Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Toof

Page 14

for chewing. We cavies like to chew. It keeps our teeth sharp and perfectly proportioned. An Evil Genius must always look his best. MOM:  Elliot! Jasmine! Come get a snack! ELLIOT:  Great, ’cause I’m starving!

Elliot picks me up. I grunt with annoyance. Where are we going? I am very busy using my Evil Brain. But then I squeak with glee as we enter one of my favorite rooms in this new house. It is the place where the humans store their edibles. I sniff the air. So many delightful scents fill my quivering nostrils. My tummy rumbles as Elliot sets me onto the counter. Will he give me an apple slice? Or a strawberry top? Or perhaps he will give me the treasure of all human foods—a marshmallow! These humans never feed me marshmallows. I have heard them say they are bad for me and will make me sick. Such nonsense. 6

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1/9/18 9:45 AM

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