India Now - Local Matters

Page 15

‘WEALTH PEACOCKS’ These newly-rich are looking for conspicuous

However, “value-seeking” is still core for the

announcements of their new wealth, to

Indian consumer, and is still present below

validate their new social status, particulary

the surface. Essentially, the new rich are

with luxury cars and mansions.

willing to pay for conspicuous consumption,

As more and more people can afford luxury products, the very wealthy are looking to

but still want to save on the things that can’t be seen.

exclusivity and over the top experiences to

While the very rich are beginning to

overtly display their wealth further.

move away from just flaunting to valuing

Big Indian weddings are getting even bigger,

meaningful experiences.

with families hosting all-day brunches, private cricket matches, polo matches, shopping trips, etc. All to show off their ability to pay for such extravagances.

So what? Brands are beginning to be tailored for this market, with a focus on enhanced and showy signals and signs of luxury and ostentation.


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