source : RT + "Okaz"

-For more informations visite . -To contact me . -To know more about Islam please visite Zakir Naik and Ahmed Didat on yutube web site.

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