2 minute read

Survey Results

AFTER: Top Barriers

87.5% Feeling fobbed off


“I am left to prove my innocence when I'm maliciously reported but the perpetrator(s) have no repercussions at all and literally laugh at me”

“it was as if its happened now get on with it even though the Police admitted they had got it wrong but they were of no help in telling me how to move forward….. So we were left adrift”

“It is not a nice feeling to know my neighbour got away with doing what they did and we ended up being the bad guys in the eyes of the rest of my neighbours through the lies my neighbour told them about us. So now no one talks to us but I hold my head high as I know the truth. Shame on them.”



“The system is completely broken and no one cares…I wish I could sit in a room and tell them the effects of their actions and have them answer my questions.”

Fel sefydliad, mae Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr yn cydnabod nad yw pob dioddefwr trosedd gasineb yn cael yr un profiad.

Serch hynny, rydym ni’n clywed profiadau tebyg iawn i lawer o’r datganiadau uchod yn ystod ein gwaith yn cefnogi dioddefwyr.

Roedd y Fforwm yn awyddus i rannu eu profiadau byw gyda chymunedau ac asiantaethau ar draws Cymru i helpu i siapio gwasanaethau i gefnogi dioddefwyr troseddau casineb yn well.

...mae hyn yn dangos diystyrwch llwyr i’r effaith a gafodd y drosedd hon arnaf fi a’r rhai hynny o’m cwmpas. Bu’n rhaid i mi gymryd meddyginiaeth a des i’n agoraffobig gan dreulio bron i flwyddyn yn byw yn fy ystafell wely. Dioddefais o byliau o banig a gorbryder, yn ofni beth oedd ar y gweill; oherwydd, eto, roedd cyfathrebu drwy’r heddlu yn wan. Mae’n gwbl amlwg y cafodd hyn effaith ganlyniadol ar fy nheulu (partner a mab).

...Rydw i’n ddiolchgar iawn am y cymorth gan y tîm troseddau casineb a wnaeth fy ysgogi yn aml i beidio â byw mewn ofn, gan eu bod yn hoffi eich atgoffa na ddylech chi deimlo cywilydd nac euogrwydd am fod yn ddioddefwr, yn enwedig un sy’n dewis sefyll i fyny dros ei hun. Rhoddwyd llawer o gyngor i’m helpu drwy’r diffyg cyfathrebu gan yr heddlu, felly rydw i’n ddiolchgar iawn, iawn am y gwasanaeth yma.”

Os ydych chi, neu rywun rydych chi’n ei adnabod, wedi’ch effeithio gan gynnwys yr erthygl hon, cysylltwch â Chanolfan Cymorth Troseddau Casineb Cymru drwy ffonio

0300 303 1982 neu anfonwch e-bost atom ni drwy hate.crimewales@victimsupport.org.uk

Fel arall, ewch i’n gwefan www.reporthate.victimsupport.org.uk

As an organisation Victim Support acknowledges that not every victim of hate crime has the same experience.

We do however hear very similar experiences to many of the above during our work supporting victims.

The Forum were keen to share their lived experiences with communities and agencies across Wales to help shape services to better support victims of hate crime.

…this shows a total disregard to the impact of this crime had on me and those around me , I had to medicate and became agoraphobic spending the best part of a year living in my bedroom have suffered panic attacks and high anxiety, terrified of what was to come; as again communication via police was lax. It goes without saying that this had a knock on effect to my family (partner and son).

…I am very grateful for the help and support from the hate crime team who quite often picked me up from living in absolute fear, as they like to remind you there should be no shame or guilt in being a victim, especially one that chooses to stand up for themselves, and there was a lot of advice given to help me through the lack of communication from the police, so I am very, very grateful for this service.”

If you, or someone you know, has been affected by the content of this article please reach out to the Wales Hate Support Centre by calling 0300 303 1982 or email us at hate.crimewales@victimsupport.org.uk