Picatrix english vol 1 and 2

Page 309



grilled the whole sacrifice and prepared it then take ft and lay it on the sacrifice's skin like a table cloth then voft] call and sa\ This is your sacrifice and your food, come and smell it and eat from it. Then a red spirit will come that looks like a torch of firel and it passes by the food and smells it and bums some ofJ iL

Once you see that ask the spirit for what you want and ask| for help and support in things. If the spirit disappears,!' then go to the food and use of it as much as you wish And ask for things you desire. Maybe you would got it and maybe not because this spirit is a star in its core but; because it is known for being moody where it aiwajS agrees and disagrees on things almost instantlv so vou never know with it in what mood it might be that is spirit's special nature. So if you had to eat of the food you might be better off to just go back home at that poin&j To ask a specific need of the Sun you need to ap it when it descends to Leo's sign or when the Moori descends fifteen degrees of Aries or nineteen degrees and that is on 5undav. When that happens, prepare a house furnished with the best furniture that vou afford. Then get seven gold statues. If you cannot a gold statues then make them of wood. If they are made o^ gold decorate them with red rubies and jewels If it wa* from wood then dres* them tn expensive red sjlk ana decorate them with red rubies and gold and put them the middle of the house in one line and between e the statues' hands a tray that has loaves of flaky bread, and hard candies that are made of ripe dates. Put in middle of each tray a cup and bottle of wine, a p condiments and a plate that has spices and scents I 110

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