Why Choose Harley Streets Skin Clinic for the French Lift?

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The Harley Street Skin Clinic is the leading facility for the French Lift in the UK and Europe, performed by Mr. Peter Cumbo who pioneered and developed the procedure. You will need to have a full consultation, during which your medical history will be taken and you can discuss the treatments that could address your concerns. Good Communication is essential. Make sure you are comfortable with the personal rapport between you and your surgeon or doctor. You should always feel that your concerns are being addressed thoroughly. Make sure you’re satisfied with the answers you’ve been given before the consultation is over and you are fully informed about the whole procedure. With the surgeon’s help you can make an informed decision. Remember there are normally three steps to cosmetic operations, a pretreatment consultation, the operation itself and the follow up reviews, all of these are equally important, and therefore accessibility to you doctor or

surgeon at all stages is vital. We offer a 24 hour service whereby at any time of the day or night you can talk to a qualified member of our medical team. We want to make sure that you are comfortable during every step of the treatment process, from the moment you are admitted until you are discharged. Have realistic expectations. Cosmetic surgery won’t change your life. It won’t solve personal problems or make you look like someone else. But it may give you greater self-confidence and add to your sense of well-being.

What Is A French Lift? From the age of 40, the face, cheeks and jowls can begin to sag, starting to show the signs of age. The French Lift is an excellent treatment for both men and women who have mid face and cheek drooping. It’s the best minimally invasive mini face lift technique carried out under local anaesthetic.

Small incisions are made in the side of the head, (temporal region) and hidden in the hairline; the sutures are then gently inserted through the small incision. These sutures are made from polypropylene, which is a biocompatible material which has been used for many years in cardiovascular and ophthalmic surgeries. The sutures are not barbed, which prevents damage to the surrounding tissue. The suture scoops the underlying tissues in a loop and with gentle tension, lifts and repositions the sagging cheeks leaving the tissues anchored in place. Recovery is fast, around seven to ten days downtime is required with Bruising & Swelling.

The procedure takes about an hour to an hour and a half in a day case theatre and you can then return home. No dressing is required apart from a few very small Steris trips which can be removed 24-48 hours later. You can wash your hair three days after the procedure, but if you colour your hair do this a week before. Follow: Twitter | Facebook | Google+

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