Picatrix english vol 1 and 2

Page 165

4Picatrix}Âťindicates dignity, inspiration and the capability of dealing with matters of great importance. The image of an evil man with a woman in front of him who has a donkey above her and a bird in her hand appears in the its third phase. This phase is for o". It indicates marital sexual relations, hugging, lust, intimacy, sensuous desire and a tendency to have leisure and relaxation time. As a researcher, you ought to know that these images are not known except to an experienced artist who has the vision of extracting vague matters. In other words, a planet breaks a planet, a boundary breaks a phase and characteristics intermingle such as water putting out fire, fire removing the coldness from water, water moisturizing dry earth and earth drying the moisture of water. When many characteristics exist and interact, the stronger will prevail over the bigger and when they are in equilibrium and balanced, their actions are equal and even. You may also know that the O becomes stronger by the characteristics of of, and o* gets stronger by the characteristics of the O. Be aware that excessive characteristics are damaging and harmful to their effects and actions. Sickness occur after perfect health and reaping occurs after crops become ripe. A large essence opposes the weak by its weight and strength and the small affects the large by it's delicacy and kindness. For instance, a snake kills large animals and in the same manner small and tiny ants in large numbers can kill strong snakes. You ought to reflect on these signs. Regarding these phases, you need to know what actions resemble a planet and what actions resemble the phase of a constellation. Accordingly, draw the above-mentioned images of bodies that resemble the particular planet when it is in that phase and it will subsequently produce the aforementioned effects and actions and expose them to the world of being and corruption. If it is possible to have the O rise in the hour of that planet or intermingle with it, its effect will be greater. As we


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