The year was 1985. The place was my sex education class (ironically) at South Miami Senior High. I was fifteen years old. A girl with a bow tied in her hair and what seemed like 100 black rubbers bracelets was going to share some information that would forever change my life. MADONNA WAS GOING ON TOUR! Not only was the new POP sensation going to be traveling around the country singing and dancing, but one of those stops was going be The Sunrise Music Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I began to get nervous. I had never been to a concert before. My parents had never allowed me to go to one, furthermore they were not going to be too keen on me wanting my first concert to be THE VIRGIN TOUR. Being staunch, conservative Catholics, they were not too thrilled with the way she wore rosary beads and crucifixes around her neck while prancing around MTV on what seemed like a loop with basically lingerie and a hug gap-tooth smile. I had a month to work on them before the tickets went on sale, but let me back up the story a bit.
The first time I saw Madonna perform was when I think most of the world was introduced to her. She was on top an enormous wedding cake with a white veil over her head on the MTV music awards being hosted that year by Bette Midler and Huey Lewis. As I watched fixated on the television in our family room and sitting WAY too close to the screen, I absorbed every moment as this vision in white lace and tulle descended every layer of the constructed wedding cake in the most seductive way possible. She straddled, she undulated, she danced and sang, but it wasn’t until she went down on her knees and gathered up all the tulle fabric that had been dragging around her, in between her thighs that I realized history was being made. A tight close-up on her face reveled very bloodshot eyes and a mess of dirty blond hair that cascaded like the mane of a lioness ready to take on the world. I ran out the next day to Spencer’s Music and bought myself a copy of Like A Virgin LP and pretty much stared at the cover all the way home. I had found my spirit animal and diva for the next decades to come.
I followed Madonna’s career religiously after that. Buying every teenie-bopper magazine which sported her on the cover. I even conned my older sister to buy the now infamous Penthouse and Playboy magazines that were printing pictures of the new star NUDE from her modeling days. I made a scrapbook with every clipping I could find and she was the subject of MANY of my illustrations then. As Madonna’s fame continued to rise and my near obsessive fascination grew, the question still remained - HOW WAS I GOING TO GET TO THAT CONCERT? It seemed like an insurmountable endeavor. So, I got to work first on my dad. He was the “softy” of the parental duo, although he was also the one who was in the seminary in Cuba to become a priest before he met my mom at a dance in the early 60s. I explained that Madonna was like Marilyn Monroe of my generation. He could completely identify with that because he boasted many times of having a semi-nude poster of Marilyn when I had also discovered the blond bombshell of the 50s not long before I being captivated by the Material Girl. So, “check”, dad and I had a “thing” for controversial sex-pots. I pleaded to him my case. I explained Madonna was coming to a nearby arena and imagine if he would of had the chance to see Marilyn Monroe perform in Cuba in her heyday. Wouldn’t he had done ANYTHING to go see his dream girl? He looked pensively into my eyes. Dad hated saying NO, so he said the thing I dreaded the most,”Go ask your mother.” She was NOT going to be so easy. The woman was no push-over and the only way I was going to get her on-board was bartering with extra chores around the house, getting perfect grades and basically being her BITCH for as long as it took. I was willing to do ANYTHING.
Finally, while attending a Wednesday night teen bible study dubbed TEEN ACTION at St. Dominic’s church (yes, I was that kid) my church friends Javier Pujol and Anibal Naranjo, who were a few years older than me, said that they were GOING TO THE MADONNA CONCERT! Jealousy seethed through my body, but then I realized - they had cars! My transportation dilemma to Fort Lauderdale was solved! I quickly told them that I wanted to go as well and they agree to drive me but I needed to have money for the tickets soon because they were finally on available on Ticket Master and we were all going to try to sit together as a group. I went home last night and literally got down on my knees with hands clenched under my chin and begged like I needed a new kidney. My parent finally folded, as soon as they found out The Pujol and Anibal families were allowing their boys to go to the concert. It was a done deal and my dad took the money for the tickets/gas to Mr. Pujol into work the next day as they worked together at the Bertram Yacht factory in Miami
Next thing I knew, I was in the car with 6 other teenagers driving for what seemed an endless trip to the concert. We were all dressed in our finest 80’s garb. I had on fingerless black net gloves and a thick black belt with a huge buckle around my hips (that belonged to my sister) and a denim jacket with an painting I had done of Madonna on the back panel. We get to the show just in time to see the Beastie Boys perform. “Who the hell are they? And, why are they opening for Madonna?” We didn’t care it gave us enough time to buy our MERCH. I got a program, a poster, a BOY TOY necklace (that went over big in high school), some buttons and white sleeveless concert t-shirt. Best $50 I ever spent in my life to this day. Oh, by the way, the concert tickets for THE VIRGIN TOUR was $35 - floor seats. Those were the days, it was a simpler time and I’ll never forget it.
Light, Love and Peace, Francisco Garcia Publisher of HAPPENING DIGITALI collect toys. There, I said it. I don’t always confess it right away. In fact, I usually wait. My house is filled with toys like some episode of Hoarders. But, I wasn’t always so forthcoming — with good reason. Ironically, some gay guys are preoccupied with gender roles. They boast in online profiles about how masculine they are. And they automatically reject anyone that does not fall into hyper masculine roles.
As my pop collectibles stockpile increased, I didn’t tell men I dated casually about my habit. Asking about their HIV status was awkward enough. Revealing my toy collection was WAY too much. Most men treated toys and dolls like an embarrassing houseguest.
The obsession started in my childhood. I grew up in the 1970s, surrounded by Cuban refugees who tried to do their level best to keep us fed, clothed and with a rough over our head. So, toys were not really in the “needs” list and my brother and I really didn’t demand much because we saw how hard our parents were working for the essentials, but we did notice all our friends at schools cool new toys!
My parents spent a lot of time trying to masculinize me as well, so I wasn’t allowed to own dolls, but luckily Star Wars action figures and G.I. Joe did NOT fall in the doll categorty! My neighbor’s Barbies also became a remedy for the ugliness — visual and emotional — in my life. Decades later, the doll still remain a beacon of glamour, joy and fashion history.
By 2006 things were getting serious with a new boyfriend, but I hadn’t yet mentioned the collectibles. Then he and I ran into my friend Danny, who asked,“How’s your toy collection?” Red-faced, I confessed that I was a toy collector. My new boyfriend smiled and said he didn’t have a problem with my action figures and dolls. In fact, he became the first boyfriend to buy me a doll. No wonder I fell in love.
I’m sad to report that he broke up with me later. After he left, I’d stare at the doll he gave me. Her big blue eyes looked forlorn, as if they were about to fill with tears. Mine too. But, acceptance is the last of the 5 stages of grief. I accepted that he and I were through, and I also accepted myself. After dating a man who’d bought me a collectible, I adopted a full-disclosure attitude: Toys are what I love, and collecting them is what I do. Isn’t love about being accepted and appreciated for who we are? What could I expect from a relationship if I couldn’t be forthcoming about the toys? Living in Miami helped because there is a whole community of collectors and stores that cater to the adult collector. Below are some of the new dolls that have just come out in the last year which particular are focused on the PINK dollar. In the end, enjoy your life, buy what you want if it makes you happy. Afterall, it’’s your hard earned cash and if others in your life can’t accect it - REMIND THEM THEY DON’T PAY YOUR BILLS.
The night I met SILVER STEELE I was in desperate need of a HERO. Having had a horrible day with a slew of different people, I was about to give up on humanity all together. So, I decided to head over to a local bar which I frequented to drown my sorrows and there in the corner beaming like a SUPERNOVA I saw HIM for the first time. I was drawn to this man with a broad smile and bright, wide eyes he flashed my way. Silver and I started to speak and realized that we shared a ton of mutual interests. All my troubles of the day just melted away thanks to this sweet handsome man. I’ve followed his meteoric rise for a few year now with joy and PRIDE. Enjoy!
HDM: How did Silver Steele come into being? How did you come up with the name and persona?
SS: Being in porn was something I had always imagined doing, but never pursued it. I was in public education for many years but then went into the energy sector working in IT, which gave me a little more freedom to do other stuff. I was in Berlin for Folsom Europe and someone asked if they could eat my ass in the streets, and I said “Sure!”, and as my ass was being eaten people began filming with their phones. I didn’t care… until 24 hours later, while I was still in Germany, and was getting messages from friends in the U.S. saying,“I love your video on Twitter/Tumblr!” (mind you, I didn’t have a profile on either platform). Someone sent me a link and my jaw hit the floor with shock at first, but then I saw the number of retweets and likes and thought,“Well, this is kind of cool…” and I made a Twitter profile with my real name just to kind of browse Twitter
Cut to about a week later where I agreed to be a model in Dallas Steele’s float for the Dallas pride parade (he and I have been friends long before either of us was in porn). Me and all the other models had a nice party at his apartment clubhouse the night before the parade, and then he had a smaller orgy at his place (where I met @ottosamsonxxx for the first time) and we recorded the whole thing. Well, 48 hours later, Dallas posts the orgy on one of his fan sites, and tags my real name Twitter. I panic and tell him to take it down, and I immediately create a Silver Steele account and have him tag that one and that’s how Silver Steele was born. As far as the name, the “Silver” has to do with my piercings and the color of my hair at the time, and the “Steele” was because Rocco Steele was the first porn star ever to fuck me (in 2015 at Southern Decadence), although these days I attribute my name to Dallas because he’s been a wonderful friend and porn mentor to me.
HDM: You look like you live the life of a Superhero! What is the best part of being Silver Steele?
SS: I’m not going to lie, going places and being recognized even 5 years after beginning my career is still mind-blowing and humbling. I also am going to admit that I like the special treatment that I get when I go places. But there is absolutely no question that the single greatest part about living my life and doing what I do has been meeting all the wonderful people I’ve come across as a result of filming, sex work, and travel. I’ve met some of the most incredible individuals and they are truly the treasures of my life.
HDM: What sets you apart from everyone else in the Adult Entertainment Industry?
SS: I like to think that my legacy, once I’m done with this life, will be that I can be remembered as “the nice one” in porn; that I’ve always been kind to others and try to lift other people up. Being known as the Best Ass Eater, or having a really thick dick, or doing “that one gangbang scene where you took all the loads” is fun and all, but it really makes my heart swell when I hear people talk about me positively because I did something that made them feel good and valued.
Additionally, I feel like I use my platform for activism more than most, whether it’s to bring awareness to issues or to fight for the rights of others.
HDM: Do you have other hobbies outside of being fabulous?
SS: I’m a HUGE costumer. I spend a ridiculous time of money, time, and effort on assembling really neat looks that are one-of-a-kind I have a fully functional silicone merman tail, 6.5 foot feather angel wings, a unique light-up tiger head, an incredible 26,000+ rhinestone unicorn head (as seen on cover), and numerous custom-made character costumes like Sailor Moon, She-Ra, Final Fantasy characters, and more. I can’t take credit for creating them though. I simply design them, but I have wonderful creators all over the world that do the construction for me.
HDM: Can you explain the origin story behind the flags tattooed on your back?
SS: Like I’ve said before, I was in the energy sector for a while, and they were sending me to various sites around the world. The travel I experienced as a result has been life-changing. One of my friends put it beautifully: There is no education like travel. I’ve spent a lot of time in Norway so while I was in Oslo, I decided to go to a tattoo parlor there and get the Norwegian flag on my back. Well I loved it so much, I decided to get flags of all the countries I’ve visited, and I’m up to 11 so far (only two of them were done in their respective countries, Norway and Thailand, the rest are done here in Houston). However, my travels have taken me to every continent on the planet aside from Antarctica, so I should have 30 flags right now… I’m a little behind on my project!
HDM: A few months ago you had a bad case of Monkey POX. Are you ok now and has it affected how you are treated in the industry now?
SS: I am very lucky in that my scarring is very minimal. Other friends of mine haven’t been so lucky. It’s funny, there was a lot of backlash on social media for going public with it but it was primarily form straight people. I was very impressed with how tightly the LGBTQA+ community came together during the height of Monkeypox. The change that came as a result of my education and advocacy was staggering, and I’m very happy that my efforts actually did so much good. In particular, I want to note that the adult entertainment industry specifically went to the front lines to help the community. FabScout, Steamworks in Chicago, and countless other bars and establishments offered vaccination clinics and education for everyone and I couldn’t be prouder to have been a part of that effort.
HDM: What’s your favorite thing to do when you are not working?
SS: I’m a very social creature by nature, so you can usually catch me hanging out with friends somewhere. As far as I’m concerned, there’s always an excuse to have a party! I can sleep when I’m dead. When I want a little downtime though, I do love me some video games.
HDM: What’s next in the Amazing Adventures of Silver Steele? Where can your fans follow you?
SS: You’ll find me in Houston for Mardi Gras and Easter (we have a BIG party in Houston for Easter called Bunnies On The Bayou, along with a circuit party called Revelry), and then I also plan on attending TBRU, Texas Bear Round-Up, in Dallas. Beyond that, I’ve got my eyes on either IML in Chicago Memorial Day weekend or Pensacola Pride! Haven’t decided yet. But I’ll definitely let everyone know on my Twitter, @thesilversteele, or Instagram, @therealsilversteele!
Lisa Marie Presley was born on February 1, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Her father, Elvis Presley, married her mother, Priscilla Presley, on May 1, 1967—exactly nine months before Lisa Marie was born. The couple divorced in 1973, and the Presleys’ daughter lived in Los Angeles with Priscilla through Elvis’ death in 1977.
With his death, Lisa Marie took control of the Presley estate alongside her grandfather, Vernon Presley, and great-grandmother, Minnie Mae Hood Presley, and became the estate’s sole proprietor after their deaths. She sold majority ownership of the estate to Robert Sillerman of SFX Entertainment in 2004.
Lisa Marie married her first husband, Danny Keough, in October 1988. After their divorce, in 1994, she married Michael Jackson, whom she met as a teenager and with whom she reconnected in the early 1990s. She made an appearance in the video for Jackson’s 1995 song You Are Not Alone. Her marriage to the King Of Pop came as he faced allegations of child molestation and issues with substance use. Their marriage lasted until January 1996, when Lisa Marie filed for divorce. She went on to marry the actor Nicolas Cage and, later, the music producer Michael Lockwood, whom she divorced in 2021.
The Michael Jackson Estate paid tribute to Lisa Marie on social media January 13, writing: “We are saddened by the sudden tragic loss of Michael’s former wife, Lisa Marie Presley. Michael cherished the special bond they enjoyed and was comforted by Lisa Marie’s generous love, concern, and care during their times together.”
Lisa Marie came to music later in life, releasing her debut single, Lights Out, in February 2003. The song appeared on her first album, To Whom It May Concern, that April. It peaked at No. 5 on the Billboard 200 albums chart and featured Billy Corgan as a co-writer on the B-side Savior
Billy Corgan also remembered Lisa Marie on social media, writing: “There is heartbreak and then there is sorrow. This would be sorrow and on more levels than I can count. Please send your prayers out for her family and children at this difficult time. I truly cannot fond the words to express how sad this truly is.”
Over the years there have been thousands of gay bars across the United States and thousands more across the globe. Evidence of the existence of gay bars dates back to the17th Century if not earlier. Most of them are sadly no longer around but the memories survive. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and reminisce about our gay old days!
LE ZANZIBAR 85 Rue Felix Faure 06400 Cannes, France
The world’s first ‘official’ gay bar, not surprisingly, was located on the French Riviera. A popular destination for European royalty and wealthy businessmen, the Cote d’Azur had an alluring mystique. In addition, homosexuality was decriminalized there in 1791 and the legal age of consent was 13 until 1942.
The now-legendary gay bar Le Zanzibar in Cannes, France opened in 1885 and was in continuous operation until 2010. Previously used as storage for the small, colorful fishing boats known as pointus, the Provençal style building still stands today. Inside, the ground floor space was a compact 900 square feet with arched ceilings accentuated by massive wood beams. The bar counter was long and located to the right side. There was no dance floor.
In the 1960s starving Russian/French artist Antonin Ivanovitch Soungouroff paid his bar tabs by painting murals of young sailors and gypsies on the walls. One of his frescoes measures over 30 feet in length. The upper floors of the building served as apartments.
Over the decades the crowd at Zanzibar changed. In the 1960s and 70s it attracted the elite jet-set crowd: TV and movie stars, writers, artists and intellectuals. By the 1980s, ‘Zanzi’ [as the locals lovingly called it] had morphed into a very popular hangout for younger guys and disco music filled the room. In the 90s it had become known as a hotspot for sex, featuring a small backroom that was eventually closed by authorities.
Other gay bars opened nearby, including Bar Basque, Le Club 7 and Pink Bar. The gay scene in Cannes was thriving. In 1998 the Zanzibar was purchased by Jean-Marie Wawrusczak who promptly waged war on prostitution, exhibitionism and drugs. The bar became a sad place, attracting mostly very young boys and very old men. Citing his advanced age, rising rent, lack of customer loyalty and local competition, Jean Marie put the bar up for sale in 2009. Patrons suggest the decline of the bar was due to his unpopular views and his failure to adapt to changing times. Facing bankruptcy and unable to attract a new owner to continue the 125 year legacy of this mythical gay bar, he sold it to make way for a gelato shop.
Sadly, in January of 2023 Le Club 7 also closed after operating for 40 years. Today there are no gay bars in Cannes.
Zanzibar Ad & Photos Provided By HexagoneGay.com Zanzibar Frescos By Soungouroff Zanzibar Logo & Card Provided By Art SmithMistress Isabelle Brookes is a wellknown American drag queen, wig-maker and artist who is current competitor on this season of Rupaul’s Drag Race. Mistress say her name is derived from a dual entendre for a “bitch that is in control” and a “sexy slut”.
Isabelle is the feminine version of her actual male name (Israel) and Brooks derives from Chavelle Brooks her drag mother.
Despite being a popular drag queen, she prefers a private life when it comes to her family where she has not disclosed any details concering her siblings and parents hence their existence and occupations are not yet known. I’m sure the conversations about family will come up in the dressing room and we will have to see if Mistress decides to share or not.
Mistress definitly is a seasoned entertainer being a regular at her home bar of Hamburger Mary’s in Houston. She is definitely does not shy away from a confrontation and can dish shad like no other! We just can’t wait to see what Mistress is gonna give us this season. LOOSEY LA DUCA @looseyladuca
Loosey LaDuca, whose real name is Timothy P. Rinaldi, is a very popular drag queen and construction worker! This season she will be competing in Rupaul’s Drag Race against some of the most amazing queens to date!
She says her drag name Loosey comes from her love of and tribute to comedienne Lucille Ball. On the other hand, LaDuca originates from the brand of high fashion heels La Duca Shoes.
Standing at 5’7”, Loosey was born and brought up in Ansonia to her supportive mom and dad. She also says her biggest fan is her dog named Rocko. Loosey is probably best known for her very ability to conture and shapre her body like nobodies business.
LaDuca relishes doing celebrity impressions but also enjoys a spooky side. Not one to shy away from singing LIVE as well, she definitely has a few more tricks up her sleeve. Check out this Connecticut native in the upcoming episodes of RPDR 15!