Angel prp (platelet rich plasma) an effective hair restoration development in treatment of hair loss

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Platelet Rich Plasma – Let’s face it- most people would rather not have to undergo any type of surgical procedure- even one as relatively easy as a hair transplant- if they can avoid it. That is where the PRP discussed on this page may fit in for you to help with the treatment of hair loss. Over the past few years, cell therapy – in the form of growth factors, cell multiplication, and stem cells – have been the hottest area of potential innovation in many areas of medicine. Hair transplantation is no exception, and we are at the forefront in developing these applications.

Platelet Rich Plasma: An “Angel” to the Rescue Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, using the patient’s own blood which is centrifuged to separate out this growth factor-containing component, is being actively used in the treatment of hair loss, both as a solo treatment and in conjunction with hair transplantation. Rich in growth factors and platelets (one of the human body’s most potent mediators of healing), PRP is applied to the scalp in several ways to help in the treatment of hair loss. Using the state of the art Angel® system, the most technologically advanced way to obtain PRP, our doctors have been recommending PRP for certain patients with progressive hair loss, as well as part of their transplant procedures for the past few years. The majority of our patients do show a positive response to PRP, including the slowing down or even the stopping of hair loss and stimulated renewed hair growth. PRP therapy is a stand-alone therapy; we usually recommend a series of two to four treatments over six months.

About PLATELET RICH PLASMA PRP is obtained from a small amount of the patient’s blood by spinning it in a centrifuge at such high speeds that it isolates the platelets (the body’s mediator of healing) and growth factor proteins. The PRP and growth factors can then be utilized in several ways to enhance hair growth by stimulating dormant follicles. As part of our commitment to state of the art care, PRP is now provided to stimulate hair growth for any patient who desires or is appropriate for it. Furthermore, as the addition to the scalp of PRP can thicken thinning hairs and help reawaken dormant hairs, PRP is also offered as a stand-alone procedure as a treatment for male and female pattern hair loss, where it is occasionally effective in slowing down shedding or active hair loss. Your doctor and/or patient advisor can answer any questions you have about this therapy. About Harley Street Skin Clinic: As the Clinic’s many regular patients know from experience, we offer life-enhancing treatments to make you feel and look your best. We are pioneers in the field of cosmetic rejuvenation procedures and our highly experience team have experience in all areas of aesthetic work for the face and body. Follow Us at: Twitter | Facebook | Google+

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