marketing whitout adversiting

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that Rolm got paid, no lawsuit was necessary, the parties are still on good terms, and the public got to see a good film. Small businesses can tell customers about a board of advisors in various ways: • A motorcycle shop could hang photos of the owner together with a few racing celebrities on the wall. Alongside the photos would appear the list of advisors, including the people pictured. • A computer consultant could print a list of business advisors along with a short list of current and former clients (after getting their approval, of course) on all brochures and on the cover sheet for bids. • A graphics supply wholesaler might use some examples of design work done by prominent local artists in its catalog in addition to listing them as advisors. • A textile teacher could display his latest fabric design along with photos of his finished upholstery in the homes of his well-known advisors.

2. Join an Established Ethical Business Group It is also wise to join an organization that already handles customer problems. If a truly active Better Business Bureau exists in your locale, consider joining. Better yet are local Consumer Action organi-

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zations and mediation services. Merely adding your name to their membership roster is not enough. If you participate in the group’s activities, you will learn a great deal about how to handle recourse problems and solutions at the same time you are doing your bit to promote public trust in small business and helping to assure honest business principles in your community. A fringe benefit is that word of your involvement in good business groups often spreads, which, of course, is good for your business.

3. Involve Employees Consider forming a customer service committee of employees. No one knows what your customers need more than the people who deal with them daily. And no one has more incentive to make changes in the way the business operates and to avoid complaints before they are made. Nolo decided to try to get every individual book and software mail order out the door the same day, or the next day if the order comes after noon Pacific Time. While this sometimes takes almost superhuman effort from its customer service representatives, it has turned out to be well worth it, if for no other reason than the fact that the reps now waste very little time dealing with calls asking, “Where is my book?” Before customers can wonder where their books are, they have them.

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