Law of Attraction

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1 Your experience on Earth is not one lifetime after the next, it is one total physical experience and it is one physical experience that has many forms. Universal Laws govern the Universe. They are laws of the Divine Universe. Universal Laws apply to everyone, everywhere. They can be bent, but not broken. They cannot be changed, they can only be obeyed. We live in a universe of infinite complexity, and many forces operate on us. We are NOT in control of everything that happens, because we are not in control of most of those infinite other parts of the universe. In fact, the only thing we have total and complete control over is OUR OWN MIND, if we learn how to exercise it; control gives us tremendous power. The key is to become more conscious. You are always focusing on something, whether you are aware of it or not. Whatever you focus on manifests as reality in your life. The Power of Focus “The Law of Attraction states that all that is like unto itself will be drawn to it.� Attracting is knowledge of thought. Those people who are efficient in attracting have trained their minds to focus on their desires. They have learned it so well that they often times don't even realize how they do it. We create our own reality. We attract those things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. When we focus on "having less" then we create that experience for ourselves. Focus on a particular object or scenario rather than on winnings or cash. When we are focused on "not enough" it won't ever matter how much money we have, it will never be enough. Your thoughts create harmony or chaos in every aspect of life. Thoughts affect us in a number of ways. Thoughts are a vital tool in creating the reality we experience. They create our emotional states. They affect our bodies and, therefore, our health. Thoughts influence our responses to life and our relationships. Thoughts determine our choices. Thoughts can be divided into three broad categories: what I want, or positive thoughts; what I can do, or action thoughts; what I don't want, or worry thoughts. Most thought is about the future or the past. Very few of us are able to stay centered in the present moment. Most of our thoughts are worry thoughts. Most people are not aware of their thoughts. They go through the day with uncensored mental programming playing in the background of their minds. They experience feelings and reactions that they do not understand. They believe their emotions and thoughts are something that happens to them; something over which they have little or no control. Many people feel it is their duty to worry. They adamantly defend their worry thoughts. They believe that if they do not worry they have not done all they could to prevent something negative from happening. These people resist positive thoughts because they see no value in them. In their mind thoughts cannot affect the outcome of a situation, so why waste time thinking positive. It is almost as if the negative thoughts are preparing them for the worst possible scenario. For most worry thinkers, such mental activity is learned behavior based on faulty information about the power of thoughts. Let us examine some of the premises upon which worry thinking is based. Note which of the statements listed below seem true to you. These may be some of the beliefs out of which your worry thinking has developed. My thoughts are a reflection of who I am. I cannot control them, they simply happen to me. You are not your thoughts. Thoughts are an activity of your mind. You have the right and the responsibility to choose your thoughts. Your thoughts are based on the things you believe about the world. They are a perfect reflection of your core beliefs, not your True Identity. At some point in your life you accepted certain belief systems out of which your thoughts are formed. You can change your beliefs and your thoughts. Many of my thoughts are unconscious; therefore, I can not know what they are. Thoughts are readily available in your mind. You may not easily see them because you do not consciously listen to your thoughts. You allow them to play repetitively in the background of your mind. When you focus your awareness on your thoughts you will be amazed at what you spend your time thinking. My thoughts have no effect on my emotions or the events of my life. Emotion follows thought. If you are thinking positive thoughts you will feel hopeful and uplifted. Worry thoughts create fear and anxiety. Worry thoughts inhibit the flow of energy blocking you from taking action in your life. Positive thoughts stimulate activity, assisting you in transforming your life. Worry thoughts keep you from seeing options, blinding you to possible solutions to your problems. Positive thought relaxes your thinking processes allowing you to see new ideas and recognize opportunities. The fear and anxiety caused by worry thoughts will flow into your personal relationships, creating discord and conflict. The joy caused by positive thinking will improve every aspect of your life. Positive thought enhances the body's immune system, while worry thoughts inhibit the body's natural healing response. If I do not worry, I have not done all I can to prevent disaster from happening in my life. If I don't worry, I won't be prepared for the worst possible scenario. If the worst possible scenario does happen, you will have plenty of time to be upset when it arrives. Spending months in anxiety does not prepare you for anything. You can not pre-experience emotions caused by a disaster. Worrying ahead of time will simply weaken you, limiting your natural ability to cope with crisis or loss.

2 Worry thoughts inhibit action. Action thoughts are fundamental to preventing disaster. When you have taken all the action there is to do, thinking positive thoughts is the most productive action you can take. There is no positive benefit to worrying. If I spend all my time thinking positive thoughts and disaster comes anyway, I would have wasted my time. Positive thought create positive events in your life; but, even if that were not true, thinking positive thoughts has tremendous benefits for you. Thoughts are energy, and like all energy, attract similar energies unto themselves. This is the principle of resonance. That which you think of has a corresponding resonance, or vibration, with many objects and circumstances. To understand this law more fully, you need to understand that the creative energy that is at your infinite disposal is completely neutral. As this energy is neutral and because it is molded by your thoughts, it does not know the difference between what you want and what you do not want. So when you want to attract something into your life and you do nothing but think of the lack of that thing, then the Universe can do nothing but bring you more of what you are thinking, more lack of the very thing that you say that you want. The Universe does not judge whether or not what you want is good or bad; it simply is, and it responds to your every thought, to your every whim. This life force energy does not understand the difference between ‘want’ and ‘don’t want’. It only follows and supports thought. Energy follows thought, not the other way around. So as your thoughts are focused on what you fear, or things you do not want, or are displeasing to you, the ever faithful life force energy of the Universe, that very same energy that creates worlds, accurately follows your thoughts to bring into your experience that to which you have directed your attention. Money is a great example to illustrate this point. With modern banking and computers, you calculate the amount of your money and your experience in having money in more ways than just the amount of currency notes and coins in your wallet. Your money has largely become a set of figures. Your employers transfer money directly into your bank account or your clients give you a cheque. All these things are still money, but not the currency itself, they are simply things that represent the currency. When you receive your bank statement, it can come in two forms; it can have a positive balance or a negative balance. If you have a negative balance and you now owe the bank £1,000, it is still money, is it not? You simply have a balance of ‘not £1,000’. This example makes it easier to grasp this universal experience, because most of you see an empty wallet as simply being empty; “there is no money”. But having a bank account ‘in the red’ illustrates that not only does money exist, but ‘no money’ exists as well, and that both things are still money. So when you do your thinking and imagining, align your thinking in accordance with what you want to draw into your life. If you focus on the lack of anything, anything at all, you will get it. If you fear ill health, you will attract ill health. If you fear loneliness, you will attract loneliness. For as you think, so you experience. Think about failure, it will be yours. Think about pain, it will be yours. Think about betrayal, and it will be yours. If you have had a significant negative emotional experience (say, for instance, a relationship in which you were abused or mistreated in some way) the sub-conscious of you is going to say: “ Okay, I get it. There are people out there who can and will hurt me. Relationships can be dangerous and painful. I have to watch out for these people (or sometimes, relationships in general) and avoid them". Unfortunately, to watch out for them and avoid them, you have to focus your mind on “people who could hurt me” or “bad relationships” and that focus just gives you more of what you don’t want to come to you AND actually makes these things you don’t want (at least initially) attractive to you, so when they appear in your life you are drawn to them. This is why so many people keep having one relationship after another with the same person, but in different bodies. The fear reality. Doubt instantly impedes the mind and you begin to spiral with the negative feelings of frustration, irritation, fear, sadness, loneliness, and unworthiness. It is impossible to monitor the never-ending stream of thoughts, so the mechanism called feelings (emotions) that let us know whether we are a vibrational match to our desires or not in any given moment. Negative feeling = negative creation. Positive feeling = positive creation. The key here is to pivot from the negative thoughts to positive thoughts. This is done not by denying that you are having negative thoughts but by reaching for a thought that you can believe and a thought that feels better. Here's the process simplified: Ask, "What am I feeling?" Then ask, "What is the thought that is creating this feeling?" Then finish with, "What thought feels better?" and reach for a thought that feels better and that you can believe. When you desire with belief, it's happening. When you desire with hope, it's happening slower. When you desire with doubt, it's so slow, you might as well think about something else. You likely know someone who is a great at manifesting. You get what you think about, whether wanted or unwanted. You get what you put your energy and focus on, whether wanted or unwanted. All forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration. What you sow, you reap. What you put out you get back. What comes around goes around. Be very clear on what you want. How is it we can know what we do want without experiencing what we do not want (contrast)? It is through contrast that we experience what we don't want. Bring to mind contrast that you may be

3 experiencing in your life right now. Notice how easy it is to identify what it is you don't want. That's contrast. Using this contrast, formulate your thoughts to see what it is you do want. Things will flow much easier to you once you are clear about what you want. Remember, the Universe delivers to you what you give your attention and energy to, not necessarily what you want. Visualize and raise your vibration about it. When you feel predominately positive then you are predominately in vibrational harmony with your desires. Any slight feeling of negativity, even as slight as ennui, lethargy, or resignation, is your signal that if you keep thinking the thoughts you're presently thinking you'll create something out of harmony with what you really want. A major factor behind this Universal Law is the energy and vibrations of our emotions and feelings. Any thought you may have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you to the universe and will attract back what you want. Esoteric wisdom reveals that in the beginning, all things were created through sound (i.e. vibration). Our thoughts, feelings and actions also have their own particular rates of vibration. These vibrations will set up resonance with whatever possesses identical frequency. In other words, your thoughts are inseparably connected to the rest of the universe. This is why it is so essential to be a close observer of yourself. As you think, feel and act, so you create the primary vibration of your being. This fundamental vibration then creates resonance with identical vibration frequencies in the universe. The result is an attraction of circumstances, people, challenges and opportunities in exact vibrational resonance with your own dominant vibration frequency. When you visualize and repeat affirmations, you are helping to tune your very being to a specific vibrational frequency on the inner planes. Once that task is achieved, your mind comes into vibrational resonance with the object of your desires. Being now of the same frequency, this object (or goal) is inevitably attracted into your life. However, for such methods to work, it does imply that you have changed your core vibration. This is very often the problem AND explanation as to why such techniques seem to fail for so many people. Over the course of many years, your inner conditioning is created from the habitual thoughts, feelings and actions that you engage in. This forms your selfimage and creates the level of self-esteem you feel. It shapes the way you conceptualize the world you live in, as well as the way you respond to it. It is how you interpret your life experiences. If a person simply mouths affirmations or writes goals out, without having touched the deep bedrock of their long-term conditioning, such activities will not have much effect. This is because the dominant vibration has not changed. You cannot go against what your self-image, and your predominant conditioning, say you are. As your conscious mind dwells habitually on thoughts of a certain quality, these become firmly imbedded within the subconscious mind. They become the dominant vibration. This dominant vibration sets up a resonance with other similar vibrations and draws them into your life. This is easier to understand if you consider that from the metaphysical view, the whole universe IS MIND. Hence, to draw what you wish into your life, you should begin with the mind, and make it your primary focus. The trap most people fall into is that they condition their future with expectations from their past. It's like driving with your eyes fixed on the rear view mirror the whole time. You cannot see where you are going because you are too busy looking back on past history. The problem is that, by focusing continually on what you have become as a result of past conditioning, you guarantee that you draw this same dominant vibration into the future. Instead, you have to first change the dominant vibration within. In a very real sense, you have to become what you seek on the inside before you can ever have it in physical reality. The reason most people achieve very little in comparison to what they are capable of is because they have no vision for the future whatsoever. Focused, single-minded concentration upon a vision you seek to create is what will actually cause it to happen. Allow It. Of the three Universal Laws of Attraction, the Law of Allowing may be the most difficult one to get our hearts and minds around. Understanding the Law of Attraction -- that whatever you are focused on you attract more of -- when you are focused on what you do not want in an effort to defeat it or resist it, you are not allowing what you do want to flow to you. When you say yes to something, you attract more of that into your life, because that is what you are focused on. When you say no to something, you attract more of that into your life, because that is what you are focused on. In other words, be more consciously selective about where you choose to focus your attention. Rather than going into resistance about something you don't want or don't agree with, flip your thoughts around to what you do want. Take inspired action. Your mind cannot tell the difference between something you think about or focus on that you DO want, and something you think about or focus on but do NOT want. The mind is a goal-seeking mechanism. Most of the time, for most people, all the focusing and thinking is going by at warp speed, on automatic, without much, if any, conscious intention. Learn how to direct this power by consciously directing your focus to get the outcomes you want. Thoughts combined with emotion are fundamental to creation. The Law of Deliberate Creation It is simply understanding the Law of Attraction and then consciously and deliberately choosing the thoughts and emotions that feel better. The Solution? Practice. Persistence. Practice. LEARN TO ASK YOURSELF THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Good questions include: “ How can I get X?” “How can I do Y? ”. By asking these kinds of questions, you get your mind to focus on what you want to do, be or have. Learn to say “ How can I…? ” when you don’t know what to do, instead of “ I can’t” and (if you are persistent in asking), the universe will send you the answer, every time. Learn to be

4 conscious in what you focus on and your whole life will change. It will take some time to learn how to consciously focus your mind. It will require some effort. You will fail many times and it will seem difficult. But at a certain point, you will “get it� and at that point it will become as automatic as the unconscious focusing you have been doing. When that happens, a whole new universe of power will open up to you. Always expect your desires. Expect miracles. Each and every one of us has the power to create whatever it is that we want through thinking. All energy follows thought, and as matter is energy, it too will follow thought. The speed at which things follow thought on the Earth plane depends on your focus, skill, and practice. It does not matter how many negative thoughts you may have had in the past; it is the thoughts you are thinking right now that have the power. Collective Consciousness Historically, great movements in any area emerge from a collective consciousness. It is not surprising that in any given field of activity, great ideas do not occur in isolation. Despite an idea germinating in an individual mind, it is interesting to note that the same idea strikes two or more thinkers, geographically far apart, around the same time. Collective consciousness results from consensus. At any given time, collective consciousness is actively operational in a group as small as the family and as large as half the global population. The power of collective consciousness has not been fully explored or appreciated, except perhaps in times of great distress when 'prayers' are offered by a group of individuals for a particular reason and the prayers are answered.

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