Treat loose & floppy neck skin at harley street skin clinic london

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Treat Loose & Floppy Neck Skin at Harley Street Skin Clinic London Many Factors including weight gain and ageing can affect how your skin loses elasticity and becomes loose. This is something quite obvious around the jawline and neck, which alters facial expressions and can leave people feeling very self-conscious about the way they look, which is why many then turn to Necktite at Harley Street Skin Clinic London. The Procedure: Simply removing fat can leave the skin loose and floppy. Solving this problem, Neckitite treatment is the only procedure available at the moment which performs fat reduction whilst also tightening and firming loose skin under the chin and jowls. After a local anaesthetic injection, a tiny incision is made just below each ear lobe and under the chin. Through these incisions, local anaesthetic is injected into the jowls and neck tissue. Once the area is numb the Necktite handheld device is inserted under the skin. The heat that is introduced under the skin breaks down fat cells, they are melted and aspirated. The hand piece also boosts collagen for the overall skin tightening. A Steri strip is applied to the tiny incisions. It is minimally invasive and performed under local anaesthetic and is seen as a more gentle and safer approach to liposuction. The treatment is specifically designed to treat the neck without causing any damage to any of the delicate areas nearby and reducing the turkey neck appearance that liposuction can leave behind. It also reduces the fat and tightens the skin around the jaw line and jowls. After The Treatment Following the treatment, you will be required to wear compression garments for three-five days, but as Necktite is minimally invasive and carried out under local anaesthetic, you’ll be able to resume your normal routine within a day. You may also experience some levels of bruising and swelling which can last between seven-ten days. Results: The treatment is a one-off and results can be seen immediately, with best results noticeable between six to twenty-four weeks post procedure. You’ll be left with firmer, tighter skin around the neck, which also lifts the face and give you a visibly younger appearance. Harley Street Skin Clinic prides itself on our team of highly skilled doctors and surgeons who can pinpoint exactly the right treatment for each patient. We take time at your free consultation to work through all the options with you. For more information, visit at: Call us for an appointment on 0207 436 4441. Catch Us on: Twitter | Google+

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