The no knife knee lift at harley street skin clinic london

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The No-Knife Knee Lift at Harley Street Skin Clinic London We provide Sclerotherapy and Lumecca IPL for the treatment of thread veins on the legs, also known as spider veins and sometimes referred to as small varicose veins. For finer veins on the face we use Lumecca IPL. This works very well for thread veins on the face or fine mats of veins on the legs that are too small for injection. Lumecca IPL is also effective for other vascular blemishes such as haemangiomas (cherry red spots) and spider naevi as well as the reddening commonly caused by Rosacea.

What Are Thread Veins? These are areas of superficial, overgrown and enlarged blood vessels. They vary in size and colour, ranging from red to purple to blue.

How And Why Do They Appear? These appear through the weakening of the blood vessel wall due to weak and damaged collagen, from excessive sun exposure, some medical conditions, oral contraceptives or through the natural ageing process.

How Does The Treatment Work? We have light therapies tailored to target your specific problems. The appropriate treatment will be discussed with you at your consultation. A series of light pulses are absorbed into the blood causing heat damage to the vessels which are then broken down and removed by the bodies repair processes. The treated area over time (2-4 weeks) returns to the natural colour of your skin. Pigmented blemishes act in the same way whereby absorbing the pulses of light and dispersing the melanin pigment. These are slowly absorbed into the body and after a number of treatments (4-8) your skin returns to its natural colour. Pigmented lesions are treated with our KTP or our IPL machines.

Does It Hurt? It feels like a stinging sensation, but the discomfort varies depending on the size, depth and location of the vein.

Who Performs My Treatment? All of our patients are seen by one of our doctors for an initial consultation. The light therapy is performed by one of our qualified therapists who have had specialist training in light and laser therapy. Harley Street Skin Clinic prides itself on our team of highly skilled doctors and surgeons who can pinpoint exactly the right treatment for each patient. We take time at your free consultation to work through all the options with you.

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