The Religion of Darwinism

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61 theory depends on a fairytale about the “Temple of Natureâ€? that he learned from his grandfather, mistaken inferences derived from an amateur's knowledge of biology, an extreme prejudice for the rejection of Creation based on speculations about these mistaken inferences, and a superficial 19th century culture that believed atheism to be science. This picture, compiled from ancient pagan cultures, is part of the false belief known as the Scala Naturae proposed centuries ago by Aristotle. The only reason why false religion is stubbornly espoused is that it is seen as an instrument in the propaganda against true religion, that is, belief in AllĹ’h. Phillip E. Johnson of Chicago University, who occupies an esteemed position in academic circles despite his criticism of the theory of evolution, explains: In short, the triumph of Darwinism implied the death of [belief in] God and set the stage for replacing ...religion with a new faith based on evolutionary naturalism. 56

In another book Johnson describes this aspect of Darwinism: Prejudice is a major problem, however, because the leaders of science see themselves as locked in a desperate battle against religious fundamentalists, a label which they tend to apply broadly to anyone who believes in a Creator who plays an active role in worldly affairs. These fundamentalists are seen as a threat to liberal freedom, and especially as a threat to public support for scientific research. As the creation myth of scientific naturalism, Darwinism plays an indispensable ideological role in the war against fundamentalism. For that reason, the scientific organizations are devoted to protecting Darwinism rather than testing it, and the rules of scientific investigation have been shaped to help them succeed. 57

As Phillip E. Johnson has said, materialist philosophies found support for their own views in the theory of evolution and propagandist activities against religion found strength in Darwinism. Therefore, the promotion of Darwinism is one of the most important aims of anti-religious forces, and the most prominent proponents of Darwinism are adversaries of religion and of those who practice it.


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