ADC Booklet

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NEW FRONTIERS OF COLLABORATION Africa: Imagining New Frontiers of Collaboration revisits the enduring, yet dynamic and elusive concept of “Pan-Africanism” as it takes shape in the twenty-first century and invites conversations on the increasing importance of cross-border and international cooperation and partnership for the continent. The conference will explore creative, collaborative approaches to African challenges and opportunities. These include governance and human rights, education, infrastructure, public health, gender and income inequality, Africa’s economies, and urban development. This conference brings together policy makers, innovative business leaders, accomplished academics, leaders of civil society organizations and other distinguished individuals to foster a productive dialogue about Africa’s future. This conference endeavors to move beyond raising awareness about the challenges facing Africa by highlighting innovative thinking and promoting those who are working to effect real change in their country or throughout the continent. We hope the conference attendees will leave with a sense of excitement and purpose regarding the continent and its role in the world. Importantly, in the spirit of this year’s theme, we hope that conference attendees will discover new opportunities for collaboration and be inspired to take part in Africa’s future.

WELCOME Welcome to the 8th annual African Development Conference held at Harvard University. For almost a decade, African student organizations at Harvard University have come together to create a platform to promote African voices and African ideas. This year, we wanted to highlight the spirit of collaboration and partnership that has been the hallmark of our conference for so many years. Our theme “Africa: Imagining New Frontiers of Collaboration” will explore creative, collaborative approaches to addressing African challenges and opportunities for growth. We hope to ignite a vigorous conversation on the role of cross-border collaboration in the attainment of Africa’s development objectives. We are excited to convene over 300 participants, including students, alumni, scholars, business professionals, policy practitioners, government officials and leaders from around the world. We invite you to explore this opportunity for discussion and debate around major pillars of growth. We are thankful for the generous contributions of our sponsors that enable us to invite the development practitioners of today and prepare those of tomorrow. Furthermore, we are grateful for this platform to share in a campus-wide forum for discourse surrounding the realization of Africa’s development goals. Thank you for choosing to attend the African Development Conference held at Harvard. We hope you leave this year’s conference with a sense of excitement and purpose regarding the continent and discover new opportunities for collaboration. The Organizing Committee of the African Development Conference 2017 p.36

GENERAL INFORMATION Please take note of the following important information regarding your time at the African Development Conference 2017. Conference: The timely and successful running of the conference program relies on all sessions starting and finishing on time. We respectfully ask that all delegates are seated before the scheduled panel and keynote start time. Please note that all speaking events will be filmed and photographed. Members of the press will also be present. Please wear your name tag at all times to ensure that you are granted access into all conference venues. Social Media: Please join the conference conversation online with #ADC2017 and follow ADC2017: Twitter: Facebook: Wifi: You can connect to Harvard Guest Wifi which is available throughout the conference venues. Program Changes: Should any last minute program changes occur these will be announced and updated on the conference website ADC2017 Cocktail and Dance Party: Only guests who have purchased the full conference package will be granted access. International guests please bring your passports for access. Guests under 21 must arrive at the Liberty Hotel before 9:00pm. Safety: Should you have any safety concerns please contact the Harvard University Police Department: 617-495-1212. Blue light phones are available throughout Harvard’s campuses. In the event of an emergency please call 911. Should you have any queries or concerns please speak to a volunteer or an ADC Committee member. Please check with catering staff should you have any queries regarding food contents.


// 10:30am - 11:45am Panel Session 1 First (WCC1010) and Second Floor (WCC2004, 2009, 2012)

WCC2004 Yellow

WCC2009 Orange

WCC2012 Green

The African City p.16

Education p.18

Diaspora p.20

WCC1010 Gray Bridging the Divide p.22

FRIDAY 31 MARCH 2017 Harvard Institute of Politics Harvard Kennedy School of Governance 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge p.40

// 2:00pm - 4:00pm Registration and Welcome The Forum

// 4:00pm - 5:15pm Friday Opening Keynote: Folorunso Alakija p.8 The Forum

// 5:30pm - 7:00pm Welcome Reception Milstein West, Second Floor, Wasserstein Hall, Harvard Law School 1585 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge p.40

SATURDAY 1 APRIL 2017 Wasserstein Hall Harvard Law School 1585 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge p.40

// 8:00am - 9:00am Breakfast Reception and Registration First Floor Foyer and Second Floor, Milstein West Registration open from 8:00am to 5:00pm

// 9:00am - 10:15am Saturday Opening Keynote: H.E. John Mahama p.10 Second Floor, Milstein East 8

// 11:45am - 1:00pm Lunch Second Floor, Milstein West

// 1:00pm - 2:15pm Saturday Afternoon Keynote: Beatrice Mtetwa p.12 Second Floor, Milstein East

// 2:15pm - 3:30pm Panel Session 2 Second Floor (WCC2004, 2009, 2012)

Technology p.24

Human Rights p.26

Personal Stories p.28

// 3:30pm - 3:45pm Coffee Break Second Floor, Milstein West

// 4:00pm - 5:15pm Panel Session 3 Second Floor (WCC2004, 2009, 2012)

Healthcare p.30

Social Movements p.32 Finance p.34

// 5:30pm - 6:45pm Closing Keynote: Thuli Madonsela p.14 Second Floor, Milstein East

// 9:00pm - 12:00am ADC 2017 Cocktail and Dance Party The Liberty Hotel Boston, 215 Charles Street, Boston p.40 Only guests who have purchased the full conference package will be granted access. International guests please bring your passports for access. Guests under 21 must arrive at the Liberty Hotel before 9:00pm.


FOLORUNSO ALAKIJA Keynote | Harvard Institute of Politics | The Forum | Friday 31 March | 4:00pm @AlakijaOfficial

Mrs. Folorunso Alakija is a businesswoman who has forayed into uncharted territories. She is a philanthropist with a sincere desire to help the needy, a fashion icon with an infallible sense of style, a loving wife, a caring mother and doting grandmother, a friend indeed. Educated in Europe, she first embarked on a career in office administration, then she went into banking where she remained, until she took a leap of faith and followed her heart and creative calling to establish her own business in the Nigerian fashion industry. Her fashion house “Supreme Stitches” rose to prominence and fame within a few years, and rebranded as “Rose of Sharon House of Fashion” which later became a household name. As National President and lifelong Trustee of the Fashion Designers Association of Nigeria (FADAN), she left an indelible mark, promoting Nigerian culture through fashion and style. Ever the entrepreneur, Mrs. Alakija has set up related businesses: The Rose of Sharon Prints & Promotions which specializes in monogramming, heat/picture transfer and screen printing for promotional and gift items and Digital Reality Print Ltd which specializes in highly technical digital large format printing. She remains the only female in that industry in Nigeria to date. She included a direct imaging paper printing press to coincide with her 60th birthday in July 2011. She oversees the Rose of Sharon Group as the Group Managing Director and she is also the Executive Vice Chairman of her family's oil exploration and production business, FAMFA Oil Limited , seeing to its strategic planning and day to day administration. In addition to these, Folorunso is the Executive Vice Chairman of Dayspring Property Development Company Limited, a real estate company with investments in different parts of the world. When reflecting on her achievements, Folorunso's foremost reaction is always to give glory to God through Jesus Christ and to share the secrets of her success. A born again Christian since 1991, she draws her strength from her unfaltering belief in the power and glory of God. With a sincere desire to give to those in need in the name of the Lord, 10

her philanthropic endeavours, such as the Rose of Sharon Foundation, continues to influence her native land positively by empowering widows and their families, as well as orphans, to be successful through educational programmes and scholarships. In obedience to the word of God and working according to His will and purpose, Folorunso and her husband founded a house fellowship which has grown to become a fullfledged Christian Ministry known as the Rose of Sharon Glorious Ministry International. She has authored several books including, “University of Marriage”, “Alone with God”, (a free Christian Devotional) her autobiography, “Growing with the Hand that Gives the Rose”, and “The Cry of Widows and Orphans”. At 64, Mrs. Alakija oversees her businesses and philanthropic enterprises working tirelessly and with boundless energy. She follows her evangelical calling with unbridled devotion, hoping to inspire the public, most especially the youth and women from all walks of life by sharing her values and her motto: “whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well” through motivational talks and speeches. In her speeches, as an encouragement to others, she reveals and introduces her covenant keeping God. She accepts many invitations to speak and is acclaimed, nationally and internationally, in recognition of all her philanthropic work and endeavours. She has 5 Honorary Degree Awards from universities in Nigeria and the United States of America. She lives in Lagos, Nigeria with Modupe Alakija her beloved husband of almost four decades, their four sons and grandchildren. 11

H.E. JOHN MAHAMA Keynote | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Milstein East | Saturday 1 April | 9:00am @JDMahama

H.E. John Dramani Mahama was the 4th President of the Fourth Republic of Ghana. President Mahama has an extensive political career which included serving as Vice President of the Republic of Ghana under the late President John Evans Atta Mills. He took over the reins of Government on the passing of President Mills on July 24, 2012, and assumed the role of Head of State, Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Ghana, under President Mahama witnessed a massive infrastructure development drive that has solidly positioned the country for its next phase of development as a Lower Middle Income Country. At the end of his term in office, President Mahama guided the country through a peaceful transition that demonstrated the strength and robustness of Ghana as a democratic example. President Mahama was born in Damongo in what is now the DamongoDaboya Constituency of Ghana on the 29th of November 1958 and he attended primary school at the Achimota School in Accra, then the Ghana Secondary School in Tamale where he studied for his Ordinary and Advanced level GCE Certificates. Thereafter, he attended the University of Ghana, Legon where he read History, and received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1981. He furthered his education by embarking on Post Graduate Studies in Communication also at the University of Ghana, in the School of Communication Studies, which he completed in 1986. His thirst for knowledge took him to Moscow, Russia for a Post Graduate Diploma in Social Psychology from the Institute of Social Sciences. President Mahama is an avid reader, author and historian. Over the course of his career he has written for several newspapers and authored


a number of publications. He published his first book, a memoir entitled ‘My First Coup D’etat and other true stories from the lost decades of Africa’. John Mahama considers the combination of the study of history, communications and social psychology as having had a profound impact on shaping his views, thoughts and understanding of the human condition and have contributed significantly to making him the person he is today. Apart from his love of reading and acquiring knowledge, President Mahama is a champion of youth empowerment across the continent and also has a keen interest in technology and being a farmer himself, he’s particularly interested in finding the most effective ways to improve agricultural productivity and continues to encourage more young people to see farming as a viable business and not a subsistence activity. He also takes keen interest in the opportunities for simplifying and making tasks easier with the use of Information and Communications Technology, and considers the ICT industry one of the sectors that can play a significant role in economic transformation and job creation. President John Mahama is a man of many talents and accomplishments, who committed himself to fulfilling the vision of creating a Better Ghana by focusing on Jobs, Stability and Development.


BEATRICE MTETWA Keynote | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Milstein East | Saturday 1 April | 1:00pm

Human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa has spent the last 20 years defending journalists and resisting government corruption in her home country of Zimbabwe. She has been physically attacked and faced threats against her life, and yet despite such adversity, she continues to fight for freedom and the ideals of democracy. In spite of beatings by police, she has courageously defended in court those jailed by the Mugabe government—peace activists, journalists, opposition candidates, farmers that had their land confiscated, ordinary citizens that had the courage to speak up. Beatrice Mtetwa was born into a polygamous family in Swaziland in the rural community but was determined that this was not the life for her. She graduated with a Bachelor of Law degree (LLB) from the University of Botswana and Swaziland in 1981. She worked as a prosecutor in Swaziland and in Zimbabwe from 1981 to 1989. She went into private practice in Harare in February 1989 and soon began specializing in human rights law. In one of her more notable cases, she successfully challenged a section of Zimbabwe’s Private Voluntary Organizations Act which allowed a government minister the authority to dissolve or replace the board members of non-governmental organizations. She also challenged the results of 37 districts in the 2000 parliamentary elections. Mtetwa is particularly noted for her defense of arrested journalists, both local and international. In 2003, for example, she won a court order preventing the deportation of Guardian reporter Andrew Meldrum, presenting it to security officials at Harare International Airport only minutes before Meldrum’s plane was scheduled to depart. She also won acquittals for detained reporters Toby Harnden and Julian Simmonds from London’s Sunday Telegraph, who had been arrested during coverage of the April parliamentary election on charges of working without government accreditation. In April 2008, she secured the release of New York Times reporter Barry Bearak, who had been imprisoned on similar charges. She also defended many local journalists arrested in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election. 14

Mtetwa is a game changer in Zimbabwean history and an inspiration to young women who can look at her and know that they too can challenge the status quo and deserve equal protection under the law. In 2005, she won the International Press Freedom Award of the Committee to Protect Journalists. She also won Burton Benjamin Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2008. In 2009, the European Bar Human Rights Institute awarded her the Ludovic-Trarieux International Human Rights Prize. Mtetwa also won the 2010 International Human Rights award of the American Bar Association. In 2011, she was awarded the Inamori Ethics Prize by Case Western Reserve University in the United States. In 2013, St. Francis Xavier University celebrated Mtetwa’s many achievements by presenting her with an honorary degree. In April 2016, Mtetwa was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws (LLD) degree by Rhodes University in South Africa in recognition of her achievements in the promotion and protection of human rights in Zimbabwe. Mtetwa champions a variety of other social causes, including eradicating AIDS and poverty, protecting the rights of women and children, preserving the essential freedoms of peaceful assembly, association and speech, and helping poor farmers wrongfully evicted from their land by the government. Beatrice Mtetwa also sits on various commercial boards, including the Zimbabwe Independent and Standard newspapers, the Mail and Guardian Media Group, and Pioneer Africa Corporation (a diversified transport company operating in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana and Uganda). 15

THULI MADONSELA Keynote | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Milstein East | Saturday 1 April | 5:30pm @ThuliMadonsela3

Adv Thulisile (Thuli) Nomkhosi Madonsela was appointed as Public Protector SA by the President on the recommendation of Parliament with effect from 15 October 2009. At the time of her appointment, Adv Madonsela was the only full-time Commissioner in the South African Law Reform Commission. Before then she held various leadership positions in civil society and the public sector. These include membership of the inaugural Commission for Commission for Employment Equity and the Steering Committee of the legal Services Charter and various executive management positions in the Department of Justice and constitutional Development. One of the 11 Technical Experts that assisted the Constitutional Assembly in drafting South Africa’s new Constitution, Adv Madonsela is a human rights lawyer, equality expert, constitutional analyst and policy specialist, who holds a BA Law and LLB degrees. She has also done post graduate studies in various areas of the law, including Constitutional Law, Equality, Administrative Justice and Developmental Law. Her post graduate studies include executive leadership courses in areas such as leadership, strategic planning, project management and ADR. She is the co-architect of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, the Employment Equity act and Local Government Transition act. She has also contributed to laws such as the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, Repeal of the Black Administration Act, Recognition of Customary Marriages Act and the reform of Customary Law and Related matters Act. She has played a central role in the drafting of various transformational policies and related instruments, which include Justice Vision 2000, the Victims Charter, National Gender Policy Framework and the policy framework that formed the basis of the Ministry for Women, Children and Disability Affairs. 16

She has written extensively, published and provided training on various aspects of the law, equality and human rights in general. Her work includes co-authoring the Bench Book for Equality Courts, a Resource Book for Equality Court Clerks, a Legal advice Handbook on Family Law and Related Matters and handbooks on Gender Management, gender mainstreaming and Leadership. Born in Johannesburg, to a working class family, in 1962, Adv. Madonsela has had extensive involvement in international human rights work, which has included the drafting of certain instruments, drafting of country reports and participating in country delegations to various international conferences and related fora. 17

THE AFRICAN CITY Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2004 | Saturday 1 April | 10:30am

This panel is moderated by Prof Michael Hooper.

Urban areas are complex agglomerations of people, infrastructure, buildings and economies. Multiple flows and processes run through cities from migration to trade and metabolic systems. African cities share many similarities with other urban areas in the world, but are also incredibly varied with notable idiosyncrasies. This panel seeks to explore urban areas as a site for innovation in design and city planning, where new collaborations and approaches tailored to different African contexts have resulted in positive and sustained outcomes. Expanded biographies are available at

THOMAS COGGIN Thomas Coggin is an SJD candidate and Fellow at Fordham University’s Urban Law Center. He is a South African lawyer and is the founder and editor of the Urban Law Lab, a collaborative research project which critically examines the relationship between law, rights and the urban. @tominjoburg MICHAEL HOOPER Michael Hooper is an Associate Professor of Urban Planning at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design (GSD). Prior to joining Harvard, he spent several years working with the United Nations Development Programme, including a year posted to the Kenya Ministry of Planning.

RAHEL SHAWL Founder and director of one of the leading architecture firms in Ethiopia RAAS Architects, Rahel Shawl prides herself on designing quality building projects and being a leader, mentor, and role model for young architects in her country. She is currently a Loeb Fellow at Harvard University’s GSD. JUSTIN TATA Justin Tata is the Acting Director of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Juba in South Sudan. He holds several public appointments in land administration. Tata returned to South Sudan just before its independence in 2011 and has been working ever since on its development. 18


EDUCATION Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2009 | Saturday 1 April | 10:30am

This panel is moderated by Liz Grossman.

The SDGs have replaced the MDGs and yet the African continent continues to lag behind others in education supply and quality. This panel seeks to explore ways for collective impact between all stakeholders in education systems to improve the quality of education the average African child receives. Expanded biographies are available at

RICHARD ROWE Dr. Richard Rowe is Chairman and CEO of the Open Learning Exchange, Inc. (OLE). He received his M.A. in Psychology of Religion from Boston University and his Ph.D. from Columbia University in Clinical Psychology. He has served as Associate Dean of Harvard’s GSE. @OleOrg JOHN RENDEL John Rendel is the founder and CEO of PEAS, a rapidly growing and multiple award winning social enterprise that widens access to secondary education in Africa. PEAS has won the UK Charity Awards and the WISE Global Innovation Awards. @John_Rendel



Tiffany is the Founding Executive Director of Dignitas, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering educators to transform education in Kenya. She a widely-recognized education leader in Kenya where she brings valuable international and local experience. @DignitasProject

Liz is the founding manager of Baobab Consulting. She graduated from Harvard with her M.Ed. in International Education Policy. She has worked on education issues in numerous African countries and consulted widely including to UNESCO, UNICEF, and UNHCR. @LizGrossman87

ABIMBOLA FAYOMI Abimbola Fayomi is the Program Coordinator of the Safe Schools Initiative. She holds a B.S in Accounting from Liberty University, Virginia and an MBA from Howard University, Washington D.C. The Safe Schools Initiative protects hundreds of schools across Nigeria. 20


DIASPORA Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2012 | Saturday 1 April | 10:30am

This panel is moderated by Toni Morgan.

How can we leverage on the strength of Africans outside of Africa giving back? The African diaspora is a concept that recognizes a common identity and shared experience that transcends national, cultural and historical boundaries. Historically, it has been used a political tool to build solidarity amongst people of African descent. This panel will highlight the work several influential people and the ways in which they have used their influence abroad to connect with the diaspora. Expanded biographies are available at

MITU YILMA Mitu is a policy-focused EthiopianAmerican who is passionate about building power in African communities. She is co-founder of Addis Ideas, a web platform that crowdsources African development solutions from African diaspora and nationals. @AddisIdeas RAWAN GALAIDOS Rawan Galaidos started The Ubuntu Project, a mission driven organization dedicated to bridging the gap between creativity and compassion. She is a management consultant by day and a social entrepreneur by night. She has worked in a variety of enterprise-wide initiatives for Fortune 500 clients.



Mamadou Samba was appointed by Mayor Muriel Bowser in January 2015 as Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of African Affairs. He also served as a Commissioner on the Washington, D.C., Commission on African Affairs appointed by former D.C. Mayor, Vincent Gray. @Sambaiam

Tonika “Toni” Morgan is a Toronto-born, Boston-based strategist, educator and social entrepreneur. Her award-winning work in education as a systems-level leader in North America’s second largest affordable housing agency, Toronto Community Housing, positioned her as a thought leader in the social innovation space.

SAMUEL M. GEBRU Samuel M. Gebru is an Ethiopian American social entrepreneur, community organizer and consultant. He is a candidate for Cambridge City Council in the November 7, 2017 election. @SMGebru




HAOUA MAMOUDOU Haoua is the founder and Managing Partner of Focus Ventures. Haoua identifies, investigates and assesses long term strategic business opportunities beyond the ‘business as usual’ for companies in this dynamic part of the world.

Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC1010 | Saturday 1 April | 10:30am This panel is moderated by Meriem Boudjadja.

In a famous interview with the pan-African news network Africa24 in February 2015, Nigerian billionaire Aliko Dangote expressed the difficulties of operating a business in Francophone countries. This simple statement is representative of the important gap that exists between African countries, which often share borders, but are so different in terms of culture, politics, economy, social environments. This panel explores this challenges and ambitions to mitigating the divide. Expanded biographies are available at


DELE MOMODU Chief Dele Momodu is a Nigerian journalist/publisher, businessman, philanthropist, actor and motivational speaker. He is the CEO and publisher of Ovation International, a magazine that has given publicity to people from all over the world, mainly in Africa. @DeleMomodu



Phanice is Founder and CEO of Eye on Africa, a pan-African Public Affairs organization highlighting development in the continent and showcasing investment opportunities across Sub-Saharan Africa. Phanice is an alumnus of the Harvard Kennedy School. @KwambokaPhanice

Ms Clare Akamanzi is CEO of the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and Member of the Cabinet of Rwanda. Prior to this role, she served as Head of Strategy and Policy for H.E President Paul Kagame and for over 7 years as COO of the RDB. @cakamanzi



Mr. Guimba-Saidou is the high commissioner to ITC in Republic of Niger, a cabinet-level position. He has over 20 years of professional experience in the telecommunications industries worldwide, with expertise in strategy, management, planning and marketing.

Meriem Boudjadja is a Mason fellow from Algeria currently pursuing a Masters in Public Administration at Harvard. Before coming to the Kennedy School, Meriem led the project financing deal on the projected construction of the UN House in Algiers with the UNDP. She has previously been a cabinet member. 25


CHIKE UKAEGBU Chike Ukaegbu is an Educator, Entrepreneur, Investor, Humanitarian and Biomedical Engineer who is passionate about diversity and inclusion in tech and entrepreneurial spaces. Chike co-founded Re:LIFE and is the founder of Startup52. @ChikeUkaegbu

Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2004 | Saturday 1 April | 2:15pm This panel is moderated by Claude Grunitzky.

Technological innovation is growing at an exponential rate around the world, transforming daily lives and creating more opportunities for connections than ever before. Technology is transforming fields from healthcare to media to education. How can technological innovations best be capitalized for Africa’s development, and what are the costs and tradeoffs associated with an increasingly linked world? How does technology impact people’s societies and culture?

CLAUDE GRUNITZKY Claude Grunitzky is the founder of TRACE and TRUE Africa, a new media tech platform championing young African voices all over the world. TRACE, which now reaches an audience of more than 100 million people across 150 countries, was sold in July 2010. @ClaudeGrunitzky

Expanded biographies are available at

TORIN PEREZ Torin Perez leads global awareness initiatives for DreamAfrica. He was selected in 2016 to represent the company in the inaugural TED Residency Program for breakthrough ideas. @TorinPerez1 EXPORT TRADING GROUP

DAN HYMOWITZ Dan Hymowitz is a Senior Advisor with the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) where he is responsible for thought leadership. Dan’s previous roles with the AGI have included Acting Director of Development and External Relations and working on the Ebola response in Liberia. @DHymowitz 26

OCP AFRICA, a subsidiary of OCP, is fully dedicated to contributing to the development of sustainable agricultural ecosystems in Africa. This everlasting commitment to the continent’s agricultural transformation embodies OCP’s resolve to address the challenges of setting up a structured, efiicient and resilient agriculture. To fulfill this ambition, OCP AFRICA provides farmers with all the tools for success: customised and affordable products, support services and logistical solutions. As a world leader in the phosphate industry, OCP Group leverages all possible means in order to contribute to the food security challenge and to meet the needs of present and future generations.

With a vision of becoming the leading supplier of African agricultural products to the world, ETG strives to play a key role in enhancing the continent’s growth through the global marketing of its locally produced commodities. 27

HUMAN RIGHTS & WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2009 | Saturday 1 April | 2:15pm This panel is moderated by Alex Fitzgerald.

Women, youth, and marginalized groups are taking on a greater role in civil society, the political realm, and the economy than ever before, but significant work remains to ensure that all are empowered to be truly equal players in African societies and globally. How can women’s empowerment efforts collaborate across gender and work with men as partners, or across physical boundaries to share best practices? How can technology and communication developments be leveraged for the advancement of human rights? How can increasing globalization be a catalyst for changing access and perceptions of women’s empowerment and human rights overall?

KAREN SHERMAN Karen Sherman brings more than 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur, strategist, and executive level manager to her role as Executive Director of the Akilah Institute for Women. Previously, Karen served as the Executive Vice President at Counterpart International. @KarSherman TSHIDISO RAMOGALE Tshidiso Ramogale is the director and founder of Change SA. He is a human rights lawyer and social entrepreneur from Johannesburg. He holds a law degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and he is currently completing his Masters of Law at Harvard Law School.

Expanded biographies are available at



Martine engaged in many charitable and development activities while in Cameroon, often with the U.S. Peace Corps. She’s been a leader and a foot soldier, speaking to business associations, women’s groups, and youth groups, all to further the cause of girl’s education. @TchitMart

Alexandra ‘Alex’ Fitzgerald is a qualified attorney of the High Court of South Africa, and a Masters of Law student at Harvard. Alex also served as a Law Research Clerk to Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng at the Constitutional Court of South Africa. @AlexFitzMia

TOYOSI AKERELE-OGUNSIJI Toyosi Akerele-Ogunsiji, named by Forbes as one of the 20 most Powerful Young Women in Africa is the Founder / CEO of RISE NETWORKS, Africa’s leading Social Enterprise. Toyosi is a 2017 Mason Fellow and Mid-Career Master in Public Administration Candidate at HKS. @ToyosiRise 28


PERSONAL STORIES Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2012 | Saturday 1 April | 2:15pm

This panel is moderated by Andrew Nalani.

Africans are among the best story tellers. The griot occupied a venerated position; one of passing down histories through stories. In line with tradition, this panel brings together the stories of diverse peoples working in different environments in African development. Theirs are individual journeys; testimonies sometimes forged in adverse conditions but have the power to inspire a generation. Expanded biographies are available at

GAKII BIRIRI Gakii Biriri is the Executive Director and Founder of the non-profit Honest Intention Organization, which aims to improve the quality of education in lowincome areas. She has a deep passion for sustainable solutions for Africa through education and sustainable development. @Just_Gakii THATCHER BEAN Thatcher joined MASS Design Group in 2013 to document the construction and use of MASS’s healthcare infrastructure in Rwanda. Since then he has worked with MASS as a media producer to explore how video can be used as a unique tool to assess and convey the impact of the built environment.



Achenyo Idachaba is a Computer Scientist turned Social Entrepreneur. She is the Founder and Creative Director of MitiMeth, an Award winning Social Enterprise based in Nigeria. Achenyo has won numerous awards and has been featured widely in the media. @AchenyoI

Andrew Nalani is currently completing a Masters degree in Human Development and Psychology at Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is the co-founder and director of AYLE, the African Youth Leadership Experience, a camp that serves youth in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

ADEBOLA WILLIAMS Named CNBC Young Business Leader of the year, Forbes 30 Under 30, Businessday 40 Under 40, amongst others. Adebola co-founded EnoughisEnough (EiE), one of Nigeria’s foremost civic participation groups and a premium voice for young people on politics. @DebolaLagos 30


HEALTHCARE Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2004 | Saturday 1 April | 4:00pm This panel is moderated by Hind Satti.

In various African countries, the health sector is faced with multiple challenges including rising multiple burdens of disease, poor infrastructure, shortage of healthcare workers and resources, access, quality, inequity and many more. It is imperative that these issues are tackled as health status is crucial to increased productivity and economic development. Our panelists will share their experiences and discuss the various ways through which they have leveraged opportunities for innovation and generated solutions to various healthcare challenges. Expanded biographies are available at

BISI BRIGHT Bisi Bright is a Consultant Clinical Pharmacist, Lecturer and Public Health Manager. She is 1st VC and CEO of LiveWell Initiative LWI, a self-sustaining non-profit healthcare social enterprise which is targeted at empowering populations with health literacy. @BisiBright KELECHI OHIRI Dr. Kelechi Ohiri is the CEO of Health Strategy & Delivery Foundation. He has over 15 years’ experience in the healthcare sector spanning clinical medicine, consultancy and advisory in the public and private sectors. He is a Visiting Scientist at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.



Dr. Lantum, the Founder of MicroClinic Technoloies, is a serial entrepreneur with over 20 years experience in general medicine and health care management in resource limited settings. He has specific expertise in m-Health and e-Health in the Africa health setting. @MokaLantum

Hind Satti, MBBS, MPH is an Associate Physician in the Division of Global Health Equity and the Deputy Chief Medical Director of Partners In Health. Dr. Satti joined Partners In Health in 2007 to lead MDR-TB efforts in Lesotho for Partners In Health. She has since supported national MDR-TB programs in over 20 countries.

SERUFUSA SEKIDDE Serufusa is the Director of Country Engagement for the Aspen Management Partnership for Health (AMP Health). AMP Health is a multi-stakeholder partnership that is based at the Aspen Institute in Washington DC that supports health ministries build management capacity. @Serufusa 32


SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2009 | Saturday 1 April | 4:00pm

This panel is moderated by Chipo Dendere.

CHIPO DENDERE Dr. Chipo Dendere is an Assistant Professor of Political Science. She researches and writes about African politics. Dr. Dendere’s work on the relationship between authoritarianism and migration is influenced by her experience of emigrating from Zimbabwe. @DrDendere

How can we best engage with each other to collaboratively dismantle political and institutional oppression? Demonstrations, boycotts, stay aways, townhall meetings, Facebook Live, Twitter, and trending hashtags, etc. are methods Africans on the continent and in the diaspora have used to engage with these social, political, and legal issues. This panel serves as a platform to share activism stories and why they have worked. It also serves as a knowledge sharing opportunity on how to build coalitions and movements for social justice in all our communities. Expanded biographies are available at

FADZAYI MAHERE Fadzayi Mahere practices as an advocate/ barrister at the Harare Bar. Her main fields of practice include constitutional law, human rights law and administrative law. She also takes on appellate criminal work and specialised crime. She holds a Law Masters from Cambridge University. @AdvocateMahere MUTASIM ALI Mutasim Ali is a Sudanese refugee living in Israel since 2009. He is a former Executive Director and the current board member of the African Refugee Development Center. He is completing a law degree at Academic College of Law and Business – Ramat Gan. @MutasimAli3 34

The Harvard University Center for African Studies is a globally recognized, interdisciplinary body at Harvard University committed to broadening knowledge about Africa and African perspectives. Our vision is a world where authentic understandings of Africa, African experiences and perspectives are commonplace.


FINANCE Panel | Harvard Law School | Wasserstein Hall | Room WCC2012 | Saturday 1 April | 4:00pm This panel is moderated by Jesse Grainger.

Whilst the continent is rich in ideas, the dearth of finance is a large impediment. There is therefore a need for strategic partnerships in investments that will unlock new finance sources globally. As entrepreneurs continue to face challenges in accessing finance and markets, this technological age has introduced new unconventional opportunities for finance from crowdfunding to venture angel investors. This panel seeks to discuss issues of financial inclusion and new ways to take advantage of the fast changing world of financing. Expanded biographies are available at


MADJI SOCK Madji Sock is Senegalese and a Partner in Dalberg’s Dakar office. She also serves as Dalberg’s Global Operations Partner. She is the co-founder of the Women’s Investment Club (WIC) in Senegal. Madji holds an MBA from Thunderbird, School of Global Management. @Madji_Sock MARJORIE NGWENYA Marjorie is President-Elect, a member of Council and member of the Management Board of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA). Marjorie was elected by the IFoA Council to the presidential team in June 2016 and she will be the first IFoA president to be based outside the UK. @JoburgActuary



Dupe Olusola works with the United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc; a leading financial institution in Africa with presence in 20 African countries. She is Director responsible for managing relationships with multilateral and international development organisations. @OlusolaModupe

Momarr Mass Taal is the founder of Tropingo Foods, a Gambian Agro Processing Company. Momarr is a seasoned social entrepreneur; with over 11 years’ experience, starting his first company at the age of 17. @MalykaDon



Dr Blessing Mudavanhu is Founder and President of Dura Capital Ltd, a financial engineering and risk management company. He has lectured widely and remains deeply engaged in mathematics and financial engineering research.

Jesse Grainger is the New Initiatives Director at Agora Partnerships. As a marketing consultant for an East African venture fund, Jesse became convinced of the power of for-profit solutions to poverty. He holds an M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication from UNC. @JGGraing 37



KAD KANEYE Kad Kaneye is an experienced social entrepreneur and change leader, passionate about empowering youth and women, and fostering community development through entrepreneurship and startup ventures. Kad leads a large accounting practice, which fights against corruption and promotes business ethics.



Abim is a drilling engineer who has hung up her boots to tackle the problem of education quality in Africa. She is in the International Education Policy Master’s program at Harvard graduate school of education.

Tsitsi Mangosho is a PhD student in the Harvard University History department. She studies the histories of capitalism and informal economies in Southern Africa with a particular focus on Zimbabwe.



Colleen is an urban planning student and international development practitioner (YALI, Peace Corps Cameroon). Her passion is using research and evaluation to identify impactful solutions to challenges facing sub-Saharan Africa’s cities.

Danait Mengist is in her second year at Harvard Law School. Originally from Asmara, Eritrea, she immigrated to the U.S. at age 13. She graduated from Macalester College in 2013 with a B.A. in International Studies. She is passionate about asylum law and refugee rights.



Karam Chae is a second year student at the Harvard Kennedy School. She worked with the IFC’s Infrastructure Portfolio team in Johannesburg covering sub-Saharan African region last summer in 2016. Born and raised in Korea, Karam is passionate about public private partnerships in the infrastructure sector.

Kidus works to identify behavioral interventions that help address critical issues in education. He has researched Stereotype Threat and the effects narrative constructions of group history has on intellectual performance. He is an Ed.M. candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. 39



Iman A. Mohamed is a Ph.D. student in History. She studies Italian colonialism in Somalia and the legal dimensions of colonial rule.

Guy Trangoš is a Doctor of Design student at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, a professional architect and urban researcher from South Africa. His work explores a range of urban concerns with particular focus on cities of the global south and large-scale scientific infrastructure projects.



Nerali Patel is a Master in Urban Planning student at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, from South Africa. She serves as the President of AfricaGSD and is interested in the intersection of social justice and resiliency planning in rapidly urbanizing cities.

Eugenia is currently pursuing an MPH at the Harvard School of Public Health and an MD at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. Born in Lagos, Nigeria, she is passionate about healthcare, human rights and all things Africa.



Asinath Rusibamayila is a first year Doctors of Public Health (DrPH) at Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health with a Master’s in Public Health from Columbia University and bachelors from Mount Holyoke College. She has worked on numerous global health issues.

D’Sean is a second-year student attorney at Harvard Law School. While he purports to be of both Ethiopian and Eritrean descent, all known evidence points to him being of Baltimorean ancestry. Prior to HLS, he attended Howard University where he studied political science and world languages.

ANESU TONGOONA Anesu is a doctor who qualified from University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. She is completing a Master in Public Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.




TRANSPORT 4. Harvard Square T-Station 5. Central Square T-Station 6. Kendall/MIT T-Station 7. Charles/MGH T-Station PLACES OF INTEREST

ADC 2017 VENUES 1. Harvard Kennedy School of Governance, Harvard Institute of Politics, 79 JFK Street 2. Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, 1585 Massachusetts Avenue 3. The Liberty Hotel Boston, 215 Charles Street


To Hotel Tria, Cambridge


8. Harvard Divinity School 9. Harvard Museum of Natural History 10. Harvard Graduate School of Education 11. Harvard Yard 12. Harvard Graduate School of Design 13. Harvard Art Museum 14. Harvard Business School 15. Massachusetts Institute of Technology



10 11 4





6 15



To Hyatt Regency, Cambridge 42






THANK YOU We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to our esteemed speakers and panelists, who have taken the time to share their valuable insights. Thank you also to our generous sponsors for making this conference possible. We extend our gratitude to all of our hardworking volunteers for supporting the conference. Finally, we sincerely appreciate all of our conference participants for taking part in this weekend of robust dialogue on “Africa: Imagining New Frontiers of Collaboration.” Your presence and contributions have made this year’s conference a success. We would like to take this time to recognize the Institute of Politics and Center for African Studies for their guidance throughout this process. We would also like to thank students, staff and faculty members throughout Harvard University who have lent us their support. It was a pleasure to welcome you all to our campus for this conference. We hope your experience was filled with opportunities for personal growth, networking, learning and building connections. We wish you safe travels and encourage you all to stay connected with the African Development Conference community. For conference highlights and information on next year’s exciting conference, be sure to visit our website You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter @HarvardADC. The Organizing Committee of the African Development Conference 2017 p.36

WWW.HARVARDADC.COM The African Development Conference Held at Harvard University Copyright 2017.

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