Happening Digital Volume 1 | Issue 12 | Feb 2023

Page 57

MODEL: LORENZ | IG: @renzfit


Pete Burns, the lead singer of 80’s glam-rock band DEAD OR ALIVE, has helped me get over many a heartbreak since I was a teenager. Now, obviously, not personally (I did not get to meet the man until I was 19 and was a go-go dancer at the COPA Nightclub in Ft. Lauderdale. But, that is a story for another time) but through his music. There is something about his voice filled with angst and a tinge of punk-rock passion that has always expressed how I felt inside during times of disappointments of the heart. Maybe it’s because Pete himself never quite found total happiness in his love-life with just one person to the extent that he was looking for which colors his vocals and songwriting skills in such a way that really has spoken to me for as long as I can remember.

Well, like Pete’s posthumous new album named FAN THE FLAMEPART 2 RESURRECTION it’s time for me to let the dying embers of love which remain in my heart, burst into a roaring flame again like a phoenix reborn. You see, it’s never really been easy for me to fall in love. I protect my heart like a Cerberus (the triple headed demon dog) at the gates of Hades. I don’t do that on purpose, It has just always been a natural reflex for me. Perhaps it stems back somehow to my childhood, but I’ll have to cover that with my therapist and get back to you on that one.

Although I was coupled with my ex-partner for 22 years, it was not until our 5 year that I totally admitted to myself I was IN LOVE with him. It occurred in a hospital Emergency Room when I thought he was having one of his many hypochondriac moments, and it turned out there was something SERIOUSLY wrong with him. I thought to myself as Dr. HOTTIE (I’ve always had a thing for Doctors. I think it’s the white coats) explained his concerns.”Oh shit!” I thought,“I could really lose this guy. He might die. I don’t want him to die. I love him. Oh FUCK - I LOVE HIM!” It took me processing the fact I might lose this man to understand I truly had feeling for him. I stopped doubting my love for him and delivered my heart to him whole-heartedly after that experience. Because then, and only then, I was sure and knew for certain my feelings were true.

I think also, once you fall in love with a person, that love never really completely dies even after the demise of the relationship (refer back to the ember of flame I spoke about earlier). But, although it may not be possible to continue to be in love with the person you once gave your heart to, I do hope it is possible to redirect that flame toward a new willing recipient. I’m happy to report that after almost 8 years of being single - I’M FINALLY OPEN TO THAT POSSIBILITY AND I’M PUTTING IT OUT THE UNIVERSE (law of attraction style) OFFICIALLY!

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have not been a MONK for the last 8 years. I’ve met and dated several wonderful men. Some have even been contenders in the race. Just none of them really ever crossed the finish line. There was ONE that got close - VERY CLOSE. But, sadly he really screwed the pooch on Valentine’s Day a few years ago and that is when I knew for sure he was NOT the man for me. I broke up with him on the spot. He still refers to it as the Valentine’s Day Massacre

While we are on the subject of Valentine’s Day, I’ve got to admit I really LOVE/HATE this “made up” holiday. I’m a romantic at heart. I grew up watching MGM Hollywood films and Disney movies all my life and I’m a sucker for romance. Bring me flowers and a hand-made Valentine’s Day card and I melt. Although, I will confess, when one is SINGLE the holiday SUCKS ROCKS! You look around at all your friends and even strangers and just smile on the outside while a virtual hand in your chest squeezes hard on your heart. It hurts to be alone on the holiday not matter what anyone says.

I’ve handled it 3 different ways in the past. First, I traveled to another city (usually Europe) and had a torrid but short-lived affair. Second, I’ve stayed home and watched a horror movie and cheered when the “kids having sex in a car” trope inevitably get murdered by the villain while shoving Rocky Road in my face with a huge spoon. Third, I’ve gone out on a FIRST DATE with another lonely person for the evening. I DON’T

RECOMMEND THE LAST ONE! Trust me on that one.

This year I’m going to go out with single friends, have a lovely dinner, laugh and see where the evening takes us. Unless, of course, I meet someone from now till the 14th, then I’m totally ditching my friends. KIDDING! Or am I?

To all those in relationships, new or old, ENJOY this day that celebrates LOVE. To those of us that are single, LOVE YOURSELF a bit more and keep an open heart. I mean, I’m sure one day, my prince will come again. Fingers crossed.

George Alan O’Dowd was born the14th of June 1961, and is the internationally superstar known to the world as Boy George, is an English singer, songwriter, DJ, author and mixed media artist. Best known for his soulful voice and his androgynous appearance, Boy George has been the lead singer of the pop band Culture Club since the group’s formation in 1981. He began his solo career in 1987. Boy George’s music is often classified as blue-eyed soul, which is influenced by rhythm and blues and reggae.

Boy George grew up in Eltham and was part of the New Romantic movement which emerged in the late 70s to early 80s. His look and style of fashion was greatly inspired by glam rock pioneers David Bowie and Marc Bolan. He formed the Culture Club with Roy Hay, Mikey Craig and Jon Moss in 1981. The band’s second album Colour by Numbers in 1983 sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. Their hit singles include “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me”, “Time (Clock of the Heart)”, “I’ll Tumble 4 Ya”, “Church of the Poison Mind”, “Karma Chameleon”, “Victims”, “Miss Me Blind”, “It’s a Miracle”, “The War Song” - just to name a few.

Boy George has performed with Culture Club in reunion shows since 1998, and began his career as a DJ in the late 1990s. Outside of music, Boy George has been involved in many activities, among them songwriting, DJing, writing books, designing clothes and photography. He has also made several appearances in television, most recently appearing as a contestant on the 22nd UK series of I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! in November 2022 and as a judge on UK’s THE VOICE

Boy George remained a figure in the public eye, starring in the London musical Taboo, based on the New Romantic scene of early 1980s England Boy George did not play himself, opting instead to take on the persona of Australian-born performance artist Leigh Bowery. Boy George was nominated for a Tony Award for the “Best Musical Score” and Taboo was highly successful in London’s West End, running for two years and receiving four Laurence Olivier Award nominations, though a heavily altered U.S. production produced by Rosie O’Donnell in NYC was short-lived, running for 100 performances on Broadway

The city of Fort Lauderdale is pleased to welcome the international ICON to partake in the PRIDE OF THE AMERICA’s celebration. He will be making several appearances in the area meeting and greeting with many of his American fans that are looking forward to seeing the BOY himself LIVE and in person!

Josephine Baker, born Freda Josephine McDonald on 1906 and passed away in 1975, was an American-born French dancer, singer and actress. Her career was centered primarily in Europe, mostly in her adopted France. She was the FIRST black woman to star in a major motion picture, the 1927 silent film Siren of the Tropics, directed by Mario Nalpas and Henri Étiévant.

During her early career, Baker was among the most celebrated performers to headline the revues of the Folies Bergère in Paris Her performance in the revue Un Vent De Folie in 1927 caused a sensation in the city. Her costume, consisting of only a short skirt of artificial bananas and a beaded necklace, became an iconic image and a symbol both of the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties Baker was celebrated by artists and intellectuals of the era, who variously dubbed her the Black Venus, the Black Pearl and the Creole Goddess. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, she renounced her U.S. citizenship and became a French national after her marriage to French industrialist Jean Lion in 1937. She raised her children in France. She aided the French Resistance during WWII. After the war, she was awarded the Resistance Medal by her adopted country. Baker sang,“I have two loves, my country and Paris.”

Baker refused to perform for segregated audiences in the U.S. and is noted for her contributions to the civil rights movement. In 1968, she was offered unofficial leadership in the movement in the U.S. by Coretta Scott King, following Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. After thinking it over, Baker declined the offer out of concern for the welfare of her children.

On November 30, 2021, she was interred in the Panthéon in Paris, the FIRST black woman to receive one of the highest honors in France. Josephine will forever be remembered as a woman who made her own path and succeed during a time she was light-years ahead of.

When you first are exposed to JUSTIN MONROE’s work people tend to lose the power of speech. At least that was my experience. After first featuring his photos many years ago of his highly collectible coffee table book DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - I was hooked and I was happy, grateful and honored to be welcomed into MONROELAND!

JUSTIN takes you into his world filled with fantasy, thoughtful motifs, beautiful humans and an ass-load of perfect peach shaped BUTTS! I promise you once you are exposed to his photographic style you will NEVER forget it. It will fill your mind with thoughts and images that you will not soon see from ANY other photographer working now.

The other wonderful part about JUSTIN is he is an absolute joy and pleasure to know as a person. I’ve yet to meet one individual, whether celebrity, model or fan that does not say that meeting or working with him is not absolutely amazing. JUSTIN NEVER DISAPPOINTS - on any level! With that, I bid you to take a look behind the curtain and marvel at the work of this brilliant artist. ENJOY!

HDM: When people think JUSTIN MORNOE PHOTOGRAPHYwhat do you think comes to mind?

JM: Splashy ,high-concept, decorative, erotic and ethereal. Ive also been called the BUTT guy!

HDM: The ideas that spring from your mind are truly amazing fantasies come to life! What influences the vision for your projects?

JM: Anything that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. I’m inspired by vintage Sci-fi, theater, Horror flicks, porn and burlesque.

HDM: Do you ever see a model and think,”I know exactly who you are in one of my pictures?”

JM: When I choose a model I always have the final concept in mind so to answer your question, yes for sure. I pick the model for the theme. I rarely wing it.

HDM: Your pieces have spanned everything from religion to horror genre. Are there any subject matters that you find yourself revisiting or drawn towards?

JM: For sure with religion and horror! Aren’t they one in the same? (Lol)

HDM: Over the years you have developed a signature photographic style. Do you find that your style has personally evolved over time?

JM: I think change is so rapid in our society, I feel you have to keep growing and learning new tricks because AI will do it if you don’t. But, that is what keeps it exciting! Learning new advances and changing with the times. Not to mention how short everyone’s attention span is these days. But I love challenge and change, so I believe my work has evolved.

HDM: What current factors do you find are influencing your creativity today?

JM: I feel that we get bad news every time we go online, or turn on the TV. Therefore I am super motivated to take people to some where a bit more fun and naughty. I also have a very talented group of friends that happen to be artists. We talk about concepts often so that in itself, keeps my fire lit.

HDM: You have photographed amazing celebrities. Is there anyone still on your “wish-list” to work with?

JM: Oh yes! I have a few that I think would be amazing and super fun! Daphne Guinness, Francois Sagan, Violet Chachki, Lil Nas X and Arca.

HDM: We understand that you are working on simultaneous projects right now that are very TOP SECRET! Can we know what to expect from Monroe-land in the near future?

JM: I am working on a new Art Book, a gallery show and new calendar for 2024. You can expect to see a lot more video content this year, not as many photos. I’ll be saving those little gems for the NEW book.

HDM: Will we be seeing any of your long-time model collaborators in the new pieces you are working on?

JM: Yes! The models I’ve worked with over the years are like family and we always have a blast, so expect to see some familiar faces again in these new projects coming ahead.

HDM: Where can our readers follow and your and beautiful amazing work?

JM: IG @justinmonroephotog, Facebook, @Justin Monroe, Twitter @PhotogJustinM and of course on my website www.justinmonroephotography.com


Mel Odom is one of my ALL TIME HEROES. He is an artist, doll designer, bon vivant, beautiful man and all around great person. He is as kind as he is talented and I’m blessed to call him a friend. I’ve followed Mel’s work for years but every time I feel like I have a good grasp on his amazing career - HE SURPRISES ME WITH SOMETHING NEW! Enjoy this interview and images from his prolific and spectacular career!

HDM: How would you describe your distinctive style of art?

MO: It’s a combination of a number of things that I find beautiful, Art Deco, Hollywood film Imagery, storybook illustrations from childhood, the backgrounds of early cartoons, illustrated magazine ads from my childhood and so on… It’s really everything I find compelling and beautiful. I’m inspired by everything.

HDM: You have done some amazing book covers and features for magazines like Blueboy and Playboy. How did become involved with some of these projects and do any in particular stick out to you as particularly special?

MO: Blueboy happened for me in my 20s and was the first gay magazine I’d worked for. They had a great art director, Alex Sanchez and he told me that my real assignment was to make whatever I did for them beautiful. He wanted my quirky sense of beauty to be the driving force. Sometimes I would do a drawing and they would make a feature for it to illustrate. I loved working for Blueboy and some of my best work was with them. The cover I did for them was originally to be for an editorial feature but I suggested it for the cover which they went for. It was a thrilling event for me and I walked all over town looking at the issue on newsstands. Playboy saw my work in Blueboy and hired me and then TIME magazine saw my work in Playboy and hired me. I continued to work for Playboy for 17 years.

HDM: Do you work from your imagination or from live models/photos?

MO: All of it. I use imagination to come up with an image in my mind and then find photos or reference to help me to recreate what I see in my mind. I took a lot of Polaroids of hands and details of things over the years. There was also a photo library in the major NYC public library made specifically for artists where you could find pictures of almost anything. I spent many hours there. Things in my drawings would change too, things I didn’t see coming. That’s when it got fun.

HDM: How long would you say that one of your pieces can take to complete? On commercial jobs do you ever suffer from “artist’s block?”

MO: It took 2 or 3 weeks at a minimum for a usual assignment. I’ve done large elaborate drawings that took months for me to do. The meticulousness of my work was a problem in that it was the only way I could make my drawings look like I wanted them to, but it took a crazy amount of time. I really didn’t suffer from artist’s block. I would do several sketches for an assignment, different ways to do it.

HDM: There is a beautiful masculine energy, yet juxtaposed with an ethereal softness as well. Did that style develop naturally or was a concept that you were exploring in your work?

MO: I think it’s simply an ideal of mine, those things together. The style I evolved was just a way to make the drawing as beautiful as possible. I drew men in a focused, stylized way that other people drew women, beautiful and sexual.

HDM: I know many famous people own your work. Who is the most person that most start struck you when you found out they owned one of your pieces?

MO: Demi Moore has some art of mine and Madonna has a couple of pieces. Madonna was given a recent drawing of mine for her birthday by Steven Klein, her photographer friend. The other is a portrait of her I did for Rolling Stone magazine when “LIKE A PRAYER” was reviewed! I gave the drawing to her through a friend who worked on SNL.

HDM: You also had a foray in the world of Fashion Dolls, creating one of (if not) the first 16” Fashion Dolls named Gene? What was the inspiration for become involved in producing her? Is she based on anyone in particular?

MO: I worked on Gene Marshall for almost 30 years. It took about 5 years from my first thinking of her to Gene actually being produced. I started working on her because my best friend was sick with AIDS and I knew I was going to be the one to take care of him. I knew that going through that I needed something new and different to focus on and came up with the idea for Gene. It turned out my friend’s hospital was only 3 blocks from the sculptor’s studio who originally sculpted her. It was a project I needed in order to get through a very difficult time. The inspiration was my love for a generation of movie stars that I had grown up watching in movies on TV Gene and her doll friends were very successful and took me and my work all over the world to promote her. It was a unique time in my life.

HDM: Any mediums or even subject matters that you have not tried yet that you are still excited about explore?

MO: My illustration work was all pencil drawing, over a colored watercolor base. I’m painting in oil paints lately and trying to make larger images and expand the range of what I do. Outside of specific assignments my subject matter has always focused on what I love and find interesting. That’s just how I work.

HDM: What’s next in the world of the amazing Mel Odom? Any new projects?

MO: Right now I’m cataloging 45 years of pencil drawings and sketches that I’ve done over my career, everything from early illustration jobs and personal work to designs for my doll Gene Marshall and her doll friends. Recently I found 3 large envelopes of pencil sketches that I’d put away and forgotten about. I’m arranging those now towards a new book of drawings. It’s gratifying to ‘discover’ your own work and still like it. I honestly didn’t realize how much I’d done over the years.


The history of our gay bar scene is slipping into obscurity. Other than a handful of world-famous examples, many of the bars we loved and lost are being forgotten. In this installment we take a look at a bar that had a huge impact on the Chicago scene in the 70s.


For exactly nine years Dugan’s Bistro reigned supreme as the bellwether of Chicago’s gay club scene. Owner Eddie Dugan had created a veritable nightlife sensation. Unlike most gay venues of its day, the Bistro was lauded by the press - gay and mainstream alike. Same gender dancing had recently been decriminalized in Chicago and Dugan seized the opportunity to open his decadent bar directly across from the police station.

Rumored to host such celebrities as Bette Midler, Andy Warhol, Bruce Vilanch, and Diana Ross, the Bistro was widely recognized as a ‘mustsee attraction’ for visitors to the Windy City. The Chicago Tribune stated “There was a large main floor bar and a raised dance floor. Special effects included a fog machine and a snow machine behind mirrored walls, four ceiling mounted Nerf cannons, and a state-ofthe-art sound and light system.”

Topping the list of the Bistro’s flamboyant entertainers was the ‘Bearded Lady’ whose name was emblazoned above the entrance. His ostentatious outfits and even more scandalous performances made him a local celebrity. In 1977 he even made it to the pages of TIME magazine. The Windy City Times compared it to Studio 54. For nearly a decade, the Bistro was the maraschino cherry atop the Chicago entertainment buffet.

On May 31, 1982 the Bistro succumbed to the neighborhood’s ‘gentrification’ and the bar closed, leaving in its wake a multitude of fond memories. From 1987-1992 its spirit was resurrected at Bistro II on Clark Street. Sadly, that bar is now gone as well. It is unlikely that there will ever be another bar like Dugan’s Bistro Images Provided: RattlingGoodYarns.com

Info: Owen Keehnen, Rick Karlin & Sukie de la Croix


Is your space a bit of a blank canvas at the moment, Aquarius? As the week kicks off, you may find yourself motivated to make some exciting changes. Discussing interior design with people you trust could even spark ideas that you can make a reality with some ingenuity and crafty thinking.


You have the ability to make dazzling impressions on people, Pisces So this week, take the time to step out of your comfort zone and connect with others in your community. Who knows, it could even lead you to an exciting new friendship or romantic relationship.


Transformative insights await this week, Aries. Taking a closer look at your finances could even lead you to an important discovery that will welcome more abundance into your life. Just be sure to spend any extra cash you come across on something truly worthwhile.


Converse with friends old and new to propel your career forward this week, Taurus. Getting into it with your besties could help you reassess your goals and tweak your existing plans, while new people in your social circle may inspire you to take a leap of faith or claim your existing victories at work.


A chance encounter could shake up your world early this week, Gemini. Try your best to enjoy the ride and see where fate takes you; it just might transform your career and usher you down a path filled with experiences you’ve only dreamed of. Later, your attention may shift to taking care of family business.


You can learn a lot from your loved ones, Cancer. And this week, information gleaned from your nearest and dearest may inspire you to dream up an exciting project to collaborate on with friends. This new venture could also help you to create cash, so be sure to put your thinking hat on.


Don’t be afraid to work your connections, Leo. Early this week, calling in favors that you’re owed at work could lead you to exciting new opportunities. Take time to pay back any acts of kindness that you’ve been meaning to return, too; doing so will help you to uplift your image and keep your professional relationships in check.


Leave no stone unturned, Virgo. If you’ve been looking for ways to finance your latest project, you could end up finding answers in an unexpected place this week. But as potential collaborators start popping out of the woodwork, be discerning. You’ll only want to discuss your bright ideas with people you trust and can see yourself partnering with.


Keep an eye out for the unexpected, Libra. While plugging away your to-do list this week, you could end up making some crucial self-realizations. Perhaps it’s time to identify opportunities where you can switch up your routine and take some calculated risks that excite you.


You don’t love it when people pry into your affairs, Scorpio. Still, it’s important to remind yourself that, for the most part, your loved ones want what’s best for you. If you’re single, perhaps they’re eager to discover what’s going on in your love life. Listening to their advice this week may even help to spur you on a new romantic journey.


Are you stuck in a rut, Sagittarius? You may find moving some things around in your space helps encourage new thoughts. Re-arranging art or furniture, for example, could spark fresh inspiration. And who knows, in the process, you could also come across old passion projects or memories that you’ve been meaning to revisit.


You could have an opportunity to bring joy back into your work this week, Capricorn. Casual conversations with your colleagues may even inspire you to harness your creativity to drum up some extra cash. Meanwhile, if you’ve been feeling like your ideals and identity are not lining up as much as you’d like them to lately, that’s OK.

25 Years Old

Jax is an American afro-latino drag performer and one of the contestants of the 15th season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. The stage name Jax comes from the nickname of their legal name, Jackson, and the character Jax Briggs from the video game, “Mortal Kombat” They described themselves as a short, stunt queen from Connecticut that is ready to leave it ALL on the stage of the famous drag competition. When asked how he received the news that he was going to be on the current season, Jax responded,”I was at a bagel shop and in the middle of stuffing my face with a sesame bagel with cream cheese and jelly. Very specifically remember because when I picked up that phone, it was a I can’t speak because my mouth is full moment. Yeah, there’s a picture of me crying because of it and eating a bagel.” Hailing from Queens, NY, Jax knows what goes into hustling as a performer in New York City and thinks their athletic background will provides a competitive edge in the competition.

33 Years Old

Malaysia Babydoll Foxx, born Tadarius Dukes and uses the pronouns he/she/ they, is an American drag queen, professional makeup artist, hairstylist and artist of African descent who will serve on the upcoming 15th season of Rupaul’s Drag Race as a fierce competitor of the popular Olympics Of Drag! The drag name Malaysia stems from a beautiful little girl that attended her mom’s daycare center. While her middle name Babydoll comes from her love of secretly loves playing with dolls when she was a child. Finally, Foxx refers to the fact that she is the hot, foxy lady and is not gonna let anyone around the world forget that fact!

Additionally, she is the drag daughter of Lashauwn Beyond, a drag race season 4 contestant. During the premier Malaysia refers to herself as the “phattest and baddest bitch” on this season.

Malaysia will be doing everything within her power to win the crown, scepter and $200K prize money. “Girl, I’m from Miami and I’m going to be the first American big girl to win this whole damn thing!”

BABYDOLL FOXX @foxxy_doll

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