Important Features to Consider When Developing a Successful Social Media App

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Social media, at present, forms an important part of the internet. When you think of the last time you used a PC device, laptop or mobile, chances are high that you used one or the other popular social media apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Social media apps dominate the app world by providing the users with a comprehensive source of online content. Regular users and social media application development experts are quite aware of the addictive power these platforms possess. A small notification from any of your favourite social media apps is enough to draw your attention, irrespective of what you are doing. That being said, it’s no surprise that social media apps dominate smartphone users’ time. 2

When we talk about social media, the spectrum is not just limited to the popular apps but includes a host of other domains such as social media website development as well. Incorporating useful and common social media features in your app makes a strong impact on the reputation and growth of your business. An intellectually and strategically developed social media app promises impressive outcomes and brings about a fruitful revolution in your business. Before considering the important features of social media, let’s understand the numerous advantages involved:


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Increased brand awareness Humanizing your brand Establishment of your brand as a thought leader Traffic generation Boost to sales Promotion of content


Features That A Successful Social Media App Must Have 1.Ease Of Connectivity Social media apps are built with a common thing in mind-to bring together different internet users. The popular platform is utilized world-wide to connect with friends, family, colleagues, and others. It is nothing but natural then that the ease of connectivity forms the basis of building a successful social media app and equally successful social networking website development. For the purpose, your app and social media website design must have seamless navigation features. The process of signing in, logging in, or interacting should all be hassle-free. Your app must require small efforts from users to connect. 5

2. Extensive Customization Of Individual Profiles One of the highly preferred features, as observed by experts is the user’s ability to customize his/her profile in order to stand out. The world has moved beyond the usage of only avatars in image displays to actual images of the users. The advancements in technology have also enhanced a user’s ability to upload videos or images of their personal lives. The recent trend clearly indicates that the better the users are able to customize their pages, the happier they are. To this effect, the addition of filters, special fonts, and other groundbreaking effects might work in your favour when developing a social media app.


3. Ability To Expand User Following One of the best examples here is Instagram. The platform has thousands of millions of users from all across the globe. As a result, a fan following can easily be built across the app. anyone with some talent can easily have a huge fan-base in a relatively short period of time on the app. App developers must take cues from Instagram and make it as simple as possible. The easier it is for users to connect and find a following, the quicker do they get accustomed to the app and want to use it more. It not just enhances the social image of the app but also motivates the users to post content.


4. Choosing The Right Platform In today’s advanced world, mobile app developers have the opportunity to launch their apps on many different platforms such as Android, Windows, iOS, and more. However, it is not in your best interest to launch the app on all the platforms in the initial stages of your app development. That platform must be chosen that best supports your features and has the best interactive medium. A platform that supports different devices can help improve the performance of the app.


5. Easy Integration With Other Social Media Platforms If you want your app to quickly gain popularity, it is important to incorporate it with other top social media apps such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Outbound sharing works to your advantage. It not only enhances the popularity of your app but also leads to an increase in the number of organic users. Additionally, users must be able to invite their friends to use messaging channels such as SMS, Email, WhatsApp, Facebook, and more. A personalized experience can be made possible via deferred deep linking.


6. Privacy And Security Social media is aimed at promoting user interaction. However, in the absence of adequate privacy and security features, lines can be crossed. Users might end up losing their important data or personal information. This can lead to cyber-crimes. With the provision of advanced levels of privacy and security, all of this can be avoided. It builds a user’s trust. Therefore, proper measures must be taken to maintain security at the highest levels.


7. Notification And News Feed A successful social media app integrates and compresses all of a user’s activities into a single view. It paves the way for easy discovery of all the contents. Its news feed acts as an important tool to generate a constant flow of pertinent content including videos, photos, articles, etc. to enhance discovery as well as interaction amongst users. Other important features of social networking sites and apps include user support, consistent updates, bug fixes, ability to post reviews, update statuses, leave comments, like/dislike content, share different forms of content, etc.


Conclusion Social media app development requires great experience, expertise, and know-how. An expert can comprehend the mind-set of the target audience to make it successful in the long run. Hiring a professional mobile app development company can help you accomplish your purpose to convert your idea into a business-driven app.



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