Choose the correct type of peel during consultation at harley street skin clinic

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Choose the Correct Type of Peel during Consultation at Harley Street Skin Clinic Chemical Peels are one of the most popular, non-invasive cosmetic procedures performed to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin and give the complexion a boost – used on the face, neck and hands. Peels can be a simple, fast and highly effective way to achieve radiant skin for a special event and can also be used to dramatically lessen the effects of more serious skin conditions.

A Chemical Peel simply removes a layer of damaged skin from the face by a chemical reaction to reveal a newer, healthier layer. The chemical solution applied causes trauma to the epidermis of the skin, which causes the outer layers to peel away. When the skin begins to heal, increased cell growth produces new, healthier skin layers that give the face a more youthful appearance. We offer five different types of peel and during your consultation advice will be offered on choosing the correct peel for your concerns. Best results are achieved and maintained from peels if the right skin care for your skin is used on a regular basis. We analyse your skin and advise the best skin care for your personal needs.

Peel Treatments andIts Results: Glycolic Peel Freshening up dull, tired and worn out looking ‘city skin’. Suitable for all skin types including sensitive. A course of six is recommend for maximum visible results, once a week for six weeks and then once a month for maintenance.

Salicylic Peel For acne, oily skin, fine lines and wrinkles and sensitive skin. Good for those undergoing acne treatment, as this will accelerate any skincare programme you are using. Depending on the condition of your skin, you may need several treatments. For a noticeable result most people need six-ten sessions.

Trichloroacetic Acid Peel Softening acne scars, uneven pigmentation, treating fine lines and wrinkles.One to three treatments, a month apart. However, this treatment is not recommended for dark skins, fine or sensitive skin.

Trichloroacetic Acid Peel Softening acne scars, uneven pigmentation, treating fine lines and wrinkles.One to three treatments, a month apart. However, this treatment is not recommended for dark skins, fine or sensitive skin.

Modified Jessner Peel

A fantastic skin peel for acne and acne scarring and pigmentation. One treatment may be sufficient to clear blocked pores and improve skin clarity, however, if you have active acne, a course of three treatments, three-four weeks apart may be required.

Multi Mask Peel This is an excellent peeling system specifically for skins with pigmentation problems and is particularly effective for pigmentation that has occurred due to hormonal factors – especially after pregnancy. This peel is also highly effective for Melasma or Chloasma and for those skins showing signs of pigmentation due to environmental or sun damage. One peel is applied, which is followed by a 28-day course of skin creams that work to suppress the melanin. About Skin Clinic: Harley Street Skin Clinic can offer you many different skin care benefits and treatments. Contact us for Chemical Peelsat our Harley street clinic on 020 7436 4441. Follow: Twitter| Google+

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