The Utilities of Nebivolol Hydrochloride Tablets

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The Utilities of Nebivolol Hydrochloride Tablets

According to the Nebivolol Hydrochloride manufacturers, this drug is specifically used in the management of hypertension in patients. This drug can be used singularly or in a combination of other classes of drugs that deal with antihypertensive agents. Beta blockers are not usually preferred for the management of hypertension. It can however be considered for use for patients that show high indications such as: 

Patients with prior MI


Patients with ischemic heart disease


Patients prone to heart failure

These patients might be prescribed Nebivolol because they are often tending to lack response to the normal preferred drug classes, such as drugs from classes like ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, thiazide diuretics, and angiotensis II receptor antagonists.

There are several rules that are to be followed for the administration and the dosage of Nebivolol Hydrochloride drugs, such as: 

The dosage must be individualize from patient to patient.

Never give the dosage prescribed to you to others as they may react differently to the drug.

If the long term therapy is asked to be discontinued, the dosage must be reduced gradually instead of stopping it at one go completely to reduce sudden symptoms.

The monitoring of the blood pressure during dosage must be regular and carefully done to adjust the dosage whenever required.

The effectiveness of the drug can take more than a week to manifest, ranging from 2 to 4 weeks. It can also take up to several months depending on the dosage and the patient’s lifestyle.

While the goal of the drug is to maintain the blood pressure, several factors can be involved in the effectiveness, such as age, comorbidities, genetic traits, eating habits and so on.

Nebivolol is administered orally. It can be taken with or without meals, and it is to be taken once daily. Adults are prescribed to take 40 mg daily. This is subject to change. Never abruptly stop the dosage of Nebivolol, as it can be detrimental to the patient and exaggerate the angina symptoms, or precipitate MI and other ventricular arrhythmias in patients suffering from CAD. Patients who suffer from overt heart failure must not be prescribed this drug. For patients who has inadequate cardiac function, caution must be used. While in a major surgery, patients who has taken this drug can suffer from hypotension, difficulty in restarting or maintaining the heart. This should never be prescribed for patients with the bronchospastic disease. Doing so will almost guarantee a bronchospasm.

These are certain advice to patients who are about to take Nebivolol: 

Use the exact dosage prescribed, nothing more, nothing less.

Do not interrupt or discontinue the usage without the consultation of the doctor.

If a certain dose is missed, the next dose should be taken at the exact time without delay.

If the doctor advices to skip some activities, it should be obeyed.

The Nebivolol Hydrochloride manufacturers says that it is important to talk to the doctor at the first signs of symptoms, such as weight gain or shortness of breath and have a thorough check up.

Source: The Utilities of Nebivolol Hydrochloride Tablets

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