Viora reaction skin tightening non surgical treatment at harley street skin clinic

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Viora Reaction Skin Tightening Non-Surgical Treatment at Harley Street Skin Clinic Summer is just around the corner and it's got us thinking about getting bikini body ready, but like always we've only got a few weeks to get into shape before parading around in our bikinis in the sunshine. So you can imagine our joy when we heard about Harley Street Skin Clinic's latest toy which promises to tone, firm and tighten our wobbly bits just in time for our holiday.

Viora Reaction the latest treatment that already has women across the country queuing up in hopes of tighter abs and a perky bum. The treatment is non-invasive so there isn't a surgical knife in sight. Instead, Viora Reaction skin tightening treatment utilises radio frequency energy to stimulate existing collagen and elastin fibers, enhance collagen secretion and improve the skin’s elasticity over time. Throughout the treatment collagen fibers are contracted, giving an immediate firmed and tightened appearance. Heart were given the chance to try the treatment and of course we jumped at the chance. Afterall, who wouldn't want to walk into a clinic and come out one hour later with a bum to rival J.LO? Turns out, you need multiple sessions in order to see real results, so we booked onto three courses, but the average woman will have between 6-9 treatments. After stripping down to our underwear the beautician placed the laser over our lower abdomen slowly making her way over our entire torso and we weren't expecting what happened next. What started out as a warm sucking sensation soon turned into a mild burning sensation as the heat on the laser began to increase. While it's not unbearable, it can become uncomfortable at times. After 45 minutes our first treatment was complete, and while our abs hadn't transformed into Britney Spears' abs in the "Slave 4 U" video, we were pleasantly surprised with the smoother texture across the torso.

The best results came in the few days following the treatment, as the body's fat naturally began to break down we could see slightly more definition at the waist. Following the second and third follow-up treatments, a firmer torso was more noticeable and our bemoaned muffin top was certainly less wobbly.

The Viola Reaction is a stretch financially if it's something you wanted to keep up regularly, but a pre-holiday blitz is definitely worth saving up for as the boost in body confidence we had whilst wearing our bikini abroad was priceless!

What’s The Cost of the Treatment? Treatment starts at £200 for one session. After an initial consultation we will be able to advise you on the number of treatments you will need. Harley Street Skin prides itself on our team of highly skilled doctors and surgeons who can pinpoint exactly the right treatment for each patient. We take time at your free consultation to work through all the options with you. For more information, visit at: us for an appointment on 0207 436 4441. Follow Us on: Twitter | Google+

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