Linda nolan’s facelift journey at harley street skin clinic london

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As you age, your skin loses elasticity and the muscles start to become lax, so the face begins to droop. This changes the youthful appearance, along with wrinkles and lines that start to form. A Surgical Face Lift Treatment helps to give the face a new lease of life, lifting the areas that are starting to droop – whether this is the lower face and jowl area, or mid face and cheeks.

The procedure is usually carried out under local or general anaesthetic, this procedure tightens the skin and the deeper structures to re-establish a youthful appearance. During a Surgical Face Lift, one of our doctors will separate the skin from the underlying tissues and reposition them. The muscles and tissues are tightened which pulls back the skin, then any excess is trimmed off. After the procedure, a twenty-four hour rest is required with around two weeks recovery time. You will be wearing support garments for the face. The dissolvable stitching will disappear within six weeks.

How Many Treatments Will You Need? A surgical Face lift at Harley Street is a one-off treatment, which lasts between seven-ten years. However, this depends upon your lifestyle including your diet and smoking habits.

Results: Your skin will feel tighter and smoother with an overall younger look that has long-lasting results. For more information, also visit at: Follow Us on: Twitter | Google+

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