Improve the appearance of rosacea with ipl treatment at harley street skin clinic london

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Improve the Appearance of Rosacea with IPL Treatment at

IPL is a fast and safe solution for embarrassing facial and body hair and spells an end to regular and time consuming shaving, waxing and facial hair bleaching. IPL removes hair by sending out high-energy light pulses that affect both the existing hair and the follicles where the hair grows. The treatment works best at removing the hair when it’s in the active growth phase. Not all the hair being treated will be in this stage at any one time so you will need several treatment sessions spaced out over a period of time to ensure that hair not treated in one session is targeted in the next. IPL is also an effective way to remove age spots, red veins and improve the appearance of rosacea. Lightwaves target melanin, the brown pigment in age spots. The melanin absorbs the light beam and is then fragmented before being absorbed by the body and naturally disposed of, leaving the skin clear and younger looking. The energy delivered to the skin will also stimulate collagen production and for rejuvenation of the skin. How Many Treatments Will You Need? Up to eight sessions may be needed for hair removal, usually a month to six weeks apart. For age spots and red vein removal, usually three-five sessions are required, a month to six weeks apart.

Results: Because no anesthesia is used and any swelling is minor, there is no downtime. Mild swelling and redness may occur, but this usually goes away within a few hours to a day.Many people see the result immediately after just one treatment with tighter, firmer skin, with lasting improvements for up to six months as the skin produces new collagen. About Skin Clinic: The Harley Street Skin Clinic was established in 2004 on the world's most famous medical street, offering a wide range of safe, effective and proven treatments, reaching the highest levels of patient care and delivering outstanding results. We specialise in surgical, non-surgical and minimally invasive techniques in facial rejuvenation as well as top to toe body sculpting and skin tightening procedures, breast enhancement and facelifts for men and women using the very latest technologies. Follow Us on: Twitter | Google+

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