Silhouette Soft Lunchtime Facelift at Harley Street Skin Reigate

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Thinking of having a facelift? Going under the knife is now often unnecessary as a whole new generation of non-surgical procedures offer a great alternative to surgery with reduced costs and faster recovery time. Tightening instead of cutting and stretching the skin is now the Holy Grail and the latest techniques will rejuvenate and lift facial features with minimal scarring and natural results.

Our most popular treatment at the moment is called ‘The Silhouette Soft Lift’ dubbed ‘The most discreet and effective facelift EVER’ and it’s so quick you can do it in your lunch hour. It only takes about 40 minutes, it’s virtually painless, minimallyinvasive and the results are instant, so you can go back to your normal life straight away. We have actually had clients who have nipped over to the clinic during their lunch break, had their ‘Lunchtime Facelift’ and gone straight back to work. The nickname is well-deserved! For more information, visit at: or Come and talk to us. We will give you an honest opinion of what is, and is not, needed. Together we can talk about what the options are, and the best way forward. Catch Us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+

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