Our terms magazine final

Page 14

Interview with Anna Smith “Looking back at her career I see a woman who has never thought I can’t do this because I’m a woman, but I’m going to do this because I want to get the best possible story that I can.”


Rewind to one of my very first articles I published. Where I came across a book by Anna Smith, a journalist from Glasgow . hmm this looks interesting I think to myself, so I read it and think okay wow, is all the stuff she wrote about true? Prostitution in Glasgow, corruption in the police, it can’t be, can it? My curiousness gets the better of me (as usual) and before I know it I’ve decided to interview some prostitutes on the streets of Glasgow, to find out the real truth.

Funnily enough, after thinking about it for a while, I realise how stupid that would be and that I would probably die in the process so instead, I look up some centres in Glasgow who offer help to those who need it, go interview them and they help me out. I then compile my article. It occurred to me that maybe I should try contacting the author, this Anna Smith something or other, I find her details and send her a link to my blog. Next thing I know she’s not only replied but loves it! Fast forward to now. I’ve (hopefully) matured, both in life and my Journalism skills. Now comes a time where I want to write something about female Journalists because it suddenly occurs to me that maybe this breaking into the business won’t be as easy as I first thought… I shout again on the Journalist that inspired me to write the way I do today to tell me a bit about her career and being a woman amongst it all. Her lengthy and successful career isn’t discussed in the mainstream media but luckily, we student Journalists are here to admire and write about it, so without further ado enjoy, a conversation with Anna Smith, the award-winning journalist now turned crime author.

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