Non-Invasive Procedures: Which Suits You The Best? At Harley Street Skin Clinic London

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French Lift: To get rid of 'Tired All the Time' Look The French Lift is a minimally invasive procedure that involves a deeply placed stitch to reposition and lift sagging or droopy skin in the cheeks and jowls. It can also be used to lift the brows. It is an effective treatment for those who would like a lift to rejuvenate the face and get rid of that tired look that you can be left with as the skin ages and loses elasticity. A major benefit is that the French Lift leaves small hidden scars, whereas undergoing surgery can leave significant visible scarring.

No-Knife Facelift Here at Harley Street Skin we have developed and perfected the technique of using combined therapies to produce a stunning non-surgical ‘facelift’. This provides a real alternative to the traditional surgical facelift that is now regarded as a rather old-

fashioned and unnecessarily drastic method of facial rejuvenation. With the No-Knife Facelift there’s no need to endure the long period of downtime, visible scarring and pain that goes with a surgical procedure and you’re guaranteed to get great natural looking results that work with and enhance your features, leaving you looking like a completely refreshed and rejuvenated version of the old you. The No-Knife Facelift Includes A Combination Of The Following Treatments:  

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Muscle relaxing injections to smooth out lines and balance the features Dermal fillers to enhance the cheeks and restore facial contours, replace lost volume in the tear trough areas beneath the eyes, gently restore volume in the lips and enhance the shape Laser resurfacing to improve the complexion and repair sun damage whilst tightening and rejuvenating the skin SmartLipo to tighten and smooth the jawline and sagging jowls.

Fractora: For Firmer, Tighter Skin & Reduction of Stretch Marks Fractora is an advanced fractional radio-frequency treatment providing anti-ageing improvements on skin tone and texture, for a more radiant appearance. The treatment can be used in areas that have fine or deep wrinkles, scars or discolored red and brown skin tone, with the most common areas of treatment being the lower eyelid, upper eyelid, smile lines, cheeks, mouth & neck.

Suspension Lift The Suspension Lift is a minimally invasive procedure that involves a deeply placed stitch to reposition and lift sagging or droopy skin in the cheeks and jowls and can also be used to lift the brows. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and takes about an hour to complete. Recommended for Lifting and tightening the sagging skin. This is an effective treatment for those who would like a lift to rejuvenate the face and get rid of that tired or sad look that you can be left with as the skin ages and loses elasticity. A major benefit is that that you avoid going under the knife and it leaves no scarring unlike a surgical facelift.

The 90-Minute Weekend Lift An innovative new procedure which address all the separate signs of ageing from photo rejuvenation to erase sun damage and age spots, deep skin tightening using radio frequency to target slack skin and jowls, and injectable to erase lines and wrinkles. It’s an ideal treatment before a special event like a wedding and you will see an immediate effect with the best results seen 4-6 weeks after treatment when the final stage of the treatment fillers/BotoxŽ are used along with collagen boosting treatments Pelleve and Fractora Firm to perfect the result. Also included in the package is targeted skincare for maintenance at home. Downtime is three days, so it is a good procedure to have on a Thursday/Friday, and then you can be back in action by Monday. Results last up to five years – Call now at: 0207 436 4441

FaceTite – The Instant Face Lift Facetite gives an instant lift, and can tighten saggy skin on the forehead, around the eyes, cheeks, mouth and jowls. The procedure causes the skin to tighten immediately by warming the skin with a fine probe that is inserted into the fatty layer just under the skin. It does not remove tissue, but causes the skin to tighten up by 40% instantly. Within a few minutes you will have much tighter skin that looks and feels better. Although the results are instant there will be some swelling and bruising for about seven to ten days after the procedure.

Silhouette Soft Face Lift: For Giving the Face a Natural Lift The Silhouette Soft Face Lift is a new treatment without incisions that gives immediate and natural results in a space of 30 minutes. Perfect for sagging jawline, heavy brow, and regeneration of rosy apple cheeks, giving you a fresh, rested, natural look, with full facial movement and expression. Silhouette Soft Face Lift will allow you to stop the signs of aging in a completely safe way – and one that lasts. Silhouette Soft sutures are natural and entirely absorbable. About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic provides many skin related treatments in London. To know more about the any procedures and cost contact us at 020 7436 4441. Follow: Twitter | Facebook | Google+

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